West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 7 Nov 1912, p. 6

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JNU. SCHULTZ or lllysvlf George Whitmore GIANT WAVES SWEEP OVER LAKE STEAMER. Fort William Oct. ISLâ€"Heavy northwest wind. which have been blowing over Lake Superior for the {ast fort ~eight hours have rac ically ied up navigation. any vessels can be seen seeking shelter behind Welcome Islands in Thunder Bay. The Canadian Pa- cific Railway steamer Athabasca, the only craft that has come in since the storm reached its height, arrived late last night after a 20-hour trip from the 800. The Athabasca! although heavily load- ed. was given a severe tossing by the huge waves which washed over her top decks. Vessels that left here yesterday with grain car-~ goes and those that cleared did not get beyond Welcome Islands. “there no severe! hosts overdue. Unsurpassed {or residential educstion. The “Ides! College-lions" in which to secure n trnining for your life's work. Thorough courses in Music. Painting. Oratory. High School. Business College snd Domestic Science. Lsrge csmpus. inspiring environ- ment. Resident nurse insures health of students. Rstes moderste._ Every girl fi“'ih ALIA training. 1!.an 6m- npeetus sent on npplicution to Principal. 42 HOME Thousands 0f ambitimls ymlng are being instructed in be 1' homes by our Home Stud? 009‘. You may finial) at Col - m i! you desire. Pay when- ever you wish. Thirty Yvars’ Exverience. Largust trainers in Canada. Enter any dav. Pcnitions guaranteed. If you wish to save board and Inarn While you warn. Wrive for panic- ulars. 2 yds. long. LACE CURTAINS \Valkwrtun HtlsillP‘s Uullvgc’ G 30. Sf“ )T [‘1 )N, Presidvnt MMQwsssa i L HE SELLS CHEAP 66 . H. BEAN WE HAVE THEM . . .’..?o..oo’o.:.t 81'. THOMAS. ONT. 66 .0 N0 VA('.\TIU.\' 58in ii) in 37 in 60 in 27 in. '1‘ H 1‘: â€" +4++++++++++++ STUDY ) wide. 60 NEEMNG u the shnp pair 06 The Young Lady From Philadelphia. Miss Enid Maitland was a highly specialized product of the far east. I say tar, viewing Colorado as a paint of departure, not as identifying her with the uncut. The classic shades she had walked.” Incidentally during her completion of the exhaustive cur- riculum of that justly famous institu- tion she luul acquired at least a bow- ing acquaintance with other masters of the mind. Nor had the physical in her educa- tion bwn sacrificed to the mental. In her at least the mens sana and the corpore sano were alike in evidence. She had ridden to hounds many times on the anise-scented trail of the West Chester llunt! Exciting tennis and leisurely golt' had engaged her atten- tion on the courts and greens of the Merion Cricket club. She had buffeted “Old Ocean’s gray and melancholy waste” on the beach at Cape May and at Atlantic City. Spiritually she was a devoted mem- ber of the Episc0pal church, of the variety that abhors the word “Protes- Upon her graduation she had been at once received and acclaimed by the “Assembly Set” of Philadelphia, to which indeed she belonged unques- tioned by right of birth and positionâ€" and there was no other power under heaven by which she could have et- tected entrance therein, at least that is what the outs thought of that most exclusive circle. The old home of the Maltlands over- looking Rittenhouse Square had been the scene of her debut. In all the refined and decorous gaities of Philadelphia’s ultra-fastidious society she had participated. She had even looked upon money standardized New York in its delirium oi extravagance, at least in so far as a sedate and well- born Philadelphia family could coun- tenance such golden madness. During the year she had ranged like a con- quererâ€"pardon the masculine appella- tionâ€"between Palm Beach in the south and Bar Harbor in the north. Philadelphia was proud of her, and she was not unknown in those un- fortunate parts of the United States which lay without. ant” in connection therewith. Alto- gether she reflected great credit upon her pastors and masters spiritual and temporal and her upbringing in the three departments or life left little to be desired. He had thoroughly identified him- self with his new