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Durham Chronicle (1867), 5 Sep 1912, p. 6

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‘I$I| in ether of alcohol has been found by Dr. W. K. Sibley, a British physician, to have advantages as a cautery and stimulant in certain skin diseases. When the solidified gas is added to ether. the mixture at first effervesces. then, if the carbon dioxide is in sufficient amount: a colorless, semi-gelatin- ous mass is produced, that has a temperature considerably lower than the 75 below of the solid car- bon dioxide alone. The mixture, which can be supplied on a camel’s hair brush or swab of cot- ton or wool, has the therapeutic value of liquid air without the in- stability or dangerously low tem- peratuie. ANYONE USE mumxa New Pumps, Pump Re- pairs, Cement Curbing or Culvert Tile, see . . . . JNO. SCHULTZ or myself at the shop George Whitmore a training for your life’s Work. Thorough counen in Music. Painting. Oratory, High School. Business College and Domestic Science. Large campus, inspiring environ- ment. Resident nurse insures health of atudentu. Rates moderate. Every girl needs an ALMA training. Handsome pro- spectus sent on application to Principal. 42 Pumps. Curbing, Tile Unsurpassed for residentisl education. The “flu! .Collgu-Bo-eff‘in which to secure Frozen qarboq diqxide dissolved Wm. Black, Durham. ”saws msu“s. 2 yds. long, 27 in LACE CURTAINS You will find rcfief in Zam-Buk! It 63398 the taming, stinging pain, stops b‘eeding and brings me. Perseverance, with Zam- Elgk._me§gs_cure. Why 9039mm H E SELLS CHEAP Ww‘ ~~~s“s““~ss. Sovereign “'alkerton Business Collegu GEO. SPOTTON, Preside! Thousands uf ambitious young peoplv are being insu'ucn-(i in heir houws by our Home Si udy Dept. You may finish at (Jul;- 939 if you desire. Pay when- evm- you wish. Thirty va's' Exiwrieucv. Largest trainvrs in Canada. Enter any dm. Positions guarantewd. If yun wish to save- board and 1mm while you earn, write for par! ir- ulax's. 66 0‘ 66 nun: mu use. ' Sheathing Fell Sol-MW mammnmco. Cantu-an.“ Comolnandmu. . H. BEAN WE HAVE THEM BIG 4 ST. THOMAS. ONT. 6‘ NU VACATION 54 in. 58 in. 60 in. a) in. 37 in. THE wide. 25c. 60 Ob President pair t6 66 Fan-ham stared into the face of the speaker. uncertain whether or not. he was being laughed at. “But what brought him there? Are they acquainted?" “Don’t ask conundruma, Doctor. 30 may be your rival with the fair lady for all I know. If he is, my sympa- thies an all with you. Only I wouldn’t try to see Miss Christie just now; I'd wait for a clearer held. Hawley is probably not in the best of humor.” In ar;:az.9mcnt-â€"surely. tt was Miss MART»: 'ef Yet how could it be? He had left that person acarcely five minutes ham-e in "26." and this stair- way was the only exit. His hand Sraspod the rail, his heart throbbing Itrangely, as a suspicion of the truth crossed his brain. Could this be color flooding her cheeks. “Why, Captain Keith,” she exelalm- ed, extending her gloved hand frankly. ‘you have been to my room. and were going “my. I m no em] I mm. In “Good Lord!" so surtlod h1- voice broke. “Did he one you?" “Rather; I backed him up “not the wall with a gun whllo I nude In! ldleu." “A visitor?" his taco my, his “new! eyes darkening. “Ah. blood! 0! the male sex?” “‘_I# judge soâ€"‘Black Barf Htwley." “I would advise you to loloct mo other time. Doctor," odd tho youncor. drlly. “u the lody bu o visitor o: Realizing all this, and comprehend- ing also how easily Hawley would win her confidence and overcome hie warning by denouncing him as a fugi. tive from justice charged with murder, the temptation to return and fight it out then and there became almost overpowering. He had no fear of Hawley; indeed. physical fear had scarcely a place in hie eompoeition. but he wee not as yet eumciently tor- tiiied with facts for the eeekinl 0‘ such an encounter. He could merely tuese at the truth, unable to produce any proof with which to meet the [ambler's certain denial. A man came in throuxh the oflice. and began c’imhing the etaire. He was almost at the landing before Keith recognized him or the other danced up. “Ahâ€"seen her, i suppoee?“ “Yea," returned Keith. not thinkint It worth while to mention the M!" denial of having sent for him. “I have jut come from there." “Hum-thought you'd be thread! by this timeâ€"fine looking girl. ain’t the? --believe i'li run in and chat with her myself." ‘ An Unexpected Meeting. 