West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 Nov 1912, p. 3

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: QQQQQQ¢Q9¢Q99¢¢¢”Q¢W££QAQWQQQQQO“: fA small orlarge bag 01 a fine grain white. nutritious flour, is sold as our brand. Have you ever tried it? Get our grocer to give you our kind next inn- and see the superior baking qual- ties it possesses. Better and more holesorne. because of a secret procer s at we put the wheat through. Don’t forget. Dur pure Manitoba flour, made from No. 1 Manitoba wheat cannot be beat ?or either bakers or domestic use Jhe flownJuwnShoeStme "66666660 666666666666666666 J. S McJLHJIJH 6666666666666666 b66666 . blend of) Manitoba and; ODMI‘N heat god is a. strictly first class family flour ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++w+~:o i i i i 4- i 2:». it Never substitute appeaiance for quality but rather choose an article a trifle more custly and obtain both. Appearance is prudential ' P+++++++ +v+++~Â¥+¢ 4‘ made from selected winter whe d is a superior article for making pastry. etc. this of When” 3t Huh! nevi keep our flour for ale. r grocer does not keep it come to mill end we will use you right Call an up by telephonelNo. 8. eople’s M "5 John McGowan Trunks, Valises Suit Cases, Telescopes, Club-bags. etc" in differ- ent styles and price-w. See 0|" goods and prices before purchasing clswhere. In Bnnts and Shoes, Leggings. Rubbers, Moccasins, Felt Bouts, eta, fur Men Buys and Youths. Call at once uml’get a pair of some of these lines to keep your feet warm. Sax. Stockings, Mitts and Gloves of many kinds and prices in abundance. ' Macfarlan'e 8: Co, Saturday,‘Noveniber 30th, l9l2 +++++++ But Quality Is Essential it best results are to be obtained. Remember that you can follow this example in purchasing any- thing in Tinware, Graniteware, Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, and General Plumbing Goods from delivered efiywhere in tow: PASTRY FLOUR Reduction on Flour ll 5 ad . 10.3% M \Ve ha ve a large stock of suitable wear for these seasons. SOVEREIGN - ‘I'IIE IEXALL STORE \ C. P. R. Town Ticket Mflu Buv You It is Time to Prepare ECLIPSE We want you to come and see for yourselves. Don’t wait until the prettiest have been picked up. Early shopping insures better selection, your money will buy more here than pny other place in town. - . , Done Every Day 'I‘HE For Fall and Winter We are very busy unpacking our im- mense import stock of Christina. Goad. and hope to have everything ready 101' your inspection N. H. STERNALL No urging to buy goods you don't want. Canada’s High Claés Commercial School; Highly recommended by former students. Jamesâ€"I notice that his typiats spell alike. A DEAD GAME SPORT. “Pg what in .a dead game “One who buy hi: tune on the hammer“ after hi: hunting trips, PUMPS OF ALL KINDS Winter Term from Jan. )fl) Efl-lOTT _/2’ AA Galvanized 3nd Iron Piping, Bras Brno Lined and Iron Cylinden SHOP OPEN EVERY AFTERN 001‘ Pumps From $2 Upward ALL REPAIRING promptly an properly attended to. HE LIKED VARIETY. Henryâ€"The boss seems to like variety, even at the office. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ W.. D. CONNOR S. P. SA UNDERS {. D. Connor Machine Oil. Harness Ou Ame Grease and Hoo Uintment, go to DRUGGISTS AND STATIONERS BJv Your Tickets Here [nonmetal-u of And Deal" In TORONTO. ONT ’l‘be Humanism aka no two of Hear the father’s cry. “If thou canst do anything!” His disciples failed. Could Be do better? People who do not know the Lord judge Him by His followers. Are we bringing Him honor or reproach? Jesus said unto him. “If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that he- lieveth" (verse 23). “Lord, I believe," cried the father. Jesus rebuked the spirit and commanded him to come out of him. Ere he did so he rent him sore and left him as one dead. buthe de- parted out of him. Jesus took him hy the hand and lifted him up. and very hour. Our Lord doe. not an the name pow“: tom. “thatch“. anally u E. will. a last effort. The devil has always been and still Is a destroyer, a de- vourer. a murderer. but the Lord is the life giver, the deliverer, the Saviour. say, “Lord, to whom shall we go but , unto Thee?” (Matt. xi. 28; John v1. ! 