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Durham Chronicle (1867), 26 Dec 1912, p. 4

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_ vâ€" -uv-nlb was fully discussed and the only relief suggested was “Back to the Land.” it was clearly shown that an acre of good garden would not only very materially lessen the cost of living, but also furnish the right kind of exercise for the me- chanic, clerk andprofessional man. wâ€" "-' -c-v lubvi mu 91V". In our ecstasy of feeling over rural mail we must not forget to mention our appreciation of the courteous manner and obliging disposition of postmaster Jas. Smith and staff, of Durham. We trust they may long be spared to render such good service. II. v-‘râ€"U-v..“. “I“‘.. I According to the preuictlons of a weather prophet, We were not‘ likely to- have sleighing beforeI February. Two inches and a half! of snow in one night this week‘ will probably convince the prog-g nostigator that he doesn’t know it ‘ all. Postmen are not to be envied these days, with their big louus of mail matter. They are a tired- looking bunch every night. Perhaps I may be exaggerating a little when I say that the Classic City has now the finest market shelters in Ontario. It 13 a nanny, and will be opened to-morrow, the mat. Your correspondent was halted on the street one day last week, and confronted with this awful question, “Didn’t you come from near Plesherton ‘P” O O The farmers around here are erecting their mail boxes along the side 01 the road for rural mail to start on Friday. It seems like a mighty nice Christmas box, and the first s ecial consideration that has ever een given to country people. Sincere thanks to the Government for it. The “name on the gate” agita- tion will now cease, The mail box will furnish the information. A Happy New Year to the road- ers, stat! and editor of The Chron- icle. How to make ends meet is the all absorbing question of the day. At a recent meeting of the Bro- therhood of the ’Central Mutho1 dist church,‘ the high cost 01' living the cutter. Fortunate! , no serious harm was done, and r. Lawrence deserves credit for his pluck in holding the horse, although he is nearly four score . Nowadays it is becoming quite a lad to name a store after a cer- tain line of goods, of which it has the monopoly. Doubtless the manulacturers concerned consider it a good stroke of business to limit the sale of their goods to one store but there are others wno think otherwise. Granting monop- olies is barking back to the dark ages Personally. I never go to a store because they have the sole right to sell a certain line of goods Before I came to the Classic City I used to buy a certain brand of shoes When I came here, I dropped into a store and enquired for the same brand but was informed that they couldn’t buy them I at once bought another kind, which prov- ed equallyn satisfactory in every respect my humble opinion, It is no sign that goods are superior because only one storekeeper has the right to sell them Hr. Jas. Eden has started to ex- cavate for a new bank barn to be built next summer. Messrs. Wm. Marshall and Robt. Mead are also considerin barn building. Mr. and s. John Lawrence had a rather unpleasant experience when leaving town on Saturda, by neglecting to hitch a hol- back strap. The horse became frightened and up set them out of the cutter. Fortunately, no serious Yesterday there was a sale .01 grade cows near the city, mm my price: ranged from $70 to $58 a Water-color counterfeit ten-uu. lar bills are floating around '10- ronto The fellows M ho make the-m earn all they get, if, as the expert: “7.: it tithes 190nm to make them Mr. and Mn. Jaa. Hamilton, of Saskatchewan, are the parents of a bouncing boy. It arrived laat week. Eggs are a luxury these days, when three of them cost ten cents The modern hen that lays eggs through the winter can knock luc spots of! the ancient goose Illul lazy the golden eggs h Menu. Wm. and Robert Lennox, of Elbow, Sash, are visitmg their relative: and many old friend: in thin p.art They both look so well that we Iwonldy think it a good time for them to hunt life partners to take back to their prairie homes with them. Mr. Chas. Gadd, who is down from Fort France: for a month or Do, called on his old friends on this line on Monday. He is well remembered as an obliging post official. CORNER CONCERNS. Intended for last week Mr. James Matthews is in Owen Sound this week giving evidence in the Wilson vs Durham case. IHE DURHAM (IHRflNIClI H3333 35° :1 13“.. £5“. DURHAH, DECEMBER 26th, 1912 CLASSIC CITY CHRONI $0!) to 'lhe Chromcw, . am. brother con-ea] the many readers. 