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Durham Chronicle (1867), 29 May 1913, p. 2

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ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY warned against trespassing on Lots 5 and 6, Con. 9, Glenelg, for the purpose of fishing, hunt- mg, trap in: or camping.-â€"The Sangun untin , Fishing, Trap- ping :36 Cam 3 Club. 4243 A homesteader ‘ ed his homestead obtain a pre-emp purchased homest districts. Price, $1 ies.-Must reside d8! \..B “Unauthorized publication I this advertisement wpill not be aid (or. â€"37085. 2 8 13 t COIPORTABLR BRICK HOUSE IN Durham. 2 aforeyl high, hard and not! water lneldo. good cem- ent Itatle frame barn on too. quarter an. 0! land. Price aWay down to quick purchaser. Apply a? the Chronicle office. 7 27 tf 101‘ 3, CONCESSION’ ?, GLENELG. containing 100 nor?!) of firstâ€"claw land in good condition. W.. take $1000 if sold before the first of February, $500 cash; balance on time to suit purchaser. Apply m J. A. Russell. Longbow] P. 0.. A lhprln 1212tf atent vv' v“â€" â€"â€"v home on College atroct' nix; wont, two nor-on, haul and; colt water. good half acre of, land. A bugnln to quick par-i chaser. For rticularn, apply; to Ed. Lang :1. Durham, or. John M. mm. 205 Rlopolle em Dotroit, Mich #3333}! LOTS 54 AND 55, CON. 3, E. G. R..; Glenelg, will be sold cheap. For: particulars, apply to A. H. Jack-; son, Durham. 2 27 4" l YOU.’ SHORTHORN BULLS.‘ ranging from twelve to twenty-’ fmu' months. Three are choir-e! animals. Also 3 young Shnrt-E horn heifers due in May. This‘ atock will be all sold at reason” able prices.-â€"â€"W. A. Livingstnn. \‘ickers. Phone in residence. 27 4 __ __-‘____,._._, W SE‘ERAL ”Houses IN 'DL’RHAM. "Ono nice cottage in Lower Town. --A. H Jackson, DurhamLW 33y} GOOD BRICK HOUSE AND .5 acres of land just outside the corporation of Durham; stable to accommodate four horses; buggy house, hen house, wood- shed, and other conveniences; good well. Will trade tor farm property. For particulars apply to John Wilson. Durham. 7 Eng; 6 9 FNOPSIS 0F CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS GOOD (‘Ob'VORTABLE BRICK house, '2 storeys, 8 roomanzood; dry frostâ€"proof cellar; large cis- tern; good stable. hen-house. and pi «pen: acre land, small orchar ; well located. on Count-l ess street south. Reason for selling, ill-health. Price away down. Owner wishes to 20 West to spend balance of life with children. Apply to Mrs. P. igton. 4 17 13 t1 â€"-‘â€"â€"b‘_â€"â€"~ ‘- M __.-._...u nnvvnnn 1‘1 “ITDflAM LOT 4. CON. 3. IN THE TOWN-1 uhip o! Glenelg, containing 551 urea, more or less: 15 acres} hardwood bush. well fenced. well watered: 8 acres under clover, not 3 pasture. Apply to Wm.) flyw’ *urham. _ 582mll "' 98RT or LOT 23, CON. 1 3%., adjoining corporation! ,‘mm. containing 15 acres: 6:. f perches of good! :23 seeded down with tim-, . ood brick house; hard3 Coo t water, barn, orchard,' -ucdS"'€i". T. Basking.“ 4‘2“! Alberta ivatt 061) BUILDING LOTS " “APPLY to J P. Tellord. or Mrs. G. Black- burnt Dughagn 6 13 U ., __'â€".\_.â€"._.. _ .â€" .nw 00D" "COMORTKBL'E FRAME ; m t} Fur Sale or Rent. cultivation. ation is wk 9 of rough, after report :tor on :3. Price, $3 per acre. Dut- ust reside six months in ,1 three years, cultix‘ate 50 and erect a house Worth Dntie in ea: Adveniee-ente of one inch or bee. 25 cent. for an! insertion and 10 cents for each Mae“ lneerflon. Over one inch and under two incheo. double the ebove amount. Yearly retee en eppflcetwn. Warning! aad a quarter e Dominion 12m taskatchewan ( Farms for Sale. H W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. head of we: 18 y For Sale For Sale. tivati OI )Ui tio )D inc of any a family. or us old, may 'r-section of ml in Mani- or Alberta. appear in inion Lands :y for the oxy may be »! any Local SMALL ADS. re :55 per :hs resi- u-s from Y (includ- 01‘ llon )me prc earn ores of tfion ODY' 01' [:33 JR. BRCWN may L R C P. LONDON ENG six VRADULA'I'E 0! London. New 1ndf York and ('hicaao of . Diuuu of Eye, Bar No» 3nd Throat. ur- \Vill he at the Hill!) House, Iuly ply 20 Oct.19_ Nuvwmnbcl M. DH. 21, A-"' CABINET MAKERS WANTED SIX BENCH HANDS WANTED AT once on day or piece work. Married men preferred. Excel- lent prospect for steady men. Apply. stating wages expected ‘to The Knechtel Kitchen Cabinet Co., Limited, Box 370, Hanover, Ont. J 515 AyL PERSONS TRESPASSING ALL .PEESQSS ”lfiz‘E'W'ARNED [ntendiv bpginnir XXX" PERSON FOUND FISHIN THUS. A LLAN \‘im'izll Mmlvl .