West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 6 Mar 1913, p. 3

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3 contract nae-toad u. c. .3... p..- raid. istricto. p" "klâ€"Hunt Phi Profits it to the‘ rent reputation and by its remarkablo 'ha, colds and am: . ’emied upon. Try t- "I"! 11ers N CANADA ’ Jam, 1913 mbal; '01- ND Wheelb1flow. Vim-nu of; Manitoba and 5 Cuban: who-at and is a strictly first class family flour SOVEREIGN Uur pure Manitoba flour, made from Nu- l Manitnha whunt nannnt. hp hon! ‘l any a lum told us they under-atom 3 a Specialty H Try 'i'tl "'xl t0 {FL-lung ’rI'n ting street, 0"“ b' once they Ra 'PRII'J'IT)” I CPO, “Wane“. V‘WCâ€"x V-.. dun “ V9" ‘tn.l.'. VII/”If” thi- Special Reduction on Flour 1: o lO_Bag thl. Hawk delivered afivwhere in town. All upâ€"to-date flour and feed and grmwrs kc-ep our flour for sale. your grocer dues not keep it come to the mill and we will me you right Um- pure Manitoba flour, made from No. 1 Manitoba wheat. cannot be beat fur either halter: or domestic use Chopping Done Every Day A small or large bag 0! a fine grain white, nutritious flour, is sold as our brand. Have you ever tried it? Get. your grocer m give you our kind next. time and see the superinr baking qual- ititw it passe-mes. Better and mme whulw-mmr. because of a secretproce‘ 8 that, we put, the wheat through. Dun’t forget. ls umde from «elected winter who ind is a superior article for making pastry. etc. (Mll us up by telephone N0. 9. All kinds of Grain bought at Harte! Price People’s Mills What About Spring? 100 A“ Near Listowel. one of the heat farms in Perth. Extra goood buildings. orchard. water in stable. hone. Snap at 87111). Lot :1). Con. n Rantinnk- 1(1) acres. 80 cleared, 20 128 M Scotch Block. near "Inflation. 200d 90“. little bit hilly, 300 Ion. Emmont. Lots 2 .nd 24. Con. 14. Dr. Fettis’ Farm. rd: Mt. Forest fair buildings. good soil, well fl.fl.MlLLBR. flgnovef Frmu March 23th following Enstvr. merges into our Smuuwr 'l‘wrm in all Dvpm'uuents of “Shaw's Schnuls” Tornnm Cen- tral Business Utillegv with Four ()in Branch «Schools, The Cen- tral Telegraph and Railroad Schnol. and Shaw’s Civil Sev-vice Suhuul. Free catalngue explains courses and tulveuntages. We invite you to write for it. SPRING TERM \V. H. SHAW’. Pws. Yonge Gerrard Sts.,'l‘oronto John McGowan POSITIVElY THE lARGESl'SAlE IN CANADA PASTRY FLOUR 6th. 191:. ECLIPSE THE a...” as OAP1 The Easy Way of Do- lng a Hard Day’s Washâ€"with Com- fort Soap. Galvanised ad hon Piping, Btu. Bran moo and Iron Cylinder. 8R, ODIN IVBBY LITERNOOL Pumps From $2 Upward ALL BIPAIRING prompt” an: properly atom to. [s a Commevcial School of the Highest Grade! None better In Canada.‘ Grad- untes in strong demand. Enter now. Catalogue free. PUMPS OF ALL KINDS. W. D. Connor Brains leave Durham at 7 15 n m.. an: 3 4) Dim. -- - _ -A 1“ H“ u%%7 $66.76 usamfi P33 4.0) 7.10 “ 5.15 7.50 “ Toronl R. MKCFARLANE. W. D. CONNOR H. G Elliott. A. E. Dufl', G. P. Agent, D. P. Agent. Mnutroal. Pom: J. TOWER Depot Agent JAIES R GUN. Town Agen â€" T5159- arrive at Durham at 10.30 mm {.50 p.m.. and 8 50 0.1:) EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY Tr sins will arrive and depart as fol luws. until further notice:â€" CAA D IA PACIFIC RAILWAI TIME TABLE Get The Bee t. It Pays. 1/) ELLIOTT xx M PLANING MILLS Grand Trunk Railway TIME-TABLE ZENUS CLARK DURHAM S. P. SA UNDERS The undersigned begs to announce to residents of Durham and surrounding country. that he has his Planning Mill and Factory completed and is prepared to take orders for Machine