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Durham Chronicle (1867), 6 Feb 1913, p. 4

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But why aelecg 0 Meatord as the ter the proposed line? 0' such increased been often forced and especially um ’0 33 to {sci bGtW'een the portions of t] the county at large. He laid a ial stress on the advisabilit putting forth a stren to secure ' y... up nun [n9 (-«)1m+-q~'xence8. ’5' TC Offset the at We are not a lawyer. nor did or 214 WONd requir we ever claim to belong to 0‘ the measure, but a class of infallibles, and if our caused by the chan opinions are wrong regarding the, 306: 01' ‘14 local 0pm 0! the number requ come the three-fifth the ballots were Quart-Ind nl‘Aâ€" *‘ take (low ueueve that all questions relating IT LOOKS SUSPICIOUS to the enforcement of law and or- der should be thoroughly under- stood and strictly adhered to. therefore, a person violates any!ir: '. the local option and give against the by-law in three wards stood the test cording to the News-Record, but need 0‘ 0 than he deserves, and should have I in St John’s ward the local option article we Imajority was cut down from 33 to it by taki' - ixences. :5 Tc. Offset n... A-“ .. - facie evidence of his willingness to fifths requirement 0 do the work mentioned in the tron measure, It ‘3 tnwn by-law, and further by the that the Scott A“ ‘ Statutes, over which the town ex- a number Of Ontario ereises no control. more eSDecially Wh A"Ything‘ we have said so far is have been given 111 not intended to be construed as a optxon vote. spirit of fault-finding. but we â€"_â€".-- CROSS COUNTRY wclally upon t to make the trip, Why select 0W9!) The fact of a constable being underpaid is no excuse for failure in the performance of the thous- anri-and-one duties imposed on him in many cases by a parsi- monious council. He is not forced to accept the position at too low a salary, but having entered the agreement with the town is Drima “It shall be the duty of ev- ery officer, policeman, consta- oValley Road from Fleshert ble or inspector in each muni- :Thornbury. It isn cipality to see that the several Isay, however, provisions of this Act are duly observed, and to proceed i promoters we , . an by information and otherwise ’allowmg it to be built just wher lg, prosecute for the punishment ever the people Wanted it. ’ ‘ of any offence against the ’Sprmg ‘9 coming . . . ltr or i,::'<,;rd“::bs;§;s° 22m: ,3, case of wilful neglect, or e- - . s I fault in so doing in any case, . 2:;3331 3:113:29” 81:) ltgiecolldext 1 such officer, policeman, con- _, - , o - . - ever, March has been regarded by 3:21:33; 1:: psigtogezmi; 22:11: many as a Winning competitor in 0’ 1 for each and . every such ‘ getting the mercury to shrink into are neglect and default.”â€"R.S.Ov [the smallest possible space. In I Chap. 245, Sec. 134, Subâ€"Sec. 1. any case, how months have gener- , , ally enough cold weather to suit bett The “bf“? feet?" from the(the average Canadian, but there‘s a t‘ Rev’sed St‘mms 0 Ontario, has i great satisfaction in knowing that that been handed in as an answer toi ' l . . 1 the sun’s rays are growing stroug~ the our request ast week for infor-Ver ex ery day and Jack Frost sill hum mation regarding the responsibil-i . ’ , . . erec1 . :soon yield to Old Sols influence. ity of the constable to make ar-i I rests in case of drunkenness ordar, has made it easy on the coal other violations, in local option it bins, and with coal at present state territories. To us, it seems plain .’ prices, we must acknowledge a The: enough, if we interpret the prOpergreat saving in the cost of heat- meaning of the clause qtmtf‘ll-fing. Spring is coming; but how ample but the laying of the information , soon? though imperative on the CM)"; stable as a part of his duty, is _ borne equally by the inspector or MdNITOULIN GOES DRY policemen. where policemen are; Manitoulin Island was added to engage-d. \Ve would judge from the "dry” list on Friday last, by this that the inspector who sees a " carrying the Canada Temperance violation of the License Act, and; A“ by a majority of 200. fails to "lay information and pro-l‘ (.