West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Sep 1912, p. 6

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-\ NOTE ()F WARNS; )1 There has been issued. by direc« tion of the Minister of Agrivulture at Ottawa. :1 conspituoim poster calling the attention of potato growers to the importance of examining their crop to ascertain Whether or not it is affected with “potato canker." The hanger shows in natural colors a potato plant. the who!» yield of which is affected ity the disease. It shows the appearance '-f individual tub- ers in which the ( mker has start- ed to work. Growers who dis- cover suspicious symptoms of the disease in their crop are requested to send affected specimens to the Dominion Botanist, Experi- mental Farm. Ottawa, The poster is issued as Farmers’ Circular No. I, o! the division of botany, and is being distributed by the publica- tions department of the depart- ment of agriculture. ANYONE H.\'li NI'II'ZIHNH New Pumps, Pump Re- pairs, Cement Curbing or Culvert Tile. see . . . . JN'U. S('Hl'lfl'7. ur mywl.‘ :u the shnp A severe electrical storm passed over this district on Thursday afternoon and evening last week, accompanied by a heavy down- ur of rain. The barn of Robt. ea, corner of the London road and the eighth concession of Blanshard‘ was struck by lightning and five horses struck down, re- viving from the shock later. The barn was covered with a metal root. to which is attributed its escape. George V’Vhitmore The implicit confidence that many ple have in Chamber- lain’e olic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is founded on their ex- perience in the use of that rem- edy end their_ .knowlnge- of the Pumpsfiurbifig» Tile _M§“ss s‘~““-s‘s‘s§5 .~ s ‘5 ss 1. s. “sԤss‘~‘sss9 LACE GEO. 5 Pt Yr 1" )N, Pawn. um Wish In .~ win!» you ill-M's. “M... h Dem . mu- if Exm" It‘uL‘t'. lml'gust It'nll'rrs in Panama. Emvr any dm . Pwit um uuw'amewd. If you wish m snx'o- hum-d and lvarn win!»- ynu warn. \s's ile for pm" ir- 'l'h put 4) MM STUDY STORM AT ST. MARYS. “(Alla-rum Businv» ('nlh W i: 8H} SELLS CHE ta! I) an s "v m l’ Ilnuw n mu Yam an?!" “Blah nt l‘ul~ \ nu (lush-v. Pay “'1 Pl" vu mm. lhivt)‘ Yhers .~--.=~ -m a.» wvwv' NU \'.\( .\'!‘lU.\' THE jug URTAINS unhitiuns yum“: ’g 'H"‘"H'H'l! H, I“ 1‘ ”Hum h' miv cut“ "of colic, TH Pl't‘sidt'llt U‘nil railroad grade close in 11min: the. squalid tow r. squalid lawn 0;” Mill.“ and Shit-CTKS. 'i"‘~-;‘n were rial ::;;~.,:2y to stun" hex-ids 11m Off?) “9, for law in Sheridan 17?" :he Lad, and funerals were rot unvonmzcm~â€"«~:mne (TI‘OY'it'S. ha‘f-(lrunk 2'le 1:.tmdlin. awed 50:30“ “1.: by vim Irreaence of the marbhal, Doctor Fair- Lain, Keith and Hope. That was all excepting the post. chaplain from Fort Hays, who, inspiried by a glimpse of the girl's unveiled face, spoke simple words of comfort. It was all over with quickly, and with the red sun still lingering on the horizon. the lime party slowly wended their way back. down the steep trail into the one long street of Sheridan. « A Reapreannce of the General. Keith did not Inform Hape of he! brozhez‘s death until the following morning, tat had the body proper, prepared for burial. and devoted the remainder of the night to eea'wizi: g for Genera“ Waite, and. lnciieralfi, for both I awiey and Scott. :32"; Hickcck and Fairbain z'ssisted in toes effort to learn the whereabouts of at. dead boy’s other, but without LLB slightezt I". :‘t. nor did Kei’vljzs five.