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Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Nov 1912, p. 7

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130 A090. Nor-manhy. {war Hamp- den. Good buildings. :5 fine stock farm. Saint-body Will {match this bar- gain quickly, why not you? 100 Ann. One mile South of “'illiaumfurd. Gum! buildings. good soil, .upnng creek, offered at snap Owner in West and bound to sell. 100 Aaron near Bentinck P. 0. Fair buildings, gnml farm, very low price and easy terms If you have MONEY to invest or debts to COLLECT you should con- sult. me. % year’s experienre and knowledge of the iocality. counts fur something. Do business with me and get the bone- fit 0! it. Many other farms. of all aizes and kinds. {or 9310 cheap. If vnu wish tn SELL. BORROW or INSURE it. will PAY you to see me. fl.fl. MILLER, Hanover If you want it We Sell it, If you don’t wantit We buy it. CAMPAIGN AGAINST CANC‘ER HAS BEGUN. 1 New York,‘ Nov. 15.â€"â€"With the statement that practically 25 per Mariamâ€"Lama For Flour ‘cent. of women afflicted with a FCCd SCEd , form of cancer peculiar to the sex. Fresh Groceries gcan be cured permanently if lhe New Fl'llit and NUtS ‘disease is treated in its early stages the Clinical Congress of Choice Confectionery Pure Spices and Vinegars No. I Family and Pure Manitoba Flours Fine Salt. Farmers Produce Wanted Surgeons at its meeting last night in the Academy of Music, Brook- lyn, took steps to start a crusade of publicity throughout the coun- § try, which, it is believed, will help llargely to check the ravages of the usual fatal malady. A commit- tee of five of the leading gynecoâ€" logists of the country was ap-i 09000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOi O900000000960009060900000 O 9 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 9 O O O O O O O O O O O 0 O O O O O O O O O O 9 0 9 9 O O 9 O O !.W,w‘,m fir“ "as f you want it H F U R N I T U R E ; pointed to begin the fight at Once at n” n _‘ . . I z ‘ N n and toAreport at the sext congressf OOOOOOOOOOOOQOOQOQQ0999009 §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§009990: OOOOQOQOOOOOOOQOQOOO000009 §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§O§§¢§§§¢ “999096999099000969000990 OQOOOOOQOOQQOOOOOOOQOOOO#0 Come to the Big Shoe Store Shoes at low Prices Repairing promptly attended to. So now don’t miss getting your- self a pair of the latest in low shoes for midsummer wear, at the lowest possible price. And Where is the place to get them? At the Big Shoe Store, near the bridge Don’t fail when in town to call in and inspect; our large stock of Fon'rwear, as we have a new stock of Fall Goods coming in. We are offer- ing: a full line of Ladies’, Men’s and Children’s Oxfords and Pumps at very low prices. For Flour Feed Seed Fresh Groceries New Fruit and Nuts Choice Confectionery Pure Spices and Vinegars No. I Family and Pure Manitoba Flours Fine Salt. Farmers Produce Wanted THOS. MCGRATH TER.\19â€"â€"(3ASH or EGGS. Q .‘~‘“mmo :UNDERTAKING: Central Business Oél'lége, Yonge 8t. Gerrard Ste.,'l‘uronto W. H. SHAW. Pres. is just. the kind you get under the Very best mmdifinns at any one nf Shaw‘s ~lchnnlss, anmnm. The Central Business College. the Central Telegraph School, and Four City Branch Business Schools. Our new curriculum explains the practical courses guven. Write fur a cupy ‘to and all Household Furnishings New Stock just. arrived and will he sold at the lowest living profit. Undertaking receives special attention EDWARD KRESS EDUCATION TH AT PAYS Rugs. Oilcloths Window Shades L a c e Curtains AND Near the Bridge Dr. Thomas Cullen, mentioned in the above despatch, is the son 01" the late Rev. Thomas Cullen, who died while pastor of Askin street Methodist church, London, Ont, in 1895. The committee: Dr. Thomas S. Cullen, chairman, associate pro- lessor of gynec010gy at Johns Hopkins, Baltimore; Di». Howard C. Taylor, of Columbia; .Dr. 0. kn” Miller, of Tulane University, New Orleans; Dr. F. F. Simpson, one of the leading abdominal surgeons of Pittsburg and Dr. E. C. Duuley, 01‘ Chicago. The committee was instructed to Write or have Written articles to be published in the daily press the weekly or monthly magazines, as may prove most expedient in dis.