‘ The sohnul is th teaching ability trim] supplies :1. .Iunim' Leavin Wurk. Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates. and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thor- oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills, executed on shortest notice. All work promptly attended to. N EXCELLENT PROPERTY IN a good location in Durham. Ap- ply to Box 14, Chronicle. Office. nearly unposite the Regisfry office. Lambton ‘1... Durham. Anyamoum )f muuev to !oan at 5 per cent. on farm oronertv. - -“--‘ against fishing on Lots 14 and 15, Con. 2. E.G.R, Glenelg; also on Lots 30, 31, and 32?, Con. 2, E. (LR, .Glene}g. Parties found the full extent of the lamâ€"The Saugeen Fishino Club, C. M. Bowman, Presiient. 58tf or trespassing on lot .50, CM). 3 W.G.R., will be prosecuted ac cording to lamâ€"Alex. Alexander Proprietor. 5 15 tf Lot 5, Con. 8, Glenelg, for the purpose of fishing, after this notice, will be punished to the full extent of the law.â€" W. R. Jack. 5 1 “tent. Money tn I riane Licenses A a new transacted. DURHAM ONT Office--()ver Dnuglas' Jpwellex'y Stow. 20 Oct. 19, NO' Hours, 1 to 53 p.11). Kl J 1* GRANT, n. n. s . L. n'.‘ s ONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- ty of Toronto. Graduate R0378 College Dental Surgeons of Ontario Dentistry in all its Branches. _vv-vv-" OTARY PU BLiC. COMMISSION - 9r, Conveyaw-gr, c. lusuranm Duham ; Continuation School ; )FFICE EYE, EAR, THROAT NOSE Late Autumn! Roy. London ODhEHOKmiC Ron I 3;. and toGollen Sq Throat and Rose 808 SPECIA LIS T 3 HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF . 608 in the New Hunter Block. 0500 nonrs, 3, to 10 a. m., to 4 p. m. and 7 :09 a. :11. Special attention given to diseases of women and children. Residence op posite Preshvterian Church. ( FFICEâ€"Ovm J. P. Telford’s office nearly opposite the Registr office. Residence Second house Bout; m Registry nflicp on Paar. side of Albert Street. ()flice Hnms 9-)] 3.111.. 2-4 p. m.. 7.9 p. m. Telephone communica- tion betwmon otflce and ~residence at all hours. Dru. lamioson lamieson. FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance cent of Knapp’a Hotel. Lamb ton Struot, Lu «var Town, Durban Mice hours from 12 to : o’clock HRM‘HARSON. 9.0.. c. mamas. l. P. Telford. aggrsmg, SOLICI’I‘OR. ETC trc 1. 6. Hutton, M. 0., O. I. HOUSE FOR SALE (mice: )3, Frau 8%, 0mm Mnmt Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. Denial Directorv Lam! Director-v. Arthur Bun, M. D. Medical Dilation). M V n Warning hm mm. DH. BURT. I] .Jackson. d fittin . SHARP I) '-er, c. Insurance Loan. Issuer of Mar- general fi nancial busi- lll\f e Itelxxi¢3 I‘M] Lower Town.) l) Matriculation lth if H when Inimwd in l and Here. «2.. farm: Ill .ossihle smmhlt 1nd at I'vtarv the l‘t) Post Office Department, Mail 8:1'3vice Branch, Ottawa, May 14th, 1 1 . SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Postmaster General. will be received at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday, the 'Z'th June. 1913, for the conveyance of His Muicstv’s four years six times per week, Over Rural Mail Rorzte from Ayton (Via MONK?» Ont, from the Postniatstor-Gehcrul's pleas- ure. Printed notices containing furth- er information as to conditions of proposed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Offices of Ayton, Moltke. and at the Office of the Post