- tigations- re vzal the gambler at any wt his atrt:_z.~:iu;¢d resorts, whf'e ScoTt had anpnz‘e‘ftfy made a complete get.- away. There disappearances merely served to ('L'WlflCG him as to the truth of his first suspicions; Scott met: have (10:2: ed for good, but. Elan}? wouid v i'tli‘133' reappear just as :3-73 as at-:'-1'*'el his. horse no r07 r21 me)" .t: f n t" (”159:1 ' . J trag' " .V 3) '. ';. a d .1 :im ‘, ~- man L ,.-- _.' u 'f.‘.:(3 his. Lei t.‘ u v. :3 guilt (g; ‘ 1-0 t\\(‘. and \1 111-”; (if: ?‘ duties ‘3 hit: (elsewherr, ‘ the m war? 2*. the town for .t;.~. p03 "9' - ‘4, pg": 2'8 Of either. :hmzk‘ 1103;: . 5‘ moment: ~ her via-i101 his face '~: unpleasant breath. 5121 his very strengrh. heaV)‘ fu‘.ly d At the hotel \eb “as “siting tht. whites of his eyes shining “itn ‘x~ citement. his patomime indicating im~ portant news. As soon as he could leave Hope, Keith hurrried down to interview his dusky satellite, who ap- Deared about to burst with restrained infomnflon. As soon as Muncor ed that individufl began to flow voiub: y: “I shd done need ',em Muss Jack; I done and ’01:: both ” awaké "HOW fi' 0'] you 104 has occunu ;; :0 keep 3. “mm Wilts. sub. an’ dat black dabble m '0 was huntln' (01". It was 3 not Inrprialn'. circumstance. nahâ€"t moc’ surprisin’ circumstance.” "ch. no (in; when did you neg them? Do in mm they were to- "that?” no m hot 1 long breath. ow “my me by '30 W o! -andâ€"--an ,e: I can W a VC met pla H Both who 1'” CHAPTER XXV. C("fiale his Lel'er' in t; .3 9 mo and when (3111:? him (elsewhere, 12:: .- ‘: turf“: the town {or .1;.;.' DUI :A‘we of either. ff: :1 lack of 39.9", ‘1' his mesa-Wu. ,w: to wha" :‘vxlvia‘o- he fa'fifh returned to ,4, ‘:.=,:~;:_:-'d an Interview \'."» 11 .59.; :~t"11 commrttin 7.’ :1‘: “‘(irv:iti0‘.‘. of M'Z} ‘. I girl, and in a very 122': “as prepared to rem-we A questioning giance inn) nutrient to assure he; (“-2 :- vs ebut with one (1:250: {his arm as tho ;; -4 ar anyzhit it about f ' and he 1 I? O W n." C O U ‘V 1nd just below, nestled t the foot of the hill. n of tents and shacks. Lbs for (Covyrlxht. A- C- McClurz 4:; Co.. mo.) C8 l1 afforded L- dr [If vying mu“ J M, ’; was Jest ; Sheeny J ,¢ : Llacksmit .1. wave me! ' n ridin’ ’1 â€"â€"'“ “buhn‘llMIon ML: or mfii'fin’s‘ 11mm Or'MY LAbv Or 'fl-IEfiOUTI'l' VHEH WILDEPNE 53 W» KING. Emtrc ILLuamAnono Bv Durance}! ”tuna.- gm :1 (.x .‘ m1: Inux‘x)’ 'lwus 3'0” 1,-le up (10. 1.3 1. I". warm yo' \x'lmz‘ )‘O' say. but. ~_: ; (.211 git 1101' ob tow" 113' pet's day :. \in’ I’ll take (12;: grin off yo’ 11m.“ . w ulder one laughed, 311’ de 01' g..x'n:_.; :‘qu'ted fo' ter ride away, den In; 1mg Up he’s hoss. un' look back. ‘Yu' ;-m't.er herd wid dat kind ob cattle. I. rtlett,’ he say, sharp like, ‘maybe yo’ know a gambler roun' yere (tulle; Hzi'.‘.'h_-y?' D0 lack debble nebber L‘L‘fi' Lose ms grin. ‘Do yo’ mean Black Bart I‘..;wiey?’ ‘Dat’s the man, where is he?’ 'Dealln’ farm-{0' Mike Kenna in Tomka a weekagoâ€" friend ob yours?’ ‘Dat's noqé ob yo’ damned business,’ snorted 'de 01' gm'ral, givin' his boss de sp‘fxr. Sho’, Mam Jack, he nebber knowed he was talkin’ ter dat same Hawley, an’ dat black debble jest laughed as he rode turn! am] look claz' like might “When was all this, Net)?" “'Bout de time yo’ all went up on do bill, I reck’n. I done come right yere, and waited.” 