Our pure Manitoba flour, made from No. 1 Manitoba wheat cannot be beat (or either bakers or domestic use Mal Induction on_F_lour in 5 3nd ‘A- 10 In; Lott. Goods delivered enywhere in town: 99 \ «‘99eeseeceeeeuwuwmgum ' a 3 Closing Out Sale of all Broken Lines 1 A small or large bag 0! a ï¬ne grain white, nutritious flour, is sold as our brand. Have you ever tried it? Get your grocer to give you our kind next time and see the superior baking qual- ities it pmsesses. Fetter and more wholesome. because of a secretprocew that we put the wheat through. Don’t forget. A blend of) Manitoba and} Ontario wheat and is a strictly ï¬rst class family flour Chopping Done Every Day grocer-n keep our flour for ale. your grocer does not keep it come to the mill sad we will use you right ls made from selected winter who and is a superior article for making Odl us up by telephone We. 8. All m d Gap)...» st 10k“ wâ€"a-WWH-t-Wcr WW Never substitute appeaiance for quality but ' rather choose an article ‘8. trifle more costly and obtain both. Appearance is prudential L i r J.- ’: 4 4.. People’s Mills O++++++§+§+§+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++é+++++++¢ John McGowan Macfarlane Co. and your We went the money and room ft New Fall Goods now arriving. These plices ought to clear them out in the next two weeks. Terms Cash on all Reduced Lines. The DownlownShueStme : J. S .McILHAITH u “Hum-w, a UV!“ .â€" ' v~~.â€"_‘ chronic condition that may 11; . . . health, or be, in iuelt, dangerous to the Indlfl- Of Women's and Misses’ Oxfords, Slippers and Pumps. 10 pair of Patent Oxfords. worth 83.00 for... . .. . .. . . . .. . .. 21 pair of Patent Oxfords, worth $2.50 and $2.75, for ....... l5 pair of Patent Pumps. worth $3.00 for only .............. 12 pair of Patent Pumps, worth $2.25 and $2.50 for ...... .. . . 5 pair oFTan Pumps, worth $3.00. for only . . . . . .............. 6 pair of Tan Pumps. worth $2.50 for ....................... 3 pair of Chocolate Pumps. worth $2.25 for only ............ . 50 pair Dongola Oxfords. worth $1.50 to $2.25. for only ...... 30 pair Dongola Strap Slippers. 81.50 to $1.75, for ...... .. . . . . 22 pair Missm‘ Strap Slip rs, $1.15 to 81.25 for ............. 17 pair Misses’ “'hite Ox ords, worth 81.00 to $1.25, for ..... 4 pair Women’s Tan Canvas Pumps, worth $1.50, for ........ 6 pair Women’s White Canvas Pumps. worth $1.40 for ...... 12 pair Women’s White Oxfords. worth $1.25 to $1.50 for. . . . What is a Bold ? But Quality Is Essential ii best results are to be obtained. Remember that you can follow this example in purchasino' any- thinu‘ in Tinware, Graniteware, Stoves, Ranues, anaces and General Plumbing (:‘roods from PASTRY FLOUR SOVEREIGN TIE RBXALL 510.5 C. P. R. Town Ticket Ofï¬ce ‘ Blv ECLIPSE For Sale only at unchecked , a cold ms; 009i]! 103d ‘0 3 WW3WWO3W: Try Thém - 25c. Per Box flour and food and money back if they don’t satisfy you . H. STERNALL Galvanised and Iron Piping, Ems Brno Lind and Iron Cylinder: SHOP om EVERY AFTERNOON Pumps From $2 Upward ALL REPAIRING promptly and properly attended to. PUMPS OF ALL KINDS.