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Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Jul 1913, p. 2

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E”! to .11 public works; now doc- . .. magi, chap” mt. App‘t'; to Inn-0.1) nth-n. I n fiwmmznifm, mums fl! ACRE OF LAND. CLOSE TO corporation of Durham; conven- bnt to: anyone working in 00"; good house and barn. with M; good water; small orch- ud; 19 acres of good oats, 6 can under timothy and clover. Will be said cheap and on easy tot-nu to quick purchaser. Ap- 1 to Wm. Wall. Durham_.fl6§ >d 1.0117} CON. 3, IN THE 'l'UWn- Ihtp of Glenelg, containing 55 men. more or less; 15 hardwood bush. Well fenced. well watered: 8 acres under chalet. For Sale. IN DURHAM. DRYERAL HOUSES Lower Town. Ono nice cottage in -A. H Jackson. Durham: _ 3 21!} 0001) BUILDING LOTS APPLY to J P. Teflon-d. or Mrs. G. Black- bugI, Durham 6135.! FINE BRICK STORE AND DWEL- ling, on Main street, D Owner in W‘esst', :1 bargam - £JL:.'LZ:T _. _ __ ,- ,_-V_, PINE BRICK STORE AND DWEL- ling, on Main street, Durham. Owner in West, a bargain Ap- _ply to .£_fl;jdagkso 1. i2§.29_ GOOD COHFORTABLE FRAME house rm College street; afix rooms, two storeys, hard and soft water. good half acre of land. A bargain to quick pur- chaser For xarticulara, appiy SYNOPSIS 0F CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS THE soie head of a family. 01": any male over 13 years old, may; homestead a quarter-section of; nvaiiable Dominion land in Mani-i toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta.‘ The applicant must appear in'e person at the Dominion Lands‘ n L A - AAAAA .A- .k.‘ bug aha WI Wu an. ---v â€" - â€"â€"â€"- 7 Agency or Sub-Agency hr the'?‘ District. Entry by proxy may bew made at the office of any Locall. Agent of Dominion Lands (not': sub-agent), on certain conditions,§ Duties.-â€"Six months residence‘ upon and cultivation of the land‘ in each of three years. A home-'-I steader may live within nine miles! oi his homestead on a farm of at! ,least 80 acres. on certain condi-’ tions. A habitable house is reâ€" quired in every case, except when residence is performed in the vicinity. l pro art to ohn Farms for Sale. EN [00 COIFORTAILB BRICK HOUSE 1.. Durham. 2 o‘oreyl high, hard and not! water inlido. good comâ€" aot atahln frame barn «in too. quarter acre of land. Price , iown to quick purchaser. Applv a’ the Chronicle office. 727 tf 31‘ :5, Câ€"ONCESSION .o, (:13;th containing 100 acres of first-vimc land in 20ml condition. Wu. In certain districts 3 home- steader in good standing may pre- empt a quarter-section along- side his homestead. Price $3 per om. Dutiesâ€"Six months resiâ€" dence tn each of st: years from date of homestead eptry (includ- rm tic: time reQuired 'to' earn homeltead patent) and 50 acres‘ extra cultivation. The area of ‘ eumvatiop is Ipbhct ‘t‘o redugtion‘ h cane ofâ€"rough. Ecrubby or stony land after report by Hgmestead Impector on applxcatnon for patept. A ,I-_. .mL- ‘1‘- A-Ln“-‘ V A homestead" who has exhaust- ed his homestead right and cannot obtain a preemption may take a purchased homestead in certain districts. Price, $3 per acre. Dut- iesâ€"Must reside six months in each 0! three years, cultivate 50 acres and erect a house Worth }OOD of W. W. CORY. Deoyuty o! the Minister the Interior. N.B.â€"Unanthorized publication at this navel-moment will not he Nd (onâ€"37085. 2818 TO RENT yum; ROOHY_ Dmyma "or Sale or Ih-nt. ouoe, hen house, woou- d other conveniences; 911. Will trade {or farm ’. For particulars apply Wiloon, Durham. max-69 H' 93 80 mu. Youly ntoo on application. ‘1“ .