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Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Jul 1913, p. 7

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'ooooooooooo 669009999. lfipe 99.0....09 900099. rget En2‘ W f5 1t ED I) THE am; 95915.95, CANADA gsmw ms t0§t®t}tor»)wwwwwnwonannnonnnnnnnanUJNQQQODa '*9991 The Down :‘own Shoe Store :I. S. Mcllraith Ovdvde°O66¢3v383v3336v6383vv60Â¥33333333333 ii-câ€"a'tiiifi. It is one of our brign exchange- and we wiah it can tinned proopority. ‘I‘HB MOST POPULAR AND ONLY DIRECT LINE REACHING ALL ’ SUMMER RESORTS IN HIGH- LANDS OF ONTARIO. Including Muskoka Lakes, Lake of Bays, Algonquin Park, Magan- etawan and French Riyal} Geog-g- iannlglli'yf'l‘imn‘gdmi and Kawartha Lakes. Excellent train service via Grand Trunk Railway to and from above resorts. Tourist tickets at reduced rates, good to return until November 30 are now on sale to above resorts. Write for illustrated folders and time tables telling you how to at there, and containin list of otels. rates, etc., to C. E. orning. D. P. A.. G. '1‘. By, Union Station. 'I‘brbhto,’ Ont. thmuzh Indy Indiocntiou. Execs-u nod Blood Diana. 11 you have any of the to!- lowmg s mpwms con-uh us before it h to: late. Are you nervous and weak, despot!- dent. an gluomy, specks before the eyes, mth dark circles under them. weak back, kuine n irritable. palpitation of the heart, bashful, dreams and losses. sediment in urine. imp eson the face, eyrs sunken, hnllow cheeks. careworn expression. poor memor , Ifr-less, distrustx'ld. lavk em-rgy an‘l strength, tired mornings. restless nights, changeab e moods. we“ manhood, prcuuzure decay, bone pains, hair loose, sore throat, etc. YOU WILL at: 4A Awnecr .. I_ ILA I;‘__ once the brain becames am: We. the blood purified. so that. all pimples. blotclses and nice“ dtipear. the nerves become 3! rung as steel, so that nervousness, bashfulness and del- m wm' vanish. the ego becomr-s bright. the face full and clear. energy returns to the My an! tha moral. p ysicul and sexual systems are invi'mrated: 8“ drain! ceaseâ€"no "mm viml waste frnm th ' system. Don't. let, quacks and takirs I'Ob you 0‘ your M earned donuts. W. will cure you or no pay. EVERYTHING PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL READER: No msttnr who has treated you. write for an honest opinion Pros of Clans. Books Free“‘The Golden Monica" ( Yllustmtcd) on Secret Diseases of Men. QUESTION LIST FOR HOME TREATMENT SENT ON REQUEST no ”that. Laboratory Write for our private uddreu. The 10. 1913. Iran and Brass (.‘nstings and general Repairing. Feed boilers. Steam fitters supplies. Engines and Thrashers. Sash and Doors, Planing and General Wood “’m-k. Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold 51., Detroit, Mich. NO NAMES OR PHOTOS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT [I TH E DURHAM FOUNDRY DURHAM BRANCH: S. HUGHES, Manager. MITH BROS. d tl DRS. KENNEDY KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. )2' COME TO THE MOUNT FOREST 4 W W at all Branches. NERVOUS DEBILITY WITH WHICH IS UNITED Curt-d by the Nah Method Treatment INCORPORATED 1069 MOUNT FQBESJ' ONT..- bl 1' 31¢ \V br'ight All letters from Canada mnstbe addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ment in \Vindsor, Ont. If you desire to ion] Institute in Detroit as we see and treat ices which are for Correspondence and s only. Address all letters as follows: Kincardine Methodist church has a surpliced choir. During the summer months mothers of young children should watch for any‘unnatural looseness oi the bowels. {When given prompt attention at this time seri- ous trouble may be avoided. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy can always be depended upon. For sale by all dealers. To an of our readers we are, prepare to give The Daily Mail and Empire. or Tile Daily Globe,e up to January 1, 1914, for the small! mm 01 $3.00. Tin Weekly Maill and Empire. or The Weekly Globe,' will he sent to any addreu in': Canada. exec t Toronto, to Jan.