West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 31 Oct 1912, p. 8

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{3" 4* WXXWWnai wWifs m DUB“ CHRONICLE HIS CHARACTER. ' 1 A man of consideraHle Wealth and very conscientious as “7811:; was obliged to dismiss his garden- er for dishonesty. , As the gardener had a wife and ; ‘Iamily dependent upon him, how- i ever, the rich man gave him a 3 “character” and framed it in this we : "f. herehy certify that John Dodge has hsen in my employ an} a gardener for three years, and durin that time he has got more ‘ out o the garden than an other man I have ever employ ” ’ 1- if." Messrs. W. Calder, W. P. Pater- 300: and Alex. and James McLach- 131‘: have gone to the wilds of Muskoka to spend the hunting season. Mrs. James. T. Saunders, accom-a fanied by her little dailyilghter. Iva rma, and her sister, iss Leona FaR‘an. visited friends at Orange4 ville during the holidays. Mr. John Johnston, formerly of the Traders Bank staff here, but now of Paisley, was in town Mona day evening. He was accompanied by Mr. Fred Ryan, formerly of town. Both attended the Assem- bly in the town hall. Mrs. Harry Burnett, and Miss Frankie, accompanied by Mrs. '1‘. Cowan and little daughter, visited the farmer’s daughter. Mrs. David ngper, at Paisley. Mr. Norman Lenahan, of St. Michael’s College, 'ioromo, visited hig‘parepts over the holiday. Miss Minnie Burnett rem-riled to Toronto, after spending a ‘Weck Wi_t_h he}: mother, Mrs. D. Burnett. Mrs. John Kinnee, of Moorgficld spent the holiday thh her somMr C.‘_P. Kjglncq. A I“ IN Mrs. Murphy, of Owen Sound, visited Miss May Young OVcr Sunday, Messrs. \Vill and Lou Lax elle, of St. Marys, were holiday visitoxs in town. Rev. T .H. and Mrs. Farr, of Blyth, spent the holiday wth the latter‘s sisters here. Mrs. J. .\1. Benton and Miss Edna Reid attended the Epworth League convention at Grand Valley this week. M1. Howard Scales, of Mt. For- est, took in the Assembly in the to_wn hall on _Mon_day night. Mr. Alex. McLachlan, and son, James, are in Muskoka for the hgqting season. Mr. Fred Glass has'i’éken a posi- tion in the furniture factory at Markdale. Miss wLeila Weigart, of Owen Sound, Spent Monday the guest of M15} AegAKelly. Miss Ethel Sharp, of Holstein, spent the holiday with Miss Rita Irwin. Mrs. Dr. Watsbn‘fli'ndd' Mrs. King, of Georgetown, visited their moth- erliand gisger, Mrs. J .A. Glass. ___-v-’ -v--w‘ v 0‘“ ”lug”. MI‘EiSutherland, and two child- ren, of Stratford, are Visiting her sigt_er,_Mr_s. D. Gibson. Mrs. D. B. Dacron-lane Ipent the holiday in Toronto. Mn. yMol .Storrey spent Thanks- giyjpg D9}: in_ Palgnoratqq. - v v â€"'--w.-~r â€"\. Miss Gladâ€"ysvâ€"Sa'nford, of T6;:onto, visited her aunts, Mrs. G. MOOre, my} M18. J. C_rutchley_. honio from Toronto. firs; 'fi'ra'c'i'.' 558133011235 F1" 6213;; are spending a couple at weeks at‘ker gorge ig Squtbampton. from Toronto. ' - Mr. and Mr: .8. Hughes visited with Toronto friends. Mina Jean Brown was home ’com quonto _viaiti_gg Aher paregts._ Mr. Philip Boddy, of Hamilton, is visiting his aunt, Mrs. J. Kelly. Mr. Riley, of Owen Sound, visit- ed ‘old friends ovsl: the hgliday, , Mrs. Crawford wasrin Holstem last week. flies Mar aret Petty spent Sun- da): wjgh ‘ as Edith _AJlan_. Sir. Morris, of Mt. Fdresf, visited Dggham f_riend§_ on .Mondgy. â€"Mr.7 Robert Hughes, off Owen Sound, visiteq h_is sisters, here. Mr. and Mrs 7 fiéimes, and Miss Perkins. of Gorrie, spent the holi- da‘g wig) the _Mis§es Hughqs here. Mr. Robert Watt spént the holi- da_y__ with friends _at‘ Britton._ Mr. Archie Davidson, of Port McNichol, was home Monday. Mr. Savage, of Chesley, was in town on Monday. Mr. Win Iaidlaw, of St. Marys, visited his home here. Mrs. J. Gibson, and Miss Ida Gibson, were Visitors at St. Marys. Misses Susan and May McC‘lock- lin, were home from Toronto, Mr. Forsyth, of Guelph. was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. McComb. Mr. Joe Moore. of Toronto. \ms ho_me over Sunday. Mr. Bob. Laidlaw, of the School of Practical Science, Toronto, vis- itogl hil ”home here. Miss Woodlan(l,'bf Toronto, v35;- ited Mr. and Mrs .Thos. Barclay. -vvâ€" "Q “a. 57“” 411V”. JII‘LMIU‘V. Mr. Pengelly, of Toronto, was in town Monday. vâ€"v-- W...’ I Misses Allie, Edith 311:1 Margaret Grant, of Toronto, V'ore home. . Mr. Knechtd of Palmmston, visited his son here. Miss Edith Allan. of Sholburne, visited her home home. Mr. Alex. Kearnev was home from St. Mar ys. Mr. Foster 3Saunders was home from Toronto. 'Mr. Frank Lcnuahan washvi'n Tor- on_t_o 0}) Friday pf last week. Missr Martha Morrison spent the‘ day with her grandmother, Mrs.! J, Davidson. 1 Mr. W'm. Harvey, of Toronto, sp_e_nt 3 fowfiays in town. Mr. Robert ‘A(llan-1â€",w<_)f"flag-over, W239 in ”town Sa_turday. Mr. Chas. Ramage, jr., of Lon- don, spent the holiday with his pgrpnts here. ' Mrs. Green, of Regina, Sask., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Limin. Misses Clara and Afinie Aljoe, and Mr. Harold Aljoe, of Toronto, hqudayg‘q with their parents. -_J -w n - 11“; LI] LU. "vbâ€"ire. Wm. X§~m.§.t}3ng, of Tor-- onto, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. R.__Aljoe. Mrs. A. Noble, of St. Marys, Vis- ited her father, Mr. W. G. Lauder, of__Varney, and other relatives. Mr. Bol’ten, formerly wi'flir Tale Traders Bank here, and now of Sarnia, visited in town. PERSONAL. was home” l The annual business meeting of ithe local beef-rin was held in Hastie’s Hall on onday evening 501' last week. The average weight 'of beast this season was the same. ’as last year, 390 pounds. The ring ;was formed for another season, Mr. ‘John McCarty being elected pres- 'ident. There are a couple of- :shares not taken u yet. A very §hearty vote of than a was tender-v Eed Mr. Hastie {or the free use of his hall. Mr. and Mr: .T. E. Blair have wonderfullz‘improved their cosy home by Vin; it covered with hrlghtL metallic siding oyer earpet ! Mr. John O’Neill arrived home on Friday from Saskatoon district, ?where he was in charge of a sep-b ,arator in a big threshing outfit. ‘He is the picture of health, and is inow actively en aged in helping ibis brother Alf. 0 run their out- ,fit here. Alf. invested in a big traction en ine last week, and it Lis_1naking t _e_se9arator hum. feltâ€" fibw cornice 31rd _ Wit-1:13; fum- allo add to its (motort and appearance. Mr .Hugh Firth anti Mr. Wilfrid Hunt is home from Owen Sound Collegiate Institute, Me'ssr‘é. Will Jack and J-. H. Rob- son,_ disposed of a horse eac‘h last Mrs. George Robertson, and bright little daughter, Mabel, en- joyed Thanksgiving holidays at her old home-Mr. John Green- wood’s, and with her sister, Mrs. J. H. Robson. E 32111 early in the week and I, avoid the Saturday rush. On Friday y, October 25th, to M1. and Mrs. Arch. McNab, \\ as born a son, their firstborn. Congratula- tions. Miss Nixon, of Dundalk, was thv guest of Mrs. A. G. Blair during t h_e_ holidays. Miss Emma Bradley, of M ukd 111 suburbs, spent the past week \\ 1m her sist_e_r, Mrs. T, E. Blai 1. Rev. W. W. Prudham, B. A.., con- ducted most successful missionary services in Zion on Sunday. The zivings were more liberal