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Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 Jan 1913, p. 3

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r] “nu whit Embalming 0“ I“ 5d w‘ hshi p ['llp IHE DURHAM CHHU ’t the Chronicle Printing ”om. U Strut. Bee in j V AdVoca 'eral Direcwrx TH vb 6! “mid W rHl as naming on Ito/12‘s. Cl! 3:0”. WIthir $3.00 January 16th, 191‘ mrbul at I (sh-Izod l- Lung 'iF'nIJDd.’ "'0 . first insertion 25 con» for ‘ tmn. \ND fuller“ b, H ’?nty >neer Pave. In- floor died ““0““. and Nut “(Pd poop... ntelt Specialty at the ’Rormm'on 00 and er of he 0;. nu ")9 I" S'alflow’l ) l'. .\ ( 'Bâ€"Ne‘fi I AWMnCQ’. ”Wane. 18 ”hatch- Ppflcant “.Y ma]. mestead ‘8 Dom- JEE six “ranger. IO ll ,ry (“the 1913. paslrv tl( ‘ _._,__ mssnnmos if” 1“ M l 8 ocial Rodaction on Flour in b and ,. NW» ’- '11 H191, ‘ p 10 Bag Lots Intended for last neck. 1‘. A Blikely, LO“ Fi (*00d‘3 Ilt'llVln Pd {HV\VhPI'P ‘n tnfiv The MGthOdiSS Sunday Q( 11001 111â€" ‘VIISOD (ind JOIIU hunn niversary on New Year’s evening foxmer re-elected -... lwas very successful. After an exâ€"\ Tl’ V , . t.cellent tea, served .1“ theosc‘hool‘ ‘15 ‘ CCKS 1‘“ the auditorium l A hockey m itch \L is 0 3 Done Every D”) ‘room of the church, l was filled with a large au- .' wwk betwve_ . ‘ ‘ ' " ' in ‘which t , who found .picture in the bevy of young he s i. “.0“, flour and feed and,0n the platform fille - “m”. tor. 33“" lars of the school. The pastor.i , “- . . ' loes not keep it emne to HOV Mr Wellwoml presided, and } (”ts vent for '4 31911 ' ° ' ‘ ’ esting proâ€" '1 last Week to the 11mm - :Mis Andrew Beattie, h . your gliu'vl ( . $hf’ llllll lml \u will u-w you right l conducted a very inter . (gill .14 up My tolpphogu- No Q l gram of choruses, solos. recitations : \vtrc 10) ally (“t t . , . . . _-. * ' u * eran Allk‘nds of Grain bou ht t Hark" etc.. such as is usual for the ex ;. ' " . , ) ‘Price g a 'cellent talent of this school. \Ve‘lblb uenmg SI’U‘t- l ( :nnot enumerate the many pretty: MI‘S. Fred Hickling 1 children, all of . number of young peo s Well. ‘ m srlay evening last, a a“. lnumbers by the . ‘ whom acquitted themselVe honor of her nieces ""l‘hree Green Bonnets,” by Dorris Bovd, EVelyn * Aikenhead, of 'l‘oronl ‘ Miss Lulu Mitchell John McGowanmmo m, . and Evada Wilson, was t thirty young ' l Wellwood V \ \very cute. “Mother Goose’s Rt'~:¢lDUll. I ception was a very taking nu'm-{Skdtmg party af her. A selection from Queen Es-EThursday evening ls EDUCAT‘ON l‘ther by a number of the younglnfter midnight a m( " people Was 'Well rendered and ', spent, ‘ ' ' as was also an“ Mr Harry Fella, e ' ..Mr H. Wilson, met ‘ the rink on '1 TH AT PAYS l excellently rem er . Wilcock, Dr. Murr iv, and Re\'. i full on of ' int; last, and susta: Very l ‘5‘ .l‘Ht ”W kill“ Y”“ W“ ““dt’l' :Wellwood. Editor \W. Irwin, ”W WY." “9*“- “W‘l'lmw at any lDurham, Was a visitor, and res"‘51""lineu ankle, whic ”NW". Shaw's ‘lchm‘h‘ TW‘OHW- lponding to an in\it'1tion from the - up for some time. “W Central “Sin?