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Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Jan 1913, p. 2

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as to conditions of I unearetrh them "1139' wngaahoutv“m g "u...” uu ll ‘crosa e trac not vmg 3e r’fiip;'99" (‘untraetf Tmage 138.9%: ' the freight ttrain DU Hin8 out Of thé ml )lank forms 0 en 1: y {I station as the weather was stor '("gt-i'tifxfgrta}: thPDESbOPOO'f’EZ’wug.B . at the time, and she had her beta (1 the static (Bessie), Mooresbur and Peabod .mgznagg {fix-fur E. Woo“ and at tht Of grit 118 POSLO ’ er at he I , W 3 ron 0. ‘ Oil) (169 InprC‘OI‘ rk at ‘ 8 a.“ w Pugt’ Offfl't’ tbébartment 531:3 r30 ’ scrum-B ranch . Ottawa. 21“ J SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Postmaster General. will be received at Ottawa until Noon. on Friday. the 14th March. 1913, for the conveyance of His Majesty’s Mails on a proposed Contract for Over Rural- Mail Route, No. A, from Chilt‘si'm'th.‘ Ontario, Over Rural Mail Home . Iron) (‘hesley. Ontario, to com- mence at the Postmaster l Ss'iy’i yoqrfisbnrz. and Penhndn l (‘hesley. Ontario. to ’com- the Postmaster came to the premiut 'r’of the undersigned about the 20th of November. Owner may. haVe same by proving property. pay- ing expenses. and taking away.- I‘uncan Smillie. Bunessan. 121241” -'V--vv “.mu Jake Williams. Eugenia Falls,â€" Ont Ladies desiring to have their own hair combines made up into the late“ my“) of hair «In ' , Iu'ch as coiis, raids or swit hes. and the Puffs, which were once so ular. should address the un- signed. Hair good- remodelled, gn‘d {sided switches dyedâ€"Mrs. C NTRAC'I‘S FOR MAKING ON 0t 12. Concession l3, Glens! Pia larcfe quantity of railway les‘ In piles (tamarac), and deliver- ing same at Berkeley, about four miles’ haul. Quote best spot “cash prices. A dress J. Ritchie. THE RO’TY SAUGEEN HOTEL groperm~4pply to J. A. Brow urban 12 7t LOT 3. (‘ONCESSION 9, GLENELG, containing 100 acres of first-class land in good condition. Will take 31000 if sold before the first 01 February, $500 cash; balance on time’to"s'uit put-Chaser. Apply to J. A. Russell. Lougheed P. 0.. Alberta. 12 12 tf \ COMFORTABLE BRICK HOUSE 2.. Durban. 2 storeyn high, hard and .on watch! inlido, Rood cem- ent lea frame barn on ton, mart, a". of land. Price away down tn quick purcganr. A_pplv _‘ LL . as - a MAIL C‘WTRAC' GOOD BUILDING LOTS APPLY to J P. Telford, or Mrs. G. Black. mourn." Durhagn“ 5 13 us house on College street; six rooms, two storeys, hard and; soft water. good half acre of: land. A bargain to quick pur- chsser. For Miculars, apply to ECL 111113 on. Durham, or --A H Jarksnn Durharfir 561“, J F GRANT D fishâ€"Imam BRILK COTTAGE. SM) wSifc‘fs, HONORHRADUATE UNIVERSI Lat A bargain" {gr immediate n..-...§.yn_°_fL Tnmmo- Graduate Rovs SEVERAL HOUSES m DURHAM? One nice cottage in Lower Town. -â€"A. H Jackson, Durham: 3 21tf to Ed. Lam John M. tht Detroit, Mich IMPC RYAN I‘ TO LADIES buyer::.§rt_lijgr H.‘-3;Ck!9,l:u.l‘8tl W Acxfis. 3151 ’0 "L01" 4, E'ON. i3, Normanby, about 4 miles {mm Durham; 15 'miles 1mm arney; convenient to church and school; well fenced, well watered and in good state of Cultivation: brick house and buxldings. For further particu- Ens apply to David McAuliffe, r.. Durham. Ontario, 1530}; ‘ IR'I‘Yâ€"THRER ACRES GOOD? nd, no building” dtuateq in-‘ side Durham town 11mm: flying I creek runs through the prom-“ya Good chance for quick purcmnscr.’ Apply tn (3. C. Elvidge, Durhnmfl IZAtp? Fur Sale or Rent. the Chronicle office us'r PARTâ€"17018“ Wanted To Let Glands. 100 acres: 75 acres clear- ad, balance in hardwood and avamp: well watered with never- (alllng atream: two good wellr a duh-able property. For furt or particulara, apply to Th Pants, Edge Hill. , 8154pd Pig Estray ===I=firg SHALL ‘ " "'“‘ “'5‘?!“ \: Advnr'lwmwnm hi can mum or [w 1'504-n lob-01mm! moo-rum: Over one inch an If; rugs for TWO rontc Dl firtment â€"- ~â€"-â€".... g“ - ‘â€"‘_c.â€"â€"..â€" PART LOTS 41 AND 42 913. 100 acres: 75 acres clear» balance in hardwood and? up: well watered with never- : stream: two good wells lirable property. For fur nrtlculars, apply to Th s, Edge Hill 8 157 {pd 01‘s. 13111183011 Jameson mews mu abort distance east of 113111 9v 0!") 06“" be] u II‘.A - 4 RESIDENCE “318v? D’ a ll tel Q f‘ encin , nEdrdostLun eqe med mil 1 ginter. However” ' srl‘fifiiae to boast until we get out of the w.oods Jack Frost may lime some- thing up his sleeve that will aston- e season 18 en ed. {jib if: t§t2§gifi§£4§9§°¢eg 701' articulérl. 31391? Lang on. Durham, or ytyo. 205 Riopelle St,_, __4 Fur Sale. he Postmaster I A tra ed W: ure. !at the . R 'ontaining furth- ! gtreet, Satuzlda; to conditions or. bearer. the 111‘ may be ”outfit“! (118 trad II‘ no '10, IUI" r0“ mrm His Majesty a Service Branch ., 1 j... if V SEA LED TENDERS addressed to the Postmast- D LCt er General. will be received at Ottawa until Noon. on Friday. the 28th February. l9l3. for ”AKING ON the conveym of His Majesty‘s Mails on a pro. 1 I l ' 5a. ’ pqsuL'Lontgae _ or gour years. snx times per week. ,aal‘wg‘y‘ ' 1’98 ' OVer the Blmww (Lamlash way) Rural . ‘ Mail Route. to commence at the pleasure and deliver- of the Postmaster General ‘3', about four Pri ' e best spot as to conditions of pro . ‘ . I8 J Ritchie. seen and blankforms of Tender may be obtained have their tade‘up into Post Office Department. Mail Service Branch, Ottawa 13th January. l9l3. Sale. for' uary, 1913 ‘Aâ€" OLD; SEALED TENDERS addressed to the’the Postmaster General, will be h of received at Ottawa until Noon, on have' Friday, the '14th March, 1913 for pay- the conveyance of His Majesty’s 1y,â€" Mails on a proposed Contract for 121p {our years six times per 'week ‘ â€".. Over Rural Mail Route from "" Durham, Ontario, to com- mence ,a_t 5 the Postmaster beiand at the Office of the on ’fice Inspector at Toronto. {qr ! A Post Office Department- "on men or l-o‘l’ .moam'rr am rum; Over one inch and and" tum inrhn. 'ggggg. {9.3111109 93.. “qt-op. -00.‘ 2 2m NEARLY A TRAGEDY A'l; FOREST. RA‘ILWAY CROSSIN M1 {1 , ' v "' ' VJ "I item. Money to (hire License» A was tranmmd, I" (mice. nearly oppoxite the ”Re gis‘ry wéfice. Lambmn t.. Durham. Any amount â€"â€" A. H. Jacksbn. OTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION er. " . . gonveyanogr. c. Insurann l .-A-. ty of Tau-onto. Graduate Roy Ynllege Dental Surgmnsn‘ ‘~ ' Dnntistryjn a" in Branches ()tfiouâ€"Over Dnuglas’Jewellery Star. Ml otflye. Ear Nose and Throat . Wm: he in athe H 4%) " ON. I”, Novel! . Hnurs. lrnfi p.111. ahn House), Juiy ler 16. Dec. 2],, MAIL CONTRACT IARRUS'I‘EL. wwwn; MAIL CONTRAQT 9: C. {Hosnsof Su .C. ANDERSON, Superintendent, Dr. I. . em! ‘Dt’ractorv Den la! Diredbrw . - i -'ICL 1 who e- are 1 w [b 1814‘ I‘d: â€" v- vnaIpV. Department, Mail . Ottawa, 20th Jan. Medical [)2] ectorv RS addressed to the Postmast- be received at Ottawa until ’. the 28th February. l9l3. {0: ':n I‘-â€"3--A~ ' I u “I aucr Loan.w Issuer of Mar- general financial busi- Telford. souplmk. E'I‘(I- ; SHARP (Lower TnWHJ 'intendent Ml 1037m- {0M double the shove London. INHH V'fl'fi annnd J. Hahn-3".