than in former years. Now in stock and arriving daily FALL IMPORTATIONS OF TRAVERSTON. Housing the mangold and in turnip crops is the task of many a farmer this week. for Xmas and Presentation Gifts. Thiawerl: we slmw mu Elite Line of Cut. Glass in sets and odd peices at ;.)rices never be- fore offerml in DYRHAM. See our stock of Miss E. E. Mooney MILLINER McIntyre Block, Lambton St. FANCY GOODS It is not, too early to think of Xmas, We have already set purchase 3 :lhidH. In Smokers Sets, Fern Pots, Baskets, Fluwm' Puts, Zto. THE HAT SHOP The Central Drug Store :: Durham We have new stock arriv- ing every week, from the most fashionable and up-to- date Millinery House in Can- ada. You will find our prices very reasonable and our st ock complete. Central Drug 1 Store V Burnished Brass (One door west of Standard Bank) is ju‘S't the kind you get under the very’ best conditions at any one of Shaw’s fichools. Toronto. The Central Business College. the Central‘ Felegmph School, and Four City Branch Business Schools. Our n~~w ('urriculmn explains the practical courses given. \Vrite for a copy to Central Business (“01ng9, Y mre Germ-Md S‘N..anunt0 EDUCATION THAT PAYS \V. H. SHA‘W. P We can’t get over the slight of not being invited to that dance on Monday night. We feel so sore that we’ll decline all future invi- tnticns. A Wife-beater may not mind im- prisonment, but a few lashe- thrown in will make him think . little bit We are burning coke in this of- tlce but coal would be good on- ouxh for us if we had it. If they were our hens and the other fellow’s garden thinm would be different. When you have a one cold you want the best medicine obtainable so as to cure it with as little de- .sy as possible. Here is a drug- ist’s opinion: “I have sold hamberlain‘s Cough Remedy for litteen years,” says Enos Lollar. of Saratoga, Ind., “and consider it the best on the market.” For sale 1y all dealers. Mr. Malcolm Black, lately return- ed from the west, after being away since last April. He has had a good season’s work at high wage. v-vâ€" --JI On Sunday evening, a'~ telegram came to Mr. Adam Anderson, of the 2nd concession, announcing the death of his sister, Mary, which took place in Hamilton the same morning. Deceased was the second eldest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson, of the 4th concession. She was with- in a few days of attaining her her 46th birthday, and her whole life. with the exception of the ,past three years was spent in the old home. The remains were brought by G. T. R. to Durham, on Monday then conveyed to the home of her brother, from whence the funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon to Zion cemetery, Rev. Dr. Farqu- hat-son her pastor, conducting the service at the home and graVeside. Besides her brother, Adam, there surnve three sisters, \lrs. Wm. Spence 01' Alberta, Mrs. A. Spen- cei. of Dauhin, and Mrs. Arch. McNab, of the 4th concession. ‘Mrs. Stewart, of Normanby, was Mrs. Stewart, of Normanby; wan the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm Aggierson, last week. 4‘ ésaistant, from Markdale, heatly dig; the‘ work. Miss fiohté'cript, of Galt, visited her'friend, Mrs. James Nelson. {1'99 Friday till“ Wednesday. I ‘1- --- _- M? ib’d‘firéf'vv'iif E3513?!“ spent the first two days of the week Wi_t_h her kindred in Artemesia. Mi."zihd“'ifihf' ('37 fifih‘é‘;"‘lere guests of the Martin home on Tllanlgsgiying Day. L'cNAB.-In Giana] Ogtglger 25th,_ to HITS AND MISSES October um. um; m1 g we eside. there Wm.

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