68.) This evil spirit had long sought to destroy this child. and now he made .~ “Bring hlm hither to me” is about what He said concerning the bread when He fed the thousands. “Come unto me" ls His cry to all the weary and heavy laden. and we may well Did you ever see yourself, a true fol- lower of Jesus. yet powerless to show something of Him to those who know Him not and unable to help those who need help? Did you say from the heart. “Why could not I?" And did you hear Him say. “Because of your unbelief?" (Matt. xvii. 20.) And have you been wondering since if you really knew what it means to “have faith in God?" Then what about the prayer and fasting necessary in some cases? 011. how much there 43 to learn, and how many seem to have a dumb spirit or an evil spirit of some kind, that seems too often to control us. Take ln this scene as well as you canâ€"a great multitude. a distressed fa. ther, a sorely afflicted only child, some disciples of Jesus truly saved who had on other occaslons wrought mlracles, but now are helpless. “They could not cure him.” John says. “My little children, let us not love in word. neither in tongue. but In deed and in truth” (.las. ii: I John iii). The story of this demoniac boy is written briefly in Matthew and Luke. but most fully in Mark. Luke tells us that he was an only child and that when he was healed Jesus de- livered him again to his father (Luke ix, 38. 42). An only child given to Jesus‘ hands is given back better than when He received him, made perfectly whole. He is the same yesterday. to- day and forever. this same Jesus. Turning back from this faraway look to the particular incidents of the lesson, we note that it is not in order for us to continue too long in any place of special privilege when there is work to be done and people in distress need- ing us at the foot of the hill. Special times and places of special revelations of Himself to us are to fit us to be bet- ter witnesses unto Him with increas- ing victory over the world. the flesh and the devil. If the prayer meeting, the Bible class. the Bible conference and such times and places of fellow- ship with Him do not enable us. in the days following. to show more of His presence and power in the home. the place of business, the social life. where is the benefit? Peofle say. “I was so blessed, i had such an uplift. it did me so much good.” Well. thank God, but now show it in your life and you won’t need to tell it. and. if your life does not show it. better say nothing about it. The spirit through James teaches us that faith that is mere talk amounts to nothing; there must he works corresponding to our faith for the sake of those who do not understand. it shall be when Jesus Christ shall come in His glory: then He shall bind the strong man. whom the church can- not cast out. and shut him up in the pit and take control of his property, for till then the whole world shall continue in the wicked one as the prince of this world. Let those who would understand take the trouble to ponder. with prayer and meekness and submission to ti} word of God. the fol- lowing passages. for it is all important to understand this present age. its ruler and his doom: 1 John v, 19. R. V.; John xiv. 30: [I Cor. iv. 4: Eph. ii. 2; [I Thess. ii. 7-10; Dan. vii. 25: xi, 35. 36: xii. 1. 10: Rev. xiii. 7. 8; xvii, 14: xix. 19. 20; xx. 1-5. A: the devil was in control at the too of the mountain when Jesus and His disciples came down and the dis~ cipies there could not conauer him! an feet accord, the glorified church and redeemed Israel the heavenly and earthly centers of His klngdem. when a king shall relgn 1n righteousness and the work of righteousness shall be peace and the nations shall learn war no more (Isa. xxxll. 1. 