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Durham Chronicle (1867), 6 Feb 1913, p. 2

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mence at General’; p] Printed noti¢ 91’ information Proposed Cont and blank torn obtained at th . ' Department, Mail 1 Service Branch. Ottawa, 21“ Jan- I nary. 1913 - l G. (x AXQRRSON. I ‘ com- V the Postmaster General’s pleasure. es containing furth er information as to conditions a proyopeq Contract mav he .1.-. week; SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday, the 14th March, 1913, {or the conveyance of His Majesty’s Mails on a proposed Contract for {our years six and six times per week- nt of law- ~ ’ ,lessness, bordering almost on >0st Office Department, Mail 1' riots, that is markin and marring rvioe Brunch. Ottawa, 2lst Jan-Imodern history in alkerton, can ry. 1013. pro ably be imputed more to (1. (fl ANDERSON the slackness of the courts where Superintendent. the culprits are tried that to any N .other vanity that the preachers N 'can find under the sup. ‘the police to. quell distur committed if there is any ivetl at Ottawa un‘til Noon, on . . intaming peace, our halls of fly. the 14th March, 1913 1‘13"“ 18 Majesty‘s gigoefiicg‘ssmg crime. The rowdy s on a .proposed Contract for h K a racket can do so . - . Wit out muc in heav- }¢.ars sun tlmes per “eek . ' ' g .. 1. ' ‘ : 2. Route from El) mulCted aItPPWQN‘ Ul‘hzlm linenâ€"2A . February 3rd, 19;; and having .any dealings of any kind with my son, Wm. P. Bailey, without my consent, will be dealt with according _to law. THE 30"“: agnoEgN HOTEL fi-Ah--. _ D 7‘0 D?!" V .â€" Durban _-_ J , vvvv LCIDII , valance on tim‘e‘ “to suit purchaser. Apply to J. A. Rune Alberta. ll. Lougheed P. 0.. 1212tf q ' (‘OMFORTABLB BRICK HOUSE n..-L-â€" - , Ottawa, 20th Jan- '- C. ANDERSON, superintendent. V v-v v, VUU‘VUUU‘ containing 106 acres of first-class land in good condition. Will take 81000 i! sold before the first of February, _§500 cosh; balance A- ‘3â€".- A- at the' 1’9 plea-urea MAIL CONTRACT GOOD COMFORTABLE FRAME house on Coflege street; nix moms. two storeys, hard end soft water. gfiod ha]! acre of land. A bargain to quick pur- chaser. For articulare. apply to Ed. Len on. Durham, 01' Tn}... n 11“. â€"-- â€"- down v---\. 1‘ IJUU DD Durhamâ€".5 f-Ovor'en M h h md soft vat-v inliq'o. ”id, «2:9 are. -5-LI- - Goon ”BUILD'NG LOTâ€"SLMKPPLY ‘ I to J P. Tana-rd, or Mrs. G. Black.! 5 burntburbam 6 13 t1} â€"‘_ â€"""H"'V‘.‘ uu [Udlu , John M. Littlo. 206 Riopelle Detroit, Mich ‘2 uooa orchard. Reasonable terms. For lurther particulars. apply to Thos. Glencross, Trav- __erston. 11 7t! LOT 55, CONCESSION 2, AND LOT 53, Concession 3, N.D.R., Bent- lnck, containin 100 acres; 4% miles from Dur am:. good farm; first-class buildings; lots of hard and soft water; good young orchard; strawberries, raspber- Iin'. and rapes planted last a; mug. or further particulars, applfi to James A. Alexander, __l_‘Za_r__ill. Sash. '12 l2tf 109 AgRES‘jéEINQLOT 4, CON. Fur Sale! or Rvnt - _ __ _' _ â€" OV. 8, Normanby, about 4 miles from Durham; 1% miles from Varney; convenient to church and school; well fenced, Well watered and in good state of cultivation; bxick house and buildings. For further particu- lars, 3p fly to David McAuliffe, Sn, but am, Ontario. 130tf BEING LOT 2, CONCESSION 9, Glenelg, 100 acres. Good com- tortable house, barn, and other outbuildings; two good wells, and a large cistern. 70 acres under cultivation. 20 acres hard- wood bush, 10 acres pasture land. A...) Take Notice Atlanta-cu. of q “Mu-oz hunk»: Farms fur Sale. com- Postmaster Mary Falkingham ’13. "pd 01‘ Sale 2 22“ ‘ V ------ lll.‘ll"[l -5 w umumons of poposed Contr seen and blank forms of Noon. on Friday. the 28th February. 1913. for is Majesty‘s Mails on a pro- posed Contract for four years. six times per week. ATE. UNIVERSI o. fi‘rfiadUa‘to Rom i! t‘ Z) L R. c P., LONDON' ENG V RA DULATE of I ank 4nd Chicago mum: of Eye. Ear Nose and Throat \Vill he at the Hahn Oct. 19. Nuvemhe-r 16.