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Durham Chronicle (1867), 23 Jan 1913, p. 6

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Five Roses Chesley Good Luck Mi lverton Th rec “my: kept i. After grippe or imparts strength at for colds, coughs, 301 and throat trnnh Christmas Greetings l9! 2 tunes and sustains. After croup. whooping cough, measles and oth.er child .ailments it r.atcut mealcme but is nature’s body-nourishment with curative, Upbuiiding properties and without a drop of drug or alcohol. It con- tains superior cod jive: oil, the in'puphosphites of lime and soda with glycerine, and is sodelicately mmlsificd that it enters the system Without digestive eflortâ€"builds, tunes and sustains- nothing so rapidly restores health and vigor as SCOTT: M It is the essence of natural body- nourishment, so medically perfect that nature immediately appropri- .- ' it to every origin. every tissue-feeding, nourishing and restoring them to x: mnal activity. AflaranySickness in stock, and health, 5nd. 391:9. tight chests ’umonia it _-v- vivufih nu had been clearsigh_ted enough in an- alyzmg the past, he was neither clear- sighted nor coherent in thinking of the present. He worshiped her, he could have th knees to her ' to her happiness, she could have . smiling at her. Rode she in the Juggernaut car or the ancient Idol, with his bOdy. would he have un- hesitatingly paved the way and have glad of the privilege. He longed 'fl AAm---- t ls nature’s curative, 1d without >1. It cou~ r oil, the and soda delicately he system â€" builds, g cough, ilmeuts it n LAAILL Now, and un eeeeeeeee It would be idlsâ€"to deny t possible to disguise the facts. the melting pot of passion 1 ponderant ingredient was met human pasmons are admixtures of the earth earthy. We are born the sons of old Adam as we are reborn the sons of the New Passnons are complex. As in harvest wheat and tares grow together until the end, so anity two things in life are inextricably intermingled, body and soul. Where the During those five years of solitude, of study and of reflection. the truth had passion for her. They are not necess- ary, they are all an words. To him born In an hour. ence nevertheless. ‘ greatest satisfactio but there is he one above hin‘ earthy. We are born the i Adam as we are reborn ts in harvest wheat and together until the end. so A Romance of C about to account for his er. They are not necess- 'e all supererogatory, idle him also love had been 'hit t0_ deny that im- passion the me. was mental and -- vâ€"uu should be everything to esented to him not only It womanklnd. He had tactically when he had .' in those mountains, t time he had seen no- CHAPTER XV. a... i, but in He did not know that. Women have learned through centuries weakness that fine art of concealment which man has never mastered. She never let him see what she thought of him. Yet he was not without sus- picion; he believed he had inspired. the only things that fight against love, overcome him. He '8 _ -~ ..~ \xUAlLl ulLU \ (531". music that made him sad. could stand it no longer. of a burst of song which fit tle room-”he had riren while she sang, compo? . position by the magnificent melodyâ€"- as the last notes died awav ' smiled at him triumphant ' tant. of his praise and his a hurled himself out of the room arrd into the night, wrestling for lit)‘ with the storm which after all but a trifle to that which r aged in LI. bosom. While she, left alone and {ft-- serted, quailed within the silent rung; led the lit to his it pprovzil, he \ ---‘ quietly on one side the he lay awake on the other, times his pas.’ .. 6V“ C(Jl: sequences held her back. She con; give free range to her love and l‘m.‘ devotion. She had the ordering etween their their lives and she 11 man account end the situation gr râ€"the treas- more impossible. 1". ad the power t.- 0Wng more 3 She fancied r:- m DURHAM CHRONICLE One night, therefore, a momh ( more after she had come. .«l-u . solved to end the uncertainty. ST believed the easiest and the ouécin. way would be to get him to thl 1“": why he was there. She naturally 5m mised that the woman of the pictu, which she had never seen since t7 first day of her arrival, was in an" measure the cause of it; and the 0;.7 pain she had in the situation was 17‘ keen jealousy that would obtruu ’ itself at the thought of that woman She remembered everything that he had said to her, and she recalled tha! he had once made the remark that he would treat her as he would have his wife treated it he had one, there at her dispobal. side of the same homely blaze be] made for her out of the skins of H‘z'u- of the animais that he had kizlucL shapeless foot covering, half mean: sin and wholly leggin, which «’- could wear over her shoes in her 3. ‘ “ {.'AL.:( flu 2) ot the water powers in the canons ’ ' 1 He had willingly allowed her to read them all. Much of them she found technical and, aside from the fflCt tilat he had written thnm nu!â€" rmtry air. The sum": preyed upon him. the km of the woman searched h red everything that be r. and she recalled the? me“ the remark that Jnus we nour, putting: t and the future and 10: nts blissfully content. 2 laid aside his pipe am? k he was engaged upon her from some immor- ber. Sometimes the on. all to her and she Bar-a: glorious contralto \‘uivc always warm. In which he simply dis- mountains in the various he year; when the snows red over, she questioned they discussed it as they .ts and the other poets. happy evenings. She with her ciently 1 99 ,. 