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Durham Chronicle (1867), 13 Feb 1913, p. 2

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Post Office Depa. Service Branch‘ Otta nary, 1913. SEALED TENDERS ad the Postmaster General at Ottawa unti Friday, the 14th Maggi the convm'nmm Any person trespassing on Lot No. 29, Con. 1, N.D.R., Bentinck, and having any dealings of any kind with my son, Wm. P. Bailey, without my consent, will be dealt with according to law, Mary Palkingham. February 3rd, 1913. ~1th A SMALL QUANTITY OF HAY for sale. Apply to Mrs. Jas. S. Davidson. Bruce St, Durham. 2p propertY.â€"Apply to J. A. Brown. Durham 12 7t! LOT 3, CONCESSION 9, GLENELG. containing 100 acres of first-class land in good condition. Will take 81000 it sold before the first of February, $500 cash; balance on time to suit purchaser. Apply to J. A. Russell. Lougheed P. 0.. Alberta. 12 12 t! x COMFORTABLE mucx HOUSE 35‘ u. Durham. 2 floreys high, hard o_r and not! water inside. mood cem- ent Itahle frame barn on too, Quarter acre 0! land. Price aWav \‘ io'n ta quick purchaser. Applv . 1* the Chronicle office 727 t! in MAIL CONTRACT ONE HORSE, WITH HARNESS and cutter; also young collie dog. Apply to W. Burns, near creamery. 2 13 t! C'I_J_T PLprfi_._â€"-Rosss, EARNA- John M. Liti‘ié'ifi'fifdfiefik SEC, Detroit. men 2 22a oo!‘ - -â€"â€" â€"vkuw “V ”U AIunA'M - One nice cottage in Lower Town. -â€"A H Jackson, Durham. 321a 0001) BUILDING LOTS APPLY 63323.51.” HOUSEsiilTFD UfifiAM tiona, bulb flowers; cabbage, carrots. beets, parsnips. etc.; also a good two-year-old colt; and white Leghorn: and Black Min- 01":3 s. c. cockerels.â€"-C. Lang. Durham. 2 13 413d: For Sale or Rent. I RARR’S'PEL ("fit-n “An -I '- 0- ANDERSON, Superintendent. to J P. Telford, or Mu. G. Black- burn, Durham “3;! 100 ACRES, BEING LOT 4, CON. 3. Normanby, about 4 miles from Durham; 1% miles from Varney; convenient to church and school; well fenced, well watered and in good state oil cultivation; brick house and buildings. For further particu- lars, ap ly to David McAuliffe, Sr., Dur am, Ontario. l3utt‘ 'yance of Hiafi'lioie’styo a proposed Contract for a six and six times per Ira] Mail Route No. A, Thatsworth, Ontario, Ira] Mail Route from y. Ontario, to com- at the Postmaster 11’s nln ------ BEIINGILOT 2. congassd Iofi’sjf - W“ __,_,_ ene g, 100 acres. 00 com-, ' - lortable house, barn. and other! on' Jameson JQMIOSOII outbuildings; two good wells“ . )FFICE AND RESIDEACE A sad 3 large cistern. 70 acres f f. ' under cultivation. 20 acres hard- i “3513‘” Sue”. Lower '1' wood bush, 10 acres pasture laxglci.‘ ' “0“" “'0'” '9 W 2o’dock Good orchard. Reasona 9 MM terms. For further particulars.f L 6- "um”. .. 0.. C. ‘. .pply to 11305. GICDCPOSISi :{Iav‘g ,FFICEfiOVBI‘ J, P. Telford's oflice - crutch. â€" _‘ 0â€"1-3 1 nearly opposite the Registry L01. 55’ CONCESSIO‘Y 2’ AI‘D L omce. Hesldwnce Second house you”. 53, Concession 3y h.D.Ros .Bent- 0' Registry "a199,," 838'. DidGOf Albert inck, contaxmng 100 acres. .45 Street. omce Ham-s 9-lla.m.,2-4p. glut” go") $913332; gogismugf m.. 7": P- m. T“"‘PhOlIe communica- xrs-css u1.;. tiontw m .- hard and soft water; good young all hours. can 0 cc and residence at orchard; strawberries. raspber- riom. and rapes planted last slung. or further particulilxrs, Arthur Sun. I. D. a 1 to James A. Alexan‘er’ HYxICuN ANDS RGE N or _E§££ill. sash. 1212:: P .. U -. 9 2d “IDA :m .L.. ‘Y- Hay For Sale It thé pleasure Farms fur Sale. For Sale. “(firefled to Mail 1 s-vonot Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to Saturday February 15th, for supplying 25, cords of i0 ood wood, 16 inches long at t e Sch 11001 House, S. S.’ No. 9, Glenelg. A_pply_ to, I SPICIALIST I ”3."; THROAT NOSE E I 3011029 l D« ‘ Officeâ€"4 _V- _ - Vuutv. -.‘ er. Conveyancer, Agent. Money to Loan rings Licenses A getter was transacted. if monev to loan omnortv. vv. 'lv‘ ’W‘PICE: vvl lll‘Tlâ€" l!) Hnurs. I “3â€"5; p38. N Den/a! Dzrecton’ 9 ~ --- vuvuw fifiRHAM'ONT J F GRANT, “~NM D8.L ,wncn, Uttawa, 20th JAE): 3 G. C. ANDERSON, Superintendent. I den-signed has received us to sell by public auc- 1 following lands . in the r '5 death three hours afterQo-rzll UR. BP.‘ WN The operat L R. c 9., LONDON ENG been exone VRADULATE of London. York 406 (Yhicago. New --â€"§--â€"-â€" ' Y not reach the seat of the disease. ,,",20;°n13:; p.‘,,;:ve'"ber 16‘ De“ 21’ Catarrh is a blood, or constitu- tional disease, and in order to \ Den/ll Dire/11w,“ _ cure it you must fnkp {hfnv‘hn‘ .1 ~- Tenders Wanted armour; AND SURGEON, or tics in the New Hunter Block. Ofict 13nrs,8to 103. m., to 4 p. m. and 7 30" J. :1). Special attention given to disease: 1f women and children. Residence OD maize Prosbvterian Church. Dr. ,_ -.v. a, and; UlVlSlOIT . .. wuuylual END. 3, $28. 15th, for supplying 25; 00d: wood, 16 "10h“ be instructed to p fie School House, S. S -"Bridge Works Co. the s nelg. Ap 1y to; .120, being 80 per cent. of GEO. AL OE. Secretary. !contract price of steel structure ‘5’ of Ayton bridge, on certificate of , _ _ _ _ ,. --.--. engineer Tran-«nu n - - Law! Directory said Township. con- 3. n-___ (Mien- 13, 'Frmt m. D ‘nearly Medical Directorv . SHARP _ -,__.._. . Telford. SbLIClTOR. ETC ' opposite the Ragis‘ry ..Durham. Anyamoum M 5 per cent. on farm ner. c. lnaurauce Loan. Issuer of Max:- general financial bun- DR. BURT. ( Lower Town 0W.“ dmum! HDflh-r’s I w“. Whitefordâ€"Geberdt 'following collectors k 'Division No 1 Wm ] 9H. Brexlllflanh’. \T- I anvil-[LIL on nomination day. Holmâ€"Baetz~That Pe1 be re-appointed assessor Carried H. Fortune as . Of Health : e acceptedâ€"Carried ; Holmâ€"Baetz-â€"That 'W. H. Ryan. P.M., be appointed member same as last year, namely, assess- or, $90; collector, Division No. 1, $28; Diyjsion No. 2. $25: mum“. ithe Hwo in pro- duces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh Send for testi- monials free. F.J. «CHENEY 00.. Props. Tol- edo. 0. Sold by druggists, price 750. Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipation. quaUL’C, out it was afterwards ound that Mr. Lemon’s condition was not as serious as anticipated, and the remained at the hotel un- _ -_-_. ‘l‘wuu‘. an A With a party of friends, Mr. tures of the D1, Lemon had been to the theatre. Only one-sex m and, although he was stopping at tgears above the Iroquois Hotel, accompanied! undreds of them’to the.“ Walker House afterience while the performance. All got off atthelght o! u the third floor, Mr. Lemon being measured oni 9 last, and forgetting the risk he A grander F was running, jumped back into.conceived th; ,' the elevator through the partly drifting out: The operator had their birthplz ' again started upwards, however, I crossed th, 0 stop the carriage Waigat, betw just before it reached the floor Dmco and the . land, to see Dr. Burt, 0! Owen Sound, was at Atanikert nPdal‘ 31’ hand, and rendered first across againm 3) rs . Riordan and Rice were 0’ Jacko Hall bulance, but it (qund that Mp, NORMA NBY COUNCIL Thursday night, in the W3 House, Toronto. He was cru between the carria e of the senger elevator an the wall the third floor, and the pr< action of the elevator boy doubtedly saved his life. Jugéa I’m" 01 Wa'yburn, Bash cap. from deal Thursday nigh House. annnh Beat Breed of Cattle for .all, Ayton, her This Local’ 1t ,” and a talk on t 10 3.111., for breeding will follow. All men not ’ coming will miss the time at their; .. Fortune, Clerk. liver. appointed by “3:, 'rrey and Wellington this county bridge.