- Get the Best-"It )fl) ELLIOTT I). W. D. Connor is well known as the right place for superior business and shorthand edu- cation, positions worth 81.100 and 81500 were recently ï¬lled by us. Write for catalogue. Dela‘ J. W. Copeland, of Dayton, Ohio nrchaaed a bottle 01 Chamber- ln’l Cough Remedy for his boy who bed a cold, and before the Oottle was all used the boy’s cold wu (one. In that not better than to pay a five dollar doctor’l bill? for solo by all dealers. W. D. CONNOR DRUGGISTS AND STATIONERS S. P. SAUNDERS Machine Oil. Harness 0L1 Ame Grease and H00- Ointment, go to Blv Ypur Tickets Here THE FALL FAIRS TORONTO, OUT. iand Pumps.8 $2.25 i, for ....... 2 00 ......... . . . . 2. 2.5 for ......... 1.75 .............. 2.25 2.00 ............ . 1.75 or only ...... 1.00 vr ...... .. . . . . 1.00 ............. .75 25, for ..... .75 0, for ........ l 00 l 40 for ...... l ()0 The Harnasemuke ...VUL. 1" ...Oct. 15, 11 11 16 18 16 fl! musdlrhrmuu Judge-7C W Bell-my, Flesherton. Cattle DURHAM 2 yr old bull..'I‘bos McKeown. Bull calf..McKeown. Milk 00w. . Wm Pamm, McKenwn. Don McMil- lan. 2 yr heifer. .B Medangh. A J Sealev. Heifer calf..Sealey, 1 2, DH“ L‘lcmuan. . HEREFORD Milk cow. . D W Adams. GRADES Milk cow. Judged tur beef..D(m Campbell. Henry Eckhardt, Dun Campbell, Milk cow, judged for Dairy. .Dug McCormick, Brnithwalte Thos Nichol. 2 yr heit‘er..Wm Mather, 1 and 2. Don Campbell. 1 vr heifer .. Wm Mather, Tho: Nichol. Don Campbell. 2 yr steerâ€"Don Campbell, Wm Mather. Don Cump- hell. 1 yr ateer..Don Campbell, Thos Nichol. Steer calf. .Don Campâ€" bell, 1 and 2. Heifer calf..Dun Campbell, 1, 2 and 3. Sheep COTS WOLD Aged mu . . A 8 Hair. Starling ram..A S Muir l and 1. Run lamb . .A S Muir. 1 :nd 2. Agod «n. .A 8 Hair. 1 and 3. 8h. “IONA 8 lair l and 2. Eva lamb. .A 8 Hair. 1 tnd 2. Rock, maleâ€"W D Connor. 1 A For. zueon; Minnieâ€"Fortune, Connor. Ducksâ€"Don Compboll. W D Connor; femaleâ€"Connor. Campboll. Bronze turkey. male-‘1‘ A Ferguson, Don McMillan; telltaleâ€"Ferguson, Ile- Millan. Turkey. my other kind, maleâ€"J N Oonlter. Thou Nichol; femaleâ€"Thou Nichol. Goose. male â€"J N Conner. '1‘ A Ferguson; fe- maleâ€"R W Braltbwuiu, TA Fergu- ma. maleâ€"Wilbert McLean ; female â€"W McLean, l 8!. 2. Buï¬ Orping- ton, maleâ€"R W Brnithwaite. Thou Nichol ; female-Braithwaite. Nichol Black Crpiuzton, msloâ€"Horrv Paa- ton ; femaleâ€"Harry Patton, 1 3nd 2. Wh logborn, maleâ€"W D Connor, R W Braitbwaite; tenthâ€"Connor. T A Ferguson. Br Lennon. maloâ€" F P Reilly ; femalo- Richy. Rhoda Id redâ€" -Don mum», 1 2; female «4‘ A ForgnsonLl g 2. BIIIOQ EH. Won. Institute amidâ€"Do. Isl“- lnn, J. N. Connor. Ike-ho. Wan. Institute Specialâ€"J 'Uouker. W I Patterson. Haley extrudedâ€"L. A. richer. Home and. Callyâ€"D Kur- aw, W H Putt-anon. (Do LA-o’o upco- .) POULTRY White wyandotto. maleâ€"Harry Patton, T A Ferquson; femaleâ€" Harry Patton. "‘ A Ferguson. Brah- ma. maleâ€"Wilbert MoLean . female Aged ram..A 8 Hair. 1 and 2. Sb. ram. .A 8 Hair. Run lamb. nged owe. Sh. "to. owe loub..A S Muir. In ad Ind in «oh «no. Rag Carp â€â€"0 'din. Hal-olâ€" 0 Walker, [hatch-'dku, J. J. .009â€, Roger Ioluohun. Would; In. singleâ€"R. Holt-0:99., 1.1.}.- Bulin won] warhâ€"Icnw. W. 0. anon. Wrenthâ€"lurav.W‘lkor. Shirt. unwashedâ€"B Nodaluh. Shirt. Inundervd â€" fled-ugh. Crocbvt. in melonâ€"O Waite-r. Ilro Bus-kin. Orn- chvt in woolâ€"«(rs Crusoley, O Walkvr Knitting in woolâ€"Crunchy. Wank". Kniting in cut tunâ€"Uroauley, Walk I'. Braiding in coltunâ€"Wulker, Jennie McArthnr. Tattingâ€"\Vn-lko¢,0msu- Ivy. Imh. in canonâ€"U Harrnw. \Valker. Emh. in ‘ilkâ€"Jennie Mc- Arlhnr, 0 “Walker. Shadow Bum.