West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 Nov 1912, p. 5

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BOYDâ€"At Glenroaden. oh Novem- hor 17th, James Archie. son of Kr and Mrs. Allan Boyd, aged 1;, months and 10 days. BOYDâ€"At Glenroaden, on Novemâ€" ber 23rd, Harrison Gillen, non of Mr .and Mrs. Allan Boyd, aged 2 years and four months. STERNALL. --In Durham‘ Thurs- d'n. \0\ember Last to \II'. um Mrs. N H. Sternall, a son. I desire to tender my sincere gratitude to friends and neighbors who so willingly rendered assist- ance to mysel and family, during the recent illness and death of my mother. Mrs. Mary A. Peart. Dally World. ,1 year-........... 3.75 The (‘hronlcle and Toronto Daily Mail and Empire, 1 yr. 4.75 The Chronlcle and Toronto Dally Globe. 1 year... .. 4.75 The Chronicle, and The Grain Growers’ Guide, Winnipeg $1.60 The Chronicle and Weekly Mail and Empire, 1 year ..... The Chronicle and Weekly Globe, 1 year... ...... The Chronicle and Family Herald Weekly Star lyr. The Chronicle and Weekly Witness, 1 year... The Chronicle and Weekly Sun, 1 year ...... The Chronicle and. Farmer. s Advocate, 1 year ............ The (hronicle and Canadian Farm. 1 year... .. The Chronicle and Toronto Daily \‘ews, 1 ear... ... The Chronicle an Toronto Daily Star, 1 year... .. The Chronicle and Toronto Magnet Cream Separators and . EWEN The rmumerciul uni-M HffVI'N ul'c It, '.' app ."1 tit-hi, Uur cum sea are up-tu date and preu-Lic tiom ml \VP assist gunman-s tn positinns. “ amr undo-mp am' gl'udnmm than nthvr >im‘l 3pplh'a'ilfll‘ We cannot meet. \Vrlte me at u 'l‘iwsv :H‘t‘ all gum! gnmis and \H' invite your in- hlwvtitm sis tn quality and priw. A full lim» nf Mi-n's and Ladivs’ [Tnde'rxwar at right prim's. Highest Prices for Farn Produce HidmH Ulivepskins wow]. tzillim, m“ furs and livvpnnltry wantvd, for “hif'h 1h» highest prices “ill be paid in car-h or trail». M. GLASER, November 28th, 1912 Durham pl New Clubbing Rates ISO I I"? Card of Thanks. Magnet Gasoline Engines u SIZES 13H “(’5' WINTER TERM FROM JANUARY 6 \ MOUNT FOREST ,7 BORN. GEORGE A. PEART. DIED. Ladies’ Suits’ Reduced 40 per cent. ulius’ “nuts. Skirts,- Wain-ts Mu, at bargain and Toronto 1 ear ......... an Toronto year .. and Toronto G 1’ St 1: -ASER, 05.32;"? 0132..» ()m- [Mmr 5%th nf Burnt-H's Bunny. Ontario MOUNT mass? 070?..- AGENT \Vrtte uw at mice for particulars. \\'. E. \VILSON, Principal. 1.90 1.90 .40 50 .00 90 .....caamg among the scfiool chxldren in Russna in general, and in Moscow and the Moscow prov- ince sin particular. Out of 18,134 school_ boys in the Moscow m-nvâ€" ISSSâ€"Kashmere, 3:051 deaths. Isadâ€"Tarawera, lNew Zealand, 101 lives lost. . 1891â€"â€"San Salvador, heavy mortal- ity. 1593~Kuschan, Persia. 12,000 lost. 1896~Kamaishi, Japan. almost com- pletely destroyed, 20,000 drowned by a tidal wave. 1902-â€"Mont Pelee eruption, 30,000 killed. limbâ€"Severe shocks in Wellington. New Zealand, public build- ings damaged, but no lives lost. Great damage and loss of life in northern India. 1905~Severe shocks in Calabria, Southern Italy, 5000 killed. 1906-â€"San Francisco, over 1000 kill- ed, and an enormous destruc- tion of property. Valparaiso visited and 500 killed. 191:7â€"Kingston, Jamaica, 900 lives lost. Shocks in Sicily, 186 killed. '.00;:!~â€"Messina. Italy. visited. From 50,000 to 100,000 killed. 3mm! (‘hxldron are maae by Mr. (‘nnsul H M. Grove, in his report on the trade of the Moscow dist- riot for 1911. It is admitted, he writes. that inebriety is Very rapin- ly increasing among the schoo! ChilerD in punch: h. ...._.__ . 