West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 13 Feb 1913, p. 3

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‘.-v ..v VIUNWIIIU’H earthy not ulvw-di nun ton lat-isn't WW“. d ngbnne inch to.” ”f A Vorhnemnuh wit out smug wm‘fi, be publish-d UH forbid 1.....- ..__ _ _---......... uu cur-10 l) l chm.“ V- Truman -t notnca-nâ€"- "hot "’01:“! “'1'”: Me «~50 renn- for first insertion. Imbmuwnt innartiou All Murry-«manta ordered by M m be mid for in al'VnMO (.‘outrart rare.» for young .4!va linked on application to the 0.... h _-V 'I la mum-n 3 xvxnv 'mrnsmt mm , A! the Chronicle Printing ”Om, h 5 street. w Advvniaing Fur tun-non! “7% Rates cents per lino lot 3 balm ~ tion‘; 3 com. por lit. “a. M 2mm 0513335412990. and 'uneral Directorx "ull line nfl‘alhnlic Robes, and Hugh nd white-( ups fur agfld people. Emhalming a Specialty :lure Framing M 31w notice flumv Roomsâ€"J Barber Shop. . dom- Huuth 0f ‘ Na'fikslnith abnp forms 01“ CANADIAN 3031'! EST LAND REGULATIOII- KY PERSON We in the ooh I o! a Iamil . or any ma]. * 18 years 01 . may. bomeotud land in Manitoba. Saskatch- or Alberta. The applicant appear in person at the Don- Lands Agency. or Sub-agency district. Entry ,by proxy made at any agency. 0. n conditions by father, mothâ€" . dnughtar. brother or list» nd'mg homestead». es.â€"Six montho’ random and cultivation of the land Ph 0! three year! A ball.- vr may 'ive withir nine mil“ stead on " (am 0! at 0 acres solely owned and oc- t by him or by his lath. r. oon, daughter. brother or DURHAM. ONT. "in districts: bomefltfitd- >od standing may pm" for aectfion alongsida h]. rad. Price $3.00 per acre. I.-â€"-Must reside upon tho ad or rare-eruption II: in orb of six yea-o from homestud entry {includ- timo required to can Id patent) and cultivate '0. extra. Pfiea‘der_ whq bu exhault- meotead right and cannot proâ€"emption may out" arc-based homestead In lintricts. Price $3.00 W mieo.-â€"llust reside le puty of the Mini-tar of tho Intefior. authorized publication Ivortisomont will not ho AT FATIGUE IS. Eon-cm AND lowers a break. somehow. be- neuages that come into Vrom the outside world usage: that go out. ya will power. Fatigue Ictive agent‘ like sick- bath. ndition which in the inga we cannot avoid. important to know with it it we wish to from the important questiopa must not be u one is latigued. chasm bet ween seeing all the faculties February 13th. RESIDENEE W'. J Law .V PX t to Sw‘ndwp. Pmmmmn Law rence’l '5' Pebfll‘ry A Mend of 5 Manituha and; Ontario when! and is a. strictly first class Our pure Manitoba. flour, made from No. 1 Manitoba wheat. cannot be beat (or either maker: or domesflc use Goods delivered anvwhere Ghoppinx All up-tn-date flour and feed and flour for sale. grocers keep our . dues not keep it come to your grocer , the mill and we will use you right Call us up by All kinds of Grain bought at. Karim fi 3“ Hampden. goud soil, under $3500. 93' 300 Acres Glen-Mg, near Mr. Gen. '1‘waufley’s Rum. owner in West, bound to son. win not. stick for a dollar in the price. Get busy. \ 100 W Egremnnt. Fun-st, fair buildings, good soil, well Watered, very cheap for quic l have many other Grey County bar- . a North West land for ӣ33558?- ‘t’lxfifi flméfifi madman. ”WWI gums and some sale or exchange. Yqu are not fair to . ' buy Without seeing me. scumm m SOVEREIGN THE lotion on Hour In a and 10 Bag Lo_ts. 3-. tnmr Done Every D’.‘ Price - Hr 1t keepâ€"it. come to 'm use you right lephone No. 8. bought at. Harte! in town eat Is a 0( use Grade untes W. D. Connor v v C u . v v â€"â€" __ 1- A Medicine That Does Not Cost PUMPS OF ALL K'NDS Anything Unless It .Cures: The active medIcmal ingredient 1’00 Pipini. 