“ insurance S torn, price” of m... 1...: matter was very quickly settled satisfactorily. Mr. and Mrs. IC’has. Wilson,» near Orchard, are rejoicing over their first-born, on Saturday, January 11th!a daughter.' ' ' Wath hogs hovering around. the $9, per cwt. , rice; cattlre six to oev'ewcenfa pdund, ‘ahd' horse‘s almost anything you‘like {to ask, it cgrtainly is ‘a pleasant ‘ and‘ t a meeting of the citizens of Ayton, held ant Week town, better en- forcement of the License Act Was foremost business -_--.uuAICl le making a great 81: the once fine woods 4 Colin Blyth. It is ‘ver‘ to their saw mill, and In a pile of logs These furnitur much to blame for the pearances the ‘ learn that Mrs. Sil- cox is down ‘with diphtheria. A: the doctor is quarantined,. the Nprmal gchool. will have to do five or six the matter wag ed satisfactorily. apd Mrs. 'C'has. ,course of the past among farmers. 9 ' Since our last letter, we had the ’grent pleasure of a visit from ,Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Parslow, of Coronation, Alberta, who, along with their cousins, Messrs. Richard and John ParleW, are spending the Winter in Artemesia and Pro- ton. Although “Jake” has ‘been a resident of Alberta for 10 manths, he is a real live enthusiastic Raves- erner from crown to heel. ' of McWilliams, who at present far from well. _Mr. Robert Blokeston, of Arte- mesia, is spending the winter Withhisson, Mr W J 5 kn‘OWfiis‘tatea‘man/schblar; etc.“ to ; Write 811'; Honorable, D..‘D.,'L;,L, 9? . drfanyovthqritagorrpref'x.to .. is name ilhe divegert'es the is’tinctxon‘. ,Alth'eugh'the ' Do'rnin‘idn'Grang‘e Asseciatidni ' dencrunc‘ed militarism .lin schools at their convention last Week, theyexhibit a very bellig- ,erent spirit in [many of their ‘dis- ‘cussions. 'AccOrding to the'presia gdent’s address, they are “agin the .‘government” on the naval quesâ€" I tion‘ the good roads movement and :the present tariff and preferential gtrade policy. The president also gde’prec'ated the general introduco ition of the rural telephone, which ‘tends to destroy the social inter- ,coltlrse of the past among farmers. i u -- - . . got the feathérd éffifiped of’fflfiii‘s 811085; 11. has be“) _, ramlng (133114, , back last annual meeting in prob- freezmg ”“11 “deb" “ml“ 5.1" 5 ? fng the genuine-mess of the pastiir’s althratiana §hat .thg “8913.1 $399993 ! modesty. We gotao ‘badly. scared eyel‘tmqrm98.1,3a,-.“Q11.1t9,,afh?~”g°ithat;ye. had no particular deajro inflame Ma 11.8””;an3h9'1n‘3n‘meg to .i‘npur, a" similar expegience, ‘so ?wegl:qou bet! "7, I dd? ft’odk‘ngchance's; ' _ - ' ' ' ‘9" :- ngen an: mm 311; Y; , .-‘i yThe 1 mpg-y Gran . [met in heir“ tétminqd; t9.abo},§qh. thg granting ' 1 ' £9“ ’ 't" ~ . 0f titlfisgimfi ht??? ‘lfitfgcfâ€"ifil'm night last, a very {large ’r’ébreé n .W an. 1!) VA?!" 3 mm 'aentatifon‘bfvfurmérs bein eaent. ffat' Effect. ' Doubtleal"t)hey .wxll g-p-r- . FORRDGW? new rmwe .mltnated. Mélud‘e)theugn,amt1ug.,q{ Penman! namelyvq ”as” eller,. ph'n Bpgly. degrees..by the.',,u?,iY9’s‘..t,‘es-, P91" Jame’s ’Wal abe“hnfl’A’lbei‘t’ M'arshl wally}. .,We,cannq 8.69 anythmg am JdmbawnooréyWho-hasi adl'ed wrong in Permitting, any" W611i ambiguity-{1m thqxwo years; threw: k‘h‘OWU'EStates‘manfischalan nth; tn .._ 4-L I” ‘ ‘vâ€"Jâ€" horse-sheer. Every other day (He! tormenfiqes g. rushing trade in rubbers, an