| 1. 1914. (or . Order: aent t0' attention. Is what you get when you visit this store. Call and examine our m-w stock of Bootsand Shoes. “"9 have some nice lines of Pumps in pntent,tm1 ur gnu- Iuetal, teadv for the warm weathex. Also a 1m ge range uf Boots and Shoes for all (lasses fmm snmllest tn laxgest in different stvles and Yt'ides. Hosiery in Men’s Jadies’ . Misses and Children’ s at close prices. Trunks. Valises, Telescopps- Suit Cases. Club Bags, etc... in stock. Custom work and repairing as usual. DURHAM, ONT. EGGS TAKEN FOR CASH NEW YORK ”(NOV Cor. William and Cedar Sh. '3. \VIISUN. Principal, receive prompt Epic Poet's Verses on the Death 0! the Celebrated Hobson, the Car- rier, Abound In Witty Double Meaningsâ€"Shakespeare Wu an In- veterate Punster and Tom Heod‘ and Cowper Are Also Famous. It is not generally known that Mil- ton, author of “Paradise Lost.” one at the most stately and majestic poems in the English language, once wrote a punning epitaph on the carrier who plied between Cambridge and London and “who sickened in the time of his vacancy, being forbid to go to Lon- don by reason of the plague.” to quote 1 the poet’s own words. This carrier‘ was none other than that Hobson whose “choice” has become so fam- 'ous. It appears that he used to let out his horses on hire; but. no matter how pressing the need, a traveler had to take the horses Hohson offered or none, so that today the phrase ."Hohson's choice” is used to signify ' no choice at all. Milton’s ioem written on the death of this carrier is too long to quote in full. but one or two passages will suffice to show with what skill he played witl. words: Rest, that. gives all men life. gave him his death, 'ALJ too much breathing put him out of breath; Nor were it contradiction to afirm 'Too long vacation hastened on his ' term. And again he says, referring to Robson’s prosperity: Yet (strange to think) his wain was his increase. Nor is Milton the only poet whose works have become immortal who _Bt00ped to pun. Shakespeare, as is well known, was an inveterate pun- eter, and Dr. Johnson. in his preface EVEN THE SEDATE MILTON II DULGED IN PLAY ON WORDS. ~7vv, â€"-â€"_ to an edition of the poet’s works, severely censures him for playing with words on serious occasions. For example. in answer to Kirg Richard’s qqeétiom A . -\ " . ,A “W-hâ€"zft- comfort, man? How is’t with ancient Gaunt?” the playwright puts into the mouth of Gaunt the words: “0 how that name befits m com- position! Old Gaunt. indee . and gaunt in being old. ‘ Within me grief has. kept a tedious inst; and who ab. stains from meat that is not gaupt?” Hamlet is mad» to pun. too. When (he clown. digging graves in the churchyard. in answer to the ques- tion, “Whase grave’s this?” says “Mine. sir." Hamlet, replies: "I think it be thine, indeed; for thou liest. in’t.” And late; adds: "I“;ih'éfifldb's-tulie in't”. to be in’t: and my it is thine: ’tis for the dead, not [willie quick;_ thereto'ge tpou liest.” IV. “DOV fiuuv--, The puns of t'vllerriwf'leofd are well known. In “Faithless Sally Brown," "Faiihless Nellie Gray,” and “The Duel,” to mention but a few, almost every line contains a pun. What could be wittier than the concluding verse of “Faithless Sally Brown?” His death berth. At iorty~odd betel]; They went and told the sexton, and The sexton tolled the bell. Perhaps one of the best-known puns is that. put into the mouth of “John Gilpin” by Cowper. It will be re- membered that. according to. the JV\QV‘- poem, John Giipin borrowed a. horse from his friend to ride to Edmonton to celebrate his wedding day, but the horse had other plans and took the jovial Gilpin to the house oi his friend, who. on seeing his ruffed con- dition, asked‘him