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Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Jan 1913, p. 5

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)0" s lung as 5 V .v'v “Y ‘â€" rrru. . W STORE ILIFF E OOOQOOOOOOOQOOO§O. Rexall :r Remedies ”WWII! “Ill :ed Stee “IMP ('nmpl‘h" erem bet tbgt. T c-hangeahlg ”new is not! H i. isftu‘tOl". he gross to m away and no» tn each )Id ’mevs 3! pzlll' rstiens 7 inch 099‘): anp, 25c, nuns 'nl' Oil, 81 00 Liver Oil 50c and nt) you can wrw is (inching hag, wk upa 001d Dick], .1 NJ“ cum 08 "D .\~t tho» saying ‘00. .1" «Aha ”3|. ”1 . DP Bypophonphitu In‘s Grip S .V 0'1 can ()NTARIO HIV H I Shears ”IV of "055.8 50 ntur- ‘I ‘5' L‘I‘mJ lllfl? that. ho", mus ”I ‘ Cflpflme. \V P l uce rved 13 'I here is danger. ‘ telephones, ‘ rural mail delivery, an‘l such things, that people be- me less and less acquainted with‘ each other, in other words, lose thp social instinct that seeks com- rmieship in one anothers’ IMiety.‘ «n -_ ..... ..m be a calamitous loss CU eaCh O‘Har, I" vs..-â€" the social instinct that a radeahip in one another This would be a calam 7' V“--w annually or oftener. . our churches, rtaken of, the ’_ After tea was pa gun, the pastor, in the chair, a wielding the quill, secretary. The reports of the various so- cieties, boards and various organ~ «which repreaent the iZutions, congregation. activities of the were printed in pamphlet form and distributed beforehand. This placed the Work of the year prop- erly before the congregation, and aimed much time at the meeting, the leports being generally taken [[5 printed. ““““ Infill J anuafy The report angC‘Dt9 E greater lib the (20132!“ the congregation to meet the in-' creased cost of living, and of prices of all sup- gvneml rise a generous res- plies, met with We at pause. and (101' General Fund, the requirements of the ye contributions from all sources ior V . T the year were $3263.26, an increase T over last year of nearly $400. The '1 and Home Missionary Societies, 1 but this still {ails far short 0! the ata requirement of the Presâ€" be‘ Itrl) 1 bytery if the congregation is to bo its just share of responsi- BC A C3 C( assumv bility for this important Work. spu - 1“. .,__.LLA- ;“‘ lt enmity”: yru' to still further in- ‘ crcvw Hw nurnuc of the church, FORMER‘PR- COLLEG 4 1 so as to bring the. Organ Fun! . . - - . London, J an] also the Mssnon Schemes up . . , f . prmmpal o to the (it"‘Slt‘t‘d standard. Benj Watkil The Ladies’ Aid deserves special his 80th yea] Referring 1 wise for the se fâ€"den in and leéhlv successfulleffortys got its don, Ont, A v - ‘ ceased, who members. The handsome sum of land, came t $ll-l.60 was raised by the society ' durin the veer. and will be a - pliedgas the ladies deem best Ii)n Que, up to. was a‘ppm the interests of the church. professor 01 The four members elected to the College, Lo vost of the Board of Management for three Res'gningi . 1 - . are Messrs. Robt. McFadden, tor of Trin hr. Brad. Jamieson, S. Hughes and 1905 he has J. R. Gun. Mr. J. C. Adams was well, Honitt appointed to fill the place ren- dered vacant by the decease of; his esteemed brother, Mr. W. J. 1. VANDAI Adams. E Some I is gratifying to pastor and pte that the work of the year been crowned with success. w report of the Board of Man- »mt-nt, early in the autumn, for 'ater liberality in the givings oi ' et the inâ€" the .