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Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Jul 1913, p. 2

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m In certain districts a home.h Iteader in good standing may pre- empt a quarter-section along‘- side his homestead. Price $3 per gm. ADntiesgâ€"Six months resi- dance in each of “£935; trofn date of homestead entry (includ- ing the time required to earn homestead patent) and 50 acres extra cultivation. The area of cultivation is subject to reduction in case of rough, acrubb or stony land after report by omestead Inlpector on application for patent. THE sole head of a family. or my male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter-section of available Dominion land in Mani- toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-Agency for the District. Entry by proxy may be made at the office of any Local Agent of Dominion Lands (not sub-agentkon certain conditions, Duties.-Six months residence! upon and cultivation of the land} in each of three years. A home-s steader may live within nine miles’ of his homestead on a farm of atl least 80 acres, on certain condi-{ tions. A habitable house is re-‘ quired in every case, except when; residence is performed in the vicinity. , A homeeteader who has exhaust- ed his homestead right and cannot obtain a proâ€"eruption may take a purcbued homestead in certain dietrictl. Price, 53 per acre. Dut- iee.-Must reside six months in etch 01 three years. cultivate 50 acres and erect a house worth A--- De uty of the Minister the Interior. N .B. -Unanthorized publication at this advertisement will not be Md (or. â€"87085. 28 13 TO RENT ALARGE, noon! DWELLING SSNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WESI‘ LAND REGULATIONS 1.. Durham. 2 elm-eye high. hard and not! valor ineide. Rood cem- ent stalls frame barn on ton. quarter acre of land. Price aWay 30': to quick purchaser. Applv a? the Chronicle office. 7 27 If LOT 3, CONCESSION 9, GLENELG, containing 100 acres of first-claw land in good condition. W.. take 31000 if sold before the first of February. $500 cash; balance on time to suit purchaser. Apply to J. A. Russell, Lougheed P. 0.. Alberta. 1'.‘ 12 tf For Sale or flout. A :onmomuuc BRICK HOUSE PINE BRICK STORE AND DWEL- ling, on Main street, Durham. Owner in West, a bargain Ap- ply to A H. Jafikso 1. 6.28.2m . ___._ _ __..--. .yw GOOD COMFORTABLE FRAME house on College street; six rooms, two storeys, hard and no“ water. good half acre of land. A bargain to quick pur- chaser. For rticularo, apply to Ed. Lang 11, Durham, or John M. thtl‘. 205 Riopelle St, Detroit. Mich ‘ 22‘2“ A GOOD BRICK HOUSE AND 5 acres of land just outside the corporation of Durham; stable to accommodate {our horses; buggy house, hen house, wood- shed, and other conveniences; good well. Will trade for farm property. For particulars apply to John Wilson, Durham. mar 6 9 ifiaau HOUSES 1N DURHAM. One nice cottage in Lower Town. -A. R Jackson. Durham. 3 233.1 _-_.._.._ r...__._ 0001) BUILDING LOTS APPLY to J P. Tellord, or Mrs. G. Black- burn. Durham - -, 613d . m-“ â€"_ _. -u.. 101‘ 1, CON. (KER. GLENELG. 100 am, about 65 cleared, 5 acres cedar swamp, rest in fair hardwood bush; we“ wagered LOT, 4. CON. 3. IN THE TOWN- lhlp of Glenelx, containing 55 acres, more or less: 15 acres hardwood bush. well fenced. Well thered: 8 acres under clover, rest in pasture. Apply to Wm. Wain. Durham. _ ‘fiipd WEST PART 0? LOT 28, CON. 1 W. G R.. adjoining corporation OI' Durham, containing 15 acres, 3 roads. 9 perches of good, land. a]. seeded down with tim- othy; ood brick house; hardi and so t water, barn, orchard, Iheds eta. ’1‘. Haskina. 424“ as ACRES 0'1? "LTN’D. ‘CLOSE TO ; comflflon 01 Durham; conVem‘ _ ‘ 7 ___ ‘ " ‘ '_ :‘ ~ * W" .m ,0, “you, working mi 0n. lawman a Jameson. town; good how and barn, with; 7 FFICE AND RESIDENCE A M; ; l - short diaunco cut of Kmpp’a Hotel. ltd; 19 “1:323 fifergofiga (13:);Cb5 lamb ton Street. Lower Town. Durlnm ewe,” underd timothy 33d clover. ; gfimhoun from l2to30vclock ill be so} cheap an on easy terms to QUiCR purchmr. AD- ‘0 6. Hanan, ”a 0., c. '0 M9 Wm wan' Durham- 640d I‘L‘F‘IIYFTâ€"l)\.'plc -i_ p-1‘nlfnt-d'u “mm 571“}.5' Excellem grazing farm. Will coll cheap and on easy terms. Agfly to Hermie D. Bur- nott. Dur m. 6.2% OT 0. CON. 0. GLBNELG. FOR ale cheap: mall cash payment. balance secured by mortgage. On premises are good frame housa frame barn. and outbuilding? 