‘anada Temperance Act, ser-ute for the punishment of the; known. as the SCOtt Act, is a sUch . “”mm'" is liable to a penalty of: Dominion measure, and dates back i . . , . each 0 $10 and costs. as provided. The; (‘9 far as 1878. Since it was P388“! gave ( ”mum? is in identically the, it has been amended, and is no“. each a u 0 ° I. ’ Same position, and incurs a self-'1” the nature of a str ingent local b imposed fine at any time by 110-," “DUO“ 19‘", applicable to both glecting to discharge the duties’m‘gémized or his office. {tor-y in e. reg] -3-L_ 'v r's‘ ,. p A A ‘ the terminal am With the town is prima idence of his willingness to work mentioned in the r-law, and further by the , over which the town ex- large. He laid spec-g he advisability of;; a strenuous effort 31‘ way communication I 1 Sound and Meaford Ii tate transportation I i _ -. run“. we u; unree wards stood the test gets nothing more! ves, and should have] in St John )liness about him to 1‘ majority W he vunm»q~xences, ’5. Tc offs a lawyer. nor did! 0f 214 W0 im to belong to 01' the measure, lllibles, and it our caused by the c 'rong regarding the; 305, 01' 14 local of the paragraph at 0‘ the number of this article, we come the three- rd to be set right. the ballots required to «War- Iiftha clause. As WE ALL WANT INDUSTRIES “'1' rge. He laid.51’9°‘ A letter from “Booster” 4'- ‘--‘ ad -' ”Iran; a "e“. the i"Worttmce faCilities has Ow'én . . . to lag behjr-d, or, 1 “'zllkerton “19““: t0 1‘ ‘ ided » thax One good reason {or cur lack or f") Sunda ? at Saugeen 'progre ’3 may be 0 ninated. No that We June I email) inactive ? those _____.___ States government is about to’V’i‘Ic“ nding. but we take down their tariff bars against '4“,er iestions relating IT LOOKS SUSPICIOUS some of our t of law and or- Canadian products, fing, local option and give to Canada, Without any, The l . nton Will be return, the wider markets forfgglif" adhered t0. If, defeated, as the result of a scrut- WhiCh the advocates ' In violates anyuliry. The vote announced after were clamoring a y ible simply does ’ the ele ' . ° ' ' against the by-law in three wards stood the test nothing more cording to the News-Record . . ‘ ~Sn "d Should haVe / In St John’s ward the local Obticm article We Mann” A _ ‘. nhnnf khan b.-‘rnn:n_34 It looks as if the )roughly under- by-law carried in Cli )ty of Grey'inations the advis- ' are like "nuggestion. I Way cm 0m: "l DOints in 7". am'is- ' are like the platform restion. I way car-intended to a new f but not to stand on. )rtanoe; We have been prom . . time and again, maple : that strong efforts wo: “110 t“ SCCUPG than. nu ping in any case, ! mliceman, con- ector shall incur I10, besides costs I every Such rioe’fault.”â€"R,s,()v 134, SUb.-SCC. 1. ction from the 1: Of Ontario, has, 88 an answer toi‘ week {or infor-ft 1 l and not £ to trunk, that for Cilities, Water 1 PGSOUrCes‘ “'8 a] ored as either I Why. themmm and points ambitions. and WE ALL ---- IpllC lac}: 8 shown in our Oints (mt: Very that {or trans 0' finterprise 0W1) to 'n H, truly, “.0 Portation fa- - Juul ricts. Under its provisi‘ ’for abolition of license taken on compliance Wi formalities, and a decides the issue. The te people in Manitoulin felt time that temperance was strong enough to w majority, but feared th fifths requirement of the tion measure. It is now that the Scott Act will b: .c'l cumpares the Hanover, and even shown in our nun. b :soon yield to Old Sol’s influence erected at the cost of one of the' r'iThe remarkably mild winter so former "‘5 far, has made it easy on the n i bins, and with coal 1 . . . 9 u . ,‘ . . tll advxsed to try Where a“ we have just made i “Fruit-a-tlves” b" y "IpriceS, we must ackDOWledg‘e a The cement ! t St h d . llr. McCready of “I’m 1823:]: mill here ’8 capitalize I I noweeliijf)’; :zce?1?nt)l:::€tihto s‘?{‘rttlllit- said r, great saving in the cost of heat- at a million dollars, and it KIVPS; ttives” are the best medicine made, “ ear maid ing. Spring is coming; but hov» cmllloyment to from 80 to 100, and I strongly advise my friends to That if: a .300” ? men during the working season of ' use them ' Act ,: _.