- eminating the information. “The reason why so many wom- en die of cancer,” said he, “is be- cause they conceal their symptoms too long. When they finally go to the physician for a diagnosis they are too late for any cure. From 20 to 25 per cent. of cures could be effected by the radical Weitheim operation if it were done in time.” Dr. Cullen, who read a paper on “Radical Operation for Cancer of the Cervix,” had explained pre- viously the necessity for such a campaign. Rexall Orderlies have a sooth- ing, healing, strengthening, tonic and regulative action upon the bowels. \They remove all irrita- tion, dryness, soreness and weak- ness. They restore the bowels and associate organs to more vie:â€" orous and healthy activity. They are eaten like candy, may be taken at any time Without inconvenience, do not cause any griping, nausea. dim'rhoea‘ excessive looseness. flatulence or other disagreeable ef- fect. Price 25c. and 100. Solrl only at our storeâ€"The Rexnll Store. Macfarlane 8: Co. FOR AGED PEOPLE. Old Folks Should Be Careful in Their Selection of a Regulative Medicine. We have a safe, dependable and altogether ideal remedy that is particularly adapted to the re- quirements of aged people rm." persons of weak constitutions who suffer from constipation or other bowel disorders. We are so certain that it will relieve these complaints and give absolute satâ€" isfaction in every particular that we offer it with our personal gnar- antee that it shall cost the user nothing if it fails to substantiate our claims This remedy is called llexall Orderlies. Impulsive-'3! she dropped her rod upon the grrss, unpinncd her hat, threw the fishing basket from her shoulder. “be was wearing a. stout sweater; first, too, joined the rest. Nervous l::~.~~ds manipulated -.ttons and the fat-twinge. In a few moments the mace»: 1' Cture of youth, of beauty, of purity or =1 of innocence brightened the sod and shed a white luster upon the green of the grass and moss and pines, rcf‘rcting light to the gray brown rcr‘ '2 of the range. So Eve may have 1:.v")‘=.:ed on some bright Eden morning. A few steps forward and this nymph (3f the woods, this naiad of the mountrius, plunged into the clear, cold waters of the poolâ€"a. water sprite and her fountain! ‘ Continued from page 6. Her abTullens t'lh common with those of the .rest of the campers had been by piecemeal of necessity. Her: was an opportunity for a plunge in L , natural bath tub. She was as certalt that she would be under no observa- tion as if she were in the privacy 0: her own chamber. Here again impulse determined the end. In spite of he: assurance there was some lltfle ap prehenslon in the glance that she Gas about her, but it sogm vanished. Ther: was no one. She was' absolutely alone. The pool and the Cb3UCL: o: the plunge had brought her down to earth 2'12?“ ”f,“ thaz'ght of the en- llvening (2:"":'3..'2‘.‘i2‘n of the pun» on water (1.22.72; "‘9; 22.2:‘2inst hr? own awe-:2: warm your body chamu'd the cur- rent of her thoughtsâ€"~the anticiga- tion of it 1‘ 221.012. THE CHALICE 0F COURAGE Continued next Week. Montreal, Nov. 15.