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Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Jul 1913, p. 6

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to t! te cc. tl m t} ri ti El t} t} cu U 0’ t1 ly : (‘hr be c UV“ 28 Y" D3 h) 385‘ 01 tl IOIESBEIEIS’ BXCUISIONS Bach Tuesday until 0ct.28 inclusive Winnipeg and Return ....... 3351]) Edmonton and Return ....... 343 (I) Low rates to other points. Re- turn limit two months. Pullman Tourist Sleepers Icon Toronto 11.35 p. n. on shove data-p {upping thru CCOQ‘CQC- ‘_A_ Full Summer Service now in effect to .110! above mono. Write for full particular. and inn-traced fold- ers to any Gnnd Trunk Agent. Including Huston Lakes Magnum“: River Lake of Bay: French River “on!“ Bay Than-I ”Mill Park [mania Lakes MRS. A. BEGGS SUN “L00“ an Eclipse and Sovereign Five Roses Chesley Good Luck Milverton Three M§‘ssss‘s§s‘$‘“s~‘. kssssss‘ssms‘s“. I! HOME STUDY TAKE ,NOTIICE He Sells Cheap 6 BO. 5 P! ’1' U )N. Thousands u! ambitious young peo enre being instructed in he :- homes by our Home Study Dept. You may finish at CuiL 9!" if you desire. Pay when- "er ynu wish. Thirty Years’ Experience. largest. trainers in Canada. Enter any day. Pnsitions guaranteed. If you wish to save board and learn while you earn, write for partic- ulars. New Spring Prints are now In (all and see them ' yds. lungzfl ins. wide .250 pr. ' m ‘ ' .5013 ' o o a, o 0 .750 o W. H. BEAN The Big4 \Valkertnn Business Calder’s Block FARMERS )Sl handle the well known nf Flnur such as o-Xivered to all partsnf mm on short notice. 980 b. Floor oil cloth 300 per square yard. Tahle oil cloth #5 im-hs “4119250 yd wide 400 {and Bed comforters from $1.25 to 85 Twilled sheeting 2 yds. wide 250 yd. Heavy bleached shvéftjng 2 yaqu )R SALT Lace Curtains BIG 4 60 03) I) “RAN! and HH‘ DRTS \l in stm \TIU Jewel resident ollege the you 1097. râ€"â€"vv bud chem Impregnued W mumonu. It to estimated thei there ere 200.000 - O 000 Incandescent lempe In use In the United States end tht the demend (or new lamps toule 100,000,000 e -mvvl. "I.“ iRubo was ailowed to finish and win I game. A three-day suspension ; flowed and Rube took a fishing trip. i There have been numerous similar _‘ dents \v‘nnre a player subjected to {n e BOULM revenge upon the spot. EA “.017 is told of how “Steve" Brodie ‘hslted a game. grubbed the score =board boy's ladder, climbed up in the {bleachers and chased a spectator who 'hlflflbeen annoying him. A need drm Inventedâ€"In.Auatraiie Iow- tertlmer three or four inches below the grein to strengthen the root: of the letter In dry com or see- -A- - -câ€" “UV-l, The new (‘hinese alphabet was Andihis hantls are the st adopted by a special committee com- 1189- l posed of the most learned men, ln-i eludinz Professor Solomhalla "a 80 to bed you can ride; ' ' - EThen he sits b our side, fessor of Chinese and Japanese at= y y l And you cling to a stint the school of Oriental languages m The story he'll tell Naples. At the present time the I‘Veave. a wonderful spell, Chinese alphabet consists of 8,000: Andâ€"well, that’s the lee characters whereas the new one will know. contain forty-two characters, twenty-? 39". of which are vowels and nine-5 Modern Windmill n consonants. Four of the vowels are taken from the Greek, four from 'arréangzg v32: $21133”: the Russian. five from the Latin. and 'thst those which: move as one from Chinese. 0! the nine re- wind do not feel u. torcc msining vowels two are modified signs lpermittlng increased .1“ g and several are reversed ldeograms.i When a ball player feels he is ubuaed by a spectator he has only to appeal and the umpire will order on officer to evict the inaulter. But on can rest assured that while base‘ 11 reigns supreme fans will have their say. and the player who can’t [tend being called a, “bonehead" had better give up hope of becoming a -â€" v wu‘. chilled hin. to leap over the railing and beat 1‘. m up, bad wagered a big Ium upon I contest, and as he saw the Athlet'.-.< forging ahead figured the only clvm-e he had of winning laid in Waddell'A retirement. However. his disgusting method of bringing abnut Rube’s downfall re- lulted in n bwatlng for himself and The primary intention of the tan }in shouting and booting is to detract the player's mind from his work and “got him up in the air." Naturally any player who allows himself to be Influenced by such taunts and replies is likely to bring more abuse upon self and he is always the. loser. N no times cut of ten a player cannot sin is out the person who has called to 1m, and if he does, his reply is drowned in a torrent of boots. “Let ’em howl" is t best way. There have been incidents where an Obnoxious r v: has sought a