0. MUM E It” and Pronrktor. L‘, “8 11 Du spunucnt: .acti3e worker in the Ep'WOl'tl‘. 1Le1g11e, Sec'n‘ut113'-11e'1s111tr, oi’ Lour Womens MM. .1011 my Society 113 33 ell as u S1111 lay school tezwh» er. For all 30111 assistmme in the different in: inches of church work we wish to {link you. and less? you might forget, we ask you to accept this jewel casket and music , case, not for its intrinsic 3'1lue, but las 11 remembrance of the man, times we hu3e met together. We ask 3011 also to nempt our very best wishes for your future happi- ness. In whatever avenue of 111': } you choose to tread, m1y you be Hyilled with peace, surrounded b3 lplenty, and have joy as 3ou1 ‘compzinion. And if we are not permitted to meet again on eu‘th, we trust we may all meet in the land where artings are un~ kn0Wn. Signe on behalf of l Orchard ehurch __1 F_ W - Mrs. W T. Pinder‘ Mrs. James Brown The following acceptance of her resignation as See -Treas. of the W. M S. was also presented to her: Orchard, December 16th, 1912. Miss Lu_l}1 Bradley. Dear Miss Ilrauley,â€"-It IS with sincere regret thit I accept on behalf of the Society your resigna- tion as See-Treas I have looked over the books and found them correct. Please accept the thanks of the Society for your past labors and we hope and trust that 'wher ever your lot may be cast, that you will find true anal loving friends, and may the God of al. grace, who hath called us into his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered awhile, make you perfect, strengthen, settle you and in His own time may we meet in the eternal home. The Christmas Tree on Friday night was fairly *well attended. The little folks did their parts well, and showed good training. Much credit is due the ladies who 'were instrumental in getting it up. At the close of the program, Miss Lulu Bradley was called to the chair and presented with an ad- dress, jewel casket and music case. 'lhe following is the ad- dress: Miss Lulu E. Brulley Dear Sister in Christ, It is with feelings of regret and sorrow We learned of your de- parture from our midst, yet we trust that the future, whose sev- eral avenues are opening before you may hold for you something :Detter and] grander than the .past has presenté'd. We feel our "loss to no smnll extant for you have been our most m’ficicnt organist for about four ycu's, and an Mr. Wm Bradley’s sale on De- cember 20th was a decided suc- cess. Prices were good, and be- tween four and five hundred peo- plgattgpded _ - .. Kr. C W. M‘cLeuan left Saturday morning to s end the Christmas holidays with ° parents at Fare- well. ’ Mr. and Mrs John A. Bradley re- turned to Winnipeg last Saturday after spending a week at the for- mer’s old home here. U“. ---.- "-v' _ The box social, which was held in the Orchard school house on December 13th was a very good success The proceeds were in the neighborhood of $40.‘ __ Your sincere friend‘ Mrs. A Tuck. Pres. WMS. Miss Bradley made a suitable reply, after whlch the pastor, Rev. J. Ward, also spoke a few words_in qppregiation of her; work. Mr. George Banks left on Tues- day last to spend the winter in Stratford. Mr. John Moffat was up to Owen Sound for a couple of days last week. Mr. (not Ritchie had the mis- fouum: on Frmuy last to lose an execpuun:.-lly flne one-year-olu filly, v..1ueu at 8200. Death was due tu lockjaw. Mr. Geo Sta lea was over to Hggove}: on _(_)nday._ WI Us Mrs Q Pettigrew, o! Lumsden, Sash, is visiting her father, Mr Wm. Bradley Mr Wm Bradley, who has been very ill, is somewhat improved, but still quite streak; . i .7- I -1) Miss Mary Edge, who is attend- ing the Faculty of Education in Toronto, is home for the Christ- mas vacation. M153 M;. gieiâ€"‘I'Pâ€"iâ€"râ€"thrw!) NOI'uLJ, 1'. and Mrs J. W. Firth of PCLx-xbut‘O, and Mr. D H. Firth of immune, are all home for Ch2jmtm...s. Mr. Fred'Keller spent Sandals" at Mr. Wm. Bradley’s. Miss KJte McFayden has been unuer the Loctor’s care for some tixfig, b;._t is_'.m_gro_ving s_light.y. '13:. T1103 Pollock, o: Clinworth, Sash, is