West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 26 Dec 1912, p. 1

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Mrs. Thomas Bell, near Dornoch, died on Saturday last, and the remains were interred on Monday Wmhave no further particulars. .on Christmas night between Han- Ovcr and Durham juveniles. The first hockey match of the] Have you renew your sub.? Icason was, or will be played here on Christmas night between Han- vA--.- -â€"-J “An-Ln” nnnnnnnn .‘Afl Get your weddil cake boxes at this office. Only few left. 'ork ‘? The Presbyterian Sunday school re holding their annual entertain- Ient on Friday, December 27th. .dmission 15c. and 10c. Every- ody welcome. The? Durham Poultry Show will True to our predictions, [3 events of the year and de- yrves to be encouraged Lars‘t par the local poultry fanciere we us a firstâ€"class show and in year it promises to be better. A Merry Christmas to all. act to see 1913 before we see the impletion of the Lambton street 'idge. Would it be wise to let re council of 1912 “finish their I the fifty-five candidates who te at the Model school examin- Ion here, fifty-four were suc- ful. We feel like pitying the who failed, ‘but perhaps it s the best thing that could fppen her. Teaching is hotter lW thin it was some years ago, if our educational system is stand “llLl‘D it shuul'l it Will tinue to improve. 1'. “'m. Jackson. ()f the“ Glen, 0 h.lH lu'l'n (liliil' ill for the past munthfl, disposed (if his . stock and implements to Mr. mus; Mulx’lwm'n Hf the sumo e. 'l'his farm will Uke a ' Vililli-lilik' udtlitinn » )II'. kw days ngm Mrs. J. “'. Blyth rnoy, and Mrs. Janna; Hep- II of town, came to our sanc- ;, not as militant suffragettes, ‘Vao peace messengers in the :01 the South Grey Wumen’s ute. They carried a large 40L lel, but it wasn’t dynamite, any dangerous explosive, but [ fat goose for Ye Editor and lamily. We tender our thanks be society for their kindly re- ibrance at this joyous season. their prosperity continue I prosperous. hn McDougall, ob Bentinck, arrested last week on sus- lenied the charge at first when tioned by Inspector Reaburn, Ividence was so strong against that he subsequently acknow- ld his guilt and was sent to I Sound jail to await his trial. house formerly belonged to ugall, but through some dis- ent he and his wife separ- and the property was pur- by his brother-in-law, Mr. 'aluable addith 'eown’s already 9x1 , and although w red the price, we hbuyer and seller n 0! having burned a‘ house |ging to his brother-in-m, Idward Boyce, near Crawford. I?” N EWS AROUN D "DWN d Boyce, Mn. McDougall ed in the house {or a time, terwardo left and went to lewhere. When aboent a ”he the house was burned, lpicion pointed towards bought in a (mg. or in ' *- [unity nod tho' horn tunnel! loo-e, leaving the it. occupant otnnding k. Soon the train come nnd the rest of tho story Iy be imagined. The train aw nothing about the ac- ill arriving at Markdale {when a robe and‘ some tit'lt's were found on tho "(er a . short avarc‘n [Le [all and hi. are“ followed. Colbcrt, o! Glcnelg, neu- lill. was killed by the C. P. It}. Saturday night when > home {tom Humble. that v. are ablo to loan. track at the crooning in- kuping the md. The d cutter and the dead re found beside the track. fine was uninjured. Mr; was 57 years of age, and 1 wife, but no family. N0. r have underst not ll) )th the MeUlUdiSt Sunday SCIWM L" ' got fast in the rails and the horse terlaitinmnt in the town hall Fr | broke loose, leaving him sitting Jaw xvght last “as a pleasai’in the c.utttr. No one seems to littlt gathering, and the evenin have noticed him, though it “as was enioyably spent ,by old an bright moonlight, until the en- young. A number 0f Spilite' engine stopped at the water tank choruses were sung by the chil “hen remnants of cutter, robes, ren and an amateur cantata en etc. were discovered