â€" â€"That the Auditnrn’ Pairing Inn lot Id 7) 750. “led! to meet " Ayton, Tuea- : lo 3.111., 101' l tâ€"That the be appointed; 399.933 No. 2.. 0 stop the carriage Waisat. between the reached the floor DISCO and the mainland Owen Sound, was at Atanikerdluke. We and rendered first across against a foul )us as anticipated scene was indescriblblv rm}! (1 i at the hotel unf wxld. A per ‘ g I an. ‘ care. Mr. Lemon were drifting .n the city a few chartgxgg filnc' ’ cm the west to 8’93 eiglt, peering 11 th {ber of horses. the Wild sand and migt, TEE?” Iting in Markdale, ahead a gleam of sunshine here: , where he has and there broug 7 es and friends, the Disno range in bold relief I a tpll {if Mr T n... q‘lnn ".3” ‘ on, Tuesday, 1.111., 311 the reeve in the acts direct- mucous sur- ' House atter’ence, whilétthei} pepka I got of! atheism of 300 feet and Lemon being measured one 372 feet hi the risk be A grander sight can a d back ingoqopfggved than new-bar of the int 11 daclocl" the Walker was crushed . of the pas- the wall at the ‘ prompt U uycauug on the , seed at the meeting of the Glenelg ..Centre Farmers’ Club ., on the . evening of February 3rd, President .’Binnie advocated the cleaning of .fseed grain as often .{ore sowmg. It doe . will bring in new farmers, and they will lm‘, Speaking seed at tho in -- a\"\.,(l U. beauties of this wonderful Work- manshlip of time and the elements ‘ we had rowed half-way through ' . ' the architectural ice temple, the mansh-ip of time When we hm‘ peakmg O}: ”the cleanm-z Ml! . These blue may be form d by a fillin the fissures. in the inland ice, with water. Such refrig eration of the D the fissur ' important agent in setting these great mounfnihn m :s . - “Nye-u me icewall of 5611;. It was a glorious sight. drifting of the icebergs from t discharging glacier in ‘ weather. When the icebergs drift well into the open 89-11, the weathm our) --â€"- ---- auk‘llt‘l'g5,, ' mucn were rapidly drifting down; es” cracking off a -.....5.â€" m 00m rclief. The wind Was squalls of :rain, and it was tame t; be off. We hoiste' foresail and sepddeh bef . . . e 1 be held 0!) Feb; the ladies Will m '. John Weir will . Greenland coasts. of their bulk ap- ars above water yet the a , re mndreds of yards, in_ circufnfer- an“- mlfil- n.-g_ _ -â€"-vv‘\‘ THE BIRTH «‘OE IQEB'ERGS â€" â€"__â€" '- ueir Pepin reach 3 feet and more. I 372 feet high. lKht can acarce_ly be! I “A". L-_._, o 1r, arriston have repetiteéily dhanig - . . their chicken pens rai e . an no war m “’ldjtiace of the thieves was ever ,. . , _’found On We nes ay of last ’ts}lgn\{.te;t§2r9u‘ 3 week the chicken pen of Benjamini {duct‘on f“ l."%;Dalley was entered, and six val--z m“ ‘ l O 5'71‘ ;uab1e fowls were taken Foot-. ' y 089 the” ’ prints, and traces of blood and w ffeathers on the snow led to the : nes th ,‘homes of Wm Ferguson, electri- i ' f3 Upper'cian, and Henry Brown, laborer. 4 ,where some of the fowl were I , . , «found. These men appeared be- i e piece 0’ Iceffore magistrate Brisbin and the t ' . 'in the Central Prison for stealing ’deep blue Ice’Imerchandise from a bonded car ‘ ' . , 0‘ have an ' ' [at the Grand Trunk station. Since is 2t, contrastien returning home, the citizens have m ekof the res? ! given these men_ev‘ery encourage- m -_ .. ,L l M . blue stripes I me {1“ng upo â€"l 11nd ice, with atlon of the may be an setting these IT GROWS HAIR. ’3 of thig‘Here Are Facts We Want You to Prove at Our Risk. , [really believe this remedy, .known 3 beautl- ° ' - , .