of his homestead on a farm 01 at least 80 acres. on certain condi- tions. A habitable house is re- quired in every case, except when residence is performed in the vicinity. SYNOPSIS 0F CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS THE sole head of a family. or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter-section of available Dominion land in Mani- toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-Agency for the District. Entry by proxy may be made at the office of any Local Agent of Dominion Lands (not sub-agent), on certain conditions, Duties.-Six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A home- steader may live within nine miles In certain districts a home- steacler in good standing may pre- empt a quarter-section along- side his homestead. Price $3 per acre. Dutiesâ€"Six months resi- dence in each of six years from date of homestead entry (includ- ing the time required to earn homestead patent) and 50 acres extra cultivation. The area of cultivation is subject to reduction ï¬nesse of rough scrubbv or stony land after report by Homestead Inspector on application for patent. ‘ - ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY warned udnst ttespauing on Lot: 5 and 6. Con. 9, Glenelg, go: the pugpoae 0! “ships, h\;_n_t- A COUPORTABLE BRICK HOUSE in Durham. 2 storeys high, hard and loft inter inside. flood cen- ent static frame barn on too. quarter acre of land. Price aWay down to quick purchaser. Apply at the Chronicle office. 7 27 tf LOT 3, CONCESSION 9, GLENELG, containing 100 acres of firstâ€"claw km! in good condition. W.. take $1000 i! sold before the first d February, $500 cash; balance on time to suit purchaser. Apply to J. A. Russell. Loughemi P. 0.. A1horfn 12 12 tf ' :\ homPSteadeP “'ho has exhaust.â€" ed his homestvad right and cannot obtain a pro-emption may take a purchased homestead in certain districts. Price. $3 per acre. Dut- ies.-Muat reside six months in each of three years, cultivate 50 acres and erect a house worth .300. .- -â€" -‘-‘. A GOOD BRICK HOUSE AND 5 acres of land just outside the corporation of Durham; stable to accommodate four horses; buggy house. hen house, wood- died, and other conveniences; good well. Will trade for farm pro erty. For particulars apply to ohn Wilson. Durham. max-69 LOT 4, CON. 3, IN THE TOWN- ship of Glenelg, containing 55 acres, more or less; 15 acres hardwood bush. well fenced. well watered: 8 acres under clover. rest in pasture Apply,to Wm. Wall. Durham. 582Bd WES'] PART OF LOT 28. CON. 1 W. (‘1 8.. adjoining corporation of Durham. containing 15 acres 3 ruods, f perches of good land, ah seeded down With tim- otnv; good brick house; hard anal soft water, barn. orchard, sheds etiw’l‘. Basking; 424“ GOOD COMFORTABLE BRICK house, 2 storeys, 8 rooms;good dry frost-proof cellar; large cis- tern; good stable. hen-house, and pig-pen: Xacre land. small orchard; well located. on Count- ess street south. Reason for Defuty 01 the Minister 0 the Interior. N.B.-Unauthorized publication 3! this advertisement will not be paid ton-37085. 2813 IUUL‘U v--V-â€"___ ranging from twelve to twenty- four months. Three are choice animals. Also 3 youEIg Short- horn heifers due in ay. This stock will be all sold at teamm- able prigqs.â€"â€"W. A. Livingston, ---_ n" I Vick 91's.. Phone 66D BUiLDING LOTS "IPPLY' to J P. Telford, or Mrs. G. Black-' burn; Durham .M9 1} _t_.!‘ 001) COMFORTXBIE 33AM}; I to J. A. Alberta. Fur Sale or Rent. Advertisement. of one incl: or I... subsequent “union. 