on the ten- titled “Santa Claus’ Double” wa der. The train was run back, and well rendered by a number 0fth16the body found a short distance young people, and some of theback It was instantly recognized older ones. Miss Florence Barclayby Messrs E. W. Hunt and A. G. gave evidence of her ability as aBlair, who .were awaiting kindred reciter in her rendering of a eel-He had been struck in the .fore- ection which pictured the airs othcad. received a bad scalp a couple of college girls on their wound._ and one o! the legs 'was return to spend the vacation at roken After the inquest on the old home. M‘iss Barclay has ‘onday the remains were convey- more than ordinary talent as an d to the grief-stricken home, elocutionist an! it will be a pity here his ,faithlul, devoted wile, if she can’t develop her powers tplored his loss and gave vent along that line. Amongst the i her grief, that caused strong younger actors, the abilitthown In to weep _Hr. W. L. Falking- by little Miss Fluker was decidedly hn had broken the news to her noticeable. She, too, " good abut midnight on Saturday. the ideas of thought interpre ‘ on for Ms coming over the phone to a child. of her years. The it Is Me- "1 Falls’ power house Deceased Crae girls did well also,'~' ’ t we Wt born about so years ago near mustn’t target the genuine talent Gflph Nearly tort! yesrs ago. shown by little May Burnett in heWith other members at the the spontaneous interruptions she fanny ”13¢ t0 01°50" and settled threw in during the cantata. She on tit 1 obthe 3th concession, is only my. ,9”. old, but .3” ‘3'“ he has resided continuously vas a star actor amongst those of her own years. There .Nere a lot of other little youngsters who did well too, but :we don’t know their names. and anyway we haven’t the thls week to say all the good things We mung say about the juvenllo portâ€"acre. The attendance was lair, 3 not nearly so large as it shoulil‘ have been. We almost forgot to men- tion the “flower drill” and the “good-night”, both of which were very nicely rendered and were h?;:l“!_v spectacular in effect. Rm. 311'. l’ru-Hnm acted as chairman. vn'l M’sg ‘Rita Irwin filled in the intex'v:.».ls with a number of piano selections. Candies and nuts were distributed to the children at the Clause 01' the entertainment. Mr. Herbert L. Grfiwood, of Antler, N. D., i8 hom‘on a visit. and was married on Christmas day to Miss Geddes, ‘ Dromore. We congratulate the oung cou- ple and hope they n'v long be spared in the full enyment of life. Dr. Jamieson, MP.P.,f South Grey. introduced a eputation from Normanby Townsb at the Parlwment buildings recently askmg Government aid‘o repair damage. created by ‘e heavy rains ot‘ last summer. 'le town~ ship ho: about ten bridge, across A very distressing acciint ocâ€" curred on Thursday of la week at the home of Mr. Henr 591111, .who lives on the Colin Bin farm near Orchard. He had little boy four or five years oi. to whom his uncle, George Set, was very much attached, 'l‘hiuncle and child were playing “'11 one another, as‘men and chilclm of- ten do. While engaged in tls in- nocent amusement, the by in some manner fell into a ketl't ol‘ boiling water and was so ally sculded that he died .after Axut three hours of intense agonyJIr. Andrew Seim, of Holstein, ad Otto Seim, of the Hepworth P5â€" gress are uncles of the deeezuil child. The parents are almit distracted over the said misfortul. the Saugeen River, somef which were WaLhed away and obrs bad- ly broken up. The totallamugc The horse fair on hursday ,last was another succa. Twenty- seven horses were 8d, and there would have been may more if ini condition. Mayor Blk says he looks for a better fa in January. is estimated at $50,000. tnsidx anon was promised. As we go to pm: this week on Tuesday, we have :91) forced to hold considerable rrespondence and other matter 02 rtill next week. 1 ten