-â€"-Considerabl(_\ ,excit'ement and damage was caus- ed by the bursting of a water mlin on St Antoine street, a short distance east of Windsor street, with such a force as to raise the pavement between the street rail- Way tracks for a distance of at least txway-five feet, out of which poured forth mud, water and gravel, flooding the surround- ing business, filling the cellars. Among the Worst sufferers are the ‘ DaVis Cigar Store on St. Antoine street, and the Diamond Clothing House on St. James street, near the Grand Trunk Bonaventure sta- tion. At this particular store there were seven feet of water in the basement and several inches on the first floor. The clothing. in' several wardrobes was slightly damaged, the surrounding stores were similarly affected. with more TORONTO WOMAN BATTERED TO A DYING CONDITION. Battered and left for dead by a brute, who she claims is Percy Kemp, of 217 Avenue Road, a wom- an who gives her name as Mrs. Shiek was found in what is believ- ed to be a dying condition at her ,home, 20 Rainsford avenue, shortly after 11 o‘clock on Friday. The woman was so badly injured'that she could not tell a coherent story as to what happened, but from what the police were able to learn while removing her ‘to a hos~ pita] she was attacked by the man, who attempted to assault her, and, in a battle for her honor receiv-l ed her injuries. l a good market. To prevent the wholesale destruction of the mar- supial, and also to give power to the State Government to protect other native animals from time to time, as occasion may require, the commissioner has directed that a bill shall be prepared for 1ntroduc- tion into Parliament at an early date to provide for the protection of wild animz‘ is. tecting the opossum, which he had ascertained is now being dos- troyed in large numbers for the sake of its skin, for which there ?5 SANCTUARY FOR ANIMAL SPECIES. Kangaroo Island, which is situ- ated some six hours’ steaming from Adelaide, the capital of South Australia, is regarded as an ideal place in which to preserve per- manently animal and botanical species distinctive of the Austral- ian continent. At present 175 square miles on the island are util- ized as a fauna and flora {weâ€" serve. and it is now suggested that the area should be consider- ably increased. Certain islands in various lakes have been set apart as bird sanctuaries; close seasons for different kinds of birds are proclaimed. and in various other ways efforts are made to prevent the destruction’of the native fau- na and flora. Recently the atten- tion of the South Australian com- missioner of crown lands Was drawn to the desirableness of pro- There could be no better mer‘F- cine than Chamberlain‘s Cong“ Remedy. My children were ail sick with Whooping cough. One of them was in bed, had a high fever, and was coughing upbloml. Our doctor gave them Chamber- lain’s Cough Remedy, and the first dose eased them, and three botth‘s cured them” says Mrs. R. A. Don- aldson, of Lexington, Miss. For sale by all dealers. 'Q‘ ‘1 When silk is spotted with grf’asn rub it with French chalk or mag» nesia, then hold the spotted 'pnrâ€" tion near the fire. The chalk will absorb the grease and can b.) brushed off, taking the gl'msw with it. When baking potatoes; rub dw- and grease. This causes the o mu akin to peel off very thin, thy: saving the most nouriahing part 1"! A pair of cotton blankets mqlm better lining than cotton battinn‘ They require little tacking, and can be washed successfully. A soft rag moistened with lemnn iuice and then dipped in Biwor whiting will be found excenent {an cleaning piano keys. To remove the White stains madn by hot water or tea on a anwr ed tray. dampen a soft ”non m. flannel cloth with alcohol :mr? rub genflv over the stains 1mm thfiy A-tsanpear. The addition of the inice of half a lemon and a tablespoonful of Worcestershire sauce will make a decided improvement in the fla- vor of meat soups. Bean soup may also be improved by lemon juice. \ 9 HOUSEHOLD HELPS. WATER MAIN BURST or less damage. The danger is r_e_pair the break and shove] In order that every reader at The Chronicle who may not haw heard of this wonderful “HWnlt‘ Treatment” «may have an Oppor- tunity to test this celebrated mexi~ icine, the now famous scientist. Dr James 'W. Kidd, offers to give ab- solutely free a full size $71.00 package to five hundred readers of this paper, to prove the won~ derful claims which have been