-vv ,y. high, hard! Holstein Conveyancer. ls, good «111- Issuer of Marriage Licenses. barn an t00~+ Money to loan at lowest rates, I. Price away and terms to suit borrower. Fire haser. ADPIV and Life Insurance placed in thor- Hire. 7'27 U nughly reliable compnaies. Deeds. o (.1 l“\'l“l"‘ ‘Mortgages, Leases and Wills. --.' ‘1 executed on shortest notice. All OI‘SES 25 can (or in: “union, ad 10 out. for cool: ah an! under two inches. ,donblo the above , 0n. lamiuon lamioson. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE A ‘ short disuneo out of Knapp’a Hotel. . lamb ton Street. Lower Town. Durban 3 Ofico hours from 12 to l o’clock ._â€".___‘â€"_..‘ ._.-._._.~â€"__â€". o]. 6. Hutton. tf OFFICE-Over J. P. Telford’s office nearly [opposite the Registry office. Residence Second house south nt Registry nflice on east side of Albert, Street. Uflice Hours 9-11 3.111., 2-4 p. 11).. 7-9 p. m. Telephonejcmnmunica- tinn thwven office and residence at all huurs. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- tice in the New Hunter Block. Oflice ‘murs, 8 to 10 1. m., to 4 p. m. end 7 to9 3- :11. Special attention given to diseases at women and children. Residence op- aosite Presbvterian Church. ’DR. BROWN L. R. C. P., LONDON. ENG RADULATE of London. New York and Chicago. Olsen“ 0! Eye. Eu N000 and Throat. \Vill he at the Hahn House, July :5) Oct. 19, November 16. Dec. 2]. Hum-s, l to 33 p.111. 7._4â€" .mo Autumn! ROI 3. 3.. and to Gollnn EYE, maffnsonngyoss OFFICE: J F GRANT. D. D. s .L. D. 8. HONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- ty of Toronto. Graduate Roya 1011mm Dental Sigrgems nfOntario. Dentistry m all Its Branches. figent. . Money tn Loan. ”sump! stage Lxceuses. A general financial 1888 transacted. DURHAM ONT. (Lower Town 'l'iw schtml is thurmighlv equipped in tum-hing ahility. in chvmicnl and elec- Irivnl supplies and fittings, etc., fur full Juninr Leaving and Matriculation J un ir Work CI; THUS. ALLAN, Prim-i a1 and vim-ial Model Schonl cacher. Intending Studvnts should enter at the hvginning of the term if possible. Bum-d can he obtained at reasonable rates. Durham is a healthy and at- tructive town. making it a most desir- able place. fur. residence. A. H. lackson. TO'I‘ARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION The recol'duf the Schnul in past years is a flattering one. The trustees are prugressnve educatinnally and spare no gains to see that teachers and pupils ewe every advantage for the pr- per presentation and acquistiou of knnwledge. l. P. Yelford. ARRISTEI., SOLICITQR,__ m0 wn. F.\RQlifl.\R§0.‘{. 0.0.. c. (IMAGE. Durham Continuation School ANY PERSON FOUND FISHING or trespassing on lot 50, Con. 3, W.G.R., will be prosecuted ac- cording to lamâ€"Alex. Alexander. DADA. 2m... 13. ALL PERSONS TRESPASSING ON Lot 5, Con. 8, Glenelg, (or the purpose of fishing, after this notice, will be punished‘to the full extent of the law.â€" W. R. Jack. 5 1 Medical Directory. L116 Leuwcr 1):: av... uuyvci"-.., 0 SIX BENCH HANDS WAHTED AT‘ he ue will be returne once on day or PM WNW-EC was Department does not bind Married men preferred. Excel- ! itself to accept the lowest or any lent_pro§p9§:t for it"fiélfilfgi l tender. ‘ ‘ Proprietor. Arthur Gun, Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. FEES : $1 per month in advance vâ€"u â€"’ on Lots 30, 31, and 32, Con. 2, EA G.R., Glenel . Parties found‘ so doing wil be prosecuted to! the full extent of the lawn-The“ Saugeen Fishin Club, C. M.. Bowman, Preai ent. 58tf 'Apgli, tinting wage. 01‘. to be 19:09th mung; ()ver Dmngl Dental Dz’rectorv (‘ertifimue promptly attended to. Legal ‘Dz’rerlorr Conveyancer, 81c Money w Loan. .1 W. J. SHARP .11! Roy. London Ophthnlm'lc Gullah Sq. Throat 3nd Non SPECIALIST : HOU$B FOR SALE DR. BURT. , , Frost. 