West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Sep 1912, p. 2

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Notice is hereby given that any person found hunting or other- wise trespassing on Lots 9 and 10. on the 3rd concession of the township of Egremont, after the first appearance of this notice, May 23rd. 1912. will be prosecuted according to lamâ€"W. T. Wilson, Varney. 523“ AN UP-TO-DATE PIGâ€"SKIN SIDE saddle; will be sold cheap, as the owner has no further use for it. Apply to Mrs. Seymour, at Mrs. D. Jackson’s_residence. 81_5tf A'GOOD BRICK HOUSE AND 'ive acres of land, just outside corporation of Durham; stable to accommodate four horses: buggy house, henhouse. woodshed and other conveniences; good well. Will trade for farm prop- erty. For particulars, apply to John Wilson. Durham. 8 '22 9p â€"-â€"-â€"â€"- - _â€"-___ GOOD COMFORTABLE FRAME house on College street' six room, two storeys, hard and soft water. good halt acre of land. A bargain to quick pur- chaser. For articulars, apply to Ed. Lang on, Durham, or John M. Little, 205 Riopelle Stu Detroit. Hich. 2 mg _ . ‘mâ€".- A COMFORTABLE BRICK CO I‘- tage in upper town. Well located, about a quarter acre of land in good condition, Will sell cheap to quick purchaser.-â€"Ap- ply to (iso._Finney. 418 ti _.._ ._.-.._...-'â€"- - A GOOD LOT IN UPPER TOWN, Durham. on Garafraxa street. near the Durham Road crossing, next lot south of McArthur-‘s old store. Splendid residential site. For particulars, apply to Miss Martha Sharpe, 37 Beverley St.. Toronto. 5 6 3mpd _..â€"-â€"â€"â€" Wâ€"â€"â€"_, A PAIR or ONE-HORSE BOB- Iloflgbl. and a cutter. Apply to D. MacKenzie. Upper Town, Dur- hgm- 5 1‘2 lltf 600i) BUiâ€"ffi’md LOTS APPLY to J P. Telford, or Mrs. G. Black- bum,_Durham 6 _1_3:__t_f LOT 3. CON. 9, GLENELG. CON- taining 100 acres of first-class land in good condition. Reason able terms. ApSIy to J,A. Rus- tell, Box 39, Se geWick. Alberta. _ - _ _ _ _ -_.._..-_ M31314“ _ THE J. C. NICHOI. TAILOR SHOP and dwelling, next to R. Bur- nett's store. For particulars, apply to George Ryan, Sr., Lamb- ton street. Durham. 425a A GOOD COMFORTABLE SEVEN- ON OR ABOUT THE 3rd OF AUG- net, 3 ewe and lamb strayed to the premises of the undersign- ed. Owner may have same by proving preperty and paying expensea.â€"Joseph Billings, Dur- ___ham. 8154p BRICK COTTAGE. ANDMNICE Lot A bargain for immediate buyer.â€"Arthur E. Jackson. 1m For Rent THE ROCKY SAUGEEN HOTEL COMFORTABLE BRICK HOUSE in Durham. 2 storeys high, hard and soft water inside, good cem- ent stain)!- trame barn on ton quarter acre of land. Price aWay down to quick purchaser. Applv 4* the Chronicle office. 7 27 tf LOTS 58 AND 59, CON. 1, S. D. R.. and lot 60, concession 1, N. D. R. Bentinck. Well watered, well fenced. good buildings. Con- venient to church, school and post office. For particulars, ap- _plv to A. W. Hunt, Vickers. 95tf Inna tom Durham; well water- Od. and well fenced; excellent restore lend: any terms. Apply 0 In. Atkinson, Durham P. O. 815“ LOT 2. CON. 4. 3.0.3.. GLBNELG. 100 urea: 10 ncrel working land. 10 urea new lnnd, 20 acres hard- wood bulb. No good wells on Mu. Good concrete house. Irma burn. driving shed, x-acre erehnd. Well Ienced. Will cell ebony to quick buyer. For fur- ther articular! apply to David leA 110, Upper To! . Dnihaa: -L my 42. room house. about an acre and a quarter of land. large stable. a never-failing well. Wiil be sold cheap. and on easy terms. Ap- ply to Thos. Daniel. Durham. ‘79th propertyâ€"Apply to J. A. Brown. Durham. 7 A A ~ 7,12 7t! Glenolg, 60 acres; xorty .acreu under cultlvatlon. 7 acres hard- wood bulb, 3 acres swamp. 