visiting friends around MessrsQVJ'eiin McNally, of Ebor- dale‘ and' Wm. Ritchie were up to Dornoch on business in connec- tion with the meetmg of Farmers Institutes. Miss Agnes Mark has returned from Saskatoon, where she has been for three years in training for a nurse. Resolutions for the New Year will now be in order The trouble is however that a fellow who waits till the New Year to make a resolution, generally {ails to put the resolution into practice. A most disastrous fire occurred here on the 16th, when the large mill building plant was destro ed. The com any, however, inten to build rig t away. milk are so dear Every effort is being made by the local corps of the 8. A. to make the opening of their new barracks on Sunday a great success in every particnlar. _:I‘he -â€"vv'~â€" Army iswdbing' a. most excellent work in the cnty, and deserve the support ‘ofhthei cittzegp . _ _ A-___.___‘.I EDGE HILL. wonder that butter and ORCHARD. 57... December 20th, 1912. We will give One Hundred Dol- lars for any case of Deafness caus- ed by Catarrh that cannot be cured bv Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. 1’. J. CHENEY 8: 00., Toledo, 0. Sold by druggists, 75c. Take Hall’s Family Pills for con- stipation. I also wish to thank the officers and members for the many kind expressions of sympathy for me and my family in our irreparable loss. In the Surrogate Coult of the Comty of Gxey. CARD OF THANKS. To the officers and members of Durham Lodge A.O. U. W,. I (leâ€" sire to express my sincere thanks for the prompt payment of cheque for $1000, being insurance held by my late beloved husband, John DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED by local ap lications, as they can- not reach t e diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by con- stitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the lining of the Eustachian Tube, When this tube is inflamed, you have a rumbling sound or im- perfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the re- sult, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube res- tored to its normal condition, hear- ing will be destroyed forever: nine cases out of ten are caused by Ca- tarrh, which is nothing but an in- flamed condition of the mucous surfaces. In the matte} of the estate u'" Ann Moffat, late of the '10“ nship (f Nmmn -._nhy in the County of Grey, \\ idmx , (k (:9: user} Béll. Telling of the progresq made in com- bating the terrible 20th century plagueâ€" Consumption. Notwithstanding the enormous incre-me in population in Canaaa in the past few years, it is more than gratifying to be able to record that the fight which the National Sanitarium Association are put» ting up against the “white plague”â€" consumptionâ€"is proving a winning one. XOTIC‘E is hereby given, pursu- ant to Ontario Statutes 1911, (Jan. 26, Sec. 55, that all persons having claims against the estate of the said Ann Molfat. who died on or about the 18th day of October, A. D. 19117., are required to sen'l by post. prepaid, or otherwise (lelivor to J. P. 'I‘elford, of the Town of Durham, Solicitor for the adminis- I tritor, on oz before the .‘311! may oi J2n111rv A. D. 1913 their names, {ltiliICSSt‘S and descriptions and :1 full statement of particulars of thtir czliims and the nature of the security, if any. held bv them (lulx (reitified, and that after the sail day the administrator will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the est.1te among the parties entitle-l thereto, havmg regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. Maybe you hoveu’t u father, mother, sister or dear friend of your own afflicted, but wouldn’t it feel good to help some poor soul in the throes of the dread disease to get back into the waning clau- to return cured to wife uud loved ones 1 Our proud bout is that no needy Con- aumptive has ever been refused admittance to our Free Institutions at W“ and Muskokn because of poverty. But the good work cannot “pond without you! Kindly empathy and notch] help. heapyh, thffik. .of your â€""â€"J -â€"v-.-â€" brothor and sister. ' Send along our mite, however humble, 00 MR. W. GAGI, Claim of the Executive Committee; or to M1. B. Dorms, Sec. Tm, 347 King West, Toronto. Mandi-urgent “loan-Queen! 'i‘h LMLW 5’.