01' man he swear fine at him, he call him eberyt’lngâ€"a damn liar, a damn sooundrelâ€"but Mr. Hawley he jest grin, and say ober do same ting." “What was that, Nob?" "Som't'lng ’bout a gal, Massa Jack â€"an’ a law sultâ€"an' how de 01' man better settle up widout no fightln’. I jest didn't git de whole ob it, he talked so low like.” “What did Waite say?" “Well, mostly he jest cussed. He sho' told (lat black dobble ’bout What he thought nl) him, but he didn't not». her call him Hawleyâ€"no, suh, not once; he done call him Bartlett. or somet’ing 0" odder like dut. But l"~ sutt'nly read dat man's pedigree from way back In (lo time of d' tin-ml. l reck’n. Az‘.’ lie (lune swox‘u he'd tight, for \vhzttt‘fl ~ " it xx :15, [38.1.3316 Ul' no pa. pers. in. . llf' gut pinm‘w tired Oh (it: or ..: A» . .x..' 1“ }.u... .m .1 gl‘zlblflwi as "it‘, (In: {)1. :‘w‘k. pr” What 1 against at it a did Keith walked across the room, se- lected a cigar, and came back. his mind busy witu the problem. Hawley had in some manner, then. got Into communication with Waite, and was threatening him. But Waite evidently ter knew the inn under another nameâ€"- In given nameâ€"end the gambler bad um um all on a false trail. The lost Men upwently contained the solu- tiontonnmbmystery. Waltebe- “8110’ 603' talked, Massa Jack. 1 sorter recmn dey was dar for dat special puxqgoxe. Sutt'nly, sah, dey went right at talkin' like dey had som't’ing on dey minds. 01' Mass-a Waite was a sittin’ straight up on de boss, an’ (int. black debble was a standin' day in front ob him. 01’ Massa Waite he was mad from de that jump off, an' I could heah most oberyt’ing he said, but Mr. Hawley he grin de same way he do when he deal taro, an’ speaks kinder low. De did not amped tint Bartlett and El}? "It sho’ am do strangest t'hg. Mun Jul, abbot I prognosticatz d. 1 was Jest comin' roun' de corn er ct Sheeny Joe’s shebang. back dar ry (.3 tlacksmith shop Wren-d? Ham- -1 rave me!â€"yere come 01’ .‘Iassa Waite, n ridin"’long on a cream «"okfd pinzo just as much alibe as 9‘. Mr he was Ya, nah: begs figskem m blowin' pound. an' I coum eben yeah him culsln' he hogs, when he done shy at a man what got up sudden like from a cart-wheel he waséaettin’ on. Idone took one lcok at dat secon’ teller, and seed it was dat black debble from down Carson way. Den I ducked inta de blacksnmh shop out ’er sight. 1 sho' didn’t want Mister Hawley to git no chance at (118 niggerâ€"l sho’ didn’:." “Did they speak to one another?” Keith asked, anxiously. “Did you hear what was mid?" would he moot naturally do now? Book Hailey in Topeka probably; «he the am Opportunity of getting there. Keith turned impatiently to the clerk. “Any train running out?" “Well, they generally start one out every day," with a glance toward the clock. “ 'loo‘ 'hout thin time. Maybe it’s gone, and maybe lt hasn't." . It m M nearly. hark cam. “MWWWOQWydm his misuse, um unable to comm-e up words wholly satisfactory to m‘ idea. Vt av RANDALL DAnmsn-A- run any; cm: yrfi,’x"fll Rim “Tc-owing with the intricate problem. 1mm entered the dining- rmm. and weaved his way. as usual. through the nxicr‘ellaneons crowd, to- ward the more exclusive tables at the rear. A woman sat alone at one of these, her hark toward the door. His first thought was that it must be Hope, and he advanced toward her. his heart throbbing. She gianced up, a slight frown wrinkling her foreheai, and he bowed. recognizing Christie Maclairea a, A Chance Conversation. The opportunity thus- so unexpected- 1y afforded was not one to be wasted. and Keith accepted it with swift deter- mination. The