-‘â€"-v The Ways and Means committee appointed last year to secure a new subscription list was instructâ€" ed to complete its ‘work at an early date, in order that the finanâ€" V 30thQ 1913' garalysia are ouen enefited by massagim ed parts thorou hly ‘ ing Chamberlain s Lini liniment also relieves pains. For sale by all Characterizing the ceedings as “a sham on the part of the plaintiff,” the Appetlate Division of the Supreme Court, consisting of Chief Justice Mul- ock, Mr Justice Ridden. Mr. Just- ‘ce Sutherland. Friday morning de- ' dgment at Osgoode ' peai of Mr W H. Haines from the decision ' . Justice Leitch in‘ Persona troublgfl i-egorta incurably omenting on ubled with partial often very much massaging the effect- roughly when apply- lain’s Liniment. The rplieves rheumatic ,HAINES ACTION A SHAM by. all dealers. ation is to of responsi- mt Work. A .9 made this ilJustice Britten, wm 'judgment, his collea 'ring with him on 31 . c m part: ‘ “The whole course ‘ if! is indicative of faith. anrl we cann that the lines must 3 some strictness â€" A- “It seems CW“? whole proceeding was a sham on plaintiff ” A known, but 10 successfpl burner had CD1 It is the mom wua.--“ made, an is great favorite " ' who desire ° t hair. Large beautiful and luxuman bottle only 50 cents. The R. T. ' ' , Fort Erie, Ont, Booth (30., Lxmlted ' ‘ ‘ .. Macfurlane the quick-act- guaranteedâ€"- al success- Referring don, OUt, 1‘ ceased, who land, came ‘ O. VANDAIJSM IN HANOVER. 3 Some peculiarly constituteli chap or chaps have been busyi lately taking off the lettering ”fl Hanover business houses show win- dows. Whether the depredation‘ was an act of private spleen or just pure cussedness, is not ap- paient. Anyhow it is certainly an indictable offence and if the guilty iparty is caught he will be punish- ged. Depraved human tainly does some raw stun Are Agents 1 We Km: was invited to 8 the house of one men in town, say -. u 1...] sa 8 an exchan e. y g I{fully ‘ At the dinner table, he was placed opposite a goose. The lady of 10580- the house was placed on the _ -. 5-..:“1. um noose. he vicar’s left. Seeing the ; remarked, “Shall I sit sc the goose?” Feeling his bit equivocal, he tame the lady, and said in apolo etic tone, “Excuse lady, meant the roast A tragedy was narrowly averted} at the "G. T. R. crossing at Queen street, Saturday n'oon. Miss Sarah; Shearer, the mute, was about toi cross the track, not having seen ght train pulling out of the to work at the same time, an was ([HE PIT BLIC‘o PRINCIPAL A‘ 0" ullutu‘v. vv â€"â€"_ _ :lllua \r- _, aded ham and asked one B intn f harsh hair soft and lived. , ‘ “I live under the pulpit,” said No. I always think killed. The pars down, and 1 have llest corner for fear or mone ' 3 , “and every week most delightful hair 3‘33“ be getting .. ' reat bangs his band get into the sum ‘ an hair. Large getting squashed.” - â€" ‘v - n ttmn“ nnohf t0 (‘0 ‘ - _. ad meant the roast one.” ‘ V0109“FmpreMPRYPflsfifitngé to the .~-’ up luvv _-_e __ bees ?" “With respect; THE CHRONICLE. tor as he resuu vi The Chronicle for rival sheetâ€"Boa be appreciated by} friend. The extra‘ .. Handy t‘ Piu'iSian Sage» e Guarantee 541‘, per {g authâ€" statement a phenom" and Times. pvv-vâ€" in988, is not ap- it is certainly an and if the guilty [9 Win be puniSh- htful hair LS a great who desire hair. Largf‘ ()F H1? {:9}: (You can take that w 3 Bait.) [ can hear my share of troubles and of : worries and surprises. 