‘1‘ W ‘ 8 tha ll‘()ll barrows: 1 Fleury plow, No. ‘21; 1 Wilkinson plow. No. 7: :1 two- furrow plow; 1 set spring-tooth; barrows; lscufller; 1,Wag0n; ll wagon, nearly new; 1 democratd pole and shafts: 2 buggies; 1 cutter; 1 set bob-sleighs; : l stoneboat; 1 hayrack; 1 rock; 1 pulper; ‘20 grain. nearly DOW; 1 .fanning mill; 1 grain cradle; 2 ,neck sets whiffletrees; 1 cream separ- stor; 1 set scales, 1200 lbs.; 1 in- cubator and brooder; a quantity of lumber; 40 choice fence posts; 1 set double harness; 1 set single hsruess; 1 Daisy churn; 1 table; 1 bureau; 2 cherry planks, 4x8, suitable for window sills; a quan- tity of hsy, grain and potatoes, if not previously disposed 0’; forks, shovels, claim. and other articles too numerous to mention ;' also 1 brood sow, supposed in pig. Everythin must be 30111. as the proprietor ss disposed of his farm. SALE AT ONE O’CLOCK, SHARP TERMS: Bay, n, potatoes, sud all sums o 85 and under. Cash; owes thst mount, 10 months The undersigned Auctioneer has received instructions to sell by Public Auction at LOT 18, CON. 2. EGREMONT, on THURSDAY, APRIL 3rd, 1913 the following: 1 horse, 10 years old; 1 brood mare, 9 years old, in foal; 1 gen- eral purpose mare, rising 4; 1 (‘lyde mare. rising 4; 1 Clyde mare. rising 3; 4 gel-dings, rising 2; 1 cow, with calf at foor; 5 cows, in calf: 7 steers. rising two years; 2 heifers, rising two years; 1 choice beef-ring heifer: 6 spring calves; 2 fall calves; 8 young pi s; 1 young sow, four months 01 ; 7 pigs, 'five months old; 80 hens. - 1 Massey-Harris binder; 1 Mas- sey-Harris seed drill; 1 McCor- mick mower; l pea harvester: ,1 sulky rake; 1 Land roller; 1 disc barrow, nearly mew, 2 sets iron L-_A--â€" - C of Farm Stock, Implements and Household Furniture LOT 3, CONCESSION 9, GLENELG containing 100 acres of first class land in good condition. Will take 31000 if sold before the first of Ffebruary, $500 cash; balance LYOUNG SHORTHORN BULLS, ranging from twelve to twenty- lour months. Three are choice animals. Also 3 young Short- horn heifers due in May. This stock will be all sold at reason- able prices.â€"W. A. Livingston, Vickers. Phone in residence. '27 4 John M. Litt‘lb. 2'05 Riopen'e St.. Don-cit, Mich 222a LOTS 54 AND 5;, CON. 3, RTE}. R.. GOOD COMFORTABLE FRAME house on College street; six rooms, two storeys, hard and soft water. good half acre of land. A bargain to quick pur- chaser. For artiCulars, apply t_oA Ed._ Long on, Durham, __or CUT FLOWERS-ROSES, CARNA- tiona, bulb flowers; cabbage, carrots, beets, parsnips. etc.; also a good two-year-old colt; and white Leghorns and Black Min- orca s. c. cockerels. â€"C’. Lang, Dugham. 213 4pd .‘ COKPORTABLE BRICK HOUSE 1.. Durham. 2 floreys high, hard and not! vat-t inlido, good cem- ent lt’NO frame barn on too. matter 9M. 0! land. Price aWay flown tn quick purchaser. Applv 1* the Chronicle office. 7 27 tf Credit Auction Sale J 000â€"â€" D BUILDING LOTS APPLY to J P. Telford, or Mrs. G. Black- burn, Durham f 6 13 g SEVERAL HOUSES IN DURHAM. Ono nice cottage in Lower Town. â€"A. 11 Jackson, Durham. 3 21“ on time to 's’ui't purchasér. App]; to J. A. Russell. Lougheed P. 0., Alberta. 12 12 tf Glenelg, will be sold cheap. Fof particulars, apply to A. H. Jack- son. Durham. 227 4 100 ACRES, BEING LOT 4, CON. 3. Normanby, about 4 miles from Durham; 1% A miles _fror_n 1701' ’ 9,’ CONE’Ess'iESI 6, GLEN'E‘LG wil} be sold at a great bar- Y fore the let 0! April. Small payment in cash; balance se- cured by mortgage. Apply on the premises, or at The Chron- icle office, Durham. Wm. Mc- Nally, Proprietor, Ebordale P. O. n d. ï¬A-J THE THIRD DIVISION OF LOT 9 and the lit division of Lot 10, WWGR, Bentimk, 100 acreo; Lot 1, Con. 11, Glenel, 100 acres; Lot 16 and half 0 17, Con. 2, E. G..,R (Hem-13,50 acres; Lot 8, Con. 3, S.D..,R Glenelg 50 acres; Lot 9, Con. 3, S...DR, Glenelg g, 50 acres; Lot 10, Con. 3,8. D. R., Glenelg, 50 acres; Lot 4, Con. 4, S..,D.R Glenelg, 55 acres; Lot 7, Con. 1, N...,DR Glen-HgI 50 acres. Apply to G. cKechnie, Durham. -3311} '- vo-u â€" â€"â€" “w.