2 null orcharda. variety of other mall trulte: watered by spring and wall. Frame house 28x24, trams barn, 50x36; atone base- ment underneath, and other out- bulldingl. Also lots 2 and 301 wood b 5 acres swamp, 5‘ acro orchard. Small frame house frame barn 50x36, enabling un- darneatsh. The above property will be told cheap, as the owner Intendl going to Alberta. For further partlculars. apply ,on farm, or to Wm. Leggette, Rocky Sangeen, Ont. 33$ t! Gian. .100 acres: 75 acre- clear- Od. ea in WharQwoqfi and ;';'.ip8 won ‘6un with never- hmn strum: two good wells: 3 do. his propel-t . For furth- Notice to Trespassers For Sale or Rent. Advm at no ha. at In... 28 outs for first but“... and moat-haul "Mont inaction. Our no inch and under fin bolus. double the she'- Farms for Sale. Sheep Estray For Sale. i7, CON. 1. EDP” SMALL ADS} (ELâ€"5th. t1. mt. Yurly mm on “whatnot. ' Than. 8 15 41!! .acres Notice is hereby given that the! Saugeen Fishing Club, having; leased all the fishing and angling? rights on streams with branches! and tributaries on the lands of“ Messrs. Wettlaufer, Mueller, ' Damm, Seirn and Ryan, being Lots. 30 and 31, Con. 12; Lot 30, Con. 13:* Lots 27 and 30, Con. 14; _Lots 29 and 30, Con. 15; and Lot 2'3, Con 3. all in the Township of Normanbyt in the County of Grey, as aPre-I serve for the propagation and cu1-’ tivation of fish, that fishin or trespassing by unauthorize per- sons Will be rigorously prosecuted- according to law. A reward of: any person or persons guilty of: unauthorized fishing or trespass»;I ing upon any of said lands. s JUDGE BARRETT, W. HUETHER,‘ President. Secy.-Treas. i Neustadt, May lst. 1912. ’ Holstein Conveyancer. } Issuer of Marriage LICBDSGS.. Money to loan at lowest rates,‘ and terms to suit borrower. Fire (and Life Insurance placed in thor-l oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills, executed on shortest notice. All work promptly attended to. ' Notice is hereby given that the Crystal Spring Fishing Club, having! leased all the fishing and angling rights on streams With branches and tributaries on the lands of Messrs. Blyth and Cornish, being all in th Townshxp of Normanb" in the County of Grey, as aPre- serve for the Dronapntinn .mn Mn â€"â€" â€"-." V“ Splendld Hotel business for sale cheap. Hotel, barns, stable, gar- den, lawn, and three acres of grounds, all in prime condition, good paying busmess, only $4000. Reasonable cash payment, balance easy terms. Good reasons for ()flice. nearly opposite the Reaia’ry office. Laubton 'zt..Durham. Anyamount sf mogev to loun u 5 par cent. on fun: _ â€"â€"â€" “ -- m the County of Grey, as. aneJ- serve for the propagation and cul- tivatxon of fish, that fishin . g or trespassmg by unauthorize per- sons “:ill be rigorously prosecuted ac-cordmg to law. A reWard of $19.00 will be given fnr O In {Anna 0 7- tion given either personally or by letter leariing to the conviction of any person or persons guilty of unauthorized fishing or trespass~ ing upon any of said lands. JUDGE BARRETT, w. HUETHER, selling. Apgly _to_ Officeâ€"Over Douglas’ Jewellery Store. groper“. AV er, 3onvoyanmr, .c. lnsuranu Agent. Money to Law. Issuer nf MM- mun Lioemes A general financial busi- messinjanuctad. , President: lieustadt, May "J York “1d Chicago. mm o! In. Ear N00. and Throat. Will be at the Hahn House, July ‘1) Oct. 19. November 16. Dec. 21, Hours, 1 to 5 pan. AS I 1' GRANT, D. D. 3 .L. D. 8- HONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- ty of anonto. Gnduato Roya 73011939 Dontal Surgeons ofOnurio Dentistry in all its Branches. L. R. C PH LONDON. ENG {lRéDUL4T§_ Of London, New Lou Autumn Roy. London Ophthalmic 300. fig, and toGoUen Sq. Throat and No.0 '0‘. BPIOIALIOT l EYE. EAR, THROAT IOSE when. )3, iron as. Oven Sound. )FFICE: Over J J. Hunter’s {I )FFICEâ€"Ovor J. P. Telford’a omce nculv opposite the Bash" ofllce. Residence Second house 90mg of Registry once on east side of Albert Street. Office Hours 9-1] mm" 2-4 p. 111.. 7-9 p. m. Telephone communica- tion between office and residence at all hours. HYSICIAN AN D SURGEON , OF. tice in the New Hunter Block. Oflice mute. 8 to 10 a. m... to 4 p. m. and 7 to! :. m. Special attention given to disease: if women and children. Residence op- »ouite Preebvterian Church. ”I U.