surroundings and had plunged into all the activities of the west. During one period of his life he had actually served as sheriir of one of the border counties, and it was a rapid “bad man” indeed, who enjoyed any advantage over him when it came to drawing his “gun.” His skill and daring had been unques- tioned, he had made a name for him- self which still abides, especially in the mountains where things yet re- mained almost as primitive as they had been from the beginning. In all this she had remained a frank, free. unspoiled young woman. Life was full of zest for her, and she en- joyed it with the most un-Pennsylva- nian enthusiasm. The second summer after her com- ing out found her in Colorado. Robert Maltland was one of the big men of the west. He had departed from Phil- adelphia at an early age and had set- tled in Colorado while it was still in the formative period. There he had grown up with the state. The Phil- adelphia Maitlands could never under- stand it or explain it. Bob Maltland must have been, they argued, a rever- sion to an ancient type, a throwback to some robber baron long antecedent to William Penn. And the speculation was true. The blood of some lawless adventurer of the past, discreetly for- got by the conservative section of the family, bubbled in his veins unchecked by the repressive atmosphere of his home and immediate environment. His fame had been accompanied by fortune. too; the cattle upon a thou- sand hills were his, the treasures of mines of fabulous richness were at his command. He lived in Denver in one of the greatest of the bonanza palaces on the hills of that city, con- fronting the snow-capped mountain Going east, which he did not iovefl on an infrequent business trip, he had renewed his acquaintance with |his brother and the one ewe lamb oi his brother’s flock, to-wit, the afore ’mentioned Enid. He had been struck, as everybody was, by the splendid personality of the girl and had striven earnestly to diubuee her mind of the prevalent idea that there was nothing range. For the rest he held stock in all sorts of corporations, was a di- rector in numerous concerns and so onâ€"the reader can supply the usual catalogue, they are all alike. He had married late in life and was the father 0! two little girls and a boy, the old- oat sixteen and the youngest ten. CHAPTER I. while on the continent “What you need, Enid, is a ride across the plains, a sight of real moun- tains, beside which these little toot- hills in Pennsylvania that people back here make so much of wouldn’t be noticed. You want to get some'of the spirited, glorious freedom of the west into your conservative straight-laced little body.” beyond the Allegheny except scenery. “In my day, Robert,” reprovingly re- marked his brother, Enid’s father, “freedom was the last thing a young lady gently born and delicately nurtured Would ha. coveted.” “Your day is passed, Steve," re- turned the younger Maltland with shocking (-nrelessness.- “Freedom is what every woman desires now, espe- cially when she is married. You are not in love with anybody, are you, Enid ?” “With not a soul,” frankly replied the girl, greatly amused at the col- loquy betWeen the two men, who, though mothered by the same woman, were as dissimilar asâ€"what shall I say, the east is from the west? Let. it go at that. “That’s all right,” said her uncle, relieved apparently. “I will take you out west and introduce you to some real men andâ€"” “If I thought it possible,” interposed Mr. Stephen Maitland in his most austere and dignified manner, “that my daughter," with a perceptible em- phasis on the “my,” as if he and not the daughter were the principal being under consideration, “should ever so far forget what belongs to her station in life and her family as to allow her affections to become engaged by any- one who, from his? birth and upbring- ing in the erâ€"ohâ€"unlicensed atmos- phere of the western country would be persona non grata to dignified so- ciety of this ancient city andâ€"" “Nonsense,” interrupted the young- er brother bluntly. “You have lived here wrapped up in yourselves and! your dinky little town so long that mental asphyxiation