__,____ ,b t . y I HUGH MCKENNA. ,, , ~ , aou nine months in the )eal “ . . ,, , 80 play le Tie . . l f t f t ‘ , Fruit-a-tlves is the only medlcme knovs MANITOULIN 3033 DRY . 1 “P181"? 11“" ure ac ory “’5‘; 1' that Will positively and completely A th I , _ ' 1n the neighborhood of twenty- cure Constl atlon This wonderful lng ”1 F Manitoulin Islanrl .u as added to five thousand dollars, and gave, compound of fruit ' the "dry” list on Friday last, bv ! , . l ‘ . ~ employment the year round to say. on the 1”" Naming the 9“")3‘3 “m1" “1’?“ fifty men A million dollars ex~ 'Act by a majority of 200. lhe . y’(‘anada Temperance Act, . would give us lknown. as the Scott Act, ’3 a sUch as we had at first Dominion measure, and dates back , as far as 1878. Since it was passed , ' gave employment to lt has been amended, and is now .0 -..., J “And how is fifty men each, an army of 2000 m the nature of a stri pretty 9 men “'O'llil’i an10 111-. ' Um. .u .- Dgent 1003] be rc'auirnrl fnn n.“ ---â€" ' ()I’ti()n l'l \" nth3_ I I - “N' : ett' , causmg this organ to ay pr 5 We x - le from the blood, and to How fart 121'“ :u aspirants at the These Vanid "Mm --v a: snortest, as well as the coldest ‘9 to” great for the n1 month in the year. 0! late, how- ever, March has been regarded by is established many as a winning competitor in 0’ the idea that getting the mercury to shrink into are the smallest possible space. In COlicern that on.“ -4 00mpa res udvocates industries for )d denounces the nom- ap-trap that electors ; en to at the end of ev- I [‘he Chronicle has fre- 1 rrred to the empty talk a l aspirants at the nom- t 'hese vapid utterances e platform of the rail- tended to get in on; d Wand on. cl >991) Dromiapd int].-..L J __ we, unutfl nave it, they .r-vrv.‘ 'ter the announcements It by I) there is a strong sus- def '10 ”(11100 the have been the popular de- ___,___ both ways, and 0ng to the un-1 willingness or mabnllty of the Can- I WANT INDUSTRIES adian transportation compames to‘ om “Booster” in last again, or "w: and natural Quite as we” fav- promised ind ust are “mg to Owen Sound and by : wnth a branch down the w oad from Flesherton to dust '3'. It isn’t necessary to ham ever, that visionary raii~ mere 21‘ materialized, but the thes s were very generous ml and, it to be built just Wher give people wanted 1t 1 m have it announcements it by paying the price Ia strong sus- der to reduce the a gen tampered own consumers, the p of the scrutiny mand will force ion is defeated. the duties _- both ways, a r The same and owing!- > municipalities table to both organized terri- l judicial dist- revisions, Votes licensee may be ce With certain Simple majoritv wr the Eastern "d,- we hope they will 11 in their opinion as to One drug-gist sumers adian transportat carry cement to (V ’erunco TPhe better anv'V IIIUCIIg and with a boosting spirit on the {art of the people, there is no reason why We should remain dor- mant We have the natural and commercial facilities, but these are of little avail without the neces- sary public spirit homma u cucn, an army of 2,000 men would be required for the work HTiDOVGP’S industrial proglessf may be traced in part to the fact. that the citizens pull together; well, and no industry is too small for them to take in and protect want more of Hanover’s 6311-; terprise before we ornur Mun- transDOI‘tation ‘ cement to the ian government Ities for a tim were increased :ly to nearly offset the luction, i esterners ‘ laterial, however, and the the government, whinh Were it not 0 dustries that ve nave the natural iercial facilities, but these :tle avail without the ne public spirit behind it 'nce he had sun . most cases all day 10118 Since he had ’3', This is a , ' m druggists,‘ Whifih “Nothing’s really Wort WI?! {OUOW. if nnf I “'nnln ....:--_ druggists, which Vin follow, if not )d,‘ at least in the fact, this has September lat, the Westerr; f the latter could guncle, Mp, .‘__ ‘Man., ar.e \ VN THE BARS hOOd “us Mr. D. E4 as if the Unite.:i1.