â€35’ W. W. CORY uty of the Minister A homesteader who has exhaust- ed his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may take a purchased homestead in certain districts. Price, $3 per acre. Dut- ies.-Must reside six months in each 0! three years, cultivate 50 Lanes and erect a house Worth H Icre. Duties.â€"Six months resi- dence in each of six years from date of homestead entry (includ- ing the time required to earn homestead patent) and 50 acres extra cultivation. The area of cultivation in unblect to reduction in case of rough, Icrubbï¬ or stony land after report by omestead Inspector on application for patent. Duties.-Slx months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A home- steader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres, on certain condi- tions. A habitable house is re- quired in every case, except when midence is performed in the vicinity. THE sole head of a family. or my male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter-section of available Dominion land in Mani- toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-Agency for the District. Entry by proxy may be made at the office of any Local Agent of Dominion Lands (not au-h-agentlen certain conditions, SYNOPSIS 0F CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS A COHFORTABLE BRICK HOUSE ‘u Durham. 2 aforeyl high, hard and soft water incide, good cem- aot etahle frame barn on too. quarter acre of land. Price away flown to quick purchaser. Apply at the Chronicle office. 7 27 If LOT 3, boNcnssmN 9, Gmxmn, GI ACE†OF LAND, CLOSE TO â€ration of Durham; cOnVenâ€" but tor anyone working in flown; good house and barn, with mods; good water: small orchâ€" ard; 1.9 acres of good oats, 8 term under timothy and clover. . Will be sold cheap and on 0:19}: terms to (mick purchaswr. Apt GOOD ("OMFORTABLE FRAME house on College street; six rooms. two storeys, hard and 00ft water. good half acre of land. A bargain to quick pur- chaser. For articular-9, appiy to Ed. Lang on. Durham, or John M. thtlo. 205 Riopelle St" Detroit. Mich 222" 0-001 burn_._ Durh FINE BRH K LOT 9. CON w“ .4...- A 0000 BRICK HOUSE AND 5 containing 100 acres of first-claw land in good condition. W..- take 91000 it sold before the firm of February, $500 cash; balance on time to suit purchaser. Apply to J. A. Russell, Lougheed P. 0.. Alberta. 1212M acres of land just outside the corporation of Durham; stable to accommodate four horses; buggy houae, hen house, wond- ohed, and other conveniences; good well. Will trade for farm rmferty. For particulars apply 0 ohn Wilton. Durham. max-69 )wner Fur Sale 01‘ Rvnt. ll Advofllnunu o! Ooh-ï¬ne“ imam Farms fur Sale. 5"""" v"; I 3"» _ .' T0 RENT Vlu'm Wes. 0| l house and harm Wi1 »d water: small ore] ~00 of good 0am rtimothy and clove Id cheap and on em i1.2%:le purchaser. A ..6 GLENELG, FC OUSES IN Dl ttaze in Lowe of one hen, OI Ja SMALL ADS. 0'1 M r incn, or less. 25 conu- {or ï¬rst insertion, ad 10 out. for each Over one inch 3nd under "70 33¢... ,donblc the .5070 amount. Yearly rates 0! 3991193103. , HAM Durham Continuation School wn. FARQUHAR§0N_, 0.0.. c. RAMAGE Intending Students should enter at, the beginning of the term if possible. Unard can he obtained at reasonable rates. Durham is a healthy and at- tmctive town. making it a most desir- able place. fur residence. The rerord nf the School in past years is; a flattering «me. The trustees are progressive educationally and s )are no rains tn see that teachers and pupils )ave every advantage fur the pr~ per presentation and. acquistion of knowledge. FEES : $1 per month in advance THUS. ALLAN. Principal and Pro- vincial Model School Teacher. lst Class Certificate. The school is thoroughlv equipped in teaching ability. in chemical and elec- trical snppiivs and fittings, etc., fur full Juninr Leaving and Matriculation Work. Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates, and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thor- oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills, executed on shortest notice. All work promptly attended to. Um ‘ er, Uonveyamer. c. Insurance Agent. Money tn Loan. Issuer of Mar- riage Licenses. A general ï¬nancial busi- regs transacted. DURHAM ONT. (Lower Town.) { ARRISTEI., SOLICITOR, ETC. Ofï¬ce. nearly opposite the Regisfry )fï¬ce. Lambton it..Durham. Anyamoum uf munev to loan at 5 per cent. on farm )mportv. H J F GRANT. D. D. S .L. D. 8. :ONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- ty , of 'I‘uronto. Graduate Roya )Uege Dental Sqrgemgs 01' Ontario. Dentistry :11 all m; Branches. are; Jamieson lamieson. \\ A. H. Jackson. you“ PUBLIC. COMMISSION shortâ€"dmtance can of Knapp’s Hotel. nb ton Street,» Loaf"; _'l‘qwn, Durham FE‘ICE AND RESIDENCE 4 Diseases ol Eye () . Hutton. l( Dr. w. 0. Pickering Dentist. Medial! Directorv, ()ver Dnnglas‘ Jewellery Stow Arthur Gun; M. U Legal 7)z'recl0rr. 'ental Dz’rectorV Warning J. P. Telford. frozr . J. SHARP UVt‘l Chairman. U l‘l H H Ear Nose and Throat â€I f ll r J J. Hunter’s H ROAT NOSE Ht Tr-lfm'd’s ofï¬ce the Registry nd house south :t side uf Albert â€-11 a.m., 2â€"4 p. WN HHHSP 16. I)t Secretm'v BUN rum lenc By order, R. C. DESROCHERS Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, June 26 1913. Newn per: will not be paid for thin vertinement it they insert it without authority tram the De- partment. 1 3 3 Tkie Department duésinot bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. ‘ ‘ Persons tendering are notified that tenders will not be considered unless made on the printed forms supplied, and signed with their actual signatures, stating their occupations and places of resi- dence. In the case of iirms, the actual signature, the nature of the occupation, and place of res- idence of each member of the fir_rn rnust be given. _ "Jenner Ior Public rimming, Han0-‘ We offer One Hundred Dollars Yer. Ontario,†Will be received un- Reward for any case of ‘Catgrrh til 4.00 P.1VI. on Monday, July .21, that cannot be cured by Hall’s Ca- 1913, for the construction of a tarrh Cure. Public Building at Hanover, 0nt.’ F.J. CHENEY 6!. 00,, Toledo, 0, contract can be seen and forms ofi . , contract can be gene and fol-ms of! We the undersigned have known ' ' ° . ‘5 years tender obtained on application to F-J- Cheney for the last 1 v the Postmaster at Hanover, Ont.,:5‘nd helleve 111‘? Dermal? 110,110!“ at the office of Mr. Thos. Hast- able 1,“ all. business transactions ingS- Clerk of Works, Postal Sta-iand financially able to carry out two “F,†Yonge St., Toronto, and'any obligations made by his firm. at this Department. :WALDING, KINNAN MARVIN, Persons tendering are notified' Wholesale Druggistl, Toledo, 0. that tenders will not be considered Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken in- unless made on the printed formsiternally, acting directly upon the supplied. and signed “ï¬lth thelr‘blood and mucous surfaces of the actual signatures. statmg their system. Testimonials lent free. occupations and pluces. of resi-Eprice 75¢, per bottle. Sold by all dence. In the case of ilrms, thefDruggigtg, nn‘nanl :. t _“,_ .-.‘~nn “1‘1 fl -- -‘ngnn .“n SEALED TENDERS addressed to; the undersigned and endorsed: “Tender for Public Building, Han0-‘ ver. Ontario,†will be received un- til 4.00 P.M. on Monday, July .21, 1913, for the construction of a Public Building at Hanover, Ont.; contract can be seen anti forms of} i In the matter of the estate 0 {James Falkingham, late of the ,Town of Durham, in the Count of Grey, Gentleman, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given, pur suant to Ontario Statutes 1911, Cap. '26: Sec. 55, that all person having claims against the estate 0 the said James Falkingham, who died on or about the 20th day of May, A. D. 1913, are required to send by post prepaid or otherwise deliver to J. P. Telford, of the Town of Durham, Solicitor for the executors, on or before the 28t day of June, A.D. 1913, their addresses and descriptions and a full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature 0 the security, it any, held. by them, duly certified, and that after the said day the executors will pro ceed to distribute the assets of the estate among the parties en titled thereto, having regard on] to the claims of which he shal then have notice. Dated the 30th day of May A. D. 1913. - ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY warned against tresliassing on Lots 5 and 6, Con. 9, Glenelg, for the purpose of fishing, hunt- ing, trapping or camping.