West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 Jan 1913, p. 2

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IMPCRTANI‘ TO LADIES Ladies desiring to have 1 mm hair combings made up the latest style of hair dress Inch as coils, b t' " 1nd the Puffs. which were one pular, should address the rsigned. Hair goods remodel d faded switches dyedâ€"l s, Eugenia Falls. ( PIG ABOUT SIX mum to the pren ndersigned abou ovember. Ownel 'me by proving g expenses, and uncan Smillie. Bl NOTICE 1' otherwise delive‘r' d, of the Town of D. SOIICitOl' for the adminia- MOUNT FOREST on or before the 23rd day nary A D. 1913, their names, we: and deacri .' [the Albertd .vid All”, Administrator in Solicitor, J. P. Teflon-d. “nu-er. ror articularu, apply to Ed. Langdfon. Durham, or John M. Link. 205 Rlopelle St" Detroit, Mich 222tl A COMFORTABLE BRICK COf-j tage in upper 'own, well located,‘ about a quarter acre of land in good condition, Will sell 1' cheap to qui:k purchaser.-â€"Ap- ply to Geo. Finney. 418 th H. ", ’uu _ -_- v“; “nu-o "KICK HOUSE} \nyf‘ARY pUBLIC k. Durham. 2 Moreyl high. hard‘ . Pr. and soft vat" inside, good can- -’ wen: ' Munpy tn 1.6a out It’ll:- frame barn on too. 14% Lummes A gang quarter arr. of [and Price aWay I n a trammeted GOOD BUILDING Laws to J P. Telford _burn,_Durham 9 01' MP8. 0000_ COLQPQRT'ABLE' délll AND NICE {or immediate :-J8Ck55m. 18tt 26th day __ - -._ EVE "AR. TH THIRTY-THREE ACRES GOOD ~- , BOAT land, no buildings; situated in- ~ r aide Durham town limits; spring page 59a W‘ creek runs through the property. ,1 L R. 0 p_ LONDON Good chance for quick purchaser. ° ‘ ‘ Apply to C. C. Elvidge, Durham. {‘ RADULATE. 0’ 1 2H ) 'E\.ERAL HDIYQDQ 1‘? “l'nn nu- - -- uuuu. ['1‘] ya a quick purchaser! the Chronicle office. One nice )U'I‘ SIX MONTHS OLD the premises of the |ed about the 20th of haVe PYOVing‘ property. haw- . deceased, '30 Statutes 1911 wt 91] persons 11 r wâ€" v-‘ “50" a. spply to Thos. Glencross, Trav- _* erston. _____11_7_t!- LoT safco‘N C‘EsSIo‘N‘ 2, AM) to"? 53, Concession 3, N.D.R., Bent- inck, containin 100 acres; 4% miles from Dur am:. good farm; first-class buildings; ,lots hard and soft water; good young orchard; strawberries, raspber- ries. and grapes planted last s1 ring. or further particulars, applfi to James A. Alexander,I Ear ill, 8381:. 12 l2t M' 52' hstray mime 'L'O'r' , __v- as, DUL‘LwDIUN 9, Glenelg, zoo acres. Good com- lortable house, barn, and other outbuildings; two good wells, and a large ciitern. 70 acres under cultivation. 20 acres hard- wood bush, 10 acres pasture land. Good orchard. Reasonable terms. For further particulars. apply to Thos. Glencross, Trav-. Acrgton. 11 '74.! -' 800“! Owner may Wing pro . and ta]: 'In D.-____ petty, mg aw Jayâ€" For Rent Ito-p: vol] wntorod with nover- FF. um» um: two good wens: ' , ICE ‘ 40- "bio preport For 1 . urth- umbto t or pat-timing, .pp y to Thou. manna... ‘Cfib- “Agâ€"A "n. V ., ...U of hair dressing, raids or switches. 'hich were once so address the un- 1 I ank «and "him“! Duane: of Eye. Ear “""i" be at the H and 2') (m. 19. \nm Of December: Farms for Sale. For Sale. Court of ; Tommi}; ,: wk; Ounty of the a! en,_ pursu- 100 achiâ€" have their up into ap. “>le 7 27 m BQUSE ;' APPLY '. Black- _0 13 u J F GRANT. D‘D‘éâ€"i “IONORfHRADUATE UN of Turmlto. Gradna nlleguv Denta' Surat-mm 01‘ 0. mn- n. I. u]!- -. u u 19 carnes two trolley mles one of ’ ' ' as the re- OHM-3. 