3 Keith paused at the landing, loob ' lng down into the deserted oflice. al- most tempted to return and force Hawley into a confession of his pup pose. It was easy for him to con- _ ceive what would be the final result . of this interview between the artistic 1 gambler and Miss Maclaire. In spite 1 of the vague suspicion of evil which the plainsman had implanted within the woman’s mind, the other possesscd the advantage, and would certainiy improve it. All conditions were de- cidedly in his favor. He merely needed to convince the girl that she was actually the party sought, and she would go forward, playing the game he desired, believing herself right, totally unconscious of any fraud. The very simplicity of it ren- dered the plot the more dangerous. the more difficult to expose. Hawley had surely been favored by fortune in discovering this singer who chanced to resemble Hope so remarkably, and who, at the seine time. m..- in such ignorance as to her own parentage. She would be ready to grasp at a straw, and, once persuaded as to her identity and legal rights, could hence» forth be trusted implicitly as an aliy.f “Only, last night, I Ind no me; no CHAPTER XXIII. (Copyright. A. C. McClurg l; 00.. 1310.) urn-chair by thy window 19 mayor? silently. not wholly understanding tho change In her manner. She stood b0- toro tho dreuer, drawing all he: [love- and removing hot hot. “ ‘Wild Bill’ called him either Scott. or Scottyâ€"if’ this is the same man." Keith leaned past her to get a bet- ter View, but the fellow turned, and slouched away. “I only had a glimpse, but have no recollection of ever seeing him before. You heard no name?" “Do you know that man ?” she asked quickly. “He followed me all the time I was shopping. [â€"1 believe he 13 the same one who jostled me in the crowd last night." Her questioning eyes left his face. and stared down over the rail. A heav- lly built man, with red moustache. leaned against the clerk's desk, his race toward them. “Yes, Hawley came in, and I would prefer not to meet him here. or have him discover you were in Sheridan. Could we not go to your room? I have much to tell you." was anxious to interview her myseii. we managed to drift into conversation, and I must have passed a half hour there. I might have been there still, but for an interruption." “Oh, indeed!" with rising inflection. He glanced quickly about, reminded at the situation. “Yes, Miss Hope, and that was what made the mistake in names so laugh- able. Fairbain gave me your mea- ute. but as coming from Christie. 1 was, of course. greatly surprised. yet responded. The lady very promptly denied having sent for me, but as l "lumen (”'vava Or mzfioum’ VH2" WILDERNESS WAa KING. Erctrc “Doâ€"do you know her well?“ “No. indeed; I have seen her sever- al times on the stage, but never met her until a few moments ago." “A few moments ago! Do'you mean ch. in here in this hotel ?" darker, her eyes have a different ex- pression, and she must. be five or 011 Years older." . .“Miss Maclaire!" her voice exhibit. lug startled surprise. “Whyâ€"whyâ€" oh, I did forget; I never told him dif- ferently. Why, it was most ridicu- lous.” She laughed, white teeth gleaming between the parted red lips, yet not altogether happily. “Let me explain, Captain Keith, for really I have not been masquerading. Doctor Fairhain and I arrived upon the same train last evening. He is such a fun- ny man, but was very nice, and offer- ed to escort me to the hotel. I remem- ber now that although he introduced Welt, I never once thought to men- tion to him my name. The town was Very rough last nightrâ€"the company had paid oi! the graders I was toldâ€" Ind there was no carriage, so we were Iompelled to walk. 1â€"! never saw Ouch a mob of drunken men. One ume reelinl against me, and brushed aside my N1 so as to see my face. the doctor struck‘ him, and then the marshal came upâ€"you know him, Bill‘ Hickockâ€"and the inpudent fellow‘ actually declared he knew me, that‘ l ‘LLUbTRATIOHb By Dan RDORN Mznwuo “chihuahua-7" “At n ma. «Ithaca. you." ho ad land. “In form and he. rumble “Quin m; at 'Mqt Wrbdn still idle" R m tbv .ristlo whom he .9 “finally oucorted last night." “How wanking," her foot mm 60 floor. 3 um. wflnflo between ha- cyu. “It unn- u though I couldn" mathematothohotel,mdl ,once. ’9 , The nature of the mistake was be- 'coming apparent, and Keith’s gray feyes smiled as they looked into the .depths of the brown. were here until” Dbctor Fairbair chanced to mention your name. Then I at once begged him to tell you how 'oxceedingly anxious I was to see you. You see, I was sure you would come it you only knew. I really thought gyou would be here this morning, and remained in my room waiting, but there were some things I actually had to have. I wasn’t out ten minutes. so 'you mustn't think I sent you s. mes- sage and then forgot." “Your message had rather an amus- ing result,” he said, “asthe doctor in- !ormed me that Miss Christie Maclaire Via the one who desired my pres- m: or THE PLAINS DAHDA-LL