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Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Oct 1912, p. 3

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October 8rd. 1912. People’s Mills A small or large bag 01 a fine grain white, nutritious flour, is sold as our brand. Have you ever tried it? Get your grocer to give you our kind next time and see the superior baking qual- ities it possesses. Better and more wholesome. because of a secretproce~ s that we put the wheat through. Don’t forget. A blend of; Manitoba and; Ontaru wheat md is a strictly first. class family flour ls made from selected winter whe end is a mperier erticle for making Good: delivered anywhere 0d! uh up by teleplgono :No. 8. An his. of an}! bought 3t Huh! Macfarlane C0- Of Women’s and Misses’ Oxfords, Slippers and Pumps. 8 10 pair of Patent Oxfords, worth $3.00 for... . . . . .. . . . .. . .. $2.25 21 pair of Patent Oxfords, worth 82.50 and 82.75. for ....... 2.00 15 pair of Patent Pumps. worth $3.00 for only .............. ‘ 2.25 12 pair of Patent Pumps, worth 32.25 and $2.50 for ...... .. . . 1.75 5 pair ofTan Pumps, worth $3.00. for only . . . . . .............. 2.25 6 pair of Tan Pumps. worth $2.50 for ...................... 2.00 3 pair of Chocolate Pumps, worth $2.25 for only ............ . 1.75 50 pair Dongola Oxfords. worth 81.60 to 82.25. for only ..... . 1.00 30 pair Dongola Strap Slippers, 81.50 to $1.75. for ...... . ..... 1.00 22 pair Mieeee‘ Strap Blip rs, 81.15 to 81.25 for ............ . .75 17 pair Misses’ White Ox ords. worth $1.00 to $1.25, for .. .75 4 pair Women’s Tan Canvas Pumps, worth $1.50, for ........ 1.00 6 pair Women’s White Canvas Pumps. worth 81.40 for ...... 1.00 12 pair Women’s White Oxfords. worth $1.25 to 31.50 for. . . . 1.00 We want the money and room fo New Fall Goods now arriving. These prices ought to clear them out in the next two weeks. Terms Cash on all Reduced Lines. The DownluwnShoeStme : J. S .MclLHlllH awppanance for quality but a trifle more cusbly and ential Never subsnibnbe rather chocse an article . obtain both. Appearance is prud But Quality Is Essential are to be Obtained. Rmnember that n follow this example in purchasing any- Graniteware, Stoves, Ranges, For Sale 01117 at SOVEREIGN ECLIPSE ’ mmeaachn» TEE REXALL STORE Town Ticket Office Buy THE . H. ETERNALL in town ii L+++++++++++++++++++++++++ they don’t satisfy you DRUGGISTS AND STA % : Gaivanhod and Iron Piping, Brno: Brno Lined Ind Iron Cylinders SHOP OPEN EVERY AFTERNOOL Pumps From $2 Upward ALL REPAIRING promptly anr properly attended in. PUMPS OF ALL KINDS. W. D. Connor Machine Oil. Harness 011 mm: Grease and H00 f’)intment, go to S. P. SAUNDERS W. D. CONNOR THE FALL PAIRS Batu-ville-.- ..-.... ......Oct. 10. 11 Bria-101...... ...... ...... ....Oct. 10, 11 Camber”... ...... ...... .. ...... Oct. 8, 9 Delaware”... ...... .z.... .........0ct. 16 Blmvnlo...... ...... ...... ......0ct. 3, 4, 6 Buvflour Tickets Here TORONTO, 011'. is now ready. Write for one. It gives full particulars concern- a fomous school. md 82.75, for ....... 2 00 »r only .............. ‘ 2.25 mi $2.50 for ...... .. . . 1.75 nly . . . . . .............. 2.25 ..................... 2.00 for only ............ . 1.75 ') 82.25. for only ..... . 1. New Catalogue of y prevent the or a Chronic ELLIOTT “on-.0... .0 The Hannussmake .........Oct. ' 16 ....0ct. 3, 4, 6 «.OCt. 170 18 Ii SUNDAY SEHODL m 01mm enamels. WI Fathel : toiling great « 3. era, a: of this heave: needt again: great rant c Q 3 9;. 4 think Og- 3.9.3 5‘1- may I therei é” W33333WW33 upon in the dam. great all th W Lesson l.â€"Fourth Quarter, For Oct. 6. 1912. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lesson, Mark vi, 05-0.. Memory Vere», 40, Eliâ€"Golden Text. Matt. xiv, 27â€"cemmenury Prepared by Rev. D. M. Steel-M. Th1- lncident is recorded by Matthew, Hurt and John, the latter telling us that when the people saw Hie might! ers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against wicked spirits in heavenly places (Eph. vi, 12), and we need the whole armor of God to stand against the wiles of the devil. One great trouble is that we are too igno- rant of his devices and are apt to be deceived by his religious activity and think it to be of God. Everything that does not honor Jesus as God and rest only on His great sacrifice for the for- giveness of sins. however religions it may seem, cannot be of God and must therefore be of the devil. Consider, then, the hold that he has upon the vast majority of the mph in the world; not only all in heathen- dom, with their many religions, but a great part of Christendom, including all the isms which deny the supernat- ural birth of Jesus. His deity, His spotp less life. His death as our substitute. His literal resurrection from the dead, His present ministry at the right hand of the Father and His coming again to set up His kingdom of righteous- ness and peace on the earth. Truly the winds are contrary. and. though the storm is not yet as great as it will be. it is already quite severe. In our own land Just now the highest among the people are devoted to Unitarianism and Roman Catholicism, and it is far from wise in the eyes of many to word against either. It is a good time for such as Daniel and his friends. for such as will bow to none but the living and true God. It looks like the time when the adver- sar‘y shall speak great words against the Most High and shall wear out the saints of the Most High. and many shall be purified, made white and tried. (Dan. vii, 25; xii, 10.) It also looks to many as it did to “I: disciples in the boat, as if the Lord neither saw nor cared. How comforting, then, are the words, “He saw them toiling in row- ing” J48). . When it seelfied dark as midnight to Israel because of the op- pressidx of the Egyptians the Lord said to Moses. “1 have seen, I have heard, I know, I am come down to de- liver.” (Ex. iii, 7, 8.) When [jeter was in prison, after James had been be- headed, and unceasing prayer was made by the church unto God for him. it was not until the last night that the angel delivered him, but he was not too late and never is. In the morning watch Jesus came} walking on the sea. and when they re- ‘ ceived Him into the ship the wind ceased. and immediately they were at their estination (verse 51; John vi. 2,1). 80 it will he again. In that morning that is drawing near He will come. and instantly His people shall be with Him in the air, their toil and conflict forever ended. Let us all be patient till the morning. (11 8am. xxiii. 4; Ps. 111:. 14: 0:11. 8.) To their fears Be sai‘. “BO 0f good cheer: it is l; he not afraid” (Vale 60). He is ever tho same and theaying the same words to all our fears. May we have 'ears- to , hear. By His power Peter aio walk- ‘ ed ontho water and might have walk- ed tarther if he had kept his eyes on Jeans‘hnd had not t ought of wind or waves. The one g 3 always lackiu on our :3: “a . The‘ admonition we cons tl eed is. “Base is in Goa." “Be not afraid; only belie o.” vi, 45-1 13mm av FAITH % 1 um now av wens! It Is Not of Yourselves; It Is the ‘Gift of God. Pastor Russo" Point: Out That Pru- ont Ago I: the Faith Agoâ€"Nut A” Will Be the Age of Worktâ€"Addnu â€" -â€" . The speaker mu. . ”'5. VI. . uvv - ." ceded that the subject of faith and its relation to salvation had been con- "”0“"! to 00. siderably confused in the minds of “1°" 1 really must 8° tomorrow." many for centuries. He ‘held, how- “You can In“ 38 W9" stay till “03' evernthat clearer views are now per- day.” meating Christian minds and heart. “But the folks are expecting me.” and that the conflict