3"” of Rexall Orderlies, which is od- Bruit Lind “d I'm Cylinderl orless, tasteless and colorless, is a ' y new discovery. Combined with other extremely s, it forms a tPumps From $2 Upward "valuable ingredient perfect bowel regulator, iintestin- strengtlxcner. ALL RIPAIRING promptly anc ‘ 'al invigorator and :0 or attended to. p p U ‘Rexall Orderlies are eaten like and are notable for their W. D. CONNOR gaginggableness to the pirate arid . ' . cy to any dis- \ ”M , â€" """'"~ not cause gripin'g or agreeable effect or inconvenience. . _- ‘l‘ . -LL-.. “unhuruflnnfl f()r a ”WW ’ i PA’S RESOLUTION. ch: , , Papa is the funniest man 'Ve TORONIO' ONT‘ That I most ever saw; . xed Is a Commercial School of the Highest Hatfidnigulggs :33 32-33% (I; 1:111; ' ‘ :3; Grade! None better In Canada. Gradâ€" “Well I’Ve quit smoking, yes, I tic i 1 7 untes in strong demand. Entcruow. navel. | I’ve chucked it up for good.” ‘pr outflow” “98' 'And ma, she hugged him, saying, ch 1 . - _ _ - -. - a , 7_ .» -, “Well, er I... I didn’t think you could." lca \ . All through supper time pa talekd d to me and Bill He told of awful things it does 1E To livers, hearts and lights, is? "'"'"" ' And hardly let up long enough The undersigned begs to To eat .a dozen bites. in announce to residents of \“I‘ve mm for 200d and all," 811ng Durham and surroundmg “N pat t' . . l . . b has his 0 DICO me for mine, ‘1 cmth“ that e ‘ I’ve shaken off the cruel yoke, l“ And say, I’m feeling fine. The janitor can have my pipe, ’m done with it at last; i No more the deadly weed for me, 1 My smoking days are past.” 1 1 Pa sat around awhile and read, And then he walked around, i lAnd every little while he yawned,., " And then again he frowned. ' ‘He left the room, and stayed so | long ‘ We thought he’d gone to bed. . IBut, peeping in the hall, ' ' Planning Mill and Factory completed and is prepared to take orders for SASH,DOORS â€"- and all kinds of - House Fittings Also a limited amount of iron work and machine re- pairs. Acnll solicited. Ask for quotations on gyour l next job. Custom SflWing Machine Uil. Harness ()1; Ame Grease and Ho.-- Ointment, 20 tn The undersigned begs to announce to residents of Durham and surroundlug country. that he has his Planning Mill and Factory Also a limited amount of iron work and machine re- pairs. Acnll solicited. Ask for quotations on gymn- next job. Custom Sawing ins will :“111'1se :1 111 1112p wt 11-1 until fm the-,1 notice: â€"- .\1. . b 25 Lv. \Valkermn Ar. 1'. 6.21% " Maple H111 " 7.47 “ Hanover “ 12.17 10 " Durham “ 11.54 21 ‘° Mc‘Villimns“ 11. 44 2A “ Glen “ 11. 41 ' “ P1iceville “ 11.31 34 50 " SaugeeuJ. " 11.18 .50 “ Toronto “ 11.15 v- ' â€" V The Huruausmukfi nter now. W7 FlSEi STILL“ GA LILEE. \Pgd it 1 “1 cm s - ‘ fiShintheSens' cho e 01':th . tew-( ' of Galilee is to this day the won- ;"t “'d 090- C‘im’ Inditou. ' At the meetini o! the Village 1 D3 0 g .d r 0f havellers Mosst roi: 3 t‘h_ council last we by the 3 n n . report was "presented, the abotrnct obabl ' identical in ”h ($2131?th w?" Receipt|.â€" '1“er ; those of the apostles, and the 60° f. ' dc llative CHM. 824e- ‘ best evidence at the fishing hav- e; 3‘30. eidnture, 8356.80; inter- ing through the centuries been 030’, 1‘ ’ a ewalk debenture, 32‘- ' ts is to be found in 4‘1091‘5’ ‘5’2‘3-55; ,Etpenditure. the ease with which most of the 70.33139“ "(W "Mina. etc.. 843.- tish may be deceived with the brida co“ 5’ 40; roads (1 ' tural or ar- ,. ““3 “W55: 861100.18. tlizsmo; tificial. lucid water of 3111:? 5(1)) r 2132221111,: ”Ex‘gfigtfltneofis, ° '° ° . . ' . u e, ,- utifnl lalte, “.‘th. “3 He! 337,94. Balance on phand. $745.57. changing reflectlcyns, 18h m stgflf- Public school: Receiptc.