0 And it's truly very seldom I and fault. But there‘s one thing gets my mums. end ‘ it gets her good and plenty. ‘ And my language grows cer 1 1 tone. When 1 telephone-this happens fully nine- teen times in twenty- And somebody shorts “Wholethls?” on the phone! ulean in Then I want to bust that party when a bust I: greatly needed, On the humane. on the blln nose. ‘ ' ~--- Imn't vgry ker. on the But my wua, gamma “5:. greatly heeded. And it doubtless never will pose. Yet I’d like to use a pistol or a cleaver On the vast unnumbered I are prone To wait until my coral ear is receiver A ..m\_ I'm a calm and placid person with a Innu- ly disposition. But I'm truly som mad, And I wish I owned the to Spanish tnquisition. Every rack and grill and thumblcrew that they had. I would seize these surly parties. nnd with eyes that fairly suntan ething ugly when I'm rturon of tho And for ye for years 1’ “'hile l bellowed on the phone! --I3€~1'ten Braley in Pittsburgh Press. '9» - THE FIGHTING WORD. Mrs. l‘ryâ€"â€"\\'hat is your huuso, \ViHie? \Villieâ€"Mn told pa him-always fightin‘ wasn’t, and now the; d 7 then bellow the phone! turbed from one w u."“.Vv -- asn’t, and no; they‘re havin‘ New York Globe. timed from one year enc “Why. where do you No. 1. ;‘I live in the D00" Weekly Telegraph- r“. III 'v-v , A famous bumurist ‘ rich family in Cleve! , ° lot of airs, hired eat it was Drougm u) courses. At the end of a week the girl threw up her job. Being pressed for a rea- son for quitting so suddenly. she said: day Evening Post. young gentleman through the majority of the perplexing ' his day’s mail until at to a stickler. Rushing room. he stopped beside and asked, “Mr. how to treat sick ,into the news the city editor’s desk ' ---, can you tell me bees?” “With respect,” retorted the city edi- t the gtor as he resumed his perusal o ‘ rival sheetâ€"Boston Traveler. _____.._...â€" d m? Grave Tacticai Mistake at a Iuddin' and placid person. an seldom rises . n i h . take that with n modicum ot , ‘ E 9 " . G'W“ “hen benerai tun-dun was e lad It i and of % u-hooi he was as mischievous as moot boys. When the boys had done any- . 0 mi ver seldom i find fault. , | large. barely furnished room and not her good and plenty. 1 language grows cerulean in . to write lines from a Latin author. i Gordon was one of the most tro- ’12:;an 1:333:39“: “my "me. i quent prisoners in this room. and he ebody snorts “Whoisthis?” on 'i used to be annoyed by the boys who "me! f were tree coming to the door and Jeer- ,nt to bust that party where s ' m8 at him thro“gh the keybUlP- 3" sgfeatiy needed. ieolving t0 gEt even. be procured t (1. taking it with him 0“ "‘9 A large syringe. an the next time he went to write lines. wild, satanic an er isn’t very g he went round to the various desk! 1" heeded. ioubtiess never wiii be. and encked up the ink into the syringe. By and by he heard stealthy toot- oming down the passage. Near- °er they came and at Inst awbone, on the biinker. 1 sun- :e to use a i o utlass or pstiornc stepsc aver vast unnumbere er and neat halted outside the door. “They are Drone ,ntii my coral ear is glued to the 2 peeping through the keyhole.” whisper. ed the future general. and, placing the d masses who ver en bellow out "Whoisthis?" on )hone'. eyrlnge to the keyhole. he squirted the contents through with all the eneru m and piacui person with a kind- he could muster. . l. __-.I --..mm-Hnn “Then you. I take 1 dog?" t, do not keep ‘ I.--‘ .A. harm like uug: “Oh, yes. I keep one. but not because I like the brutes. It happens that the one we have always howls unmerct- fully when my wife tries to sing."â€" prove: Voice From the Crowd-That dead men tell no tales, gnv’nor.â€"-Tit-Bits. ued '3" ueu .' “I suppose.” said Mr. Growcber, “it’s because they are made of carbon. Which is the equivalent of coal. and at the same time look like ice.”