â€" Mrs Biukin. Mrs (Irnsslvy. Ey‘eivt limbâ€"Jenni» MrArthm. Mus Crowley Pbllnw vase-- Mrs Urn-isivy.JvnniP Mc- Arthnr. \Vnann work -â€" \anker, “'III Men-ads. ’I‘n'oler.set-â€"-\V-ilk~r. M'“. (‘vnssleï¬ Cushion, flpidt‘r WPI) ‘D. H trti-nw. Shpp?!’9«~HHPqu. (Ernwlvy 1)::th tnwud ka-â€"\Valkwr. Jenniv Mi‘Althm. Hattmii‘mrg ~â€"- \Valker, .lvnnivMi'Arrhur. Nettingâ€"\Valkvr, (Hosdvy. Emb. cwntrP [)iPCP-~â€"Crnsas- Ivy. \ankm'. :4qu (Iushiun-A-Jenniv Mi‘Ax'thui. L A Fi~hPr. Datuingâ€" \Vin Mwuls'. MN Bilakin. Button hnlws-Jfrnsslvy, \lekvr. (30†fancy ka “Jennie McArlhur. Crowley. Aprnn, \V. Inst. special-4V Railing». FINE ARTS Painting in nilâ€"G W Tryon. Pen and Ink sketchâ€"Mrs Buukin Pencil Drawingâ€"Mm. Ruskin. J. . nulter. Cmnpnsition on Tit-mic Disastkr, P F M(2Aubur’.~z specâ€"Jun Burnptt. Miss Minnie Harrow. Writing N. Bus. Ow, Spamâ€"J00 Burnett. I», B Pawn. Inaâ€"U. Inn-w. Alex Hellman. In... howlâ€"L A. flier, W H Paar... [nit Nun- Don museum. D. Inâ€... Plain buuâ€"Barrow. Alex Iclilkl. 1'.»- -Alex ataxia... Do- Ieflmu. Cuood fruitâ€"Inn. 0. Walter. Picklesâ€"U Walk. "lion Joflyâ€" W 8 Patterson. A Ida“. Pu.- Iu, Dr Lane spamâ€"loud. “cloth". '1‘ A Ferguson. Dual, 86-â€. IF... :U Harrow, Alex Iglghl. i0. A- A‘.A OXFORD Aged ram..Wm luck. Bb. run ..Wm Paton. lu- lamb..Wm Patton. l and 2. Aged ow... Wu Paton, 1 3nd 2. 8h. «a. .W. Pat- ton. 1 3nd 2. Eva lab. . W. Pt“ 1 ad 2. . rum. pseâ€"r :- away. 1 a (Jo-ho! 14-0» pieâ€"L A [him Do- Iclih I... Apple 'bâ€"AI'I It‘ll“, D. lama. 0m. pieâ€"ll Int-row, “on “CHIN“. Cunard poo â€" I‘mw. Ab: lcfliflal. lino L A fish». by» «toâ€" . Conny lama. Fruit akaâ€"Mn. Alex. Iolillua. Oak. 5. o. k.-â€"Dog_lclil- has, in» nachoâ€"D ' Ada-c. I. J. .03â€. Woolen O'COK‘I‘Eâ€"B Io- Euhern. J J loot“. Ian’s ulnaâ€" In W Sushi, 0 'dkn. Women’s nineâ€"B Madaugb. QUILTS ; Pabeh'orkâ€"Iu Bantu, U U Watson. La. «stir-Ink“, “dough. KnithIâ€"O Wclkcr, .Ol- 77 Patton. Quayâ€"In. W. P. Unu- loy, W D Cannot. QCâ€! 3 C 1â€"3 W Brahhwaite. (Continued (tom page 2.) LADIII 'OIK LEICESTER if}? M H use Judge . . T J Moore. b‘arm-ars’ ’I‘I‘Ot..A B McDonaM. J L MaDmaul. Slngle river..Les Chard. Alex xiv-Gllhvray, J Rrrdlcv. Spring cult. Alex McDmald’s spec- ml .. UUHD AluLenu, G60 Gilks. Girls’ nu. angu- Hun Club“. Special. .lhggio Aldmn. Will; Pu- tomn. Jenni. Coulm. Boy: “do: 16. Samoan Hunt Club‘l QML. Anhar John-con. Wm Julia McLeod. Findlay K08“. (gnu rm. J D IoGrach'I special†éoh Human. Sunley mum... Arum: Riohnd. t ROADSTERS ' a“ BlOOd mare. .F P Reilly, R G ï¬ver)- 3900.1 yr gelding ur ï¬lly†Patton. Wilmrt McLean. Juo McRubb Spring c)lc..1{)bc Kmuoll. F P Reilly. Lindsayâ€"McMillanâ€"That reports of commissioners for wards 1, 2. 3 and 4 be adopted as follows: Ward 1, appropriation $82: Ward '2 appropriation. $57 ; Ward 2, spec- ial work, $90.15; Ward 3, special Work, Murray and Smyth hills, $136.35; Ward :4 appropriation, $110.58. Nicholâ€"Youngâ€"That the treas- urer be instructed to have insur- ance on the hall and stable re- mowedâ€"Carried. Bout, our 1 yr..J secular. L KoAnhIr. Sow..I N Oahu. 1 t 2 'ng pigâ€) N Oath-r. Bur 1911 . .0 Amer. Ink-v an YORKSHIRE JUDGES Ur: tin md R . ms. .1 I (:‘numhz‘mfs Geo Bunnie. M. Ruiz and Flowers..Geu Binnie, J1 Graham. McMillaht-Iiiflasay â€" That Neil McPhail be paid $1.05 for hauling re'p_air‘s for _grader.