â€"-inciuding t e mu~ “Y former balance on hand, $2,868.84. deeps of the Jordan. but the Expenditure, $9,269.93. Balance on silt in that river however unâ€" ha . 7 [Id nightly to the eyeghdoefzs hnot seer?1 Hof133538°231éntre hockey team e is , whic 1 A ' - ore extraordinarily plentiful, even E81363” erh§::§:y:Â¥b .the team yum? tlower ”9'3““er before ,it the visitors weren’teaigf 138“)“; n s in 0 that deathly lake which for the juniors here who wggowlifih P-A“9“‘- '. The Presbyterian Congregation , from the buualng Wu S meeting} Mrs. W. A. Armstrong entertain- ; h r e 9! Ver 1 element weathe‘rt. kitted a large company Of young VD Ages- lllonife 33's ' but there was agmnl‘people at a skating party one s 3’ " evening last week. ‘ for Sixfi _ ’ V RAle want of a settled pastor .E tmonths, the work of the congreg¢- ‘ ‘tion was shown to be well up, and" \xthe spirit of hopefulness pre- lvn‘u‘t aw fm \vailed. Mr. J. F. Chard opened .0...o.o.o.o.o.o.o.0.o. 3â€"" ‘with prayer after which the RM. RM {chairman of, the managing BOil'd ............... ”.1240 lO.Uilpresided, and Mr. G. H. Callus . “ 12.25 9.3.!3acted as secretary. In the report; . “ 12.17 3.423 g: fiession presented by Mr. 1. H” . “ 12.08 .3.” c enzie ratitude was ex- lvresses sis s s blessings of wet men-.22. - “ 11.94 9.1} ‘ year, temporal and spiritual. Specâ€"3 . ..0000000 Is“ 11:43 2151131 refegence was made to the re- 1 .00....ttt0... .. “ . .m ' mova y death of Miss Ida Binâ€"fl n. .... " ll.3l 8.5finiela a tVery esteemed memberfl :O...:....0.0.0::.0.0.. o. .m 901‘]? “or er in the church 00-0000" . 4 0 o o o‘o‘o‘o::::.0.0.o::‘ ‘51 invigorator ana Sll‘cuguncuus. Rexall Orderlies are eaten like a { candy, and are notable for theicli % any bait, .natura Iiiiciql. The pellucxd w: n..__‘ ‘n‘on “"fk 8.424 and active worker in the church.‘ 7.503The_auditors’ report showed ‘ .‘ *receipm on general account to be , (‘Yl‘ f'f'.’ nearly $600, Which, together with . balance from former year, left a‘. as good balance on hand. after!“ “7- meeting all liabilities. On lilanbez building account a balance "fl $89 remained. The Ladies’ Aid“ closed with a balance in general ‘fund of 1$166, and on organ fund $300. The Sabbath school had a balance 01 $142 and the Guild $25. m The new minimum for minister’s 'lc. salary being $1000, a resolution‘ mm was adopted that this congregavl 3:333 tion assume 45 per cent. of amount. This is, the second ad» vance of $50 from this congrega- :3" tion within three years. The re- l tirin members from the mana in: W. L W. ght 5 Here is a message of hope and‘ good cheer from Mrs. C. J. Martin, Boone Mill. Va., \who is the mother : of eighteen children. Mrs. Martin: was cured of stomach trouble and“ constipation by Chamberlain’s '; _‘- connfifl nf g‘1f- um mm CHRONICLE --;1_I;y dis- 'l'nB [Etc Iv nu. 'U“\..-u‘,-,, _, :onvenience. , reported lain’s Cough nemeuy .- ......., __ ek, made its cures, and is pleasant and safe mometer registereu .u “an" y all dealers. below zero. itiOIlS for a 1 , a n'umerous friends here the.short -, to take. Fo not create . . y act to he resided in this vullage.‘ )f habit ac- Miss Jackson has the sympathy of. -- -, - ' “ ' se of ordinâ€" her old friends here in the loss ‘, ' , - 1 WILL GIVE $500 T0 SICK Mrs P. Holman’s numerous.‘ nanently reâ€" . nstipation or friends here deeply sympathize n .with her in her bereavement byi READERS or THE CHRONICLE. 