8,15 4pd that cahcer o1 pur- ; the tongue 13 fr which is ful- ; bloken, in the ordinur ' ary canal 1:: chronic irntu- . by food imperfectly masticateu’ through the Rack 01 about one-tenth of ' ' _-.-.c “cuuent occurred Arthur on Friday after- which a little boy, Rob- 9 Jackson ..... . .. unUUA I‘E UNIVERSI- tv of Toronto. Graduate Roya “7011929 Dental Surge-Una oi'CnmrlO Dentistrvjn all its Bram'hes ()ffivaâ€"va- Dunglas’JPweHm'y Storp. \ â€".rv«l-AI‘JJ l U“ '5’". . oppoflifl the Regie‘ry t , Durham. Anyamoum I at 5 per cent. nu farm Uflire. nearly "five. Larnbton c unmev tn hm: mperfv. “Hill's. l tn elem that 0"“ fig.'aunt R )‘ 5"! and 00601an Dr. 1.2m! the \“llllLA - -- “I 1111‘:- h ”6' qf W" back aftâ€"ei'vzbe mm '3‘. ‘ _’ weeks gave it to hlmmml bus: and the health L , g ' puzzled. Finally, D __.-__ Health Commission ; began to 100k V . being harbored and Fire an inrlnc:_:‘ .- D w/a/ Directory s) p. m Meadaa/ Directory Window . Telford, .C. F‘icker' Dentist. :ng (h Jackson. Per. (‘. luau Loan. Issuer of mmeral financial ~-_v vvuJ _' .‘U ‘ , O ammo ; miectlon of z >. Ear Nose and Throat. I r we Hahn House, Julv.‘ mOSt const ’nvemhe-r 16. Dec, 21,3").0‘1th3 0f th Idlseased and , COMMISSION ilpa blc ._ o . l ing facts: He exam- !" med one tho ' , 21 9-10 per cent. rm and Value so. ,had soun teeth, while those who r57, I ad not measles 43 9-10 per cent. )AT NOSE had sound teeth He stated that the time between the attack of W” ‘ '"" .measles and 1118 examlnation of the ‘ij ‘ “ fteeth was so short th 1t the onl‘ i ' reasonably couhl . be reached was that decayed tevta ay contributed to the ;infection of measles. Illfll‘lra "(be P i ct are?" 111‘? t'htkr’s L1: ' ctly from is far mouth. I to decide in place until the may hold U . 'on, and als< "v, developing perma too impor . A grec’ can ing. expense and nul- ' ' be PreVenteq by .V'lty 11) £118 rfhnfl. An-.- .- Scarlet IQVer bitt, of the thesé ble (11‘ :give them the opportunity of pro- ’ducing the disease. ms enter the solid, into the ° ‘ 'i‘ and the health department ' ' the children were kept in t ' infectious stage was long pest, f and after all aan ' ly over they re but still the disease kept 5pm»; ingo‘ Those Chilnrun ‘.. lfidefinite epax o the conclusxon [nut teeth, keepmg actix “no +L“ - v _-.,...uaucu Child. " a unquegtm‘namy The temporary teeth, as stated hen surely it [h before, should be ’ dental uecay in attention as the femnent ones. 1r Chlldren. These teeth gene any appear in 35193, pernicious the followin order: Incisors, five :Uread infections to t?” mont ° genus of anstzmt THE CARE OF THE TEETH ’ is (It all in I‘ places in be- ill] the gums "'5 x the “BCJVHI an mfectwn 01 ever, the disease of t m importance to freqUently recen'ps years, D1“ diphtheria are guests active the 0 he made y . . bsceuea discharg- ing upon the subject pus, Wh’ch . no constantly obeing of the Teeth,” it “Ti“ ; pwaIIOWed With .the food. This pns . . it would die time. Then I 5 0f the body 15 m when We consider the aynng, ’ndant “P0" the at” fermenting food. left to d the teeth recenve, or pose we have iseases which play . -’ The British Jour_ 3 Diseases, of ings to our not- facts: He exam- ! children we {D'd that Of those ’ they ha (I - til» “19 ”bovdy to thy, crown can be . I! root be past treatment, ' be removed, and a occlusion restored by b 101‘ tllL‘ bl'Ought very bad root that treated, made healthy into a qerviceable c top, or crown, of toot lost, but if root can be thy, crown