between salva- “Tel a in them that ou’re 0 tion by faitg arid salvation by works '; to “8:8: 9 y g in! is at an en . ioth are now seen to u . ° , be 0, mm .03: :1300°";assimilate COUl'd nflt be pt‘rf“ct “01' in any way I as acceptable to Gm], Faith without all l Oh, pshaw. the deal can wait a few the works possible to it would not be ‘1 days." a livingr faith but merely passivol “My manager has written me that my l assent, which is not what God re- business needs my attention." quires of those Who would he footstep “Yes. but he is only afraid to assume fullovmS nf 'l"'-sus. The imlsment of a little responsibility. The businesa the (‘hurch (lt‘lt‘l‘llllnt‘s for each memâ€" A Will be a" right." her life or d“2llh eternalâ€"and if life, f “There is an imptrtant meeting 01 What the mgr“ "f glory, honor, D1. the directors that I really must at vine favor. “:15 star differeth from‘ n . tend. star in ulorv.” Thus St. James . ~ ., a - - - - . l “nh mum not ninmr all right with ‘IPASTOK WS§QLJ star in glory.” Thus St. James points out that a faith which gcha no manifestation to do good should be styled a dead faith and would be valuoloss in God's sight. He demon- strates his argument respecting the necvssity of works by reminding us that although Abraham was justified by faith and not by works, neverthe- less he was not justified without works but was required to demon- strate his faith by his works, even though his works were imperfect and could not of themselves have justified him. Pastor Russell declared the present Age the Age of faith and the oncoming period of Messiah’s Kingdom the Age of works. He cautioned his hearers, nevertheless, that, in harmony with what he had already shown in the Scriptures, that this would not mean that no works are now required nor that in the future Age no faith would be required. The standard or teat now is faith and not works. The standard or test of the next Age will he works, not faith. The reason of this diflerence, he said, w _ manif t: because of the fallen eon ition of I - _-..‘--‘ to a Largo Convention of Bibi. Studonts. -v- andâ€"darlrnese, all the ignorance and ‘ superstition, would pass away before the rising Sun of Righteousness. As a result faith in the next Ag: willl be we a very simple matter. 0 will be so great that faith will 0 perfection of mind and bod . All the willing and obedient will able to do better ,and better until finally by the time of the close of Messiah I reign, all the willi and obedient will be perfected an able to do per- fect works. And their in nt will be according to works. 0 y the‘ per- fect will be granted everlasting life beyond the Messianic Kingdom. Everything that God has arranged for human salvation is properlgosaid to be of His grace. God is not und by justice to do anything at all for humanity; therefore whatever is one is of Grace or unmer'rted. favor. he inext Age also will indirectly be an Age of Grace in that all the blessings that will go to mankind in the way half. And during the thousand years of His Reign He will be merely giv- ' lankind that‘ which He pur- chased with His own sacrifice” . But the present Age is peculiarly one of Divine Grace because the call of the Church and the. great blessing -LA ‘- tn ronpivc as the Bride“ Of us'vu But the present one of Divine Gra of the Church anc she is to receive Christ is somethi purchased _by w. wiw. KC ".5550 V- "' to the exteht df'opbor‘ demonstrate the “81' and sincerity nod 10! ‘1 w" 1' Halifax. N. 8.. a large Convention of Bible Student here. He received closest attention. We report one o! the discourses from the‘rt, “For b grace 'e are gav throng faith, and that not, of you:- splves; it is the gift of G0d.”