‘ ‘1‘ 12mm 3906 Dated the 26th day of December, A. D. 1912. Wishing the A. O. U. W. every success, I remain, Prior to 1896 deaths from Consumption were on the increase every year. In 1910, despite the greater number of citizens, the figures in Ontario alone showed a decrease of 1118 over those of ten years ago. Isn’t this splendid testimony to the noble work going on ‘1 The telephone line is now in operation here and is much appre- ciated by those who have it in their premises W. R. Edge, W. 'G. Firth, D Ed- e, C. H. Moifat, J. G. Firth and m Ritchie are the new subscribers in this neighbor- L--.) hood. - __ ___ -â€" v ""v-HHJ. Mr. and Mrs Jos. McNally ,cele- brated the 17th anniversary of their wedding on December 11th, by entertaining the members of their families. A very enjoyable evening was spent. We .wish them many more years of happy wedded life. While at work in the bush on Monday, Mr. Fred Staples was sudden] stricken with appendi- citis. e was assisted to the house by Mr. C Cotton, and Dr. D. B. Jamieson was summoned. We are pleased to report that he is doing nicely, and the doctor thinks that no operation will be necessary. ".- -â€"_-J “‘â€"â€" " “’ â€"‘ " "" 8' ‘r"" Miss Ethel Greenwood, Iwho is teaching near New Liskqard, Mr. J. W reenwood, of Ceylon, and Mr Herb Greenwood, of Antler, g3 D , are home for Christmas holi- YO. Mr. Herb Ritchie returned home on Monday, after spending the summer with his uncle, W. Davis, neg}: _l_3agot, Mien, A public examination was held in the school on Thursday after- noon, and the visitors present listened with much appreciation to an excellent program prepared bynlfiissngepbgrn and her pppils._ “At: Sec. Tm,_ 347 King Wat, o It costs nothing. Try it. : ran 0 . Every penny you load go- to help. ‘ ”OOOQQMOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOO A WINNING FIGHT N01 I(‘ '[O ORE DITORS David Allan, Administrator by his Solicitor, J. P. Telfnrd. Yours very truly, TEE DURHAM CHRONICLE Mary Ann Bel}. 09¢ made in com- century plagueâ€"â€" enormous im to L in the past few gratitying Do be i fight. which the moietion are put. ‘white plague”â€" awinning one. from Consumption O scrii ry year. In 1910, '6 ahe: ber of citizens, the ; O 3 3 showed a decrease O paic I years ago. Isn’t O to the noble work O 01 i. o father, mother, . ‘ four own afflicted, ‘ the ! I I : 900:0:20oo. m m 93 I l i l gaming clouâ€" 9 CC nd loved ones? 0 mar d at no need Con . an efmed admiztonee : urda II at W” 3:1,]: Imww 3» Int! without you g 3:3: vitriol help. If treble-oer! : s“ leasing-a, 3°“, 6 othe nneedy Mating . guet O ‘3 however humble. 9 Br Char-mm of o coun or to M3. B. Q - 347 King W83. 6 It Another of Egremont’s esteemed old pioneers passed peacefully away on Thursday morning at five o’clock, in the person of Mrs. Catharine Baird, at the age of 89 years. A fortnight ago, she went to visit her old friends, Mr. and Mrs. Bogle, of Varney, but shortly after her arrival she re- ceived something in the nature of All who attended the fowl 81p- per and concert at 1192 Orange Lodge, Glenelg, Were highly pleased with the affair in every respect. They also very much admired the comfortable appear- ance of their new lodge room, but the McWilliamsville man will claim the pleasure of giving full par- tieulurS. Mrs. Robt. .Mend i her brother, “7111. Sir for ChriStmas dinner. a paralytic stroke, from which she never recovered. Next Week, we will give an accurate account of her life, but at present “e extend the sympathy of the communitv to the members of the timily. \xho are George, James, Agnes, and Annie, Mrs. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" , of Manitoba and Saskatchewan, Ellen. Mrs. Jas. Allan, and Archie, of this part. Her husband, John Baird, prede- ceased her some sixteen years ago. The remains were laid to rest in Maplewood cemetery on Saturday. Rev. Mr. McCausland officiated at the home and grave. Her old friends and neighbors were present to pay a last tri- bute of respect. George, of Saskatchewan, reached here in time for the funeral. When you have a bilious attack give Chamberlain’s Tablets atrial. They are excellent. For sale by all dealers. CORNER CONCERNS. A week ago Sunday night the house on the Robert Nelson farm on the 18th concession was des- troyed by fire, caused by a lamp exploding. 