‘superior to other preparations "1 which that we offer it to yoq \yith our I t hnrflnnol no.4: --_.‘-__Io- V-‘..- «M untlllg L (given thése mef) e_\'rer)' e1 'hsirfggg I {nent to reform, and they g up of metath in their former j ce, With â€"Mt. Forest Confederate. _ A v .-ln0t gum nor permanently stain he a destrnctiw 0.13., may hair. t t t b ttl f :ness and death. ewan you ogea oeo; - - Rexall “93” Hair Tonic and use it In," In a CO-nd“ u as directed. If it does not relieve’ B t ‘t . . ' scalp irritation, remove dandruffth ‘1 t 1d”, "‘31; 0‘ prevent the hair from falling out ROW 0 e? g“ ”91:8! and promote an increased growth bleepdaway to It 9 , of hair and in every way ive en- ' un ers. , .entgtire satisfaction, come bac and i The only that ’bOI ' t8“ 118: and get your money back. lane ‘9 .tO 39¢ e-I'rwo sizes, 50c. and $1.00. Sold as possible. to only at our storeâ€"The Rexall; Im ortant new .219 38mm. Macfarlane Co. a”; .3 “an“? -_ de- ' you, we (Will, upon your mere re- quest at our store, return to you ' the money you paid us for it. I Rexall “93’ Hair Tonic acts sci- entifically, destroying the germs :which are usually responsible for fbaldness. It acts_to penetrate toi :+Ln ---‘- -. 4- It lllaut ”we.” {for colds than Chamberlain’s ,ICough Remedy. It acts on nat- ure’s plan, relieves the lungs, opens the secretions, aids expect- oration; and restores the to a healthy condition. For sale by all dealers. SWIPED CHICKENS.â€"â€"ARE NOW IN GUELPH JAIL Durham Ins-race an any other. We this remedy. known i" Hair Tonic, is so Other Pregayations of All Kinds llClI‘ll‘ Stock I"! [0 you Fatigue lowers all the faculties fortit. . of the body. 0 ac s 30- ~ ‘- the germs It puts a chasm betueen seung msible for and “ting. e outside world cegajty, is and the messages that go out. 1nd will It destroys will power. Fatigpe 1y stain ‘. fl floats..-§:"- _._-__A ... _ were 1‘9- Im ortant questions must deci ed when one is {aflo- N.B.â€"Unaut‘hodzed pubiicaflon of this advortiaemwt will not be paid for. to earn and cultivate A. homestead» who bu exhaust- ,ed 'his homeetead right end cannot obtain 1 pro-emption may enter for a purchased homeUtead in certain districtl. Price $3.00 Per ecre Damnâ€"Must recide months in each of three years, cul- tivate titty acre. and erect a home worth 8300.00. "\l. destructiveuagent, like __._‘I ‘ WHAT FATIGUE IS tclure Frammg rm Full line of (i and white (5:: Snow Ronus~Next to En» Barber Shop. RESIDENCE- door South of \V. J Law blacksmith shop. Iwith ht- siék- ‘ small or large hag whine. nutritium fir. hind. Have van 0* your grocer Lu givv 3 time and see thv sup “506 it, pnfifit“h(Ԥ. 'holvfimlw. lbw-mm" thin. WH put tlw lhbll.‘ fG A blend nf L T when! and is Our pure Maniuflm NO. I Mnuilnha WW for either tmkm-a [a made from rich “(I is a superior pastr‘ Gonds dvlivvr Ghoppins All up-m-datp I your gnwer (1098 the mill and W9 Cal! us up hv All kind: at Org POSITIVEI.‘ What Ab 1 00 Acres the ht‘h‘l huilding phone. 10, Ht m timber 300 Acres ‘25 Acre. Hum; Mien K” undt‘l‘ 33"“. and 1 mu 0 200 Acreg 5 th extra gmm v nmu'ly prim: 3; beats the west 1 IO lam l haun. “and bu «bllt TIN Lht' .md 800 AOQQ‘ and FM" ‘ 3“! Sc'hnfllfio (Du! explains ”W givpn, \Vriu ( ientral Bu Mr. G90. 'l‘WH West. hHUIId u dollar in Lb Fartâ€"9st fair W“el'(do vet I have mun‘ gains and SM! John EDU TH A' PASTR ("NU {I SOVE 18th, 1‘. ECLI L00 \\' . fmnily Shaw 'vPllll'H 9m ml TH! “ND Snap Mani! I" 'QN OI ( It”

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