West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 7 Nov 1912, p. 8

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*WXXWWWM g Large Sales Small Profits 3 SmllP ft * MEKEEHNIES’ WEEKLY NEWSg THE DURHAM CHRONICLE North Bay Nov. 1,â€"Signed by} five hundreti ratepayers, a peti- ' tion asking for a local Option contest for this town was present- ‘ ed late yesterday to councll. Tern- perance advocates are looking for ! a 75 per cent. majority. om4 menced onl three weeks a o, the campaign, t“ y say, has ha gratq . . I would also add that if poultry is kept, the leaves should be thrown into the poultry yard. My poultry yard has always been a disgraceful] muddy hole in October an November heretofore. This year, however, an entirely different state of affairs obtain. The children gathered fifteen or itwenty bags of leaves in the park, ’and dumped them into the yard, and it is really a pleasure to see the splendid, clean, sanitary,’ out-of-door carpet of leaves, which the hens so proudl strut. over or scratch among. ot a‘ particle of mud can be seen, not-1 _' withstanding the heavy rains of this fall. n the spring, these leaves will make a most valuable . humus fertilizer for my heavy clay l “Don’t sweep the leaves off your lawn into the gutter. Hundreds of citizens, garden enthusiasts in- cluded, are daily wasting nature’s [best fertilizer, when, by sweeping the fallen leaves into their gar- dens they could greatly enrich the soil. People who take pride in the appearances of their front lawns would also be doing the grass a good turn by allowing the leaves to remain on it. Don’t sweep your leaves off the lawn; sweep them into the garden, pile them and cover them with a lit- tle lime, or just enough earth to prevent them from being blown around by the wind. and they will be converted into the richest kind of loam a gardener could wish for.” ‘ Two weeks ago, I suggested to the urban readers of The Chronicle that it didn’t pay to burn up the leaves. Here is an article that I clipped from to-day’s issue of The Beacon, which is worth read- mg: ! Hallowe’en was duly celebrated‘ in the Classic City. Black clouds:‘ and a heavy rain made ideal con- 5 ditions for a night’s sport, ac-; cording to a boy's way of looking ‘ at it. Heavy fusilades of peas on; the windows indicated the chief‘ means of attack pursued by the; youngsters this year. However, it‘ was harmless fun, as it did the: panes no damage, and gave the lads pleasu.re. Some of our citizens put up their storm windows this week. They are evidently good . weather prophets, as we are enjoymg our first snow-storm to-night, Nov. 1. It seems only yesterday since the screen doors were hung to keep out the pestilent flies and mos- quitoes. We truét' thâ€"ét in the ne‘ar future. Mr. McLeod will be filling reeve’s chair in the council Artemesia. We had the pleasure of a visit irgm gouncillor A. D. McLeod, of Prncevxlle, on‘ :I‘hqpksgivmg Day. ‘IYA 5..---4. 4! I remember how excited we were when it was announced that cer- tain lakes in Grey would furnish cement for Ontario for one hund- red years to come, but if a coal mine is found, Dullerin “excited” will be a mild term to use to describe the feelings of the Duf- feriners. “It is a pleasure to tell you that Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is the best cough medicine I have. ever used,” writes Mrs. Hugh Campbell, of Lavonia, Ga. “I have used it with all my children and the results have been highly satisfactory.” For sale by all dealers. Nobody scanned Enid Maitland's face more closely than he, sitting. humped up on the front seat of the wagon, one.foot on the high break, his. head sunk almost to the level of his' knee, his long whip in his hand. his keen and somewhat fierce brown eyes taking in every detail of what was go- ing on about him. Indeed there was. but little that came before him that old Klrkby did not see. . Continued from page 7. I to old Kit-My. who mu. a"1|.--2i‘l'l)‘ skill. amusing nonchnlnnce and amu- in; Profanity, albeit most 0' it under his breath lest he shock the ladies, NOW in BtOCk and tooled along the tour nervous, excited bronchoe that, drew the big surmy arriVing daily wagon. Klrkby was Maltland’s oldest and most valued friend. He had been FALL I MPOltTATIONS OF the latter’s deputy sherifl, he had been a cowboy and a lumborrran. a. , mighty hunter and a successfr’. miner, CY GOODS ’and now, although he had at Tlli‘f‘el' a reasonable competence, and lrt‘. z‘ T" .‘7 v , _ , "we wife and a pleasant some in the for Xmas and I resent ation z ‘ " a mountain village at the €73u_r“'3r , (fifth. the canon, he drove stag; toy p---.._ ure rather thin"! for DTO‘.‘ Hr; “"4 -â€"-â€"-__ given over his daily twenty/ire ville l ‘ ' , . jaunt frolvn Bimrionh tn TVOTTH‘LIE‘ +q '1 lllh\‘ 88k “'9 hllU\\' ill] b‘ltt other bands for a short space that he Line (lf (‘llt Git-198 ill 8018 311”] t . . ' -* 't'n “2?“; "-543 ‘2'? “:l '7 . .