â€"Wash- lngtou Sta 1'. ‘ An absent minded man was Inter- rupted as he was finishing a letter to his wife in his ntflce. As a result the signature read: "Your loving husband. Hopkins Broo."~New York Amadeus Having It Out. A POIOiMIIfiG Plaint. “Why are diamonds so highly val- sit and watch ’em. and make ’em listen - . HART,S 6 out “Wholethls?” on y in Pittsburgh Prelfi. ‘ Slept For . wggk M . - Lwo on Must Have Surprised H». Being pressed for a rea- ng so suddenly. she said: x. lady. In dis yere house “you ought to come . I never get dis- ar end to another.” box." -â€" London five?" asked of disgust. and then some one fumbled with the handle of the door. it opened. and in stalked the head master. his face black with wrath and his once snowy shirt trout black with ink. We must draw a veil over the painful scene which foilowed.~bondon Globe. 'l‘o sleep for one's London Chronicle. m: as a more mtmvfive : work for one‘s living been achieved In m Aug. 9. 17“. the fc ment appears: "Ni! slept last year in : hospitai. intends to the Cock and Bottle Some further partim stonal somnolist are Spectator for Oct. appears that Hurt 60303' '3 BLUNDER. 7th. turned himself 8th. recovered his the 9th. fell aâ€"strvt about midnight. an In the morning. on! Inter- Polished and Vigorous. Observing a passenger WM) the un- lighted butt of a cigar to his fingers. ’the street car conductor requested him to put it out. '° mgmnded a-hl\m" “it is out. you the passenger. .” resumed the conductor. ”if i have failed to make myself olear. The condition to which i had reference was not one of mere temporary non- combustion. but of elimination. the eradication. i might say. of the physi- cal presence of your nicotine laden rem- followed necessarily * __nn. ohm» HART’S EASY 103. rson ll Capauw u- The fact that a pe ning and speed dotng the best run walking before the thirtieth veer need not lead those who have passed the third decade to think that they are on the down grade of life. says an au- xercises call for eluâ€" d the same II true W Took Wind Out of Their Sails. f ms southern and]- ; mm Sum Jones once requested all . L“, M, Realistic. “How did the moving wedding turn out?" splendid“ They caught the brim- When she was knocked senseless m hum: Mt with '00 old shoe. so that It n: his! as ml Net-um HH'ald pictures of the Running D.mg For‘tUflO. Q L. (I H u . ' ng. called for a nttie small performance. it is asserted, Hart "enough to support 1 twelvemontb." >ouzed as a woman hey symbolize Fortune 0 she’s nearly always int; lave an engagemen twith chump.' responded u Exorcism [a capable of y the” wives for Be shank band! and HIP!) "It” 9st 07 me and" Hub .{o ++++ ++++++++++++ 9 v, ’3‘ '0 I! is your priz'z'ledge to write to In. OI can he death that day , \' Ward, whom he visited at his t‘h] home in New York State, a w month ago. and from where the l funeral took place on Sunday. Mr. Harrison had been ill about h two years, but the best nursing l and medical aid failed to save him. Fl He. was born in England, and was :1 sixty years of age. He had receive ' ed a good education, and after Si coming to Canada followed bookâ€" ” keeping for some time. Near F Flesherton, where he lived for 3’ many years, he was married to ‘ Miss Ann Stewart, who survives him, with one son a *1 three dau hters, all living in how Yor State, where they moverl a 1‘ few years ago. Besides his broth- l er, Alfred, here, one sister. Mrs. ‘ John Whittaker, of Toronto, also t