front seat and picked - n one player continually. This happt-mi on the old Columbia avenue grouzmls in Philadelphia, when Rube" “'mfziell was pitching. ; It was nflvrwards discovered the' spectator 1.» aroused Rube’s ire and The renz: :ks of the boisterous (an are usually of a “kidding" nature, and it depends. Lille times out of ten, upon the indivirh ill against whom they are directed, hmv he chooses to interpret them. if a player gives sign that he he heard a remark, he is wise to pus it off with a jest rather than me vent {l} his feelings and show s wn. A «mile beets any other no- UOD t thousand ways. "Germany" lohsefer is she best example I know. 0! course. l is an exception. but he bu dways something funny and amus- 3 to say to the bleacheritee, and ey sre to ally for him, rather than uninst him. EDDIE COLLINO m player receives better treatmon. um 13 giwn recognition for a good 9131. even though it works to the dil- Mvmtage «f the home club. i The must disagreeable feature 0‘! the prof. ~52 .~ :ul baseball player’l life. {says Eddie ‘ nmns, star second buo- ’man of t: w Philadelphia Athletics, 1! ‘Vhe (fri€i("~:2‘~' from the spectatorl' stands. anuently this criticism in unjust a! :.xm'arranted, but play." :have to '.'!:d the gaff.” In name i, cities it i: worse than in othm. , Bonton to my mind, Is the fairelt city .111 the ma}: 2- leagues. There a. Villb Players do Themselves Much Ham by Wrea'ning Vengeance on the Critical Fans, Say! Collins KEEP SMIEINB IS BEST PLAN Fertilizer Under R.d'UM'. Pom' 14 Chinese Alphabet of mice fed 0' ‘3 dreamt". Henfordohir. In on Binding Armor Plato The objection to armor plot. oom- posed of ulternnte layers of hard and loft steel, which separate under hun- mering, has been overcome by too insertion of sheets of copper 11on the plotes before they no rolled to [other to bind them. ‘ For detecting the pretence of cool cu in a room in dengeroue quentitieo simple epperatue he: been invented which employ. a colored liquid in e tube to indicate its increase in the atmosphere. For matching colors by nrtiflcial light en Englishman claims to here invented a screen which will filter out the foreign run of gun or elec- tricity, making their light pmflodly dnylight. A new wind mill has hormonally arranged vanes, so sheltered by a hood that those which move against the wind do not feel its force, thereby permitting increased size and power. And you clirig 'to a stirf'up, and 10! The story he'll tell Weave: a wonderful spell, Andâ€"well, that’s the last thut you know. You can whip him and shout While he canters about, But he’s never been known to re- fuse; And it's little you reck, For the rein is hit: neck, And his hands; are the stirrup: you use. And whisper a word in his ear; Then you’ re up ere you know, And away you can go When you wish for a rideâ€"- Well, you jump to his side, And others ihat'people have Which are splendid, of course; But show me a horse There are horses which race At a terrible pace, retire batters on balls that other: would play safe. Able to hit, to field, to throw, to run bases and to do each in phono- menal fashion. coupled with his nerve and confidem-e. Cobb is the greatest player that ever wore a spiked Iho¢. t] 311. In my h}! in; almost a have never se the equal of t tn the words :bly the 1)th DOW a fart“! No Man In Baseball In Hle Equal, Ac- cording to Veteran Pitcher A: safe and as frisky as dad A Hertzian wave weather service has been established on me Eiffel Tower, Paris. whence a code message giving the state of the wind, sea, etc., at six of the principal stations on the Atlantic coast is radiated over the Atlantic Ocean every midday for any vessel with appropriate wireleu re- ceivers to pick up. The expression “an inch of rain” refers to the marks up a standard rain-gauge, the amount of rain equiva- lent to the distance between two such marks being represented by nearly 101 tons over an acre of land. Sea birds, sensitive to pending changes in the weather, fly inland at the approaoh of stormy weather .11 quest of food. Strips of seaweedâ€"provided that they are not kept in a room warmed artificiallywwill keep dry and have a dusty feeling in fine weather; but, with an in<.z°ease of moisture in the atmosphere, they will become damp and sticky, and so indicate a change of weather in the form of rain. Colon and Ga Light (3053 A WONDER Horse Worth Having WEATHER WISDOM CY YOUNG had» - 3' "Prosperity ruined many 1 men.“ ! "No doubt. But if I’m given my 'choice in the mutter I’d rather be ruined by prosperity then by Niven- ,ity.‘ The process in more enjoyeble.” “But I pay 818.” um: the prmicgl response. “My dear,” said a lady to s friend who was complaining of 1 serum. “you can’t expect all the virtues ! 