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Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Jul 1913, p. 5

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5'. Ed 8’! It w a 1nd the ' Bill? a. 0999 cle 9000 Min] visiting Miss Maud Kreaa, of Banana, u‘ W- __- - .- Visiting her many friends in town}: "no“ '50“! “'3'?“th 3‘80 "I" horns of snails have been estimated \i‘iltf‘d hi9 Sister Mrs (‘aider . bl! .3 eye which 1 Mr. Russell Currie. of Toronto.‘ mnmrtgtvgorgitgugbtebfirzyet’hz". es. waiting at his home here. \ practically “new“ for [NW of vi- MiSS [Slay Campbell has returned; lion. It ‘8 established “ROW!“ "1“ * the caudal born or tentacle of the silk- t‘mm Owen Sound, where she spent R worm if taken off will grow again. al- -i wuuple of Weeks with friends. though it will be smaller than the d in some cases invisi- ble to the naked eye. The crab and ! lobster, as is well known, can grow ' :1 \VPPk, new clawa.-Harper’a Weekly. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Burnett. of. primitive one an ' \‘iaiting their parents. M \Ir. and Mrs. J. Towner, and son,i (ecil left Monday alternoon on a trip to the Pacific Coast. Mrs. Seymour, of Shanghai. (‘hina. is spending a few months with her mother, Mrs. D. Jackson. .‘y 10. 1913. ‘wil left Monday afternoon on a. rm to the Pacific (bust. ‘ )1 5,. .. f S 2 h' -. little island on Lake Amobalangoda. .} .5“ . ‘. -‘ mm." ” ,h m“ ‘“ in Ceylon. While idling about he and- mm. 13 ~mending a ten months den” became aware of a f . mother. Mrs. D. Jackson. min: noise. ' from which the sound came. be pet" of termites beneathi with her Mr. .\l(.-l.eish. evangelist. of Tor- mm». is spending a Jew days with ceived a colony Mr. and Mrs. H. Allen. a bread tree. The noise. which last- )liss )lililrill Erskine. of Mark- :iale. is Visiting Misses Doris and ed for a few seconds, sounded 1““ '5th... .‘chuley. ”)0 very distant I’Oll of a drum. On . closer investigation Professor Bunion Mr. .lns. )le(.‘locklm. of Toronto, discovered that it w” caused by , “mm" "f week“ at his" little band of termites beating a lively tattoo with their mandibles against the bottom of the leaves. They had evi- (illit'l' in Hurafruxu during his dently been disturbed by his approach film-H. and were warning the working hat- . . . .. talion of the army. On several other \liss .‘lurmn (mm. of lurontn - .. .. . occasions under diflerent conditions i unm I\ aim y of )Iusu. is spend- 11);! the holidays at her home here. the same drum signal of danger by the ants was noted by the professor.â€" sneni u lmme here. )lrs. 'l‘hns. Allan is Visiting her Miss Susan M-cClocklin. of the 'l‘oruntu teaching staff. is holiday- ing at her home here. Miss Jean Crawford. of Buffalo, m home for a couple of months’ Miss Jean u home for oHdayS. Mr. and Mrs H‘ODIO )Irs fair For soreness of t whether‘iqduced by 1 cine or mlury, there of the muscles, whether induced by violent exer- cise or injury, there is nothing better than Chamberlain’s Lini- ment. This liniment also relieves ‘ ' For sale by all For soreness om . and Mrs. Reginald Kelly, of nm. are visiting his parents. 1nd Mrs. John Kelly. Miss Mary Smith; spent a few (laws “I 'fiarents. Mr. and Mrs 1 ‘l'__ 11‘5“ Mr, and Mrs. Ottawa. are at weeks with th Mr. Jack N SundaY‘i‘! “Li" Mr. and MI nver the lat with Miss Hattie L: at Mulock. is 9p days with her 1 Mrs. T. H. Lawn-en Mr. Dave Adla: ling Mr. John -C ‘ n uf Durham, Spent Duuua. \[r» and Mrs. E. Bosebor A Mr. aqd Mrs. Maycock Mr. and Mrs. .1. vv. ......--_ _, a day hast week the guest of Mr. and Ml". M. Barber, of Vvarney. time. S. McAliste hter. Mrs. Dr been seriously “'a}' to l'eCOV'f “'E’t H 9. Mr. and n. and num and friends returned where ear. 1 Mrs. Rubt. Douglas. and t. and ('ieorge. returned K from Prince Albert. nere they have spent the r. Mr. Douglas is at Visiting friends in Mark- Gun. 0! Toronto 0! Music, is spend- ys at her home here. McClocklin. of the. inn! staff. is holiday- \er lri ectory and “'fieport If ress. of {y "('1 c. uley Livingston spent st with his parents. {the Lawrence, teacher . is spending the holi- her parents. Mr. and Lawrence. .