*WWMWMX WWWM wwwg‘éé § Large Sales Small Proï¬ts 8 “:1"?! YI‘FI‘T I n“--- GENERAL MERCHANT DURHAM - - O [1???) 11311111315151 ‘1‘? . Mia's-1 A fresh stock of Light of Asia. and Star of India Teas, Fresh Groceries are continualy arriving. the best we can buy at the most reasonable prices. Men’s Sweater Coats from $1. 00 to$4. 00 Women’s ‘ ‘ 1.25m 3.50 Children’ s ‘ ' ‘ .75 to 2,00 Sweater Coats Groceries ONTARIO THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Heaven from all creatures hides the book or tate.-Swlft. “Rather a tooth of the old rake."- Judge. More Liko It. “That young gayly is a chip of the old block. Isn't he?" certain seasons have to ford the stream In Which the carbltos arc ~tonnd. Bathers are often attacked by them, the sharp. chisel shaped teeth taking a bit from the flesh wherever they attack. They are perfect scaven- gers. eating the animals that float down the riverâ€"dead or alive. The Reason. Diner-That man at the rmmd tablt‘. gets better service than I do. I shal" complain to the nuumger. Where is he? Waiterâ€"~1t‘s the man at the round t8ble.-Fliegemle Mutter. The Beginning. “How many stars can you see?†an: asked. “Two more than you,†he said. , "How do you make that out? Ibo asked. “1 can see your eyes." he said. Aug that was the beginning of it all. A Vicieua Pith. In South America there to a small nah that not only attacks It: fellow. of the sea and river. but to greatly dreaded by the natives. who during The Tongues of the Balkans. Too many languages are spoken in the Balkans. A traveler in that region writes of the babel: “Turkish. Bulga- rian. Serbo-Croatian, Roumanian, Ar- menian. Greek. Albanian. Kulzo-Wai- lachian. Chingeni, the language of the gypsies: Spaniole. the language of the Jews of Spanish or Portuguese descent. and the language spoken by the Ger- man. Austrian, Roumanian and Rus- sian Jews. Add to this Arabic. Persian and Syrian. largely spoken in Constan- tinople; italian. on the northeast coast of the Adria; Russian. in the northeast- ern parts of Roumania; various Austro- Hungarian idioms spoken in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Caucasian languages of the Circassians and Geor- gians.†Not one of these languages is of «men use. Michelct was greatly troubled as to how he was to obey the order. He recol- lected. however. that he had in the larder some very superior lamb. He braised the breast. removed the bones. cut the meat into pieces and bread crumbed and fried them. He the!) cooked the cutlets. arranged them on a dish alternately with the braised breast and served them with a suitable gar- nish under the name of epigrammes d’agneau a la Michelet. by which name, or a la Toulouse. the concoction has since been known. On a certain occasion she gave a din- ner to the otii<=ers of the regiment Choiseul-Cavalerie During the func- tion her guests spoke of a banquet that they had attended on the previous evening. at which the host had enter- tained them with many new and bril- liant epigrams. 'l‘he marquise supposed that “epigrams†referred to culinary surprises. Consequently she summoned Mlchelet. her cook. and ordered him to prepare some epigrams for dinner on the following day. The Order Michelot Received and the Way He Flllod d. The names bestowed upon certain dishes have often an origin entirely dis- tinct from technival consideration. This is true of the well known epi- grammes d’agneuu a la Mlchelet or a la Toulouse. as it was more frequently called. Miohelet was the cook of a young French mnrqulse of the century who was noted for her lack of educa- tion. We hear not only of i’liny’s ahodes. but of his friends and he was a man to have many of them. The most august was the Emperor Trajan hlmo self. and a collection of letters sur- vives exchanged between the two when Pliny was governor of the prov- inces of Blthynia and Pontica. The most Interesting of these deal with the treatment of the Christians and show the attitude of a humane and kindly Roman gentleman toward those who. he felt. must be punished. not because they held outlandish beliefs, but because the refused to recognize the supreme control of the civil au- thority.