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Durham Chronicle (1867), 5 Dec 1912, p. 8

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'Wn g Large Sales MBKEN EIGHT cewling' the mm saperiur quality See thu Lame on them. lbs ’0 worth and r’cnnmm of value given. GENERAL MERCHANT DURHAM - - 0 THE PEOPLE'S STORE Fresh Groceries always on hand. A full range of Men’s Sweaters, Sweater Coats and Cardigans, Etc. Fur Lined Goats, Black Fur ()ur Staplvs are the kind that call for your attention. Frum um We Want Your Butter Eggs and Fowl. FALL GOODS ARRIVING DAILY FURS! ulll' (:niiefttit'm you can make a. satisfactory selection without ex- ;mmunt ynu prnpnsed paying", and the distinctive style {and My will greatly mid to ynur appreciation of them. W WEEKLY Nglzws NEW SUITS, HATS, CAPS, ETC. 2 .hem. Its the sign of honesty and satisfaction, of true IS xzrrnrzrmrmmfimmmfisummivma See these before you buy. STAPLES Small Profits THE DURHAM CHRONICLE CHRISTMAS APPEAH PEfiFLE CF BNTARIB FOR The Hospital tor Sick children Dear Mr. Editor:â€" It would take more space than ya can 8: are to tell of the good work done by the Hospital for Sick Chi! dren, loronto. for the sick and de formed children of this Province. Lei In the year 1875 there were only 51. cats and beds, one nurse, 44 in-patieut: and 67 out-patients. In 1912 there were 250 cots and beds, 64 nurses 1,294 iu-patients and 7,862 out patients. hie, in a few words tell you of UN steady growth of this Hospital. During the 37 years of the Hos pital’s existence, 19,370 impatient:- have been admitted, and 133,724 out patients have been treated, a total 0. 150,094, or an average of 4.138 pe year. Of the 19,370 inpatients, 5.495 were from places outside of Toronto. 9,644 of the total ill-patients “en cured, and 5,711 were improved. This is a great record. 0f the 1,294 iii-patients last year, 341 came from 218 places outside of Tor- (.‘0, so that the Hospital is not a Ila], but a Provincial Institution. 1n the Orthopedic Department. in 37 years, nearly 700 boys and girls have been treated for clubfeet, and about 600 were corrected. Half of these came from places outside of Toronto, so surely we have a fair claim for help from the 'pe0ple of this Province. The Corporation of Toronto grants $25,000, not only for the city children, but towards the maintenance of all patients in the Hospital, and the citi- zens of Toronto donate an average of $15,000 annually to the funds of the Hospital. Q Send us your name and We Will send you the cards to sell. When sold. send us the money and we will send you the watch with all the charges prepaid. .HOMER-W'ABREN CO.. Dept 166. WHAT HE DESERVES. The man who thinks that he Who’s .sure that he’s a brand With pehple great and p small,_ Who’s certain th Yes, all thete is, Is truly a tren He is a man, I Avoid as you’d He’s always round mm ms nu” And certain he is cutting ice. He puts it out in easy reach And says that it is sure apea And bound to help you while y< Will you, kind reader, think of what your money will do? It helps to re- store health and strength, and gives sound limbs and straight feet to crippled boys and girls. Remember that Christmas calls you to open the purse of your kindness to th Hospital, so that the Hospital may op the heart at its help to the children. 0 He’s brimming full of arguments That look to you like thirty cents, But he is sure that they are right And hand sthem out in sheer de- Rémembér that 'your pocket-book must be the Hospital’s friend, it the Hospital is to be the children’s itriend. Remember that your money can help the Hospital build a bridge over which the feet of little children may travel on the journey from sorrow to joy, from sickness to healthâ€"aye, from death to life. wait“ As certain and as sx Just ask him. He w Or bust the buttons need, This bloomin’ bunk that is his creed. He showers it round as thick as hail Comes riding on an August gale. Please send a dollér, or more if you can spare it, to Douglas Davidson, the Secretary-Treasurer of the Hospital, or J. Ross Robertson. Chairman of the Trustees. Toronto. When he is ready to begin, We ought to take the fellow in, Tie to his head a silken bag, So when his tongue begins to wag The heated air will soon or late The pretty little bag inflate, And then the trusty silk balloon Will bear him upward to the moon. When you have a bilious attack give Chamberlain’s Tablets atrial. They are excellent. For sale by all dealers. “What are these society people we hear about?” asked Mrs. Corn- tosseL “I dunno,” replied the farmer, “but as near as I can make out, they’re jes’ folks that make a regular habit of wearing their Sunday clothes every day.” FREE TO BOYSâ€" BOY’S WATCH FREE. A “Railroad King” Watch. stem wind‘ stem set, and guaranteed for one year, given free to any boy who will sell 30 sets of Xmas Cards at 10 cents a set._ Toronto. . One sure way to lose your friends 18 to become a chronic kicker. , If it’s gossip, ten chances to one It isn’t true. A first class pessimist takes it as a personal injury if any one has any good humor on tap. If a man thought he was in love, it was about as pleasant a dream as he could have, anyway. The fimaller a girl’s fobt is the more interest she takes in