- Adlam is busy shing- fohn Cuff’s barn. Mrs. Wm. Falkingham. . spent Sunday but with 'rs. E. Bosebqrough; --A; VICKERS. ere, _ ' z . l ' A Noted Bauo's Egotusm. i Once in London were four great} HIM“ 0“ mOnth‘ bassos singing at the same time. La-‘ biache. Marini. Standigi and Karii puma“ lelv. ”f . Fashionable opinion was un- ‘ n7”; mg pmimfi decided as to which of the four was. i n [{tfll}. ‘1' 1111'? l‘-\"' ('hil'i‘ the quartet of Si :lrv visiting: livi Mrs, I). 310“an ‘ out to whom each of the singers l‘t'l, awarded the palm of being the great- )UH' ‘1 J. IfUI‘PL'I' at base then in London. “ ‘f"”'” “mm“ Standigl answered promptly and ' "" """t m " truthfnlfy, “Lablache is the best." 1. r '2',” 1 ‘S,' ‘ “ ‘ h” H‘ Marini replied, “l will not say who t i am sure La- ii, ivz'. 'zi' \li. FHi't‘si. (:60 home there .l- spending riend. RIPS. E en hulid Me Fadden re \ Lsit'ms lrs. Thos. »us other Burns ill. but KrP'SS» friend here took in the rty in Gdenel on ,t an exce lent ewark of Durham, Vickers .gpent n m H a 1 Th0 Bogonontion of Organ.- Iny ulterior animals have. I known. the rmwer of repll youth’s Companion. WWW ‘ flea and country houses ogate.” too. do the writi to prisoners as “panels “avizandum” and “com messes in a law case.-â€"] Coat of Firing Naval Gum. ii In the appendix to “A Landsman’s . Log” R. W. Neeser supplies many in- Q teresting and startling statistics in re. g gard to naval expenses. Among other . things he gives the cost of our guns, 3‘ projectiles, etc. We learn from him !' that a single shot from a twelve inch gun costs about $424. Rapidly multi- ply that by the number of guns shot .1 0! in a broadside and that again by ‘ penses of modern target practice. ; When one further contemplates the; cost of a modern battleship the possi- 5 ble expenditure involved in a naval two first class! lling to contem- - 0 plate. , end what do think she (110': u all that I said down in shorth brought it. nicely typewritten to sign!" ery presented by some 3 of the taxicab meters Is the question of how you could go that far tn the} without oetng arrested , for medium-Washington Star. The great myst Ants' Drum C9?!”- “DI do the writing Scots; allude I. as “panels.” take much to I” and “compear” their wit- law case-London Tatler. A Fine Morning- Tbey "Homol- Hunt For a Hangman. ‘ The British army wan once in un- enltiee through the lack of a human. Murder was committed by a midi“ in the Crimea. but nobody could he found sentence of the court martial. it was announced that m and a tree discharge would'he granted to the man undertaking the task. At last a man did volunteer. He was a newcomer to the army. 0n the night prior to the date fixed for the execution they locked up the hangman in a Ita- 3ble to keep him safe. in the morninx {the party at the gallows waited. but 5, there was no hangman. He had gone 'mad during the night or else he was a now simulating madness. The officer -- A. h‘a nan. D'e ‘U 36“] Illâ€"- "-', the party at the gallows waited. but there was no hangman. He had gone mad during the night or else he was now simulating madness. The officer he pulled himself together and appean ed to the sergeants with. “Which of you will hang this man?" And to spare his capta lunteered. He afterward had the sat- t‘lsfaction of flogging the man who had volunteered and failed.