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Durham Chronicle (1867), 19 Jun 1913, p. 2

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AL uvzaAL 800883 [N DURHAM. Ono nice cottage in Lower Town. â€"A. H Jackson, Durham. 3 2H} t. ‘l‘HE sole head of a family. or; any male over 13 years old, may: homestead a quarter-section of available Dominion land in Mani-u toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta: The applicant must appear in} person at the Dominion Landst Agency or Sub-Agency for the! District. Entry by proxy may be' made at the office of any Local‘ Agent of Dominion Lands (not' sub-agent), on certain conditions,‘ Duties-Six months residence; upon and cultivation of the land} in each of three years. A home-. steader may live within nine miles! of his homestead on a farm of at‘ least 80 acres, on certain condi-. tions. A habitable house is re-' quired in every case, except when? residence is performed in the! Vicinity. : in certain districts a home-z steader in good standing may pre- empt a quarter-section along-l side his homestead. Price 83 Perl acre. Duties-Six months resi-‘ deuce in each of six years from date of homestead entry (includ- ing the time required to earn homestead patent) and 50 acres extra cultivation. The area of. cultivation is subiect to reduction in case of rough. scrubb or stony land after report by omestead Inspector on application for patent. SYNOPSI A homesteader who has exhaust- ed his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may take a purchased homestead in certain districts. Price. $3 per acre. Dut- ies-Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate 50 sores and erect a house worth .300. A COMFORTABLE BRICK HOUSE 1.. Durham. 2 storeys high. hard . and not! water inside, good cem- ent atahla frame barn on too. quarter an. 0! land. Price away dovn to quick purchaser. Applv a? the Chronicle office. 727 t! LOT 3. (‘ONCESSION S’, GLRNELG. containing 100 :wres of first-claw land in good condition, W.. Dgfuty 01 the Minister the Interior. N.B.â€"Unauthorlzed publication 3! this advertisement will not be paid (on-37085. 2 8 13 ship ’0! Glenelg, containing 55 new, more or less; 15 acres hardwood bush. well fenced. well not in pasture. Apply to Wm. Fail. Durham. _ _ - “15199 WEST PART 01" LOT '28, CON. 1 W. C: R.. adjoining corporation of Durham, containing 15 acres 3 roads, t perches of good land, ali seeded down with tim- othy; good brick house; hard and soft water, barn. orchard. Iheds eta. T. Basking. 424M â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"4-â€"__ 42% ACRES OF LAND, CLOSE TO corporation of Durham; conven- ient tor anyone working in town; good home and barn, with mods; good water: small orch- grd; 19 acres of good can. 6 new under timothy and clovm. Will be sold cheap and on easy toms to quick purchaser. Ap- to Wm. Wall, Durham. (Hod W- w -- â€"' ' ' , LOT 9. CON. 6. GLENELG. FOR ale cheap: small cash payment. balance secured by mortgage. On rumin- are good frame houaa tame barn. and outbuildings. log pig-pen: good well. Apply to Wm. MrNally, Ebordale P.O, 61230 t! PRO)! THE PREMISES OF THE A LARGE, -ROOMY DWELLING house; large enough to tees boarders: conveniently situate to all public works; newly dec- orated; cheap rent. Apply to N. McIntyrg, Durham. 612 GOOD BRICK HOUSE AND 5 acres of land just outside the corporation of Durham; stable to accommodate {our horses; bug y house, hen house, wood- ohe(, and other. conveniences; good well. Will trade for farm prOperty. For particulars apply to John Wilson, Durham. mar69 WES undersi nod about May 1, one ewe an lamb. The ewe is of the Southdown breed. with spot- ted lace; the lamb has a long tail. Anyone giving information a to their whereabouts will be 0-5an nvnM-J A. He- nsa-.11, Top CH1, all: Linc, Advofllmu 0! «no in"! Mm: wanton. Over Farms fur Sale. 01' Sale 01' livnt 3 OF CANADIAN NORTH LAND REGULATIONS For Sale. TO RENT TRAYED For SI'Ie W. W. CORY, SMALL ADS. inch or Icon. 25 com. {or In! inn-ti“. nd 10 out. for not Over one Inch nod under two inches. double the