18 our money Grand Rapids, MlCh., where they do not 1. Two sizes, was employed as a printer, andl nly at our resided for some time. He leaves Famous Son at Who Originat (MflonsiflJDOi itore. Mac- a wife and two children. The de- ‘ceased spent his early years here, Wonderful and grew up to manhood very ' Packag ITION- ;characters in The Merchant of ' In order that _ le who suffer from Rheuma- " Kidney Trouble, Stomach st man uVenice played here, we overlook- 83W; ed M188 Iva Mitchell, as JessicalThe Chronicle w other night She played her part “811 'l‘helheard of this f , Trouble, Liver or Bowel Disorders, sand to ma. company have accepted an anltJ- Treatment” may Catarrh, Bronchitis. Asthma, Oklng. yes, 1 tion to iepeat the play at Eugenia. tunity to test ' , Chronic oughs, Weak Lungs, a stu ent, icing, the no mbago, Piles, Urinar Disorders, le Weaknesses 0 any kind, it worn-out. brok en-down P fOI‘ gOOd.” preac d him, saying, church on Sunday, and was much solutely enjoyed. Rev. Mr. McLeod, a package to five hund d despo could.” 'candidate highlg recommended. of this paper, the effect of a few doses This , will preach next un'day. derful claims derful treatment creates a “me P“ talekd Mr. Geo. Boy/d, of Mt. Forest, made for it, I ' . fine appetite and helps the digest- me and Bi“ paid his sons 3 short visit last the scientis : :t We organs to carry on their func- YO“ ,th week. there are man have tions as the should. It strength- FO ml}! 3, Mr. Fred Karstedt, and Sister been suffering for ens the.ki neys, too, and dflVfl hings }t does 'Eua, were at Coldwater on a. chrognc disease an heumatism pOISODG from the blOOd and lights, :t short visit last week. have spent large f . _' s it by magic. That is why peo- long enough Mrs. Corbett, accompanied by seeking a cure. * .16 Who try it become ‘0 enthu- bites. \Mrs. Wright, returned on Friday people hesitate about ' t' slastic. . a v , 'from visiting er daughters at money n medicine because DY reader 0‘ The ChPOnIClC l and all, says! ' d' .Drumbo. have desp 0 will tr this extraor inary mine° l Miss Bell enderson left on well. Thousa me medicme that 83 create 30 muci cruel yoke gMonday for Moose Jaw, after an that story an excitement by its cures can obtain blin fine ’ iextended visit with her parents 'the same . absolutely .free a full $1.09 treat- ' g " there, terwards h . d ment by simply filling in the nto, paid cured them a ~ ' coupon below or writing a letter ° '1 describing their case in their own and mailing we my pipe, 0 | g 0 ‘ ' i . at last, ' a short visit at the home of coun- erything - - to prove - - . herâ€"n0 words if they prefer. 1t to-day to James W. Kidd. T0"- 1 we (I 1‘ 1.: y e __ ii). "mt ' cillor Blakely last week. , . _____ “no 5‘ f0“' matterW . ’ -. _ . onto Canada. ~ . -‘_ Ant-n nf QI‘V kind ury-trealurpl’, and chair leader, and Chan Steu- COAL B mu art and Geo Cairns, auditors. ' 030 Grand Forks, N. .. At the meetin of the village council last wee , the auditors' drain 0! thousand! of report was presented, the abstract are ' of which was: Receiptl.â€" Taxes North Dakota by tireI 82241.16; Le islative grant, $24.- burning in undevel< 50; fire de nture, 8856.80; inter- and action will be ta] eat, $2.30; sidewalk debenture, 32‘. State Legislature to l 000: 108116, 05,248.55. Expenditure, truction oi the State’: â€"Salariea, 87.75: rintin‘g. etc., 343,. sources. Evidence re} 70; law costs, 40; roads and destruction of lignite bridges, $405.55: schools, 91,383.10; fire: was received I fire protection, $61; misceflaneous, yesterday to investig $17.50; sidewalk expenditure, 31,- sibilitiea of the North 887,94. Balance on hand, $745.57. The State Geolozi Public school: Receiptl-Ancluding that there are apprc garmerdbalance on hand, $2,868.84. 2%“ “a?“ “59;“ 0‘ ‘ ’ x en iture, ,2 9. . e 8 e, W1 an e ' hagd, $598.91.” 