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Durham Chronicle (1867), 20 Feb 1913, p. 5

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icket O O 9 § 6 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 6 O O O S L.» w 3) v m z: .999 969999 SALE G STORE nefarlane .0006090069669099’ HA1“ RINK "'0‘! your lab? nt THIS MONTH REPORT ONTARIO ll M'Pvlticuls w “‘ng b. l‘" pnsihil mding ion or rua "I" Institution ary 20": PUWUI H I'M H UV little 11 ll) I she «ripe Ilia H I] I!) c3? :50 16 (I I'C H) L0 H l“ 31' SUM!“ "nu ._ wl woman, and residea a; 1'“ «wet fifty years. 11! receive Mr. J09. Cornfie- days ago 0! sad news some death of his sister, Lomsa, 1‘ ' at hirwm, K N 0 * lmme 01 um M, V follo‘csiwz. t‘: 1 the Wednvsday rnught here for in- whom «ml in the family plot, 1' husband was laid newly 1 ' N. Wollwoml was .u's ago. REM ' t Mt. Albert. au’l his last ritvs n here co . the grave The deceased, who is survived by b'() was, Ml W alker. .U'J“ “'33 .iV’t‘. 1"“ 311 0th, 1913' zn'v ébing t0 5W1“? th? balance 0! th 0 Oh i .aura W "I; Bett_8. W 11th inst P‘Hl‘lpsv for in ht; were end .lSt “‘9 favor w idOW of Ellg‘ 9th inst W m. Mt \\' Pt mite is g k to WOI‘K continues In.” “tvn- ' pf the winter‘cvssmn UCLWCcu .- Lia V anDusen nd assist. mt, , [1 school, and ma tne‘“ 1th rural mail. It that piece of road at the h0me‘be missed. Those ' - would not care M U D going ROY. H. E. Weuwum an excellent sermon in odist church on Sumlzj 1wing the first of a so â€"- 4.1" Miss \lisses <nty t0 ill pursvs on “Conscience." "Hm Epwm'th League w" inml at the hmm- of 1‘ ’lrker and his muther. .ost back line, on Mond: mg. The drive out was 0 Miss Laura Henry, 21 disses Caswell have gun itv to attend the milline 'l‘hat five muuou uuua-u 5-. _, by the Ontario Government for ift, if it good roads, is a timely g is properly applied. Majesty’s mails are carried daily along all roads, a share should be applied to helping the travel. It will be roads for winter ads passable :better to have the re d than to have them nly a few months. ' been sufficient ex- w that wire fences .snow fences and the removal of different objects along the road is :3 great improvement, if not 3| 1 “,e ‘ perfect remedy. The peOP‘S non. RC“ (33 hlghl) (11 next Sm L F. Well“ 1h We Will Print f! I‘m Del“ CCII All-.v- ock’s, are pleas mange-menu ed tn knou luvc been will be server. was fawn: ed. . . uld not cure to go bac to order of thmgs .ere m error a Week ago Sptflu. -u.-. ) entertained 2; number . on Friday night. )ple along the 2nd con- between Allan’s corners ' “" ‘-‘- ltnnn in P ° t 3! An altercation took place an a Z'l‘oronto street car on Friday. af- ‘ter refusal by the. conductor nf a 1transfer to a passenger. T1113 I: :I conductor hit the passengm' «mi ithe head with the fare box. and! W Ithen pitched him off on t “PM '1 .Kim_‘i\\'hore he was picked up unmmâ€" (-anlnxt. is minus and taken to the hnspital. cluys' nf aXThe conductor was arrested. but hm"). . \is out on bail of $400, being rv- ‘fh" “WNW”‘manded until February 2151. Thv ”M «m Sunday“ ' 0d man is in :1 serious mm- 1H'1H‘HH)’ delivâ€" ‘ "”11" \, ('. .lustim‘. (lition. The. conductor says he wapde'IHH‘W . acted in self-defense. UU Egrf’mODt, Blackburn. them under quarantine and all nenessary steps to prevve Spread of the disease. “’1 no serious harm may come afflicted ones. The Orangemen are busy 1 for a box su their lodge 1' Yrmev. in a copple of m is Visit- cake for big loans Upwards of a thousa maple is his usual 10 The trustees hcui ou infected last Week, a] vate homes got some medicine. People tak with smallâ€"pox. Miss Mabel Mead came home from Toronto for a few days” vis- it, a week ago. Mr. Noble McCallum, of Saskat- chewan, who is spending the “in- ter with Ontario friends, spent a few days last week. with the Tuck- er family. He is much in loVe with the prairie. province, even though the wet Weather last har- vest prevented him from getting r“'lxl1 ‘1‘}; Jéoid week 32'” Sirrs suf- vas small- JC‘DCC‘. MV- hnme he cut LEPONT A SHOCKER. A. party of four. just r01 from the theatre. called in fashionable restaurant. ’l‘h old maid who was the gues1 evening, was charmed with thing, especially the musk u-o-‘n h [=‘.sxll(’lli‘lJlL‘ I\L:p..