17; ll, 4). Merk ix, 23 (R. V.)â€"-Cemmenury Prepared by Rev. D. M. Steel-us. For a little while heaven and earth had touched in a new way. by those who had once llved on earth. but had been long absent from it. one by death and one by 'translation. When the risen and translated saints shall be reigning with Christ in His kingdom (Rev. v, 9, 10; ’xx. 4) this will probably be the culinary. everyday occurrence everywhere. .the New Jerusalem from heaven and the one on earth in per- THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Lesson lX.â€"Fourth Quarter. For Dec. 1,1912. m DURHAM CHRONICLE N" Irate Fatherâ€"I’ll teach you to kiss my daughter. Young Munâ€"Not necessary, air, I have just learnt. .It is good to pardon, to be mer- cuu), to be liberal, but it in better to bé just. WHAT TO AVOID. The Touristâ€"Which is the best hotel in this town? The Nativeâ€"There aip’t 130 best. I kin only tell you Which as the worst. Mr. Herb. Sullivan has resigned his position in J. W. Boyd’s store and taken the cat of junior clerk in the Standamf Bank in the lace of Mr. Braund, transferred to ar- riston on Monday. oâ€"‘o..-¢ Mrs. Holmes has gone to spend the winter With her daughter at M‘n‘kdale. Mr. and-Mrs. C. W. Chadwick, of Toronto, visited over Sunday with MrS. Bulmer. Mr: “1163; Thistlewaite and Allie Best have returned from a few \vggks’ sqjourn at _I§rig_htqn._ Mrs. Graham, who was on an extended visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Badgerow, 4th line, left for her home at Blind River last week. Mr. G. A. Watson has returned from the west, where he spent a few weeks, engineer of a threshâ€" ing‘ outfit. ThompSon~McNeill.â€"Married at 16 Dingwall avenue, Toronto, on Friday, November 15th, by Rev. J. A. Miller, B. A.. of Riverdale Pres- byterian church, Mrs. Kathleen McNeil], of Parry Sound, to Mr. Robert J. Thompson, jewell,er, of Powassan. The groom 'is a Flesherton boy, and We join his friends here in hearty congratula- taons. Rev. Dr. Stewart, of Clintnn. preached in the Presbvterian chuxch the past three Sabbaths. Good supply is expected for next Sunday, when communion service “ill be held Peterborough and Dr. H. R. Harnâ€" (ien, Fort Saskatchewan. Mrs. Henderson, and Mrs. Cameron, who formerly lived here. have the sincere sympathy of their old friends in their bereavement. We have received word of the death of Mrs. Laura A. Harnden, wife of the late C. W. Harnden, who died suddenly at Fort Sas- k: 1tchew :111 on the 9th inst., from paralytic stioke. The deceased, \1 ho was :1 \ery h hly esteemed luly, is sur1ived b three daugh- ters and one son, viz., Mrs. R. N. Henderson, Winnipeg; Mrs. Camâ€" eron, Brantford: _ Mrs. “Gordon, of Though not sufficient snow for good sleighing, sleighs and cut- ters were out on Monday, the first this season. Mrs. W. C. Parker, of the west back line, entertained a few of her friends at a fowl supper on Friday evening last. Mr. and Mrs. (. H. Munshaw attended the an- 1111!] ex ent. The Methodist choir and pastor went to Salem church, Proton, on Monday evening, to assist at the anniversary entertainment. . The “hard time” social given by -the Fresh rian Ladies’ Aid in the town all on Wednesday even- mg last was a great success. The hall was crowded, and at the small entrance fee of 15 cents, 833 were realized. Principal Holland was called to the chair and a ver pleasing rogram was rendere ,- after wfiich refreshments were served and a jolly social time was Spent. Hard times was well rep- resented in many of the unique costumes worn. The High school literary society had a' very interesting time in the school on Friday afternoon last When a mack parliament was con.