Office Impector at Toronto. To whom it may concern: not be responsible for any contracted bv m) “ife, or Demon, from this date, 20t D6 1913 The first sitting of the Court of Revision for the Township of Glenelg for 1913 will be held at the Township Hall in said Town- shift on SATURDAY, the 7th day of JUNE at 1.30 o’clock in the afternoon of which all parties concerned w 11 please take notice and govern thommclvcs accordingly. Dated at Glenelg this 15th day of May, 1913. __ 4.. _._ l _“ COURT OF REVISION 1913 TOWNSHIP OF GLENELG CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS take notice that the Trustees of S. S. No. 3, Bentinck, will receive tenders up to June 16th for the building of a new brick school. Plans and specifications may be seen at Vickers post office. Time of completion to be snecified by the contractors.â€"â€"J. \ . Vick- crs, Seen-Trans. 5 22tf STRAYED TO THE PREMISES UP the undersigned, Lot 34. (.‘on. 1. S.D.R., Glenelg, on or about May 14th, 2 two-year-old steers. one with white face; 5 one-year-olds two steers and three heifers, tvm gray, one red, one spotted red and white. and one red with white face; all with round punch mark in right 0131'. The owner may have same by proving prop-- erty. paying expenses and tak- ing: them away-«Otto Konold. Cleanse the System ‘1' Mr: Ed. Suilivzm is visiting around this burg. Miss Mamie Mmtlpv \isited \xith iw‘r yarentsz in_ this burg Mrs. B. (Rimming visited friends in Dornoch on_ Sunday. Mr. Albert Livingston paid a flying visit to Dornoch on Satur- day evening. Come again, A]. BIiSIS Annie- Alexander spént the “139k e951 with her parents hero. Dr. Horse’s Indian Root Pills Misses C. and: H. Vasey spent the 24th in (,‘he'slney. . Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dargrlvel took in the sports at Dornoch!! ‘? a severe attdck of pneum'onin. We hope to hear of his speedy re- covery. Inspector N. W. Camnbell, and Mr. Will Campbell, along with Mr. and Mrs. J. Morrison, of Dur- ham, motored: to this village on Sunday last. Inspector Campbell occupied the pulpit in the ab- scerice of Rev. N. Stevenson. We are sorry vtoheavtv‘wt'l-I-at Mr. Robt. Le:djngf_1a.m_ is very ill with A number of Dornoch’s young people spent the 24th taking in the sights at ,Chuesley. Amongst the crowd were Mr. and Mrs. E. Lueck, Messrs. G. Haye. A. .Jones, 0. Mess, Misses K. and; A. Smith, S. and. E. Jones. Mrs. J. Picard. of Toronto, re- turned to her home, after having Spent the holidays with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Dargavei, of this burg. Mr. James Buchanan, of Elderslie spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Smith. here. Among the people who visited Hayward‘s Falls on the 24th were Messrs. J. Vasey, N. Melosh. E. Trufford. Mrs. J. Vasey. Mrs. N Melosb, Mrs. T. McKnight. and Misses Kenney, Dargavel. Mc- Knight, M. and I. Trafford. They report a_ lively time. DORNOC‘H. On Friday, the pro cts for a pleasant 24th looke very poor but on the morning of the 24th the clouds had passed aw 1y, and the weather was clear and warm. Mr. A. Allen, of'Popular Valley. and Miss Caroline Mortley, of this bqrg, spent the 24th _in Cheglley. are made according to a formula in use nearly a century a 0 among the Indians, and learned tom them by Dr. Morse. Though repeated at. tempts have been made. by physi- cians and chemists, it has been found impossible to improve the formula or the pills. Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Pills are a household remedy through- out the world for Constipation and all Kidney and Liver troubles. They act promptly and effectively, and M TENDERS \VANTED ME ahd Mrs. J. Park and f5?" il)’ spent the week ‘end With friends in Wiarton. MAIL CONTRACT CATTLE STRAYED G. C. AND_ERSO_N_, NOTICE ROBT. EWEN m DURHAI CHRONICLE Sunefint'endent. ' Advgcaté. BLA CK‘ Clerl 0th M 3“." Lay. G. S. Potter, a printer living in Australia, recently celebrated ins 1U0th birthday. He was born in .Norwich, England, March 13, 1513, .