‘ Dec. lEHtml‘s, 11‘05 n m- EYE, vonders if these acts me to be committed ity, or if there is any sad for a case like Id of being a medium ling peace, our halls of fast becom'i'p‘g aplace P ("Gran t i 0 I I i l leniency is b - , em 2: and. the Dubli‘: mtg £31103?!" . jeop- Dr. FFICEâ€"Over I or Med [cal Dz’rettorv. ' ' hanging branch, and Winds round ‘5“ the two twigs the ends of any ”(ll 017861071) long fibres she can find in the ‘ . N... ,neighborhood. The other ends of [C Pleorin the fibres are allowed to hang ° loose. Then she selects several DBHtISt. Iother twigs and fastens fibres to “‘9" J J. Hunrn’s them in the same :way until the - - rim of the nest is outlined. The ‘ weaving of other threads into lADUAI‘E. UNIVERSI. these is done by means of quick, [‘oronto. “raduato . shuttle-like movements of the bill. Surgeons: nijntario R0” The bill thrusts the bit of string ‘ yin all its Branches or piece of grass through the ‘ )nuglas’Jewellery Smrp,;mass of fibres, and then catches l -â€"â€"\__ either the same or b ak different 1 . . thread, and pulls it ac a a f I 3178610712. point a little farther along. lThus ‘ "““""'“‘“““ ' ' “by a very rapid alternate t rust P. Tfilford. land pull of the bill the Weaving c ., SOLICITOR F'l‘t‘ { . . ' ‘ , , oriole then gets down insi '1 ante" 8“” “mun“ pulls these ends in, and 4 Rsneral financial busi-l them into the nest fabric VBLIC, COMMISSION. , until the nest is 'well along; the t} . The in bird watched by Professor Herrick M )l'T. (Lower Town.l took about four and a half days ‘ â€"~â€"-â€"~~â€"~â€" ~â€"~~â€"â€" to finish her nest. Her movements sa. . SHARP '« â€" ' Onvevannpr an(l She Chatternd ihnnnanntl-- . n . Superintendent 'rflon, 3nd )0 out. for out inch», double the that. an. ___ -‘w‘Uo ' Any one can spend an idle half- hour watching a bird at work on its nest, but i! he is to learn cor- rectly the bird’s method: from the beginning to the end of we pro- cess, he 'W-ill need a great deal of - patience, and much skill in ob- D "“10” ' servation as well. Prof. Francis H.‘ ~__, ‘w ”A Herrick has given accurate ac- - counts of the way that certain II Jameson. gwell-known birds carry on- their RESIDENCE , the mysterious part .b 'on given to disease: 0! her CODdUCt . When she br' 5’ n. hResidence 0P the_ next load nr kn:IA-°-â€"~ ‘lngs “‘ she remembers, ”mm. and by turmng m the opposite NR dlrection the next time, she p50: ,N ’duces in 'the end a hoofâ€"nu“ ‘ ’ :- get up right off! Ma clean sheet for a tablecloth!” I hesitated no longer, but rol; out of bed and dressed. Whex t “Not y‘ét. "68% will b vwfivu. e soon,” the reply, and the little feet " heard to trip down the stairs I. J Post. We are so positive our remedy ,Will relieve constipation, that we offer to furnish it free of all cost If it faiIS. . nuns and pncked u a l preagfast ready,?” I asked, chased all those neighborgaihroggg mg Interested, dmgle and dale, and cried as I s{?t'-.l_)gt.,w‘in__be 8001],” Was smote them. “Ode fin}: ohA --‘ Ineét was alre ady aoing a table-cloth.-â€"Ph.ilade1- 0 school. That meant 24 mt place, as I board three days in a each pupil, gent from WHY HESITATE ? â€"_._.____ ""‘“V-- Lucy 0" the nerves and a bow els, Thgy have A“ Aâ€" u 13 caused by ‘Weak- erves and muscles of estine or descending expect relief, you ose organs and res; healthier activity. »u to try‘Rexall Or- really must “7‘!!!“ thaf They do not y inconvenience Ct to overcome l constipation f associate or ailments. Try our risk. Two Sold only at .