â€"Carried. $1.50 $2.20 $2.75 $1.70 $1.50; W. Paylor, $2.20; A. Walker, $2.20; M. \Vilson,‘ $1.75; T. Nichol, $2.75; T. Tucker, 95c.; W. Love, $1.70: D. O’Mara, $1.25; W. Mather, 75c. Youngâ€"McMillan â€" That this council phy Dr. Hutton one-half railway fare and one-half hotel expenses and $3 per day as Med- ical Health Officer while attending Health convention in Toronto.â€"C. “iiyj-lawsubiio angl 531 were given The clerk Vestâ€"{Eitruet'eï¬ 'fo Eek bounty treasurer to erase taxes {or 1911_ cilarged against lot 21 flpun..Rubc Klaus“. Hoary Lon. Brwd moral)» Cmpooll, Don I.- Illllan. 2 yr gaming or ï¬ll] . . Wil- hm McLean. 1 yr gelding or llly â€Alex MeGillivny, Ju loRuw. Sprung “HUGO. Culpboll. Geo Gilbs, Don Molina, GENERAL P URPOBE Span..Jno McRobb, Ed McRobb. D L Sinclair. Brnod mute. .Jno lo- Robb, Ed MOB ;bb, Arob MoAnhur. 2 yr gelding..Jno MOR)bb, Don M. Milldn, Eel Molibbb, Spring coln.. Arch McAanur, J Am Mcflubb, D L Sinclair. . Miscellmeuus and Indies' work“ Mrs J I Graham, M188 and Mrs Daug- l-as, Markdale Miss Douglas 9. gm- ernmum judge. Flue Arcs..RevJ A \I-Mnewu and RN A J Leece. The council met September 14th pursuant to adjournment, all the members present, the reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meet- ing read and confirmed. Com- munications read as follows: S. J. Parker, list of lands liable, also list of arrears of taxes; re- ports of) commissioners, W‘ards 1‘, v- uvmmsuususlwlu, VV‘luD L, 2 3 and 4.; C. Ramage, account for ads.; John Moffat, certificates re sheep destroyed by dogs: Dr. Hutton re Health Officers’ con- vention; By-law 530, rates, and By-law 53.1, collectors, was in- troduced and read a first and second time. Lindsayâ€"McMillan â€", That the Iron Culvert Co., of Guelph, be paid their account, $40.bO.â€"-Car. McMillanâ€"Nicholâ€"That John McArthur be rcfunded $1 dog tax being charged in errorâ€"Carried. Gravel accounts were paid for as follows: G. J. McKechnie, $1.75; gohp liyag, 35335;- Thos. MsGirr, By-laws 530 aha 531 15¢; th'igd ijeadigg and passeg _w. v v â€"“II-". A HoGillividi. G GIT“. 3y: gelding or Itly..Doc Culpboll. 1 yr guiding or ï¬llyâ€! J Him-u, Don Ctmobell, Jno lckobb. Spring golc;.Colin lulu“, Mutiny, N Io- Lindsayâ€"Youngâ€"That C. :Ram- age Son be paid their account, $6.50.â€"Carried, Nicholâ€"Youngâ€"That the clerk be paid $10 _on _salary._â€"-Carried. Malinaâ€"LindsayJr'hut'"’66in: Moffat be ’paid $2 for sheep in- sp_ecti_0n and certificates.â€"â€"Carried. _Lindsay--Y0ung â€"â€" That â€"J0im' Weir be paid $2 for delivering iron cu_lve1jt at the hall.-â€"Carried. clerk ,and assessor be paid $1 each foi‘attqndjng Judge’s Cou_rt_.â€"Caf. COD. The 'council “aidjourned to Octo- ber 12th, at 10, a. m. J. 8. BLACK. Clerk. Graduates of the Mount Forest Business College are sure of good positions. The school has several applications at present for book- keepers and stenogrsphers where the initial salary is 650 per month or better. Stu ents may enter at any time. The sooner 3pm..Alex lchillivny, -L I.- Anhur. B ood myorï¬ J Him-or, 11-152112 Dairy, c..l{ M Player, Walker- Horses..1‘. J. M Ml'e, Omen Smud GLENELG COUNCIL BLACK BBIIN ° AGRICULTURAL n and passed lfcMillan â€" hat the DRAUGHT SPOR'I'I flmtotheSon'Mans flour totheFatherAlso. PASTIIII ENE]. K1" ILLINOIS SIATE FAIII Tho Work 0! Calvary Pmmdng. M Far an Finishedâ€"Tho Solution o! the Elect Church I. the Bula- ning. Not tho Complotlon. of tho Divine Purpou. 