â€" Varney; convenient to church and school; well fenced, well watered and in good state of cultivation; brick house and buildings. For further particu- lara, Dapï¬ly to David McAulilfe, am, Ontario. 130“ Fur Sale or Rvnt. Advertisement. of one incl. or lees. 25 cent. for Out inertia. and lo cute fete-eh uheeqnent trunnion. Over one inch and under two incbee. double the shove emu. Yearly rate. on eppfleouon. Farms for Sale. For Sale. SMALL ADS. 3 13 3tpd Owing to the wind-storm of March met, my former sale adver- tnaed (or that date, had to be postponed, md as I have decided to give up farming. evnrvthinc 1 Peter Hamilton plow. 1 horserake, 1 cultivator, Peter Hamilton, 1 Massey-Harris mower, new, 1 Massey-Harris binder, l Oshawa seed drill, 1 Ease" steel land rol- ler, 1 set iron harrows, 1 fanning mill with bagger, 1 scufller, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 Standard cream separator, nearly new, 1 sugar kettle, 2 sets double harness, one new, 1 set single harness, 2 oak barrels, 15 cotton grain ba s; Forks, hoes, rakes, chains, an other articles too numerous to mention. 1 heavy wagon with heavy box, nearly new, 1 light lumber wagon, 1 pair trucks, 1 single buggy, 1 cutter, lrpr bobsleighs, nearly new, VI â€1â€" DWU‘ 3"“ ""I’lcu'm'l5 Mr. Gibson (.‘ollinson, Mr. Sang- , ‘ o . . 'ster Hemphill, Mrs. D.D. McLaugh- The undersngned Auctioneer has lin, Mrs. J. Kennedy, and Mrs. A. received instructions from , - .Rutledge, of Ceylon. are at Owen MR- ANDREW FORD Sound this week, witnesses on the to 3911 by PUbliC AllCtiOIl at LOTS Love murder trial. 15 and 16, CON. 3, N.D.R., GLEN-g Mr. R. H. Meltlrum, 4th line. had ELG, on ia successful auction Sale of farm WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1913 stock and implements last Thurs- ,. , :day. .Mr. Meldrum is going on a the followmg valuable Farm :trip to the West. StOCk and ImplementS. I Mr. W.J. Bellamy is in Toronto 1 heavy draught mare, rising‘ 9"this week, a delegate to the years; 1 Clear Grit mare, rismg;Workmen Grand Lodge. 10 years; 3 cows, calves at footzl .Mr. J. A. Boyd leaves this week 3 cows, due in April; 2 c0Ws. due on a trip through the prairie early in May; 8 steers, rising 2 provinces and British Columbia to years: 2 heifers, rising 2 years; select a point at which to locate 6 steers, rising 1 vear; 2 heifers, ' in business. Mr. Boyd will visit rising 1 year; 1 brood 80W, due his daughter at Regina. April 6th; 9 ewes, Leicester; 1 Mr. John Wright, assessor, is ram, pure-bred Oxford; over 100 now on the rounds and renewing hens, §acquaintances with the ratepayers to give up farming, veï¬eï¬fï¬iï¬Ã© will be sold Without reserve. SALE 41‘ ONE O’CLOCK, SHARP TERMS: All sums of 85 and under, Cub; over that amount, 12 months’ credit will be given on approved joint notes. 5 per cent. discount of! for cub. Berlin, German? Chauffeurs are forbidden to nmo e while on duty, in an effort to keep down the number of accidents. The 11w applies to anyone operating a A SOLID BRICK SIX-ROOMED two-storey house on Garafraxa street. Will sell on right terms, or rent by the year. ApBly for gutticulars to George Mc onald, roprietor, Durham. 3 27 POSTPONED AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock and Implements Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates, and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thor- oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills. executed on shortest notice. 