0'†one in Farms for Sale. Warning! For Sale. For Sale W. W. CORY, in residenc'é. ‘27 4 SMALL ADS. incn or loco. 25 can for ï¬rst insertion. ad 10 can for out Over one inch and under two inch“. donblo tho nbovo smount. Yearly rates on application. '13 ‘tf Late Amount Roy. London Ophthalmic Hon 3 3;. and 00601101: Sq. Throat and Nose Hog EIADL SPECIALIST: €313. avg-Jam," magma. nos: The schnnl is thumnghlv equipped in teaching ability. in chemical and elec. trir-nl supplies and fittings. etc.. fur full Junior Leaving and Matriculation Work. THUS. ALLAN. Prinvipal and Pro- vim'inl Model School Teacher. lstr Class (‘Prtiï¬mluh lntvmling Students should enter at the lwginning of the term if possible. Hmnrd can he obtained at reasonable rate-s. Durham is a healthy and nt- tr:u-tiv.~ town. making it a most desir- nhlv place fur residence. ALL PERSONS ARE WARNED against fishing on Lots 1-! and 15. (.‘on. 2, E.G.R, Gl'enelg; also on Lots 30, 31, and 32, Con. 2, E. (}.R., Glenelg. Parties found so doing will be prosecuted to the full extent of the lamâ€"The Saugeen Fishin Club, C. M. Bowman,‘ Presi nt. 58tf Thv I'm-0rd hf the School in past years id a flattering one. The trustees are: prngresswe educationally and s ware n0 pains to see that teachers am: pupils have every advantage for the pr- pvr prewentatinn and acquistinn nf knuwledge. Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates, and terms to suit borrower. Fire oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills, executed on shortest notice. All work promptly attended to. l. P. Telford. ARRISTEI., SOLICITOR. ETC Ofï¬ce. nearly opposite the Registry ofï¬ce. Lambton ‘t..Durham. Anyamoum of monev to loan at 5 per cent. on farm “omrtv. O wm. mnolmmsos. 0.0.. c. RAMAGE. U York And Chicago. Diam- 01 Eye. Ear Nose and Throat. \Vill be at the Hahn House, July 20 Oct. 19, November 16. Dec. 21, Hunt's. lt05 p.11). Ofï¬ceâ€"45W“ Dt'mglas’ Jewellery Storm ALL PERSONS TRESPASSING ON Lot 5, Con. 8, Glenelg, for the purpose of fishing, after this notice, will be punished to the full extent of the law.â€" W. R. Jack. 5 l Dr. w. 0. Pickering Dentist. OFFICE: Over J. J. Hunter’ J F. GRANT, D. D. 8 .L.D. 8 ONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- ty of Toronto. Graduate Roya College Dental Surgeons of Ontario Dentistry in all its Branches. AN EXCELLENT PROPERTY IN a good location in Durham. AP- ‘ply to Box 14, Chronicle. er. Conveyanmr 81c. Insurance Agent. Money to Loan. Issuer of Mar- rings Licenses“ A general ï¬nancial busi- nessAttansacted CABINET MAKERS WANTED SIX BENCH HANDS WANTED AT once on day or piece work. Married men preferred. Excel- lent prospect for steady men. Apply, stating wages expected to The Knechtel Kitchen Cabinet (30., Limited, Box 370, Hanover, Out. 515 HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, 0F tice in the New Hunter Block. Oï¬ice noun, 8 to 10 a. m., to 4 p. m. and 7 :09 J. In. Special attention given to diseases of women and children. Residence op posite Presbvterian Church. Warning my PERSON FOUND 913mm ' FFICEâ€"Over J. P. Telford’s ofï¬ce ‘ nearly opposite the Registry ofï¬ce. Resndence Second house math 01 Registry ofï¬ce on east side of Albert Street. Ofï¬ce Homo 9-11 3.111.. 2-4 p. "P" 7‘9 Po m. TPIPphone communica- non between ofï¬ce and residence at all hours. u. 6. Hutton. M. 0., C. u. ' FFICE AND RESIDENCE A shun distance but of Kmpp’s Hotel, Mb ton Street, Lower Town. Durban )ï¬co hours from 12 to 3 o'clock or trespassing on lot 50, Can. 3. W.G.R., will be prosecuted ac- cording to lamâ€"Alex. Alexander. PrOprietor. 5 15 tf Duham Continuation School Ora. lamioson Jamioson. 