Oil. Harness Ou Ame Grease and How Ointment, go to Also a limited amount of iron work and machine re- pairs. A call solicited. Ask for quotations on I{your next job. Custom Sawing Promptly At- tended To SASH, DOORS and all kinds 0! â€"- House Fittings TORON 1‘0. ONT Durham ‘ McWilliams Glen Priceville ‘ Saugeen J. ‘ Toronto ‘ Thu Harm-mam no Town Agent ONTARIO 'l‘orr) at Very~ sudden was the death of Mrs. J. E. Ledisrd on Friday mornin of last week, after a very rt illness. Deceased had been suffering from a severe at- tack of la grippe, but on Thurs- day evenin seeme to have re- covered, a ret as usual that night. On Friday mornin when her daughter, Miss Grace iard, went to her room. she found her lying dead. Dissolution evidentlv occurred only a short time pre- vious. Mrs. Lediard, who has been the agent of the Children’s Aid Society in this section of the province for a number of years. was well-known to the people of Owen Sound, and was held in the highest esteem. A noble woman of the highest ideals and a kind- ness of charity and heart that made her universally respected and loved, Mrs. Lediard latterly made the rescue of children in destitute or unhealthy circum- stances her life work. Such was her energy and zeal in this direc- tion that her work should never be forgotten. It was a noble work worthy of just such a noble woman. To her must be largely attributed the immesurably great and lasting good that has come of the rescue movement in Owen Sound. Tablets and memorials have been erected in other cities and towns for deeds and under- takings from which much less real benefit to humanity accrued than that which M‘rs. Lediard quietly and unostentatiously and amid great obstacles accomplished. She was an active member of the Dis- ciples church, and was a worker in other branches of Christian ac- tivity. and will be greatly missed. Mrs. Lediard was born in Eng- land, and has been a resident of Owen Sound for about twenty years, coming here with her hus- band, the late James Lediard, who predeceased her about six years ago. and her iamily,_:_ls follows: DEATH OF MAS J E. LEDIARD. mas Grace, at home: Mrs. Nelson. Niagara Falls, Ont.; Miss Mary. missionary to Japan, at present in Cincinnati, Ohio; Miss Ella. Tor- onto; William, of Midland; Ed- ward, of Toronto and Herbert, in the Western States. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon to Greenwood cemetery, the ser- vice being performed by Rev. Mr. (.‘adman, of the Disciples church. â€"Owen Sound Times. SOME GOOD ADVICE. If you have dandruff, get rid of it by killing the germs. it. PARISIAN Sage, the great hair reatorer, is guaranteed to per- manently remove dandruff in two weeks], or Macfarlane ()0. will give yo_u_your money back. PARISIAN S'sge stons' falling hair-it prevents the hair from fading. » There is one sure remedy that will remedy these misfortunes and aid you to remain yqung. It i5 the best beautifier for lad- ies’ hair, as it makes harsh, lustre- less hajrt fluffy, soft and beautiful; PARISIAN Sage is sold and rigidly guaranteed by ,M'acfnrlane C0. 