0a. ts Barley ......... . ........ 50 tn HM ..... ..............llllllt0 Bauer. 22m Eggs .................. 24 t0 Pummes, per bag ...... l 00 to Duo-d Apples ........... 7 to Flmlr, per cwt .......... 2 70 to Outline-M, pr-r sack . 2 ill to Chop. per cwt. . . . . . .. l 35 tn Live Hogs. per cwt;.... 8 30 to Hides, perlb.... 10 to Shee kina .............. 30 to Woo .................. 20 to Tallow ................. . 5 to Lard 11 to Turkeys ................ (l) to 680-88 ooooooooooooo 9.2 co. m to Dtlrks.................. 00w Chickens... .. 00m Fall “Wheat ...... Spring Wheat. . . . The Chronicle and Weekly Mail and Empire, 1 year ...... $1. 75 The Chronicle and Weekly Globe, 1 ear.. 1.75 The Chronic e and Family Herald Weekly Star lyr. 1.90 The Chronicle and Weekly Witness, 1 year... 1.90 The Chronicle and Weekly The Chronicle Dail News, The ronicle The Chronicle and Toronto Dail World. 1 year... ThoC Cronicle and Toronto Daily Mail and Empire, 1 yr. The Cyhronlcle and Toronto Daily Globo.1 year... Th: Chrgnrcle and Parmer’ A Advocnte, 1 year ............ The Chronicle and Canadian Iagnat Bream Senators and R. EWEN 'PelS This School is afï¬liated with the Strut-ford Business 00118ng and we are pre-pm-Hl m (in more fur vml than any uther small school in Ontm in. Our cum-sea are thornagh and practical and every graduate has secured a good «lmitinn. Many of our stmlvnts of the past term are nnw receiving oval ..7m.UU per mmmu. \Vrite fur pau'ticulm's. \V. E. \VILSON, Principal. Sun, ‘1‘ yogi: ......... . Pam, 1_.y‘car.... Daily Star,_ 1 MARKET REPORT Men's Suits at 30 pop cont. uduotlon A good line of ()vercoats, Raincoats, Pants, Sweat- ers, etc. at lowest possible prices. Ladlaa’ suits Roduood 40 par cont. Also Ladies’ Coats, Skirts, Waists, etc., at bargain prices. We have received several new lines of Men’s and Women’s Nothing, which will be sold at the follow- ing close prices : These are all good goods and we invite your in- spection as to quality and price. A in“ line of Men’s and Ladies’ Underwear at right prices; ‘ Highest Prices for Farm Produce Hides, sheep skins, wool, tallow, raw furs and live poultry wanted, for which the highest prices will be paid in cash or trade. DURHAM, SEPT. 191912 '5, yrs: lU.......~...o kins............u nu.................. l.................... Lays................ e........-....oo'..oo to.................. kooo.......“... " 3 Wheat. .......... 1 y .................. _ . . . . . .10 r. . 01;; 'plir' bk'g' â€.'.'.' If 1 Apples ........... . Der cwt .......... 2 New Clubbing Rates Magnet Gasoline Engines All SIZES GLASER, FALL TERM FROM 8 EPT. 3rd. \ MOUNT FOREST /7 and Toronto and _ Toronto G 7 St t -ASER, “32$"? 03;... One Door Suuth of Burnett’s Basely. $ 9‘) to $1 . l 00 to 32 to 90 to . 50 to .10 (I) to 22 t0 . 24 to . l (I) ll) 7 to l l 10 1 (I) M) 40 2.5 55 0|? 22 24 00 7 MOUNT... FOBESI ONT..- 11 to (l) to I00 to (I) to 00 to i “‘A. woman always at the Win- , dow is like a basket of.fruit in the highway.’â€"Egyptian. AGENT “‘A woman, like a car et, is the . getter “for an occasional eating.’-- 2.40 2.50 2.50 3.75 4.75 4.75 ll ll CYNICAL SAYINGS ‘ OF OTHER < DAY Miss Lillian Hill, the well-known writer, said in a recent suffrage address in Chicago; “Man’s oginion of woman is changing. e no longer scorns woman as he used to do. Consider the :pro-verbs of the pastâ€"they show a scorn that woman no long- er suflers uunder. “I’ll quote you a few 0! these cynical proverbs of old. They come 1:293:11 countries.†With a miié'iflia Hill then rat- 1!; tlï¬ngr whom does the blind! man’l wife adorn herself ?’-San- -,_OL “‘11 a man lose a woman and a penny, he will miss the penny.’- Phoenician. “‘There are many ood women â€"in the raveyard. â€"- haldaean. “‘He w 0 takes an eel by the tail and a woman at her Word. may truly say that he holds nothing.’ ...._Auyrian. Greek.†The undersiglwd offers for sale ; privately. the fullowiug stock. etc. --C_. l heavydranght house Iiusing 4 years a 2 heavydmughthm sea I .ising 3 “ I heavydmuvht mare xising 2 “ 1 geneial purpose male in foal, rising 7 yours old. 1 driving horse, 4 years old. 1 spring colt. 3 good cows supposed in calf. Also a quantity of roots. These animals are all in good condition. and persons desirmg to purchase will do well to see me he- fure buying elsewhere. ‘ STOCK FOR SALE 1 Everything will be sold on rea- sonable terms. as I have disposed of my farm, and have: no further use for them. Du than F. b. Lot 56, CM). 2. E. G. 8., Glenelg RROPRIETOR . J. ATKINSON Ontario Dr. Wm. A. Evans, of Chicago, in a want address before the fourth national conservation con- gress is credited with the re- mark that “The human race has not kept pace with the improve- ment in the blue blooded breeds of hogs and cattle within the last one hundred years.†The Manchester corporation has taken steps to minimize the risks associated with the wearing of large hat‘pins. The Tramways Company has placed notices in the tram cars calling attention of women passengers to the danger to other passengers from the prac- tice of wearing unprotected hat- pins. The corporation officials how that the mere posting of notices will be sufficient; Thme brothers, Alfred. Fred and Harry Graves, were sentenced-“150‘ death at Annapolis, Nova Scotia. to be hanged on the 15th of Janu- ary, for, the murder of Kenneth Lea. pat 'Kentsville, in June last. A Chlnaman in Toronto was lined moo for selling opium to a fellow countryman. Another ce- lestial was fined 850 for a similar offence, but being the ï¬rst of- fenc he was let down easy. Sir Charles Tupper was 91 years of age last week. Comment- ing on this the Toronto Telegram says: “May Sir Wilfrid Laurier be as sure of gaining the same ripe old age as he is of dwplicating Sir Charles’ failure to regain the Pr!- miershizp.†Mr. Howard Bowman, of South- ampton, visited his sister, Mrs. Bradshaw Jamieson. It. is understood that A. A. Ma- haffy, M.P.P., of Bracebridge.will be recommended for appointment as County Judge of the District of Muskoka. MORE MEN REQUIRED TO HAR- VEST WESTERN CANADA CROPS. ’$10.00 TO WINNI- PEG, OCTOBER 14TH. On account of the urgent ap- peal from the West for addition- al farm laborers, the Grand Trunk Railway have decided to run an- other excursion on Monday, Octo- ber 14th, from all stations in Can- ada. $10.00 to Winnipeg via Chi- cago and Duluth, "plus half cent mile from Winnipe to destination but not beyond cLeod, Calgary, or Edmonton. Returning half cent mile to Winnipeg, plus $18.00 to destination in Eastern Canada. The farmers along the Grand Trunk Pacific pay the maximum wages and this is an excellent chance for young men to visit the West. The route via Chicago is an excellent one, as many large cities and towns are passed enronte, which breaks the monotony of the iour- ney, as there is something new to see all the time. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route between Winnipeg- Saskatoon-Edmonton. Ask nearest Grand Trunk agent for full mar- ticulars, tickets, etc., or write A. E. Duff, D.P.A., Toronto, Ont. McLEANâ€"At Rocky Saugeen, on Friday, October 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Neil McLean. a daughter. GRANTâ€"In Normanby. on Mon- day, October 7th, to Mr. aners. Wm. Grant, a daughter. JOHNSON-Egremont, on Thurs- day, October 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. â€" Johnson, .a daughter. I PARISIAN Sage is a refreshing‘v .lnvigorating hair dressing. It Ibanishes dandruff, stops scalp itch and falling hair and causes hair itoflg‘row‘a undantly._ Mrs. Bradshaw, of Toronto, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.