‘~ . . migh' 51“” d I” ‘ ‘ -‘ , h ‘- - (U'ld pvlcos Ht [lilt‘t’h‘ Hm Pl lw- friend and the far‘t'j: “um \"t‘Y‘f‘ CH I greatly mutt-hm to hit] on this 011”“1; ”(we ““91"“, ”1 “[R11\:\1 Enid \'."lillill‘.d a girl of a kihri that, ' 9 7 . - " ’ " . yt‘tétllll'h‘ ()“t Kirhhy had never san lnttgre, had I (’1‘ )1 won the 03:! man’s. heart during the Weeks spent on the Maitlaml ranch. O _ Burnished Brass He had grown fond of her, and he did _ not think that Mr. James Armstrong In Snmkms Sets, Fern l’ots, merited that which he evidently so 5, ,., , 3 U, j ‘ . overwhelmingly desired. Klrkby was 1 (”MIN 1 “H“! l “t”. Lit. well along in years, but he was quite It, is “Hf ttltlvtll'h' to think capable 01 playing a man’s game for " all that, and he intended to play it. in; ”f kmm‘h W" hind" “11'9””,V this instance. Set. [llll't'llzlsrs letlt'. -N-“ â€"-.â€"_ CLASSIC CITY CHRONICLES. THE CHALICE 0F COURAGE OPTION IN NORTH BAY. Continued next Week i You will' find our prices I “CLES. Ivery reasonable and our 1 we were gstock complete. that cer-« d furnish} Call earlv in the week and pne hund-‘ ” if a coal iavoid the Saturday rush. “avoifpd” J but-i t {Miss E. E. Mooney 301 MILL'NER :3.» McIntyre Block, Lambton St. j PRIZES TO GIRLS. ‘_ Beautiful French dressed doll, 15 inches tall, with eyes that open and shut; rolled gold locket and chain, rolled gold engraved band bracelet, old plete bead necklace, hockey s ates, or solid gold sig- jnet ring free to any girl. Send us your name and we will send you 30 sets of beautiful Christmas greeting, birthday, scenic and floral postcards, to sell at 10¢. a set (six cards in a set.\ When sold, send us the money and 'we will send an whichever prize .you choose. or sellin 40 sets we .will give you a rolle old ex- tension brscelet or a la y’s watch. It. _ Freezing politeness trlcted to the iceman. “Our cause is just and must tri- umph,” concluded the auttragette in rinfilng accents. “And now if any la cares to ask a question I shall pleased to answer it.” “How do on get that smooth effect over 43 hips 7” asked a lady in the read of the hall. '"v v“- “- ire bold andâ€"kzehmtBâ€"é other 81. Address Eqm-WAR'REN CO» Dept. 125, 1768351 If you want money inat'eid of 3' prize, 99nd qa_82 when the card: S ecial Magic Lantern (with 12 sli es), Rubber Type Printing Out- fir, Toy Steam Engine, with whis- tle, flywheel, and everything com- 'plete for running, Gold Signet Ring, “Starr” Hockey Skates, or Guaranteed Watch free to any boy. Send us your name and we Will send you 30 sets of beautiful Christmas greeting, birthday. scenic and floral postcards, to sell at 10c. a set (six cards in a set.» When sold. send us the money and ' we will send you whichever prize you choose. If you want money instead of a prize send us $2 when the cards are sold and keep the other 81. Address HOMER-WAR- REN ‘00., Dept. 125, Toronto. 2 We have new stock arriv- ing every week, from the most fashionable and Up-m- date Millinery House in Can- THE HAT SHOP The Central Drug Store :: Durham '1‘ hibweek we show an blite Line Of (‘ut Glass in sets and odd price .4 at [HiPPS newer be- ture offered in [H RH\\1. See our stock of (One door west of Standard Bank) is just the kind you get. under the very best conditions at any one of Shaw’s s‘chools. Toronto. The Central Business College. the Central Telegraph School. and Four City Branch Business Schools. Our new curriculum explains the practical courses given. \‘Vrite for a copy to Central Business College, Yonge Gerrard St,s.,'l‘oronto W. H. SHAW. Pres. Central Drug Store EDUCATION TH AT PAYS HER QUESTION. PRIZES TO BOYS. MURDERER GIVES A BANQUET IN JAIL. Montreal, Oct. 31.â€"In order to formally say farewell to three companions in the condemned cells and also to ahow his utter indii-o terence to the fate that will noon overtake him, Sylvia Yacoloii, to die, it no reprieve ia grnated him, on November 15th, for the murder of his aiater-in-law, thia morning gave a clparty. Yacolott sat at lthe hea of the table, and the 'usual priaon tare wag aup lement- ed by delicacies bought 7 the boat. Yacolott delivered a speech ex- preuing his regret at having noon to leave his trienda, and then an: a funny aonx in Bhutan, his native language. You never catch a man in the act of Ineekinghup quietly behind {our buck (or e purpose of put- in: money in your pocket. Victoria Snail; _ 7300!». Portland Smndard and Tourist Sleeping also Comparnnent Observation Cars. via Canada’s Greatest- Highway. WMMPOI Susiâ€"(uh Edmonton Rogin. Brandon 00¢"! "0'30" Ron-l. n1 OCTOBER? to NOVEMBER 9th to points in Tamugami. etc L000hunmk inclusive, Lindsay to Halihurmn inclusive. Maduwuska L0 Parry Sound inclusive. AH tic. kew valid to return until Thursday Devember 12th. 1912l except in as. H. Gun Tan Agent. Phone 14 . I‘owner. Depot Agent, Phone 18 General Change of Time October 27th, l9l2. Unexcelled Train Service Fast Time to HUNTERS’ excu; sms November Rossl-nd Saskatoon 1012.

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