6 93 Balance 0“ nage o! 500,.000,ooo,00' 1 Holland Centre hockey team ‘f’l‘he hurmng bluf: I played a match With the team Missouri river, and 0 am part of the state 1 here on Thursday 83799“)? last, but ed as far back as th ~ â€"â€" Ac‘l‘k ‘MJ (VI-1 9to 3. The Glen, Jaw, bash. Mr. W. Boy (1, of Regina, i short Visit with his cousins, W. Boyd here. 3 J v bemethodl of financingii, f"‘ .s n ar el ---'."""" u‘ - g g Y a opte l The American co rch boards. aesia council had no meet- This i Saturday, owing to the when storm and snow-blocked come , . . through which the reeve contracted by the“ 01““?er ""1133” "“199- . her members were unable to have 3 nt reason {or it, as in one or two days, accordint to t. On Sunday, the ministers every cold Weakenfi the lungs, .nable to reach all their out- , lowers ppointments. late Wm. Jackson, of whose death was reported lain’s Cong i't't'd by u'd (m n t . _ ___ w FIZES to the is! too curred anstu-rs ru‘r u ---, ‘00 pklZES to the xst loo correct anwcvs fur“ ed by m (w \\'¢~d.. Fob. 12th. t'rs {knotted “} U'~ {'11 \Vcd” F0‘. ‘9“. 100 PRIZES to the not :00 co: rcd mum Send in AS many replies as t'nu llkv, but it” anuwvt‘s mufit reach us by three o'clock on Sunday. Man'h 1.5!. All the replies will be thoroughly shaken together and the first thirty three correct repiics will receive the cash prizes in ‘ . next Seven Hundred will each rece'nc a useful Kitchen Utensil. C 3. Answer Today. You know how good F on the same strict] factor: of Fun-To. ash. Only Coalitions, z TBCOmIIlCIIuL-u, ‘ u; aunday. d' of Mt. Forest, a short visit last t] t] math, and sister I) foladwater on a. c week. I accompanied by I urned on Friday 1 er daughters at 1 l aderson left on * ese Jaw, after an ' with her parents' d._ of Toronto, paid the home of coun- Miss Annie M" with dignity, and :hty‘? deliberation, that was amusing 2 oraturs. ‘-'A- ” “0.118 the 30118 J. andI Coupon C . tile Dr. Jag” W.K Henry Please send me; school ‘ just as )()u prumise Nanw. .. .. l the ‘ . ath on Post. ()t‘ht'v . . . . 3190. W.‘ Street and N0. lr. Arn- Age .......... ted his ‘ Make a vrnss (f Was 3‘ tlw um fmm v Rheumati Lumbago In Ol'uer Luau ""”J _ V The Chronicle who may not have heard of this wonderful “Home which have been In making this offer t said: “I know that there are many people who have L--- .nnprinc for years Witt} some IMMâ€" Dr. Ja ...w. thd, Toronto, Canada. Please send me a Full 81 .0‘} Course of 1:1: ttmcnt fol Name. ................ I’nst ()ffivv . . . . . ......... ‘ O Street and 5-0 ....... Age hi 3“? a. Profifi (X) hPfHI'P the nnv from which you ...... Rheumatism ...... Lumbago ......Catarrh ...... C cnetipation ...... Piles ...... Diarthpgq __ Coupon‘CB .0. 0.. G ive. all) ‘ languages .C.’--â€" v _ ...'l‘orpid Liver ...Indigestion ....Stomach Trouble ....Kidney Trouble ”Bladder Trouble ~ronm other symptmus To be du- u toll-II:â€" Im PFIZES to the wt :00 correct answers we "Ins to the wt :00 correct A V ' r m m to the at loo correct answers waived by us on “'ed.. F... |’fi, Send in as my replies as you ll ‘ ' us by three o'clock on Saturday. March 15'. All the repues Will be thorOUKth shaken together and (he replies will receive the cash prizes in the order drawn and the Haw lung afflicted the diseases .V sufivr must. .'â€"â€"-‘v-â€" â€" â€" .Neuralgit nu a, separate BY AUTO Will 06 mluc. As this offer is limited, you should Write at once, in order to be sure to receive your tree treat- ment. vnu have. wt for my case. Pruvinve sheet . Effie? wu ten gt (went -tiVC oot woo fit .. Headtche .. Dizzineu .. Nervouuneu .. Obelity . .Female Weakness .. Womb Trouble Ovarian Trquble .:.Pnin(ul Pernod: frog and postal- ’fi“ KLONDIKE. Cn weapon denu- Leucorrhoea ;ter re- in all

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