â€"-Gamaliel Bradford. Jr.. in Yale Review. â€" v '- I ï¬nd Btlll soothing and of power to charm mo Itlll. of his elaborate and splendid villas In Tuscany and at Laurentutn. which he describes with a detail of singular in- terest to the antiquarian. halls. baths. libraries. portlmies, sitting rooms for the day and for the night. for com- pany, tor privavy: chambers looking out upon the wide prospect. sea or stars. chambers hidden and set'lnded. “where no noise of busy people comes, no murmur of the \vu\’es. no tumult of the storm. nor glare of lightningâ€"nay. if you wish. not even the light or day, when the shutters are closed? trim gardens. with flowers and fruit and shade. and over the whole dwelling gladsotne vines, creeping from root to roof up to the highest peak of all. They knew what luxury was. those wealthy Romans. and l'liny was by no means one of the wealthiest. ORIGIN OF A FRENCH DISH. ' PLINY'S COUNTRY HOMES. The Famous Roman Loved the Luxu- nous Late at Hm Day. I’mu gtws us a minute and loving picture of his country homes or Como, where he was born and which beloved with the tenderness of (Jon'per: Scenes that soothed And charmed me young. no longer young. . Rexall “93†Hair Tonic is as pleasant to use as clear spring Water; It iSodelightfully perfumwl and does not grease or gum the hair. Two. sizes, 50c. and $1.00. With our guarantee back of if, you certainly take no risk. Sold only at our storeâ€"The Rexall Store. Macfarlane 6: Co. ‘ refund exit} penny paid us for it) in every imnce where is does -not ghe entire satisfaction to the 8881‘. We are so certain Rexall “93†Hair Tonic will eradicate dandruff act to prevent baldness, stimulate the scalp and hair roots, arrest premature loss of hair and pro- mote hair gr â€with, that We person- ally give 0 positive guarantee Nearly An 0 :- .M-ay Secure a Splen i wth of Hair. We have a edy that has a rechd of ret - ‘ g baldness and rrcmoting hair growth in 93 out of every 100 cases where used ac- cording to directions for a reas- omble length of time. That may seem like a strong statementâ€"it is, and we mean it to be, and no one should doubt it until they have p1_t_ our claims to an actual test. 1 A VISION. l ’ (finned l'ist lllff'lli that Ilm' l'o. mm {-3 from this World of grio-i Hind gran, that I llii'i long (les- lpisnd ml found that heaven “as la Land of ecstacy. supremely lgi-and, 5 good as advertised, The ltingcls round me played their l]:,“.‘..‘s. ml on the jasper walls the fires 0 changeless sunrise gleam- ed. an joyous anthems filled the air an swaying wings and manâ€" sions firâ€"thus happily Idreamed. And tbn a statesman from be- 10W go through the gateâ€"how, I ‘(ion’t howâ€"and got his choice of crowns and ere an hour be there had spnt, I noticed signs of disconent; the seraphirn wore frowns He skirmished round :among the blest and told them that t.ey were oppressed,- and had tjem peevish soon; their crown were bar ain counter things they all eserved much betterwings, their harps were out o tune. “Your heaven once was pod enough†progressive measues are the stuff, and we will hve them here, with old-age pensims for the shargs who’s grow: too old to (flay t eir harps, and aways playe by ear; with sorrov and dismay I note the fe- maleangels do not voteâ€"no won- der hey feel galled; St. Peter's held his job too long and all his polices are wrong, and he will be recaled.