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Durham Chronicle (1867), 23 Jan 1913, p. 3

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Jon I an “ district- .dvon ates Embalming a u the Ohm» icla A Ointf‘cl in 0P '3 EVERY mug I t- w or "mam. :“mltOb‘, 88.] It “hulk Withir be settled 'eting 0!) rton Her- - 'RWIN "Omnittee "dong ., content, 01' Plug... 3t to Specialty ("1 Sim (gm of extra the 3"? Hub (or tNCkNem People’s Mills \ ~unall 0r large bag at a film: grain white. nutritinus flour, is sold as our ‘nmml. Have. you ever. tried it? Get ymu- gmwer tn give yvm our kind next tiuw and see the supel'inr baking qual- it it‘s it pussesscs. Better an d moxe whnlwnuuu because of a secretprocets that we put the wheat through. Don’t furget. Special Reduction on Plant in b and IOABag ths. Is made from selected winter who: and is a superior article for making pasu'v, etc. All up-tn-dnto flour and feed and grovm's keep «mr flour for sale. your m-nmr does not keep it come to the- mill and we will use you right Cl” us up by telephone N0. 8. All kinds of Grain bought at Iarkot Price. Chopping Done Every 03) A blend of; Manitoha and; ODMPIC whom! and is a strictly first class family flmu' )m' pure- )lnnitnlm flour, made from V'o. 1 Manitoba. wheat cannot he beat or wither bakers or domestic use hmds delivered aavwhere in town What About Spring? 100 Acres Near Listowel, one of the host farms in l’crth. l‘lxtrn gnood buildings. Ul‘t'llnl‘tl, water in stable. phone. Snap at $7.001). [mt 30, Con. 10, lit-Illim'k. ill” nt'l't’s. 80 cleared, 20 tllllllt‘l‘. Finvfi'tohv House. Cheap 125 Acres Scotch Block. near "umpllen. guml soil, little bil’ hilly, unclvr $3.3m. 300 Acre: Egrmnnnt. Lots 22. 23 and 21. (Wm. ll. Dr. Fettis’ Farm. Bar- gain. . 200 Acre. near Louise, 00nd Farn extra good lunldings. timber worth nearly prim asked, Land for nothing, beats the west all hollow. 1.0 ‘6". Bentinck, North of Our. ham, good buildings, about 34.0“). 300100.. Glenelg. near Dornoch. M r. Geo. Twmnley’s Farm, owner in West, bound to sell, will not stick for a. dollar in the price. Get busy. 100 Mm Egremont. tovimrds Mt. Forest, fair buildings, good soil, well watered, very cheap for quick sale, Don’t You Want Farm? LOOK HERE! a I have many other Grey County bar- gains and some North \Vest land for sale or exchange. You are not. fair to yourself if you buy without seeing me. fl.fl. MILLER. Hanover January [ha \‘t-I'Y he's! (-nnditions at any on» nf Shaw‘s fi'hnnls. Tut-(mm. Thv (‘t-ntral Business ("cyllpge. the (‘entml 'l‘elvgmph Schunl, and an- City Branch Business Svhunls. ()m- nuw vurriculnm t-xpl'nins the pl'nctlival courses given. \Vrite for a vnpy to LARGE SUNS 0F HONEY 1'0 LIND John McGowan EDUCATION THAT PAYS POSITIVELY THE lARGEST SAlE IN CANADA PASTRY FLOUR ntr: \1 Busimws U allege, :0 k (wr'xzud St.s.. 'l‘nronto \V. H. SHA\V, Pres. SOVEREIGN 23rd, i913. ECLIPSE th ‘a.o.-‘ THE ind HIthl gvt Imam auditions at any under .40 7.50 " Saugee 15 Tom!) ..\I ACF-XRL «\NE. PUMPS OF ALL KINDE Gulvanhod and Iron Piping, Bras. Bnu Lind and Iron Cylinders SHOP ODIN EVERY AFTERNOOB Pumps From $2 Upward ALL RIPAIRING promptly an: properly attended to. Enjoys is not the result. of accident. There is a reason for it. The Large Attendance the in E_LLIOTT ” AA \Ve have room for more. Enter now Catalogue free. W. D. Connor I‘rains leave Durham at 7 15 a (11.. am 2 43 pm. W. D. CONNOR CANADIAN l’AClFIC RAILWAY TIME TABLE P. M 3. 