horse-pmw new wooded, and in good repa. for sale at the foundry. Live hogs are $0. TheChronicle Wishes Everyone A Merry Christmas ~‘v night 3 0:7 the “'3" mm' “V0 . lair, H not The ¥¢ lbOlfld' have 110“" n '1 got to man- ftohn'm‘ Wednesday afternoon of last week sww a busy crowd of workâ€" ers in Zion, replacing the old cush- ions of the choir seats with fine new upholstering. Mrs. Chas. McClocklin took a header from half way down the cellar steps to the floor on Sat- urday morning, and didn’t feel quite so active for the next two or three days. 50:1;5vr l1‘."lll about 10 o'clock on Saturday evening. some short (list'wu'e south of Mtii'kilali‘. De- ceased had one failing and fought valiantly against it, but when in conviviil society, and under strong temptitinn. frail humanity, \Vulllti sometimvs yield. This is what lei to his untimely (lg-nth, .‘lll'i there are [wt-1280115 in the village who may well call themselves his mur- derers. Neighbors put him (,osn- fortahly in his cutter about seven o’clock in the evening. In some. way he got on the railroad track leading south, the cutter runner got fast in the rails and the horse broke loose, leaving him sitting in the cutter. No one seems to have noticed him, though' it was bright moonlight, until the en- engine stonped at the water tank when remnants of cutter, robes, etc. were discovered on the ten- der. The train was run back, and Mr. W. L. Falkingham arrived home from his Newfoundland trip on Monday of last Week. His ar- rival was very timely, as his baby boy is seriously ill with pneumonia. At time of writing he seems to have taken a change for the better. From far and near we’re pleased to hear the wedding bells a’ring- ing. More anon. Miss Flo. E. Hunt, of Hurtney, Man” Mr. Percy Hunt, of'McGee, Sash, and Mr. Ira B. Walker, ar- rived from the west on Saturday evening and the latter is to be a principal in a most interesting event on Christmas day. Rev. W. W. Prudham’s sermons of the past two Sabbaths have been masterful in thought. choice in diction and deeply spiritual. Over the mirth and joyousness of the season has fallen deep sad- nes‘s, caused by the tragic death I Mr. John Colbert, who was in- tfltly killed by the C. P. R, pus- songvr train about 10 O’clock on Miss Dell Walden, of Markdale, is a guest this week of Mr. and Mrs. John 0. Greenwood. She is a most Winsome maiden. Elmo Edwards arrived from To- ronto on Saturday to spend a Week in this boisterous homestead. BPS . TRAVERSTON. . A Christmas of sweet content and a New Year of happiness to all Chronicle readers and admir- u'oken After the inquest on londay the remains were convey- :l to the grief-stricken home, here his .iaithlul, devoted wile, tplored hie loee and gave vent 3 her grief, that ceueed etrong on to weep Jtr. W. L. Felting- 1m bed broken the newe to her aout midnight on Saturdey. the nu coming over the phone to th Felle’ power houee Deceeeed Wt born about :50 yeere ego neer Gblph, Neerly forty yeere ego. hemith other membere o! the {only ceme to Glenelg end eettled on at 1 ot-the 'Oth conceeeion, Whie he hae reeided continuously 0n tpril '1ch, 1880, he wee moet hepily wedded to we. Eliza Kory, who hen proved e moet defledpertner John wee one 01 the met obliglng, honeet end in- duetnue men that ever eettled in the iwnehip, end in quite e fevo .. with old bend young rel took piece from the Tueedey morning to St etery, end wee followed by e on; proceeeion oi narrow- in: en eympethizing neighbors Mr Wu Ritchie is in the field for the denty-reeveship, and should fill the ”goat with honor, and most efficien ,having had consider- able m ipal experience ‘ Munipal politics have been fairly Ciet, but are beginning to warm 9 We understand that DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY December 26, 1912. inng: the (:JI‘P of her mother-£11- luw. M‘s C‘. Firth. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Smith and we children returned on Satur~ day from the west, where they spent the last four or five months. They are looking well. Mr. D. . Firth, of Toronto, was in town ‘uesduy, gave us a call, and left a couple of dollars to keep The Chronicle going. Mrs. David Allen, of town, and Mrs. Artl'liv Melivchnig. of Hope-- Mr. and Mrs. Robt. W. Reid, of Detroit, are spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs; Thos. M. Reid. " - Mrs. J. D. Munro, of Eyebrow, Sask., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. ‘W. Crawford, here. Mr. Adam Brown, Parry Sound, returned to town on Monday, and will spend the winter here. Mrs. Wm. Crawford is spending a month or so with friends at Chatsworth. Mr. Arthur Allan, of the Royal Bank, Montreal, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Allan. Mrs. W. Caldwell attended the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Watson, in Guelph, the early part of last week. \‘ill( Mr. Duncan MacKenzie, and daughter, Miss Annie C. MacKenâ€" zie spent (hxistm: 18 at M Ital? with his son, Mr. J. MzicKenzic. Mr. and .Mrs. Thos. Morton, sr., are spending the holidays with friends near Detroit. Mr. Albert Patterson, of Ford- wich. .is visiting his sister, Mrs. W. H. Bean. Mr. Donaldson, of Drew, is spending the holiday with his daughter, Mrs. N. H. Sternall. Mrs. Herb. Kearney and children ere visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. Cecil Wolfe, of Toronto, is visiting his home here. Mr. Robt. Laidlaw was home for Christmas. Mr. Wm. Buchan, of Lethbridgv, is visiting his mother here. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hahn are SSDe-nding Christmas in Berlin. I‘t an in PERSONAL nding $1 hristmus w Dibbbbbtibbb>bbbbbr>>>> v ,9 DPDV>b>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The first and last Mecmt Of Christmas shnppers is ulll‘ handkerchief counter. always suitable and acceptable, always dainty and dilfer- ent if selected from our com- plete stock. The Rouillnn are assuredly the best. and why not, give the best. Short Kid Gloves all SiZPS $1 Long _24 i_nch_ Kid, Gloves. Each pair (‘arryinguguarzm- tee of wear and a prumment makers muue is nur idea of the glove quest/inn. blink and White $2.50 Long Silk Gloves 850 and $1. S. F. EIORLOCK Five more Shopping days only The Handkerchief an Ideal Christmas Gift ls it'Gloves ? Next to the hmnlkurvhivts in popularity come the fancy linens. not nnlv in the new laceedge duylles. and centrepieces, but in linen cloths. neipkms or handsome towels. A set of furs ! what a truly delightful Christmas box this would make, and to make the choosing easy. we have just received a fresh assortment in many of our best selling fins. and by comparison with recent price lists from the raw skin markets. our values are except- ion ally low consistent with the best quality; You will l supprisml ill, thv pretty will lniy. Will llli' «laylivs range in pr 'l‘.tl)le mtpkim and sup u- 1' w vlulhs to in suitable gift. \Vu hru'v tlwm at, all [H‘l( With Christmas just armmd the corner. It is none too early to select your gifts. \Ve cmifidemly sub- mit m VmIr most critical inspectiun the articles now on display in our store. LlNEI‘B FURS U, the pretty towels 50c m- 75c as range in price frmu 200 up. J 1.‘ cloths to match make a most In Rnhespierre Collars - Dainty Jnhuts and Ties Our stock in neckwewr is well assorted and includes pretty collars. boxed separ- ately. fancy lace jnbots. as well as silk nnd wollen mufl'lers. As necessary to the hair as hairpins and yet worn in a much more prominent. place is the harvtte. All inunense range of new shapes, plain nr fancy'has just. arrived. also an assortment nf pretty hack combs, 150, 18¢}. 200 and 25c. What about a Barette or Back Comb ? Novelties for the Neck $1.00 PER YEAR w

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