- ducted with pleasing success. About twenty took part, and gsome excellent attempts at oratory LWere made. Woman’s Suffrage twas the measure debated, support- ed by the Government, led by Ihé Prime Minister, Mr. Winslow Kerâ€" nahan. Mr. Ed. Loucks was Leader bf the Opposition. Principal White was Speaker, and Mr. Brown Was Governor-General. The Govern- ment won, and Woman’s Suffrage is safe. ‘ The long delayed and much needed fire protection for the vi]- lage has come, and affords relief to the anxiety of the citizens. The new gasoline engine on a truck was tested a few evenings ago. and worked splendidly, throwing 1‘ “AAA _J____,,, A few friends ere entertained at the home of r. and Mrs. C. W. Beilamy on Wednesday evening last, when their grandâ€"daughter, Florence Elizabeth, infant of Mr. and Mrs. George Best, received the rite of baptism by their pastor, Rev. H. E. Wellwood. Mrs. W. S. Christoe, now resid- ing With her daughter at Hawkes- ville, celebrated her 89th birthday on Monday, the 29th inst, and her old friends here wish her many returns. VBornnâ€"A? Weyburn, Sasknon November 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Morley, a son. ..-A u A - ‘ While engaged at carpenter work last week, Mr. John Bellamy met with a fall which gave him a severe shock and injuries which laid him up for a _few days._ to Mr. Jos. Shier. Mr. W. Russell will move from the McKee farm on the 4th line to Mr. E. McCallum’a farm in Osprey, and Mr. Robert McKee will return from Colling- wood to again occupy the old homestead. The planing mill and sash and door factory here, belonging to the W. K. Flesher estate, has been purchased by Mr. T.A.. Blzikely, who purpose making considerable improvements to the plant, and will also run a chopper there- with. Mr. W J. Chard has bought Mr. J08. Gamey’s fine farm near Max- well to which he will move in few months. Mr. Chard has sold his 50-acre farm on the 4th Jine -r-v--â€"-\.5J’ yassvvv , , m... a good stream of water over thirty feet, and greater force can be got with a smaller nozzle. A volun- teer brigade is yet to_ be formed. PLESHERTON. 6". 0..“ o--‘ 0.0 .r' When one feels very warm, dip- ping the wrists in cold water for a few minutes cools off the body. It is no doubt because many of the large blood vessels pass through this point. given a sentence of tummy days in prison and fined $500 in Special Session Court to-(iay. “Your oi- fence. meiits the severity of the. court” said Mr Justice RUSsell. in imposing this penalty on Ehler J. Ernst, who hau pleaded guilty to selling 3,310 pounds of coal as two tons to a Harlem resident. Ernst‘s lawyer made a plea for clemency. but the court said, “What about the poor families of the city who have suffered at this man’s hands? This is a crime that must be stgpgedfl If Ernst doesn’t pay his fine, he will have to spend an additional thirty days in jail. Right Hon. Mr. Borden’s letter reads as follows, “I esteem it a privilege to express my warm ap- preciation of the great Work which is being carried on by the National Sanitarium Association. Every well-directed effort in the fight against tuberculosis demands the support of our peOple. The proposal that December lst should be set apart as Tuberculosis Sun- day commends itself warmly to my judgment. I trust that the movement may have every taut;- cessfi’ éw York. Nov. 22. --A c011 (11:1- er ho gave short weight was TO JAIL FOR SHORT VVEIGIII‘ NQW York. NOV. 22.-â€"A coal deal- Dr. Falconer’s letter is typical of the many received in support of the plan for Tuberculosis Sunday. He writes, “Assuredly the work of the National Sanitarium Associa- tion needs no commendation from me. I an thoroughly in sympathy with its efforts to eradicate tuber- culosis, and I hope that you will meet with great success in your present effort. All thoughtful citi- zens must be in deep sympathy with an endeavor to minimize or stamp out this disease, and there- by brighten the lives' of many and lift the clouds from many homes, as well as bring renewed strength to our national life.” PROMINENT MEN ENDORSE PLAN. The proposal to observe the first Sunday in December, which falls on the first day of the month, as Tuberculosis Sunday, is receiving endorsation from the leading public men and churchmen of Can- ada. Letters have already been