15 H. G. Elliott, G. P. Agent, Mnntreal Trains arrive at Durham at 10.30 3.1!) ’50 p m.. and 8.50 p.m. EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY Trains will arrive and depart. as fol lows. until further notice:â€" More Soap for Less Homoâ€"Less Money for More Soap. A Endgame); musfmtzd;eekl}._ L.’ 'rg' a; 31,. gunman of any scientific Jqqml. _ jog-9919; __A.I_ A-IfiQ _ __--_. _, A J. TOWNER Depot Agent JAMES R GUN. Town A299 ' yum: taxeh' {Bi-Ouizfi'fifixif 5? mega! (tome, without. engine. in mg X TBA-"E MARKS Dzszcm COPYRIGHTS ac. Anyone sending . sketch and descrirwunn may Quickly ascertain our opinion tree whether an 'chmlnn is prohahlypncentable. Communion, than F! ncttyconfldcuual. HANDBOOK on Patent. new: free. ()Meat agency for securing stems. Patqmantuen t rough Mupn__ recem PLANING MILLS Grand Trunk Railway TIME-TABLE ZENUS CLARK DURHAM Sdeéfiiiic' 'Hihifican. Machine ()il. Harness nu, Ame Grease and How H’mtment. go to S. P. SA UNDERS The undersigned begs to announce to residents of Durham and surrounding country. that he has his Planning Mill and/Factory completed and is prepared to take orders for Also a limited amount. of iron work and machine re- pairs. A call solicited. Ask for quotations on your next job. Gs] wa- Ol ~l 6.38 A. M O O 0- O. .w V'.‘ Custom Sawing Promptly At- tended TO' SASH, DOORS â€"â€" and all kinds of â€"â€" House Fittings Ianntutnru of And Duh! ll TORONTO. ONT Lv.\Valkel-tun Ar. “ Maple Hill " “ Hanuver “ “ Allan qu'k “ ij. post-18's indium." "BBI'd'Ei Dmhnm ‘ Mc\Villiams (rle-n Pliceville ‘ Saugeen J. ' Toronto ‘ "b9 liarUHssmuke A. E. Duff, D. P. Agent. (‘orontc “ 11.15 7.50 Town Agent ONTARIO HH 5:. g; a. «I 11.51 11.44 11.41 11.31 11.18 11.15 9.42 9.1% 9.00 8d} 8.424 ‘THE DISCOVERY OF EUGENEA. FALLS Councillor Miller, Who Lived in Markdale Suburbs, Was the Manâ€"~The Gold Rush -- A clear, deep quiet stream. emerging from 1" he dense forest on one side, crossing the new ‘9' rOad under :1 rough corduroy bridge, and dis- - appearing again in the woods on the other side. Gliding along with the current, a bevy of wild ducks from the pond a little Way up the river may be seen. They hesitate for a moment. startled, perhaps, by the quick movements of a sly muskrat or the splash of a beaver-’3 tail as he goes down his water route to his home. The mossy banks of the river have for their background the virgin forest, where may be heard the breaking of the undergrowth by the tread of a bear or wolf. Down these green slopes deer came to drink. 'l‘lw M'lllt'l‘s along H111 111111 \1‘11'1’ (111:1“111‘1111' l11;:1'ii1g H111 Shilll'i <1 . - .r . , . , -. , . ', -1 ~11 f.1ll111g w:1t111‘. 111 [111* Slllllll‘h‘h 111 1111-011 1*! ‘11 f-W ~ “‘1‘ 11”” “W 111.1i111y l112111'1'l. Fulluu‘ing 1111’ s 1112 1'121' HH‘H if” -" f” 1"“ H," lilflv 111115 11111111 (1f FlPSln-rlnn :1111 (111111 11l1tl HWY h l f"““" U“ snui'm' (1f the Uniso. 3111 11111' 11:11 1.11 1‘111 111'! .111; pm 111» 11111 9,1111 111" tlmt. and with his park 1 ('11::‘I"~“~ “1111111"! 111‘ 7"" H‘" 11111 \‘ 111111‘U1l \kil1lm'nv5s. still 1an'é-i1g; .1 1.111311?! lliil i1 1" WM" 1'1‘1'lt‘1'. 11111 111111 (133' [I111 glnx'y :11111 gyntnliwz: 11f llw zil~1 illi'hl IJ;1’111 I115 \‘11-‘1'1‘ 'lrnfliillnll 5;:VS ill 1 ______._4.â€"_7 ,,__. . â€"-- l11' \K‘.'S liu‘ filml Wliilr 111.111 11;}111 5-111; lil’ f. '18, ”1‘ \‘1 1 (31*1'l.1i11]}' H111 {inn Wu i<_1111'~\' 1,1. \‘.'1;. Yunng‘ui'. :111«l inwar- 1111111111 1'::.111‘iwt. ' 0.17111” 11111111 “1' Iilzignilif‘rnt +14 .11 we ililVl‘ 11111190}. [illl at Sum 1111,... 