1‘ E} ::31 pet mnnth in mlumre JR BROWN L R C P., LONDON. ENG RADULA'I'E of London. New DURHAM' ONT. (Lowest Town btï¬oo- 13, Front 1%. Owen sound HOUSE FOR SALE Medical Dilation). Arthur Gun, M. D. W. J. SHARP Denial Directorv Legal ‘Dz’rectorv. Chairman. DR. BURT. Hecrvtnrv Eon the homestead, who have isipare'd no pains, expense or hod- :ily comfort to restore her to her 'old vigor. They have sacrificed 21 ggood deal to care for their aged ‘uarents in‘ their declining yeanS: IWilliam, it. resides in Duxhury. "Alberta. and during a decade of {years has made a snug fortune out there, part of his farm re- cently being sold for a town Mite. The funeral took place on :Monday afternoon to Zion ceme- ‘tery, Rev. “7. W. Prudnhuam de- ilivering' a most earnest. impres- ,sive and comforting discourse in. {the church prior to_ interme‘nt. to Post Office Department, Mail Service Branch. Ottawa, May 14th, 1913. G. C. ANDERSON. Supetintendent. SEALED TENDERS midrcssod to the Postmaster General. will be received at Ottawa until Noon. on Friday, the 27th June. 1913. im‘ the conveyance of His Majesty’s Mails on a proposed Contract for four years six times per week, Over Rural Mail Route from “Ayton ("i-'1 Moitkm, Ont. from tth PO‘WmaStEFT-(ie‘nergi‘s {â€935- um. . Printed notices contain] 5: furth- er information as to conditions of pro osed Contract may be seen an blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Offices of Ayton, Moltke, and at the Office of the Post Office Inspector at Toronto. “blriiédhi 'Gléhélg â€t'ï¬is 15th day Of 1‘13)" 1913. _ A. _. - . r.'7 "‘ ‘- 1%)xvhon1itrnay concern; I “in not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife, or any person, from this date. 20th May. 1913. _- A“_ “"On‘v COURT OF REVISION l9l3 TOWNSHIP OF GLENELG â€A---v' at 1.30 o‘clock in th > afternoon of which all parties concerned will please take notice and govern themselves accordingly. .-.Q 1 _‘ Mrs. William Banks, one at the pioneer mothers. passed away on Saturday evening after three weeks’ illness from heart weakness and old-age pneumonia. She was born. in the county of York- shire, England. eighty-two years ago, and at the age of fourteen came with her parents tu Canada. In 185.9 she was happily wedded to William Banks, and. as her maiden name was Miss Bessie Banks. little change took place in the name. The first two years of their mar- ried. life was sp-n.t in Brampton. after which they moved to Laurel. but thirty-two years ago came to Glenelg and purchased west half of lot 13, concession 6, where they continuously resided since. â€"How- ever. the family, also. acquired 150 acres on concession 7, on. which No. 5 school is situated. They quickly won a warm place in the esteem. respect and goodwill of the neighborhood and have ever retained it. Mr. Banks passed away a year and a half ago. a unionof over 52 years. To them were horn tWO daughters, and: two sons, who are. widely and. popular-â€" ly known, as follows: Martha. Mrs. T. Smith, of the Ebordale post office; Rebecca and James, FLESHERTON. At the annual meeting of the Methodist Sunday school on Wedâ€" m-szeday evening of last week. offi- cers were elected as follows: Supt, W. H. Bunt; Asst, R Richardson; Soc-3n. S. Shunk; Tress. '1‘ Clay- ton: Librarian. '1‘. A. Blukely: 0r- ganists, Miss Lillian Armstrrmg. Miss Maud Boyd; Teaclwi-s. II. S \Vhite. adult Bible class. assisted by Mrs. Clinton; Mrs. W. A Arm- strong, Mrs. \V. Monro. Miss Wal- lace. Miss Kate Bellamy. Miss Lil- "C."