above ”non-t. Yearly rate. on appltcotnon FFlCE-Over J. P. Telford’s office ’ ( nearly gopposite the Registry affine. Resndence Second house south «4 Registrv «1ch on east side of Albert Street. ()tflce flout}; 9-11 3.111., 2-4 p. THUS. ALLAN. Principal and Pm. vim'ial Model Schonl Teacher. lst Class (fet'tifloaw. Intending Students should enter at the lwginning of the twin if possible. Board canhe obtained at reasonable rates. Durham is a hvalthy and at- trm-tiw town. making it a most desir- ahlv place fm- residence. tl'it'ul: Junim work. ANY PERSON FOUND FISHING or trespassing on lot .50, Con. 3, W.G.R., will be prosecuted ac- cording to lawnâ€"Alex. Alexander. Proprietor. 5 15 t! (H 'l‘lw rw 0rd of the School in past years is a fluttering one. The twstees are pr tbglPSSIV e educationally and s are no Pains to see that teachexsang pupils WM. FAROl’flARSON. 0.0.. C. RAMAGE. ALL PERSONS ARE WARNED against fishing on Lots 14 and 15, Con. 2, E.G.R., Glenelg; also on Lots 30, 31, and 32, Con. 2, E. G.R., Glenel . Parties found so doing wil be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.-â€"The Saugeen Fishin Club, C. M. Bowman, Presi ent. 58tf haw every advantage fur the' fir- pt-r presentation and acquistion nf knowledge. Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates, and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thor- oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills, executed on shortest notice. All work promptly attended to. "1.. 7-9 p. m. Telephone cnmlnunich- tion between office and residence at all hours. SPECIALIST : EYE. EAR, mnon _ nose l'hv whunl is thm-nughlv equipped in mulling ability. in chemical and elec- n-iml suppliegnnd flttipggzetc" fpr full .-\I_.LA PERSONS TRESPASSING ON SIX BENCH HANDS WANTED AT once on day or piece work. Married men preferred. Excel- lent prospeet for steady men. Apgly. stature Wages expected to he Knechtel Kitchen Cabinet 00., Wed, BOX 370, Buover, Ont. 515 f tice in the New Hunter Block. 0500 mute, 8 to lo a. m.. to 4 p. In. and 7 :09 J. :11. Special attention given to dim a! women 3nd children. Residence op ooeite Preehvtetian Church. H are Autumn: Roy. London Ophthalmic Ho. 8 3.. nd toGoUon Sq Thrmt 3nd Non Hon short disunco cut of Knapp’a Hotel. Lmb ton Street. Lower Town. Durban )tfice hours from 12 t4. 3 o’clock t)FFlCE AND RESIDENCE A HYSICIAN A ND SURGEON, OF flee in the New Hunger Block. ‘ WP! CABINET MAKERS WANTED l ty of Toronto. Graduate Hinge Dental Stgmeoqs ofOntario. Dentistry m all Its Branches Duham Continuation School Drs. lamieson lamieson. Lot 5,051). {Tibiaâ€"1‘3, to? {He PurDOse of fishing, after this notice, will be punished to the full extent of the 13W.â€" W. R. Jack. 51 J. 6. Hutton. a good location in Durham. ply to Box u. Chronicle. FEES : $1 per month in advance J F GRANT. D. D. 8 .L. D. 8. rnxnu GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- nune L. R C. P., LONDON ENG RADULATE of London New ARRISTBI., SOLIUI'POR. ETC. HOUSE FOR SALE (.rfiice. nearly opposite the Regisfry ,lmmbmn #t..Dnrham. Anyamount HIIOV to £02m at 5 per cent. on farm (Mica; l3, 'Fmt 3%. Owen Qmmd (h‘f'l‘ Dnuglas’ Jewellery SLOW Medical Dz‘rectorv. Arthur Gun, II. D. W. J. SHARP Legal ‘Dz’racfarv. J. P. Telford. Leaving DR. BRCWN A. H. Jackson. Warning DR. BURT. Chairman. illl.‘ PEOPERTY IN [533d uato Roya Matriculathm Secretarv In the matter of the estate of James Falkingham, late of the ,Town of Durham, in the County éof Grey, Gentleman. deceased. ; NOTICE is hereby given, pur :suant to Ontario Statutes 1911, lCap. 26. Sec. 55. that all person having claims against the estate o .'the said James Falkingham, who tdied on or about the 20th day of .May, A.'D. 1913, are required to send by post prepaid or otherwise deliver to J. P. Telford, of the .Town of Durham, Solicitor for the executors, on or before the 28t day of June, AD. 1913,‘ their faddresses and descriptions and a ’i'ull statement of particulars of .itheir claims and the nature of tthe security, if any, held by them, Eduly certified, and that after the ésaid day the executors will pro- ;ceed to distribute the assets of the estate among the parties en- Ititled thereto, having regard on] ;to the claims of which he .shal !then have notice. 