35%. Owen Sound. Over J J. Hunter’s Warning ancer I 81c. Insurance tn Luau. Issuer of Mar- A general financial busi- Chairman. _’ J mvellery Stow. =51 flick» Cabinet Box 310, 8:90qu Secretarv 515“ imense throogg of interested visit- ;ors witnes the splendid pro- zgram of sports, which was run of! Iwithout a hitch. In the forenoon lthe aquatic sports at Flesher’s ,pond created much fun for the %crowd. The '200â€"yards swimming :race was won by D. Matthewson, .ot Priceville. Henry Carrington ‘was second and Robt. Richardson third. In the duck race, Reuben lCargo captured the bird. which ievaded its pursuers for some dime. Frank Thurston‘won the â€"â€" 'A“A“’ I it‘lne. [Tan]: 1 IIUI Dyvn. n --- _ tub race, but Was closely followed! 'by Harry Frost. The suspended: slippery pole over the ponds was a: tickler to Walk and there were. many tumbles into the water by; on the agrncultural grounds withi a baseball match between Kim-i barley and Flesherton teams. The? latter won by a score of ‘21 to 20.? (jrilfi-ll-nn. of Markdale, Was um- pire. The speeding was Very fine and witnessed with deep in- terest. In the 2.25 class A. E. Pil- lgrim’s horse won LSt. J. L. Mm Donald’s 2nd and W'.'.\"eeley’s 3rd In the 2.40 trot J. L. McDonald’s won lst, J. H. Hunter 2nd and E. 0. Cooper 3rd. In the named race '11)- lst T. J. Fisher Won lst, with J. Tee-A ter and L. Duckett a tie for 2nd and 3rd, and J. Stafford 4th. In the Committee race, Mark Wil- son was lst and C. Richardson 2nd. Boys’ raceâ€"R. McAuley, L. Law-o rence. (iirls’ raceâ€"Gladys Haz- zard, Belle Howard, Florence Richardson, Rene Cargo. The tug of war between East and West. with captains M. Stewart and W. Boyd, was won by the latter. The concert at night was .very success- ful. The entertainers, Mr. Demille, baritone, and Mr. Spencer, comic. highly pleased the large audience from beginning to end of the program. Miss Moore. of Dun- ‘dalk. and Miss Mabel Boyd, Wore The undersigned will receive of- fers for any, or all, of the prep- erties of the late Jane Brown, de- ceased, up to lst August, 1913. House on Bruce street, house on Countess street. 3 houses on Lambton street, and house on north Saddler street. No offer necessarily accepted. f- IIVV\ III-wwâ€"vâ€"u Arthur H: Jackson, Durham. Durham. 5th July, 1913 7104 FOR , NOTICE is hereby given that I 'will close the lane leading from iDurham Road to the Canadian Pa- tcific Railway Station at the Glen, iand any person or persons using :said lane on or after Monday, 1July 7, 1913, will be dealt with ac- ‘cording to law.â€"â€"Thos. McKeown, l \Bunessan. 6 19 3pd FOR 8. 3. N0. 11, 15an lliVLn. Professional first or second class; duties to commence after summer holidays: small section: within a mile of Durham. Ap- plications received up to July 19. Salary $600. Apply to C. Lawâ€" rence. Durham. 7 3 3 TEACHERS WANTED ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY warned against trespassing on Lots 5 and 6, Con. 9, Glenelg, for the purpose of fishing, huntâ€" ing, trap ing or camping.â€"The Saugeen unting, Fishing, Trap- ping and Camping Club. 4243 P-fl Protestant; salary $0.9; (tutu-s to commence September 2. Ap- plications received up to Juix' 15, 1913. W. Ritchie, Sin, Secre- on..." ”AND “I” 7102 SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned and endorsed "Tender for Public Building, Hano- ver. Ontario,” will be received un- til 4.00 P.M. on Monday, July .21, {1913, for the construction of a Public Building at Hanover, Ont. contract can be seen and forms of contract can be sene and forms of .tender obtained on application to ithe Postmaster at Hanover, Ont., {at the office of Mr. Thos. Hast- :ings. Clerk of Works, Postal Sta- étion “F,” Yonge St., Toronto, and *at this Department. A‘DI. 1 {Rn-I Edge Hill. “‘OU -vrwâ€" -__.,___ Persons tendering are notified; that tenders will not be considered; unless made on the printed forms. supplied, and signed with their' actual signatures, stating their}m1 occupations and places of resi-;1y dence. In the case of lirms, the : pf attual signature, the nature “Hi the occupation, 'and place of resâ€", ‘ ‘ A -- -£ 4-1... . er By order. R. C. DESBOCHERS Secretary. Department 01 Public Works. Otuwa. J une 26 1913. Newspaper: will not be paid tor this advertuemant it they lnnert it without authority tram ytho Do- nnrtmant. 