â€"The Saugeen Hunting, Fishing, Trap- ping and Camping Clubt 4243 (031R XCTORS AVD BLILDERS take notice that the Trustees of S. S. No. 3, Bentinck, “ill recehe tenders up to June 16th for the building of a new brick school. Plans and specifications may be seen at Vickers post office. Time of completion to be specified by the contractors.â€"-J. W. Vick- ers, Secy.-Treas. 522tf In the Surrogate Court County of Grey. NOTICE i9 hereby given that I will close the lane leading from Durham Road to the Canadian Pa- cific Railway Station at the Glen, anrl any person or persons using said lane on or after Monday, July 7, 1913, will be dealt with ac- cording to law.â€"Thos. McKeown, Bunessan. 6 19 3pd NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is will close tlv Durh’am Rom cific Railway and any per said lane on Jilly 7 19131 I I! you suffer Stomach Tram-h... m you "y out-my, ii. \hz'.‘ L“ M yon-scent n It tails. ( To prove .to you that; ind: estion god dys m can be thoroug 13; re- heved an. that.Rexall Dyspepsia. Tablet! Will do It, we will furnish $119 mcdzcme absolutely. free if it fails to gn'c you satxsfactlou‘ W: .3. The remarkable success of Rum- DySpepsia Tablets is due to thr 1:331 degree of scientiï¬c skill used in a. '- vising their formula as well 11:? to the: care exercised in their manutar:tm::~. whereby the well-known prom-rm: 0f Bismmh-Suhuitrate and 1’1}..â€" have been properly combined v.2 . Carminamm and other agents. of indigestion} any! dyapepsxa. proper combmatxon makes a rem mvaluable for stomach relief. We are so certain that the: nothin so good for stomach i1 Bexall yspepsia Tablets that we you to try them at our risk. '1 sizes, 25 cents, 50 cents, and $1 - Xou can buy Benn Dyspepsia '. in tnis community only at our sto1 TENDER sion as invalu of indigestion 4 proper combin mvaluable for Bismuth-Subnitrate an are constantly employed t nixed by the; epprq mgdic For Dyspepsia Warning! Wm. Calder and Robt. McFarlane, 0'“ here} [14.1“ by their Solicitor J. P. Telford. in the ‘N-A NTEI) THIS DURBAI CHRONICLE Ex-ecu'tors. ica’l Greatest .ng from dian Pa- he Glen, ns using Monday, with ac- of th Mr. Wm. Pa 101‘ is making a fine job of the aikingham plot in Zion cemetery. The executors of the estate have employed him to enclose the entire plot with a mined concrete coverinzc ' Mr. “'ill Hudson, of Kenton. Mam, his brother, John, of south Bentinck, and Master Emerson. were guests of their sister, Mrs. J. J. Peart, Saturday and Sunday. They added greatly to the suc- cess of the picnic program by the speech of the former and songs of the latter. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hastie, of Dromore, spent the week end with councillor G. E. Peart, and were present for an hour or so at Zion’s picpic._ ---_ _ _ Miss Annie Young came up from Toronto last week to the old home. She was accompanied by her friend, Miss Bucklin. Take Hall’s Family Pills for stipation. A pretty wedding was solemniz- ,ed at the home of the bride’s par- ents on Wednesday, June '25, when Belle, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Donnelly, became the wife of Mr. George Allen, of Glenelg. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. \V. Prudham, of Durham. in the presence of about. 