1'1-11111110 11(1er :1 1111c- Bible niissiuii'n'y leila‘l‘ ])(1‘HI¢-Il :1. t l11'1'1‘ tn tlw 1-1-l >1 Around him 1]“. Qi'é-zitnoss of 11111 ('li‘Oiit Spirit than \\'()I‘Shi})pe(l in tl11“3. (lim Way. “‘11” mini ’~<\ - . SIUNOX S DAM. El'mfiNlA 1th18 \\':1t1‘-1f;1}1.z:111 § A \imx f111.11 (_‘..1‘1"s Dam. all else bumtiful: l. ____ - _ . , _- _- ggiand in our world There is :1 man sitting 1111 11111 1111111. fishing 111111 in hanvl. his gun hing beside him. Tradition says he 11 15 the fiist white man that fished and hunted along the 1111111 in these parts. Who was 1111‘? His 111111111 11:1s Milk 1' :1111 his fi11<l1ngs :111 the s11l111111t 111 this sl11111h. H11 11 '1s :1 l. E. loxalisl l1} 1l -11s11n‘. his f11l1111' being 111111 111 :1 11111111111113. (if “10.1.11 1111(1‘11l11 \1'i111 I11“ 1l‘-11‘1' homes in M1ss.11-l1us1111s in 17.111). 1-1111'lu1111-11 111' {111111111 (,‘11111111. (1111111- 111 1":1.1’1:11.l:1 anrfl 11111111111111 grants 11' crown lands on the shores of 11:11; 1 ()111 Win. 11111111 1111111111 1h11 1411111 «.«l‘ ()shr111'11 now stands, As other M‘l- l111‘s (1.1111111 into the S111tl1 11111111. l1.11 was known as “Yankee Miller.” H11 11115 :1 11111111111111 of the first (‘oun1-il of A11t111111'1si.1. (mil was tl1111111af11111 known as (-‘11111111illo1‘ Mill111. In his home (lown by the lake. news 111 the new country to the north reached him. H11 startezl 31111111. and on foot. with his gun. fishinn' 1:1.1tkl'.1 and carpet l1:1;:.H11 111111â€" 11111'1‘11l11:1st TUl‘UIII”. past lMono Mills. on through 111:1 wilds of A111111rinth and 1h: swamps of MRS. \V. (i. PIC‘KELL M lin 1111111 and P1111111 into Arte-4 Mrs. Pickell. the Writer of 111-: 11119.11. The Toionto and 8.1111111- sketch. is herself cl11,ss-1-l 1s 111: ham Road was only partially 0f the pioneers. and is (,rijt. 11111111111]. He knew 11h'1t he wantâ€" 11'ith :1 clever 111111. 111' 11111". 1111. finding it at the Snugecnâ€" she can constimt 1'11‘il 11i1- 111111111 lind. good fishing: and tunes of past da1s._â€"E.d hunting. Ho 11111111111! for himself ' ‘ " _ ”fl‘ :1111â€"l kinsmen the lots (:11111111'ising what were afterwards known as the (.‘oleman farms. ()11 the hank of the. river he built a house. where he 111111 his f11mil1’ li1'111l for some ve 311s :37 Suzi. -cu. Settlers began now to blaze trails from different points to this wonderful place, and went to set.- for themselves. There was an- other devotee of the rod and gun, one Sandy Brownlee, who lived at Hunter’s Creek (now Beattie’su Together these men found them- selves at the Falls one day. They climbed down the rocky wall into the chasm below to explore it. Imbedded in the rocks they saw a shinin substance which they believed to be gold. They did not make it nown, but 'went, day after. day, in that direction. Others going to see the Falls saw these men at work and the secret was MRS. W. G. PICKEL‘I. MIs. Pickell, the \xriter of Hi sketch is herself class i is 1 m of the pioneers, and is gift with a clever pen, bx \\ 1110‘ she can constiuct \i\i11 11i1- tures of past days. -â€"Ed. Written Specially for The Flesherton Advance. by Mrs. W. G. Pickell ol Mnrkdale. and Reproduced in The Chronicle by Kind Permission of That Paper 4H1?) FISHER FOLK who frequent the banks of if? our pretty Suugeen River in Markdale suburb during the trout season would find an interest- ing scene could they but draw aside the cur- tain of time and see the stream as it was sixtyâ€"three years ago. They would not know it for that of to-day. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE bevy of wild ducks from the pond seen. They hesitate for a moment. movements of a sly muskrat or he goes down his water route to mg the sound of a rain this was )t as far as the had found the gun was not sure into the unex- zame louder, and But though thvrv was no gold at thv Falls, it yet liatl other uttrartions, There at some timv a waterfall. "MW in gentle mulmuw. and _____ again with a mighty. rushing Sound Whvn tlw ri\‘vr \\".‘\ in full flood. caused liy hoa\'_\‘ ra ii or spring frvslwts. all hailong‘ t tho picture, The hillsitli- was hill 'â€" dml with (revs that rmw in t'\t‘.l gradation from hasv tn summit. giving it llH‘ Il]l]H’le'2llH't' ui :i largo, int'linwl l)(‘(l of luxuriant grew) foliage. Around this of l()\'(*lint‘ss stnml lllt‘ gi‘uil n‘.~ forest like a grvat furtrvss l1) protect it from the haml of 1h: (lospoilt‘l‘. great uphvaVal hul- lowed out the ravinv and piled up tlw hill on the west siliv and made it now-s- eary for the calm flowing rinr r it» make its leap (H'or tho brink into tlw chasm livlmv an'l pursue its tortuous way among' the rocks thvrP, 'lhv . rain ho w - dot-kn! spray. tho nmwr- ‘ . ' ceasing music of tln- I \IE“ I S‘W'll ABOVE Looking inwards ‘llt' l‘l'lllk. lil'l ; l-‘. N l A l*‘ A LLS PLAYI‘TI) l"()()'l‘l‘ \l l. \\ ll’ll BABY F‘t‘\V \‘(lrl{. J‘lll. l7, \ i'ti.!'ll lH \ 8 playing {HHHHII \\llll :i Whir- luiflrtl l (i\ ill :0 \ i'.l‘vi l..1 iii Brooklyn lH-tlll}. hat 4iu\\ii tn rpm after half an hour‘s pl \\ “That‘s a funny llfllklllg hilltl Hllt' of lllt'lll_ “ll-1““ . lllaidi',u wzln'\ llHX.H \\ll-il-H ltlltli : llll‘ Fl riiifgk \ f..n| â€" day‘sâ€"«ill inaln} In}; lmlu i. .‘llll in all aHn-arani rs tlt"ll .l'Hll' 'l in llll‘ ground, A l'diliil'llllll limit ll out. Gold at the Falls! The rush and excitement to‘lowing this dis- covery cannot be described. Men followed the trail to Durham by night to buy picks and shovels. They could not waste davlight, The old lanterns with horn sides. or perforated tin. inside whieh a solitary candle burned, were in great demand. Women in their homes cooked and put up hampers of food for the men. packed bed- ding and made the little canvas bags that men fastened to their belts to receive the nuggets. Meanwhile. visions of what this good fortune would mean to all lightened labor. Knowing it was necessary to have expert knowledge as to the value of the mineral. samples were sent out to be assayed. This took some time. {or communication with the outer world was painful- ly slow. Awaiting reply, men in good faith dug and picked with might and main. At length the answer came back. “Your sum He is a quartz, of no commercial value.” So the bubble burst. an the people got back to normal conditions. I \ The despoiler came. News of the beauty and possibilities of th~ lace reached government ears. urveyors were sent in and a town plot was laid out. The fieree hut- tles of the Crimean war had re- cently been fought, and their names were given to the streetsâ€"â€" Alma, Inkerman. Balaclava. etc.