West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 5 Jun 1913, p. 2

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LOT 4, CON. 3. IN T1115 'lUWlV-' ship 0! Glenelx, containing 55 acres, more or less; 15 acres hardwood bush. well fenced, well ‘ watered: 8 acres under clover.1 rest in pasture. Apply to Wm.. Wall, Durham. * 5822d; WEST PART OF LOT 28, CON. 1 ’ W (h. P... adjoining corporation; r I‘ Durham, containing 15 acres. 8 mods, : perches of good; Sand. a]. seeded down with tim-' zs-tni"; good brick house; hard and soft water, barn, .orchard,% sheds eta. T. _H_askins. 4 2“! 1 â€"....â€"â€"- #â€" ___â€"_ _ _ ’ _ _ ____________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" , SEVERAL HOUSES IN DDRHAM.§ One nice cottage in Lower Town; ___--A. 1-! Jackson, Durham. . 321“; , -_._.--'-__ _ _<. GOOD COMFORTABLE FRAME house on College street; six rooms, two storeys, hard and soft water. good half acre of land. A bargain to quick pur- chaser. For articulare. apply to Ed. Lang on, Durham, 01' John M. Little. 205 Riopelle Stu _ Detroit, Mich 332" LOTS 54 AND 55, CON. 3, E. G. R.. Glenelg, will be sold cheap. For particulars, apply to A. H. Jéiglfii .3211;_Durbam_-,. . _ ____ ”L. E YO 'NG SHORTHORN BULLS. ranging from t four months. Three are choicei animals. Also 3 young Short-i horn heifers due in May. Thisi stock “ill be all sold at reason-l able pricesâ€"W. A. Livingston. Vickers. Plume in residence. '27 4 2» Durham. 2 floreya high, hard and con vain halide. good cem- i >nt out)! frame barn on too; matter a". o! iand. Price away iown to quick nun-chaser. Applv 9' the Chronicle office. 7 27 U IOT ° (‘ONCESSION 9, GLENELG. containing 100 acres of first-claw hm] in good condition. W.. take $1000 it sold before the firm of February. $500 cash; balance on time to suit purchaser. Apply to J. A. Russell. Lougheed P. 0.. “‘“M‘h- 1212” ‘1"O.\TRACTORS AND BUILDERS take notice that the Trustees of S. S. No. 3, Bentinck, will receive tenders up to June 16th (or the building of a new brick ochool. Fun: and npociflcation: may be :91: at Victor: poqt office. Time ALL PERSOXS' ARE HEREBY warned against trespassing on Lots .5 and 6, Con. 9, Glenelg, for the purpose of fishing, hunt- ing, trapfiing or campingâ€"The Saugeen untin , Fishing, Trap- ping and Cansp ng Club. 4243 GOOD BRICK HOUSE AND 5 ~arcs of land just outside the 'orporation 0! Durham; stable to accommodate four horses; buggy house, hen house, wood- shed. and other conveniences; good well. Will trade for farm Property. For particulars apply to John Wilson. Durham. mar69 Alberta m1 Advent-«nan o! no ban 0' In“. sobouguont inunion. Over up. u 3H Fur Sale or lh‘nt. idenc rinity. Fill‘lllfl for Sale. TE ficts. Price. $3 per acre. u â€"Must reside six months n of three years, cultivate UH Fur Sale. NDERS WANTED in \Varning! 1 good standing may pre- quarter-section along- homestead. Price $3 per 1ties.-â€"Six months resi- each of six years from momestead entry (includ- ime required to earn '1 patent) and 50 acres tivation. The area of n k. ”dawn to reduction z, 3. IN THE fIOVVIi: For $928 I”. J--- v _ Jso 3 youn Short- rs due in ay. This be all sold at reason- es.â€"W. A. Livingston, 'hone in residence. 27 4 Deputy of th 0}) the Inter tPDU anu DU aura ion. The area of subject to reduction .gh. scrubby or stony port by Homestead n application for W. W. CO SMALL ADS. tb ho has exhaust- ight and cannot ion may take} mi in certam per acrg. Du}- ban or Icon. 25 out. for first insertion and 10 cents for out Over «no inch and under two inches. double the nbovo amount. Yearly at» on npplicatlon. .â€"J. W. Vick- 52?“ SE Minister home ay pr: along l I?! North in 50 ; Arthur Gun, II. D. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF 9 tice in the New Hunter Block. Oflice ”noun, 8 to 10 a. m.. to 4 p. m. and 7 $09 > m. Special attention given to diseases it women and children. Residence op nosite Preshvterian Church. ()FFICEâ€"Over J. P. Telford’s office nearly nppusite the Registry office. Residence Hecnnd house south nt Registrv nfiiup an east. side of Athl‘t Strt'et. ()fiicv Hmus 94131411., 2-4 p. ll. 6. Hutton, M. 0., C. M. Ora. lamioson lamieson. FFICE AND RESIDENCE A { short distance cut of Knapp’s Hotel, Lamb ton Street, Lmver Town. Durhtm )fiico hours from 12 to 3 o’clock 111.. 7-9 p. m. Telephone jenmmunicn- tlon between office and :resideuce at all hours., L R C P.. LONDON. ENG RADULATE of London. New I York and Chicago Due-us of Eye. Bll’ No» and Throat. “'ill be at the Hahn House, July 20 Oct. 19, Nuvemlwr 16. Dec. 21, Hours, 1 to .‘3 p.111. m2. rm, THROAT _ nose Late Auxsunt fiéy.London Ophthalmic Ho. 11;. 3nd toGol-lon Sq Throat and Nose Hos SPECIALIST : Officeâ€" Over Douglas” Jewellery Snort). [1 ty of Toronto. Gradnape Roya )ollege Dental Sigrgeoqs oi Ontario. Dentistry m all ".8 Branches. Office. nearly opposi e the Regis‘ry office. Laughton t.,Durham. Auyamount :f mouov to Man at 5 per cent. on farm ropertv. W‘b‘lCE Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates, and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thor- oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills, executed on shortest notice. All work promptly attended to. .V er, Uonveyanoer, kc. Insurance Afloat. . Money to Loan. Issuer .nf Mal:- nage LICGIISON A general financial bum. mess transacted. DURHAM ONT. (anvr Town.) R 'lht- mhoni is thmnnghlv equipped in tI-Ichin gahilitv. in chemit II and elec- tI int] supplies :llHl fittings. etc” fur full Junim Leaving an! MatIicnlntion wnrk. Intending Students should enter at thb beginning of the (man if pnssihie. Board can he nhlnined at reasonable mate's. nHl'h un is :t lh'althy and at- trm'tive tnwn. making it a must desir- nhlo Man.) for residence. A. H. lackéon. - YO'I‘ARY PUBLIC. COMMISSION- er, ()0uve3'allr-9r. 8L0, Insurgpvc WM. F-WOl'HARSON. 0.0.. C. RAMMEE. ALL PERSOhS ARE WARNED 1gainst fishing 011 Lots 14 and 15, C011. 2 E.G.,R Glenelg; also 011 Lots 30, 31, and 32, C011. 2, E. GR, Glenelg. Parties found so doing will be prosecuted to the full extent of the la“ .--The Saugeen Fishin Club, C. M. Bowman, PreSi ent. 58tf -_._.__â€"_.. _._._â€"â€"â€"-._... â€"”-'- ALL PERSONS TRESP ASSING ON Lot 5, Con. 8, Glenelg, for the purpose of fishing, after this notice, will be punished to the full extent of the law.â€" W. R. Jack. 5 1 ANY PERSON FOUND FISHING or trespassing on lot 50, Con. 3. W.G.R., will be prosecuted ac- cording to law.â€"Alex. Alexander. Proprietor. 5 15 tf SIX BENCH HANDS WANTED AT once on day or piece work. Married men preferred. Excelâ€" lent prospect for steady men. Apply, stating wages expected to The Knechtel Kitchen Cabinet Co.,.Limited, Box 370, Hanover, J F. GRANT. D. D. S .L.D 8 [ONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- \ Post Office Department, Mail HOUSE: FOR SALE Service Branch, Ottawa, May 14th. AN EXCELLENT PROPERTY IN 1913~ a good location in Durham. Ap- G. C. ANDERSON. ply to Box 14. Chronicle. Snpountcndent. Duham Continuation School J. P. Telford. ARRISTEI., S’JLICI'I‘OR. ETC. CABINET MAKERS WANTED Medical Directorv. Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. :29: 13, 'Fmst 83. 0mm Round Dental Dz’rectorv DR. BR( WN Legal ‘Dz'recIor-v. W. J. SHARP $1 pm' mnnth in advance DR. BURT. Hf {hp Schnnl in past ymu's Hg mw. Th0 tl'nstt‘es are mlumtiuually and spare nn 9 Nut twu'hersand pupils p' advantage fur Ch? pl‘-. tntiun and ucqnistiop of Warning Over J J Huntnr’b lmn-umn -â€" In the Surrogate Court of the D 8 County of Grey. VERSI-I In the matter of the estate of to Roya James Falkingham, late of the 0, Town of Durham, in the County as. ‘of ’Grey, Gentleman. deceased. .y Scorp.