received from Right Hon. R. L. Borden, Mayor Hocken, of Tor- onto, Rev. Dr. Carman, superin- tendent of the Methodist church in Canada, N. W. Rowell, K.C., leader of the Ontario Opposition, Bishop Hamilton, of Ottawa, Bishop Sweeâ€" ny, 'of Toronto, Dr. Robert Falcon- er, dpresident of Toronto University an other prominent men, express- ing their unqualified approval of the su gestion and of the work being one by the National Sani- tarium Association in the fight against consumption. For bottle babies a few drops of emulsion with every feeding produces marvelous efiettsâ€" makes new, firm flesh and ruddy health. ‘ SCOTTS EMULSION is the cream of the purest cod liver oil delicately emulsified into tiny pawicles resembling maternal milk and each particle is coated ~.':"h glycerineâ€"no alcohol or <“mul ‘Lnt._a wholveome nourish- i: g; strength- making food. Mothers ex er} where are en- thusiastic about Scott’s Emulsion. Insist on getting SCOT 7 '5. Scott 8: Datum. Toronto. Ontario 12-64 __it supplies the material for bone and muscleâ€"if scanty or thin, it makes it rich and abundant. SCO TT'S EMULSION im- proves the quality of breast milk THE REV. IRL R. HICKS’ 1913 ALMANAC. The Rev. Irl R. Hicks’ Almanac for 1913 is now ready. It is the moat splendid number of thin popular Year Book ever printed. Its «value has been more than ever proven by remarkable fulfillment: of its storm, weather and earth- quake forecasts this year. Profes- sor Ricki netly merits the con- fldence an In rt of all the e0ple. Don’t to lend 85c. {or in 1918 Almanac, or only 81.00 (or his Iplendid e and Alumnae for one year. he best one doller lave-urgent pguflgle in__enz home Wax-kc Publishing Co. 113 'Ave., St. Lou», I mveutment poui Die in any or bulineu. Send to Word , 3.2% u 3.37 4. 00 4.11 4.14 4.24 4.00 7.10 “ Durham “ 11.5); 9.19 4.11 7.21 “ Mc‘Villiams“ 11.44 0.09 4.14 7.24 “ Glen “ 11.41 9.06 4.24 7.34 “ Pricevillv " 11.31 8.56 4.40 7.50 " SangeenJ. “ 11.18 8.43 5.15 7.50 “ Toronto “ 11.15 7.55 R. MACFARLANE. - Town Agent 3. 1.”) Tmins will arrim mud depart, as fol lows. unLil further notice:â€" C\V\)1\4 I‘nins loam Durhun at. 7 L3 : c 2 4.5 pm. Trains arrive 4!, Durham at. 1034 1.50 p m.. and 8.50 pm ‘ _EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY H G Elliott, G. P. Astent, Montreal A handsomely mustrut- d “Windy. Largest, (qr. ("nation otwany “your"?c Juurnd. Term: 10! Canada. ti...» 3 year. postage prepaid. bold by all uewsdca...z-rs. mm 8'. 00.8mm. New Yeti Bunch on“. 625 F St. Wuhtugton, n, C. "Ffir'éfiii iiuiéi' EEEuéfi'M’uxi‘E'i‘châ€"‘mcoa‘ ""v. mtg“! gotta. (“you (2:36. In thg 551i if! roe; U1{1eatâ€"gerié'yâ€"‘vtéfjb«muqugpuenis: Anyone lendln‘ 3 sketch and dmcrmflnn may quick! uncertain our opinion {roe "lwllu'r an Invent. on as probably ‘p rambled (‘ummumm non-gum}! goqndent at” ANDB OK on Patent. J. TOWNER Depot Agent JAWS R. GUN. Town Agent Scientific Emerican. Boy’s heavy worsted hose, hockey cups. aviw tion caps, Ladies’ and Misses’ hoods. All-wool blankets, flan nolstts blan kets, line all- wool grey blankets. Furs, Ladies’ and Gent’s sweater coats, Children’s sweater coats, Child ren’s clouds, Ladies’ Misses and Children’s cashmere hose, plain, fine and heavy ribbed- Don’t forget Stanfield’s 'un‘ shrinkable underwear when buy ing. They are the best. 8 Come bl) us when you wani any of the above goods. -. a Grand Trunk Railway ZENUS CLARK DURHAM - - ONTARIO GRANT’S AD. (S 2.5 6.3% 7.47 C. L. GRANT Durham and surrounding country. that he has his Planning Mill and Factory completed and is prepared to take orders for Also a limited amount of iron work and machine re- pairs. A call solicited. Ask for quotations on your next job. Custom Sawing Promptly At- tended To SASH,DOORS â€"- and all kinds of House Fittings Lv. \Valkermn “ Maple Hill “ Hanover “ Allan Psu‘k 1 WHEN \(LWW TIME TABLE A. E Duff AP. 7 15 a m. and M. 1030 Lflu 12MB 12.40 10.05 12.17 Ammt. Formwo. 9. 42

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