‘| n. feet \Vere stairs. Warp), bUt rr vvvvv she omen; a, while she scratches :h her feet against the tree in the effort to pressure. It rolled When 1 I found I much skill in ob- Well. Prof. Francis H. given accurate ac- .way that certain COD- “’88 They are par- n. '1 hey Opens‘ an 1 smote them, “Odeâ€""'fiwshugh‘a cogs Wpund! No more shall I toil paymg the There i _ â€" U“ . ‘7‘” ma ui each of three years. ml- I ,_-- "mum", mere M’ouldntltivato ' “I” 18 the season of the yearghave been five hundred 'ears of (when mothers fe I worth 8300.00. el very much con- . battle, murder and sud n death cerned over the ° N W. W. CORY t d. .in south-eastern Europe, lhe '. . contracted by them-Jrifi‘ill‘fflen 0:1"; qualities which distinguish the DGPMY 0’ the Minister ,1 have abundant reason for it, as hero of thi8.after-supper nov- the terior. every cold weakens the l’ungs’ielette, made it impossible. N.B.â€"Unaut‘hprized publicatiun lowers the vitality and paves the We need T938 'way for the . onable JaCkaSB(‘S-â€" 0! t1”. .d\'.rt.m.nt will not if more serious diseases . that is, if there .be such .a thing paid for. amous for walk of life In its cures, and is pleasant and safe! merce, m politics, -. “ . . he ‘3 anecessity, ltickers. He disowns Ultm~bill n to take For sale by all dealers. His head is blud:geoned, but i~i resp nsible for those carsâ€" 4: un owed. that vmce' - Int dealing with f jalckass lygu d Nevertheless. this clackaiss “I” g mus ei er rwai a ient unti e Wn n GOOD ADVICE. p y l I started to build. me a shed to .' him over ‘riold ice, and the neighbors came ‘ est field and let him Jver {with helpful advice. The ' jackasses uhu ' go to grass have w n undying glory through Don’t slug a jackass It doesn’t all ages he will be appreciated sat on the grass ‘Wlth the trees 0 any good You can’t kill him. and understood. ~The Khan iendin o’er, and told of the Nobody ever saw a dead jackass. â€"â€"â€"oâ€"â€"â€". heds t ey ha builded of yore; . To lambaste him with a fence uch beautiful sheds ' , rd, some thin s. I think it could be prov- tles or glassware ritic reared up on his hind legs ed t at the jackass has done in ad roared, “Oh, you mustn’t ore great convenience on a desk. do for humanity than the horse e ' ° us,” and “you shouldn’t do that," did pens The corrugations keep the tried haW, t man for t e 1801:8881 pens from rolling about, and the 1rd to follow the counsel they We have at 18.8“ one most WOP- ’paper absorbs the in , preventing we, as I toiled [with my hammer Bhipflll jackass in “1‘8 country it from soiling the d d plane and spokeshave, I Unfortunately, ' d that gem m the crown of Britain: " afcifited the I" to WhiCh country he “as an mvet- F a e 80‘0“, erate enemy.” j prayer-rugs} out w-.. {9‘38 every tune {of the muezzin, This is the se 38011 of the yearjPan been five be practical dictator. W'th t ' Blunk back 1 foundation upon M'hich to builllgis thoned to Qom Paul planned foreign expam’; rocks. A jac .. I If the poo] Ehat‘ge-rn in the CPOW'n nf nn;+n:_".’accented the l. â€"~â€"â€" \,;;ulll‘ tilt success 'which crowneitl his early efforts led him to believe that he Was a predestined military gen- ius ' “In my opinion,” continued the Boer leader’s nephew, “it was this overwhelming ambition that proved to be Paul Kruger’s Worst enemy. He dreamed of ' ' Mr. Mark K'r'hg‘éI-L of Pretoria. South Africa, nephew of the re- doubtable “00m” Paul, 'who ' the soul of the Boer resistance in! that fateful conflict at the begin- ning of the century, made some interesting statements While in Montreal recently. ' l “Probabl it 'Was never known ” 7 o n s..- â€"â€"y .al'tt'u to build- ice, and the n «with helpful advice. I) the grass, with the t no n’np “â€"1-, 4 eighbora came They rees v- uu LURE”. "“‘V Vu'it‘ not reach the seat of the (11893189.! New 8'” k yum “tyne. Catarrh is a blood, or constitu- I). . l‘ .' , l , ‘ tional disease, and in order to, ‘ M H M t w .H“ M cure it you must take internal! "r”m' remedies. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is; Und rtckmg imenes taken internally, and acts diuct-l “mm“... ly on the blood and mucous sur-.‘ faces Hall's Catarih Cure is not a ‘ '-â€"==':.":':::.