‘ hOTK‘E is hereby given, pur- gsuant to Ontario Statutes 1911, iCap. 26. Sec. 55. that all persons Waving claims against the estate of [the said Jam-es Falkingham, who gdied on or about the 20th day of L, E'I‘C,'1\Iay, A. D. 1913, are required to Registry send by post prepaid or otherwise iyamount;.deli\'-er to J. P. Telford, of the -”u farml'l‘own of Durham, Solicitor for the :executors, on or before the 28t1 . idefi of Jtiiiie,]A.D._ {1913’ their , {actresses am (escrip ions ant ,1 ISSION'lfull statement of particulhrs of Insuranrelthph- claims and the nature of "1.”: glam the security, if any, held by them, ma “a" duly certified, and that after the said day the executors will pro- awn.) -wfi ______ ,ceetl to distribute the assets of , the. estate among the parties en- title-'1 thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shaTl Licenses. , then have notice. Dated the 30th dav 0"" Mar “At ”afifi’EA. D. 1.013. ' L " Secret arv RHEUMA Right away-the first day you start to take RHEUMAâ€"the Uric Acid poison begins to dissolve and leave the sore joints and mu3cles. Its action is little less than magical. RHEUMA acts .so speedily you actually can feel the Rheumatism leaving the body. A bottle costs but 50 cents, and if you are not satisfied Macfarlane (‘0. will re- turn your money. Read this: “I wish to .state to you the facts, and nothing but the facts. I bless the day a friend brought me a 50-cent bottle of RHEUMA. I used one-half of it and it did me more good than all the other medicines I ever tried. I had been afflicted with Rheumatism all over my body for more than 25 years. I could not walk, and was a broken-down man. During that time I spent a small fortune trying to be rid oi the horrible disease, but without help. However, RHEUMA ‘re'aehed 1181'). HlJWI'V Cl, 1‘ ‘ILUUL '11‘ I|Â¥IJ\ my case, and I thank God I can again use my feet and. do nu work. “Before taking your medir'ino. I Was staying with a daughter on her farm, and despite her loving efforts to tempt my appetite 1 could not out. After I had taken RHEUMA two days my appetite returned. Yours for prosperity." ~Prof. HIL Kolling, 7 S. Ninth St., Richmond, 1nd,. Oct. 10. 1912. NOTICE TO CREDITORS I To whom it may concern: I wil 'not be responsible for any debt: contracted by my wife, or any person, from this date, 20th May 1913. I ROBT. INVEN. COURT OF REVISION 1913 TOWN SHIP 0F GLENLLG The first sitting of the Court of Revision for the Township of Glenelg for 1913 will be held at the Township Hall in said Town- ehip bn SATURDAY, the 7th day of JUNE at 1.30 o’clock in the afternoon of which all parties concerned will please _ take notice and govern {vlly‘zrr'riszolves accordingly. Date-d at Glenelg this 15th day of May, 1913. SEALED 'lENDERS addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday, the 27th June. 1913, for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails on a proposed Contract for four years six times per week, Over Rural Mail Route from Ayton (via Moltke», Ont, from the Postmaster-Genera1‘8 pleaS- are. Printed notices containing furth- er information as to conditions of proposed Contract may be seen and plank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Offices of Ayton, Moltke, and at the Office 21 the Post Office Inspector at and Peeles Fine Again of the I Toronto. g CATTLE ST RAY El) DRIVES OUT MAIL CONTRACT Wm. (‘aldm' and Robt. McFarlggne NOTICE m mmnu CHRONICLE THE PREMISES 0F me by proving 1:1 expenses and t xxxâ€"Otto Konold by their SoliCi J. P. TEHOI‘d. S. BLACK‘ Clerk I. to“... w.- -, MC. V lwpl I VIC“ U‘ Ll W11 luv- cav- I, . ‘3’ May 14th, Matthew, who died over a year'. LI - -.__-__°L- -31.“ turn- | Executm or, f’l‘he Garafraxa Road is peculiarly tsurveyed, as, for instance. part 1 :of '2, part 2 of 2, and part 3 of 3, etc. The whole lot contains 150 .acres‘, :50 that a new beginner ’would find it somewhat difficult to get 3‘1011'2 at the commencement of his valuation. In the immediate vicinity of Durham there are some fine farms, .such as Lauder‘s. Crutchley’s, and a few othexs farther north. Down south, over In olden times, that portion. of Durham east of the Garafraxa Road. was a part and parcel of the township of Glenelg till that famous town begamq ipcorporgted. Aro‘ihuld Hunt”, the 10mm Uniwm. tell~ that he would. be g‘itul to get his fill of F. tamm', when he landed in " hum 11. 