- -- â€"â€" a large gathering of sympathiz‘hg neighbors and friends. Deceased was a woman of deep religious belief. a lover of nature and a thrifty garden. and possessed more than ordinary intellectual gifts. The pall bearers were Messrs. John Ryan. Mal. Blaek. Wm. Greenwood. W. Timmins. W. J. Cook and John MeNally. The family have the deep sympathy of a wide circle. which was most practically shown. TRAVERSTON.~ The “cold dip†01 last week has given way to the balmy breath of 21515130er Max. Mrs. John Delaney was up from the Queen City a few days of last week putting the old home in order. and calling on friends of bygone days. Mr. John Ellison is putting up Mr. John Ellison is putting up quite an- addition to his barn. and is busy at the stonework. He has Will Goodwill assisting him. Ma's. Bert. Summers, and bright Master Jack,- came up {man Tor- onto on Saturday to spend aholi- day season): at the {owner’s girl- hood home, Mn‘. and. M‘rs. John Mc- Nally’s. Mr. Colin MEArthur has let the contract of erecting his new brick home. to Mr. H. McDonald and son, of Durham. biauariie Smith is suffering from a severe attack 0! inflammatory rheumatism. Of course the young fellows knew that Miss Mary Peters and Miss Cassie Ryan were home from Toronto for some days, but your 60m. is. too old a co'dger to. get the neysuas_gu§clf!y aq they: MAIL CONTRACT NOTICE ROBT. E‘VEN m Dunnâ€! CHRONICLE S. BLACK. Clerk. 3 Parents 5nd fiiende of young men going to Toronto will be glad to know of this important move on the part of the YWMCA .md the churches, and will, no doubt. take the opportunity of I Mr. Robt. Neilson, an old resi- Ident of Proton Station, died some- wvhat suddenly at his Toronto :home on Tuesday of last week. 'Heart failure resulted from the :shock of an injury to his hand ‘ in his sawmill at Proton two weeks ibefore. The remains were brought to Proton on Thursday. from where the funeral took place to Flesherton cemetery under the auspices of Dundalk Lodge A. F. '8: A. M., assisted by Prince Arthur ‘I.o(lg.c here. Rev. L. W Thom. oi Hawkesville. an old friend of the deceased. officiated at the funeral. The deceased. who was 65 years of age, is survived by his wit-low. four sons and two daughters. The friends here of the family deeply sympathize with them in their loss. THE YOUNG MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION EXTENDING ITS ACTIVITIES. It is interesting to note that the Young Men’s Christian Asso- ciation is advancing another step in their great work of assisting young men. They are constantly reaching out far -he,\'0ng the bounds of their immediate mem- bership, and are now doing a work which encircles the world in its effort to give the helping hand to any young men needing assist- ance. ' A new department of the work recently organized in the Toron- to (‘entral Branch of the Young Men's Christian Association is one which should be known to every- one. It is a co-operative effort between the Christian churches and the Young Men’s (‘hristian Association in which they unite-(Hy undertake to look afte' all young men coming to Toronto :18“ strangers, putting them in touch with employment, good rooming and boarding houses, proper com- panions. and with prominent young me_n_ of the _church, etc. "Key-111011†are being appointed in every church in Toronto, men “ho msumv the responsibility of looking. up young men \Vhoso names may be sen-t to them by the Secretary of the work. “Koy-mon‘ are also being appointed in out- lying municipalities whose dut.V it is to notify the Secretary of the Inter-Community work of any young man leaving his home town and for whom he is- to work, etc. Information is also being sent in from main other sources in Can- ada, the nited Statés- and the British Isles as to young men comi , to Toro’nto, and hundreds are a ready being looked“ after. .IJ. .W‘. t.