-â€"London 3 Found the Snooze. \ The overanxious father icharming daughters. after {had sought seclusion for ' caught somewhere in the di ‘ echo of a sneeze. ' H “ -Am‘ “No. 0898-" Taptap at the adj Gluing door. ing? Was it you?" “Oh. no. papa, dearest.” . Just then the guest roor way down the corridor band’s breadth. and the I an old lady guest. who Eearly, issued forth: “I am extremely sorry. it was Artificial Ears. 1? Artificial ears are so skillfully made ' that they may with diflicuity be dis- tingnished from natural ones. it is' claimed. When the individual who has lost an ear applies to the manu- facturer for a substitute. there is made a mold of the remaining.' ear. if there ‘ the left any part of the other a mold of I ’that part also must be taken to assist in the fitting of the artificial. Mauu- 1 facturers assert that no two ears are alike and that it takes a skillful work- an to prepare an ear from the mold When finished the new ear , iticial ear that is ex- sive. the chief cost pertaining to - making of the moid. Vulcanized her, which can be bent and twist- , has been found to constitute the st material for the making of arti- cial ears.wiiarper's Weekly. 9" Made Mount Athos an Island. l s unlikely ever to be " ,urned into an island again. as it was \ oy Xerxes. The canal which he cut ’ rough the isthmus was regarded as a ; th even in the time of Juvenal. hut: ces of it are still in existence. l One circumstance of its construction. ; ecorded by‘Herodotus. may help to xplain Why it was a three years’ busi- ess to cut this canal of less than Welve furlongs. Nearly all the peo- les employed by Xerxes dug straight down, with the result that the sides continually fell in. thus doubling their , work. The Phoenicians, with their so- ' perior intelligence. hegan excavating at ;a breadth much greater than the canal Eltself was to occupy. so as gradually gto narrow with a convenient slope as they dug down. kerxes lMount Athos i it was not until ago that London‘s existing sy ed four policemen , junction to do with difficulty what two constables and sometimes one now ef- fect by a motion of the hand. But the ' their task and hung on to horses’ heads and summon- led rebellions drivers till the reign of l law and order was established. A Bigger Dose. “My doctor ordered two weeks at the seashore.” ”He's a homeopatb. isn't be?" “Yes. Why 't” “Two weeks 13 a small dose. 1’6 80 to an allopath and see if I couldn’t get a trip to E11mpe.”-â€"Wasbington Her- ald. ___â€"_ Very Different. Blinkers â€" Hello. Winkers! I but you married a woman with an inde- pendent fortune. Winkers (sadly)â€" N-uu. I married a fortune with an In- ! dependent woman. 1 vého sneezed " Fussy Old Ladyâ€"l w seats for this afternoon part of the house. Tic right. madam. Here are -Life. _â€" baby ?n “Not at all. the of her a M”;B unalo I19?“ m DURHAM CHRONICLE “Have you any '2" at: fi‘IV-Jv the corridor. opened Cool Spot. .y Old Ladyâ€"l want two good for this afternoon in the coolest »t the house. Ticket Agentâ€"All madam. Here are two in 2. row. ll. We’ve only one rich rel:- sex.”â€"Detroit Free Pro-I. atber Of three mer his family for the night the distance the zivtbe end of the the Hum-voice of who had retired y. Mr. Brown: New York Sun. Easy. y trouble naming "39 door. halt- and slip' Dusting, J mm 11 1913 Fall Wheat ......... ...8 93 to 8 S ring Wheat .......... 93 to illin Oats ............ 38 to Feed ats ............... 34 to RS tn MARKET REPORT EPROMOTION EXAMINATION .\O. :3, GLENELG. Sr. III tS'j'r. IVâ€"E. Cook, R. Jackson, M. Haley. R. Peart, rec. Jr. III 'to Sr. IIIâ€"K. Edwards. Sr. II ‘to Jr. IIIâ€"W. Jackson. J. McGillIvray, W. Haley. (flocklm, rec. Sr. I 'to Jr. II-VV. Gray, J. Pem't. 11 to Jr IIfâ€"E. Noblé: L'Barbo'ur and R. McMeeken eq. - Primer to Iâ€"B. MoMeeken. â€"â€"A. Sco'tt, Teacher. NO. 12, EGREMONT. To 81‘. IIIâ€"A. Benton, M. Hoop- ex, M. Lawrence, To qr. III-M. Dailey, P. Eccles. Cook, M. Jr, I 'tO 81‘ Miss Barbara Byers. is at present spending tion at her home here. Mr. Andrey Derby 3 Lâ€" Ll. In W'ash Goods we have Prints, Ginghams, Mus- lins. Linens. Picque. Bed- ford Cord. Dainty Raps, Shirtings, Bungalow Net for )nrtains. Ladies’ tion at ner llUluc nu.