'l 3 3 FLESHERTON. Warning! For Sale NOTICE. m mmnu CHRONICLE 11) \ BENTINCR GLENE The Methodist Ladies’ Aid axe 'making improvements in the par- isonage for the reception of the new minister’s familv, to arrhe this W.eek Rev. Mr. Dudgeon a1- rhed on Saturday and in his in- augural sermon on Sundav 1110111- ing made a Very favorable im- .pression on his congregation. lThe discourse was based on John ‘14: 8 “Shew us the Father and it gsufficeth us.” Mr. Dudgeon is a I the a-ccornpan_i_sts1 _and two piano.d.uets. Mr. M. K. Ruch- ardson presided. The receipts for the day were “42.09. Good mus- ic was furnished throu bout the day by the home ban , assisted by members of Markdaale and Dun- dalk bands. - Mr. and ers. D. S. Munro, of De- troit, old residents of Flesherton. announce the marriage of their daughter, Christine, to Mr. N, ’Grant Currie, of Detroit, which took place at the home of the bride on, July}. v hm bud.o ‘ l 5003 unusuu‘ as". T.â€" â€"â€" fl . _ Hr. and Min. D. 8. Munro. of De- extensive and expensive repairs troit, old residents of Flesherton.'from the effects of the b W - announce the marriage of their storm of Good Friday, we be re- daughtel‘. Christine, to Mr. N. opened on Sunday next, July 13. Grant Currie, of Detroit, which Special services will be conducted t°°k place at the home 0" the bv Rev. Mr. Malcolm. of Holstein. bride 0“ July 2° ' at 3 o’clock. p.m.. and at Boclock The Methodist Ladies’ Aid are am. On the following Monday making improvements in the Par‘ievening a lawn party will be held sonage for the reception 0‘ the when supper will be served. and new minister’s family, to arrive afterwards a good program will this week. Rev. Mr. Dudgeon ar-‘be rendered. A pleasant and en- rived on Saturday and in his in- ioyable time may be safely ex- augural sermon on Sunday morn- pected, so come. one and all, and ing made a very favorable imâ€" “rally round the flag.” pression on his congregation. Mr. percy Cornish, accompanied The discourse was based 0“ JOh“ bv his excellent Wife, left some 14:8 “Shew us the Father and it time ago on a visit to the for- sufficeth “8’” Mr. Dudgeon is a mer‘s parents ‘at Lumsden. Sask. clear .and forceful speaker and has‘His father, Mr. John Cornish. we a good reputation as pastor and regret to report. is very poorly. evangelical preacher. and had a desire for all the fam- 'l‘l1e anniversary services in the '11}. to meet once more. Mr. and Presbyterian church on Sunday Mrs. 13. (.‘ornish are expected were very successful. conducted hump soon again. by the pastor, Rev. Mr. )1cVicaxw It was with feelings of gloom Wh” preached excellent sermons and sadness the news was received t” large congregations, The in this neighborhood of the sudâ€" church was crowdedin the “even- den taking away by death of the ' The Misses Mitchell, Miss Mabel Boyd, and Miss Maud Boyd. chap- eroned by Mr. and Mrs. Holland. are on a camping holiday at Eugenia. 1 Miss Mary Wilson leaves this week to holiday for a few weeks. with her brothers at Toronto and ‘ (‘lravenhurst ‘4’-“â€" ing, when service in the Methodist church was withdrawn, and the pastor and his peOple fraternized with the Presbyterians. Rev. Mr. McVicar, who was called here three months ago, is an energetic pastor. and his work is being much appreciated by his congregation. Master Kendall, the nine year old son of W. J. Boyd, was upset from a hand wagon on the street on Monday and sustained a frac- ture of the right arm at the elbow which was reduced by Dr. Carter. assisted‘by Dr_. 