'So accustomed have we become to the Reign of Sin and Death that many incline to think it the normal condi- tion. But not so. There is no sin in heaven. and the Bible explains that there'will be no evidences of the curse on earth at the close of Mes- siah’s Reign. Father Adam’s dis- obedience and sin brought the curse. “Dying thou shalt die.†“In God’s Due Time.†Long ago the Omnipotent One could have bound or have destroyed Satan and all rebellious to the Divine ar- rangements. On the contrary God has permitted evil as a great lesson, until He 'shall be ready to establish His Kingdom. The foundation of all the coming blessings rest upon the sacri- ï¬ce of Jesus at Calvary. But the ï¬rst direct result has been the gathering of the Church, the Elect, from every nation and denomination. These pro- tected in the First Resurrection, will constitute the Kingdom clue, succi- cted with the Redeemer in His glori- ous work of the iu‘ture. half n century the world has been un- dergoing 3 most marvelous revolution along the lines of increase of knowl- edge. He referred briefly to the share of Illinois in ihis onwurd march of inielligence. This, he said, is plainly manifest at this Fair in the wonderful dig-flay of lnbor-saving devices, etc. These things are corroborative of the Bible testimony that we are at the threshold of a glorious Epoch, called in the Scriptures The Reign of Christ for a Thousand Years. Our blessings are the ioregleams of cornin blessings, which, undoubtedly, wil be manyfold greater. The Scriptures, he declared, tell not only of the Six Great Days of the Reign of Sin and Death (each day a thousand years), but also of the Great Seventh Day of a thousand yearsâ€"the Sabbath of rest from toil and sweat of face, the roll- ing away of the (‘urse and the pouring out of God’s blessing†Many of us have not appreciated the work of Christ in full ; we thought that He died merely to assist the Ch'urchL As the Apostle says, He is indeed the Satisfaction for the Church's sins, “and not for ours only, but also for the. sins of the whole world." (I. John ii, 2.) His Church will be His associates in His great work of blessing all nations, kindreds. peoples and tongues for whom H0 died, “the Just for the unjust." The Day Is at Hand. The marvel-s of our day are merely the foreglmms of this Thousand-Year- Day of Messiah’s Reign. But we must not expect all the good things that God has promised just yet. Hu- man pride will ï¬rst be broucht low; injustice. will ï¬rst have a. great pun- ishmentâ€"“a time «If trouble such as never was since there was a nation." â€"Daniel xii, l. He remarked on the school exhibi- h’one and what they indicate of the progress of general knowledge even amongst the young. He remarked also on the improved breeds of live stock, poultry, etc. This progress belongs to the last ï¬fty years. The fruits and vegetables also, he declared, remind one of Paradise and lead us to won- der if there could have been more nearly perfect fruit and vegetable! there. ‘IIUW 5555... In that glorioiisnbay the World will have abundant opportunity, not only for knowing, but also for oomin