West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 23 Jan 1913, p. 4

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J If your children _.... Leghorns.~Cock, J. Don- attacks Of CPO“ nelly, M. ’Wils Son 2nd and ' 3rd: hen, M. Wilson n. ' Pl mouth . Rock Cock, M. Wilson; hen, M. Wilson ' ' . kerel But! Plymouth Rochaâ€"Cock, H. Grasby; pullet, H. Granhv m4- . . _-"o.‘\' L‘ calle, Hanover, tlst J. E. M'etcall, lst an el, J. E. Metcalf. lat Connor, 3rd and 4t] Metcall, lat and 211 nor. Pen, J. E. Metc nor. But! ('ochins.â€"-Coci Lang, lst and 2nd; Lang. Partridge Cochins.- D. Connot; pallet, W n]....L Dark Brahmanâ€"Cock, N. Har- vey; hen‘ N. Harvey, lst and 2nd. Cockerel, N. Harvey; pullet, N. Harvey, lst and 2nd. Pen, N. Har- vey. _--~.~|’ 0. All. - Larxmer, Wilson Son, W. D Con- ‘ ‘ "- ‘5' ”"a'uu'fum? h1g2 nor; pullet, J. M. Lat' ‘ e 0 mung ‘ Connor. Pen, J. M. , White Orpingtons.-Cock, C. H. Light Brahmas.~Cock, W D . . Oynes lst and 2nd; hen, J. W. Connor, N. Harvey; .hen, N. Har- Stockdale. Bolto vey, W. D. Connor, N ' COCkPl‘Pl, W. D. Connor: N. Bar-O W. Stockdale lst an}! ° vey; pullet, W. D. Connor, C. W. . ' L . vey; hen. N. HatWey, lst and 2nd. ‘ (‘ockereL N. Harvey; oudarmâ€"Cock, C W Lang” pullet, N. hen C. W. Lang; Cockerel, C. W Harvey, lst and 2nd. Pen, N. Har- Lang; pullet, C. W Lan vey. . g. Golden Polands.~C‘oc Buff ('ochins.-Cockerel, C W ° . . ° hen, H. Grasby. 'l Lung? ISt and 2nd; pullet, (3. W, B130]? I! ‘L- - dang. __ _-_ --~ all“ ‘1)”, L uczulnllu recreation They takelH. Gilkinson. . much interest in spending their 1” and 211d, W R Cla leisure hours amongst their feath- Black OrRIingtons.â€"C The raising of Son, J. . Latimer; ltivation of even , .Latimer, Wilson 81. Son: will help to solve ""9,“ W- R; Clark. CW the problem regarding the high Latimer, Wilson Son, cost of living. The following is nor; pallet, J. M. Law I Connor. Pen, J. M. LM "' v.“ The Durham and South Grey Black Minorcas. 8. C.â€" Poultry and Pet Stock Show on I Vollet; hen, J. Vollet, C. Wednesrlay and Thursday of last 1‘ J. Vallett. Cockerel, J. V week. was a great success, botthcDonald, J E. Gibson, in the number and class of exhib- Lang: pullet, J. Vollett 4 its. This was the third annual mn‘y. A. McDonald, J. Vol] show of the society, and eV'f’I‘YMI- ollet ear so far, it has been growingiald. . . tter. Two ears ago, there were Black Minorcas, R. (2â€"1: about three undred entries, last McDonald. ear the number reached about Ancona8.â€"Cock. C. W, La five hundred, and this year they C'. W. Lang lst and 2nd. ( made another 'ump up and reach- C. W. Lang; pullet, C, v ed five hundr and fifty. OutSide 18L. 2nd and 3rd. exhibits came here from Hanover, $ilver Grey Dor ' , Bolton. Listowel, and other places. Wilson Son; .hen, M. ' yet, notwithstanding the competi- 30D. Cockerel. M. Wilson tion, our local fanciers were able 18f and 2nd' to capture a good share of the Son 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes. Poultry raising in Durham Buff Or and vicinity has become a profit-l Clark. J. .Gilkinson W. R, able fad.andrwe think it should..hen, W. R. Clark . , - receive every encouragement. 23d 311d 3rd, W. R. Clark. Many of the factory hands have erel, W. J. Ritchie lst, 2m engaged in the business, and they 3rd, J. EH . Gilkinson; ull t, find it not only profitable, but a Ritchie 13¢ a p e g . nd 2nd, C. W. L healthful recreation They take H- GllkinSOU- Pen, W. J. much interest in spending their ' “it and 2nd, leisure hours amongst their feath- Black 01' ingl0n08.