survives him. The hockey team played a re- ' turn match with Markdale team 1 on their own rink on Thursday ev- ‘ l ening last, and again won, with a * score of 7 to 4. A number of en- ,thusiasts accompanied the boys 'on their outing. l Mr. Levi Betta, of the Coiling- ! wood road, met with a bad acci- n dent last week. While working in d the bush, he Was struck by afall- ing tree and had a leg so badly ‘ 3‘ fracture reduced. A doctor, and l' his wife accompanied him. Word is has come that nothing can be done 7- until the reat swelling in the all limb is re uced. Mr. Betta had ty also the misfortune last week to u have a valuable horse break his er- leg by fallin .on the icy road at M the Station ill. The animal was taken home, but we learn has to ‘1' be shot. _ _ ls l scuntlhx medicine cavelully commanded hv an Qan-u .m. ”m... physician and adapted to the mad: and monuments m woman“ Mm system. ll has been recommended lo: ow. mm scan" as a "mum to. lhmo penance durmz "lht “Mun!" pecul'm ailments whsch make theta an ‘eriod. Motherhood us made rule: I» lb use. Thouuud‘ 01 women have n hemmed by thus areal methane. ‘an new. You! dmgglsl can supply you In liquid on hold. loo-m. m '0" - box M 0!. Picta“ Puvoflto escrlvufl 50 on. cm? siamps tor a trial Tablet}, to 0!. Place. at Imallds' Hole! and Sumical luslimlr. Bulllkl UU DLIV u. “k 'I‘t‘hesgfiyd evening 0‘ ill?“ his parents here. wee , e r anniversary 0 er . . . . marriage, Mrs. W. Clayton enterâ€" DuMJSZIIlJcmlfs‘t fixatrong ‘ tained a few of her friends at a Mr C W Bell ‘ l . . . amy, sec fowl supper. Among those pres- , ent were Rev. and Mrs. Wellwood the Farmers Club, attei and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Carson, 4 of the Meatord Road, old friends, Mr John Gimmell, of th who are leaving to reside in of Commerce. . . n visitor with Mr. an Mrs. had an auction sale of stock and. over Sunday. implements on Monday. Mr. Alvin McKenzie, About twenty young people reeve McKenzie, is attend from Feversham, attended the ness College at Owen St rink one evening last Week, and after skating were given. an en- {gyable party by Miss Rita Bus- MILVERTON BOY WON “L scuounsmr Mr. John Gibson moved his (3111- M' t Jan 2Lâ€"Wi ily last week to Mr. W. Fisher’s Eggéxrfé‘gd 21, 0! Cal: {arm 0“ the 4th line. recently won a Rhodes Miss Ethel Trimble is home from ship, is a former Iilw ’ ‘ ‘ = n...- lptt here t I‘ll]. Mr. John Gibson moved his fam- Milverton. Jan 24,â€"William G, ily last week to Mr. W. Fisher’s Egbert, aged 21, of C-‘lguy' who n 3 Rhode- echoin- farm on the 4th line. recently wo former lilverton boy Miss Ethel Trimble is home from ship, in a it here to prectice Owen Sound for a holiday, till His father le medicine in Calgary about .1: spring millinery openings. , ~ ' v m years ago Nouns Egbert re- general business here to go the west, and are holding aclearâ€" ing 8318. where he matriculated with ham. ors.1n (1909 He will graduate this and reeve McKenzie of the townâ€" spring from the Univelflty 0f Tor- ship, are attending county couno i’citlo’sc‘itentcl: honor COW” 0‘ Polit- cil at Owen Sound this week. _- - .__..- 1...