†Thus spake the states- man and the sky was ringing with the :eraphs’ cry, who wearied of their yoke; their gentle souls with wrah were warm, and they were bound to have reformâ€" ust then you‘ uncle woke. â€" alt Mason.» coed the 5 those then TorontoDecember 12, 1912. ‘ One Mile North Orchard, on lFiâ€"llDAY, DECEMB 20th. 1912 ._ The Polling: l 1 heavy mare years old, ‘2 heavy aged mare-‘2 heavy hors- ;es. 5 cows in c: 1 fresh cow, 110 two-year-old eers, 6 spring 'calves, 1 fall calfl Durham bull. I26 fat hogs almoready fur mar- ; ket, '2 fat sows, Yorkshire boar, lSO‘fowl‘, {about «tons hay. All persYns claiming to rank upon the state of the said in- solvent, ntst file their chime. proved b affzndavit. with me on or heforehe 3lst day of Dr-cmnbvr 1912 aftem'hich date I will pro- ceed to cstributet he assets of the said state, having regard to The credirs are notified to meet at n' office, McKinnon Building, T'Onto, on Friday, tho 20th day oDecomber. 1912, at ’5 o’clock P. I, for the purpose of receiving statement of his (lf' fairs. for 19 appointing of in- spectors‘ 1r the setting of few. and for th ordering of the affairs of the este generally. NOTICE iserebygiven that the above name insolvent has made an assignnm of his estate [0 mi for the benit of his creditors under the 13.0. 1910, Chatptex‘ 64. In the mutt of Thomas McGrath of the Town! Durham, Merchant. Insolvent. 'lhis s -1le isithout reserve, :19 the owner hasold his farm and is going West. I SALE AT 30 P. M., SHARP : 'lERMS: Asums of $5 and: under, Cash; ver that amount 12' months’ cred will be gix en on approved joi notes. 5 per cent. discount wilbe allowed off for. 1 Happy 'lhoht‘ range nearl}: new, 2 bedrox suites, 2 Denis, I bureaus, 1 vm stand, 1 Ram organ, pictun 1 washing ma- chme, tubs, n barrel, carpenter tools, work hob, and other arti- cles. ' 1 seed drill, 1 horse cultivator, 1 large aulky r8. 1 5-“. cut Mmsey-Harris Net, 1 Massey- Harris binder, Murrow plow, 2 single plows, lrilling plow, 1 turnip pulpor, double turnip Bower, 1 wago 1 sleigh. 1 buggy, 1 cuttel wagon lmx. 1 fanning mi.l, lilorse Iolton lur- row, 1 2-horseolton narrow, 1 steel land l'ollml set Wagon h'rr- ness, 2 sets px harness, 1 am single harness.) l-u's, bridles. 1 string belis, 16w, 1 glindsumc. 1 sugar kettle. 1 (:UpbOd‘d. ussclï¬, l'u‘; lch. 1 Toronto churnl Oxford crown) separator, soul tables, 1 (lothva horse, 1 extenn table, dining oblirs, 2 comes, kitchen chum, of Farm Stock, Imments and Furniu The undersigned actioneer has receiV ed instructio to sell by Public Auction at L01 1_OF 10, CON_EGRE_MONT clans only of which I ha\' received notice. .Ls. P. Langley, F. (f. Trustee, McKinnon Buli NOTICEO CREDITORS 033501 l' 500'! .3 8A LB DON" BE BALD. Projetor shall ling CHRESTMAS '1? and NEW YEAR 32 RATES ‘ MONEY BACK REMEDY FOR 3} DANDRUFF, FALLING HAIR r' AND SCALP ITCH. (t I: Mag'anlane 6. Co. are Authorize; U (: " Guarantee it. A, p“ The; will d more; if after using. two hottlw o' PARISIAN Sage you . don‘t think it is the finest 31ng most uligltful hair tonic .m‘J‘" hair du-ssing you ever use -- ‘ money back. Can you beat that j offer? ' 0 Young women who neglect theiro temples grow old before thwir time. 3 ' If your hair is? tlmming at the temples, if it is losing its natural color, fading or turning grey, put your faith in PARISIAN Sage and you won‘t Le disappointed. Large bottle 50 cents at Mucfarlanc 8: Co. and dealers everythfd â€(Viivx'lhwiti Auburn hair on every package. SINGLE FARE Dec. 24, 25. good for return Dec. 26 also Dec. 3|. and Jan. I. good for re- turn Jan. 2. I9l3. east (if Part Arthur. also to UNI-nit and Port Huron. Mich, Buifulo. Black Rock and Swap “nsiun Bridge. ‘7 ‘7 Full particulars and 'l‘irkete frmn any Grand Trunk Agent. Jns. R. Gun ToWn Agent. Phone H J. l‘owner. Depot Agent, Phone 18 Botween all Stations in Can- ada. Unexcelled Train Service Fast Tlmo to Winnlpo‘ 8nskntoon Edmonton Ruin: Brandon Calgary Noloon Rooolnnd Spoknno Vnnoouvor VlotoI-ln Sonttlo Tnoon‘n Portland Standard and TOUI‘IBI Sleeping also Compartment Observation Cars. Vin Canada’s Greatest Highway. General Change of Time E. A. HAY. Station Agent R. McFarlnne. Town Agent. October 27th, l9l 2. December 19th. 1912. FAIR AND ONE-THIRD Dec. 2| to Jan. l. [1004 for rc’ turn Jan. 3, l9l3