3 Dated the 30th day of May When your child has whooping cough, be careful to keep the cough loose and expectoratio easy by giving Chamberlain’ Cough remedy as may be required. This remedy will also liquify the tough mucous and make it easier to expecto-rate. It has been used successfully in many epidemics and is .safe and sure. For sale by all dealers. To whom it may concern: I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife, or any person, from this date, 20th May. 1913. . ROBT. EWEN. STRAYED TO THE PREMISES OF CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS take notice that the Trustees of S. S. No. 3, Bentinck, will receive tenders up to June 16th for the building of a new brick. school. Plans and specifications may be seen at Vickens post office. Time of completion to be specified by the contractors.â€"J. W. Vick- ers, Secy.-Treas. 5 22tf Beware of Ointment: for Ca tarrh that Contain 1.2 enury as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely der- ange the Whole system when enter- ing it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from rep- utable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F.J. Cheney Co., Toledo, 0.. contains no mercury and is taken internally, acting directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure, be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F.J. Cheney Co Testimonials free. Sold by druggists. 75c per bottle Take Hall's Family Pills for con- stipation. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday, the 27th June, 1913, for the conveyance of His Majesty’s Mails on a prOposed Contract for four years six times per week, Over Rural Mail Route from ’ Ayton (via Moltke), Ont., from the Postmaster-General’s pleas- ure. Printed notices containing furth- er information as to conditions ofJ proyppeq Cpntract_ _ma): be seen, Post Office Department, Mail gall-3m Branch, Ottawa, May 14th. and blank forms of Tender may be; obtained at the Post Offices of. Ayton, Moltke, and at the Office' of the Post Office Inspector at Toronto. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS ARE- HEREBY warned against trespassing on Lots 5 and 6, Con. 9, Gleneig for the purpose of fishing, hunt- ing, tlapping or camping. â€"-The Saugeen Hunting, Fishing, Trap- ping and Camping Club. 4243 .-\. D. 1913 the undersigned, Lot 34, Con. 1, S.D.R., Glenelg, on or about May 14th, 2 two-year-ol'd steers, one with White face; 5 one-year-olds two steers and three heifers, two gray, one red, one spotted red and white and one red with white face; all with round punch mark in right ear. The owner may have same by proving pron- erty, paying expenses and tak- ing them away._-â€"Otto Konold. Tn the Surrogate Court of the TENDERS WANTED CATTLE STRAYE D MAI L CO N TRACT Servant Wanted Warning! Wm. Calder and Robt. McFarlane, NOTICE bv their Solit-itOr, J. P. Telford. [NWL‘ ‘ Superintendent. rm: DURBAI CHRONICLE ExeCutors Curious English Well. In the grounds of Livesey Hall, near Blackburn, there is a spring called “Mother Livesey’s well.” The curious thing about this well is that the water only flows during nine months of tho year and is quite dry during the other three months-June. July' and Au- gustâ€"however wet the weather may be. The water always commences to flow on the same date each year and never freezes even during the hardest frostâ€"Leeds (England) News. Hio Proforma. "It 13 a positive delight to meet 3 man you feel you can trust." remark. ed the individual with the high toro- Gottmg Plump». Customer-Let me m the beam thgngyoghlvomdnum Pro- Writer's Cramp. Those who have to do a great deal of writing are liable to get an attack of writer’s cramp. The first indica- tion or writer’s cramp is a feeling of tiredness in the hand and arm. Then words are formed very slowly, and sud- denly the pen will fly upward or out. ward. This Is due to a sudden spasm of the muscles airected. Anybody who is attacked with writer’s cramp should give writing up for a time. since pa- ralysis of the muscles may follow. He should treat the limb with an electrical battery and generally lie up and keep quietâ€"Pearson’s Weekly. Cauu For WON'Y. “You must take exercise." said tho physician. “and by all means worry less Play golf." “Doctor.” replied the patient. “you mean well. but a man who plays my kind of golf game can’t help worry- mg.”