50 cents$ a battle. Canad- ian makers, The R. T. Booth (‘0., Limitod. Fort Erie. Ont. 36 313 “Newspapers are sheets of paper on which stuff to read is printed. The men look over it to see if their names are in it. I don‘t. know how newspapers came into the world. I don’t think (iod does. The Bible says nothing about edit- ors, and I never heard of one go- ing to heaven. The first editor I heard of was. the fellow who wrote up the flood. He has been here ever since. ‘ Some editors belong to the church. and some try to raise whiskers. All of them raise hell in their neighborhood. Some- times the paper dies and then the people feel glad, but someone starts it up again. Editors never get licked. Our paper is a mighty poor one, but we take it so ma can use it on her pantry shelves. Our editor don't amount to much, but paw says he had a poor chance when a boy. Paw hasxn’t- paid his subscription in five years, and“ don’t intend to.” A school boy has contributed the follqwing essay on newspapers: A SCHOOL-BOY’S ESSAY ON A NEWSPAPER. lf'your h5ir is falling out, stop m DURHAI CHRONIC“ GLENELG COUNCIL. The council met February 8th, pursuant to adjournment. All the members present excepting J. A. McMillan. Minutes of last ,meeting read and confirmed. Com- imunications read as follows: Jos. . ‘7--_a_ _ TRAVERSTON. Mrs. J.J. Peart a at a few d: yo of the close a the beg in- ning of the week with her sister. In}. B. Metcaltq, ot_ Hanover. A akilful mechanic of the pio- neer days, a man of practical veterinary skill, a widely-known and highly esteemed citizen, and a well-read, courteous entleman, was Mr. I. Meloah w 0 passed away last week. We presume your Dornoch cor. will have afull sketch of the life of this gifted piopeer. Mr. Abel Wright’s. sale on Mon- day afternoon was quite a success despite bad roads and unfavorable weather. A pair of cows brought $123. The same evening, a big company of nei hbors dropped in quite unexpecte ly and presented Mr. and Mrs. Wright with an ad- dress that voiced the regret of the neighborhood at their remov- al, expressed the esteem in which they are held for their kindness and courtesy while in charge of the post-office, and for their help- fulness as neighbors, and at its close presente them with two fine pairs of woollen blankets of first quality. Mr. Wright feeling- ly replied, after which the com- pany spent a nappy evening in sonngusidand games. We'll ex ect lurch to go out as meek u ones after that bluster- aqq blgw of_ Sunday_. Mr. Sam. Baines of the Lake has been very seriously ill with pneu- monia, but at latest reports was reggvering. _ _ A..- Mrs. wHaj-old Clark left last week to spend a few days with her unple,_l3gv_. T.H.‘ Fayr, qt Blyth. Dung.) xuuuu: auu games. Wlth stock in fine trim, imple- ments well cared for, fairly decent day and a big crowd, the sale of Mr. E.W. Hunt’s stock and imple- ments was a big sur'cess on We”- nes-day afternoon of last week. Mr. Rud’d Mathews, of Markdale, wielded _the hammer. Mr. and MrsWJ.Cook attend- ed the M'r'Cormiokâ€"LaWrehne wedding on Wednesday of last week, and report it a most hap- py affair. We regret that the serial, “The Chalice of Courage” is concluded in The Chronicle. It was a ro- mance that possessed the power of stirring deep emotions, and was strikingly original in theme. You can say guodoye to consti- pation with a clear conscience if you use Chamberlain’s Tablets. Many have been permanently cur- ed by their use. For sale by all dealers. Young, report of $11.35 spent in repairs of Glencross bridge; Stand- ard Printing Co., account: R. Lindsay, report on treasurer’s sureties: Municipal World, ac- count; W. T. Saunders, re tele- phone in hall; 8. J. Parker, re lands liable; J. A. McDonald, re assessment: the auditors, their report. Peartâ€"Young.â€"-That the treas- urer be paid $2.85 postage, regls- tration and s-upplies.â€"-Carried. Peartâ€"Young.â€"1hat JaS. Led- ingham be paid $1.50 for gravel.â€" Carried. Lindsayâ€"Peart.-That cheque is- sue to J08. Young for $11.», to pay for repairs to Glencross bri-dge.â€"â€"(.‘arried. Youngâ€"Peart.