00¢OOOOOQOOOOOQOOOOQOOOOOw ‘ THE GUESSING CONTEST __ -_ _ -.n _A _---‘ II desired result and I have tollnnk them for my very favorable and satisfactory late of health” N. C. STIRLING. '“W‘ ‘” ”w“ N. c. STIRLING. Why don’t on try “Fruit-a-tives”? 50¢ a box, 6 or $2.50, trial size, 25c. At all dealers 3r sent on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tivcs Limited, Ottawa. “f am lad to be nble to so to you that 3 though in the past I an cred excruciating agony with Dyspepsia, I an now in perfect health. But “Fruit-a-tives” were so Seoeficial to me when I sufiered with diatleaaing Dyspepsia, that I feel called u inform you of the remarkabe and satisfactory results I have had from using them. Dyspepsia and Indigestion as everyone knows, can give: you more uncomfort- able hours and days than most common complaints. Guzman, 01".. Aug. 15m. 19x1. “Sc much has been aid end written ebout “Fruit-a. fives” thet at might oeun “E’P°99§§"Â¥.f°'91¢t994dmye%m SUFFEREB ABflNY fRUM DYSPEPSIA Broken beans will not counted. The winner will be an- nounced in issue of January 2nd, 1912. Subscribers paying for others will be allowed a guess for every 25c. paid in. antest 0 ens Saturday morning, ovember 30th. and closes at 6 o’clock, Sat- urday evening, December 28. Only one prize will be given, but if two or more make equally good guesses the money will be divided equally. One guess will be allowed for every 25 cents paid. Sub- scribers may pay as far ahead as they desire, and get a guess for every quarter paid. ‘thluit-a-tives” accomplished the ‘_4 The person making the nearest guess to the number of beans in a bottle to be seen in our office will get a Five Dollar Bill, if paid up to the end of 1913. “HIM-fills" labs Inlhflll GIN FIVE DOLLARS TO THE WINNER I. C. .TIIUNO. I... .Mend is expecting Wm, Sirrs, of Unity, “Vt raj“; aim ¢+z++++++++++++++fi +++++a r ++++++++++§11at"i. !| Illil'.ll.' ’ ll'u"4Ia.l. '1'" 'l - .l-‘ "ll {I e \' my much 4 4 O. :4 90 06 O 'HHOE C. 0 0.9.9:: You will find that dmgtistl everywhere speak well of Cham- berlain’l Cough Remedy. They know from long experience in the Iale of it that in cases of coughs and cold: it can always be depend- ed upon, and that it is pleasant and_ safe to take. For sale by all BEHNCKE.â€"Ip ,Glen Cove, Long Island, N. - on Tuesday, De- cember 3rd . Kr. and Mrs. J. C. Behncke, a daughter. GREENWOOD-GEDDES.â€"At Ro- mania F _ the home of the bride’s p ts, 'on Wednesday, December 28th. by Rev. George Kendall, . Herbert L. Green- wood, tler, N. D., to Miss Robena . only daughter of Mr. an Jamel Geddu, of ‘ A a +++++++++++++++++++m .++++++++++v++~+~~~9=<>++>e £1QII I- III Em ,EHEH, EPENMWSE @3345. E a .'~-.il" 1| _ . Herbert L. Gre tler, N. D., to I! only daughtel Mr. ano *1 Jamel Geddeo, Successor to Miss Dick. Lambton Street. Durham Beginning Friday and Saturday November 8th and 9th DURHAM MISS L. McAULIFFE SMITH BROS. A Happy New Year . MARRIED. 'OQD-GEDDE " , the ham p _ts, 'on ‘ THE DURHAM F()UNDR\ “’9 have a very nice line of Lamps. Our Fancy Stand Lamps are: worthy of inspection. ranging in price fmm $1.50 to $6.50. Our Nickle Lamps are swund Lu none and our Bedrunm Lmups are cheaper than the PhPHpH-‘i. ‘V Now we have secured a greht variety of Muohanicnl Toys for the children. Duuul delay buying as they are moving fast. In Silverware we have Water Pitchers, Fern Dishes. Butter Dishes, Pirkle Dishes. Biscuit, Jars, Sugar anls. Fruit Dishes. Gravy Bowls. ‘lnrd meivvrs. Fruit Spoons, Coid Meat Forks, Pie'Knives. Knives and I’m-ks, Ta ble, Desert and Tea Spoons, etc. Hand Sleighs, Skatps, Grmnmaphunes, Electric Light Lamps, and other articles to mmwmus Lu mentitm. m L99 mam: Hardware Store. in Durham you wnllflmd a number of articles very suitable for Christmas Presen be; We have a number of tl‘illllillwl mm untrimmed hats. that, we wiH wll re» gardless of cost). For Mun-unk- Misses and Childrvn. In tilt: "Lo‘uflng flat-durum Store. GUN’S DRUG STORE (G.T.R. Town Ticket Agent) . BLACK ~ Duvks Ubickvw FUWI Pummea. p Dru-d A'vplt' Flmlr, prl‘r Unuuvul. ,u (’hup. 'N I . Live “'51-. Hid”. p I .c Stare-push. Wnul . . 'l‘--cl|u\\' Lard 'l llrkt’ys mu Whom: 1593100! th “lulu“ 041'.‘ Fred Outs Barley Hot) Baum Have you renewed your "1b.? MARKET REPORT lmamm. Dec. 25 [“12 DURHAM. wan-m Sash : 't Irk. «H's ONTARIO He ("\J 10 UN 8-D ll ll 27 w 34 M) In x. [912. -

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