â€" and an ardent Frenchman nf the party recommended the name of his beloved Empress Eugenie In the town, which was adopted. Eugenia now took on new life. Town and park lots 'were pickevl up, water privileges secured. and the general prospect of a rising town seemed apparent. For a time it looked as though it would be the 'hub of this part of the countr . The Purdy mills were erecte . Halstead’s store 621 quite a business. Smaller trades started up. A post office was inâ€" stalled. the man being brought to and from the Artemesia post 01-- fice. It was headquarters of the E iscopal Methodist church. Rev. oodward, the presiding elder, had his home there. It was thy Mecca of all tourists who venture l so far from the beaten tracks of the outer world. Names 'were out on trees or logs, or scratched on rocks. long since obliterated, liln many of the hands that inscribei thenh ' A circus came that way, and a walker crossed the gorge on hi.» rope. Diving behind the fall‘- 'as thought quite a feat. .-\n' so things went for a while. when gradually commercial interest in the place subsided. Eugenia hm: serious drawbacks, and has to- day. It is unfortunately situate . No important highway passui through or by it. For miles aâ€" round it‘ was sparsely settlel l:_~. a people who had not yet grown rich. and business was necessarilx limited. As with many an inxli~ vidual, the cup of prosperity has been pressed almost to its lips. and then ruthlessly dashed down. One industry after another started and failed. The last one succeed- ed in defacing to some extent the natural beauty of the place. and, so far, to no purpose. Dear old Falls. As a chill we looked on it in wide-eyed wonder and awe. Later, in the gladness of youth, it was full of charm, and now, in the grey-tinted evening of life. its first memory picture is as fresh as ever. Let us hope Eugen- ia will yet come into its own, but its pristine loveliness can never be restored. â€"E. A. PICKELL. One of the most familiar figlll'tS in Lucknow is Tom Webster’s dug. Frisco. Frisco walks about «vim the kindly, yet dignified air of an old resident who is perfectly satis- fied with the town, local option and everything else. One. day, a- mong the parcels which came in Lucknow post office Was one ad- dressed to Mr. Frisco Webster. ()uz' postmistress .was. not puzzled for Isaac G. Hughson, a former Well- known resident of Shelburne, “as killed while Working in the Woims for Finley 5: Thompson, near Terra Nova, on Tuesday afternoon. He had chopped down a tree, which lodged in another, and the falling tree skidded back over the stump. and struck the deceased in the breast. He lived about half an hour after the accident. He is survived by his widow. three sons and two daughters.â€"Shelburne Free Press. a moment; she knew the party. The box was duly sent up to can- ine Frisco’s place of abode, and its contents were fed to himâ€"a lot of nice creamy chocolates such as young men across the line buy 1w- their sweethearts. Also came u post card from an old friend in Windsor, wishing Frisco a Merry Christmas. Possibly no other dog in Lucknow Was ever remembered in quite the same way. Frisco is as modest as he is famous, ano there is no likelihood of his ever sacrificing his days of leisure to become an aspirant for any offi- cial position other than that of night watchman in his master‘s household.