â€"â€"That the audit- ors report as reaudited by the council be acce ted, and that the auditors be pain ‘ $12 each for their servicea.â€"Carried. Peaâ€"rt-Young.-That J. You} be paid 90 cents: for commission Carried. l “v _ â€" wâ€"U Vtv-v â€" "V‘- â€"- â€"" â€" â€"v vâ€"vvâ€" -â€" â€"vâ€"' Youngâ€"Peart.â€"That G. Binnie, Great Britain. wThou» in u diam fin-ll Ready for not!!! every «dim-y In:- T, Nichol and J.S. Black be paid “MVW{ufih-pufiaflum forwhid: ithnoommcndod $2 each for service on Board of The Rex-ll St” a. M’l m Dru: Stat. Peartâ€"Young.â€"That the regis- trar be paid $1, and R. Lindsay $1 for searches re treasurer's sure- ties.â€"-(,.‘arried. Lindsayâ€"Peart.â€"-That Jos. Young be paid $1.50 for tile on town line G. and B., (me-half cost. ~â€"(.‘arried. By-law 536, appointing G. Bin- nie, T. Nichol, R.J. Torry, W. Bea- ton and J.S. Black as: sanitary in- spectors was read a third time and passed. THE FARM ER, above all others, afipreciates good water. He drinks more water than the City man. T e city-dweller is dependent upon the puhlic water-supply for the urity of his water, while the farmer can have his own private source 0 water, and thus be sure that it is pure and healthful. J. _ Young vâ€"â€"v- ". The deceased was born iu Tees-water, Bruce county, thirty- 'two years ago, and when but a youngster the family moved to iClinton to engage in the hotel business in what was then known as the Swartz stand, about where the Graham House now stands. Over twenty years. ago the family moved to Mt. Forest, where the ”subject of this notice grew to z manhood. ' The head of the Theobald fam- ily and several of its members be-. ing interred in the Clinton ceme- tery, the remains of the deceased young man were sent east to he laid beside them. They arriVed in Clinton on the noon train on .Tuesday and were taken to the 1Masonic hall, from whence the .funeral took place under the aus- pices of the order. Services were conducted by Rev. C. E. Jeakius. assisted by Rev. W.A. Curry, of Mt. Forest. Lind" â€"Peart.â€"Thnt the Stand _Pr_int_ing Co. be_paid _the each for trip to latkdale (or legal advlce. â€"Carrled. Llodoay â€"Peart. â€"That the clerk be paid ’825 on aalary. -Carrled. ;fi6hnt of their Recount (61‘ print- ing, 862.50. The council adjourned to April 5th, at 10 mm. J. S. Bitch, Clerk. Linduyâ€"Young.â€"Thnt this council pay Anguu McKechnie $60 for eight rock elm tree. for bridge work, to be delitvered anywhere 1n the township of Glenelg, where and when wanted.â€"Cnrr£ed. Health. wanted. Lindsay â€"Peart. â€"That the new: nod J. A. Hellman be ad 81 each for trip to Mark :1: (or Young â€"Lind51y.-That a cheque issue Ink full otp aymeot 1nd costs in the case of pHaw v: Glenelg. amounting to 8568.41..â€"_C_arried Peart-Young.-That W. A.Lind- say be paid $2 for one-hut day with team, and one day'. won-K fixing dangerous place on Lamb- ton street, as certified by R. T. Edwards.â€"-Carried. DEATH OF WES. E. THEOBALD. Wesley E. Theobald died at Rusâ€" sell, Man., on Friday last, after a short illness of _pnegmorpiq. ‘ He “-Iv- ‘ ' was a ..t:a-\;elle;13; {he Aahdown Hardware Co., and it was while On one of his. trips that he was taken ill. A few years ago he went west and after living for a time at Dauphin, Man. he accepted the pogitior} wi‘th th Wilmip‘eg firm. The Masonic Lodge at Mt. For- est, of which the deceased had been a member, were represented by R. W. Gardener, T. H. Ellie, W. their merit With you alsoâ€"II you are not entirely satisfied with them â€"â€" we will refund your money â€" and we will do that on