\ Jamieson. Dr. and Mrs. Groves, of Fergus, were guests at Dr. Jamieson’s on Wednesday. PERSONAL. Mrs. Hesse, and Miss Hesse, of Southampton, spent a week with Mrs. D. B. Jamieson. Mr. W. D. Hopkins. of Proton, was in town Wednesday on busi- D688. VOLLETTâ€"ALJOE â€" In Williams- ford. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Boldt’s. by Rev. Mr Stevenson, Presbyterian minister, on Wednesdav October 2, 1912, Mr. Jamieson ollett to Miss Em- me Alice, both of Durham. Clever Women Know This It’s an Easy Matter for 3 W0- man to Possess a flea of . 'Glorious Hair. One bottle of PARISIAN Sage is all that is needed to make the dullest looking hair lustrous and Iascinating. But be sure to get PARISIAN Sageâ€"imitations Won’t doâ€"for your own sake see that the girl with Auburn hair is on every car- ton and bottle. Side step preparations that con- tain poisonous Sugar of Lead or Nitrate of Silver; there are many of them. The are dangerous. PARISIAN gAGE can be secured at McFarlane 8: Co. and dealers everywhere for only 50 cents a large bottle. 1113 norm. enema. SUNDAY SCHOOL. Lesson ILâ€"Fourth Quarter, For Oct. 13, 1912. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. the sea. That was Israel's trouble all through. and it is ours; we do not consider, or if we do it is ourselves or our‘ circumstances or people and not Him who should occupy all our thoughts (vs. 52; Heb. iii, 1; xii, 8). In chap. vi, 53-56. what a multitude of sick folks gather unto Him, see the streets in the villages ï¬lled with them. all hoping that He would pass near enough for them to touch the border of His garment; how beautiful to read Memory Verses, 5. Holden Text, Rom. xiv, 17â€"Commentsry Prepared by Rev. D. H. atoms. Taking up the incidents between the lest lesson and this one we note that because they did not consider His won- drone works, such as the feeding of the thousands. they were amazed at His stilling the storm and walking on that “as many as touched Him were made whole.†Then follows the great discourse on the bread of life, the bread which came down from Heaven, even Him- self; and His reply to the question. “What shall we do that we might work the works of God '1" In considering His reply remember that believing means receiving (John i. 12) or commit- ting oneself unto Him (John ii, 24). I am continually helped by John vi, 57. “As the living Father hath sent Me, and I live by the Father, so he that eateth Me, even he shall live by Me." Also verse 63. “The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life.†To many even among true believers, He and His words are still hidden manna of which they have not yet tested the sweetness, or hav- ing no spiritual appetite they loathe the heavenly food. They have life. having Him, but not abundant life. There were many in His day, as there were also in the days of the prophets and as there are in our own time, whose religion is wholly outward. simply a matter of externals, of out- ward forms and ceremoniesâ€"they are referred to in verse 6 of our lesson in a quotation from Isaiah. Let us hear two quotations from the prophets con- cerning them, “This people draw near Me with their mouth and with their lips do honor me, but have removed their heart far from Me, and their fear toward Me is taught by the pre cept of men†“They come unto thee as the people cometh. and they sit be- fore thee as my people. and they hear thy words, but they will not do them, for with their mouth they shew much love, but their heart goeth after their covetousness†(Isa. xxix, 13; Ezek. null], 31). In addition to what our Lord said about them in this lesson He said elsewhere. “All their works they do for to be seen of men.†“Ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within are full of extortion and excess.