184?. Mr. Hunter ace hie»! largely in Durham -bef01 (Zenith over 33 years ago. A little north ’0‘:c wh'l‘i is k as Darkies (‘ornm's is the E1 church cemetery. Here .lie of the old timers, resting row-mo. Camp’s Creek, the general omn- plaint is that they are assessed too high, according to the quality of land, but be that as it may. if the owners were to advertise for sale. probably '100 per cent. more would be added to the price. Lampton street 50 years ago was all bush, and the road to Kelly‘s mill was down from the Durham Road down a steep hill which stands there yet as a monument of olden times. Just at the foot oft he hill stood the residence of the late John Kelly and family: here where the obliging manager: Standard Bank landed when first he saw the light of day. Down farther stood the old sawmill, with its upright saw. whoene many a fine pine 10;: was sawed, as all the pine t‘hat grqw \V ”w", u _ _, come to the home of the late Samuel Ritchie, who was killed about a year ago. The old farm is there, with fine brick house. but hohody living there, :19 Mrs. Ritchie .unrl family moved to Dur- 1‘1”“. 80 We see the change death mud-9.111 the short time of a few 111'1'19411 1.11:9 suuu umc u: a u .. months \ 915' few of the o‘d pioneers are to be found there now, onlv Mr. Anth-m mott, who came there .-\ n=1rew Scott, who came there with his father 65 or 70 years ago. Juct imagine these good old pionâ€" eers commencing to hew out :1 home in the wilderness. Probably the "fare was pretty scarce, and the work eng‘ng‘ed in hard to ac- complish. A small, patch for potaâ€" toes would. be all that could he prepared the first Spring after coming: in We winter previous. We remember hearing the late Arr“ ihuld Hunter, the founder of Univzm. tell that he would, often be 237111 to get his fill of boiled Lump, when he landed in Dur- hum n. 1541’. Mr. Hunter zrccumu- .-\ little north ’of wh'it is known a; Dal-kit‘s (‘ornvrs is the English chum-h comotery. Hvrc lie many of the old timmw, resting from their labors, and the fine tall mon- uments toll of the rooting place 0;? the different persons laid there. Side- by side are lair] those that prosnened during their lifetime, and those that .saw poverty all their days. Going up Edge Hill way we find many changes. The original _E':lgle’s and Davis’s are laid to rest in the cemetery ne,ir by. Coming up the Durham Road, we come to the home. of the late John Bell, who was taken away by (hath last 02101.02“. The fine buildings tell of the Skill of the deceasedâ€"barns. outbuizdings. :nn-tl fine brick houseâ€"but now he is gone, and the family momma the death of a dutiful husband and father; .Mr. Alex. Bell, John’s father, the 01d assessor who serve-.1 the township for 14 years, is in Mm. Bell’s home, where he has been confined to his bed for years, but We congratulate him in being the recipient of a good life partner since a year ago. Since We called last year, the home of ME. and Mrs. John Staples yaqgieprived of. tpeir Last son, â€"___ _. _-“_ ‘ ‘H‘L‘t f‘nv‘oo 1voov‘a U" h: {u Lin brim! }ear, and he saw his wife and a huge number taken :m'uy by death; still he is' in bed, help- 1056, for the time stated. Up north is the residence of ex- Reeve Weir. Mr. Weir experienc- ed the loss of members of his family during the A last three ._|_A.- L3.