efr’é’i-Y’Ysthtr'day ch latter is 11833 be!) . ouble trying to supp_ly _ Ade‘m ' for horse- met- an Den w, are ‘ w shouting “I told y6u so!” It v90 1d seem that Nature balances up her accounts quite enemy in the long run. We had a remarkabfy ' "6601 summer, 39:} now 'we are experi: BLYTH’S CORNERS kg with. the; ha. _ ~Many ‘a good ‘stor i , Y. The farméngtztgk‘b)’ stickinglo facta,y a Sponled With ‘the 19311115 _-L promise is something mu ‘â€" __, re, catftlre six to rdun'd, ‘ahd' horse‘s yw’like {to ash, ampleaqant \and latch, for which are espeCially in- m, get well and by all dealers. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE town ah‘ifm ,gang are alt; A romise is somethg’ng. you fly? shp d keep when you gave 1t. .' Thewill oi the peop has die- ear' heertene'd many _a can 'date. 3“ If ‘s’bn're‘ men were worms, they ry would 'be too lazy to turf). ' g (One is seldom disappointed in he love as .long- as he “remains I to! ba‘ helor”~ . . . , , f 9’8, ueh‘ of the he piness in the 11,. world.“ 'flue ~to' t e ‘fact ’ that Id ‘ignorance islblils. ' ' . ‘ " ,a _ . :When.,the,ayerageameu starteon gt the (1,9anan ”mm swans! . 1- mme'sflly Woman» to acepmpapy )f HiIDJI’. 1391.: j: : J .. ,, 8' 17A wommlmay not! mmwf‘all PPR-fish? cgmfigmtqmmw 11110521111159 .. 9’; u 5 _e s, e a, W Li.- then! was 9 I‘m. 12' )m I lum 'r i Op- , â€" w---" Mildew, generally speaking, II , El by chemicals though _‘ it sometimes yields to thei’r action. 0 “ brave pioneers, cl ,_-- -u part rergus nospltal for kidney trouble, was very low for a few days, but is now somewhat ' Barber 18 on the :3ka bet at present. Hope he may soon be up and doing again. The sudden removal by death of' Mrs; Willie Ke went an operation hospital {or kidnpv n ller, auu puuea up in Holstein damage was done, but u Jake was not in a very p mood, after following them way to Holstein. Mr. George Stewart is at nm In B - ucul. 1V0 caretaker has :1 _' provided, and ‘not , we are somewhat puzzled to know. While loading hogs on Thursdxa last‘ Mr. J. Hoefgin's te y ‘ and pulled up 11) Holstei I‘M-'â€" {.Ormedv "11d “'9 think u TO REMOVE MILDE W. me. aeMatjbn. brim-mere Four‘new new rs. namely”! ”1le ‘91]? J game}; _’Wa1 a‘ce "a‘nd‘ Was our lost week’s bur'get con- signed to the waste basket or possiblv it may have been stuck in vour vest pocket and esc'me". Wall (“Wu your vest and look.â€" Neither‘. dear scribe. Your last “.5 fiallLL __.- .-- , nap quall, and the general tone of the meeting rather tame. we are told. 'dti‘éf. “un9 possibly through - the absence of yo I; In: ble scmbe, who got the feat e gripped off his knnl. I-_L -_, ‘ ‘ [WEI week’s budget renched us on Wed- nesday afternoon, too late for our last issue The annual meetin of Knox gym“: his 93%: “Vs: :ion have 3 :ion indeed of the 800d. yea almost extinct. ' sympathy, in' 1th of his aged “"W‘ 'U'WW-Wvu u, auu wwn Inem con- ‘0 which own ubu'vrimiuu iu'}‘.;a’m'” ' ‘ nu . , ____ v- H! lb Mpg). ;.‘ d E) ‘5, {‘VQD" tin 0988. ‘ 3 .3 the n?n:‘l‘)'m w the addmnu him] 3.. "Elli”! E" 9" f"! °" r a, "$3? 5% fié'bfi .pfsbg‘fiu' m,fia?‘z':':.....::..:i£p:::$:- .., .. w gefiera one o e e‘ a n m I" are . l'fllillg F t a \ . r tame. we are told feeling the EffeCts 0f it. Ad'. or “n ‘3‘." “1 ‘2 ‘lic '11. v 1 cents per hm- fur H. n”: 1' ‘: glguablg scribe W110 are balding a 5P9“!!! meeting on +“NI. not oxooadtnl one web N W} “mun.“ Arip'ped off his,b Friday night [81 mppfina in n- any enemles, a “WE'RE in .