â€".:_â€"- quack medicme I “as prescribed purifiers, 2101-, THE NOBLE JACF . mucous sur- , .- . faces The perfect combination of?. Some people uonder ’ ° . . . : ackass was made. for. the two ingredients 18 what pro-:1hw .i .. dunes mmk ...-n...1.-â€"â€"n - CATARRH CANNOT mark K8 around. I b11313." I’m paying the to the gqtfcr Mho Nice. â€"Walt Mason. fly it 'was never known.” Kruger, “that my uncle’s was to be the Napoleon e of the twentieth cen- tuated first of all bv I: It‘l‘n‘ ‘A ‘ I mc ucu pnySici-ms in this or years and is a regu- iption. It is composul of tonics known. combim'd Inn"; LI ' ans, and he fii"; 5110“ng bot patrigtfism Q H322 mug both forms a in 1778 by Oliver commercial agent of ates at New Orleans. t is said, first ap- rinf BE C UR ED order "-8 intermixl! ICure ls une more river t There was a 1 ’creation of the ja< :a principle, or, ra1 ipersonified The in , _. “us-alt) jackass quality is thing. For in- is credited with e lion. The lion litl'uunllled. The a mighty useful stance, John Bull the qualities of th knows when he is licked, but the jackass doesn’t. On a thousand battlefields, the British were walâ€" loped seve‘xial times beforp hvm n’n‘Aâ€"‘- . 01w '--‘_ t’WO-- {‘ One more river to The jackass and the One more river to 1 , uuuu: people- ‘Wonder what the ._ ff jackass was made for. Depend 'fupon it. there Was a great pur- .\ ' pose. Now that we have a stu-‘ ' pendous example of thc iaekass in BYHOPSIS 0” CA ' Ontario to- day, the question is be- ' i ins: revived, I g He certainly is an exasnerating; ANY PERSON 7animal, is the jackass. He will head of a famil brace himself and lay back hisOVOl' 13 yam ol voluminous ears. and he will saw" Magnewream Separatms and Durham Insurance was a Purpose in f the JaCkass, for .7 01‘, rather, a q The iaCkafl’fl "IIfl1 ff, and pulled their egg-tun dgu' out of their hip pock- I act! no. they heard the call :in, there Wouldn’t tivato fitt lcrel ve hundred 'ears of [worth 830%.”. er and and ,n rim-m '3 JOHNSTON Sp, NOBLE JACK ASS z Magnet GasoliTe Engines __ All SIZES of All Kinds Including Stock cross' kangaroo 'Hcfint Mn at (1.... 1m. ‘ Agency. 9" qu‘flfl'hcy no to death_lfor the mu. in the 1‘ he is quality Ontario he W. W. CORY. he Deputy of the Minister m ‘_ the tutor. N.B.â€"Unauthodzed publication ._. of this sdvortilemsnt Will not H- '8 paid for. A CHEAP PEN -HOLDER. A sheet of ’ such as is used tles or glassware 'great convenience on . a...» ties or glassware great convenience square piece of n A CHEAP PEN-HOLDER. A sheet of corru {or packing bot- auch as is used ties or glassware great convenience square Diana n' - generally is a one. desk. A --.r Embalming 1! Spend“, ‘~-_ tdure Framing (H) \ ,/7 , 110!ch _ Advertising Eumm Publicatton will not he 80¢“. ‘ound "Ll '3 Rency bro I, moth. sister u on.“ Sham nu Igor. luu’ Ne“ “09'. 0' I ‘ 30“" or large In; him. [Inuitimls N do H.V(’ YOU 0 our grocer Ln gm. 'me nod 909 [hp m. (ties it panama-o... wholesomo. he ma HM. that we put Ha. ‘ Mend «if; Man 'W ‘06 is u Our pure Manituh NO. I Imimlm “l for either hakuxm ‘Wm Red (1-H I. made frnm md is a supm Good- deliw Chapping Done LII up-m d. H gmcers kwp your arm I I the mill MM Cal." us up “3 V All kildl of Grain What About the hrs! building fhotw. 0, Bvll' flmhm‘. 100 Acres 125 Acres Hmmuiun. -._ ‘ undm 333%..)- “' .00 Acres 'm and 21. (' m. .1 n mun. IOOAoo-etm M i. ‘ elcra “UH-.1 UHHl‘i‘HJ‘ nearly prin- mkwi. |,. » fltfi lht’ \\'v~t NH 1: ~ 1' .0 Acres Hum a... k , gum] .Hlilt‘lll',1~.- ‘0'... (uniting. . Geo. Twumlvyl I hnund [u he‘ll. \‘ hr in the: prim'. is thM the \Pl \' one 0‘ SI Th0 (‘t‘l explains given. ‘ \‘ong‘ JOh n MCC EDUCATI‘ TH AT P» It. fair buildings. 1 M. very ('hvap ft»! I‘ve mamv m hm Gr I and some Nut-H1 ‘ a exchange. You pill! if you buy with (39m PASTRY FL .MILLER. LOOK HIS SOVEREIG Itl'll ECLIPSE Dun SUIS 0F I108 family (H m THI \V I ‘arm (I1 mum will

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