-- -â€" GLENELG By the Assessor to get his Jill m noueu “hen he landed in Durâ€" .842. Mr. Hunter accumuâ€" g'vly in Durham-before his 33 years ago. W88 and lived to be a good old age. Down south is the. residence of deputy-Reeve Lindsay, who has 300 acres in a block. Mr. Lind- say is one of Glenelg‘s prosperous farmers. Down south further are the McGirr’s. The old McGirrs. who settled the-re nearly 70 years ago, are all gone, ands the young McGirrs are getting old now, of lake color. This a ter is inserted at a I it seems at once to throughout the whole orange acted uron. “The dye ic quite 1;)9iim'e, and neither t] which it is used nor t} oranges show to the c marked peculiarities 1 have {0911 thousands these doctored hl< n‘\nn41(1 CI‘\A I M0‘“ G4 Down the south line in olden times was well settled. with Law- rences. A young slip of a girl was going to Durham with us nearly 20 years ago, and when she would come to a farm house she would ask who lived there, and when told it was a Lawrence, she asked who lived in the next house. She was told it was a Lawrence, too, and so on. to the 4th. when» she. with surprise. made the re- mark, “Dear me! Is there nobody here but Lawrences ?” But the Lawrences are not so numerous now, though so long- as Anthony and Henry are there there will be the name. and we hope they will be there a long time before go- ing to a better place. The township of Glenelg, taken as a whole. has fir less members than a year ago, as a large number have left for other parts: and a large number have been taken away by death during the past year. Time and space com- pels us to saw no more at this time so we stop short. The oldest person on the assess- ment roll is Mrs. Edge. mother of Treasurer D. Edge. She is 97, and probably she may make out to be 100. The youngest person on the roll. who acted as juror at a recent assizes is Nathan Whitmore, '22 years of age, son of Nat. Whit- more. A man over 60 years will not be taken as a iuror. and ev- erybody knows that he knows more than a kid of '21 or 22 years. DOCTORED FRUIT. “I dare say you might find it difficult to believe that there could be an immense amount of trickery in the orange trade, but I can assure you that it is so,” said the manager of one of the greatest firms of fruit salesmen in London. “I don‘t now refer to such petty tricks of the retailer as shaking the oranges backwards and forâ€" wards in a sack to make the skins swell, but to the ‘doctoring’ of the fruit by the exporter abroad. In the ‘ase of both orâ€", anges and lemons there is always a tremendous rush to be first in the market with attractive and ripeâ€"looking fruit just as their respective seasons begin. and the growers pluck the fruit when it is green and nothing likeu'ipe, and it never ritzens afterwards in most cases, though outwardly it seems as though it has done so. “Speciil storerooms and furnaces are fitter} up. and in the latter is burnt a mixture which is mainly sulphur. and to the fumes a 'isingz' from this the oranges and lemons are exposed. the effect being to make them a beautiful yellow. which would deceive nayone who had no knowledge of the trade abroad. Great quantities of these oranges reach the early market. “But the chief and greatest method of detention has relation to ‘hlood oranges.” The beautiful color of the pulp in huge quanti- ties of these oranges is produced by :: guat staff of women em- ployed by the wily foreign dealer. Each of these women has a deli- cately pointed syringe, with which sle- introdncek into the oranges of an ordinary kind before her, afew (1212;.“ of an analine dye of a sort of lake color. This coloring mat- bm‘nt n 1 suhrhm'. n from this are expos make the: which “'0 had no k 01' tm‘ it thl I“ t! abroad, to them introduc -~~made How often do we hear that ex- clamation about a cert.iin wom- an‘s or man‘s hair. A prominent scientist and hair specialist emphatically slates, and has proven, that any man or wo- man can have luxuriant, lustrous hair, by using the famous pre- scription called PARISIAN Sage. PARISIAN Sage is now made and sold in Canada. Mricfarlaiw Co., the druggists. are. the agents in Durham and the readers of this paper can buy from them fort only 50 cents a large bottle. Macfarlane Co. know that PARISIAN Sage will beautify the hair, cure dandruff and stop fallâ€" ing hair, and for that reason they seTl it under a guarantee to cure or money back. Price 50 cents. The R. '1‘. Booth Co., Lim- ited, Fort Erie, Ontario, Canadian makers. 