'All work promptly attended to. launca, wuu allcut u JUlly aucuwus a 1‘7“ WINS llt‘l‘t‘, 3"“ LW'CIILJ l. P. l’elford. ,‘time with their thimbles and need- has rented his residence to Mr. *ARRISTE“, SULICI'I‘OR. ETC 195. The sumptuous spread at George Beecruft. Uflice. nearly opposite the Registry? the close of labor was such as the Muss Gertie Bellamy was home n'ï¬ce.Lambton ~t.,Durham. Anyamount reeve’s wife is already noted for. from Markdale OVGI‘ GOOd Friday. If monev to hmn at 5 per cent. on farm! The hockey team went to Dur- Mrs. A.S. VanDusen was up from "W97†'ham for :1 return mntnh nn \le- the nitv to mmnd Factor at bar Ofï¬ceâ€"4h†Douglas’ Jewellery Stow. 1 er. Conveyanoer, Ste. lusurancc \zent. Money to Loan. Issuer nf Mar. 'iage Lineman A general ï¬nancial bnsi lOQS tramacted. DURHAM ONT. (Lowm' Town.) House For Sale o'r Rent T Yoflx And "bingo. Diana 0! Bye. Ear Nose and Throat. \Vill be at the Hahn House, July Z). Oct. 19. November 16. Dec. 21, Hours, lto' o p. m. OFFICE: Over J J. Hunter’s HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF 600 m the New Hunter Block. 0501 A. H. Jackson. O'I‘ARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION 9r, Cnnvnya m-er. 81 c. Insuranm J F GRANT. D. D. 8 .L.D. 8- ONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- ty of Toronto. Graduate Rays )‘ollege Dental Sorgeons of Ontario. [)entistrygxn all its Branches. DR. BROWN L B. c P., LONDON. ENG RADULATE of London. New I York And Chicago. SPECIALIST I EYELEAnL THROAT nose l lice in the New Hunter Block. Oflioe mourn, 8 to ID a. m., to 4 p. an. end 7 2.09 3. m. Special attention given to dinner if women and ehildren. Residence op pnite Preahvterien Church. Lou Autumn Roy. London Ophthalmic Boo ll... nd toGolJon Sq. Tin-out and Non Boo a)“ 7-9 p. :1). Telephone comm'unick tlon between ofï¬ce and residence at all hours. ‘ FFICEâ€"Over J. P. Telford’s ofï¬ce. nearly opposite the Registry ofï¬ce. Resudence Second house south of Registrv ofï¬ce on east side of Albert Street. Ofï¬ce'ypm‘s 9.11 a.m., 2-4 p. ‘1 ohott disunco out of Knopp’l Hotel. bulb ton Street, Lower Town. Dun-hu- mco hours from 12 to 3 o’clock 0n. lamioson Jamioson. .\FFICE AND RESIDENCE A I. G. Hutton, I. 0., C. I. hflloo 13, 'qut Rt. 0'0“ flan-d. Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. W. J. SHARP Dental Directorv. Lem! 'Dz'rectorv. Arthur Sun, I. D. Medical Directorv. .. M'cPHAIL, Auctioneer. DR. BURT. on farm! The hockey team went to Dur- gham for a return match on Wed- ? nesday night of last week, but met idefeat. Though the boys lost in BSION~ . this match, their win in the. former .surancc gives them yet a lead of three 0f LMan- goals over the cement town team. Wholesale magenta, Toledb, O. 3311’. (31th Cam In taken h- tornally acting directly I: the blood 33d mucous Imtacg’ool the â€lam. Tuthonlnh lent tree. Price 164:. per bottle. Sold by all Drugghtl. We otter One Hundred Dollar: Reward {or any cue of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Ban’e Ca- tarrh Cure. FJ. CHENEY 00.. Toledo, 0. FY. the andt edhlxve known . . Cheney 0: 15 years. and believe him perfectly honoro. able in all bueineu ban-action. and financially able to carry out any rob afloa- made by hie firm.