- -- â€"" "v“ "- ---_-_- [ OFFICE AND RESIDENCE A! short distance out of Kmpp’ I Hotel. Lush con about. Lower Town. Dunn-I 06” hours from 12 to 2 o ’clock _ A. H. Jackaon. JOTARY PUBLIC. ooumssmN. - "‘.A~ S I HAVE NOT DISPOSED OF my stallion, “Young Prince Erie” I will keep him for service at his own stable for the season of 1912. All interested will bear this in mind. Terms made known on application; â€" Dan. McNamara. owner, Lot 25, Con. 2. Normanby. On. Jamison l; Jameson. l. P. Taiford. ARRISTEI., somorrou. pm: I. 6. Hutton. I. 0., c. DURHAM ONT. (Lam-r Town.) HOTEL MEv Dr. V1.0. Pickering Dontist. Arthur Sun, I. D. FISHING NOTICE Medical Directorv. FISHIIG NOTICI Dental Directorv Lem! 'Dz'reciorv DR. BRC-WN . J. SHARP R. J. SPROULE Flesherton, Ont DR. BURT. Secy.â€"Trea§ lat. 191‘2. ATTENTION For further particulars and con- ditions of sale, apply to ARTHUR H. JACKSON, Agent for the Vendor. Dated at Durham this 20th day of August, 1912. 8294 is caused from the blood being thickened \yith uric acid poisons circulating in the head. Anti Lfric Pills cure all forms of kidney trou- ble. They are so good and so sure the Central Drug Store guar- antees them. Be sure you get Anti Uric Pills. B. V. Marion on every box. '1 . Under and by Virtue of the pow- ers contained in a certain mort- gage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will he of- fered for sale by Public Auction on Saturday, the ‘213t day of September, AD. 1912, at the hour of two o’clock in the afternoon, at the Middaugh House, in the Town of Durham, in the County of Grey, by Robert Brigham, Auctioneer, the following property, namely, Eot number Eight, in the Fifth v-.." JIV‘V v. ‘4‘). There is about 40 acres of clear land, about 15 acres hard wood timber, about 15 acres of swamp, and balance of slash or second growth lands. No buildings, and fences are fairly good. Terms: Ten 5):); cefit. of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale, balance within thirty days with 6 per cent. interest. Concession of the Township of Glenelg, in the County of Grey. and containing by admeasuremcnt one_ hundred acres, more or less. A SEVEN-ROOMED' FRAMEâ€"COT- tage on College street; also a quantiity of furniture will be sold privately, Apply to Mrs. Jacob Kress, Durham. , 815tf Tenders must be made on the form supplied by the Department and accompanied by an accepted cheque on a Canadian Chartered Bank for ten per cent., (10 p.c.\ of the amount of the tender. payable to the Honourable the Minister of Militia and Defence, which amount will be forfeited it the party ten- dering declines to enter into. or fails to complete the contract in accordance with his tender. Department of Militia and Defence. Ottawa, August 6th, 1912. Newspapers will not be paid if this advertisement is inserted Without authority from the De- partment. A SMALL YEARLING HEIFEH came to the premises of the un- dersigned on or about the 15;h of June. The owner may have same by proving ‘prOperty and payin eicpensea.-W. J. Cook. Ebor ale. 9124tpd The Department does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. envelope “Tender for construction of Collin wood Rifle Range.” and addresse to the Director of Con- tracts. Militia Headquarters, Otta- wa. will be received until noon. September 9, 1912. for the con- struction of a Rifle Range at Collingwood, Ont. Plans and specifications may be seen and full information obtained at the offices of the Officer Com- manding the 2nd Division, Toronto Ont., and the City Clerk, (.‘olling- wood, Ont., and the Director of Engineer Services, Headquarters. Ottawa. {had of n tunil . or any mule ,over 18 your. a . my homeotead 1' outrun-section of available Dom- ainion land in Mutitobn, Saskatch- ‘ewan or mm. The I plicant 'muat appen- in person at e Don- .inion Lands Agency. orSub-atency ‘for the dim-tot. Entry by proxy 'may be made at any agency, 00. certain conditions by father. moth- or. son, daughter, brother or sister _ of intending homestead“. A ‘homooteader who has exhaust- ed his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may enter for a purchased homestead in certain districts. .Price $3.00 per acre. Duties,â€"Must reside six months in each of three years, cul- tivate fifty acres and erect ahouse worth 8300.00. Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.â€"Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. Department of Militia and Defence Colllndwood. Ont.. R30. “and. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED TENDERS, marked on Duties.â€"Must reside upon the homestead or pre-emption six months in each of six years from date of homestead entry Linclud- in: like time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. In certain districts a homestead- er in good standing may pre-empt a quarter aection alongside hi: homestead. Price $3.00 per acre. in eatenâ€"31-5130â€" years. A home- etoader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at lent 80 acres solely owned and oc- cupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. Bottomâ€"83x monthl’ residence upon and chtivatiom of the land OYIOPSII 0P CAIADIAI 10313 W"! LAID REGULATIOIS ANY mason who 1- (11039}. HE%DACHE EUGENE FISET, Colonel, Far Sale or Rent MOB l‘GAGrE SALE Heifer Estr W. W. CORY, Deputy Minister. mum W. 8V 3 Making It Plain. ' Saplelgnâ€"Ub. I say. Miss Hammer- ] ton. why Is it that you are always out , when 1 call? Miss Hammertnnâ€"Be- teause I'm foolish. I suppose. San lleigh~l-erâ€"-beg pardon! Miss Ham- ;merton-Well. you know the old say- ; lug. “A fool for NHL" I The Irregular verbs lay and 110 are frequently confounded. Lay ls an ac- tlve or transitive verb. and lie ls pas- ‘I'lve or lntransltlve. We lay things down or have lald them down, but we and things lie at rest. You lie down. , have laln down. will lie down or are lying down. She lay down yesterday and la going to lie down this afternoon. A frequent error ls to confound the past tenses of these verbs. One should say. “Mary laid the book on the table | and lay down herself.” but the book A Human Sieve. Binksâ€"Why do you call him the hu- man sieve? Jmks - Because every- thing he takes up falls through-Cin- cinnati Enquirer. The Family Skeleton. Hatcher-lsn't Junes' wife thin and skinny? Srratr'hor- Yes; she's the one family skeleton be“cau’t keep in the closet-National Monthly. No man was ever discontented wlth ; the world who did hi. duty In It. i “Nothing." answered the jeweler. “This Isn‘t a pmfesslonal treatment. This Is a coroner's Inquest." -â€" Ex- change. The Jeweler removed the dial. screw- ed his eyeglass Into place and inspect- ed the works of the ancient timepiece. “Nothing is the matter with it now: Its sufl'erings are over." “Well. how much do I owe you?" asked the man Roquioscat In Paco. The man with the old clock under his arm laid it on the jeweler’s show case “I wish you’d see what Is the matter with this." he said J. R. Green records a story of Ad- miral Nelson‘s visit to Yarmonth to re- ceive the freedom of the borough. “A storm met him on his landing. but trio danger failed to prevent his appear- ance on the quay. When the freeman’s oath was tendered to him the town clerk noticed that the hero placed his left hand on the book. Shocked at the legal impropriety he said. ‘Your right hand. my lord.’ 'That.’ observed N‘el- son. ’is at Tenerflfe.’ " Left Handed. Among the wurid‘s left handed gen- iuses was Leonardo da Vinci. ivho wrote a treatise on aviation. the hand- writing of which travels from the right side of the page to left. Nelson. too. was left handed. but that was from necessity. ed up a ladder and yelled for help. On the arrival of his son the horse went biH'k to the stall and immediately re- sumed its former gentleness to all but its owner. To him it remained a dead- ly foe until he was compelled to sell it. He never knew the reason for its sud- den animosity. Horu Hatred. Of all the domestic animals the horse is probably the most gentle. but there are exceptions. A California man had in his stable a fine thoroughbred horse. of which he made quite a pet One day he went into the stable. and, stopping to pat his favorite steed. he was sur- prised when the horse. with a violent plunge. broke the halter and came at him with open mouth. At first he thought it was in fun. but he soon realized his mistake and hastily climb- A very strong stomach will do the work required. but it is not a fair task to impose frequently. and a weak stom- ach will refuse to do anything beyond reminding its owner by a few stabs that it will not stand such treatment.