5292 D THE. IV WHAT BEAUTIFUL HAIR 9F @ANADA . the chief and 2‘1 it] of deception has 1‘! and oranges} The be of the pulp in huge (2 f these oranges is pm g‘lcat Huff of womv l by the wily foreign TORONTO lye i= quite harmless, I and neither the {Hit upon is used ”nor the fumigated Show to the consumer any peculiarities of flavor. I in thousands of cases .of doctored blood oranges and I may say. in regard , that the first man who ed the processâ€"an Italian a fortune before his ESTABLISHED 1873 STANDARD \\ is. if" 11K known to diffus 1019 huln )int whom 41199 118911 111) of the EHIE DURHAM CHHBNICLE W‘ ' Tn: Canomcu will be com 1; 8“ ptlon my address. free of poutage. :0 Bit“ - . 3] "Opel- you. ”yum-madam, 41.50 may he charged if not no pm. The (1“,, to which over) > u ripflon in plld [a demand by the number on Ihe droo- uhel. Lo paper dm continued to :11 "mm are paid, urn-pt at m, comm of the proprietor. - For trunnion! odvonxavmnm AdVOM cont: pot line. for the first man m . “on: 3 cent. per line each subs, qnont inomtion minion mmnre. Proton-ions curds. not éxooeding one inch “.00 per annum Advort'umnenu without Income directions r. be published till forbid u I chanced M‘uomm iv Tmnsio at nouoeaâ€" '14 at. "Wound." "Fm 55. e' etaâ€"60 oentu for first insertion. 25 conu- tm w» 1 nnhooq non! insertion. At the Chronicle Printing Howe, Gamfrax .- Street. Allulverthouonu ordered by otnngara mm be acid for in «Iv-coo. , Contact rates for any ddvertlaemvnu tn fished on nppliution the oflioe. and Funeral Director-\. Magnet Gleam Separators a_n__c A. BELL UN DERTAKER R. EWEN ECURITY for both principal an interest It the first essential of .q Full line of (‘ atholic Rnbeh. .md bl.- \ and White Caps f0! aged mmplm “‘Qv\.s “r“ a. u. s 'zcture Framing rm shin-f: c; notice. DURHAM. ONT.. fails to from: tion and Dysp Rexall Dys. » “'8 know what. chall By: Tablets are and what they v We guarantee them to reliov gestiou and dyspvpsia. or w vour money, if they fail to Doesn’t it stand to reason t. wouldn't assume this money ti: we not certain chall Dy Tablets will satisfy you? Thrc 25 cents. 50 cents. and 81.00. You can buy Rexall Dyepepsi in this community only!» purge for whk 11:: km“ Stores are Ana-Ion? 0'00““ Drug Gum R Dnrhl SHOW RUUMSâ€"Next tn SWa‘; Barber Shop. RESUWINVEâ€" (1001" South of \V. J Lawn blacksmith shop. I8 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY HORNINE minatives that lwlp natul the elements the abecnc in the gastric juices cau lion and dyspepsia. 'l‘l stomach to digest food an convert it into rich red maturinl necessaxy (or natural body waste. Carry a packag‘ [)8de Tablets in 1 or keep them in y one after each heav our assertion that H gestion from bothc pain the pr 1nd 8.13qu 'mnatlves I Em'nm AND Pmmmmwm Embalming a Specialty Durham mh AKC'PKfiLANE CO. ‘ . 11» MM 0mm Esuwsnao W. IRWIN neuly ev ' (wintry human ally , for the pmicul in mused“. Magnet Gasoline Engines All SIZES uqigestfood and b Into rich red I necessary (or 0' Ody waste. I package of Rt diets w your vc hem in your we each heavy meal ion that they will om bothcrmz ye! 3w what Rexall re and what the muse them to re 2d dyspepsia, or 193'. if thcv fail a" State in nearly even to“! Rexall Dy what the \ 3m to ex psia. or to hey fail to to reason t mis money ri J with» t. 19 Dec ;) natur June 5, 1913. S'Ol Ontario AGENT :81 Y0“? Kl'm'” tin)? and 5‘ "Sci“ U P" 'ho‘flfinlll‘ amt W“ \\ 1913 ll IIUU 200 A0 {TR H |‘ \l Lu! m:

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