815 3 month." or Embracing his sweetheart on his ro- tnrn home from China, not long ego, 3 young French oficer of powerful build clasped her too tightly Ind broke her neck. It wns only nth the [testest difficulty that the distrncted onng men was prevented from thrOwo n3 himsel! into the sen. It was 9.20 a.m. and he was too It“ for breakfast. Whereupon he rose savagely, turn- ed on the light and raised the cur- tains. He seemed surprised. Then he looked at his watch and seemed mgre surprised. Finally, in desperation, finding slee impossible, he determined to rise in tge middle of the night, dress him. self and walk out on the street. He lay there for at least an hour and a half, reviling his fate, meditat- ing on the horrors of insomnis. gloomine at the thought. of a day followigg a sleepless night. He lay with wide~staring eyes, vain- ly endeavoring to win slumber once aggixy Impossible! When the little daughter’s school ribbons become faded and discolored in spots try freshening and brighten- ing them up with dye made from scraps of crepe tissue paper you may have used for house or tree decora- tions some time. Use plenty of hot water, and when boiling hot drOp in the paper and stir with a stick till the water is about the shade you wish the ribbon. Have ribbons previously washed clean in hot soapsuds and rinsed in clear water. Dye while still wet. and be sure the dye is boiling. Drop them. in and with a stick keep lifting and stirring till he desired shade is obtained' If too light re- move ribbons, add more paper and repeat process. Blue is found in the emblems 0% Russia. France, Great Britain, Hol-I land. Ecuador, Sweden, the United States, Chile, Portugal, Venezuela and Cuba. Black is not at all popular. being found only in the cases of Ger- many, Belgium and China, while Ger- many is noticeable for having black and white together. Nine countries boast of a flag partly yellow; Austria, Spain, Belgium, Brazil, Persia, Swe- den, Egypt, China and Venezuela. To Ecuador belongs the distinction 0 having a standard nearer white than any other country. Has it ever struck you which color is most often seen in the flags of the world? Probably it hasn’t because there are not many people who can recognize more than a dozen flags at the outside. Well, the most popularâ€" cokn'is red. “inch is found in the standards of no fewer than 19 coun-‘ tries. out of 25. Practically every on of the European states. together wit Mexico. Venezuela. Chile and Cub boast the color red in their natior. flags. So i; is that the course of true love runs no smoother for one born to the royal purple than it does for some poor girl whose entire wardrobe con- sists of a simple garment and no orna- ments except what kind nature af- fords. It is the way of life since time immemorial. The princess has no desire to get married now. She is just at the right age to enjoy life to the full, and at present is much taken up with a dashing young lieutenant of cavalry. This Lieut. Davila is a close friend of her brother. Prince Charles, and she does not hide her preference for him. The poor lieutenant well knows that marriage with her is out r‘ tht ques- tion. so he is extremely nervous about the matter of receiving Ler marked attention. He fears being sent in dis- grace to some out-of-the-way garrison should the affair be brought to the serious attention of King Charles. How to Freshen Hair Ribbons. Because of the strained relations between Roumania and Bulgaria the subject of marriage on the part of Boris anJ Elizabeth has not been a popular one with the people. King Charles. however. believes that such a union would help greatly in bring- ingthe two countries together. Boris, the Crown Prince of Bul- garia. is a cousin of the fair Eliza- beth. He is nine months older, hav- ing attained his majority not. so many months ago, the age of 18 being le al in his case. The young fellow is e- servedly popular because of his demo- cratic mannor and good Lature. Crown Prince of Bulgaria. with the latter just now being a decided favor- ite in the betting. .