100 in- vited guests. The Wedding march was played by Mrs .OliVer Mcf‘as- lin, cousin of the groom. The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a cream satin dress and carried a bouquet of carna- tions and maidenhair fern, 'tied with cream ribbon. Little Lottie May Dean, niece of the groom. made a charming flower girl, dressed in allover embroidery with pale blue ribbons. The groom‘s gift to the bride was a gold fob, to the organist a gold brooch, to the flower girl a brooch set with pearls. 'The bride’s travelling' suit was sage green serge with large black hat trimmed with plumes and flowers. After the ceremony, the bridal party sat down to a dainty supper. The! bride received many useful and costly presents, among them be- ing several cheques. Mr. and Mrs.‘ Allen will reside in Glenelg. We wish them a happy, wedded life. Mr. and Mrh. Alex. Aljoe, of (.‘rlonolg, were guests of Mr .and ijs. Da‘yid Doyp‘elly recently. Mrfand Mrs. David Hopkins, of Durham, Sundayed with relatives in this Vicinty. Mr. Thos. Livingstbn to, spent a day or so Livingston families. Mrs. N. Whitmore, of Glenelg. Spent Sunday last with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Robt. \Vells. Mr. W. J. Reay has returned to his home in Red Deer, Alta., after spending a couple of weeks with relatives and friends in this vi- cinity. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kennedy, of Allan Park, Sundayed with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Ted: Vicke Durham, spent a few da th_eA former’s parents here. FOR 8. 8. NO. 11, BENTIN-(K Professional first or second class; duties to commence aflm summer holidays; small section: within a mile of Durham Ap- plications received up to Iuh 19. Salary $600. Apph to ( L1“- rence. Du1ham. 7'03 of the bowéls. prompt attention at this time seri- ous trouble may be avoided. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy can always be depended upon. For sale by all dealers. It is a criminal off: eratives of railway tr drunk while on duty. law shouid be applied ])ur IflOth£ \vatch 1303 may TEACHER WANTED I‘ll! [era of young h for any um DRUNKEN MOTORISTS )Wered motor the harsh-We TRAVERSTON. HOW’S THIS ? Hing motor watch an engineer VIC‘KERS TediVickers, of a few days with summer : childrc on Of ' Q’When given rnce aims , of Toron- with the His pla 3 me Cll‘S. i1 ll 13 for or O months shoutd .....,...... J“... ' A pretty wedding funk place ntl Rosehill Farm, the home of Mr.; 5Jas. Allan, on We inesday, June. {‘25, when his daughter, Nellie, be» 'came the wife of Mr. George! (Rowan. The ceremony was per- ?formed on the law), under an, :arch of evergreens, by Rev. Mr.? ICooper, of Mt. Forest, Miss Ganet . {playing the wedding march. The 'bride, who was given away by her father, looked charming in adress. of white satin trimmed with lace.’ and seed pearls. Her tulle veil! was arranged in cap effect, with? orange blossoms, and she carried a 1' beautiful bouquet of carnations l, land maidenhair fern. She also; wore the groom‘s gift, a gold necklace. After congratulations, a dainty wedding supper was serv-i led. The rest of the evening was . ‘spent in music and dancing. The many beautiful presents the bride! lreceived testified to the esteem in :9 which she was held, and they car- 'ry with them the best wishes of ,. {all to their new home in Galt. The ' bride travelled in a tailored - ,suit of blue serge, with white hat '. itrimmed with plumes. i St Marys expects to pay a tax rate of 28 mills. To clean water jars or small neck bottles or pitchers, fill with cut lemon peel in small pieces. Put in jar and fill with c01d water and let stand a few hours or over night. The vessel will be perfectly clean in the morning. The schbol Board has secured the s¢rvicns of Miss Anna Scott for another year. A select party of young peeple are holding: a picnic at the Lake on Tuesday. Miss McMeokr-n, of Sault Ste. Marie, is spending a few days with her grandpawnts. Mr. and Mrs. Jae. McMeeken. Mr. ThOS. Allan spent the first of this Week visiting with his father, Inspector Allan. Mr. Jas. Johnson is beautifying his farm with a new wire fence. Those who have had trouble managing a horse (rightened by an auto can haxe some little idea of the mix- up the other (lav “hen the four teams on the mad grader got badly frightened and doing things. been declared for the quarter ending Blst July, 1918, a t1!