'LanenofuPriceville. ”Mi‘séâ€"‘Andrews and Miss Long. milliners, are off this week on their holidays. \glb‘ - â€"â€"v-â€" Mr. Rusééfl Currie and Miss Jes- sie Currie, of Durham, were the guests of the Misses Armstrong on Monday. - - .n‘l . o. ‘ _ .'."D- “ Among the holiday visitors here' last week were Mrs. LeGard. sr.. Joe LPGaI‘d and friend, 311‘. A. )lil- . ler. Mr. and Mrs. Walter LeGard.. Will and Ed. Bentham, Mr. Webb.1 Mr. Weatherspoon. Arthur \Vartl- robe. Greo. Richardson and Elywin Jamieson, from Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. LeGrard. Chicago: Harold Karate-(1t. Shelburne, and Wilfrid Henry, Orangeville. Mrs. Will Bentham and little son are ViSitlng the former‘s par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Crossley. Mrs. Hutchinson. nee Mina Bunt. of (‘ollingwood, was a visitor at W. H. Bunt’s on Saturday. Dr. Thos. Henderson, wife and Dr. Thos. Henderson, was anu little daughter, of Toronto. ar- rived on Saturday to holiday for a tow weeks here. Mrs. Frank Tait, and tWo child- ren. of Lucknow, are on a Visit with the former’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Richardson. Miss Lynette Hanhury. of Dun- (131k, spent a few days last week with Mrs. R. H. Moore. Mrs. Jas. Chard visited her parents at Stayner last week. Mrs. Jos. Hadley is spending couple of weeks with friends at Niagara. Miss Lillian Bunt is visiting her aunt in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Thus. Cullen, of Toronto, paid the former's parents a short visit last week. Mr. Leslie Norris was home on a short visit last Week. HOW’S THIS ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh [that cannot be cured by 3311’: Ca- tarxh Cure. F.J. CHENEY 8: 00., Toledo, 0. l ‘ Mr. R. w. Shaw spent a day Last wife and children ston’s. We the undersigned have known F..J Cheney for the last 15 years. and believe him perfectly honox-. able in all business transactions; and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm.‘ WALDING, KINNAN 62y MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken in- ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sesnt free. Price 75¢. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall’s Family Pills for con- stipation. in front of the roller. The broken gate-post served to perfection in preventing him from being crush- ed, and Jimmy was up and none the worse for his thrilling experi- ence, with the exception of a slight scratch on one arm. The harness, whiffletrees, and tongue of the roller were all badly broken. Mina Janet Blyth, head teacher at thden, Man" Public school. Min Mary E., of Gorrie, and Miss Elsie, who is teaching in Norman- by, are all up ending their holidav salon at th :ir beautitul old home at the Corners. Hr. Archie Watson. 0! Detroit. BLYTH‘S CORNERS week with his at W.- H. Thur- of Lion's Head the latter! sz ‘1.- It was with feelings of gloom and sadness the news was received in this neighborhood of the 5%dâ€" den taking away by death of be late Wm. Brown. Mr. Brown was well and favorably known around this neighborhood for many long years. He was a true type of Irishman in every respect, kind hearted, genial in disposition. etc. To the sorrowing family we eat- tend our sympathy. "While drv'ivi'ng fo the picnic at Gleneden on Monday last, Mr. J. Hoeflin had an unpleasant exneri- ence when his spirjteq drivel: magic: V-.vv a spurt, the lines broke, and the animal ran into the fence, struck a stake, pitched Jake out, ran away and smashed the buggy top. which was only put on new last year. Otherwise, no further dam- age was done. The rains of last week proved a great boon to the spring crops. but hay will not average much over a third of a ton to the acre. Watch hay prices soar. Miss Annie Robertson. of Mo‘es- worth, came