exnression in the wom- an’s face waq scarcely one of wel- come, yet his purpose was sufficiently serious to cause him to ignore this with easy confidence in himself. “'I am. indeed. most fortunate to dis- eover you alone. Miss Maclaire,” be said, avoiding her eyes by a swift glance over the table. “and evidently at a time when you are only beginning your meal. May I join you?" She hesitated for an instant. debat- ing with herself, and as quickly de- ciding on disagreeable tactics. vâ€"â€"7 “I 'presume â€"this is a public table, and I consequently have little choice in the matter, it you insist,” she re- plied. her voice more civil than her words. “Still. Mr. Keith, I am not accustomed to associating with crim- welcome n new diversion. I can ss- sure you our criminals out here on the most interesting portion of our population. I wish I might have your 3.3321, g} mu; mum-m ‘Oom‘fl. W 3 Gal, Mun Jockâ€" I!" a Low Suit. car disappear. No inquiries made of those lounging about brought results â€"-they had been interested in a lot of drunken graders loaded on the flat cars by force, and sent out Under guardâ€"and not one could tell whether any man answering Waite's descrip- It seemed strange enough how com- pletely he was blocked each time, just as he thought the whole baffling mys- tery was about to be made clear. Haw- ley was playing in rare luck, all the cards running easily to his hand. thus, at least, gaining time, and strengthen- ing his position. There could no long- or be any doubt that the gambler pos- sessed some knowledge whlcn made him a formidable adversary. From Waite’s statement‘it was the loss of the papers which left him helpless to openly resist the claim being made upon him on behalf of the mysterious Phyllis. His only hope, therefore, lay in recovering these; but, with time limited, he had been sent back on a wild goose chase, while Keith alone knew, “ith : :‘y degree of positiveness, when tho. documents really wele. llau‘iey so r'rly had them in his pos- session 12.. {my before, for he had taken them ’0 Miss Maclaire to thus Convince hU' as. to the truth Of his 3!.33ti-ll7'nY‘-. Aral liowley was stiil in Shtl'ltli‘i. Howmtr, it was not liltoiy the r...) would risk carrying (3(2-‘72772vl‘Tf‘ : ‘4')?“ value. and (lot-u- t‘wnt: u 2.1: ';;;r.: him so (lowly with that :24; :m the Santa Fe Trail. :‘ixmt -.":. 1": person. At but. lite "H's ("uz " that community, lll‘d tion was in the single passenger coach. Convinced, however. that the General would waste no time in prose- cuting his search, Keith believed him already on his way east, and after dis- missing Neb. with instructions to watch out closely for Ilawley, he made his own way back to the hotel. irIe smiled, holding his temper in met. more than ever determined tn 3A“ CHAPTER XXVI. not on his pers< IS only a tool, a n do. not to be tru: fl ppm l Fe Trail. .t best, life mnlty, and enemies in 3 personâ€"- 001, a mere be trusted >arently he g with the . onlv one “Yes, sir." conscious of having at- tained the upper hand. “Miss Hope Waite." 501mm 5 tenor. him of that as 504 do." he 1y. “I won 1 t' e11 1.1" tion to m e 22:11: from me. 10 you rec: wrest ls ve.-y largely count?” “C11, no,” laughing, “I C! "‘dn't h lieve that. 1â€"1 have 1:52;.2‘; it. wit? pered it. might be because 0: the owe girl.” “Some more of Mr. Hewley'l fan- cies." he retorted. perplexed that so much should be suspected. “Have you seen her?" “Nor would I. only I re do not comprehend. Th your information is a I Miss Mnolalra Thorn are good opinion I do not FP should not form your dev" unsupportod testimony of enemy.” “The other girl!