\ remarkable pret- ty girl is the little Elizabeth of Ron. mania. whose mother was the daugh- ter of the Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. In fart. She is pronounced the handsommt of Europe's youngest prin- cesses. She is fair. with a dazzling complexion. beautiful pansy-violet eyes, and an extraordinary charm of manner for a ryiss no older than 18. Broke His Fiancoo’s Nock. Court Gossips Busy Arranging 3 Mar- riagc to' Pretty Princess. There is the gossip of courts. as well as the gossip of cooks. fnr men were born with tongues and women are no less we“ prnvidcd with this prime requisite of thy chattertnx. At various times in the last year or en European court gossip has been busy naming a suitable husband fer the pretty and vivacious Princess Etizahth eldeet daughter of Crovn Prince Ferdinand. of Rnumania. Not to threw clubs at court etiquette. it wnuld he more exact to state that the princess has been named as a pnseihle concert for :ne Prince of Wales and for Buris. the Crow Prince of Bulgaria. with the I-LL___ Didn't 8n the Point. The Curse of Insomnia. Much Pleasant”. Colors of the Nations. STILL TALKEDMABOUT. coats. for men were Is and women are no "d with this prime lattertox. At various year or so European been busy naming g cannot reasonably hope to be healthy or beautiful by wuhlnp dishes. sweeping and doing house- work all day, and crawung into bed dead tired at night. You must get out into the open air and lun- light. If you do this every day and keep your atomach and bowel! in good order by taking Chamber- lain’s Tablets when needed, you should become both healthy and beautiful. Sold by all dealera. When that Instrument of man’s In- premacy and enlightenment shall hang over every mantel 1n the land-even displacing the crayon portralt of grand- father. it necessary-then. and not till then, the fly": epitaph will be written. In hoc algno vim-ea «by this Ilgn you Ihall conquer.)â€"New York Tuna. Juno 5. 1911. Under the Swattsr's Banner. 0! course it isn‘t pleasant to think of flies trailing their contaminated wings over your food. but you can't make war with rosewuter. and civilization has declared war on the fly. There- fore you must think of these things. If the pest is to he exterminated it must be in the home. and every house- wife must become a crusader and march under the sign of the swstter. Prevent the fly from breeding by meaning stables, keeping manure tn closed pita or bins and sprinkling It with dry plaster or flaked lime. Here He Isâ€" Swat Him! Boat together the yolk of on. on. out-third cume "not milk. on. level tableapoontnl of sugar and I Mal mpoonml of black 9099999999oooooooooooooooé O 00069690000090.6090066...6 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOQOQOOO6900 O §§§§§§QQQO§Q§.§§OO§§§§§§§§ § 6 9 A51 xmmzn ”3:. :~. 0 > A HOMEMADE FLY POISON >§§§§ §§§§§§.§§§§§09990990609990§§§§§§§§§§§§§OOQOQQQOO00¢. . Call at a zOOOOOOzOOOOOOOzOOOOOOO zOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOQOOOOOOOOQ 9609090690 OOQOOOONQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O ONTO. Head Oflices. Central Busi- ness College. Yonge and Ger- rard Sts. Toronto. \V. H. Shaw, Principal. WOOL WANTEB For your Boys and Girls is up for consideration just now. Send for a copy of our currico ulum. It wnl present some facts you should know. A Term in one of our schools in- sures a good salary. Enter any time. SHAVV’S SCHOOLS TOR- EDUCATION m . A. ROWE : Our Groceries and Teas are always fresh Any quantity of wool wanted for which I will pay the highest price in either Cash or Trade. “’9 have in Stock Flannels, and Tweeds ; Ready Made Clothing Prints, Ginghams, Flannelettes . and all other Dry Goods OYSTERS AND FRUIT IN SEASON . SCOTT, Garafraxa Street, Durham For all kinds of Bakery Goods Cooked and Cured Meats. good assortment of Yarns. Blankets Mr. and Mrs. James Thompson, of Brampton, celebrated the 65th anniversary of their marriage a couple of weeks ago. The Royal Hotel. Kincardine. has decided to make a charge of 10 cents {Or the use of the yards or sheds. Newmarket’s assessmenf re- turns show an increase of 500 over the population of last year. The increase in the . assessment is $130,000. Dysentery is alwaxs serious and often bea dan nferoua disease. but it can cure Chamberlaihs Col- ic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has cured it even when malignant and epidemic. For sale byg all dealers. The Central Drug Store :: Durham Durham Insurance ofAll Kinds Including Stock Central Drug Store “’e alwavs lead and just now we are nore ahead than ever. names and prices dnm begin to tell our rubber story. That we have a full line of Rubboo-Goodcnf every kind Filling Prescriptions is only one of our Several Speci- alties. ifit is rubber. we have it and when we have its the best of its kind in the market. our present stoc‘ of Hot \Vaber Bottles were made expressly for our Trade and is fully gua- ranteed for Two Years. see that Central Drug Store is patched on every bottle. . JOHNSTO N Sr. Now Don’t Forget Phone No. Confectioner and Grocer July 10, 1913. Severn .n(‘h so! in Tom! : ‘V’OOO etaWa ian abo ve rem Tourint good to r we now a Y0 Toronto. ‘A‘Q‘O diuppa “H1011 IEADER: 10. 1913. The Drsl N US LI( Ne

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