your mere say-so. We don't ask you to mk a penny. Isn't that fair? Just let the bowels fail in properly doing their work -- just let their action be delayed and incomplete and the entire system and every other organ suffers. Wastes that these things they are vastly superior to old-fashioned. harsh salts and other purgatives. which are not only unpleasent to take but which usually leave the bowels in worse condition than before. We particularly recom- mend Rexall Orderliel {or children. aged and delicate persons. Renall Order-lies come in vest. ggcket tin boxes. 12 tablets. 10¢; tablets. 25c; 80 tablets. 50c. CAUTION: Pleasebearinmind thatRenllOrderlieau'enotlold brad“ date. YmeanbuyRexaflOrderliesonlyattheBenllstom. YoueanbuyRexallOrderlieeinthisoommumtyonlyatourm: You know us. You know we would not â€" that we could not allot-d to â€"- go back on our word. Nor can you mold to Ignon this money-back-il-not-sntlsfled ofler on thls splendld laxntlvo. T 0 Our Friends and Neighbors Durham Try them at Our Risk Our faith is built both on the knowledge of what vaall Orderlies Ire made of and on observation of very many severe cases in which they have provcu their merit. If {ht \ do not abundantly rovo their merit “ith vuu alsoâ€" you we not entirely satisfied with them â€"- we will refund your money â€"- and we will do that on your mere any-co. We don't ask you to ml: a penny. 1311’ t that. fair?y We honestly believe we have the best bowel remedy ever made -â€" the most pleasant-to- take. most per- manently beneficial laxative for relief from they miseries and dangers arising from constipation. We wouldn' t say this if we. didn' t believe it to be true We wouldn' t risk our reputation by making such statements did we not feel sure you would find them true. U sweet, refreshes the farmer who build. a PARKLING WATER, -‘A'M‘ ntflgn L-‘ ‘L‘ ‘-- Concrete Well or MACFARLANE 81 C0. The Mum " have that (his label in an every bat and barrel. Then you know you an gelling (In. “men! that the farmer. .1 Canada have found to be (In Curry ind A. J. Carbért. The C. O. EACqug-t a_t )9; Fox-ea; wu rep- recanted by B. J. Lamont. Amo- the relnuvel preoent were J. . Theobrld. o! Portage La Prairie. 3 brother, and Gear e Coo. of Fort William, I brot chin-law.â€" Clinton Newo Record. Dr. Mon." Indiun Root Pill. moudeaccordingmc Corn-h h a. my a centu Ch 1.4m and 1.....3‘5'... the: t, 0!. Mom. Though W n- m have been nude. by churn.“ chemist; 3:1...qu Clonnoo the 87“.- Rexall Orderlies promote better spirits _a_nd better health. In I.“ of taste just like esndy. They srs soothing and easy in action. They do not cease piping. nsuses. - in: or excessive looseness. hey tend to tone sud strengthen intestinal nerves and muscles. They promptly relieve constipation. snd help (0 per- msnendy overcome it. GRANT’S AD. no. md other tormenting nnd cui- oun ill: are common when the bowel. foil to not dnily u nnture intended. All this may be nvoidod. if you til woept our advice. E90...“ ‘fiw‘m “3% 3...“ to an arm C the pills. Dr. Mom'o Indis- Ila: Pills we. household Rudy though- out the world for Contagion 0‘ II Kidney and Live! tron Thy fiMMWy...‘ . C. L. GRANT Drop in and ask to so. our new Kid Gloves. Flmmoings. Allnvvr Em- broiderv. Side Frilling. Men's and W'omen’s cru- chet Ties. and our new Dress Gnods. W9 haw n. gum! “Burt "wilt of our celebrated 3!. uyurd Silks. “'9 have a few Five o’clock 'l‘uhlw-Inths and Nopkius m mulch. 8U” all hand. \Ve are not. aft-aid to show our goods. Try us and see. J! .. (ma? in!

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