1860â€"Abbut 7.000 lives ’ lost at Mendoza, Argentina. ISGS-Muny towns in Peru and Ecuador destroyed: 25,000. killed. 1875â€"831) Jose, Spain, ll,000 killml. 1881â€"(3asamicciola, Italy, '2000 lives lost. 1885â€"Kashmere, 3,081 deaths. 1886â€"Tarawera, New Zealand. 10] Some of the most notable of the earthquakes during the last hund- red years are the following: 1797â€"Sanlnte and Panama, 40000 deaths. 1822â€"Bleppon destroyed, and 20.000 perished. 1851â€"Melfi, Southern Italy, 14.000 lives lost. 1856â€"(‘reat Sunger,_ “Moluccas,” 3.000 deaths, ' 1857â€"Montemurro, Calabria, des- troyed; 10,000 deaths. EARTHQUAKES OF A CENTURY «t .n; Ir ' iii/l.” any :mv other iml. “’8 give individual atten- \\'t‘ nm- pl‘Ppnl'Pd to do IUOI‘B for ‘l r w hunk. \Vv hvve scores of l’amts. SAWM- ARC me‘ DOOMED.’ \Valkcrtnn, Nov. ‘21.-â€"-The town council and the Walkcrton electric light company have at last come to an :xgn-cmvnt on the lighting: question horn, 'I‘hv old are light is (lonmml to cxtinctiun, and must give I’lflm' tn tungsten incandes- cent lamps. Forty of these lamps of 100 cantllcpuwvr arc to illumin- ate the front strvct, wliilv 71 lamps of 50 candlt-pnwc-r will he distrib- uted elsewhvrv tlium'lmut the town. The 100 can! lcpowel‘ is costing the town $12.50 per year. and the 50 candlvpuwvr is costing the town $10.00 [wr ymu' up to 121 o’clock each night. This agrov- iment seems to mi-vt with .the ap- gproval [of the citizcnu at large, and for very little mnl'c' mmwy, Wal- :kerton will boa wcll~ligmmltown. Sometimes people express mn- prise why Miss So-and-So m-vr married Mr. So-and-So. 'Hmt'fl eas . She was crazy for a man. an didn’t get one after all. Many a person doesn’t do wrong because he was caught in time. Ten to one the person who read- ily agrees with you will do the same with the next fellow. Only a mean man will take dv~ light in injuring the character uf a woman. ,l The purchase was made from :1 'firm in Cincinnati in answer to [an advertisement he saw in The Buffalo Courier. He ordered fou1 :dozen bottles, he said, for his own use, and had no intention of sell- sing or offering for sale. The direc- tions stated that whiskey, liquors {and cordials could be made, but ;alcohol would have to be used. ‘Mr. Johnston said he never used ?any of the extracts, in fact had never received any, as this we. his first order. Samples ’were sent to Toronto for analysi., and judgment Was reserved for a week, or until in- formation be received from head- quarters. These extracts, it seems, are used in the manufacture of a substitute for whiskey, and other intoxicantq, and the government has been on the look-out. If used for such purposes, the government loses its revenue, and if the preparation contain more than two and one- half per cent. alcohol, the licenso' law in local option territory is violated by offering it for sale. In any case, it isn’t safe to tamper with it and get caught. Under such circumstances, the penalty would likely be severe, but as Mr. Johnston never received the consignment, and had no chance to experiment on it, it is likely no serious penalty will be attached. â€"-â€"Sinee the foregoing was in type the License Department has ad- vised Mr. Telford that an analysis of the seizeds samples showed th at they contained no alcohol, and ordered that the case be dismissed and the goods delivered to Mr. Johnston. The Government will bear all costs of the proceedings. Last week we referred to the seizure of supposed contrahrana; goods in the customs at Listowcl. consigned to Wm. Johnston, of Durham. 