â€" Exchange. When Non-fatty Foods Are Intimately Mixed With Grease. The stomach never has the least pow- er of digesting true fat. This is dil- posed of in the intestines. When est. en in the ordinary forms. as fat meat. butter. etc.. the fat separates out in the stomach and does not in the least interfere with the work of the gastric juice on the other food. but when s non-fatty food has been intimately mix- ed with grease the latter prevents the gastric juice getting at the food it could digest. Fish tried in oil or butter is by no means the most marked example. an the fat does not penetrate very deeply. Potatoes mashed with butter are rath- er worse. and minced vegetables fried with butter are bad oflendern. The reason advanced explains why pork is diflicult of digestion The muscular fibers are mixed up with fat cells. and by the liberation of the oil in each tiny cell the eaten pork is made into an oily paste. At this moment no exceptions occur to the writer to the rule that got ehonld never be used In connection with have. which alone outnciently expresm poe- eeesion. Say “I have the picture." not "I have got the picture." “The dog has a broken leg." not “The do: has got a broken leg." th- pucung tom: at econ-t to «an ”mm!- Conoequontly lt lo not only lupemuoun, but lncorroct. to spent at I man no “getting drowned" or “tot- ting Sick.” and you may unfortunately “hove a cold." but lt ll unpoulble tlnt 5‘00 “have got a cold.” lies on the tablaâ€"Exchange. BAD FOR THE STOMACH. mantis or anew. c Potato growers would experience an astonishing amount of relief if the new bug sends the Colorado beetle back to the place from whence it came. We could well a fightin bug, he wanted to know if I coul tell him anything about it. It so happened that a Tow days previously I had discovered the same kind of bug on our pota- to vines, and after investi ating, had decided that it must e the Perillus Bioculatus. the bug that lives on the eggs and larvae of the Colorado beetle. The one I found was in the act of dining on a young potato bug when I caught him. Apparently this new bug is a noble creature and should be welcomed with open arms whenâ€" ever found. The scientists are hopeful that it will yet clear out the Colorado beetles and take its place among the benefactors of humanity. A correspondent from Carthage sent me a new bug in a little tin box. He had discovered it on his 'potagoyines, an_d as it looked like If our author farmer. Peter Mc- Arthur, is right, Carthage should come out in the spotlight and go down into history as a notable place. The antidote to the Colo- rado beetle has been discovered in that favored locality. In The Globe a few days ago, Mr. Mcâ€" Arthur thus announces the won- derful discovery: _ -_ Esmnusua) 1818 KEEPING a bank account for "household ex ” und mm 1" bill! b' dimpnccnltnc: III-nu THE POTATO BUG DESTROYER. dQ with its banishment from (‘an- Tickets good far 60 days. Special train leaves Tut-onto 10.30 p. m. carry- ing through coaches and Pullman tourist slt epers. Fur Full particulars and tickets enquire from any (irand Trunk Agent, or write A. E. Uutf. D.P.A.. L niun Station. Torunlu. Last Homeseeker’s Excursion SEPT. 17. via Chicago \Vinnipeg and Return ........ Ednmnmn and Return. . . . . . . J. R. GUN, van Agent. Phone 14 Tickets are valid for return to reach urginnl starting point nut later than Monday. September 3m h. 1912. John Kelly, Cleveland (via. Detroit). Grand Rapids .......... Saginaw ............... St. Paul or Minneapolis via all tail St. Paul m Minnie: ipolis \ i9 mil and boat . Few. it any medicines have met with the uniform success that has attended the use of Chamber- lain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. The remarkable cures of colic and diarrhoea which it has effected in almost every neighbor- hood has given it a wide repu- tation. For sale by all dealers. September l2. l3 and 14, return rates from Durham to Detroit ......... . ............ 