â€"Wasblngton Star. «Oh. I don’t know. I prefer a man who pays cash." replied the man who kept the grocery store. Shearing Sheep In Syria. I It 18 lDICl‘BSIlDI-I I0 [1019 [[18 BLIBCI The manner of shearing Sheep m lthat reputation has on those Who are Syria and all Asiatic Turkey does not difler materially from the ancient methods of the people as applied to practically every other vocation. While the sheep industry is one of the oldest in the country, having existed for cen- turies in the same pastures where the ancestors of the present herders also tended flocks, there does not appear to have been any improvement in the manner of shearing or breeding the sheep. Shearing is still accomplished in the crudest way. the workers al- ways leaving a considerable amount of wool on the animal, while the fleece removed is cut most unevenly. The shearers frequently cut great holes in the skins of the sheep. which by the use of modern shearing machines could easily be avoided. l l i :cert artist,” he said. not good critics of the efforts of public performers, as a clerk in a downtown bank was telling. “I happen to know a celebrated con. “One evening ishe was in the city and had noth- 2 l l ing to do. so she came up to our very humble flat in Harlem to spend a quiet, homelike hour or two. The night was :warm, and the windows were open. i 0 i l I I I l l l l . 1 After dinner she sat down at the piano and sang several songs for us. The next day I heard that one of our neigh. bors complained loudly about the ‘yell- ing’ in our flat and said that such nul- sauces ought to be prohibited. Two nights later that same neighbor paid $2 a seat for himself, his wife and his daughter to hear our friend sing at e concert."â€"New York Sun. dratic equations, plane geometry, de- scriptive geography and the elements of physical geography. United States history and the outlines of general his- Recently it has been shown that the old Peruvians must have understood the laws of atmospheric pressure in order to construct the curious jars and vases they left. One of these pieces of pottery was ornamented with the fig- ures of two monkeys. and when water was poured into or out of the vessel sounds like the screeching of monkeys were heard. Another similar vessel has the figure of a bird that uttered appropriate notes; another was orna- mented with a cat that mewcd and another with snakes that hissed. An ingenious water jar bore the form of an aged woman on whose cheeks tears were seen to trickle. while sobs were heard when water was poured from the jarâ€"New York Tribune. kdmiaaien to West Point. A candidate for the Military acade- my at West Point must tlrst get the indorsement of the senator or congress- man from his district. The question of appointment is generally settled in each district by competitive examina- tion. the representative in congress ap- pointing the boy who obtains the high- est marks. Once the candidate has passed this competitive examination and received the appointment touthe academy he must pass both a mental and physical examination at the hands of the army oihcers assigned to duty at the West Point institution. All ap- pointees must be between seventeen and twenty-two years old. tree from any infirmity which might render them unfit for military service and be able Ingenious Old Jars. From time to time fresh illustrations are afforded as to the ancients' inge- nuity. with special mterence to what are termed the “lost arts." Famous Venetian Palace. Vendramin is not only one of the most beautiful residences on the canal in Venice. but it is closely associated with the history or the city