stylish footwear. vays round with h ‘ ain that he knows it all- ete is, and maybe moreâ€" tremendous bore. um, I say. whom you’ll vnu’d a tricky mule. ONE IDEA. U 1' re as fate. ill do the rest off his vest. at he is it, brand new peopl ldVlCE YO ll When you buv gingham or other thin material for a house dress, buy an extra halt yard with which to make simple and dainty dust caps to match the dresses. Fin- ish them with an inexpensive lace ed ge. To lengthen a child‘s dress Open the shoulder seam and in- sert a strip of material like that used for the waist. This gives the needed space in the arm holes and around the neck. It leaves any trimming that may be on the dress untouched. Yet the dress is lengthened, and the gathers on the skirt are in the proper place. Removable buttons are excellent in wash dresses. Buy Wooden but- ton moulds with a centre hole. Insert a brass paper fastener in the hole. Cover the button with cloth. A small hole may then he made in the garment where the button is to be placed. Push the prongs of the fastener into the hole and flatten out. This holds the button securely. To wash the dress the buttons are easily reâ€" moved and washed separately The hardest wear on a waist comes under the arms. Protect this part of the waist with astrip of oiled silk. There will be less likelihood of the unsightly holes. The most fashionable dressmakers include this among their tricks of the trade. A Des M’oines man had an attack of muscular rheumatism in his shoulder. A friend advised him to go to Hot Springs. That meant an expense of $150 or more. He sought for a quicker and cheaper Way to cure it and found it in Chamberlain’s Liniment. Three days after the first application of this liniment he was well. For sale by all dealers. Now Going On 20 per cent. discount on all FANCY GOODS YouWantChoice Christmas Goods \' l S l 'l‘ Our First Anua Close clipped prices till Dec 15. Come early and secure a bargain 'l‘ he Central Drug Store :: Durham Telling of the progress made in com- bating the terrible 20th century plagueâ€"â€" Consuml )LiCn. Notwithktanding the enormous increase in population in Cannon in the past few yours, it is more than gratifying to be nhle to record that the tight which the Nitionul Sanitarium Annociation are put.- tim: up against the “white plague”â€"- consumptionâ€"wig proving a winning one. Prior to 1806 deaths from Consumption were on the increase every year: . In 1910, deSpite the greater number of citizens, the fia'ureq in Ontario alone showed a decrease 0? 1118 over those of ten years ago. Isn’t this Splendid testimony to the noble work going on ? -7 A .I " __ THE HOME DRESSMAKER. €le7Â¥ui§éhé§6ukhé doll wi'th all chalfigea prepaid. HOMER-WAR- RE CO., Dept. 166, Toronto. FREE TO GIRLS. FIRST PRIZE DOLL. A Beautiful French Dressed Doll. 15 inches tall, with real eyelashes and eyes that 0 en and shut, given free to any gir who will sell '30 sets of Xmas Cards at 10 cents a set. Send us your name and we will send you the cards to sell. When sold, send us_the_ alone; and Maybe you haven’t a father, mother, sister or dear friend of your own afflicted, but, wouldn’t it feel good to help some poor soul in the throes of the dread disease to get back into the wagemrning class-- to return oured to wife and loved ones! Our proud boast is that no needy Con- sumptive has ever been refused admittance to our Free Institutions at Weston and Muskoke because of poverty. But the End work cannot expand without your indly sympathy and material help. """"J "U L The need is urgent. If on are blamed with that greatest of all leesings, good health, think of your needy sufi'ering brother and sister. Send along your mite, however humble, to NH. W. J. GAGE, Chairman of the Executive Committee; or 00 Ms. B. DUNBAR, Sec. Tram, 347 King West. Toronto. Central Drug Store Every penny you send goes to help. A WINNING FIGHT Umnprisi ng ._[[<‘.__ The undersigned Auctioneer has reccived instructions to sell by Public Auction at the Hahn House Stables, Durham, on at 1.30 p. m., the following 8 head 2-year-old steers 4 head 2â€"year-old heifers, 2 head yearling steers, 4 head yearling heifers. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30. 1912 TERMS: Six months’ credit on approved joint notes. 4 per cent. per annum. off for cash in lieu of notes. CHICAGO Tickets good going Sand-y. Dec. In. to “'ednesduy. Dec. 4th. inclushe 'iThc (Ii-andâ€" Wunk' P: shortest and quickest r peg-Saskatoon-Edmmm Pro port Secure tickets and full nearest Grand Trunk Agent Jae. R. Gun Town Agvnt. Phone H J. l‘uwner. Dvput Agent. Phone 18 Winnipeg Saskatoon Edmonton Regina Brandon Calgary Neleon Roseland Spokane Vancouver Vlctorla ' Seattle Tacoma Portland Standard and Tourist Sleeping also (‘umparlment Observation (Jars. vm Canada’s Greatest Highway. General Change of Time CREDIT AUCTION SALE ACCOUNT OF International Live Stock Exposition DANIEL McAULIFFE, Prop.. ROBT. BRIGHAM, Auctioneer. Return Limit. Monday. Dec. 0th. I012 Unexcelled Train Service Fast Time to E. A. HAY, Station Agent R. McFarlmw. Town Agult. AND RETURN $1 7.85 October 27th, l9l2. of Young Cattle. DURHAN Decem bet 5th, 1912. 'ratc ()nta furmut 1 W \V fr ll

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