why he had come. V Gilpln replied: lcame because your horse would come; And if I well forbode, My hat» and wig will soon be hereâ€" They are upon the road. The poet Wither once lamented the decline of his tamily in the words. “The very name of Wither shows de- cay,” and although the following verse, penned by Lord Lyttelton to Lady Browne. la not the work of 3 _LL _--_‘ When I was young and debonair, The brownest nymph to me was fair; But now I’m old ‘and wise; glown, The Swiss are the greatest cheese eaters in the world. The rank of a Swiss family is often known by the age of itsacheese, and the more re- spect or affection that a guest inspirea ‘1‘ V. “Iowvvuvcu the harder is the cheese that is served in his honor. There are families where the cheese in the larder dates back several hundred years and is so valu- able that it is only served on great occasions such as baptisms, weddings and funerals. On the birth of an heir u‘lu luthlmla. \Ill ‘1‘!» ”Dov" v- a cheese is made and namedfevnaqiâ€"t is not out until the weddmg of the new arrival. Two Souls In Harmony. “Daughter, you haven’t known him long enough.”A 'vâ€"v a “Father I have knox~ ~ him inti- mately for a w.eek " “A couple must have similar tastes to take them in harmony through thg__l_on_g journey of__lif9.” r‘ J'“' ' - “We Have them. We t like mvsiâ€" cal comedy and golf.” _- “I should say he was in a state of collapse.” Not Locality. "You say the man was chased by his enemies through several states. What state was be in when you saw him utter their attack?" Wished to Break the Record. “There’s something uncanny about that lawyer.” llWhy'!’ “When his client was defined _hl_ dic'h’fidé'i Mn «If {dew trial: -l-v - »et 80 called, it is well worth quot- Swiss Are Great Cheese Eaters. .f;i'1;est nymph to me is Browne. which m DURHA)! CHRONICLE happened in Ms Striking Difierrnces h Colorhg and Style at Money at the Nations. The Bank of Erchnd notes are sim- fly printed in black ink, 0.. Irish inen, water-lined paper. plain white. wit}. ragged edges. A badly scrolkd or worn Bank of England note is rate- Iy seen. for the reason that note: which in any way find their way back to the bank are immediately cancel- ed and new ( (‘2 Lune} in theit stead. The notes of the Bank of Frnnoe are made of white water-fined paper. printed in black and white, with numerous mythoiogical and allegori- cal piqturefs. ---L-- -A--_LI_ wéothKâ€""Xxherican notes resemble {Lose of Canada. except that cinnn- mon brown and slate blue are the prgvailing colors. rée;ma; figiééâ€"are printed in green and black. The one-thousand-mark bills_are printed in s_ilk_ fi‘bg‘r paper. ‘,I_‘_ ‘- It has been averred that it takes an eXpert or a native to distinguish 3 Chinese bill from a laundry ticket if the bill be of low denomination, or from a firecracker label if the bill be of large denomination. the print be- ing in red or white, or yellow or red. with much gilt and many gorgeous devices. Italian notes are of all sizes. shapes and colors. The smaller bills are print- ed on white paper in pink, blue and carmine inks. The most striking paper currency in the world is that of Russia. Its one-hundred-ruble note is barred from top to bottom wi‘h all the colors of the rainbow. blended as when a sun ray Fuses through a prism. In bold re- ief in the centre stands forth a finely- executed vignette in black. The re- mainder of the engraving is in dark and light brown ink. The cultivation of sponges upon the bottom of the ocean is accomplished by means of cement triangles or discs, to which the “seed" sponges are attached with a piece of lead- coated copper wire. After the seed sponges, which are obtained by cut- ting on_e large sponge into several _1 AL AL. A- remain for a year or two, until satis- factory growth has been attained, when they are hooked up from the bottom by men in a boat. It the water happens to he very deep, 3 number of divers are employed for putting new cuttings on the discs as they take the full-grown sponges off. It is claimed that cultivated spmges have at least one important advan- tage over those taken from their nat- u‘: l growing places, in that the for- mer can be removed from the cement discs or triangles without damaging the texture and wearing qualities of the spongesaâ€"a result that it is im- possible to obtain when they are de- tached from their rocky or coral THE wonurs max no‘rES.