FARMS"? THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. me by mt “Han any on. our dluppoued con- nected with> your (gully? Did you your '39“ * carried?" he asked. “No; none outside his business ureemenu." ' _ Both sat silent, striving to figure out some reasonable explanation. “Do yon know of any special papa-I “But I (.iC“'t understand in the least, Captain Kerh. Why did this man Hawiey sent? me to the Salt Fork?" “He thought. he was dealing with Christie Maomire. He had some rea- son for getting her away; getting her where he could exercise influence over her." “Yesâ€"yes; but who is she?” “That is what makes the matter so hard to unravel. She doesn’t even know herself. Hawley is going to take advantage of her ignorance in this respect. and convince her that she is the person he wishes her to representâ€"but who is the person? It we knew that '0 ml‘ht block the He told it slowly and simply, bring- ing forth his earlier suspicion. and how he had stumbled upon facts ap- parently ccnfirming them. He related her father’s robbery, his loss of. valu- able papers, and the conversation be- tween Hawley and Scott which led to the suspicion that these same pa- pers had fallen into the hands of the former. and were the basis of his plot Hope listened, breathless with interest, her widely opened eyes filled with wonder. As he concluded speaking she burst forth : “l have not. seen your father, Hope. but he was certainly here a few days ago, for Fairbain met him. They were together in the army. I am going to tell you all I knowâ€"1t seems to be a tangled web. but the ends must be somewhere. although, I confess, I m all at sou." He pressed the locket back into her hand, retaining the latter, unreeisted. within his own. “Do you know anything about him. Captain Kenn? Where is be? Why Is be here? Don’t. be afraid to tell He was thinking and did not mower at once. and she went on in some “I know," her voice choking slight- ly. “Mrs. Murphy found thnt out: that In why I am here. I hand my father came to Sheridan. and I wanted you to help me find him." “Did I not tell you? No; then R van an oversight. This was ubout the throat of one of the men I buried 0. Quantum: Crossing, butâ€"but. How. It was not your father.” “Interesting? yes. for I was seeking after information. and met with some success. As to the other question, I am not sure whether I admire the lady ; or not. She is bright. pretty, and companionabie, and in spite of her ; profession, at heart. I believe, a good women. But really, Miss Hope, I was too deeply immersed in my purpose to give her personality much consid- eration. Among other things we spoke of you." “Of me? Why?" “I told her something of our ad- ventures together; of how both Haw- ley and I had been confused. She was anxious to learn who you were, but unfortunately, I have never, even yet. heard your name." “You have not?" “No; I left you at Fbrt Lerned be- lieving you Christie Meclaireâ€"eup- posing it Your stage name, of course -â€"-nnd was confirmed in this belief by finding in the holster of the saddle you hed been riding en envelope heat- ing thet eddreee." “I remember; it oontnined the note‘ the men brought to me from Hewley; } he hed written it thet wey." Shel croeeed the room. sinking down into n cheir fedng him. “And you hevel ectueliy confined me with Christie‘ Mecleire ell this while? Here never known who I wee?" fie ehook hie heed. “I told you to all me Hope; that u my nemeâ€"I em Hope Welte." “WetteI' he Ieened forwetd, eta-h tied by he poeeihnitrâ€"“notâ€"noe-" "tee." fie beret in. holding out her hende. m the locket. “end this wee my We: where did you at! 110mm u-lnkettrouhc. tun» mummn‘s cum. Hubby!» tlo the threads of mystery were be- In: unraveled, yet. even now, he could not. see very fer. He looked up from the locket into her questioning loco. “Wu Your Call Upoh Mm Maclaln Very lnteroutlng?" cioziorcame." She turned rowan; ntm, almost shyly, Yet with womanly curl- oslty which would not be stilled. “Was your call upon Miss Maclalre very in- terestlng? Did you admire her very much ?” Keith's eyes lifted to her face, his ears quick to detect the undertone in her voice. ‘ She utood silent, her bosom and falling to npld breath” “I cannot thank you enough, Cap- tain Keith," she exclaimed frank”. “You are doing so much, and with no personal interest-3' “Oh. but I hon." Thom lube- dropped our the Money”. He picked up his hat from the table, but she rose to her feet, holding forth her lunch. “I am convinced that would be use- :I‘ii less," be interrupted. rising. and p:».