- WALD G. mm 8: MARVIN, The skating carnival advertised for Friday evening last was knocked out on account of the thaW. ( t There was a good attendance at the poultry lecture in the town hall on Tuesday afternoon of last week. Mr. McCullough, of Guelgh Agricultural College, was t e speaker, and his instructive ad- dress was listened to with much interest. Mr. and M13. W..J Henderson paid their old neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Johnston, of Wareham, a visit last w.eek The latter leaxe soon to reside in Dundalk. Inspector Huff was in this vi- cinity last week visiting schools, but on Friday morning was called home to M'eaford by the illness of his wife with pneumonia. .Mrs. George Bellamy received the sad news on Thuradw last of the sudden death with pneumonia Mr. JBhn Wright, assessor, is now on the rounds and renewing acquaintances with the ratepayers of__this village. Mr. J. A. Boyd leaves this week on a trip through the prairie provinces and British Columbia to select a point at which to locate in business. Mr. Boyd will visit his [daughter at Regina. l A successful quilting (3'1 three 'fine covers at the home of Mrs. 'D. McTavish one afternoon last *week brought together about twenty ladies, who spent a jollx ' time “ith thei1 thimbles and need- Dr. and Mrs. Collinson, who were visiting the latter's parents at Ceylon, left last week for their home at Culberton, Montana. The ladies of Rock Mills Baptist church gave a box social at the home of Mrs. Roy on Thursday evening last, at which a pleasant time was spent. Proceeds nearly The \V.M.S. 0f the Methodist church held their annual Easter Thank-offering meeting on Thurs- day last, which Was quite success- ful. Musical numbers were given by Mrs. R. H. Wright, Miss Mabel Boyd and Miss Maud Richardson. Refreshments were served at the close. ‘ One of the most interesting let- ters to reach us for a long time was that received last week from our young friend, Mr. Stanley Thurston, who is now on the re- portorial staff of The Winnipeg Free Press. Stanley has a racy style and facile pen, and we pre- dict for him a successful career in journalism in the hustling West. Mr. Fred Mathewson, and .Mr. Donald McLeod, were at Windsor last week, delegates to the Orange Grand Lodge, the former from the District, and the latter from the County. Mr. Ed. Loucks is leaving this week to join his brother Walter, at_‘Reg_ina._ Miss Kate Bellamy spent Friday last with Mrs. J. W. Lyons, Proton. Mrs. Fred Rutled e, of Wood- bridge, is spending t is week With Mrs. George Bellamy. \Mr. Andy Bentham is up from Toronto for a week, on business and plegsmje. Mrs}. J. Edwards, of Toronto, spent the past week with her mother, Mrs. T. W. WilsOn. Mr. Leslie Norris is visiting his brother at Wiarton, accompanied b}:__his _piece, Miss Dowell. Perth. Mr. Will Glenâ€"Iii 6i 'i‘B-I'WJn'to; 'is visiting his cousin, Mrs. W. A. Aginstgong. ' Mr. W. Trimble had family = lov- ed to the post-office block untii hi§_ ow'rguyegidence is completed._ Mr. Wm. Flynn, who has been treated recently by a Toronto specialist for ulcers of the stom- ach, has not im rov'ed, and left for the city on onday to under- go an Operation. which his friends here hope may be successful. Mr. W68. Buskin is at Owen Sound this Week serving on the jury at the _sais_sizes. Mr. Arthur Chard: 4th line, re- turned recently to Alberta, where he hasf_l_>een_lfrving to_r some time. Last Week’s Budget. Mrs. Ed. Thompson returned to Collingwood last week, after a month’s visit here. Mr. Tom. Chara, who is now in Alberta, has taken a school, and commencgd tegphing this month. Miss Lulu Mitchell returned on Saturday, after an extended visit in_:lforo_nto and Harriaville, Mich. Miss Laura Armstrong is home from Normal school, Toronto, for Easter holidays. EOW’S THIS 7 FLESHERTON. m DURHAM CHRONICLE The services in the churches on Sunday were appropriate to Eas- ter day. The sermons were Easter messages and s ecial music was rendered by t e choirs. The churches were prettil decorated with Easter lilies an flawerini! plants. M'r. M..K. Richardson as- sisted the pastor in the Methodist church, and Rev. Jae. Buchanan, of Dundalk, was the preacher in the Presbyterian church. Mr. Buchanan will supply