-.- old maid who was the guest of thr- evening. was charmed with every- thing, especially the music. \Vhile the waiter Was standing: by the table, she asked him to iiwl out the title of the piece the nr- chestra was playing. and the will- ing waiter promise-d. But other duties claimed him for a time, and when he returned the lady had completely forgetten her request. When he bent tmx- .ards her anrl softly whisperer l ‘ n --.xl.1_.]l*“ 11:1 Biothers [llg “ al‘bl ll. \J..--w‘____ But nther duties claimed M1 for a time, and when he retm'nv the lady had completely fm'gutte her request. When he bent tuv ards her and softly whispen something in her ear. she rennin in horror, A ‘ L1-“ tuLt‘r. I" ll\]ll\11, Then. recovering from the shuck. she turned with cold, relentless fury, upon the hapless man who waited. -nl ‘ g I. -gg .‘ l “How dare you!” she (3mm “How dare you!” And it took the terrified waiu quite a time to explain why i had merely breathed the title l .t-fii.“ hiecc 530 softly: “What (.‘an I [)0 Love Me ?” the prairie province, even :11 the wet Weather last har- prevented him from getting greater part of his crop even a. .133. Tucker will accompany uncle. N. Mcfallum. to Bel- 0, this Tuesday. to spend a night with 1191' muthm', sisters ent. Tenders are trade and b0( and “'i‘l be 28th February, ( HNIE Asfiig“ee A I) 1913 {emen are busy making: ts for a box suci 11. tu their lodge room m a coupte of weeks weather of late seems fairly taken peop‘m's y. The congregttion at 001 and other public ni- THE DURHAM CHRONICLE i our school dis- i, 1111!! some pri- nme of the same take no chances boo' kc nu \1 of Noah Stm‘nuH. Durham. in the Plumber, lnsnlv- the estate M the all, consisting of and book debts red for sale by dams senat‘.ttoly. h( m'im fliull’ 1"-“â€" In a moment called 0V8} is information. 13183159.?” L__-‘ the fin“ \\ ire. \Vhat "l\“ a gentle V‘Oiu’ “ l‘his is it . tall n19 Without the sih erY tainly. CO‘ â€"Kansas ‘C This is the season of the year when mothers feel very much con-- cerned over the frequent colds contracted by their children, and have abundant reason for it, as every cold weakens the lungs, lowers the vitality and paves the way for the more serious diseases that so often follow. Chamber-l lain’s Cough Remedy is famous for gits cures, and is pleasant and Silft to take. For sale by all dealers “INFORMATION” KNEW. “Why don’t ,ou misc :1 tache?’y’ asked the inquisit ix “1 like soup too “eh." the fastidious man. “ l"'l| ‘ ul'- I-lv -7 bu: n as if 1 had acalded than). 1 swnmd .1 . Wannable to get relief {rum anything L pub on them until I tricl ZamoBuk. and it succeeded when all else had failed. It closed the big cracks, gave me ease, soothed the inflammation, 8111 in a. very short time healed my b81105.” Zaaniuk also cure. chafiM. '“M' ”in”. farm". rim. “1“". futert'ng corn, .0" hub“ a“; b‘u'kj' abscess", yimplu. ring-wwm. 61.x. can, burnt, brain", mail, Main" 0] all druggim and stores. 0' v0“ 1'" 1"” ‘h‘ la” at a moment‘s hesitation, ery voice replied, “Cerâ€" Cook until they are donv." 9 4City Star. stantly °m need of repairs away entirely? Or is it carried safely acros “laces by modern, everlasting cu .