is threatening you. I “I will thank you, Robert,” said his brother with something approaching the manner in which he would have repelled a blasphemy, “not to refer to Philadelphia asâ€"erâ€"what was your most extraordinary word?” “ ‘Dinky,’ if my recollection serves.” “Ah, precisely. I am not sure as to the meaning of the term, but. I conceive it to be something opprobri- ous. You can say what you like about me and mine, but of Philadelphia, no." “Your Day Has Passed, Steve," Ro- turned the Younger Maitland. “Oh, the town’s right enough," re- turned his brother, not at all im- pressed. “I’m talking about peonle now. There are just as fine men and women in the west as in New York or Philadelphia.” “I am sure you don’t mean to be offensive, Robert, but really the asso- ciation of ideas in your mention of us with that common and vulgar New York 18"erâ€"unâ€"pleasant,” fairly shud- dered the elder Maltland. “I’m only urging you to recognize the quality of the western people. I dare say they are of a. finer type than the average here." “From your standpoint, no doubt," continued his brother severely and somewhat wearily as if the matter were not worth all this argument. “All that I want of them is that they stay in the west where they belong and not strive to mingle with the east; there is a barrier between us and them which it is not well to cross. To pen mit orâ€"fl “The people out there are white. Steve,” interrupted his brother sen donicaily. “I wasn’t contemplating in- troducing Enid here to Chinese. or negroes, or Indians, orâ€"” “Don’t you see," said Mr. Stephen Maitland, stubbornly waving aside this sarcastic and irrelevant com- ment, “from your very conversation the vast gulf that there is between you and me? Although you had even advantage in life that birth can 81" you. we areâ€"l mean you have changed any total-mixtures of erâ€"race THE DURHAM CHRONICLE so My,” ho ltd quell! a“ loathe to oflond. But he mistook tho Mt‘ll III lbrothor’s eyes; it w o twinkle. not 3 --- celvod .to be “How little you know oi the bone and slnew oi this country. Steve.” he exclaimed presently. Robert Mnitlnnd could not comprehend how it irrithted his stately brother to be called “Steve.” Nobody ever spoke at him but as Stephen Msitland. “But Lord. I don’t blame you,” continued the westerner. “Any man whose vision is barred by a foothill couldn’t be ex- pected to know much of the main Hinge and what's beyond." “There isn't any danger of my tail- ing in love with anybody," said Enid at last, with all the confidence of two triumphant social seasons. “I think I must be immune even to dukes," she said gaily. “I reterred to worthy young Anter- icans 01â€"” began her father who, to do him justice, was so satisfied with his own position that no foreign title dazzled him in the least degree. “Rittenhouse Square," cut in Rob- ert Maitland with amused sarcasm. “Well, Enid, you seem to have run the gamut of the east pretty thor- oughly; come out and spend the sum- mer with me in Colorado. My Denver house is open to you; we have a ranch amid the foothills, or if you are game We can break away from civilization entirely and find some unexplored, un- known canon in the heart of the moun- tains and camp there. We’ll get back to nature, which seems to be impos- sible in Philadelphia, and you will see things and learn things that you will never see or learn anywhere else. It’ii do you good, too; from what I hear, you have been going the pace and those cheeks of yours are a little too pale for so splendid a girl; you look too tired under the eyes for youth and beauty.” "I believe I am not very fit," said the girl, “and it father will permitâ€"" “Of course, of course," said Stephen Maitland, “you are your own mistress anyway, and having no motherâ€"" Enid's mother had died in her in- fancyâ€"“I suppose that I could not in- terfere or object it I wished to, but. no marrying or giving in marriage. Remember that." “Nonsense, father," answered the young woman ligutly. “I am not. anx- ious to assume the bonds of wed- lock.” “Well, that settles in" said Robert Maitland. “We'll give you a royal good tlme. I must run up to. New York and