- ;c cing across the floor. "it lizm'ley has {1 convinced her of the justice of theiii claim, he will also have pledged herifi to secrecy. He is working out of sight l 5‘ like a mole, for he knows the fraud. l B! and will never come. to the surface [a until everything is in readiness. I :la know a better way; I’ll find Fred. and 1t] bring him here. He would tell you ‘tl whatever it was he told Hewley. and ._.. that will give us the clue." have an older sister?" “Fred and l were the only children. Why should you-sh that question?" “Because something of that nature would seem to be the only rational ex- tpianation. Your brother must have told Hurley somethingâ€"some family uncutâ€"which he felt could be utilised to his own advantage. Then he saw your picture. and was immediately re minded of the remarkable resem- blance between you and Christie Maclaire. Evidently this discovery iltted into his plan. and made it pos- sible for him to proceed. He has been I trying ever since to get an interview; with the woman, to sound her, and and out what he can do with her. He has written letters. suii‘lciently ex- ‘piicit to make it clear his scheme is based upon a will drawn. as he claims by Christie's grandfather. No doubt by this time he has fully convinced the girl that she is the rightful heiress to propertywas he stated to Scottâ€"â€" valued at over a million dollars. That’s a stake worth fighting for, and these two will make a hard combination. He’s got the ' avers. or claims in h:1\‘9. and they must be the ones stole ll 1mm i your father. I have been trusting you i might know something in your fizmfly . history which Would make it a‘l‘ plain." ! W. J. REID, Pulldont .‘ wuv lvwv w u». ox-kl, UUIUIIJB IUI Lu 21' hands. is an engmy within the camp. I t will ” and ruin the most Vigorous health. L111 Keith, she exclaimed frankly ; It kind. to indigestion, biliousness. “You are doing so much, and with no . impure blood. had complexion. sick arsonul interestâ€"4' , headacha. and is - one of .tbe moat "Oh. but I hue." f ueny games of. appendicitis. To The long Inhe- droppod our be, $3 'iiw'pifi‘f‘d“ .grvdMozu's Egg“; m” Coma tion. “$2.. again," .. M ° in composition and do not Tutlhflotponomllnm “mam Pm '21,; Hop." t, h ”Nth by “flag 0. 3 IN m p 91' m l“. o W a. mo 1, Indlcn Root Pill- World. and oeveml others. AERIAL ACTS. COMEDY ACTS. TRAM BOLINE and ACROBAT") AC’I‘B SEABERT’S EQUESTBIENNE ACT. und others. The Midway better than ever. Fit-swath each evening. of Cheltenbam. England. Programme Twice Daily. Liberal Prizes Western Fair v g- QUVI I ii DURHAM "9 mmmvodmmom' Speed Events each day New Art Buildings filled with Magnificent Paintings SINGLE FARE RATE! ovor all nllrondo from Kingston to Detroit Spocinl Excursion Days. Sept. 10th. 12th. 13th. Prize Lists and all information from. London’s Great Exhibition September 6th to 14th, 1912 BESSES 0’ THE BARN BAN D ad. One of the (route-t. Brass Band: in the m m DrJ’hu’uPuu-lu “but-“ ”Md fitting. filltoundithld “walling l IMMd'boldcn In “QEWMOQM m. MWMIMIIINW. lwm‘éwun-d (-1!" finn)n:filmlddh. [vanadiâ€" Cnddcddd buy dmmcood and I“ who Mar (m lands a” nonhuman-on“ ATTRACTIONS Some time ago, Mr. Ward. who is or anizing a band for the churc here, received n letter from a wealthy friend in England in which was enclosed a ('heque for $25, asking that he buy an in- strument with this money and pre- sent it to some young man in the church to play it for him. We have much pleasure in congratu- lating Mr. Roy Vickera, who Was the lucky young man to receive the instrument. Constipation Mr. and Mia. H. W. H1 in Hanover one day last w called on Mr. and Mrs. Pea Mrs. Taylor, of Burk's Falls, spent a few days 0! last wwk with the Livingston family. and other friends. Mr's. McCulloch, sr., has been on the sick list {or some time, but we are glad to say she is able to be_ _out _again. Mr. Gébrké Alexander. we are way to say, is under the doctor's care at present. Hope to soon hep} of his recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Huntsville, are ciggty. _ Mr. and' MrsT'JL ‘1'. Hunt spent one evenin last week at the home of r. Wm. Willis, Allan Park. Mrs. Smith. and daughter, of Detroit, are visiting for a few weeks with her mother. Mrs. Mc- Cgljoch, sr. Mr. 3an Mri. Will Pearson. of Allan Park, spent Sunday before last with relatives i borhood. n this neigh- v ‘w" Mr. and'Mra. Herb. C‘hittickfland children, of Lamluh, spent one day last Week with Mr. and Mrs. J.__W. Vickerl. Mr. Milton Mills. of St. Cathar- ines, spent over the holiday with hi_I_ uncle§,_the gunt brothers. Min Marâ€"t'haVâ€"Tarrs' LIFE-3mm- ed to Durham after upending a couple 0! week: with her brothers an}! litter here. VICKEBS. Mu. Robinson, of Hampden. vis- itgg’ reggatp; in_thin vjcinity. Instructive Exhibits September 5th. 1912'. Live Stock Parade Daily Thos. Turnbull. of guests in the vi- t week, and harbor). Ward, who the

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