7 The suspected pzu'cc‘ was forwarded here to Inspector Allan, and a court of enqui'y called to ascertain from the con- signee the use he intended in make of the consignment. Ac-« cordingly, on Thursday forenoon Mr. Johnston appeared before Magistrate Telford and InSpector Allan. Mr. Johnston admitted c-râ€" dering the goods in question, and having paid for the same. >>>>>>>t>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>p» . “”2. Eu :2: :mm. ALMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM A . A A THE DE.\ TIST. . And so. in Spite of drills and such Which irritate us very much We ought to sing a happy song To boost the dentist’s Work along ! WIZ., With bridges, crowns and things, Gee whiz! ' A dot of us who now can smile, Thus showing teeth 0 and style, W'ould slink about ash-zmed instead Without a; tooth Within our hezul‘ Our beauty gone beyond re- (.0111), Our daily food reduced to 5011p ! class Then let us praise 1 me dent- ist’s skill, Nor kick about his ‘1.er bill: For were he not so great a W bling tooth That knows no tender-ices nor ruth I seek the dentist' office out And have that tooth the put to rout. true But often he relieves it, too. For when I have a grum- Let others knock him if they choose, But I shall evermore refuse. The dentist causes pain, ’tis HH‘S AND MIHSES THE DURHAM CHRONICLE 4! The license commission at Wel- ,._ lancl have taken a unique method :. ,Of {dentlfying persons on the .. ;Ind1an llst. Every mzm as soon as A. placed on the list, is photographe ‘ 3; and a card with his likeness sent to the various hotels in the dist- t‘lct. When spoken to this morn- .mg, Mr. James O’Brien, the low] mspector, stated the idea w .~ all r1 ht, but if it was intxolme here 0 dldn’t know where m4: ri“VbP'Vt->VE’> 93 Q. E‘ 0 PF (D D... ,4. O E. C: O '1 O U H 3' '3 3 ooooooo0ooo++wn¢uwuAa oonooown«wowoowoow $ 'OOQO §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§9§§¢¢§§¢§609990*0009000906609000+900Q Call at Q Q Miss E. E. Mooney MILLINER McIntyre Block, Lambton St. l Stray Lamb. ,STRAYED TO THE PREMISVQ OI" J. A. Graham, Durham. 3 spung lamb. Owner may have same 13." proving property, paying ex- penses and taking it away. 3 The guaranteed cough cure. Darling’s White Pine, Eucalyptus and oney. Only 25c. Central Drug Store. (One dom- west of Standard BunL) Durham The Yorkshire Insur- ance C0.,0f York Eng. Insurance of All Kinds including Stuck W m. Black, Durham THE WILLIAM BUCK STOVE C0., LIMITED, BRANTFORD, ONT. Fall Milliner-y In as: mean- :ctual dollar: and cents to you «cry 41!. Do you realize what it means to you to 112m- 3 really satisfactory rant!P in ywr kitchen! For twenty-five year: the Happy Thuugbt‘ ‘ has been tried and tested under {H lands of Conditionu. It hat prover: over 3nd over “in it: 100 per cent. «fluency. You can buy doves that cost you leu than the “an9! Thought"; but you pay ’0! that saving Back of This Stove Stands a Great Institution fall call and sve what “'9 mm do for you. “'0 still have n lurgv stm'k Hf the m'xvvstmnd most up-twdum Millilwry, in [“Pltthnu'vrs and lmulv hats, \VP mm 5 «VP ynu some money by having nmv. If you need Hlln'ht‘l’ hat Ilai< DIAN LISTERS ARE ALL 70.? __ BE PHOTOGRAPHED. 