“ In complete sur price at this swift return. “Why. of ccurse. 1 an a woman. Mr. Keith, with all the natural curi- osity of my sex. In thls case I had apeclal reason to be Interested. One does not mmt her counterpm every duy.” sides, she migh value to mport eyes brightened, appearing. “You are certz your theory.” st: shall have to am not suppose 3’0 ranked among t‘ have “The mermb‘anro between you ll certainly 12‘! st shitting." “Sumclem’v so." she said slowly. her eyes on his face, “to abundantly confirm in my mind the truth d all that has tern told me.” He drew out facing her, 1934 upon the inter: “Oh, Indeed," rather resemmg ‘, words. and tiready regretful of r W. J. REID, President “to wal‘vr approach“! with tho or- ¢!"r~' nrd "‘4 W0 remuned In sllouoo uni-J; M- bv‘d deposited hi: loud upon the 9mm, and dam. 8h. m again that he mon herd, and her nature obt harm could It d him for half at than eating a AERIAL ACTS. COMEDY ACTS. 'I‘RAMIM DIANE SE A HERT'S EQL’ ES'I‘RI I‘INNE A( "I of (theltcnham. England. Liberal Prizes Prugrmunw Twice Daily. Western Fair Arsthe mm mm MW” .,,_,_,u. 4...... .1 Ah-nn. “ 1131* 1111 11“ “ 3:5! rigid!!! E‘jfjlfig E‘ziiflhi 7., CI CUUI l ii DURHAM kmouowuoouoou Wmowom ‘\‘, Egi'lfl‘ifiég E [E 3! Speed Events mach day New Art; Buildings filled with Magnificent Paintings )r SINGLE FARE RATES over a” vaiinoads from Kingston to Detroit London’s Great Exhibition September 6th to 14th, 1912 eel as f [C the! in] I rlz BESSES 0’ THE BARN BAND nd. One at" the. graatc The Midway heme: \led. and sew: ATTRACTION S Irewm‘ks e your H a] Digih’ljfilxx S FATAL. 51.;1' i\ 'liiI\U\\i.\H -i. 5011‘]; Uwcn Sound. b‘qn. ~ Lu t. )h- :Eweu. Lrakmnan, an um vniphnvc oi the brand 'l‘runi‘. \kub .muq instantly killed at the Miami Trunk )aru'b yebtuua) at noon. When he was thrown I't'iuu‘th a jmuving car and hau :1 leg m-Vu- 4Ld. The train cl‘c“ \n to naming a running sthch and Menu en ran down to throw over the ie\'er of the switch. As he threw 1m, weight against the ”wax his hand tslipped, and he reeled over low- ard the track, and being thrown against the oncoming car was 'huried to the track lengthwise. The heavy express car passed over ‘one leg, and crushed part of the {body terribly. Lite was extinct in a few minutes. McEWen was a ed about titty-five years. and La been railroading for thirty yam, rincipslly with the Grand Trunk. fill home was in Btrsttord, where his widow and two sons and two daughters. all grown up. survive lbody which will be privue', ’ a: .poulialy unexpectedly in th. Ienrly morning. ‘ H( Rome, Sept. b.â€"The Pope has determined that the body of Pope Leo XIII, which is still provision- ally buried in St. Peter’s, shall be removed within a year to a tomb in Lateran Basilica, where the principal functions for the forth- coming Constantine celebration are to be held. Hence necret le- Eotiationa have been made by_ the Pope’s mjor Mbâ€"wElâ€"xvihgdltfif an police for the uncanny u- s‘ex_°la99.t-. Imam: mm or the he was 1) some time Cameron, daughters men Mas h evenin TO MOVE POPE'S BODY Nil “the! Instructive Exhibits HUNT. fl Live Stuck ,ud ACROBATIC ACI‘S and others. :6! Brass Band:- in ll Parade Daily 1 employee Las almost 1e Grand 1011. IO! any the

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