“ (’fillt‘geo chairman for a speech, he was A clean and enj tht “PM?“ Telt’gml’h 5'0th ,_ given a ver hearty reception. match Was played 0: HH‘ FM" Cit) 8‘3“?“ BMW?“ lshowing the esteem in which he is 1 on Friday evening ' ““h‘ml‘ 0““ “”W “'“l'l'ic‘ll‘lm 'held, and the Warmth of feeling dale and Flesherton ting tOWards him here, ter Winning by 6 t Barnsâ€"On Januar; as in a pleasant rem- ° 01 Mrs. John Ste! eXplams - _. given. \Vrite for a ( opy to Mr Ier .w (‘entral Business College, iniscent mood and referred to his 3 “maps; Gerrard Sts.,'l‘oronto first coming to Flesherton on line, a son. . ” \V’ H QHAVV P New Year’s day ‘27 years ago; his . A large quantity ' ’ "’8' attendance at this school’s anni-tmg hauled from 1 d the succeeding ‘ buildings to be E d - Toronto line nex versary then an eleven years in which he reside ’ here. The freewill offering 'waslGeorge White will labout $63.00. lresidence, Mr. Chs ‘ â€"-~-L-. urodding' l find MP. RObt. B88 l' Balltinck P. 0. neat 100 Acres nea d farm, very low 5 velve Fair huild'mgs, goo price and easy terms. youn; 1100!) near Hamp- 911881 130 Aom Normanby. Good buildings. a fine stock mg : den. farm. Sumebody wull sna ch this bar- . gain quickly, why not. you W111 Sang Many other farms of all sizes and . cam kinds. to: sale cheap Wedl Srof h to SELL. BORROW or Chad THE L‘INIIJ \.--_- ' groom bemg at 5V.“ -- \Mrso AlnquIV"â€", __ ‘ meats 1111‘!“ (Issue WU..- z.-v_- _, w . . V “In" -_- t0 SELL. BORROW or Chain. Bornâ€"At Regina, on New Year‘s INSURE it. will PAY you to see me. day, to Mr and Mrs. Charlie Mc- - \ Mrs. A. R. Taylor, of Crlder, 140.. a {had been troubled wi ladle for about olive y debts to W“ m" {owner pastor, t137.! t i . . cc (1 k ”dad , arge congrega ans 3 arm versary . offihzegczlietxyltegtsna ‘3» ”inching: Dir“? t ”dialockéflle leaPfli’t ‘agg‘etf'khfi 3:3 3:;nhatvvzocgfed the “ENDED! 01 A . ,, 'li ! .curc onu y en spoe autumn rom busines- nth mould '9‘ the be e at n nocinl gathering on Monday lher. 3‘ headache ll canned 1” 8 Liver-poo Hay 27 , 1913. g :6 1:13am: ' evening, when a good programme disordered stomach, to: w (:11 Get parbcuhru from an: un ‘ "‘"m and little than ablat- are on y in- aciflc A nto, or write nur- ”burs. Pt- 1 at well and by, Di: t Pulengor Agent, for m tun St. Isaul’s, Pértl; 3 OF ALL KINDS, 1m week with 'pmg. Bras mother, and othel ylinderb Mr. Jos. LeGard EVERY AFTERNOOP few 'Weeks’ visit : returned to Tom ‘ Mr. Lou. Booth 3rd ‘his cousin, Mr. 'I am Ethe holidays, left ‘on Frid, . ‘ Mr. 5mg, Mrs. \ .94 ' . .. ‘ “’â€" 0- CONNOR xiziz"§;;.eyz‘;af I...“ DRUW 01' w”..- Bornâ€"At Regina, on New 1 day, to Mr and Mrs. Charlie invest or ‘ Tavigh‘ a son . _ ”'47- Al Mantras John I. Sloan: _. ., , H. E. Wellwood, B.A., B.D., c0n-‘ . . - _ - l was much enjoied. l ducted 'the ceremony, l‘placg beneatlh 1) th , *' W ked "th 8. . e fly “m 0 an “1 {em .Meaford, installed in hi ' Mrs. Ed. Orr, of Seattle, played the , , ' \one to give power for wedding march, and the brides. little nephew, Master Russell Cam- | . ars old, Was a cute l. for Choppmg'lplant. 