‘came to Canada, started the New- .marklet Era in 1852, selling out in §1853 to Messrs. Jackson Hender- ;son. Mr. Jackson became the sole owner in 1854 and has been con- lnected with. the paper ever since. lbefing now in his 94th year.â€"â€"Erin A Min of paper in a t’g:htl}' corked bottle, picked up by NO boys on the shore of Lake Huron, near Point Clark lightlouse, con- tains the following words, written in pencil : “October 8th. 191'}. Gasoline launch Anna Bell, of Sarnia, sinking, middle of Lake Huron. John Arch'e and brother Tom aboard. Tell father good- bye.” towel fa meets u which is cultural hall for A n arrangement has been enterâ€" ed into between the militia <19- partment at Ottawa and the agricultural society at Listowel, by which the department receives :1 deed of three acres of the Lis- towel fair ground property, and meets upon it a $20,000 drill hall which is to be‘usedr by the agri- cultural society as an exhibition hall for its annual {all fair. A Walkerton dealer 0011! saying “every 102,1 on the town scales, am to the ton guaranteed,” just the same weight :1 dealers, and: unless the} duoem-ent in the way 01 duction they can’t take fram this town. m ( were m vet Mrs. J. A. H:1lstead,f01mexly of \It. Forest, died at he: home in Toronto :1 \\ eck ago Sutmdzw. S'me was 73 means of age, and would hzne celebrated her gnldwn 11mlâ€" ding h 111 she li\od till J111\.Mr and Mrs Halstmul “ere residents of Mt. Foxost for about 35 Vears. WmnMcLaren, near Erin. “com- mitted suicide by hanging from :1 tree. He pik’d up stones on “hioh to stgmd and mung off. It is thought his mind “as affected, as 1w attempted suicide by shoot- ing some years ago The t0\\n twasurer of Walkerton announced that nearly $400 more h1n9 been collected in water 'ates this year than for a corres~ pnnding period of last vem' Let‘s see Wasn’t one of the hotel li- 9911595 cut off lately? I u call from the Pi‘eslwterian Eon- gregation at (‘olling‘womL Rev. D. W. S. Urquhart. for fuur years pastor of the Knox Presbyterian church, Listowel. has resigned his charge and accepted St. Marys will Vnto on a Ly-law to authorize the council to raise $5.000 to build a gymnasium in connection with the (‘ollogiatc Institute. Rev. '1‘. A. Rodger. of Knox Presbyterian chm-0h, Owen Sound. has decided to remain there, and has refused a call from (_.‘m\':m {IVPDUP church, Toro‘nto. ’ g Vinetvâ€" «me new laWyers “em added to the list at the Jecent ox~ amination of the Ontario Ln“ SchooL Six. out of ten people who hunt you up these days want to tell you their troubles, and the re- maining four have bills that they want you to pay. oul The same vexation and .immyv ance a man feels in putting u.» stovepipes in the spring, a 1.0- man has in putting her new hat on straight. Dr. F. W. Merchant returned from Europe, where he cram mom months in studying school -\'8â€" tems, J. C. Smith, B.A., principal- of Wingham High school, has been offered the principalship of Inger- snll High school at $1,800 a year. Rev. John Johnston, Presbx ter- ian minister at Ivnedoch fell {mm the roof of his barn, and “as in- stantly killed. (in as you pl: 92:90. go Where Harry Sterne, of Hopeville. had his store destroyed by fire about ten days ago. U The Toronto street scaVengers have been voted an increase in wages of $1 a week. Fergus built ‘22 houses last year, and will build about the same number this year. Hagersville council has passed a by-law prohibiting the sale of cigarettefi. About T. J. Coffey, of Orillia, was fined $100 and costs for illicit liquor selling. Th‘edford' Methodists ave build- ing‘ a cement block church at a cost of $6,000. ll The (Sr-ma Trunk station {h Gravenhurst was destroyed bv fire. Defective electric wiring is the supposed cause; We never see ourselves as others see us, or as we see others, Potatoes are selling at (Sc. 3 bag at Hillsburg. Cobourg raised $17, 000 in one day for hospital purposes. ll O Round About Us , inste :19 the 0 u 1.3 have 1. 