the next two Sabbaths. ‘ The Methodist congregation had a new de arture in their church work on ednesday evening of last week, when a congregational meeting was held which was inâ€"I teresting to all present. First at free tea was served wnen a pleasant social time was spent, after which the pastor took the chair and conducted a successful business meeting, during which very interesting reports were given from the various organiza- tions in the church, of the work being done by each. Dr. Bibby, John Wright, W. P. Crossley and M. McDonald were at Owen Sound last week at the Love murder trial. v-â€"â€"-nâ€" "Arnel Love, witness on the mur- tie1 trial at Owen Sound, was in the \illage on Saturday, on his way to his sister’s home at Fex e1- sham . Mr. Gladstone Bryson, of Toron- to, who is spending Easter holi- days at Mr. Jos. Cornfield’s. is a young rising violinist, and gave a well rendered solo at the Epworth League meeting on Monday even- ing. Miss Campbell, of Maxwell, is visiting Mrs. Samuel Irwin. Among the Easter visitors here were, Mr. McDonald. formerly in the Standard Bank, from Brant- ford; Mr. Robt. Bellamy, and Mr. Roy Kerr. home from Toronto: Mr. Roy Thistlewaite, home from Owen Sound: Mr. C.J. Bellamy. home from Chesley: Mr. Wilfrid Henry._home from Orange‘ville. Mr. S. Shrunk spent Easter with frigndgpt Woodbridge. Mr.F‘19d McTaxish. 111.3111! Mrs C. H. Munsha“, Mrs. WC. Pur- ker, Mrs. Buskin. Miss Reta Bus- kin, Miss Bunt, Mrs. Colquett. ‘11s. Marr, and Miss Nicholson. Mr. and Mrs. Holland visited at Owen Sound, and Mrs. R. Bentham at Chatsworth. The spring millinery openings last week proved the usual attrac- tion for the ladies of the village and country. The delightful spring weather gave charm to the annual event, and the ladies were out in large numbers to View the pretty creations. The show rooms were artistically decorated and the tables laden with beautifully trim- med headwear in the newest de- signs of the season. Miss Andrews is in charge at J. \V. Boyd’s anal Miss Long at F. G. Karstedt’s. Among those who spent Easter in the city were, Mr. D. McTavish. Mr. Fred McTavish. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Munshaw, Mrs. W.C. Par- Miss Beatrice Thistlewaite, teacher at Beaverdale, is also home for the holidays. Mr. James Hemphill, of Toronto. is spending a few days with his brothers, Sangster. and Wm. H. Mr. T. Penny, of Toronto. was an Easter visitor at Mrs. J. M. Duncan’s. Miss Elva Lever, teacher at East Mountain, is spending Easter holi- days with her parents, Mr. an! M rs. Thos. Lever. Mr. Herb. Smith and daughter. Bertha, visited his mother at Hillsburg over Good Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J.I§.' Marcellus, of Milton, visited over Easter among their old friends here, and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Moore. Mrs. A.S. VanDusen was up frofï¬ the city to spend Easter at her home here. Mr. Harry Wood, of Stratford. is spending a few days here, and has rented his residence to Mr. George Beecroft. _ MilssuGertje Bellamy was home Miss Flossie Simmons re‘lgtives ‘inuthe c_it_y. _ _ Mr. W. Glennie, ailâ€"(iflthe Misses Armstrong paid friends in Dun- dgl}; a_§.~hort visit last week. ___-- v-".