-. Mr. Andrew Derby and family have moved out to their farm in Normanby for a few weeks, Mr- Will and Miles ‘Lizzie Mather “"‘-‘- #Ll):v - Mr. Wiil and Miss LlZ'Llc of Priceville, visited with ‘ uncle. Mr. .138. Mather. on . A large stock of Ladies’ \Vaists. Children’s Mid- dies. Vests etc. \Ve will be pleased to show you our goods, don’t be afraid to ask to see them. The Hampden basebau um... drme dOWn to Red Bridge last VVedmesdav e\ening and had a most exciting game with the Red Bridge tea The score Was 11-4 in fan or of m-I-iwmxflEn Mr. and Mrs. Archie Park spent‘ asant evening at the home of Mr. Jim Byers one night! I Mr. Wm. Sharp is at present put-1 t silo. ‘ Q- The garden party held in Mr. '1‘. H. Lawx‘ence‘s orchard, Vic Varney, Hanover, Mu‘ock, Louise and other points. ’nd the chair, which giuwul’l "mmâ€"ed th hair WI 1‘. Ba occu i e c , nu. p creditably. Mr. be filled very Corley. of Hanover, and .. Children’s ‘1‘. 1â€"13. Cook, W. Halex. W. R \Vallace. Toachn HAMPDEN. pden baseball team to Bed Bl‘idfi'e last d with their Ler. on SundaY- gave a most on the work naries in the uces last week. eting’. In the to the young much appreci- of Boston, her vaca- \Vith every til. at REXALL TALCUM POWDER we will give flee on Fridav and Seturdey while they FAN. The powder is fine as good as can be In to odor. Harmony Carnation .......... Rexall Violet ................. Violet Dulce . ................. PORT MchCOLL. pom ARTHUR. last a pretty JAPANESE Homeseekers' Excursuons Winnipeg and return $35.00 0! her Point: Hmneseekers’ 'l‘raiu TORONTOTOWINNH’EG Leaving Tuesdays and Sat- lll‘dityb. - 0 L'g__‘_.‘ ‘A‘.k . Mszarlane. Other Luxurious Mondays. \Vedne: 'l‘h ursda Vs. ‘ W. J 3E1”. rteIIUUub 0.0.09 O§§§§§§§§Q§§.§.Q§QQOMQQO 57 HOURS . Ticket Office. Magnificent Progromme THE GREAT $27,000.: Sunday. Rae ptid a flying ' J1:?)(szilliamuord, on Sunday e\§2‘i{)§obt. M'c'Clnren and youngâ€" . _ . ‘12-- r-nnin- ”e evening. Mrs. Robt. McClaren and youngâ€" ughter, Miss Jennie, are 'eat (13 visiting .vgith her parents, Mr. and The Western Fair UIIIuIV I SPECIAL EXCURSION DATESâ€"September Prize Lists and all information from t] A REID. President xurious Steamers, \Vednesdnys, and DORNOCH. glad to learn 0‘ 3 recovery from hints in Proporticm. Kennâ€"n mu ‘raiu Leaves Turonbo 2.0” p. m. em Town Agent. Full Particulars from “Quality” Printing iry The Chronicle U. sell and A. LONGRIDGE.â€"At I on May 25. to Mr Spent Sunday Longridrge, a (in! but . ck gand Ivy MURRAY.-A.t Etl ’- =1 ‘ Wednesday, july No trouble or misses when you use a tank - let us show you - from ’1 up. The latter two fertilize and stick on the vines, they kill the bugs and strengthon (he plants. STRICTLY PURE PARIS GREEN DEVELOP YOUR O‘VN PICTURES I Mr. Jack Johnston returned ' to J 8 .Chicago, after having spent a r ‘ lmon‘th’a vacation with friends her around this burg. Mrs. Parke an two daughters 7 ‘are visiting the farmer’s ton, here. BUG FINISH (applied dry‘ rious of Steamers SAULT STE. MARIE,‘ FORT WILLIAM. ARSENATE OF LEA!) an 3‘ Return Limit Two Mon‘hs. 00 run. each Tuesday until Aug. 26 Buv Your Ticket Here Steamship EXPNS‘ Leaves Toronto Daily, ex- cept Friday and Sunday.12.45 noon, arrives an Ship’s side _.-A â€"-v'_â€" McROBBâ€"WATSON.â€"At the mi- dence of the bride’s litter, Mrs. R. W. Braithwntte, on Thursday. July 3, by Rev. W. W. Prudhnm. B.A., B.D., Mr Charles A, Ile- Robb, of Egremont. to Mrs. Harriet Watuon, of Pricevme. BROWN.â€"In Durhun. on July 4, Willium Brown, AND YEAR Q OF EXPERIENCE t Mrs. :omber 9th. 11th and 12th from the Secretary July 7. ll". “Ill-Ill n. "v. nod 52 yours, 1 month, 10 (Ian, and BORN. I1 25. .to Mr. and Ila-0.15. re, a daughter. lay, July 2, to Kr. and J. Murray, u dnu‘htex. . HUN '1‘, Socreury my, Station Agent DIED.

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