obedience. The Redeemer will be‘fli‘: Helper: the glorioug King, to reig I _-_ h_:__4 A- The lifting of the veil of ignorance has been delayed until now because the effect of the knowledce in an un- sanctiï¬ed heart. is to bring discon- tent. This is the meaning of the rest- less condition of the world to-day, which is leading on to anarchy. God graciously withheld the l‘ght until now, so that the time. of trouble re- sulting: may be duly cheek-d by His kingdom. which is about to be set up, and for which we have so long pray- ed, “Thy Kingdt m come: Thy will be done on earth as in Hoawen." “Every Knee Shall Bow." As Messiah's Kingdom shall progress in its establishment, darkness, ignor- ance, superstition, will continue to yield before the light of the Sun of Righteousness, until the whole earth shall be ï¬lled with the knowldege of God, until the True Light shall light- LLCI}ITA, 'vuv a-u-n-wâ€" â€"-â€"â€"â€"_, ,_ _ U and rule, and the glorious Priest, to instruct and uplift; and the Church will be His associates and joint-heirs. The world will then get the great blessing of human Restitution and uplift, and all who refus» the blessed opportunity shall be destroyed in the Second Death. Then will come to pass the proniise of our text. that “Every knee shall bow and every ton- gue confess. to the glory of God.†B women irmers in France 6 can“ an our is considared good pty. Tho minimum in 8 cont; .......- __â€_____, Glorious Epoch Beginning. Poorly Paid Workers. Putor Rueeell drew attention to the hot that for world has been un- Durham “ 11.54 9.19 Mc‘Villiams“ 11.44 9 Glen “ 11.41 91†Prioeville “ 11.31 8.56 CANADIAN "gl’AClFlC RAILWAY TIME TABLE Trans lave Durhun nt 7.151 111.. “Id 2 43 pan. Tmins will arrive and depart as fol lows. until further notice:â€" H. G Elliott, A. E. Duff. G. P. Agent D. P. Agent. . Montrui. Poronto. J. 'I‘OWNER Depot Agent JAIES R. GUN. Tewn Agent Thins nrrivo at Durham) st 10.!) MI" {.50 p.m.. tad 8.50 p.m. EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY GRANT’S Readers of The Chronicle are advised that the Fall Term in Shaw's Schools. Toronto. is now open and that students will he admitted any school day until Dec. mm for a course in Busi- ness. Shorthand. Civil Service or Telegraphy. The new cata- iogue just Issued is interesting in its details and is mailed free on request. Write for a copy to Central Business College, Yonge Gerrard Sts.,'l‘oronto W. H. SHAW. Pres. L COATS. F083. EI‘C. DURHAM ZENUS CLARK Grand Trunk Railway TIME-TABLE Youwilluoon mttopt Something thet will keep y_ou_ om tableâ€"will not shrink upâ€"Thnt’o the kin‘d ITANFIELD make: sad we sell. Don't think other. no 56;» u goodâ€"they m not- as we ready for your trade WOOLLEN BLANKE'I‘S. FLANNELET‘I‘B YARNS. DRESS GOODS. RAIN V. \Val kermn †Maple Hill “ Hanover “ Allan Park C. L. GRANT Also a limited amount of iron work and machine re- pairs. A call solicited. Ask for quotations on your next job. The undersigned begs to announce to residents of Durham and surrounding country. that he has his Planning Mill and Factory completed and is prepared to take orders for Custom Sawing Promptly At- tended To Grant’s (or Underwear SASH,DOORS â€"- and all kinds of Underwear Durham “ McVVilliams“ Glen Prioeville “ Sangeen J. “ IToronbo “ Ar. 12. 40 1. " 12.25 “ 12.17 “ 12.08 999$ 358$ ONTARIO