of the doges. it was built in 1441. German princes occupied it at first. Then it passed into the possession of the Duke of Mantua. who purchased it for 50,000 ducats of gold. it was the scene of great social events under the Arch- duke Charles Ferdinand of Austria and his wife. Anne de‘ Medicis. in 1652, and through them the palace has come into the possession of the pres- ent owners through marriage. it was here that Richard Wagner died in 1883. The desk at which he wrote “Tristan und Isolde" is carefully preo served. Some years ago a plaque was affixed to the palace showing its con- nection with the great composer.-Lon- don Globe. to pass an culmination in English grammar. English composition, Eng- lish literature. algebra through qua- '.bnt|ho'njutontu Enjoyed What He Paid For. i. It is interesting to note the effect sheep In t that reputation has on those who are does not i not good critics of the efforts of public ancient ' performers, as a clerk in a downtown A sprained ankle may as a rule ”11"“? be cured in from three to {our and cit -‘ days by applying Chamberlain’ 3:252 Lin'unent and Observing the dOI‘QC cmh , ‘ tions with each bottle. ‘ ‘0'“ I' by all dealers. For sale 11-- Rex: lefll. The" were 2.000 rowan a I tide, and it is supposed that that. was divided Into an banks. mt fill: a- ascading” ve-el ever put to I. b doubted. but that she wu um All! mad at dines, if only hr and”. M W are agreed. been oeuemea. \'\ c» lx'llvw- 11111111 '1 1 bewithoutoquul. 'I'hvy givcprnmx v relief, aiding to lieutralizv 111111111 stimulate flow of gamut 111111 strengthen the digowtiu' ()rzum ‘ 1 ' thus promote porfmt nutritmn :11“) correct unhealthy symptoms. Thrw sixes, 25 cents, 5U vents. and $1.00. . Y0.“ can buy Rexall Dyspepsia '1‘1111111. m the community Only at our store. The fact is that her beauty was not so remarkable as one would think from the spell she cast over Caesar and An- tony. Plutarch. for instance, tells us “that her beauty in itself was by no means incomparable nor calculated to amaze those who saw her,” but adds that the magnetic charm of her man- ner, the gracefulness of her movements. the persuasiveness of her conversation and her figure were most attractive. Ptolemy's Big Boat. Ptolemy (Philopatorl was fond of building big boats. One of these in said to have been 420 feet long, 57 feet broad and 72 feet deep from the high est point of the stern. This vessel had four rudders or what some would call steering oars, as they were not fasten- ed, each forty-five feet long. Bhe ctr- rled 4,000 rowers, beside. 35!!) mo rlnes, a large body of serum: no“ her decks Ind stores and prom Her out: were fiftyseven feet m. and the handlu were weighted I!“ The workmanship of the coin ls far from good, and this accounts in some measure for the undeniably plain ap- pearance of the queen. Yet the like. ness, as far as the features go, in a true one. for the other coins of the same series, though of a different type. give her the same features. an aqulllno nose, a strong chin. a long neck and narrow shoulders. Thoy Toll Moro Than the Name a Address to the Postman. Envelopes often tell me more about a man's financial standing than could the best “private inquiry agency." You can't “swank" a postman. And when l deliver on a certain day every month an omcial envelope with the re- lief stamp of a furniture firm on the back of it i know pretty well that the envelope contains the receipt for an installment on the furniture. When that envelope fails to turn up i keep an eye open for the other signs of im- pending bankruptcy. An envelope with a crease down the middle has obviously been inclosed in another envelope. This tells me the handwriting of the householder and the kind of stationery he uses. When 1 de- liver one of these day after day at the same house i know that the occupant is out of work and is answering adver- tisements. But when the envelopes stop coming 1 am left to wonder wheth- er the applicant has been successful â€"or can afford no more stamps. Sometimes there is tragedy in en- velopes. There was a young