â€"Lucknow Sentinel. A (LUCKY LUCKNOW DOG. KILLED BY A TREE V‘i'i‘ihat’é a funny léok'ing box,” said one of them. “Lvt’h‘ s. 9 what‘s inside.” They undid the strings. A four- day’s-olil baby boy. nakml. and to all appearances (lead .rollvd to the ground. A policeman look it to a hospital. Half an hour later it was crying luslily. Ii will prob- ably live. It is rumored that the Bell Tele- phone Company is negotiating for the purchase of the corner lot op- posite the post ”flit-e. now occu- pied by Mr. A. McCartney. with the intention of building their central office on that corner. A new building there. with the lib- rary opposite would give the main street a decidedly improved ap- pearance. With the new library and rink. and R. 1.. '~(i-ihson building a business block next to it. and a new factory and a foundry in View, it is beginning to look as though Walkerton was due for a long wanted boom during 1913.â€" Telescope. , Dip the ink spot in pure melted tellnw, then wash out the tallow .301 the ink will come out with ‘it This is said to be unfailing. ‘Milk will remove ink from linen or ieoloreJ mulling, when acidl would :be ruinous, by soaking the good. until the upot in very faint, and then rubbing and. rinsing in cold wnter. Mt. Forest’s local «.ptionists were not only defeated at the polls on Monday of last Week. but Were skunked. For the benefit of out- of-town subscribers \\ ho \\ ere out of reach of the odor, we might (ex- plain that from the night of poll- ing day, a strong odor of skunk was evident to everyone who had occasion to pass the Methodist church. After waiting a few days for the live skunk, as it was supposed, and its odor to pass on in the usual manner, but without avail, search was instituted, and, buried in the snow was found that part of the skunk which generates the odor, between the church and the parsonage. It is to be hoped that its appearance there on and after the night of voting is only a coincidence, but it is so hard to convince a number of ”TOPIC that such is the case, that. it is is up to a certain suspected portion of the community to clearly prove their innocence in what looks to he a most contemptible outrageâ€"Mt, Forest Representative. LO(‘A L ()I’TIONISTS SK I'NKICI) FLAG FLE‘V FROM NEW STACKS The finishing touches were put on the new smoke stacks at the Malleable Iron plant on Wednes- day, and as hug-e Canadian flags were run up to the top of the tux- ering structures. the men who had been engaged at the work gath- exed at their bases and gave vent to ringing cheers. Considerable headway has lately been made upon the construction of the walls 80 that with g‘oud weather and plenty of material it simultl not be long until the building lb ready for roofingâ€"O. S. Herald. prize for a well-kept orchard. m the six counties bordering on Lake Huron and Georgian Bay. To encourage fruit growing, the department uividcs Ontario into districts, then divides the large orchards and_ small orchards llll-J v-n-“II "11'. To encourage lruit growing, the department ulVldt‘h' Ontario into districts, then divides the large orchards and small orchards int i classes in order that every man has a chance to compete. Mr. McGregor’s orchard was classed in the large orchards. It is under- stood that Mr. Cameron, of Luck- now, was awardel the first prize. Thus Bruce county has captured both first prize and second prize, and the owners of the orchards are justly proud of the awards. The judging was done just about the tithe the apples were ready to pick in the (all. TO TAKE INK OUT OF LINEN. W'ALK ER'I‘ON 'l‘() m )()M THREE 3 vent era Mo. made wa I Is adv alls and not de

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