- .uuy "LL“. Miss Maud Richardson is on a week’s visit with her sister in Toronto. Mrs. E.J. Swift, of Talia-Mo. paid her parqnts, Mr. and Mrs. P. Quigg a gh-oerisit last week. Mrs. Gordon Laird, of Regina, is home on a visit with her parents. Mr: all-51‘ ‘Mr‘g. {oh-DABgyd. mg la'st Woéek. - Miss Maud Ri‘chardsonvéateï¬zi'n- ed about thirty young friends at ,3 ‘vgry‘ enjoyable party one even- Messrs. Bert. Best, Charley White and ’Wea. Orr left last week for Saskathewan. Before leavmg Mr. Orr was given a large fare- well party at the home of his paven-ts‘,_M‘r: apt; Mys. Guy Orr. Miss Gl-adjé 'Corn-field is 'home from Collegiate, Toronto, for Easter va-ation. The thaw last week made dan- gerous roads for horses where snow was deep. One of Mr. Thos. Lover’s horses, and one of the telephone men’s team got down, and 8001) {lot a badlv lacerated leg.e v. Mr. Wellwood, continuing his series of sermons on “Con- science†on Sunday evening, gave apt ilustrations from the life of the great African missionar , Da- vid Livingstone, whose cen enary is being celebrated this week. At the Epwozrth League meeting in the Methodist church on Mon- day evening, St. Patrick’s Day. the programme was appropriately an evening with Ireland and the Patron Saint. ‘ THIS WEEK’S BUDGET. The tea-hers are off for Easter holidays, Mr. White to Port Hope, Mr. Brown to Brampton. Miss Switzer to Kirkton, and Miss Bell to Owen Sound. of her brother, Charley Rutledge, who had gone the beginning of this month to his homestead about fifty miles from Zealandia, Sask. His brother, Fred, of Woodbridge, left at once to bring the body here for burial. The deceased, who was a son of the late Robt. Rut- lencgze here, was 26 years of age, an unmarried. is visiting - Jo M- R. EWEN 9F €ANADA The Grand Trunk Pacific Rail- way is the shortest and quickest route between Winnipeg-Sanka- toon-Edmonton, with amooth roadbed, electric lighted aleeping care, through the newest, moat pe via Chicago and St. Paul, wit out change. Tourist cars will be equipped with bedding, and Porter in charge. Bertha may be secured in these cars at a nom- inal charge. The route via Chi- cago is an attractive one, as many large cities and towns are passed en route, which breaks the mon- otgpy o_f the journey._ HOMESEEKERS’ EXCI’RSIONS TO \VESTERN CANADA. The Grand Trunk Railway Sys- tem will issue round trip tickets from stations in Canada to points in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta each TUESDAY, March 4 to October 28, inclusive, at low rates. Tickets are good for 60 da s. Through coaches and Pu lman Tourist Sleeping cars will leave Toronto 11.00 p.m. on above dates, running through to Winni- Miguel Cream Separatms and Many sufferers from rheumatism have been surprised and delighted with the prompt relief afforded by applying Chamberlain’s Lini- ment. Not one case of rheuma- tism in ten requires any internal treatment whatever. This lini- ment is for sale by all dealers. The violent wind-atorm at Fri- day last did much damage in this vicinity. Among those whom we learn cluttered lou were Alex. Mc- Rae, barn unrooted; Archie Stew- art, barn unrooted; John Stewart, barn lfartially unrooted; Mark Stewa , barn unrooted; Robt. Waller, barn root damaged; Wm. Sharp, barn partially unrooted; T. White, barn unroofed; John Ped- lar, driving house down; J. J. Brown, unoccupied residence down ;' Jas. Cornfield, barn and stable unroofed; John McNevin, barn damaged; Wm. J. Henderson, barn partially unrooted, and W. R. Simmons, barn halt unroofed. In the village, a chimney on Dr. Murray’s residence went down, crashing through the woodshed roof below. The large leaded win- dow in the front of the Presbyter- ian church was badly damaged. and the weather-vane on the Methodist church spire was car- ried off. The Blakely brothers received word here to-day, Monday. of the sudden death with congestion of the lungs of their mother, Mrs. George Best, who was spending the winter with her daughters at Toledo, Ohio. The remains will arrive here on Wednesday for. burial. ‘ Mina Edna Limin, of Durham, is visiting the Mines Armstrong. Miss Welton, of Mt. Foreutfvis- ited her brother over Enter. Mrs. A. Bentham, of Toronto, in visiting relatives here. The Yorkshire Insur- ance C0.,of York Eng. Durham Insurance Durhanl . JOHNSTON Sr. Magnet Gasoline Engines All SIZES Ontario AGENT Ont. Chamberlain’a Cough Remedy bu won an {out re utation and oxtenotve u e by i I remarkable cure. (of cough. coldl and croup. it can be dePeQded upon. Try 1t. -I.