can be re .rOOt be past trunk-na- n t- ‘ er the growing child will bring results mouth and you little dream of. Among other d and forty- things, it will develop a era for stimulants. An ° not chew on aching, sensitiveIC teeth. The .chil t ' - 511‘ the permanent set. In the permanent teeth is ed by lack pap or mush formed to chew hard, is fdl' u Lanny. The cavity it'h greater rapidity um germs being less Y‘ . der the placque, the an acid in contact with the enam- el of the tooth ' solv (moisture and perfect is th. f01‘ baotpriq 1 w.- vu -. Luuull'fl. It is a root that cannot be made healthy and built qerviceable crown. The rnwn A' ““' “Haws, m a crevice, or ' food romaini . , fonming :1 gent placque. This placque not gives protection to bacteria. supplies food, and here also found thp mm: - ness at" the teeth, but t of their surroundings. the teeth is just as n surfaces, fvne particles of food In the mth, fuming 9 . This pluc-qu gives DI‘Ofpr‘h’nn 4.. 1 - "mu, men wno are drinium to-day because they have not been able to masticate their ‘ , believe many ills of life can “be traced to this cruv . a fact frequently. overlooked is the effect disease! v- “u“ suuum never! ed to unless absolutoiyi . This is as true in re-i ,the child’s teeth as to s. It is most importapt; temporary tee h remain! ntil the proper time, th 1t .9 hnm 4L - -__v worection to bog-term. 5 food, and here also the Ideal] conditions 9 0"" ‘I ,_-~ LILUULII [01‘ ('1 la that there exist which have never out of the mouth. acque, the germs contact ‘with the e: ‘,‘4.1 nu warmth. the mouth I In or . s prugx'es the city of Clove] '91) school child .1. . “'l't’gmarity )1- Irregu] ll‘ity of th is often causy P of first tmithr- ‘ s or permanent” for the Durhnnn : A 1's- stetm as small-pox. (I always produce] my 01' the teeth can n germs or bacteria n\‘â€"- e cnild’s prugress. in Ie city of Clovel'on-l. school children, were in poor 00nd.- ) had been failing in year after year. had red {or by the «. out~ taught how to brush them find how to Inn‘A Suffer He'd nPVer fall to "v- -QAA {51w not only );l(f[("‘!'i.il. but ‘1'0411'50 :n'v Ilditiuns .)f In fact. St: for :1 home 9 exist sev- ‘ never been mouth. Un- I‘upidity cm 5," 1055 (“5" n! the tis- })(‘ 1"(31)f (\Ff their £683. In 9 On their 9, 01' undg_)r remaining in T1 gelatv'mm. decay of This ‘ y i found a In their efficien- girl _'Wh0se 3 in ' tho 01‘ soft- PPPerci “'38 (fans. 83), ()f '. EWEN the Durham The - W (‘h 9' .l 4 __Heral(rlorgc.l:; V should b rmsed {one msertm denture. The d ture should e dismfected 1 qm-ntly. To do th' . It a reliable medi- h or cold take ough Remedy. It mended upon, and safe to take. For Year”. and Toronto Toronto Toronto Ontario condition, the V9 PPODhylactic all tlge surfaces 1.2m 1.90 Der cenf _--...$1.75 .uuâ€"cmpuon may 6 . homestead “certain distncta. .Price 8.3.00 acre Duties ~Must parts few 1.90 81'9er “‘1 I pro-empti'éfi ‘ flmhased hn and Deputy 0f 5 Embalming a Specialty tcture Framing Ito/ire. 7â€" 7‘ 0” Shane: F ull line of (Y and White ( a Snow Rmms~1 Barber Shop. dmn'Suuth of \ blanksmibh shup --“ EDIT"); AND [3‘ ' dauihté 3" 'WPPIO'OI' Who has I“ All On 0‘ 3";ilame Mmitobao SHE] athOlic Ruhes "W8 M MN! m Jammy-y “a. e yWE, C U I- (J homefitegd- H tn 'RUPRIE’I‘OR 311V “3’ ma]. mEStead Swalluw‘ " E New H “' "9,1061 This ‘ dcwn and i when young he tell (I' PeOple FLO POSITIVELY Ml boom“ Most he 50.1

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