‘ foundation According t\ a home journal the important city of Luchoufoo w'as the home of Li Hung Chang. the great Chinese statesman. Within its _wa‘lls The Basque Language. It is said that, though the Basque language, which is spoken in the Py- renees, is one of the most difficult of all languages to acquire, the young- est child, conscious oi his own thought, can express himself perfectly in it. It is averred that in vigor and word painting this is the richest of all languages. This may be partly due to the fact that nouns, pronouns and adjectives change into verbs at will and verbs may be transformed into nouns and adjectives. Every part of speech and even the letters of the alphabet can he declined like nouns, and adjectives are conjugated like verbs. It is possible to change the color of precious and semiprecious stones by exposing them to the action of ra- dium. A German who has devoted himself to this study has obtained remarkable results. He bought sap- phires of different kinds and put them in a box with a small quantity of radium. At the end of a month the transformations were as follows: White sapphires had become yellow, blue green, violet blue, wine-colored stone red and dark blue violet. A Spelling Test. The catch question has often been asked, “How many words in the Eng. lish language end in done?” The common answer is fourâ€"hazardous, jeOpardous, tremendous and stupen- dous. As a matter of fact, however, there are five, and the word often overlooked is hybridous. meaning mongrel or of mixed sort. Wasps are at all times particularly fond of honey. Toward the end 0! summer. as all beekeepers know, they will force their way into beehives and carry off by force as much as they can gorge of their winged neighbon’ honey. Preference. “Do you like a men who quotee poetry?” “Well," replied Miss Ceyenne. "he is usually better then one who reliee on original oonvemtion.” Statesman as a Deity. Cultivating Sponges. Radium and Gems. Wasps and Honey. ‘hyonrnutormdon'tboudghtotmmuub Wyndhedtbmmtmm noun-ion mmtnmcfllypluomummmdtho mifieoofpmxonrdu mun tom «the. out I). btbbdcucbsgpemsrâ€"adtm pesser. It nctson the stomsch snd orgsns of digestion snd nutrition. thus purifying the blood end giving strength to the nerves, indirectly siding the liver to perform its very importsnt work. Dr. Hem'e Golden “ed M bu been successful for s generstion es s tonic snd body builder. Sold by medicine deslers in liquid or tsblet formâ€" trisl box of ‘stlets" msiled on receipt of 50 one- cent stamps. If in failing health write Dr. R. V. Pierce's faculty st Invelids’ Hotel, Buffslo, New York. +W++H++++++++++++++++++ +'l'++4'+++++++++€ 4 ++++++++++ ++++++fl~+++é+++++++++ '1"? ~1- '. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery HARDWARE! TORONTO SARNIA SAULT STE. MARIE Port Arthur Fort William -â€"-Winnipeg STEAMBOAT SPECIAL We dare not exaggerate to you. We are dependent upon your patronage. To get it we must have your trust and con!!- dence. We make the following statements with a full under- standing of what they mean to us. You are safe when you believe in these statements. of bowel ills and in a short time For the BOWCIS usually make unnecessary the con- Lv. Tom: " Hami 7 “ Lund “ San ni I’m lunuCafe. l’arlm- (am an and Sal-nia \Vharf. Standard Sleeping (Hus {ele )olnnist Sleu )ing (‘ars (hm-{h tween Fm't \ 'illiam and \\'il tween Fort \‘Villiam and \-\"inmpeg. Counnenoing June 16th a through elm-trio lightml Standard film'p ing Car “ill be operated between Fort “'Illmm. \Vinnipeg. Sasha toon and Edmonton. - m n v I 1 n 0| I] -4. MI‘III “II‘I .