1eron, two ye ' The bride, who 'wasl . . _ lege, preached in the I unattended; entered the the arm of er father, and ooked‘ her bridal veil and 1 was much enioye by [Inauv V'" the bay window Mrs. Ed. 0m of wedding march little nephew, M _-A .‘ ‘1 serVice" church on at t ‘0‘!“ evening! Liverpool May 27th, Get particultrl Pacific A ntl: 01' phy, Di! ct 1" returned from holidays. - of suffit-i Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart, Qt Paul’s, Perth county, visited t‘nt t n :nnmor‘q the cc Mr. Lou. Boothwell, who visitev' Thos. Fisher, over um knndgvm left for Owen Sound nd Mrs. Ed. Orr, of Seattle. nanny... -.._ - ___ - siting the farmer’s parents, ICBBBBGS AND WARM d Mrs. M. G. Orr, who are . A plan for sbolishin icebergs is Bing visited by their sons,° daughter, . to be bid before the us faumly 1n Osprey, gav .sant call on Friday ast. xBrooklyn, Chfford L ucks, of Meatord, ton. calhng for a government vxsitor at Mr Phny Loucks commisslon to study the teasnbxhtg reek ‘of constructmg a huge jettx er, of .Stngham - across the Gran Banks of Ne“ MP. J. Al'llUluyu; --.~-__ ' SW1“ Cur- Forest, Orangevuxc a..- _ ' , world cometn uuu s‘rank Hutchinson, of Miss Hutchinson, Sound, rent. Sask., and Mr and Mrs. Stokes, ationg we of Toronto, -. of Mt. Albert, and Miss Lynetta ' , Vlfilt- the Methodists in Alton. l dominion over the eart Hanbury, of Dundalk, were H. Moore Second. that the Methodists join serpent. wh ors with Mr. and Mrs. R. last week. the Presbyterians in Caledon. l Mr An MP9 0'99- Mitchell spent Third, that negotiations be en-" wisest and probably most the tered upon to secure an exchange “t creatures beneath ma ' ' l-‘ condemned because of th l 'I head, of Toronto, are "their aunt, Mrs. Hickling, ' _. . 'l ()iiitfl‘ relatives here. ians at RiVQrviQW. = Fleshcrton village elected by .' " ‘ ° Reeve, l). Mu’iavish; councillors, the congregation u I T- A- 31â€"11(01)} 14031313151191‘, Mill‘k Presbyterian church, and that the \unn, the two South Luther Presbyterian church nite with the l Wilson and John i ;,i()1111er re-elected. be attached 10 the Damascus cir- -\ p . u, ‘, v 1 cuit 01' the etho"‘iist church. such, however they may 0099 RS 89 fl Th” \VLChS 1‘9“8° 1 Fifth, that the Methodist congreâ€" ants of Christ. unless they trui '13 be united With pent. our Lord tells u _ “"“8k b twv , ‘ i the P1 t-sbyterian church there, and ‘ e L. which the. former the church building be handed sayrttoflglemi‘e" over to the Presbyterian church: pa m Verse 6 reminds u 1 town girls, In ani that the Presbyterian congre- ' ' ‘ lust of the flesh. the lust o S i won, score 2 to 1. High SChOUI Stu‘l’ giiiot. at Proton Station, with . xi the pride of life. all of which a :1, :3. load of the . . 49“”) went for '4 sleighing 1"”15' thcir (‘i‘il‘Ch building be h I ‘_ 3 last Week to the home of Mr. and .‘ ‘ . :m-‘fi . :q.Mis Andrew Beattie, Where they over "J the Methodist Cthh' ,the world medal?! ('_ =. \vtrc royally entertained and a ,..