m. - ..,.-_____-_..._...m___._______________~___..«_.â€"â€"â€"â€" g Corsets 'i‘."vv!'~'vis. iiiiv iwst in till“ Mitl'kiri. Sin}? the g " 'ï¬-â€* W. -â€" v~'._.--â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-_ w... ‘ngâ€"m GROCERIES BOOTS and SHOES «viiiiw- v:. ,.. ilililiivii.- v" .Qi ‘ ,:\,l' ‘H'Wv N “V†-" i"' â€'1 ()ill‘ stiwk is full in all lines, fl‘nlll â€w I‘." v‘!‘°l\""-“'*"‘ i. ‘1“ 5-" ‘ H ‘ “‘3 “ finest, tn the hezu‘ii‘st. Mr Liar See our ï¬ne stock of Dress Goods. Fine Black Silk, with our name stamped on the selvage of every yard, $1.00 per yard. The Highest Prices for Butter and Eggs G. J. McKechnie Departmental Store Du rham OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 09.990609090000060090099999 99909 9960900900060900666009000000090969090060000000999000 09969060966000090900609006 69900699006006600600000009 006960006999990900090099'9 O 099 00000600600600999990999 0099009906009000009969006609606 99900000000969006000999090 60009060666090099006000600 60990006000069660006000096 009066609660090669960909 9 o 9 9 OOO§§O§§â€O§OOOOOâ€OOO§OOO zézzzzOzOzO0090990909909...09000009000009090090900900090000090O N N Ebttig§b:OOOOOzOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO90999999000969999990090009 O 9 ..._ .007 .90 7 Large Sales" V Small Profits g MCKEBHNIEQ’ WEEKLY NEWS 2 tiring us th and we will .1 tin. Pennant Salumn ........... All Plug Tohcu cos 3 fly! .......... Ivory Gloss Stan h 3 fm ......... Best (‘ nrnstau h 3 fuI. Flesh Iiic Jam Jams I; memIs fm Pound tins Baking Puwderi. "f0I . All Extracts 3 for ............ . .. Fresh Dates 3 for ................ Redpatb Gran. Sugar, per 100 . _ (Innnrd Corn. best Quaker brand :5 to: Canned Roam. Quakor. 3 for ......... (fanned Peas. Quaker. 2 for. . . . . l'anned 'I‘omatiws. Quake-r. 2 for . . . . . Comfort Soup. 6 bars for ........... Sunlight Soap, ll bars for ............. . 3 pound pkgs. Seeded Raisins for . . . . :6 pounds selected Valencia Raisins 3 pounds Seedles Sultana: for. 7 . . . .. 3 pounds 'Iurrants fr‘r ...... . ..... ,, pounds it Green Japan 'l‘c-a ...... . 5 pounds ilk. Black (,TPylon 'l‘t-a. . . . . . . 3 tins of Old Dutch Cleanser ......... 3 pigs. Handy Ammonia . . . . .. .... . . 3 tins Gillett's Lye for . .. .. ..... . 3 tins (/‘omlorc Lye for ........ .. . 2!“.08 Silver Moon Rad Salmon fora. . Every Day Priccs Evm‘v .lav is Bargain Day â€"You’re sure to get a square deal. Let us tell you a few reasuus why we can offer you dependablegoods, for less than you paw plmwvhem First... we represent one of the Largest Wholesale Houses in Canadaâ€"W e buy everything “'0 ï¬rst m“. and get m 0“ “‘9 Ground F100?- Then again, “'9 pay spur rash fm- everything, and get the largest possible dlscouut, and agam “e pomt out the Met that It Is not what we make on each article that we look at. the volume of business turned over by this store enables us to sell at a smaller Illargiu of proï¬t ' . Look these prices over. The.) are everyday prices And a grand quantity of everything. Otten the Cheapest Always the Best 1913 Wall Papers Fresh Ul‘ucerie ing. See our 2 Try NicKt-(‘hni We htm rest) {mm the Factory. us the size of the rooms U on Groceries a H†m at; on L4H) COS. K? (On the second floor) asunlnwnt in the newest. oriental shades, rich in appearâ€" ’ «:nstiy. We- («)rt‘linlly invite you tn have a. 100k at them. 93§0§600§z§§zzz§z§ï¬gzizzzzQzOzO 9.99990909900090090966009O z§§§§§§z0§§§z§§0900§§99009990999909 zOOOOQzOOQOQOOOOOOOOOOOO w h Twenty Thousand Dollar Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Ladies’ Coats and Skirts, and Groceries Ill the nmwst designs and in the newest patterns. on wish papmed, mu] the» heium: of the ceiiing's at ‘\ nu want. (On the second floor) 3H [UH LII» .Zn .25.) §)_" ~O) "3) We Want Your Produce. ‘ It’s As Good as Money Here THE BIG STORE WITH THE LITTLE PRICES 'l‘hirty-nim- pairs of Blue Striped ()vnralls. rvgulur 75C to Mk: all go at (me price 500. (5M heu- in a hmry fur your sizv. It may be: gun? if you Wail. lh' Men’s Cmvmwt Rninmmts. with tlw m-w rnnverlnrollar. A dressy coat. Gundpit‘wt in rain or sunshine, regular $122. Sale price $8.50. Don’t. "Has this chance. 'l'his 75 d 90 OJEal‘lnALLg 50 cents Iik Wt'Pk We put (In salv l'flmt) fiso (inan â€510 Hose: eithel ribbed «Ir plain. wmth ‘0:- pm pail. Sale {Hit 0... " pails fm 25¢ , Raincoat Sale Hosiery Sale m DURHAN CHRONICLE r1... . AAA Raw wool would he made free at once, With a correSpondingly hea- vy reduction in the tariff on all woollen goods. While Wheat flour is put (in the free list, a duty of ten per tent. is imposed against countries \\ hich levy a duty on American flour. Wheat imported from Canada under this provision, that was to be used in making. export flour, would, therefore ultimately pay ten cents per bushel tariff, less a refund of all but. one per cent. of the ten cents per bushel, nmi<_ing such wheat carry practically no duty. Canada now has a tariff on flour of sixty cents a barrel. and France, Germany. and practi- cally all of the other foreign coun- tries have a tariff on the same article. The ten per centum clause against such countries therefore gives American millers a ten per cent. duty against all countries from which they are liable to com- petition, except Great Britain. All these other articles are put on the free list, namely: ('ANADIAN FARMERS GET THE “LARGER MARKETS" WITH NO STRINGS ATTACHED Just a Few Features of President Wilson’s New Tariff Bill in the United States. Removal of all tariff from many articles of food and clothing: broad reductions in the rates of duty on all necessaries of life; an increase of tariff on man luxuries and a new income tax t lat would touch the pocket of every Amer- ican citizen whose net income ex- ceeds $4,000 are the striking fea- tures of the new l)emot‘.rati(' tariff revision bill. - Sugar would be free of duty in 1.016, 'the hill proposing an im- mediate 25 per cent. reduction and the removal of the remaining duty in 1916. ‘7-- ‘- Meutg, bread, boots and shoes, lumber, coal, harness, saddlery, iron ore, milk and cream, potatoes, salt, swine, corn. cornmeal, cotton bugging, agricultural implements, leather, wood pulp, Bibles. print- ing paper not worth more than 255 cents a pound, typewriters. sew- ing machines, . typesetting ma- chines, cash registers, steel rails, fence wire, cotton ties, nails, hoop and band iron, fish, sulphur. soda, tanning materials, acetic and sul- phuric acids, borax, lumber )1'0" ducts, including broom han lea, clapboards, hu 3 for wheels, posts, laths, picket8._8tqve_8, shingles. These principal