1 . A. ROWE OYSTERS AND FRUIT IN SEASON . JOHNSTON Sr. For all kinds of Bakery Goods Cooked and Cured Meats. -â€"IN E. A. ROWE’S Ont. 0ch a Quarter Million Cartesian women who have discovctcd this. use the Happy Thought" every day. The “Happv Thought" in product oftbcckmnnd lontcxpui ace of the (mate-s: stove-mung 5m. Iution in Quad: 11 (int) u full value in ”mm in cvc y c III you imrst in it. It gives you full but cflkicncy from every om ICC of MI you burn In it. I: is the In. .ctt'ruflldt‘u‘ clove you an buy. mny times over every yet: in the fuel such m wane. NW. Black, Hardware. :8. P. Saunders, Har- = mess, Durham. The girls of the fifth form were asked to write a 250-wm'd e55. on the motor car. The bright hope of the form duly weighe . in with this: “My uncle bought. :1 motor car. He was riding in the country, and it broke down in going up a hill. My uncle tl‘it‘t‘i to make it go, but couldn‘t. al- though he spoilt a new suit by trying. I reckon that is about forty words. The other 210 words are what uncle said when he was walking back to town; but they are not fit to write down.” TheVV. A. Jenkins Mfg. London , Canada Hwy“! Pmpu Mzgmlips and HUM! h-fs may lw Hhhliflvd f'l'nm tumultmo‘.’ our W krona-unboun- (wit m. :-~:_), on momma-took.“ multry. Tells how to feed nll kinds of havy and 1% *ht horses. colts and mars. milch cows. cal 'es and fattening steers. also how to keep foul feed poultry no that they will lay no well 51 winter as in summer. -It contains 360 n‘ :ommends from all over Cnnndn. from maple uh; hme used our goods. No former should be Wot Celt it. You can fatten enttle nnd hogs in a month's less time by using our Ron! Purple Stow "necifiv than you could possibly do without it. i v'w'u't: swing a months feed and labor and Fla-c 00:3; to you will not be more than el. 50 for «is: 11' as or $1. 00 for one steer. It will kccl’ :" :r horses in show condition with ordinary 92.43. If you have a poor. miserableoloolz- ing animal on your place try it on this om til-at and see the manellous result which “’33 be obtrincd. Our Stock Specific wil' incrmm‘ t'ro mll‘; flow three to five lbs. per Cow M 1‘ (3:47. Wlfilc helm: foil in the stable. A ' -: 2:313:29 will last a cow or horse 70 days. ’OYAL PURPLE POULTRY SPENT-"C s .ll make your hens lay just as wcll in the \ Enter :1: !n the summon and will kt'cp thzm {rte {rum disease. These goods are pure and l'Y‘""l"'t‘l‘.-'td. We do lOl use any (hr-ml fill» 2‘ to make a large pnckage, entirely dim-rm Lou. any on the marl-t at the present tun. FRE Woimnu-lwmug ROYAL PURPLE Stock Poultry Specifics yal Purple Disinfectant. 25c and 50c tins. Yul“ Purple Roup Cure. 25c tins; 303 by Purpie Worm Powder, 25c tins; 30c by Purple Sweat Lixiiment. 50c bottle y mail. ’qrple Gal! Cure. 25c and We tins: zrple Stock Specific. Soc :1 ku‘su in an air-tight tin. fl unfit? Poultry Specific. 25 and $1.60 air-tight tins HER 5250 “'0 R US Manufactured only by Confectioner and Grocer iough Cure, 50c tin; 60c by (met. 25c and 504: tins 25c and 5m: as that hold pckgs. : four 'Ol' 50‘ awn- I one {Will W336 pct t 50.: ‘- :IFYC I the thcm tree, and put ml the apples that remained on 1t in his pockets. When he came down to count the apples there “we just eleven of them-one for each of the other boys butt, none for himself. Do you ask What he did? He imndt-d each boy a big red apple. bavimr 60c 'l‘JfiKS . ...... ‘ 144444095, p41 4 45., i “44441 A; 4414‘: ..... [mm 4444 4 w. ...... UNE‘III4HL 'H'I’ Pat‘k (‘ hop. per 4 “I Live Hugs. [wr 4 wt Hides. pet lb“ Sheepskins . W out ..... l‘ullnw Land... . 'l urkeys ..... Geese ........ Ulu‘ks .. .. Chickens . FuWL... “71.11”; 0 FUN Uuta Full \thu Spying “hunt. _v- w‘vruv‘u“--v- ‘v F. W. Harcourt, Esq., K.C., Offi- cial Guardian, Toronto; J. 1’. Tel- ford. Solicitor, Durham; Dunbar a Dunbar, Solicitors for Administrat- or. Guelph, dated November 19th, A. D. 1912. Robert Brigham, Auctioneer. . Dunbar _I_)un_bar, per cent. of the purchase money shall be paid in cash to the Ven- dor’s Solicitors at the time of the Sale, and the balance without interest in thirty days thereafter. The property wdl be sold subject to a reserve bid. Further partie- glars may be had 9n apphcation to ‘2 o'clock in the afternoon, at Hahn‘s Hotel in the Town of Dur- ham, that valuable property con- sisting of Let No. One, 10th ,Con- cession Township of Glenelg, containing One hundred and two acres of land more or less. Fifteen acres of this lot are cleared and the balance is well timbered. The property is situated about eight miles from the Town of Durham on a well-travelled road. CONDITIQNS OF SALE: 'l'en K. (2., Official Guardian, by p‘ubii'é Auction, on Tuesday, the 10th day 9f ‘Dgcgmbcnwl'z, at the hour of Administrator’s Sale of Land in tho Township of clonal: In order to wind up the estate of Charles Kean, dt’COJBCd, thore will be offered for sale, with the ap- proval of F. W. Harcourt, Esqqire, 17 r‘ Ann. - “No,” replied Farmer (‘orntuseeh “He’s the tamest, most intelligent animal you ever saw. What makes him act that way is that he‘s try- ing to back around to be hitched up to your veehickle, ’cause he knows you‘re a goin’ to need him.” “Does my automobile scare your horse ?” asked the motorist in a mud road. U -v .w.., vvvvvv , -v “flu-suit. The knittin factory will employ 40 hands at t 9 start, and within two years the rubber factory will employ 200 hands. another ten years. The merchants and others put up a vigorous campaign for it, with the result that the whole three carried, the vote standing: Reckin’s bylaw, 226 for, 68 against; rubber factory by-law, 302 for, .18 against; woollen {act‘ory by-law, 305 for, 18 against. WIAR'] ON GOING AHEAD. Wiarton. , .’\n\'. 12,-] he Vote poiled on the three by-laws toâ€"day was a very heavy one. From the first it was expected -that the rubber factory by-law -.md the knitting factory by-law would carry, but there was doubt about Charles Reckin’p by-law granting o A-_A__._L_ for with a laugh 4nd a bright smili- ing face. “1 am glad there is an apple for each of you.” Some of the other boys were not as gener- 0:18 as he, bit every one of the eleven made haste to utter him a piece of his apple, thus giving him more .apple t 11m any other boy in the crowd. At the same time this unselfish, noble act. made an im- pression 0n the minds and hearts of all the other boys which they never [qrgot '1 hey all grew to TWELVE BOYS AN D ELEVEN APPLES. We once knew a boy who couli run and ontclimb all the other boys in the neighborhood, and this gave him a great advantage over the other boys. but he did not use these gifts so as to gratâ€" ify himself and injure the other boys. - little story of what hap- pened o e day will illustrate: This boy was playing with eleven other boys about his own age and size; they thought of a large ap- ple tree back of the orchard, which bore \‘vry fine large apple‘s, and all made a dash for it, knowing the apples were nearly 9: MARKET REPORT ()1 DURHAM. 30119. Our “131m the other boys, 9. and but all ti m me 101‘ each 01' the other 11%. none for himself. Do E What he did? He handed py a big rgd apple, saying HORSE SENSE \V c P§(1\2 Iii [$111! Tendor’é Solicitor. 1t. those eleven ap- them testified at‘tvx nanhood that the wt buy was the 3 di(;? HO 1“: red agple, 8: nd a right glad there . f you.” Some were not as 3‘ every one 01 5 9') w [M to 58 Lo 35 L0 50 m were nearly hero outrun climbed the 3 :tpplvs that his pockets. U m 15 Lo )0 to 10 m 10 to 27 m L0 tn m m (u FIVE gener- of the in: him ll 175 l 00 l 00 1 (It: 16 10 IO 10 ll 93 93

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