-_._... -. ' hhatdthgyGtod Ad's?!) add Eve f foliolly evening spent. . ‘ - an o . l p . . .. ._ ) . SPECIAL AROUND THE WORM) with hunger and loneliness un 51'} hilt/1:1: 11' 15d Eafit‘émi 53:11? figuailjf l CRUISEâ€"CANADIAN PACIFli" same temptation . O ‘ . 3. . l ,1 ' ,, , ,. EMPRESSES OF “RUSSIA” AND N am dam 3,, 41. m sday ex enmg last, at a party in . “ASIA ,, ss e e ‘ ' ‘ l, By the same swo . of sinâ€"tear. try- \ An unusual opportunity for from God. the man blam- around the World cruise, all under some of t ry i, honor of her nieces, the 1\ ith “9 ing to hide yn * Aikenhead, of Toronto. Mitchell entertained 733‘ Miss Lulu - 1e- \, about thirty young people at a the Canadian Pacific flag w party after rink on consequent standard of service is ing God for the gift of the woman. fered With the advent of the; fig leaf aprons a substitute for gar- Inasmuch iThursday evening last, and till oi 11111“e “WW tm" ments of light and glory. esh is death Es- lngiafter midnight a merry time was great new quat bine engine steamships, “Em regs: d with of Russia” and “Empresg of as the minding Of the ii ' (Rom. viii. 6. margin), they died 1nd t, Spt‘nt. an 3 __Mr Harry Fella, employe '1 ‘nrzlnnn .mof \Vith a, severe ASifl.” . n__.__:..” ‘4" that day, ‘ “ 4...; "nfmh‘" ‘n the 81b“ “ A hockey match was played 12131 ;; week between the high school 311' ; % town girls, in which the forme , a “7m- score 2 to 1. fig unut.‘ uuu - ___, ter Wmning by 6 to 4. ere, :m- Bornâ€"On January 9th, to Mr. ' 1101 Mrs. John Stewart, West uni-1 ing hauled from here for new ling \ bmldings to be erected on the ded "- Toronto line ne 'Was 1 George White will buil ‘residence, Mr. Chas. Best, a bar} ‘ and Mr. Robt. Best. a wing to hr. l the P1 c-sbyterigm (cinurchbthore, and . ‘ , .. . the church nil ing _e hande. 1n “h“‘h the formu over to the Presbyterian church: and that the Presbyterian congre- h‘m‘ Stu‘l" gnior at Proton Station, with building be handed Methodist church.” week town girls, iwon, score 2 to 1. I} is. load of fthe I-Iiglhose. t ;ents wen or a seig nng par y thi'. C}, . h ek to the home of Mr. and ové; tiutlcie l'last We lMIs Andrew Beattie, where they iwere royally entertained and a W-- i' ' é' ' ' t. ‘ 1°11} uenmg Spe" SPECIAL AROUND THE WORM CRUISE.-â€"-CANADIAN PACIFK l Mrs. Fred Hickling entertlinerl '3 ~: ”numb“ 0‘ 3’.°"._“$_}Ze ' " " EMPRESSES OF “RUSSIA” AN] n+ n nnrtv in. “AQI’A ” lv"~' Mrs. Fred Hickling entertiino'i a1 number of young people on Wt'h: m sday evening last, at a party in , nieces, the Misses! Aikenhead, of Toronto. ' entertained about thirty young people at a skating party after rink on 'Thursday evening last, who» midnight a merry time was Wilson, \met with u SCH-n- the rink on 'lhursday enm- " ing lust, and Sustained a badly \sl-mineu ankle, which will lay him - up for some time. \ A clean ‘. full on le‘le ‘ he'r daughter, Laura. the‘ Mrs. J. W. Argnstro Saturdgy to vial} he a d 11 'Mrs. Axkenhead, m T( Mr. Thos. Eisner, ow. -m- 5, left for Owen Sound a garden. and Englar surrounded by a curr vl'rs W. H. Brown, of as the Caribbean Sea. Mr. Kicker declared ‘ sited the former’s parâ€": and