‘ ‘- |J\‘I\_al‘. Mrs. ,(100. Haskett of Markdale.‘ \isited her aunt, Mus. M..K Rich- ardbon, on Friday last. Mr. James Fisher, we learn. has secured the contract for the new rural mail route. Flesherton' to Portlaw. Montlav evening 11as “Litemrv†Mr. and M‘Is. David Donnelly at the Methodist League. and the spent 81 1111:11 11ith relatives in progxam in charge of Mr. H. D. Ha'r.11o1e Brown. of the High school. wasl Miss Mary Adlam visited acou- specially good. Afterwards. a ple of-days with her cousin. Mr. pleasant social time was spent. lArt-hur Backus. of Poplar Hill. Mr. and Mrs. A. Loucks. of Mea-I Mrs. Wm. Brown. of Hanover. ford. visited over the 11eek end spen M a few days with her daugh- with Mr. and Mrs. Pliny Lo11cks.lter.M1s.Jos. Reay. Rev. L. W. Thom. of Ha1v'kes1ille MAL Jesse Wise has purchased a was a welcome caller on old dandy new buggy, which looks friends here on Thursday last. ;_g‘ood to some of our young ladies. 'l‘ihoe Misses Nicholson. of Town-1 Mr. H. W. Hum let the contract to. are visiting their sisters here. of a silo to Mr. W. H. Smith. 111' The Misses Nicholson. of Toron- to. are visiting their sisters here. Miss Florence Thurston is visit- ing her sister at Lion’s Head. lian Armstrong,'Mm. RH. Wright. Mm. R. Bentham, Mrs. W H. Thur- ston. Miss Florence Thurston. Mrs. G. Watters. ' Mrs. Dr. Carter left on Friday to visit her sister at Woodstock. Miss Edith Hemphill, 4th line. got one of her hands severely sealded last week. Mrs. Robt. Taylor, residing whxh her daughter, Mrs. W. J. Black- burn. at Saugeen Junction, was seized with a paralytic stroke on Friday last, and her condition is very critical. ' The Methodist church choir was entertained at the home of Mr. Mr. W. Orr. who was for some time in Toronto Hospital under treatment for rheumatism. return- ed home recently much improved. and is again able to be a'bout. V'â€" Mr: C'h‘a's. Stewary’s littl'e (laugh-3Mirâ€"énahvftféliblevkvi-th yburwstsglj 899.339. was very n11 . “jlth lmf’U-gach or bowels, give them a trial moma last week, but us 1mpruvnngpor sale by all dealers. under Dr. Carter’s care. i The annual election of officers in: Prince Arthur Lodge, A.F. A.M , took place on Friday evening laet. “’.M., Bro. H Smith; I.P.M., Wor. Br0.. J.P. Ottewell; SW.. Bro. T. Henry; J.W., Bro. JA. Cornfield; Treas., Wor. Bro. J Blackburn: 3%., Wor. Bro., CH. Munshaw; ‘ Peace Sunday was appropriï¬ely observed in the churches here last Sabbath. Mr. Will Wilcock is being con- gratulated on his success in his recent second year examination, in his course on mining engineer- ing. As in his first year. he again passed with honors. and Mrs. W. W. Trimble one ev- ening Last week, and an enjoyahlv time was spent. The Baptist charge here. reeerit- 15' made vacannt by the removal of, Rev. Mr. McLaren, will soon be. again settled. having extended a! call to Rev. Mr. Kerr. a~ recent‘ graduate of McMaster l'niversity. At the meeting of Orr-angevillv Prvsbytorv Last week, Rm. J. A. Mathéson was unanimously elected clerk Qt t’he Presbytery, the posi- tion vacated by Rev. Jas. Buchan- an. Mr. Mathesonfs warm friends here congratulate him on the honor conferred. 