~Coc.k ‘ ered favorites. The ra' ' 51 J. RI ' - fowl, and the on VHE DURHAM CHRONICLE 3213512: , ’ ‘ '; hen» calf, lst and 2nd; Cocker- d’etcalf. lat and 2nd W. D. lrd and 4th; ullet, J. E [at and 2nd, 16V. . J. E. Metcalf, W. D Con- Plxmouth Rook: _ nus- TH E POULTRY SHOW I Game fiantams, N. Harvey. [ay; hen, E. A. Hay: Game Bantams: C‘ockere], E,A, Hay ngle Game, N. Harvey. . Hay; pullet, E. A. e terranean: Brown Le horns, let, H. Pen’J‘vo'let’” White Lei , ,w. D. andottes.~Cock, W. norzoBlaCk inorcas. 3rd. . V‘ W. D. Connor. Pul- Enghsh: . [st and 2,, . 1.3M! Or mgtpns, lat, W. J Reds, S. C. ' V hen. J. H. (mun mum. mfliplaztpns. 2nd. IOU ’ MW!” E Ito: and Proprietor. !3rd; . and 2nd. fl BU“ Or ingl chie; Bu! Or] ads, 8 C FCOCk’ Ritchie; Black en”; H Gum”: Latimer. Coc ere], C W Iv.- Lang,JH.Ii3:11z;c:ial,best c dsfnfi 4E'h;c:ckl k- Silver Laced st and mm !’P. Kinnee;Ba FOUR act, 7'. U. COHDOI‘. shans.â€"-Cock, J. H owe]; ,hen, J. H: 1' L. Klem-' GPISby, lflt ’ ’1'. Cocker- Grasby, L] Dunet, W,, LOCEerel, W __- vJJJL'D, l mm! shown by lady.â€"Miss Cauldwell. English Pheasants.â€"N. 1 lat 2nd and '1‘" Golden “1‘ Grasby; hen Black Ha Grapby, 913.] Black SIâ€"Jthish.â€"C’ock, N. ____ fvey; hen, N. Harvey lat and ‘â€" ,Cockerel, N. Harvey lst, 2nd 31-3; pullet, N. Harvey lat, 2nd 3r . ~ey¢ Black M'inorcas. S. C.â€"Cock, on y Vollet; hen, J. _Vollet, C. W. L. -o.‘ ‘ Y ‘,-“-A‘ A u, Harvey, Dr. and Mrs. Murra a large number of y at a skating party,. rink one evening last week. I): horns, 1st, H. . IOI‘DS, 2nd, W. D. Con- . . oi . . . .. Georgian Dist- :tons, lst, W, J Rit- rict No. 9A ‘~ ’pingtons, 2nd, W. J. tOOPrince : Orpingtons, 3rd, J. ' . conferred Games, N Harv ey, At the (31089, a very enjoyable mg most prizes; banquet was held, the beautiful; 3 , Wilson 30“, spreacl laid being prepared by M Hartley. . of King .Solomon Lodge, Toronto, was a visitor. The annual meeting gricultural Society ..â€"â€"â€"v, 5". " ‘la‘ 7, 2nd and 3rd. Orgingtonsrâ€"Cock. W I. . Gilkinson, W. R. C] .J R. ‘Clarjr, J. H. Gilki Toledo, . '.~Pullet, "mu were are h “elf-sacrificing In them 2 "o Isn’t it 801 ' gener.tion no ; exampDe show: é over 862.0001] Hfilml Open: The neod$ Consumptive is right at . on’b you help him to he}; inns"? \ 7. Iaabg .Lang° coin," says the Good Book, and we am continually receiving letters dub prove th< truth of this maxim. Wilsofi "S. age. Seventeen ears ago, she w ' Lg , and two years later came. Besides her hu~;-: , three children. Lillianfl the o! icers conducted the Work ;F orence and Frank, aged 14, 12 degree was conferrmh‘ and 10 years, respectlvely, Burr it the close a very enjoyable I vxve and mourn deeply the loss of‘ 1 . . . .. 7 ; >anquet was held, the beaUtif‘” If ingermyotgfigloted A?” algertlingmot‘l‘mgsl sister. and three brothers, also sur- f vive the deeean" _ - vvauu LIIC yl'lle llSt.‘ . """I'W‘H *- 0., U- NBW- Mrs. W. :‘H. Bunt deadâ€"A pall of’ from a we art: Treas., G. Snell; D. of C. ' - Sargeant; Lect. J. Radley; Tyler, when the news spread early A. Whittaker; 'Com., R. Moore ' last ‘ suddenly cut dOW'Tl 'W'l ¢ - lLila AleandE ia council, for the tic stroke with which she ‘ current year the a ' ' tl following RD" seized on Tuesday of last week.' Ml“ Myr e .‘Irom Toronto pointments were made; R, D. M91- Mrs Bunt was beloved by all. Her‘ drum. again assessor; x r . . , McGill. 3 consistent Christian life and brighti Offwoqm‘fih {Mr and T. (Chislett, auditors: and J.gCh€ePf_UI manner made her an 1“" this week L. M‘cMullen and Alfred Harrison 'spixatlon to all who knew her. She, Mr Jeff. T on the Continuation School Board. “38 a cleyer and talented woman . from Toronto village council ap-'and her gifts were lnghly appre-i Mrs Dr. We! Klointed Jos. Blackburn and Gen, elated. In the most unostentatiousiren, of Toront itchell auditors, John Boland on I manner she was ever ready to 8‘ "3 1 Week end wit] 1 ’ -, l of her best, and render ready ser- iand Mrs. M. K cause demanded! Dr. C. F, 0t ........... , 'Lulu., n. Moore, 1). McLeod, R. Brown, R. Whittaker. W. L. Wright. At the inaugural mec Week of Artemesia council, for the current year the following an» . pointments were made: R. D. Mel- drum. again assessor; B. McGill.’ and T. (Chislett, auditors: and J.,5 . M‘CM ' ' ting last H ...“‘-â€"o’ \. tentative Committee, 84 MB. R. Danna, Sec. West, Toronto, and ex in our home on proving- itself ence. M'r. Gen Film]. - --J ouuylee held, the beafitifu] being prepared by 1 daughters of the . . M. Hartley. of King Solomon to, was a visitor. neetmg of East Grey; ociety was held in ”mm .lUI'ODtO on a visit _ _.-u_ M... “u... was ueiovea by all. Her . assessor; fl, " ,. - , or two 'With friends at Owen Sound lett, auditors: and J.,:cheer{ul manner made her an m-v . and Alfred Harrison' ° nuation School Board. “as a clever and talented woman . ' is home , , , .' from Toronto on a holiday village council 3p- and her gifts were highly appre- Blackburn and , l Mrs Dr. Webster, and two child- 0“ unostentatiousiren, of Toronto, visited over the tors, John Bolam er ready to g!" e 1 Week end (with h ender ready ser ’ er parents, M" ‘ : and Mrs. M. K. Richardson. Dr. C. F. Ottewell, of Griffin, Sask, is ome on a visit. 'W M ’ the Ladles’ Aid and tho] Altemesia District L. o. L hell Murray entertainedls’abbat,h 5011001 “here she tau ht. its annual meeting at Eugenia m »er of young p90 19 ; she Will be greatly missed. h the 14th inst with District M”- party, given after took a deep interest in the Wom- ing last week. en’s nstitute e chair, Matheson After gen- fn'ln‘1'i.nm «1'1" .' and De out . Maste' F' d L . of the Chosen Friends society. The . p y 1 .19 ,0 0 Do Che.rl y. . Of deceased, “’hose 0 . of Georgian DlSt-l . M t B t 4, " ' eral business. the ' . - . . al‘ are ur on “'88 0 your: n and an_offimal visntl g i A I ueorgian Dist-1 aid an official Visit ur Lodge here on last, and was with the prOSper-’ 0f the Lodge, and at manner in which ; ducted the Work? 'ree was conferred, {l a very enjoyable u.) .. ‘ I :2“ ’1: l8 Tr"3.~'., u. . b 'teriéh- OS ' I On Monday afternoon, the Pub-. 3 , -°l°m°" lie and Hi h schools closed 'tShe M‘etho ist and , . wood, gave an appropriate ad- , dress flldoml} Thess. 4 13 and Rev. DI Dr. L‘a we ., of Owen Sound, a‘ :Zanwgo are former pastor and lose fr'end, re-’ Skating “Crossing the Bar” wa ‘ ”1° “3‘"? Dr. Murray, R. Wilcock, Misses Brown, Pr every sec- Ma . depot and taken gmy boys by the evenin train to the old It for my- ' home at Woo bridge, from where can use it the funeral took place the follow- swork in mg da , interment being made i’ation, so in the amily plot. The pall bear- ers here were W. A. Armstrong, 1‘. ' “9"!"8 Wh? [to know A Blakely, M. Wilson, R. H. Moore, Milling Oats with tin W M. Burnett and C. ‘ ' ' , he mum floral offerin s a wreath from - "M 8 leuhl the C O. C , wreath from the Butter ..... rlic U Methodist Ladies’ Aid and pillow Eggs )kiF: L from the Sunday school p ’édilw --. u. 1. incuxrr, ot Moose Jaw, , QMU'WL PG" E Sask, paid his sister, Mrs. George Chop. P9" (‘th Mitchell, a short visit last week j ,' ~ - Messrs Hugh and John Osborne, .’ Hides, P?" 1b.- Nottawasaga, visited their sister, . ShePPSkU'S Mrs W. J. Bellamy, last week. y‘w‘ml --------- Mrs P. G. arstedt visited rela- ;T‘11"’W -------- tives at Elmwood last Week Mr J. ’P. Bunt was up from Tor- I, Turkeys onto on Monday to attend the funeral of his b V'ntuca, ana spoke comfortinélflyâ€"‘l's the bereaved family. Tennyson's “Crossing the Bar” . the town hall on Friday last. The {minutes of last meeting were ad- :opted and also the Auditors’ re- .port, which showed a balance of .’ cash on hand of $30.08. Field crop {competition was discussed, and it jwas resolved to take up the same, fone acre of potatoes being the 'choice. Officers elected.-Pres., (Ll Stewart; lst Vice, A. Harrison; 2nd ‘ V Vice, F. Brown; ,Sec., S. 'Shunk; gTreas., W. Buskin; Auditors, Jos. 'Blackburn, W. J. Bellamy; Dir- ectors, R. Allen, D. McTavish. G. "l. Walters, L. A. Fisher, F. Stewart W. H. Bunt, W. Patton. A vote of' thanks was tendered to _ ' ,1 ing president and secretary,i Messrs. G. Mitchell and J. A. Boyd, who fittingly replied. A meeting 01 the Board will be held on March 1st to revise the prize list-‘ M'M. nr .11 n_ . ‘ ‘ H :7' (D ’1 ’D p. u.- a l :uce and Frank, aged 14, 12’ 10 years, respectively, sur- and mourn deeply the loss of ry devoted and loving wife mother. An aged mother, r. and three brothers, also sur- the deceased. halogday aftergoon, the Pub-- -‘OV‘IuI “BUS. we service, the remains were Ed to the depot and taken evenin train to the old ridge, from where ‘_-I L ‘ ‘ oroent on receipt 6f rice b‘ Fru't. - ' tivea Limited, Ottawmp y 1 .8 ‘1 38, from where ‘- lace the follow- . , being made Lemma, JA) ' The pall bear- e Fall Wheat . ..... . Armstrong, T. ' Spring Wheat .. m. R. H. Moore, Mm"!!! 0M8 "Q . gkips, broth- . feed Oats .......... i v N , Oitawa. DURHAM RINK : Cherry But 00th s 9 50121111! .1 00 Skating Tue-day. Thursday and ’ S . 0 Cold Tablet: 250 3 up, 25c, _ ______ , .L‘U. 6”; .148th U. jCairns, No. 883; Chap., J. Shute, 1N0. 1045. After installation the ' members were invited to the Pres- byterian church, where the ladies of Eugenia served an â€"~-u ‘II‘: W DUI], ‘v' .Drp Mind, P. M. Carr ers .\~ 11% R. 3.. 3. Shunk, 509: F. 8. Ed Thongrpson, No. Train}. Halbert, o. 1045: r L'mmty Mast Dist. planer, - â€".. \on UC‘L 11] [he and Deputy Master Fred Mat son in the Vice chair. After following cers were appointed for th suing year, and installed by County Master Bro. Wm m 'With her "4 er, Mrs Sinclair, at Meaford. Misstills Trimble and Miss Ella Miss Rita Buskin visited till Monday with Miss Lila Alexander at Feversham nt- --- “-“Per cwt. ........... loggiéuiii '_ "' “VCIBL My rtle Blakely is IA-A_‘ A appointed for: ‘, an’d installed b v .ateg Bro. Wm. DURHAM a sure. aim) of its w orth. Gun‘s (h-ip suthe 5.1ch 4'! 'h' "h d (‘pralm GUN’S DRUG STORE home I As long as but: when you get ill. - Lambton Street Janunry 23rd 3'00 08 n 15 hulli mu The newly-elq Township of GI .mdimz to stat gent, Thumas IN Lindon. do p.11 "mph YUUI‘H ovum-Uh rrs A 1'} 1 gun on bscri h. d ‘ uliflcuiun :1. t ir vats, the linmea (-l Ls: confirmed . (‘3' I been read. mun [Andean â€" Mo! IMO“ be paid ‘ 1912. -â€"-Ctrried. ”ads: 3' ~ Pea V. 8.. be puid cane-'Carried. Lindon y - M4 Rwanda and ‘ pointed Audimrl Famous Wonderfl In order tlia The (‘lironivlo heard of this Treatment" m tunity to test lclne, the now Jmea W. Kid Golutely free package to ti of this paper. derful claims made for it. the scientist there are ma been suffering chronic diseas lave spent 1 lacking 1 cu people hesitat money in me have despair well. Thousa that story an the lame poo terwarda tha cured them a erything else to prove to a matter what t how long they no matter hoJ “edâ€"that m.‘ had actually 4 wonderful rell reportc January WIL READI Ichillan Dr. Jas. W. the G ive an y t unguugeh Glenel Coupon 'l LN NIH Rheumatl Lumbag ‘ Catarrh ( c netip Pile- Diurrho Torpid Indigent .Stomach Kidney Bladder ¢ D11 your 6‘ 10( It lh

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