items afe taken from the frag list and taxed Rough and-uncut diamonds and precious stones, furs, coal tar tar products ten per cent, volatile oils twenty per cent, spices one cent to two cents per pound. MAYOR BLACK’S SISTER DIES IN TORONTO. The death of Mrs. Marion Bland, wife of Thomas Bland, 342 Mark- ham street, Toronto, occurred on Thursday last. She had been ail- ing for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Bland were former residents of London, but have re- sided in Toronto dor sever-l ears. A husband, three sons 3 one den bter survive; also one broth- er, illilm Black, 01 Durham. Interment took place Saturday to Woodlewn cemetery, London 'I‘hom- are Suits that :1er marked at $14.“). $3.00. $3.5Unlld $4.0". Sizvs to ï¬t, tugs aged I to 7 years. Takv yum rhaim' at. nnly $1.0“. 250 Black Denim 20c Boys Suits $1.00 He‘ll“ in“ a. I'hmn‘w 1 Black Dvnim, :uld 304? per ynlul. \Vt- Lndivs’ film Vivi Kid. [’ntvnt Tue, spvcinl 82.25 Ladies’ 'l‘nn Calf Buttnn Shues, wm-th $4.00 going at 83.5“. » Lzulies' Patent Blm'lwr. Good) mu' \Velt Spevial $3 5“. at Queen Alexandria Shoes duly ZN: per yard (u buy that [ UVUI'yW'H‘Ir .- lmve SUN nu It 9 in :1 hwu'y fdr‘ 20)!‘ «UN! ads to run MT 30000606090999.00999090099oooooooooooooooooooo§ooooo aï¬waéaéaéékmk same-axeasasamew% *Â¥*Â¥%%Â¥%* Â¥***Â¥*** 9% 6‘ é)» A Millinery Display; '* McIntyre Block, Lambton Street Durham. Ontario This week we will ShOW some uftbe very newest styles in trimmed and untrimmed hats. fuer-ing and Summer, and invite you tn our Millinery Parlms tn try them on. Mushroom Shapes. Bnat Shnpt and Napoleon Shape-s are all rep “he have plenty to choose frmu it able Size. Shape and Style that is ome early in the week and get the t MISS E. E. MOONEY (One (1001' \Vest. of St Thirty-Seven Ladies' and Children‘s “'inm (30am. all sizes worth from 83.0“ up no $6.00. everyone goes on sale this week fur only mu- y-Xix 1‘ cents each, 950. Ladies Coats 95c This Int includes all colors. sizes and shapvs. Best, English. Fur, Folt. Soft and Stifl" Huts. Your chuice only 81.0“ Mens' $2. Hats for $1. Take yumj choice nf 4 pile, of Boy’s amd Me- 's Spring__('u,,s. unn Children’s ‘l‘auw. worth up u» 75(- 01‘ wing at 9 f‘. 50c †75c Caps 25c Successors to Robert Burnett Worth $6.00 Shape, Sailm {ll represented II Its New Its Hero II Its Here Its New U feishim 'd Banl â€en mm. 101:. Illmg M >OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 'OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO‘ 06000 .0090. .999... 090090. N V0L.46 e last Pntm'tu town hall sitv up,†new Pridu _- Tuke it in. The household mic Will b" “km on Satm utter h.“ be leading ,t .eeds at 7 The (llama by h is bum enjng of. H ~ by [ht ity churr' 1rd "t pleasant emf when“: has be?! «1 play between an Munday aft! W m. 7 next mnetrat ion y making, am inï¬rm-m u'bx Miss \V I] e“ by M owed the mixing 1- bread 880115 ifte If £11K PCT DC na um um 11V em OI Vitnew widen“ uve e\ t the X8 81 nestim rrobo Madam Hf witnesse b g ' gt nighh . Hr. Prw time, put 6' “media B Wen! K.it ' . I bout half-1m)! ,1ij fl and that! . 7:1 Ie morning. n. 'u not i11‘0\l‘.1’\ L In tny liqum HUN. '3 The c\'|dcn«~ Iheqwmtly «mm â€her of others. 1 I the determined‘ ll the MU“ Ad- \\ :11 I0. 2409 l! one UP varietk M old Ht l( Ill lware I] U M M