“'I.I"II“III This is the inauguration of Grand Trunk Lake and Rail Route Service between Eastern and \\'e.-t.ei~n Canada. A Special Train will run the reverse. wayâ€"~frmu Sarina \Vharf to Toronto, Conunencing June ch, and each Tuesday. Friday and Sunday thereafter. Full particulars. Reservations on Steamers or Train. may be ob- tained on application tn (irand Trunk Agents. or write Kill the Fiy - and Save Lives! Durham If you only knew as much as we and those who have used them know about Rexall Orderlies, you would be as enthusiastic about recommend- ing them as we are. They taste just like candy. They act so easily and so pleasantly that the taking of them I! a pleasure. men children like Benn Order- liea; and you know that if a medi- cine appeals to a child. it will appeal to grown-ups. CAUTION: Plea-o but in mind tint Raul] Orderliéo no not told by an N m. You can buy Raul! Orderlies only ut the Real! Stores. Youun buy Benn Orderliu in chi-community only gt our more: help chug 3109111. digpel .blpes gmd Retail Qrgierliee do this quietly, without gnpmg .or causing name... pun-m or excessive looneneu. They act to overcome and remove the cause mate you feel happy by their splen- did tonic, cleansing and strengthen- ing effect upon the bowels. â€" They act to free the system â€" and kee It freeâ€" from the distyesewd ill f '_ Do not forget that THE LEADING HARD\\'ARE STORE in Durham selis everything yun require in the hardware line. and in order to prove to your own satist‘ c- tiun. when you fail to Seoul'e what you want. in any at her store give us a call. \Ve have a great supply of Scythe-s. Snaths. Home- iuade Grain Cradles, Turnip Hoes, Garden Hues. Ladies Hoes, Children Hoes, Hand Garden Cultivators. Post Hula Augers, Post Hole Spoons, Hand Rakes. Hay Forks. “'het Stones. Grind Stones with or without stands. Spadu. Shovels. Machine ()ilers, the celebrated “K Blark Machine Oil as thick as your arm, Paris Grew and Bug Finish. For the Lawns we sell the Greatest Lawn Mower Manufactured. The Gold Medal also several cheaper Mowers. Our Grass Catchers will satisfy you, :8 we carry the variety. Ynu shuuld exmnine our Rubber [1059. as we sell the quality. and our price 15 tight. T ormlto. (j . Hamilton, Lulldull. Saunia \\'haxf. 5 S. \. Maxie. Out. P nl Althm. NJ [mt \\ illidm. N \Vinnipeg, (1". 'l‘. GRAND TRUNK SYSTEM NEW SERVICE R. (inn. anh Act. lene H J. Tuwner, Depot Ag! Phone 18 madmmm'ummm Make Us Prove It W. BLACK (H H OI .\a\'. l 0. Railway we and Fil l\' ii z++++++++++++++++++++++++++ u'. ('011 BETWEEN s free E. HORNING. l). P. A. Union Station. TORONTO. ONT. U lights in luwvt y. Dining Car tinueJ use of physics and initiatives, thus tending to stop such an “NI, habits as my have been formed. We do mt uk you to take our word (or film. We wwt you to nab us prove It. sud at no cost to you. Buy a. box of Rexall Onderliee et out-.etore Use them once. or use up the whole box. Then. if you It! not moron; ymiofied. unt come back empbi hlhanded an tell “I. Without o iguana mm or queeuoo- in; you we will return the money you paid u: for them. Doesn’t that indicate thnt Rad! Orderlieo are at least worthy of ail? Doesn’t it prove our faith in chm? Doesn’t it merit your confidence? Could any offer be more hit to you? “'9 particularly recommend Rel.“ Order-lies for children. delicate and gged persons. Rexdl Ordaliel can. {2, conwigneéx‘tuvest-lpgcckgo lilo fin tea on m 25c; 80 We“. 50¢. Make us Prove This Emuéht Mun” \V . SUI Fri. "ri -2 Tluu [Dd and bet ween Tomi Effccmc June 7 Westbound ‘Pl )( U) hes M . \V ed he It

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