brother on the wild the project Imig] last week. first sight. it had re Col uett returned to cndorsment of man | Fri .ay. after spending and ever: the United E ys with his family here. graphic office had 'Win, of Durham, visited feasible. He estimate - --A ‘IYOQ the QUCSt Of $20 000,000. Rev. E. E. Wellwood is conduct-i. services at Messrs. W J Bellamy; Wright and '. hos. Sle ected trustees in the Mr. Isaac Teeter, Mr. W. J. Hamilton, Public schoo John reg d, were reâ€"el- \ abou 593 feet of SaskatChe" ‘ sels bui visited at Mr. Price Teeter s. a feat“ ' ' ed for speed, t 34,000 ton L “ â€"-quadruple screwâ€"turbine *1 ‘ ginesâ€"and the first merchant vesâ€" . The “Empress of “Empres sof As ister 16,850 tons, displacemen peed 20 knots l 9.11" ‘ It with the re Wthh is Russia” and ‘ fl “cruiser” stern. especially ad- and increases l Miss Watkinsynurse,‘ . .. ‘ friend, Miss the stability, besides, securing ‘ Mrs. W. A. Armstrong '. . ° ' the cnty thh that they should :1 ' compartments filled with: it was thought a great but the new “Empresscs” various decks. were built so oat with two of their compart- ia” are sister ships ' f long, 68 feet beamâ€"gross I t 1 1 . Wilson, met wun u a.“ a the rink on 'lhursday enm- AS", and sustained a badly «an ankle. “'hiCh will lay him Mrs. J. W. Armsfrongd aturday to visit her laughter. t firs. Aikenhead, in Toronto. c n Fella, employed with n, met with a sevvro nk on Thursday even- I unstained a badly tity of sand is be- >rn here for new be erected on the next summer. Mr» will build a inevw' nere. graphic office nau cu gnu“. -- ited feasible. He GSthated the cost at‘ in Rev. :11. v. u -. of $20 000,000 dragon, that old serpent. culled thO New """“"'"""' devil and Satan. who decelveth the \ whole orld He is also united the be prince of the ‘ at ference of the re the Orangeville Presbytery - | Mount control (1 30b Mr. the Methodist district of e and Owen Jesus said of him. A hath nothing in 1---:11,‘ “r- the Methoulfil unuuxu... -7 and Owen Jesus mu m m... __ d bath Bath‘n‘ ‘n len‘ng all! M.“ -..-- e21 ur- Forest, Orangeville 331;, Sound, the following recommend- world cometh an ‘a ations were unanimously carried: me" (John xiv. am. In this his first 1 (ed d °. . tter Adam was given the ] comp e an w ("emu ‘ to take orders for atta First, that the Fresh te ' ' ' = ,81t- the Methodists in Altimnans 10m appearance a mre Second, that the Methodists join the Presbyterians in Caledon. .serpent. w Third, that negotiations be en-" “”39“ and p SASh,DOORS â€"â€" and all klnds ot â€"â€" pent “if: tered upon to secure an exchange ' "lg-t 9f the Presbyterian church buiw-‘ condemned because of this partner, I1 FOtt. L 1113 in Feversham and the Metho- ship togoprone on the earth (verse to." OUSC ‘ lugs dist Church bmldmas in River-' Notice in verses 1.5 t Also a limited amount (1 mm work and machine 11 devil’s first recorded utter A cult solicited. As quotations (m gym hen- View, the Presbyterians to join 1t1ug the Methodists in Feversham and hath God said?" 1 the words toltowing he pairs. and the Methodists join the Presbytcr- of God and u love of God. for ians at Riverview. , that the 'Mcthomst questions the he makes God a liar (compar - . next Jul). tons: church at \Valdemar be closed, and . ‘ " - .