†“Ye outward- ly appear righteous unto men. but within are full of hypocrisy and in- iquity" (Matt. xxiii, 5, 25-28). These are the men who, in the lesson for to- day, find fault with Christ and His disciples for not practicing the many outward washings of their religion. There are multitudes of such formal- ists still who are very religious, but it is all outward. and they know not the true God, who searcheth hearts (1 Sam. xvi, 7; I Chron. xxviii. 9; Jer. xvii, 10; Rev. ii, 23). In 11 Tim. iii, 1-5, we read that the end of this age will be characterized by a form of god- liness without any power, and truly it is already visible enough and tending to a greater manifestation of the same. Inasmuch as it was foretold that it would be so, we are not surprised at it, and rejoice that He cannot fail nor be discouraged (Isa. xiii, 4), but the question may well search us, Am 1 real in my life. llvlng before God rather than men and studying to shew myself approved unto God (11 Tim. ii, 15; II Cor. v, 9). Our Lord desires a holy people. a people meet for His use (1 Pet. i. 15. 16; II Tim. ii. 21), but the cleansing must be inward, by His spirit and His word applying the blood (Ps. ll, 10; Rom. xii, 2; John xvii, 17; Eph. v. 25, 26). This matter of de- fliement by unwashed hands is briefly and decidedly disposed of by our Lord in these words, “To eat with unwashen hands deflleth not a man" (Matt. xv. 20). 'In Matt. xv, 11, and verse 15 of our lesson we learn that what cometh out of the mouth, not that which goeth into the mouth, deflleth a person, for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh, and out of the evil heart proceedeth all evil deeds and words (vss. 2023; Matt. xii. 3f). up. overthrown. broken to pieces. and He who created all thlngs by His word shall bring peace on earth by His word. He will speak peace. His word will do it, as it will also slay the wicked (Pa. Inn. 8: xlvi, 9: Isa. xi. 4). Only by His word and His spirit revealing Himself can He give peace to any individual, but to any one thus receiving Him He becomes peace In- deed. lite indeed. eternal redemption. v'w \- No mere outward religion is of any eternal value. but may be of some beneï¬t as far as this present world is concerned. The great cry of today about the uplift of the race, the Chris- tianizing of nations. making an end of â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"w war. etc.,_ls all from the proud, fool- lsh heart of man. wlthout any refer- ence to the great Prince of Peace. who alone can bring peace. All mere hu- man en'ort as well as all people who am not 606’: planting must be rooted I, Mark V“, 1-1.. Two Best Newspapers For The Pe0ple of THIS DISTRICT The Durham Chronicle Take Early Advantage of This Liberal Offer and Get the Greatest Value For the Least’ Money Send or Bring all Orders to Office of This Paper +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++ From Now Until January Ist, I913 for 35 Cents From Now Until January Ist, |9|4 for $1.75 Back of This Stove Stand. 1: Great Institution Donn rally: wm It new: to you to have n mlly nfluhctory mm in your kitchen! For twenty-ï¬ve years the Hum Thanh!" bu been tried and mud and“ :11 had. 0! condidom. It has prove- an: and cm udn in 100 pct cent. In a: menu nctul dolhn nd cent- to you every day. THE WILLIAM BUCK STOVE CO, LIMITED, BRANTFORD, ONT. Yoncan buy doves that coo! you kn (bun the “Mm Thought"; but you pay for tint min: The Weekly Mail and Empire The Two Together WINNING PAIR . Black Durham AND The "HI"! Thought" In prduc! oltheeflllud lou exyevirhce of the meet muting lud- union in Cumin. It gives yeu {ull value in return fut every cunt you invest in it. It (in: you iull hen eï¬ciency no. every ounce 0! fuel you hum In it. It is the most proï¬table dove you an buy. may times omen" yeah the “alumina. Over a Cum Ilillion Canadian women who have discovered this. an: the NW TM" every day.