back with Grandpa Greenwood on Wednesday of lam week, and has 1)lezisantl)"_speiic a week with her kindred. She re- turns home on Tuesday. High Constable Cook, and Miss Millie. of Ceylon, were guests u. the Cook homestead on Sundaj, and took part in Zion Sundry School in the afternoon. Mr. Cook in his brief address to the school recalled incidents of over 50 years ago. Miss Muriel Cone“, of Toronto, is a guest at our home this Week. coming up by C. P. R. on Satur- day. Mr. -Will Tufts, of Detroit. lwho has been with us for the p351 i.three weeks, leaves for his home i on Tuesday. Miss Myrtle. Hunt. at Town! and her brother “'ilfrid. were H guests of Mrs. J. J. Pcart, on F: day. ‘They Went on m Durham ( erected 'a handsom ,‘ the school last woe The trust“ f2 W3 BANE" n:- CANADA Notice is hereby given thet e dividend et the rete of THIRTEBfl PER CENT. PER ANNUM upon the ceplul stock of this Bank has been declered for the quarter ending Blst July. 1918. and thet thi umewillbepnyeblentthefiudOficeinthiecityendiu BrendI‘ onendefterFfldny. the first dnyd August. 1918. to W 0! wood of 26th July. 1018. TRAVERSTON. Byoahtoltlufioud. Tomato. 17th Jun. 1018. after unclel'llai9g O F CAN ADA Quarterly Dividend Notice No. 91 art]. Of S. new porch ' It is ‘ % ~ ' ~~‘m”‘ ‘- ‘nok Hut nunnm cuamucr At the Chronicle ijqting Noun. 0mm" Tn Cllomcu will be «In a “Inscription en eddreu. free of purge. for Mei: nee. hm - . 81 per you. pay. 41.50 my be charged fif not no «I. The due to winch ever) mbeoription i! pa d is denoted by the number on the eddreu hbel. No .nper a“. oontinued to ell errant-e ere peid. emep! e! the option of the proprietor. For treaeieni edvenieemenu M'm cents per line for the are! inner ht“ - tion; 3 oenu periine each enbee ineenion~ minion more. Profeeeione not exceeding one tool “.00 per anon. Advertieenonte without opeoiflc direction vi". be publiehed till forbid e! 1 chewed eownim {y Tnneient notioeeâ€" ‘Lut. “:F‘ound." “For Se e auxâ€"50 cents for fire! insertion. 25 cone for each enbeequent ineertion. "iii :dvornunlonu ordot‘d by strangers an" 50 mid for in adv-moo. distract mm for any .dvoruuomouu fur nicked on spplioation the omoo ‘gFURNlTURE ARI) ;.oUNDERTAKI\(J A. BELL UN DERTAKER and Funeral Director\ Picture Frammg rm Shams: notice. Magnet Cream Separatms and DURHAM. ONT.. Full line of Catholic Robes, and blmk and white Caps for aged people. II PUBLIOBID EVERY THUBGDAY IORNING Tb. Chronicle an“; \\'.. Mail and Empire. ‘ w . The Chronicle and Wu ' Globe, 1 year...... o. l The Chronicle and - I“ 1': i Herald 8:. “’eekly 91:1: :‘l‘ho Chronicle and \\'.~ 1 Witness, 1 your.... The Chronicle and “H: Sun, 1 year ...... The Chronicle and F .-:n ; Advocate, 1 year. The Chronicle and m ‘ Farm, 1 you... 1Tb. Chronicle and To: . EWEN DI“ News, 1 gear. _ The C nlcle an 'l'or». ' Dill Star, 1 year...._ The C ronicle and '1m~ Dull World. 1 year The C onlcle and ',1"r:> DI“ Mail and Emmy"- Th0 hronicle and To: DI“ Globe. 1 year. The C ronicle, and Th.- u: Growerc’ Guide. “'inrxi ; Snow Roomsâ€"Next m Swallows Barber Shop. RESIDEM‘Eâ€"Nefl door South of \K'. .L Lawrence’r blacksmith shup. about in both the cellar .r. Itoreys. On the Fx‘idu.‘ ' John Beaton, of the uh w ht}! two yggrligfls kill“- Messrs. W. J. Grvemw- Thou. Glencross took in 1'... races at Listowel on 'l‘uvwm spent a day or two with M Robertson. of Molesworth. EDITOR AND memm'ou Embalming a Specialty and all Household Durham EDWARD W. IRWIN New Clubbing Rat Rugs. Oilcloths Window Shades L ac e Curtains TINSMITHING Magnet Gasoline Engines All SIZES July '10. 1918 H Ontnrh AGENT Jul." 1 an)“ ‘H Bran, MI was leh [5 god [[L“ Special ‘inli‘. 300 Acres 200 Acres H md 0m s. M Te|eph0n )ll M (Brain Boa [1' ‘hcfl 3"“ Acrefi IH fill how (m

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