‘ H... _II Sold (by all (15.366; John Towner, Station Ticket Agent, Phone 18. Jame; R. (inn; Tow'nmIâ€"iaa an§.Ticke_t Agent, Phone 14 picturesque. and most rapiu'lx- .m- Veloping section of \Vr'stmn‘tun- ada. Through tickets Sold and reservations made by all (ix-.md Trunk Agents. Costs no more than by other routes. Trains now in operation, Winnipeg to Regina. Yorkton and Canora, Sank. also to Camrooe, Mirror and Edson. Alta. Time Tables, Land Pamphlet. and other descriptive literature relative to the Grand Trunk Pa- cific Railway may be obtained on application to Grand Trunk Agent: or write C. E. Homing, District Pagwnger Agent, Toronto. Deputy of the Minister 0! the Interior. N.B.-â€"Unau~thorized publicat‘on of thin advertisement will not b. paid for. A ‘homocteader who has exhaust- ed his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may emu for a purchased homestead in certain districts. Price $3.00 per acro Datumâ€"Must reside six months in ouch of three years. cul- tivate fifty here- and erect a house worth 8300.00. Dutiesâ€"Must reside upon the homestead or pre-emption six months in Garb of six years from date of homestexd entry unclud- inn.r the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty; acres extra. â€" vvwâ€"v- Duties.~Six monthl’ residence upon and cultivation o! the land in each of three years A home- steader any live withir nine miles of his homestead on r (arm of at least 80 acres solely owned and oc- cupied by him or by his father. mother, son, daughter, brother at sister. In cousin districts 3 homeStead- er in good standing may pre~empt a (water section alongside hit homestead. Price $3.00 per acre. Du-tios.â€"‘Must reside upon the ‘____ AA IIVII-l.‘ must appear in person at the Don- inion Lands Agency. OPSub-agency for the district. Entry ,by proxy may be made at any agency. on certain conditionu by father. moth- er. son, daughter. bmther or sister of intending homesteader. SYNOPSIS 0F CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS. ANY PERSON Who is the 50h head of a tamilg. or any male over 18 years 01 . may homestead a quarteraection of available Dom- inion land in Manitoba, Saskatch- ewan or Alberta. The applicam n.--.L â€"‘-â€"-* and Funeral Director\ “nu“! mm for Ihhod on summation yum: ad v. to the once II PUBLIIMID IVIEY THURSDAY IORNINï¬ At the Chronic“ Printing Noun, Gun 8000!. IHE DURHAM CHRONIEl wture Frammg m: sham Full line of Catholic Ruben. and bloc! and white Cups for aged people, Barber sum}: .ï¬EgIEï¬IJEâ€"T?“ a door South Of \V. J. Imwrence’; blacksmith shop. DURHAM. ONT Embalming a Specialty _‘-v â€"-V Em'nm AND memm‘uu . W. CORY. . IRWIN Tgwn Passenger ‘00 Acres \ ‘IH’ ‘N‘w’. 11:11: : llllildilzgx ‘ phcmv. ‘17.; .~ 10.1114111111 H tillllwl'. l‘Hm ‘ 1 125 Acres \ Hampdun. .- ..; ~ under $3.31 111 800 Acres i - andzm m. 1. :1 gum. Q‘LIWl “(NM 11‘ 1;.1! nearly [Him :1~1w «1 beats thv \\1~1..!; 1.0.500: Hm hm.gu1xlhuil.iin mm (1‘1 l‘. ï¬bGeo. 'l wmnh \ West, bound tn u Odollu‘ m the pi i1 1†Ann. Em.» Don't You Fa: What Abou All up-m-dau» grocers keep u your gram-'1' «In the mill and v Cal." us up I All kind: of G! Goods 'pocnl Reduction 10 81 Chopping D Our pure Maniml No. 1 Manitoba w for either nakm-a [8 mm 3nd is A blend of g Man‘ when! and is a A small or large I] Whibe. nllll‘itimls brand. Haw you your grocer w gm time and we the s! “500 it pnsm‘sses. wholesmnv. lwoaw LARGE S'JMS 0f u [I SPRIN Sim PLOUR\ John LOOK PASTR POSIT Mar SOV from super: EC famil \\ Ill