390. Wor. Bro., CH. Munshaw; Chaplain, Wor. Bro. M.K Richard- son: Auditors Wor. Bro. F. H W. Hi_c_kling and Bro. R.H. Goldhawk Mr. W. â€A. Armstrong has had the exterior of his residence im- proved with}: new coat of paint. The High school and town buys played a baseball match on Thursday last, in which the latter won by 6 to 3. The Public schunl boys played the Kimberley boys at Kimberley on Saturday. but lmt on the big score of :21 to 14. To any of our readers we are prepared to give The Daily Mail and Empire, or The Daily Globe. up to January 1, 1914, for the small sum of 82.00. The Weekly Mail and Empire, or The Weekly Globe, will be sent to any address in Canada, except Toronto, to Jan. 1, 1914, for 35¢. Orders sent to this office will receive prompt attention. [I THE Mr. Roy Vickers is nursing a sure foot. which he cut badly with an axe, while helping his brother Sam with barn timber. Mr. and Mrs. Ted. Vickers, uf Durham, and Mr. Frank Vickers, of Renfrew, Sundayed with the Vick- ers family. Mr. T. TI. Lawrence is attending a conference meeting at Grand Valley. l! notifying the Secretary of the Inter-Community work, Mr. E. F. Trimble, at the Central Y.M.C.A. Toronto, of any friends going to Toronto to live. of a silo t: Allan Park. Mr. and Mrs. W. G McFulloc-h visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. W Hunt last Sunday. We are pleased to give this in- formation to the public through the columns of our paper, knowing that by doing so we are assisting in one of the greatest movements the Young Men’s Christian Asso- ciation has ever undertaken. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Brigham Sun- duyod with. Mr. and MN. W. A Livingston. Mrs. Thus. Francis and two boys, of Hanover, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Reay on Sun- day last. We understand that, without any properly organized effort, the Central Branch of the Toronto Young Men’s Christian Association has assisted in different ways more than 5,000 men during the year ending May lat last, fully 1.000 of these being assisted in se- curing employment. That being the case, the possibilities for good in this new department, with the churches assisting in every way, a.re_beyond calculation. It would surprise you to know of the great good that is being done by Chamberlain’s Tablets. Darius Downey, of Newberg Junc- tion, N.B., writes. “My wife has been using Chamberlain’s Tablets and finds them very effectual and doing her lots of good.†If you haye any trouble with your stom- The council met May 3rd, pur- suant to adjournment, all the members present, the reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Communica- tions read as follows: From G. J. McKec'hnie, intimating that they had sold: lot 10, con. 3, S.D.R., and lot 2. con. 11. and that those lots be assessed to the purchasers. The matter was left over for the Revi- sion Court. From R. T. Edwards, wishing to be relieved as fence viewer; from General and Marine Hospital, intimating change of rules; from C. Ramage Son, ac- count for printing; from Watson, Smoke. (‘hisholm Smith. re fin- ancial damage to J. C. Ross‘ busi- ness. Changes were made in pathmusters as follows: W. J. Ritchie instead of \V. J. Firth, A. Alioc instead of G. Aljoe, Neil Mc- Cannel instead of Jas. McNally, Walter Ewing instead of Donald McCormick, Herbert Trafford in- stead of 1. Melos'h. James Vasie. in- stead of Wm. Vasie, s.r.. and .1. Mc- Nally was appointed fence viewer instead of R. T. Edwards. Peartâ€"Youngâ€"That C. Ramage Son. be paid the amount 01 $41.50 {up printingâ€"Carried. Lindsayâ€"Peartâ€"That John A. McMillan be refunded $10. being an error on special account in ï¬llâ€"Carried. McMillanQLYoungâ€"Thut each of the {our wards receive an appro- priation of $200 for 1913.