- '. ’ ' ' ' .. , and in verse 5 sets . MW} Presbyterian churc ( 3 od. Those who in C . ‘ ' 3 ": ° ‘ . any way talk or act thus show at once UStOfl'I Sawmg "9- To 3“ Promptly At- }m attached to the Damascus cirâ€" . . ' m-.. hnmpvor they may pose. as serv- . -* tended To Dunc, He declared that sufficient to shift tint the warm G the coll Labrador commingle, melting â€"L!.. uadruple screw tm‘ -Lnnmaking “EHIDX‘GS dbbean Sea er declaredkhat hOWever feflng, and also 0 prqject «might .seem at . dempflon an L. It had recewed the' understafldmg 1th ofU mgnsy engingers fly to u t e nite tutes hy ru- 3'“ ascribed ’ffice had considered it": ‘Th: ”th $122”? a‘: 3m great v. . ’ . . n e aned tho D ‘- He estimated the cost at' ' drama that old serpent. c ‘ Innfh th. “I ‘ 1| I “uwrv- “'r vdorsement of a bill seman Calder. 0‘ submit at Washing- or a gown}??? we say the “Empres: “Empress of Russia’ and faster than the Britain” and “Empre it means a great d< body the very lates marine architecture known convenienge will proceed ViJ Penang, Singaporv, umghai, Nagasaki, [ma and arrive at 1turday, May 3151. -.n v’ of Russpf . VH1! lug U0“ U): Luv h", substitute for gar. ; fig leaf aprons a f light and glory. Inasmuch '1 ng of the flesh ls death - they died God had saki they would, ;_ fraid" tn the Bible '\ solutely perfect man and : ever walked this earth. bout sin. God rartb unceasiug con .13 and uur great m whom we are lesmn. It is interesting to , beginning of m and the end gins to speak ‘ and to reveal There is a cor: upon the 870‘" for the «man instead of our own the “He hath clothed file menu! of salvation. E me with the robe 0t (In. In. 10s. The I‘ future 3‘0?! 0‘ “3‘: fl or “I“ V“ UV-Bvâ€"â€"_ When we receive His dzhteonenenl 1 . ..... ‘ during the instead of our own then we may elnc: “He hath clothed me with the tar- . t1 mentn of «Nation. He hath covered 23d: t3," me with the robe of dzhteoneneu” ed. '1‘ e b: (In. 1x1. 10L The mun-9060 ‘ ded. all fullness from mu 3 Adam and Eve fell. But ‘ . under the ' 19. sword o ne (Eph. VI. 16. 17\. Se. 1 » results of sinâ€"tear. try- .‘ from God. the man blam- . . n... Mff at the woman. \ country. Planning Mill and Factory completed and is prepared w take orders for SASH,DOORS -â€" and all klnds oi â€"â€"- House Fittings Also a limited amuunt of ' work and machine re- ted. Ask «m {your ' A mill snlit‘i l'm' quululiuus next jul), Custom Sawing Promptly At- tended T0' ZEN US CLARK ONTARIO While wishing all my friend-I A In"! and PI»- mus New You an! chalking then for put. patronage. [with we‘ll their athentiun to new goods just to hand. Trains lows. ll” and an added to ins will such"- until further >1 mm Mammal “mum-mu N Maple, HI“ " Hanover to Allan PM‘k .. pt A2.“ '19th A39 l) SUNDAY Ar.12.4 .. 121 “ 12.". 66 ll. 11 l‘oro

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