made for it. In making this offer the scientist said: “I know that there are many people who have been suffering for years with some chronic disease and many of them have spent large sums of money lseeking a cure. I know that them people hesitate about investing money in medicine because they have despaired of ever getting well. Thousands have told me that story and many thousands of the same people have told me af- terwards that my treatment had cured them after doctors and ev- erything else had failed. I want to prove to a limited numberâ€"no matter what the disease, no matter how long they may have suffered, no matter how blue and discourâ€" agedâ€"that my treatment really and actually does accomplish the wonderful results that have been reported}! Post, Office ................ . ........ Provinre . . . . Slrvet and N0. . ................................... Age ...... . . . . HUW long afflivted ? . . . . . . . Makv a m...“- (X) hrfm-e tlw diseases you have. TM tht‘ “up from whirl] yUll SillfPl' "inst. ...... Rheumatism .Wrak Lungs [..... l ...... Lumbago Chronic Cough ‘......l ...... Catarrh ......Malaria l ...... Constipation ......Asthma ......( ...... Piles ......Hay Fever ....E ...... Diarrhoea ......Hez;rt Trouble ,, ., V ...... Torpid Liver .. ...Poor Circulation ......C ...... Indigestion .. .. 1n pure Blood .. ”.1: ...... Stomach Trouble ......Ancmia .....lE ...... Kidney Trouble ......Pimplea ......E ...... Bladder Trouble ......E(.zcma ......L ...... Neuralgia ‘ Give any other symptoms on a separate sheet. C. languages. Famous Scientist Who Originated the Now Wonderful “Home Treatment” Offers $1 .00 _Package Free to Sick and Ailing Send or Bring all Orders to Office of This Paper Take Early Advantage of This Liberal Offer and Get the Greatest Value For the Least Money Two Best Newspapers For The Pe0ple of THIS DISTRICT The Durham Chronicle From Now Until January Ist, |9|4 for $|.75 Please send me a Full 81.00 Course of Treatment for my case. m. ‘0‘ mt“. P.“ just as you promise. Nmnv. Dr. Jan. W. Kidd, Toronto, Canada. Coupon CB=342 For Free Dollar Treatment WILL GIVE $500 TO SICK READERS OF THE CHRONICLE. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA The Weekly Mail and Empire The Two Together Capital Authorized Capital Paid Up Reserve Fund . Total Assets . DURHAM BRANCH! S. HUGHES. Manager. WINNING PAIR 290 Branches throughout Canada. THE IHMJEHS BANK OF BAMBI Savings Department at all Branches. WITH WHICH '8 UNITED INCORPORATED 1869 that have some the-m AND As this offer is limited, you should write at once, in order to be sure to receive your free treat- ment. ‘ Any reader of The Chronicle who will try this extraordinar ‘ medicine that has created so muc excitement by its cures can obtain absolutely free a full $1.00 treat- ment by simply filling in the coupon below or writing a letter describing their case in their own words, if they prefer. and mailing it to-day to James W. Kidd‘ Tor- onto, Canada, No money need be sent and no charge of any kind will be made. PeOple who suffer from Rheuma- tism, Kidnoy Trouble. Stomach Trouble, Liver or Bowel Disorders, Catarrh, Bronchitis. Asthma, Chronic Coughs, Weak Lungs, Lumbago. Piles. Urinary Disorders, Female Weaknesses of any kind, the weak. worn-out. broken-down and despon t will be delighted at the effect 0 a few doses. This Wonderful treatment creates a fine appetite and helps the digest- ive organs to carry on their func- tions as they should. It strength- ens the kidneys, too, and drives rheumatism poisons from the blood as if by magic. That is why peo- ple Who try it become so enthu- siastic. Headache Dizziness Nervousness ...40besity .Female Weakness .. Womb Trouble ...Ovarian Trouble ...Paintul Periods ...Hot Flashes ”Bearing Down Pains .. . Leucorrhoes wn may-mm; (XX) before NF“! YORK AGENCY Car. 11 21;"."(21/1 and (‘rdar .93. Lqu'respoudance _in all

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