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Durham Chronicle (1867), 31 Oct 1912, p. 5

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DURHAM, OCT. Fall Wheat...... .. gluing Wheat . . . . . . .. illing Oats ...... . Feed Oats ............. Peas ............ ... .. Barley ... .......... Hay ................ Butter. .............. Eggs ................ Potatoes, per bag . . . . Dried Apples ......... Flour, per cwt ........ Oatmeal. per sack . . . . Chop. per cwt. ...... Live Hugs, per cwt.. Hides, per lb .......... Sheepskins ........... Chickens .. giving wnem..... ..... w w w illing Oats ...... 38 to 40 Feed Oats ............... 35 to 38 Peas. 90m 100 Barley ..... . ............ 50 to 55 Hay .................. 10 00 to 11 0!) Butter. ‘33!» 23 Eggs .................. 27 to 27 Potatoes, per bag ...... l (l) to l 00 Dried Apples ........... 7 to 7 Flour, per 61". .......... 2 70 to 3 25 Oatmeal. pvr sack ...... 2 75 to 2 90 Chop. per cwt ........ l 35 to l 75 Live Hogs, per cwt.... 8 35 to 8 35 Hides,perlb............ 10 to 11 Shae kins wto 30 W00 ......... . ......... 20m 5 Tallow 5w 9 Lard" 11 to 50 Turkeys ................ 13 to 13 Geese. mm 10 Ducks 10m 10 Chickens .. .. 00m 10 The Chronicle and Weekly Mail and Empire, 1 ear ...... $1.75 The Chronicle and eekly Globe, 1 ear...... 1.75 The Chronic e and Family Herold Weekly Star lyr. 1.90 The Chronicle and Weekly Witneee, 1 year...... 1.90 The Chronicle end Weekly 4-- Tl}; Chronlcle and Toronto Dala’Newn,1ear ......... The onlcle an Toronto Dull Star, 1 year... .. The C ronlcle and Toronto Dnll World. .1 Year... The C onlcle and Toronto Dally Mall and Empire, 1 yr. The Chronicle and Toronto Dally Globo.1 year“ ii; Câ€"hrnninle and Farmer’s Advocate, 1 year... ... The Chronicle and Canadian Iagnet 0mm Separatms and This school is afliliated with th» Stratford Business College and we are prepared to do more for vou than any other small school in Untaiio. Our courses are thorough and practical and every graduate has secured a good (losition. Many of our stmlpnts of the past term are now receiving ovoa MW” per aooum. \Vrite for particulars. W. E. WILSON, Principal. i. EWEN MARKET REPORT W» haw re-wiwd several new lines of Men’s and Women’s 1 'lnthing'. which will be sold at the follow- ing rlnsw priws : Men’s Suits at 30 per cent. reduction A good line of ”VPI’W'HHIH. Rnincouts, Pants, Sweat- wz's. etc. at i()V\'P>t pnssibie prices. Ladies’ Suits Reduced 40 per cent. AM; Lmlim’ Hunts, Skirts, Waists, etc., at bargain prim-H. These are all good goods and we invite your in- spvction as to quality and price. A full line of Men’s and Ladies’ Underwear at right prices. Highest Prices for ' Farm Produce Hides, sheep skins, wool, tallow, raw furs and live poultry wanted, for which the highest prices will be paid in cash or tljade. New Clubbing Rates lignet Gasoline Enginas All SIZES FALL TERM FROM SEPT. 33d. \ MOUNT FOREST/7 :, 1013. and Toronto G 1’ St t -ASER, M353"? 0.33:»... One Door Huuth of Burnett’s anexy. 90 to 95 38 to 40 2:) '1) o“ 90 to l 00 00 to 55 10 00 to ll 0!! . 23 1912 'MOU,NT..FQBE§I 0N1..- AGENT 2.40 3.75 4.75 4.75 The annual meeting of the above 9, society will be held in the Armory 9:; on Wednesday, November 6th, at 4‘; 7.30 p.m. Members and friends '48 interested are cordially invi'ted to ' attend. 5‘? y JAB. LLOYD, CHRIS .FIRTH, m. I President. Secretary. The Easy Way of Doing a Hard Day’s Washâ€"with Comtort Soap. ing his remarks, he referred em- phatically to the enthusiasm of Mr. Calder, who never lost faith in the cement company, and who, he said, was the most faithful, en- ergetic, and hardest working man in the whole service. We’ll forget some of them, but amongst the entertainers were Mr. John Vollett, and Mr. Gordon, who gave good exhibitions of their ability and skill as steps dancers. Mr .Robert Watt, who delighted the guests with his vio~ lin selections; Mr. McCallum, Mr. Hay. Mr. Telford, Mr. Wm. RamJ age, entertained by unaccompanied vocal solos; ,Mr. J. N. Robinson. Mr. Whitchurch, Mr. Hildebrandt. Mr. Charles Ramage, Mr. Robert Torry and a number of others., made short impromptu speeches. Continued from page 1. President Entertains Employees. The evening was pleasantly and profitably spent, and will, we are sure, be productive of good re- sults. The gathering dispersed 'put wash sour applel, wipe them dry, and remove the cores; fill the holes with sugar, and add a little}- opice an? Piece of Ab_utt_er to each: -vv '- nun-nu. IpV cacao 'put one-half cut of hot water in the 'pan and ba tender. Serve with sponge cake. It preferred, a little grated lemon peel can be mixed with the sugar instead of the spice and butter. Durham Horticultural Society Wash BAKED APPLES. Text of the Lesson. Mark viii, 11-“ Memory Vereee, 14, 15â€"Golden Text. John viii, 12 (R. V.)