fellow who used to stare down at me from be- hind the window curtainâ€"so anxious to see what I’d got in my hand that he wouldn’t wait till I'd pulled the hell. i soon tumbled to his job. for by near- ly every post there would be a long en- velope creased down the middle. show- ing it was a return. A writer he was. ~Pearson’s Weekly. ' Her Manner, Rather Than Her Beauty. Was Her Chief Charm. The only authentic portrait of Cleo- patra that is known to archaeologists is a bust which appears on a series of coins. It is on the reverse and bears the inscription in Greek. "Queen Cleo. putra, the Divine, the Younger," while on the obverse is a portrait of “An- tony. Dictator For the Third Time, Tri- umvir." D THE STANDARD READING THE ENVELOPES. BANK MAGNETIC CLEOPATRA. 6F @AINADA TORONTO | "‘5 -...... w" ___DURHAI:I_BRANCH, HE. business man who has Cllsfnmpm {n vafinnc nan: of Canada or elsewhere will find the services of this bank of 'IHE DURHAM CHHUNIELE It tho Ohmniclc Printing House. Omaha. ; 8troet. Sub-cription TIII'. Clnowu'u: will m. “m mv uldrenn. from at mum..- . - 8! Mporyesrmuynbleinadum. 41.50 my boob-qua if not no paid. The d“. to which ever) mbsoription is gum in (19!!!)th by the annual an the ultimo label. ho papa! d1. continued to .u srmn no paid, an-vp‘ u “I, cumin of the pmprlotor. " u-"u’ ”V'. """ cent. pet line for the first mu: m . tion: 3 cent. periine each sub“ qmt mutual! liuion measure. Proieeelon. eude. not exceeding one inch “.00 per enuum Advertieenente without eoeciiic directions m; be pnblhhod till forbid u i chanted ecoonim iy Meieet notioeeâ€" 140k. ":Found." “Fox 8. e eic,â€"60 cents for first ineenion. 25 can for eeea eubeeq nest ineertiou. Alledvertieemente ordered by strangers new be mid for in «iv-ace. Magnet Cream Separatms am. R. EWEN Contact rates for you-J Mum-«moan fut nicked on application to the oflioo vvv'm'v“ :FURNITURE :u NDERTAKING and Funeral Director\ A. BELL UN DERTAKER MicRenflSwreinnendy town and cit in the United sum. 3 end Gmt tit-in. There 'I e diflenent Renfl Remedy formerly every ordinm humming- awhfigpigfly demand for the perticular d! it I! recommended. Tln Resell Stores are Anode-'- Create-t Drug Stem “‘.‘1‘ ““~\ ~. ‘7‘. 4‘ “‘ ‘‘ ‘â€" *s t. Full line of Catholic Robes, and MW ~ I and white. Caps for aged people. ‘wture Frammg (m short’; sa notice. Loss of appetite or distress after eatingâ€"a symptom that should not be disregarded. customer: in various Mr. M. Kress has opened a sh at the rear of the furnit urv she mom and is prepared m do kinds of tinsmithing. Undertaking meeives ppm-L attention DURHAM. ONT.. We recommend Rexall Dyspepsia Tablet. to customers every day. and htve et to hear of one who has not been dined. “'9 beliex'c them to beyithout equal. They give prompt mild. aiding to neutralize acidity. tumult“ ow of gastric juice. We!) the digestive organs. and thus promote eat nutrition and contact unhealt y symptoms. Three linen. 25 acute. 50 cents. and 81.00. SHOW ROOMSâ€"Next tn Swalln“ Barber Shop. REsnn<:xv1c--~ch door South of “K J. Lawrmn-v blacksmith Shop. and all Household Furnishings a disordered stomach. and mum people contract serious muluzliw through disregard or abuse 01 th stomach. We urge all who .mfler from indi- 'on. or dye no. to try Roxall m T. eta. with the under- Itanding thtt we will refund the money paid us without question or formality. if after use you are no! pufectly notified with results. It is not What you out but what ya u digest and asfimilaw that does 5'. .2 good. Some of the strongest. heal! I. lest persons are moderate can-rs Notinngyfllpause more trouble Um: EDWARD KRESS I8 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MURSlNh Embalming a Specialty Durham EDITOR AND Pinwmu'mu Cause for Alarm MACFARLANE 8:. CO. Rugs. Oilcloths Window Shades Lace Curtains TINSMITHING W. IRWIN Magnet Gasoline Engines All SIZES c-uv v-W III at: UUUL .‘ any “drool. tree of posture in ‘n -- “tidy” ulvprt men an“ AND June. 19‘ 1913 Ontario AGENT (laud. Jun“ n| kinds Wha! Shh [P V

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