Boston for a few days, but. I shall be back in a week and I can pick you up then." “What is the house in Denver; is it erâ€"may I ask, provided with all mod- ern conveniences andâ€"” began the elder Maltland nervously. Robert Maltland laughed. “What do you take us for, Steve; do you‘ever read the western news- papers ?" “I confess that I have not given much thought to the west since I studied geography andâ€"the Philadel- phia. papers have been thought sum- cient for the family sinceâ€"" “Good Lord,” exclaimed Maitland. “The house cost half a million dolâ€" lars, it you must know it, and if there is anything that modern science can contribute to comfort and luxury that isn’t in it, I don’t know what it is. Shall it be the house in Denver, or the ranch, or a real camp in the wilds, Enid?” “First the house in Denver,” said Enid, “and then the ranch and then the mountains." “Right-O; that shall be the pro- gram.” “Quite safe,” answered Robert. with deep gravity. “The cowboys no longer shoot up the clty and it has been years since the Indians have held up even a trolley car. The only real desperado in my acquaintance is the mildest gen- tle old stage driver in the west." “Will my daughter’s life be perfect- ly safe from the cowboys, Indians and desperadoes?” “But you must surely have with drawn from all such society now." “Do you keep up an acquaintance with men of that class still?” asked his brother in great surprise. “You know I was sheriff in a. bor- der county for a number of years andâ€"” “Out west,” said Robert Maitland, “when we know a man and like him. when We have slept by him on the plains, ridden with him through the mountains, fought with him against some border terror, some bad man thirsting to kill, we don’t forget him, we don’t cut his acquaintance, and it doesn’t make any difference whether the one or the other of us is rich or poor. I have friends who can't frame a grammatical sentence, who habitual- ly eat with their knives, yet who are absolutely devoted to me and I to them. The man is the thing out there.” He smiled and turned to Enid. “Always excepting the su- premacy of woman,” he added. . “How fascinating," exclaimed the DI which wrought the change. Behold the younglady astride of a horse for the first time in her life in a divided skirt, that fashion prevalent elsewhere not having been accepted by the best equestriennes of Philadelphia. She was riding ahead of a lumbering moun- tain wagon surrounded by other rid- ers, which was loaded with baggage. drawn by four sturdy bronoos and fol- lowed by a number of obstinate little burros at present unincumbered with packs which would be used when they got further from civilization and the way was no longer practicable for any. thing on wheels. ~ Miss Enid Maitland was clad in a way that would have caused her father a stroke at amplexy it he could have How Mr. James Armstrong might have appeared in the conventional black and white of evening clothes was not quite clear to her. for she had as yet never beheld him in that obliterating r-amaent, but in the habit of the’wwl, riding trousers, heavy boots that laced to the knees, blue shirt. his head covered by a noble “Stetson,” mounted on the flry festive broncho which he rode to perfection. An Offer that Involves No Risk For Those Who Accept It. We are so positive our remedy will relieve constipation, that we offer to furnish it free oi all cost if it fails. reen 54-.100".iv made aware of her (tr :5 il' sin ‘.(I lrirsi into the draw- i:"‘g'it)’)ill \‘3 mmit alimmncement, for imlamw. 