â€"Commentery Prepared by Rev. D. M. Steel-no. ' Having again crossed the sea after He had fed the 4,000. the Pharisees and Badducees came to Him tempting Him and asking Him to show them a sign from heaven. He called them a wicked and adulterous generation and said that no sign would be given unto Jonas (verses 11. 12; Matt xvi. 1-4). This was his second reference to Jonah. 0n the former occasion He spoke of his experience in the belly of the fish and said that so He would be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth (Matt. xii, 12-40). The Pharisees believed in angels. spirits and the resurrection. but were self righteous formalists, hypocrites. covetous and did their works to be seen of men. SUNDAY SOHOBL THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. The Sadducees did not believe in the resurrection iMark xii. 18). His spirit was grieved because of them. so He left them and again went across the sea with His disciples. having only one loaf in the boat with them. for the disciples forgot to take bread as He charged them to take heed and beware of the ieaven of the Pharisees and of the Saddncees and of Herod. They thought that He was referring to their forgetfulness in the matter of bread. What a suggestive lesson for us who are apt to think more of the health of the body than of the health of the soul, careful concerning what we eat and drink. but receiving the most poison- ous things for our minds in the way of doctrine and from the daily papers and magazines. How they could think that lack of bread would be at all per- plexing to Him whom they had seen feed 5.000 and 4.000 with a few loaves and fishes seems indeed strange, and we do not wonder that He reminded them of these events and said: “Hav- ing eyes, see ye not? And, having ears. hear ye not? And do ye not remem- ber? How is it that ye do not under- stand?" (Verses 17-21; Matt. xvi, 8- 12.) When He said plainly, “l spake not to you concerning bread." then they understood that He referred to the doctrine of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees. Luzon V.-Fourth Quarter, For Nov. 3. 1912. In addition to what we said above concerning these two classes of peo- ple. it might be added that the Phario sees denied any necessity for C st’s first coming, and the Sadducces den d His second coming. saying there is no resurrection. neither angel nor spirit. nor future rewards and punishments (Acts xxiii. 8». The leaven of Herod suggests worldlness In every form. with a bit of religion. for Herod feared John the Baptist and observed him, heard him gladly and did many things, but kept right on in sin and would rather please sinners than do what he knew to be right (Mark vi, 20.26). Let me again emphasize what 1 firmly believe-that there is no place in the Bible Where leaven ever means any- thing good. and therefore to speak of anything good as the leaven working is altogether unscriptural. It is easily so seen in our lesson: in the passover story of Ex. xii: in the sacrifices of Lev. ii. 11: in the thanksgiving offer- !ng of Lev. vii. i2. 13; Amos 4. 5. where they were told that to offer leaven was just like them. and in 1 Cor. v. 6- Those who think that our Lord meant something good when He said, “The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal till the whole was leavened” (Matt. xiii. 33), should study carefully the four par- ables of which this is the last and note that our Lord was speaking not of the kingdom when it shall have come. but of this present age of the mysteries of the kingdom (Matt. xiii. 11). while He and it are both rejected and the church is being gathered. Not one of the four parables gives any en- couragement to look for a converted world in this age. and the story of the lesven teaches that the woman. the professing church. will