‘ over rickety, lverts? Build your - - - -â€"-mn which not only cannot be washed away, but actually grow stronger with age and use. ' to himself to insist that the for road-taxes be spent to the best advan- tage. As a ratepayer, he is entitled to the best roads that be made with that money. When culverts are washed out, and the road rendered impassable, he not only suflers inconvenience but may also be caused financial loss by inability to get necessary supplies in time for spring plant- 't With wooden culverts, part of the money ing. And at be: , that should be used to make better roads must be spent every year for repairs. Canada Cement Company Limited 505 "on“ Building, Montrool Farmer can u w“). Concrete" [T u "M 7°“ ' ' My of our free 31:. “ Wk 1! the I't‘ltlif mus- girl. ONIONS WILL KILL Human: SAYS DR. MARY WALKER. “The use of plenty of onions xvi drive, among other things, cu! tagious disease, out of any city declared Dr. Mary Walker room“ {at Chicago. Here are her din tions for their use: Eat plenty of them. stowed. bou- ed, fried or raw. ~ Keep the fumes of onions contin- ually permeating the atmosphere. Spread onions in the alleys, on the lawn and any other places iwhere it might appear they kuld ' do good. Is to the delicate orguns stimulmes the liver to vig enriching the blood. and ti Neuralgia "in the cry of Medical Discovery" in blood lather. ' drid was one of the affected " she said, “Some even had the statement before me 3 were used that the (My I be depppulatod by small- ++++++++++% IF. white hair and wrimuea 1 of doubt, fear and anxnetyâ€"â€"I havoc with the nervous 8 ate ished. What oil is to the riot I r wharf Unmmkrmâ€"u. K>w< fivrfiwm. \Vc Buy n 1):.“ ":l\'(‘ ‘Jhi’ Pl j”) licmvd results. \\'h.u iz~ an Buy a [mil n! g and (mjns 5mm ‘u u it In“ axv 1’ t'lmppilu! In'i‘ 9 “will 6‘ organs of tho body. 11’. u tonic Illd bad, builder-became it r to Vigor-out action. assist: the stomach to mimihu food~thu i. and thé nerves und heart in turn no fed on pure rich blood. For forty yarn “Gold“ cry of starved nerves for food." cry" in liquid form in: given grout utintution u s mic and ____â€"_ DR PIERCE'S PLEASANT Relieve constipation. and bowels. Easy Enjuyinu with and ‘ [p whh a It is ”Dis-f \Vlml ('3 yofl "hi to m .1er about Com mg. v the on! ”union Dem- .‘l wrinkled faces 0‘. ad anxnetyâ€"more tl Id ma n--an 'I utilu’d. . . ‘1 ll «.m um ' 3| v "qu 3 ‘Iflfl ! “XPS. Ally 300 In any tuwn with f gum] Skuhm. gm mrsvlf during tlw Quality” Printing Try The Chronicle \\ ry ”MW ‘4!" 3H (NH uf mu' sm "It'ltl. «‘UH‘j j; ms BLADDER ms v mmm mmm anl' S!’ purity. faces of our busy men an dwomenull â€"more than disease or age. Worry pity. Lemâ€"v90 that digestion is ruined und 6009 If ~tion of the deflate part: of an engineâ€"- 1’Z‘1L'iii.‘l’:1" HUBBARD PMWM. In (in wi'h ”It“ 1 lnnk at, what wv mm um Any kind y.m HR», 1' Larder Lake. 001., lurch 36th. "I hid been suflering force-etim with my Kuhn-ya and Urine. I vb cunsuntly pasming water, which w. very scanty. sometimes u may thirty tum s a day. Each time the _ I'M! _..A M mt fl “‘|. ‘: ‘IIII‘ WYâ€"iiczird of your dotided to give lb I sent my Chum 6t and I am picawd u less than mg Imam, ui ht. § heard of your GIN ”1.148 and decided to give them n (rid at once. I sent my chum 60 mik‘u to get theh and I am pk‘awd ‘0 inform you that in less than 511 hours; I felt rcIicf. In two dflVS the pain it“ It“ m emircly. I tuuk about half IbOl all today I feel a< well as we: h kidneys are acting' quite natum! again. “ s S I D CASTLEMAR. G I N PI LL S soothe the irritated he sick, went. painful bladder â€"â€" heal t kidneys-a nd streng‘hogn both M1“ gm .3 mx, 6' (0‘ ‘2'50 if i’ou wri‘ £10.. of Ct e National Dflli um. Linn“. a! . recu‘late-ticnllver. to take as candy. ++++++++++++++++++ “"5 Wm Kl“ V fi‘fifl‘fi. (‘0‘ prndiH'P ”‘0 fill PILLS Brought MM nâ€"from dealer! 1!! MW r. WriteflKPtembBua-‘h- putmn'l, tlw “ink 1" U ~ culverts a l’ c neat, safe, need no repairs, and are ever-lasting. in H19 hush with we will suit ynur a hnw price. . Skating Rink H in tlw (hum ahuw' NW“ m H! an old “’ul' I! P'. y (..' i'l 'angiflfl in 1] Rink FIVE 38° "‘7

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