-.. Throughout hi. corn-pg) m {all nf'sttuw. If you «to not. own a ya... u... .w -___ Store where you can secure tho host of everything in that tine. \Ve mun-y a great variety of Snow Shoes for the Girls, for the Bnyti. for H1? Indivs and fur lllt’ Men. ranging in price from $2.00 to $6.01!. Mr. Jute-9p}! Brown claims he has been favomed with Mlilzthk‘. weather for making Skating 109 and is determined to do has pat-t towards furnishing mnnsmnmtt for tho young. Utlt' emahlishmvnt cm furnish everything olsp, sum as Hm-kvy Skates. Spring Skates. tlm'kvy Sticks. Pucks, Auk‘v Supports, Shin Pads, Hovkey Mi! (1-: and Skatw Straps. \Vo haw what you “no! in ”and Sleigh». at priws to suit cvm-y person, hm... 231' to $2.5Umu‘h. Bvihg alwau‘sup-to-datc‘. “'0 have just I-«(eit‘vd a vomig; nwnt ofthv new lantern, with the new sh IpI-d t‘lu‘w that, WI" ttn _ that you ran put your hztml in to clean. '1‘th Lull't‘ln has it p-sflhv lm-k lam-pvt making it nhsu httt'ly mfv. ”\‘un \Vittl' Light. Safety :thd (‘on w niem-v, Mn) 4t. lwivv $1.27. Gt ‘1 , " ' ()ll x “Quality” Printing Try The Chronicle Show Shueswady fur the next heavy '. If yml do not own :1 pair. call at the :3 mm mm 590““! UN ht’h'l “f *“""')"hi"g M: mmmwmnunmmmzmmsmm I!" THERE is I flnw above all times when I mn should be in period physicat cumiicmn I! h the 6.! previous to the connmc 04 he! baht. During this period many women suflcc 1mm headache. “We“. pa no 0‘. varous dtru‘rim .un. pom nopeme. 1nd u host of othct lumen!» wh . a. sham.) be dum‘mied in indie! to the new In: aboul to b: named into this worm. mg old friends here 11‘. William Bradley, learn of his death an The Chronigle last -â€" “-_" ' ‘ WWW Cl. w ’0’ advice. and it will be 01044 ummum'catwns are wufidenflm for him sympathize with his + neir loss. Lllcll luau. The Chronicle Editor’s numerous friends here sincerely sympathize with him in his bereavement by the death of his aged and res- pected father, reported last Week. Bv a letter received last week we "were very sorrv to learn of the Flesherton boy, Mr. Herbert Strain. son of the late Wm. Strain, who has been for a number of year! successful in business at the head of the firm of Strain Bros., Great Falls, Mont. During the pllt year, Mr. Strain underwent two operations, which ave but little help, and his eon ition is now ale.rming._ - a A t- -l "â€"4... "A.â€" 'dli'J llllllb Mr. R. L. Johnston, of Knox Col- lagen supplied th Presbyterian tion. Miss Mary Wilson, teacher in N0. 3, eastof the village, was con- fined to her home here lut week through illness, but resumed dut- ies on Monday. ‘ - . '3 _ _...1LL Mr. W. J. Boyd is laid up with a badly bruised ankle, struck by a curling stone on the rink. Mr. Fred Sproule, barrister, of Winnipeg, paid his father, Mr. R. J. Sproule, a short visit the be- ginning ot last week. Mr. J. P. Bunt, of Toronto, is spending a few days ’with his his brother here. Mrs. Graham, of Kimberley, is on an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs. R. H. Moore. Mr. Robt. Bellamy, of the Bank of Toronto, Toronto, is home for three weeks’ holidays. Mr. Edgar E. Bellamy, one of the busy real estate men of Sas- katoon, Sask., is on a business trip to Toronto and London, sud spent a few days last week with ‘~- LA-‘ ”lavvuâ€" _ his parents heré. Miss Lillian Armstrong visited in Dundalk last week. Mr. C. W. Bellamy, secretary of the Farmers’ Club, attended tha Club at Markdale on Saturday. Mr. John Gimme“, oi the Bani of Commerce, Oran evilie, W“ q visitor with Mr. an Mrs. Hollana over Sunday. ‘ _‘ SCRIPTION uzd Shrubs. at m $2.509m'h. 9 just lweivvd with the nvw Ihe heat. a globe to (-Imul. The Hulk inn N Mhsn- Throu hout his courte, young E bert as taken a high "and. w‘irnning {int-clan honor- in bi! first year, gm} magma-9nd“ Inc- _- _ IRA. ___.I Idence in FIVE McKenzie, son of '.ie, is attending Buni- at Owed Sound. WON RHODES family in H

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