's-r skirt was distinctly " hurt3 she wore heavy hob-nailed shoes that laced i"; to her knees, she had on a bright blue sweater, a kind of a cap known as a tain-o-shanter was pinned above her glorious hair, which was closeiy braided and wound around her head. She wore a silk handkerchief loosely tied around her neck, a knife and revolver hung at her belt, a little watch was strapped to one wrist, a handsomely braided qulrt dangled from the other. a pair of spurs ad-trned her heels and most discomposing fact of all, by her side rode a handsome and dashing cava- lier. the large intestine, or descending colon. To expect relief you must therefore tone up and strengthen those organs and restore them to healthier activity. Mr. James Armstrong Was Desperate- We want you to try Bexall Or- derlies on our guarantee. They are eaten like candy, and are par: ticularly ideal for children. They act directly on the nerves and muscles of the bowels. They have a neutral action on the other or- gans or glands. They do not purge or cause any inconvenience whatever. The act to overcome chronic or ha itual constipation and the myriads of associate or dependent chronic ailments. Try Rexall Orderlies at our risk._ Two -â€"- v-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"'â€" at“, 10c. and 256. Sold onlfi'I at our storeâ€"The Rexall Store. ac- hrlane Co.’ ly In Love With Enid Maitland. ho was ideal. Alas for the vanity of human proposition! Mr. James Arm- strong. friend and protege tAhese many years of Mr. Robert Maitland, mine owner and cattle man on a much lmller scale than his older friend, was desperately in love with Enid Maltland, and Enid, swept oi! her feet by a wooing which began with pre- cipitant ardor so soon as he laid eyes on her, was more profoundly moved by his suit, or pursuit, than she could have imagined. ¢¢§§¢§§§§OQOOOOQOQQQOOQQOQ 0“ §¢¢§6§¢§§¢§§§§§§OOOOOOOO I c CUUI I ii DURHAM z o oooooooooooooooooooo¢¢oo¢ooooooooooooooooooooooooo9o WOOI Wanted qugmtl'rv Blankeis. vasds,. Woollen GUUdS. Ready-mad“ (‘lnthinm Prints, Flsmnelletws. Crockery and Gruceries always in run-k. Call 800“ ()r you may nut be ublv tn be supplied. S SCOTT Continued on page WHY HESITATE ? Sm: 'mr Us]? Thread Gloves, full length :12 25c. Silk Gluves, duuhle tippes, full length at 506. For which we will pay the higlwst priw in (:Aa'H on GOO! >8. bottle-0‘1}. 8.3210.“ My. lamnuw; ablemdomywork and walk with m I M like a new woman. I enjoy everything around mend thunk God for letting me live long enough to find com.- thing that nude me well min." Dr. Pierce’u Plenum Pellets regulate liver and bowels. Lucknow... . .230 p.III.. ...Tnos. Nov. Ripley. .. . . ...9 00 II. III.. ..\Ved. Kincardinm. 2. .li p. 01., ° ‘ AI-Inow. . .. .9 00 II. III. ..TIIIIIs. ‘ Underwood, 2% p.In. ... . ‘ ‘ Port Elgin. 10.00 II.III... .Friday ‘ Paisley. . . .. . 2.30 p.III.. .. Edengmve, (R. R. Pinkerton) 11.00 II. [1). Sat.‘ “’alkerton... 3.00 p. III. Mlidnlay“ .9 00 a. m. .MondIIy ° Teeswater,. .231) p.uI.... ‘ Wroxeter. ..9.OIIIIIII... . .Tues. ‘ Fordwich... 4.00 p.m.,.. ‘ ‘ Clifford... ..10 00 a.m.. . . .W'ed. ' Ayton. ..... .3 .00 p.m., . ° ‘ Holstein" .10 00 mm... .Thurs. ‘ Durham. .. 2.3flpmm, . ‘ HanoveI. 10. 00 a. In. .....FIidIIy ‘ Cheeky... .3. 00 p. III. ... . ' Wiarbon.. 10. 00 II. III.. M..0n. ‘ Owen Sound. 2. .1) p. III. Tum. ‘ Kilsyth. 3.00 p. In ..... ‘ Desbmo, ..10 00 II. III. Thur. ‘ Chatswnrth. 2 30 p. In. ., ‘ ‘ Holland Centre. 9. 00 mm. F.I iday ‘ Mnrkdnle. 3. (l) p. In. .. ‘ FleabeI ton. 9. 00 II. III... . . . .Sat. ‘ Proton Station 2.30 p.m., ‘ ‘ Swinmn Park. 8 00 II.III.. Mon. ' Haathcote. 2.30 p.m.....'l‘ues. ‘ Meaford, 9.30 II.III.. .. ‘ A. P. \Vestervelt, Parliment Buildings. Toronto. TWENTY-ONE MONTHS IN THE CENTRAL FOR NORTH BAY BARBER. North Bay, Nov. 1.â€"-Frank Kane. of Cobalt, was sentenced to-day to twenty-one months in Central Prison by Judge Kelly, for sup-. Elying drugs to cause abortion. ane is a barber, and was prev- iously convicted of illegal practise of medicine, serving thirty days in__North _Bay jail. STALLION INSPECTION Place He conducted a bath establish- ment at Haileybury and gave treatments {or rheumatism until closed up by the Ontario Medical Council. Evidence in the present case showed that he charged a fee of 825 and supplied drugs at one dollar. The present director of the Lou- vre in Paris has given an order to remove the glass from all the paintings, because some of them were made almost invisible by its presence. A: a protection against vandals it is not held that the glass amounts to much. Under Ontario Stallion Act. Time Inspection knumences Navember 7th. 1911. Garafraxa St. Date 11 ll 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 18 19

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