“'88k as a at is about m‘Vincial Am for the number of men Â¥ access. (lids ' 90 as rest,” t1}; kfnpt there Bat , “by to the :16 A__ A . nuu wnat percentage J ..... mun-.3 auc I BOX, 6 for $2.50, W] size, 3c. Does your moo-cow ,t first, and if At all dealers or sent on receipt of p co b Fru't t‘ - - tell me that? g‘inary factories y ’ “’ we” L‘m‘ted. Ottun. f “And how is the hen . -.-.-.~..~4-....,n" cm to fifty men . pretty pet? ',000 men would EDGE HILL. - Hus g,..;"e‘t’;”‘" cam .WOIk “I Misses Annie and Nellie Collier Has your sister measle ”31 proglem‘ left last week for Toronto. mg (rough? 'art to the fact. Mr. and MPH. Archie ECtO!‘ are 18 the Water clean in 1 pull together ,1 visiting friends near Dundalk trough? ry is too small 'and Shelburne. I pray thee answer the Mr. John Ritchie returned to 0‘ fact, 3 and protect his home in Port Arthur on \Ve(‘- For I’m an IUSDGCtOP Hanover’s en- ' nesda) last Apt grow much,’ essrs Wm qni Tim” I) “a m” - ral population that: growing less and Con- Clothing 4 C8888 for iWas mig] ‘ care a d ) were in Mt.‘ Forest 01.1““! Mr. and Mrs. He 3 18 no - ° . , are Visiting this we 11) dor-l Green Wood’s. 3,-1.2 Messrs. Alfred an I. f ' ’ 339 are i son, an! tuo sxste fare visiting among "9099' families. 1 Miss Clara Green‘ , arrest ;st.'1ted Mr. Justice Sutherland in . and pro-:11}? address +- n gmpte hair growth n.“ 01d Sam this ive'él; “ 7' ‘III 'leVen bits aw day the “Gighborhood ful, hopeful lay, hungry kids look‘ :hings to eat, for find their lids, a 4 -:.. . . hei DON’T BE reportin g to wgship, and auditors are _ J E I. ~~â€" ------ -. t yeah"... 1.90 Pg” 9 the katy- . The Chronicle come tor’ 300. 1 year Dried """""" , 1‘9 Flour an 3 house The Chronicle and Farmers 0am,“ [rs dripped" Advocate, 1 year . ... 240 ded pluto- The Chronicle BALD wood, and herz DO 3 91', of Hartney,' Poor the neighbor- the co: Toronto thin fko'mL_. e dandruff , stimulate V8 p9r80n- guprantee Tho Ritchie with TWen- 'ely' timé ”UKnAM RI sSkating Tuegday, Thu has busy New Llubbing Rates nor lights are condition of lamp Should charred north hold‘ pray remain, for know thing 01' tWO befnr NOT USE - "'.Oo .-. ... and To and Year“ and DURHAM III as. I ha m'tinl) of a drug d9- [wuds (In its qlmldy and {H‘Sh- Imme. Every drug entering :a m-em-riptiml m- fmuilv recipe must, possess these character- is'ivs. 'l'ukv them to a druggist whhe (lepwndnlnlily is klmwu tn b“ "pm! [U ”ml, 0" the anLul‘ “Ln [was yuu. a druggisl. who era-(15 hl~‘ ~lmk of drums 1| . ‘.. Unlvss a Mvdicinv is activ caumu Very up“ 'mrfm'm require-d a“ l'\ ire of H‘lievihg 51' m 53‘. Thu m-tinn of a drug pends on its qualdy and {”4 ..‘.‘~so 4"“.." I'AIII‘. ‘.--l , 9 T0131}. to Torah t; Ton-6i; to 0.. 0.. .0. the health of POOR LIG‘ H rs bacilli also ’ Powerful cancer bl (J are {01.109 ed trouble from - ‘-.l\ 1", In an ap- address on _’ Suther- in the the pigs vou 889 and Wické. Had, a n I "9 fighting. PUt in (‘4’. shOUld be 81.75 Understand ................. .................... va 'ml'furm the “e of rvliefing swk- (G.T.R. Town Ticket Agent) 0? thPF-fat these character- mn to a druggist "lily ix knnwu tn IL uf the dumbm a drnggisl. who of drugs, "hem- questions blackleg, l‘ Whoo p- drinking Icope, micro- 1’ CRHAX, JAN rs ...... "no/wed your own? o . ”“g' “ “HM. qupment In modern : .- and WIN) empluys M Syswm, preclude- the posthum- error in compounding, ' u-qu "I." ("'I’I‘D‘S H 3‘ \lgo‘ pm Indo- the pom.” error in compounding fills every perm-riptim. m MCUI'EW‘Y without Mlbshl ionic and pharmamwtiv a cure and a knuwledgp experience and (minim Pquipment is modern :u and who emplnys H mm. '. 15 1913 -J’l} from 8 to 9.45 I! afternoons, “nk Phone No . 100m 5 l4) '6 to 18 m U tn II to "I to 8 ft) )8 to l9 to ll II H M N I8 I“ 9 05 50 (I! 40 .00 9 1“. tin“. KHt} Wiggins Pqun‘. ucAulifle. \V. M 81*. Pt. II - H I‘. N. Fnlkiqg‘hpn. ncD'nl .0“! I ' IVâ€"E 8r. Pt meym‘. Geddes. 1". Sr. Illâ€"l Watson. \\ Jr. 111 f vie, “'. "w tar. Sr. 11 McKt l\ “Th4 Th And Jr “pi Thom There OI To cure it« To put lit To make luxuriant. To make I back. It is tho dressing n favorite wit beautiful an bottle only Booth Co., I. Cmdiw m 0: An \V The Wu H III- R NO An H I)! V01“ M mu ll \\ \V H \\' H M \1 Al

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