‘o‘A, DOW almost Very Prflyr'rfnf’l 3 them all, the ’t is attenfging indeed Who under- the Fergus 8 Colleg; WiBh him : true- 31‘0 fancy, can always be depended upon' in pleasant and safe to take. sale by all dealer-I. R. EWEN Magnet Cream Segaramrs and ' Rugs. Oilcloths Window ”Shades Lace Curtains and all flousgbolfi Furnishings year...... The Chronicle and Weekly Sun, 1 year ......... The Chronil lo and Farmer s Advocate 1 year ...... Daily News, 1 ear ......... ‘ Toronto The Chronicle and Toronto Daily World. ,1 year............ The Chronicle and Toronto Daily Mail and Em pire, 1 yr. The Chro Daily Globe. 1 year Durham Insurance uauy U10“. 1 year... .. 4.75 he Chronicle, and The Grgi; Growers’ Guide, Winnipeg $1.60 tends to put up ‘n‘ext-lumuier. A party of invited nests Durham uoctor’s care at present. Mr. Arthur Hunt. of Vickere purchased the farm of Mrs. . Brown, {or the sum of $8,000. is a fine home. .. We welcome and Mrs. Hunt and family to neighporhood, and wish them handling a big pig. he will recover soon. LII-E; Wm. Pierson dqqtor’s care at Dre: f JOHNSTON Sr. New Clubbing Rates o! All Kinds including Stock Magnet Gasoline Engines , All SIZES AND 01' cold take {ht Remedy. It he farm of Mrs. John the sum of $8,000. It Pigrsbh ‘ia under the and Weekly upon,and take. For Ontario Ve welcome Mr. 1 family to our wish them conâ€" AGENT *9 umber on barn he in- Ont. uya VVe *1; hope "-81.75 'modate twenty-five people They are stern-wheelers, and are pro- glled by foot power, R by a man ndden by a huge mum in the January, says the Toronto News, ,is unprecedented» but at two o’- 'clock on Friday afternoon, agreat .gondola, built on the lines of the fswan-iike boats used in the Ven- qetian canals, was launched from the foot of Bay street, and cruised ;about in the offing between the i wharves and_ the island 1.90 2.40 The gondola is one}; 3 {19¢ five built by the Haulan’a F 1.90 1.90 1.75 SAILED THE BAY IN GON ML_L DOLAB ., has Worth 8360.03. :1 "l WWW’ at; months in wh of six years from date of homestead entry (includ- ing the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate- jinio-n Lands Agency, orSub-agenm: 'for dlltrict. Entry ,by proxy may be made at any certain conditions by father. moth- or. non, daughter, bmther or sister of intending homestead». Funeral Director\ All .dvortuemonu onierod by his“ forum. Avenue-mu “innit be published till forbid m ‘3!!me has" Me Mr- 1 tollummi a *A_r Hâ€"g ’tcture Franz ng (m 5‘ Hattie. 8mm mums~Nexl m s“ Barber Shun. REHIIDHM r. (1001;801:111. of “X J ‘4” \\ _ i - cu IIVID'I' “I 41.50 may be rimmed Hymn to which own nbncriution h column «w tho sddren In minnow to all nrmru are mt n of the proprietor FD“ “[18 0f fluhollc ROM. and him-k and white Unto {cram oomph». hl ‘ksmiti; hhup £1)ch m one of; fleet o: ”’0 me'mmun and Minister of Publicaflon Vi“ not be ”running“ “I '0RNIN( 48-“qu “finger.- BWMUH“ S liar/esp PU 191' People A small 03' IM whim». nulriti brand. Han- your “I'm'm‘ In time and sm' 1; [ties it p umw I'hnlvsnlm'. ho that wv pm A blend mfg ‘ 'hwu and is Our pure Manim N0. ‘ Mailihbha V for either tmkm [8 made from m Ind it: a supm'iw Ipocial Rod uctio: 10 l Chopping All up-t grocers your mm the mill All kinds 0! What Abo 30 Don’t Y( 300 Aer-Ls Mr, (firm. 1‘“ l have nmnv 1 aims and rump I. or cxvhunm yourself if ynu l 200 Ac 1 50 Aer: \V 1 00 Acres "l1 FLOUR ~. ll .fl.MIL LARGE SUNS xp John EDU TH A" H PASTR‘ 30th SOV EC 'al I Ha M {IIII H N! u- mt I‘H h

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