â€"Carried. Lindsayâ€"McMillanâ€"That the clerk notify the C.P.R. C0. that the assessment of the Company in Glenelg will be fixed for 1913 at the same rate as in 1912.â€"Carried. The council adjourned to June 7th, at 10 a.m. J.S. Black. (‘lerk (i LENELG COUNCIL. \'I(‘KERS .aoésijhagj) 223313345; *0 2: .556 .349.â€" 05 .3an 13 .2. 33.8% 82.3. Em BUHHAM canon sumpuo. Tn Clnmm'u will he ht. my “dream. free of pm“ . . Cl (leper you. pavnbln 4].†any be curled if not no . id “1‘ to which over) nbncrimion is namia'd the lube! Ml the nddmo lib“. Xu 2 continued to bl] srmrc are ' . option of the proprietor. mm. H ““l “lint For trunnion! ndvernuq M. m“ P“! line for the ï¬r“ m . “on: 3 cents per line each] qnont {Butt-“II Inimon manure. Prufq mrdl. not exceeding one inch “,0“ m, ‘ Advertisements without uwflh- Mum,“ be nnbliuhod till forbid m I chugâ€: “a.“ Transient notlooo- ‘14 IL “:Punnd ' Wu, etaâ€"50 cents for ï¬rst inner-lion. 25 «um f. subsequent insertion. All “venue-out.- ordered by aux-aux." 50 odd for in Mtg-co. A! the Ohmniclc Printing House Street. Comm! mm for your. 3 Niverhuen ntshod on application to the OMGO. es“s““‘ any. Magnet Cream Separatms 31 Magnet Gasoline Engines Ml SIZES Picture Framing (m shard notice. and Funeral Director R. EWEN A. BELL UN DERTAKE‘1 M 19.8 8Ҡwill nearly varv torn and at .ln.th° on.“ Bums, Caz-ad†uni Gm: â€mul- There '- I diflcnm. “{qu Remedy ‘u.’ "My "“7 ordinary lmmu? 1!‘-- each W†W {ct {be without! :11 {or winch it II (commended. The lad M an Auntie-'0 0mm! 0"! “In. Durham Reull Dyspepaiu Tablets ‘ insure healthy appetite. aid c.“ (ion. and promote nutrition. evidence of our faith in them. We youtou'ythem noun-risk. If: do not give entire “ï¬dactimz. will realm the money you pzud without question or formality. '1 ‘l nines. 25 cents, 500m“. and 81. You can buy Rex-ll Dymepsia ’l‘ in thin community only at our sum Advice about Stomach 'l‘ruwics and how to relieve them. Full line of Catholic Robes. and and white Caps for aged Dummy ‘-“ ‘- mm Mr. M. Kress has npened a shop at the rear of the furniture sin vw room and is ptepured to do all kinds of tinsmithinz. Undertaking receives sperm attentinn DURHAM.ONT UNDERTAKING Causes Much Disease Don't neglect. indigomim nuyludwall aorwof ills: plicaï¬ons. An eminent, I once said that ninety-ï¬ve p4 all ill: have their origin i ordered stomach. Our exgx‘rimu‘o with Rex; pepsin Tablets leads us 1.» them to beoue of the most dqu remedies known for indium“ chronic dprCpSia. The†. ants are nothing to thv ix panhanes of the stomach. to Pepsi!) and Bismuth. two «at digestive aids km medicine. the fetid they :u very prompt. Used persisu-n mil-fly for a short time. tlu to believe pains caused by a disorders. Snow Roomsâ€"Next, tn Mung Barber Shop. HERIDEM‘F â€" N (1001' South of W. J Lawrvm blacksmith shop. and EDWARD KRESS l8 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY I‘ FURNITURE Embalming a Specialty “1:; Enmm AND memm Durham MACFARLANE 8:. CO. m m m 4Y0" (M11 Rugs. Oilcloths Window Shades L ac e Curtains III Household Furnishings TINSMITHING W. IRWIN AND Ontario '0} AGE “I am #. HIV? Vt‘m o-VM †‘1'“(381' L0 KH'U V'Hl ï¬e god see Hw mp.“ }* “a pOSSPb‘N‘s. |-;.. b. ‘ . 1 ecomo. hm .m . .. mid f nil. ""i “ ‘_ blepd ’I.“ 0r Inn-U the. "WW†What About w†u‘nibnhï¬ â€˜ “wiwha whc either Mk3†â€51‘“ FLO John MC delivered cob ACW‘ from selected .Wor nticle 100 AC“ ECLIPSE in hag â€j.“ on Flou' 10 m 14“; LARU are“ Done “051 Pu H“ '9 Will “I by melt-Pb“ strictlv r flour snvwh“ Price â€"-â€"WI INK sold “I ï¬r