110“ man-y t like to ChOOSt' e at your chc O 250 citizens and farmer St. Thomas station t party of farm l-‘lhOl‘t’l from Ireland bv the Elm: ll in I please, do as 'herever and Wm like many other 1d of farm me (lane he multitu matter (.1 many thm- l $30 to $35 I a round $200 ners expected near Erin. “com- ' hanging from a up stones on and 2.000 lbs. (1.” They give ht as Durham they offer in- y of price r9â€" ake any trade OK of 01‘ ‘1 1'2" 11}' B [HE laborer! the Elm" new 131'- weig! 2.000 I U Oll, ()I m nan-us. The 3r at the trial in swore Jimmy he was brou g1 85 erton jail on I "1 months for t to on It months for the oxfence. Unn- 'l‘hompson, the liverymzm there. was assessed $100 and costs lur selling the boot-black liquor in 'hiS liVery stable. '1‘. F. Cain, and his man, Tony Grundy. were each mulcted $100 anal costs for selling local option beer on the Cain House premises that tested more than the percentage of spirits a;- lowed by law. A charge againaf John McGzirry of allowing liquor to be drunk on his premises was dismissed. Provincial Inspector Ayearst prosecuted at the trial, while lawyer Klein, of Walkerton, to ( amt: .111111111 and “hen th took a fake is alleged. to traveller and the black who want shoe shining pa: looked hke gooc soon quite intim “the boys.” Jim] known as “Sinai It having he“ the local option flagrantly viola! two “spotters" \ in April, one p traveller and (hi dong, it :ion was ONE SENTENC‘ED AND TH FIXED IN LIX’IKNOW. A prominent scientist and hair; specialist emphatically states, and' has proven, that any man! or woâ€" man can have luxuriant, lustrous hair, bv using the famous pre- scription called PARISIA\ Sage. PARISIA\ Sage is nou made and sold in Canada. Macfarlane 8: C‘.o, tie druggists. are the agents in Durham and the readers of this paper can buy from them for only 50 cents a large bottle. Macfarlane ()0. know that} PARISIAV Sage uill Leanti‘i‘v thel hail, cure dandiuii and stop fallâ€"6 ing bait, and fox that it‘ 1mm thes‘ sell it undei a gun 1ntee toJ cure or mone} back. P1ice 503 cents. The R. T. Booth (‘..0 Jim--r i191, Foxt Erie. Ontaiio. Canadian makerm 5:292 How often do we hear" that e clamation about a CP'I‘tJiD wu an’s or man‘s hair. The brothels “ere both hachelâ€" ors and are “91) known bv many at Novair and Huntsv.ille It is said that both lined amid \em unâ€" “holesome domestic conditions, and that at times they did not get on well together.â€"Huntsville Forâ€" ester. An inquest will likely '15? ordered and a searching investigation “’1“ follow. ESTABLISHED When this story was brought ‘0: the attention of the authorities, an! investigation was held. (‘hie‘f ’ Wsatson had a search of the prem-g ises made, and the body was. found, partly covered with earth. the feet protud-ing. He at once notified the crown attroney, and an investi ation by the attorney- general’s epart‘ment will be made. This “99k the police 01 Party Sound haxé visited the scene, and have also found the boch. It is stated, too that the mother. John. “ho concealed the death of his brother, has left the neighborhood. and I toumi William dead in his‘ chair beside the stove. I did not think it well to leave William there, so I carried him outsidel and covered .him with snow. Wheni I wont baék to the house a few! weeks .ago, I thought William did! not smell Very good, so I threw: some dirt over him. I didn’t tell the neighbors, for it was my bisi- nesls, not their’s.” ! “I went over to his house one day in February,” the brother is reported to have said, “and I found William sick, sitting beside the stove. I returned a short time after, probably a few days. of whom are resident some dist- ance off. William had not been seen or heard of vfor some time, althou 11 John occasionally went into over to do his. little tradâ€" ing. A few weeks ago, while in town on one