â€"Eph. i‘idtun'tdb hon. Immummyuummum I m on tho buy. [ waldo: it my awn-Ito not “In now b occupud 87 mo on. also. 33' It WI com t’ to O ItMIOl’I pride. An' It In know. It- ucrotl. too. “1' bolt ’om Just so do”. An’ It the hon h wooden-w why 1'. it- un' wondofln' how. I wonder if the gun- ny round tho 1:! they and t’ do '1' mb the qtnpowu now 311' than flat In ' tho buy I throw. I wonder lt I otlll could out n truo a who! I dld Whoa I could load It ovary um. when oomo bl. one was hld. An'. oh. I wonder lt tho doy will our come lgaln W I shall bear o olnxln' ml tho woy I board It then. Nocuury to Go. “Yes. I really must go tomorrow." “You can just as we" stay till Mon- My." “But the folks are expecting me." “Telegraph them that you're going to stay." ‘IMy manager has written me that my business needs my attention." “Yes. but he is only afraid to assume a little responsibility. The businesl will be all right." "I‘V'VJ‘hâ€"ere is In: impertant meeting 01 the directors that I really must at- tend." “Oh, they’ll get along all right with- out you.” “You know how much l’d like to stay, but the fact is my railroad ticket runs out tomorrow.” “Well, in that case. I suppose you will have to go. Be sure and come up to see us again in a month or two.”â€" Puck. taunt-poo!) “I m representing t wuon. meaty,” ropllod _tho_ oolfllgr. “Arc you 7" and the m. not up ind to nud Join the oth'm!” “That It Impossible, your mum.“ and tho Ioldler, "because I In" last one of my wheels.” Tho ompcmr burnt out laughing at m the man 2 manna. oboerved. “Ben's ”nothing for you to not tho other whe’oll Oiled mar-Pun Hum “Did the presidential mm. stop at Punkvflle?" cindmm , Hsnty For Him. . f‘And novz that you are thron‘h cal- I logo what are you going to do?" “I will study medicine." “Rathér crowded protesslon’ may. Isn’t it?" help that. I shall study med. lclns. “ d those who are already In the pmtossion will have to take that! chsnoss. thst's sll.”-â€"London Opmlon. T100.“ For Authority. “any. w the hand of this one“ 1 mt to settle t (ll-puts. If '1‘! Coil In 1908”â€" “tht a minnu. Btll. tall tho: ot- no boy I want to no bun.” A MM 0' PO”! Homily. '3!“ ‘- “10ml" some Glory. -â€"Detrott Froo Pro-I. WOOLLEN BLANKETS. FLANNELET’I‘E YARNS. DRESS GOODS. RAIN E COATS. FURS. ETC. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY TIME TABLE Tuim leave Datum at 7.15. m.. and 2.45 pm. Trains "rive at Durban 3t .10..” n.m.. ..50 p.m.. nnd 8.50 pin. _ .____ h--‘-- A n Evan? nAv'nxcnrr SUNDAY H. G Elliott. A. E. 0011', G. P Am: D. P. Agent. Ion A‘oronm. Tmins will arrive and deput as fol lows. until further notice:â€" 4.00 7.10 “ Durham “ 11.54 9.19 4.11 7.21 “ McVVilliuns“ 11.44 91D 4.14 7.24 “ Glen “ 11.41 9.06 4.24 7. 34 “ Pricev ille “ 11.31 8. 56 4.40 7.50 “ SaugeenJ. “ 11.18 8.43 5.15 7. 50 “ l'l‘oronw “ 11.15 7. 55 B. MACFLRLANE. - Town Agent yau '5-830rubloâ€"will mic chi-ink upâ€"‘l‘but’o the kind ITANHELD make- und we sell. Don’t think otheu are just as goodft‘hey are not;â€" PLANING MILLS in J. TOWN'ER Depot “cot JAIES R. GUN. Town Azem C. L. GRANT Readers of The Chronicle are udvieed that, the Fall Term in Shaw's Schools. Tomato. is now ZENUS CLARK DURHAM _ Central Business College, Y case A: Gerrard Su..Toronbo W. H. SHAW. Pres. 'v w Bv"_ 19 gm ready for your trad. The undersigned begs to announce to msidentz of Durham and surrounding country. that he has his Planning Mill and Factory completed and igs prepared to take orders. for Grand Trunk Railway - TIME-TABLE Also a limited amount of iron work and machine re- pairs. Acall solicited. Ask for quotations on your next. job. Grant’s (or Underwear G~l©® 25L L.v “’alkerton .38‘ ' Maple Hill .47 “ Hanover .55 “ Allen Park Underwear Custom Sawing Promptly At- tended To SASH, DOORS â€" and all klnds o! â€" House Fittings Durham “ Mc‘Villiams“ Glen Priceville “ Sangeen J. “ I'l‘oronto “ ONTARIO

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