8110 “Whatever your reason, your curi- oaltyâ€"” “Don’t call it that, please.” “Your desire then has been grat- ified. Now it is my turn. I am not even sure about your name. I have seen it in these books and naturally I have imagined that it is yours." “It is mine." “Well, that is really all that I know about you. And now I shall be quite frank. I want to know more. You evidently have something to conceal iâ€"w valuU. . Enid'Maâ€"iâ€"tâ€"land 'smiled at him in a way that indicated she knew what was behind the sudden check he had imposed upon himself. ”eh-'- vuua, Dlullli bowed in acquiescence. ”kn" ”d “'50 "mm“ . {our 50c pckgs. “I have Withheld nothing from you,” Royal Purple Lice Killer. 25c went on the girl, “whatever you want- 30¢ by mail. R0 a] P 1 G n c . 25 ed to know, I have told you. I bad If; m‘fifpe a are c u nothing to conceal, as you have found Royal Purple Sweat Liniment. out. Whyyou wanted to know about 303132th Cough Cure. 50 me, I am not quite sure." mail. “It was because-â€"” burst out the 3°"! “"1"" hummum' 25" Royal Pu 1e Ron C re. 25c man impetuousiy. and then he stopped mail. rp p u abl’uptly and just in time. 303:: Purple Worm Powder. 25 Enid Maitland smiled at In... a... - - that he had displayed in questioning The statement she had just made as to his acquaintance with her history was therefore suffi- ciently near the truth to pass un- challenged, and once again he gravely bowed in acquiescence ture of her relationship to Armstrong whose name. Newbold might have answered that there was one subject which had been casually introduced by her occasion and to which she ' hich was to him the most important of all subjects con- nected with her; and that was the na- ture of her relationship to one James A "Did it over (mm-v Enid Maitlu,-d gravel; Quite realized the sax-4:.» I the impending cmnv- ever occur to you that you know prac- tically all about me, while I know practically nothing about you?" The man bowed his head. “You may have fancied the not aware of it, another you have of pretty all of my short and, until I met you, most unex'emful life,” she continued. t I was but in one may or “Take off your ma 1y approaching him. help you. Do you re stood before her great coat, snow it, entranced. '1‘] the effect she pr. - vtl’" wuulLJ LU DUI It. 01]. She knew that she was 1 her determination to make t In; count had brought an color to her cheeks, an t sparkle to her eye. She sto‘ she heard him enter the oth she had msde for herself. vlsed her and had helped a. belted tunic that, fell t« the red and black stripe: it, edged the broad colla warm sleeves and marke tul wslst line. It was ex CHAPTi ”Y a mmtm now? I V 8 mdhing you realize that I hav‘ __â€".vvw ’ I black stripes ran around :e broad collar, cufled the es and marked the grace- le. It was excessively be- er. He had been down in- ’. or the pocket, for a final DI the burros before the promised to be severe. had taken advantage of n in his face. He '. Wrapped in his fur _-_,_ .,..... "mac. as snow condition with ordinary name. although [ft-ed. If you have n poor. miserable-look- ing animal on your plnce try it on this one once. he had DOt first nnd see the marvellous result which will had been frank. be obtinined. Our Stock Spec' ' ° the milk flow three to five lbs. per cow per “8' his deft-18348 a”. while being fed in the stable. A m l her about her- package will last a cow or ham» 7n dam- 0 Was beautiful; ght an unusual She stood up as u?) He had ad. Winter suit Royal Purple Stock Specific. 60c DCRVSJ {om 50c Dckm.. in an air-tight tin. for 81.50. Poultry Specific. 25c and 5% Delta. and 81.60 air-tizbt than that hold 3," Royal Purple Lice Killer. 25c and 50c tins; nt- 80c by mail. Royal Purple Gall Cure. 25c and 50c tina; 3% ad by mail. Ild by’al PI‘I'l‘ple Sweat Llniment. 50c bottle. 60c ma . lit Royal Purple Couch Cure. 50c tin. 60c by an m Royal Purple Disinfectant. 25c and 50c tma d Royall Purple Roup Cure, 25c tlna. 80c by 3 ma . Manufactured only by TheW. A. Jenkins Mfg. Co. LondomCanada “Royal Purple” supplies and book- let: ma be obtained f KHZPLACyK. Hardern 320.910 n v- -_~ ‘1‘. ICCCJ ‘v- on me money, constable Beamish er arrest. When commumcating with High Con- , of Wiarton. he found that there W“ a Warrant out for Ethe lame man’s arrest. His name it H'cDougau, and he in supposed to ~hnve passed a worthleu cheque not long ago. Constable Wand «ma down _._.. L- - ‘ _ .. __, ‘ run-'ulu supplies and book- obtained from Hardware, and S. P mess, Durham. f)~;y' 1-- _..-.. “mum. uuc “EVIL: xour 50c poke!" in nu air-tight tin, {or 81.50. Boyd Purple Poultry Specific, 25c and We Delta. and 81.50 tit-till“ an. that hold {our 501: pckcl. Royal Purple Lice Killer. 25¢ and 50c tins; an. 1.- ...-n __, .w. u “C” fill [.118 winter as In the summer. and will keep than free from disease. These goods the pure and unadulterated. We do not use any cheap filkr to link. I hm ”ck-me. entirely difl'en at. from say on the mar' et at the present time. 1eW. A.{enkins Mfg. Co. Bert). on the common disenc- poultry. Tells how to feed all k: and light horses, colts and more calves and fattening steers. also -_‘ ‘â€" l ‘ _._v .v-. I Ilf‘lll names and prices dun! to tell our rubber-story te Worm Pomr. 26c fins; 801: by Manufactured only by Central Drug Store “'9 That 25¢? Phone No. 3 five lbs. pet-7 cow W: in the stable. A 30: w or bone 70 (Ins. POULTRY SPECIFIC Ah? fill! um‘fell in the hflVe4 and We tim. : tins; 80c by January begih {our Sth 1918‘ mNfll‘fl‘l‘l' hue-t No. ”y ”Rel-er fled coon. The column field. Our c (ion and We our otudmm applications ”that No. Indulxed In I receh'ed YO“? da‘ The Chi Pete r500 v mil-09d. about the one who 1 ed, was q “Y8 TWO 3 regular El tad in teen “together 4 God (or fire OH. To‘

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