thoroughly cor. rupt her food. Let any one consider the Sunday topics of the majority of preachers of the present day and then say whether the people are getting pure water from the fountain of life or something from the preacher's own mind and not from God. The conclusion of our lesson, found only in Mark. is the record of His healing a blind man at Bethsaida. Some one has said that all miracles are acted parables and that all phys- lcal indrmities are suggestive. if not actually typical. of spiritual troubles. All blind people suggest‘ the blindness that holds all who have never seen Jesus Christ as God and as the great sacrifice for their sins. whom He calls hlind. advising them to anoint their eyes with eye salve that they may see. Some blind people received their light by a word from Him. One had clay Put Upon his eyeI and was sent to Biloem to wuh. Some ind clear villon instantly, but this man received hie night mdnaily. We must not covet an experience limiiar to another. but be quite content to have the Lord deal with us all He plea-en. This mm He took by the hand and led him out of the town. What a pictureâ€"tho Curator of aii things hung a biind~ man hy the hand and uniting with him lion. the street. the author of life and light. Him-cit the iii. and “at. Wilma biindngu. “I J 953%..“ THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Our New , Story I Bi cooking that all'stoves should be equal in this respect. That is just where you are mistaken. The “frying test” proves conclusively a stove’s real worth to you. Frying yvith the "Happy Thought” shows you this. A small fire does more and better work than a big fire does in other stoves-â€" gives you more heat, right at the lid opening. Besides, the moment you lift the lid and put the frying pan in place, you get the very maximum of heat that the fire can produce-dust where you want it. When you replace the lid, the heat goes straight to the oven and concentrates there with all its intensity. THE W BUCK .S'I'OV'B CO, UNITED. BRANTFORD. ONT. No other stove is designed to do this so effectually. That is one reason why the Happy Thought" has a superior value for you. PROBABLY y6u think frying such a simple form nC nnnlrinar that all'stnves should he canal in this The Chalice of Courage Alone in the Mountains Masterly Romance ofa Man and We have secured and will publish it in installments of Colorado Give Your Stove the . Black, Durham Don’t Miss the Opening Chapters A Western story of love and adventure, but one unlike any other ever before written. Virile, powerful, and with a fascrnation that will hold you a willing and pleased reader to the end. ' Parties who contemplate becoming ' subscribers or those who wish changes ' in their present. entry should place -their orders with the Local Manager I at once to insure irsertion in this issue a new ‘do -quieting’ record with his car la: month. When a dog dieputen the right-of-way with an auto there in Iomething sure to hapfizn and it invariably happen- to t (io . No leu than four can- ine: mix with the name car dur- ing September with the remit that the first loot his tail, the second was Ilightly bruised. the third wan badly_maim_ed and _the [ant Wu passed on to the happ'ywliunt'i'xi figund, This new 30-day recor Graduates of the Mount Forest Business College are sure of good posltlons. The school has several applications at present for book- keeper!: and stenozraphers where the lnit'lal salary is 850 'per month or bctter. Students may enter at any time. The sooner the better. C. H. Hills. the Conservative standard bearer, was returned as member of the local legislature for North Waterloo, on Monday last by a majority of 4372, capq turing the riding over Allan Huber. Independent, and Matthew Way- man Socialist. wwill take «Sineâ€"E1611; The Bell Telephone Company of Canada Should also report, additions and clungesiu their list of subscribers. either to the Laval Manager. or direct to the Special Agent’s Department Montreal. The Bell Telephone Company of (‘an- ada is mum tn print a new issue of its OMOIeI Telephone Directory for the District of Central Ontario m- cludiug A NEW RECORD. From The Walherton Times. A Wnllgerton _n_u_toi_lt eahbliahed Connecting Companies New Telephone Directory. DURHAM

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