“ “10 same will be payable nt the Head 050: in this city and i on and after Friday, the ï¬rst day of Anew. 1918. to of record of 25th July. 1918. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Holmes and family and Mrs. Ben Maya and family were out to the cosy home of \Ir. Wm. Firth, and attended the local {estn al on Siturdav. ic. Lholela and Diarlhoed ï¬emeu is almost cextain to be need cu L fore the summer is ox er. Bu) . now and be prepared for such :x emergency. For sale by 2' dealers. Mr. Tom. Jack, of Elbow. Sash. nexer forgets old Zion. The mail on Saturda} brou ht a $10 cheque to assist in Sun av school and church uork. He has 300 acres of crop in the shot blade and a hemv rain was fallino‘ when he \\ as pen- ning the lines. Was the “married mm and Mr. Will Hudson. of Mr. Will Greenwood, of and Mr. Will Beamn, of contested. The Biblie: held good, “The last l first.†etc. "I‘was great old tea-maker, Mrs. Ross ilton. brewed excellent tie edibles were A1. A: 2111110 of ball finished Zion’s picnic Was a big success on Saturday afternoon. The day was an ideal one, the cxoud de- clared the place a most suitable and delightful spot. We are aln 011 this point as â€twas partlv on our side of the line fez me. About 250 112mm suuls “are pzesent, :1 H neighbors. The races were contested, but that by the Bill’s excited the moat intere was the “married men's" JARS \VITH SMALL NECKS Buy it now. Chamberlain‘s Col- By order of the Board. ï¬ngham Sunday hbors. CORNER CONCERNS. 11‘} OF CANADA “ Quarterly Dividend Notice No. 91 )ceeds n w 17th June, 1918. from No 11 ll 1‘6 wit} hall be fun. Tm of Ham- II UN DERTAKER uuu H R. EWEN in _.~., -- _-vur.., u. wanna, ceived a cheque for $500 123:: Lord Strathcona to wipe out the debt on the Y. M. C. A. building 8.. «Lat 4- ----- The Chronicle and Canadia Farm, '1 year...... The Chronicle and Toronto Daily Newn, 1 year ......... The Chronicle and Toronto Daily Star, 1 year..... . The Chronicle and Toronto Daily World. 1 year............ The Chronicle and Toronto Daily Globe. 1 year...... .. The Chronicle. and The Grain. 1.9 2.5 4.75 Growera’ Guide, Winnipeg $1.6! The Chronicle and Weekly Mail and Empire, 1 your ...... $1.’ The Chronicle and Weekly Globe, 1 year...... 1.7. The Chronicle and Family Herald 6: Weekly Star lyr. 1.9 The Chronicle and Weekly Witness, 1 year...... l.9< The Chronicle and Weekly Sun, 1 year...... 1.94 The Chronicle and Farmer’s Advocate, 1 year ............ 2.“ fIflEBUHHAM cunumm ! DURHAM.ONTH Ef-yayoxi Frost, ‘of Orillia, re- 0! It. Ohmm‘cle Printing House, Ocular.) . “reel. Tl! Cllomcuc WEN be near“ sump“ any Minn. froe of pasta . to: Baton . . Cl «mmryurmnubleinn v3.0! _‘1.50 may be Marga! if um 00 paid. 3‘an d“! to which ever) ~ubscription h- ;md is denoted by the unmhw am thf ultimo. label. Nu ,n met (11. ooutiunml to an armr- aru paid. exempt gt the aptum of the proprietor. Advertising Rates . quam Magnet Cream Sepalators and Funeral Director Mr. M. “wins has olu‘h‘t‘d a shop at the ran :- nf t he furniture shnw rnnm and is prepared to (10' all kinds nf tinmnithinqx tame Rugs, Oilcloths Window Shades Lace Curtains and all Household l’urnlshlngs TINSMITHING EDW.\RD KRESS SHOW Run Barber Sim dom- South blacksmith FURNITURE I8 PU'JBHID EVERY THUNDA Y MURRI!“ Durham Embalming a Specialty town >91!) A. BELL ‘( {king at (H Magnet Gasoline Engines _ All SlZES For trunnion; “Ivor! oonts pot lilo for the Lion; 3 cents per line} rammg nolza 1 year ......... and Toronto year...... and Toronto thfld' p AND July 3, 1913. 'nticm N IRWIN UH \V PIVQ ("1 sh [DEN Ontario 1 via ape IO. AGENT 2.50 2.50 1.90 2A0 1.90 noun 1.90 1.90 .75 'guign Flour Eclipse Hour Pastry ‘ ran, N rimpod ‘ bmumn At 1119 lywhmw on ‘(HF ,OPLE'S M the ht" Ham; “ndw \\' ' 100 new 3] WSITIVELY he.â€" Tewphnnc H.H.MlLl the mu