of his: periodical shopping trips. he was asked. how William was. “William’s dead." he replied. Further enquiry elicited the information that William had died in February, suddenly, but that no notice whatever of his death had been given out. _ A sensation has been caused in .Hgnjtsville and bhrou bout the ad- }onnmg neighborho by th§ dis-â€" covegeof circumstances surroundâ€" mg _ death and burial of Wm. McMullen, a resident of the north end of Sinclair township. McMul- len and shia- brother John have oc- cupied adjoining fame, the latter across the border of Parry Sound district. They have lived in the neighborhood for years. but there has been very little social ming- ling {among the neighbors. most HUNTSVILLE MAN MEETS WITH, SUSPECTED FOUL PLAY. I Elf A mnmlinn hon knot-u noncod .n ©F @ANADA WHAT BEAUTIFUL HAIR ha for the olfence. npson, the liverymzm waessed $100 and co 2; the boot-black liq very stable. '1‘. F. L31 Hn, Tony Grundy. “ex ed $100 um! costs for h c mm the max evidenc Kincard m 90 m 110! [1| LII OUl O \' I _\' ilt If H U III port 1L n :9 bottle. rm t! at mtif)’ the stop full- {sun they ntee to 5011K umâ€" I keep a bank amount in the name: of two persons. so that either one may make withdrawals. Such an mount is etued a "joint account." quhaflbopleuedlohmishpat- Old country electors w against the veto of a House of Lords in the their birth will not vote hold the veto of a plas imitation House of Lords land of their adoption.- Telegram. naught bill introduction ties for the and Scotch on the vote try at the 1 {ice firawer 81 igan, asking a Homestead Fertilizers (m factured and sold by the Bf Carbon Worku, Detroit, M who will send free to any their book on fertilizers \' handsome calendar, posing They want agents where t not now represented. . Michigan Carbon Works. Old R. EWEN Magnet Cream Sep_ar_atms anc Picture Framing (m S’IOY/{fi notice. and Funeral Director\ U “W crimin- nny nddress. free of ”aim. go: Rates - . Cl Mper your. psyshleinsdvsuu â€"Il.50 msy he ohsrged if not so id. The demo to which ever; ~uhsoriution is ps d is denoted by the number on the address label. )0 paper dis continued to :1] nrronrs nre pnid. exrepi oi the ootion of the proprietor. For trunnion! sdvenisemsnu Ad'Om cents per line for the first inner Estes - Lion: 3 cents per line snob subse quent insertion minion mensurs. Professionh curds. not exceeding one inch “.00 per annum Advertisements without specific dirfl'tinnn wi‘ he published till forbid in 1 charged u-mmi Iv Trensisat. notifies-7 ‘Lg si. "Woundfi “Fur.‘ fe' armâ€"60 can“ for first tndénfioli. 553th a); cnbuoq neat. innartion. Contact rates for any “refinement. for ntohod on spplicsflon the» office. ncardine’. Af In and stiff fit hers was the All advortinomcuu ordered by stranger: be mid for in finance. A. BELL UN DERTAKEP Bnhcription Tn: Cnnomcu will be pom u u“? midrib-n- free nf nmnmm c... “‘.‘-“‘-“ '5. V. w. I! PUBLIIHID EVERY ”UMDAY IORNINh M the Chronicle Printing House, Gamma; «Street. at Jimmy Hunu emed by la \\‘\'0 Mr. M. Kl'ess hm at the rearnf thu room and ié prv; kinds «If tinsmitl Full line Of Catholic Robes. and Mw-h 811d White Caps for flgfld ”Hilde, kmm and all Household furnishings Um]. 1'! Mi EDWARD I‘HE SENA SHOW ROOMSâ€"~NGXt to Swalhm’s Barber Shop. RESIDEN¢F~ Nex' door Smth of \V. J. anrmuw‘» blacksmith shop. FURNITURE DURHAM. ONT., nau Durham Embalming a Specialty Em'mn AND Paupmwnm Rugs. Oilcloths Window Shades Lace Curtain: TINSMITHING next \V Magnet Gasoline Engines All SIZES thaw-mu for ter . IRWIN AND ate in 1 election 0 plaster KRESE 10 May 29'. 1913 Ontario 9 a tine inn poli- English III DH \ otc nuir AGENT DUI 1(- 3'1 H qutck'w ”witâ€"Hit? «Tu? Invention to probabiy "mummy MMGPIE cont fr... 0mm Pagan put; it: Aâ€"_7‘ “'3 300A Bil} (it ‘Vvhl. 5 150A "ll! Antone mam . a: 100 l Don’ LM All k H Wh )u PLouzi May 29, 1913 PASTE Re "ITS

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