8 5 95 Chicago ...................... ll 75 Port Huron .................. 4 45 Bay City ..................... (5 8? Cleveland (Via Buffalo). ..... 8 M ORAN DTRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM and Funeral Directorw A. BELL UN DERTAKER ’wture Frammg on shortest LONDON. ENG" OFFICE Bank Bldgâ€"him: SI. Full line of Catholic Robes, and blank and white Caps for aged people. Annual Western Excursions ©F @NNAEA Barber Shop. Rnslbmzéfilâ€"Nâ€"exfi door South of \V. J. Lawrence't Macksmith shop. §uow R¢mM8â€"Next to SWuUu Embalming a Specialty 299 Branches throughout Canada. HIETRIBERSMWW For Hates, E A Genoa! Banking Busigeu Tnnuctod. Saving; Deptrtmont at a" Branches. WITH WHICH I. UHIYID INCORPORATED i080 $34 00 42 (N) (S enquire of Local Ag¢ uh.- ‘H K}?! EEPING a bank account {or . "hacilugiffixgldcfiexqpcnfiis" and puma Y He many advantages. ltshomthe balanced: handfixinmountetpendedgrdovdud' receipts orevery payment can tag-tequila a Inge depodt to beg'. POPULAR FLESHERTON GIRL TO WED THIS MONTH Mr. and Mrs. John A. Boyd have announced the coming marriage of their second dau htcr. Miss Lillie, to Mr. Gordon icDonald Laird. son of Mr. Robert Laird, of Sumatra, Straits Settlements. The happy event will take place on the 17th inst, and will be of a rivate nature, owing to Mrs. oyd’s indie sition since her accident on t e railway-Flesh”- ton Advance. Don’t Be jealous, or gixe husband cause for jealouS} When your husbahd is in bad humor, be in good humor. It may be difficult, but it will pay. Avoid mother-in laws. Don't let them live with you or inter- [eggs in your again. It you must have \our own wax, do not let your husband know 3011 are trying to boss him. Hax (2 \our own way by letting him think he is _hav_ing his. . Don’t annoy a man by .talking to him in the mornings or when he feels bad. There in nothing like children to bind husband and wife together. ada. J.‘T0\VNER. Depot Agent. Phone 18 $2.90 tn London and return Sept. 6 t 14: $2.20 Sept. 10. 12. 13. All tickets valid to return until Mar day. Sept. Nth. 1912. Round trip second~clnss tickets will ho issued from Durham to all stations on Temisknnlng and Northern Ontaro in By. including the following polnts : Hailevhury .................... 8 7 95 New Liskesrd ............ . ..... 8 05 Esrltmi......................... 835 Englehurdt .................... 8 55 Monteith .................... . l” 15 Cochrnne. ............ . .......... ll) 85 Mutheson ...................... 9 90 Tickets good going Sept. ll. are valid returning Sept. 2l. and tickets issued Sept. 25th are good to return until Oct. lst. IRE DURHAM EHHUIICLE I! PUBLIIRID EVERY THURSDAY IOBNING At the Chronicle Pthting Noun, W M Tu Claomcu will he out he an pun any address. free of page. 1. Bit“ ° ° Cl Mper year. payable la vane 41.50 may heeharged if not ao id. The (Ian to which ever) -uhecrimlon in pa 4 lo deco“ by the numb" «a the addreee label. No paper fla- oontinued to all arrears are pail. exnept atthe canon of the proprietor. Farmers’ Excursion to New Ontario SEPT. I] and 2.3 own per line for the first an ht. . “on; 8 cent- per line ouch Ooh.- quaint mum ninton mun-nu. Proton-ion. cud-.110! «media: one inch 04.00 per noun. Advent-anon“ without "pacific direction. '11] be published till forbid u 1 chum-d mm: ly. Truman! nonouâ€" ‘14 u. ' 'Wound." ”For ." auxâ€"50 cent: for CM moor-don. 25 can“ for out oubooq non! iIIOOI'flOI. Alluvertiu-onu Moral 5 Mon nun to add for in «Iv-.00. y Contact mm- for ”any Adm-snout. hr Ill-bod on spplioouon .o the 0603. HINTS FOR THE “’IFE Western Fair. London Burma um PROPRIETOR NEW YORK “ENCV Cor. William and (‘edar .98. W. IRWIN YO “I «m

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