10!! Dig-pen: good well. Apply to Wm. MoNally. Ehordale PD. 61230 t! Advonho-oflo of one incl. or I... 25 onto tor In: bionic). m mountain“ «banquets insertion. Over no inch sud undo: ‘wo inches. (100le the “on Farms for Sale. For Sale. W. W. COR Y, SMALL ADS. gaunt. ley uto- a appltounon. WM. FARQliflARSON, 9.0.. C. RAMAGE, ' (’Yhnirumn. Secretarv ALL PERSONS ARE WARNED against fishing on Lots 14 and 15, Con. 2, E.G.R., Givenelg; also onnLoti 30, 31, and 32, Con. 2, E n """5‘"" “°“”.‘ “'4‘“ L" Mr Each tendernmust' be accom an- ._B.9V’PE91_P‘_‘99Â¥ eht. “*isj “Ed by ac? linccciipted chgque onp :1 ALL PERSONS .c artere an , paya 1e to the Lot 5, Con. 411353328133? 83: , prder of the. Honourable the Min- purpose of fishing, after this I later of Pubhc Works, equal to ten notice, will be punished to the ’ per cent. (10 pg.) 0‘ .the amoun; Of full extent of the law.â€" g .the tender, Winch Wgu be togfelted W. R. Jack. 51 '1! the person tendermg declme to \___~_ _,_ ,.enter itntod: contract: Eben called ‘ ‘ ‘ upon 0 so, or a' to com- CABINET MAKERS WANTED 3116th thgengzk contractetddtor. If SIX BENCH HA 8 9n . not acce e , the once on a" 123’s “Kai“??? chgaue wnu be return The reunrd of the School in past years ii a flattering one. The trustees are progressive educationally and s are nn aims to see that teachers an pupils ave every advantage for the pr- 3 “1“. t"- -...\--“_-L- -‘_ per presentation and knowledge. Intending Students should enter at the beginning Of the term if possible. Board can he obtained at reasonable rates. Durham is a hoalthy and at- tractive tnwn. nmking it a most desir- able place fur residence. ANY PERSON FOUND FISHING or trespassing on lot 50, Con. 3, W.G.R., will be prosecuted ac- cording to lamâ€"Alex. Alexander. Proprietor. 5 15 tf THUS. ALLAN, Principal and I’m)- vim-ial Model Schnnl Teacher. lst, Class (‘el'tificnun 'l'hc- school is thorough!" equipped in tmching ahility. in chmnicnl and elec- trical supplies and fittings, etc.. fur full Junim' Leaving and Matriculation work. Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates, and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thor- oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills, executed on shortest notice. All work promptly attended to. ()flice. nearly opposite the Regisffy office. Lambton *t..Durbam. Anyamount )f monev to loan at 5 per cent. on farm groperrv. Ot’flm»--()ver Dnnglas’ Jewellery Show J F GRANT, D. D. 8 .L.D. 8. ONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- ty of Toronto. Graduate Roya College Dental Surgeons ofGntario. Dentistry in all its Branches. U York And Chicago. Dim-u oi Eye. Bar N00. and That. I‘Vill he at the Hahn House, July .5) ()(t 19 November 16.1)e(.2l Hnurs, lto' .) p. ll). Avg}; REE; “$3.32."? ted to he Knech 1 Kitchen abinet (0‘22 Limited. Box 810. Huover. )FFICE: Over J t J. Hunter’ Doro Aummm Roy.London Ophthalmxc Hon. “In and toGol‘li-u Sq. Throat 3nd None Ho. SPECIALIS T .- EY£,_ EAR, THROAT nose PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OI" tice iu the New Hunter Block. Oflice tours, 8_ to 10 t. m., to 4 p. In. 3nd 7 :09 p. m. Special attention given to diseasea 1f Women and children. Residence op- )mite Presbvterian Church. Durham Continuation School Medical Uz'Iectorv. [in “whine. with wheels running - grain pouring from the spout. an auto fire engine that runs so On. lamiuon ‘. JIMiflfln. fast it crashes into an automobile. .‘ [#910]; AND RESIDENCE A and flying machines. Add to these - - . the changing illumination. the col- “0:23;: gi:3?°°n'33§3'1'§,?§ 953m ored baloons. the exploding bombs ' ' the soaring rockets, the massive Moo hours from 12 to .3 o’clock - , . . golden fountains and dispersmg “ radiating batteries. and you have I. 6- "II“UII. " 0., c' u' a fireworks hill more varied and {’FFICEâ€"Over J. P. Telfnrd's nfl'lce more “'Ofld'erfl’l than anything ‘ nearly. gnppcmlte the Registry ever before presented at the Can- nfflce. Residence Second house south adian National. ‘ “t Rpgigtrv nflic‘? an east Side. Of Albert Sm”, um... Hours 9.11 a.m., 2-4 p. " ’ " ' m.. 7-“ p. m. Telephone cunmmnien. N0 [ICE TO CREDITORS tinn lu-twven office and residence at all humus. ‘ In the Sunrogate (‘mlrt of the FEES : $1 per month in advance A. H. Jackson. gmuw PUBLIC, COMMISSION HOUSE FOR SALE l. P. PARRISTEIH DR. BROWN L. R. C. 9., LONDON. ENG RADULA'I'E of London. New 00100: 13. Front Rt. 0'". Round. Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. Arthur Gun, II. D. Lem! ‘Dz’redarv Denial Directorv. Medical Directory . Warning . J. SHARP DR. BURT. Telford. SOLICITOR. ETC acquistion' nf supplied, and signed with their factual signatures, stating their ioccupations and places of resi- idence. In the case of firms, the 'actual signature, the nature of sthe occupation, and place of res- ‘idence of each member of the .firrn must he given. A By order. R. C. DESROCHERS, Secretar . Department 01 Public Wax-kl. y N Ottawa? hint-”26. 1913. our-gm w no v paid for it without th 1": at the"IiztnimeDo-rt . an on y ram 0 burnout; ‘ . n: The Department does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. . a. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned and endorsed “Tender for Public Building, Hano- ver. Ontario,” will be received un- til 4.00 P.M. on Monday, July .21, 1913, for the construction of a Public Building at Hanover, Ont. contract can be seen and forms of contract can be sene and forms of tender obtained on application to the Postmaster at Hanover, Ont.. n4- LL- -“" " ‘- at this Depeifi‘xwmavenwt: NOTICE is hereby given that I will close the lane leading from Durham Road to the Canadian Paâ€" cific Railway Station at the. Glen, and any person or persons using said lane on or after Monday, July 7, 1913, will be dealt with ac- cording to law.â€"Thos. McKeown, Bunessan. 6 19 3pd ALL PERSONS AREHHEREBY warned against treSpassing on Lots 5 and 6, Con. 9, Glenelg, for the purpose of fishing, hunt- ing, trapping or camping.-â€"The Saugeen Hunting, Fishing, Trap- ping and Camping Club. 4243 FOR 8. S. NO. 3, GLENELG; Protestant; salary .3575: duties to commence September '2. Ap- plications received up to July 15, 1913. W. Ritchie. Sr., Secre- tary, Edge Hill. 7102 FOR 3. 3 NO. 1.1,! BENTINcK. The undersigned will recehe of- fers for an), or all, of the pron- erties of the late Jane Brown, de- ceased, up to lst August, 1913. House on Bxuce stxeet. house on (ountess street. 3 houses on Lambton street, and house on north Saddler street. No offer necessarily accepted. Arthur H: Jackson. Durham. Durham, 5th July. 1913 7104 Dated the 14th day of July. A.D. 1913. JAMES BROWN. NOTICE is here-by given. pursu- ant to Ontario Statutes 1911. Cap. '26. Sec-55, that all persons having: claims against the estate of the said William Brown. who died on or about the 4th day 0" July. A.D. 1913. are required to send by post prepaid or otherwise deliver to J. P. Telford of the Town of Dur- ham. Solicitor for the Adminis- trator. on or before the 9th day of August. 1913. their names. ad- dresses and descriptions and a full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security. if any. held by them. duly certified. and that after the said day the administrator will proceed to deliver the assets of the estate among the parties en- titled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. In flhe matter of the estate of William Browm late of the Town- shup of Egremont in the County of Grey,__ yeoman, deceased. In the Surrogate Court of the County of Grey. Professional ‘ first or s’econd class; duties to commence after summer holidays: small section: within a mile of Dmham. \p- plications receixed up to Julx 19. Salary $600.AD[)1} to C. Lau- rence. Durham. 733 NOVELTIES IN FIREWORKS Mming Pictures in Iirew orks are surely the newest thing in Pyro- technics. mg the newest thing in all lines are served at uhe Cana- dun National Exhibition. Among the motion pictures framed in fire that are on the bill are a thresh- TEACH ERS \VANTED Administrator. by his Solicitor. J. P. Telford. Warning! NOTICE. For Sf’le 733 Y I Fingers can be protected against stains while handling chemicals by coating them w1th a wax made by melting white wax and adding to each ounce mgof it while melted a dram of olive oil. u I told you? Johnny -No’ :11. Town Dodd flux? Nflmmwnpprofotfl, The ostrich is not such a fool as it appears. It. buries it head in the sand when pursued by its foes be- cause, when it does so, its body re- sembles the ant. hills which surround it, and thus it escapes observation. "Well. Algernori is a writer of some ' note.” “Is'that 50? Can you convince me ? “Sure. Here is the note!” 7 7“The nerv'y pup! What has he ever 0‘)! done to deserve your “Oh. para! Algernon has asked me to marry him !” to the square inch. Good, close- grained granite will withstand 30,000 pounds; but certain Wisconsin gran- ites have withstood a crushing pres- sure of 43,973 pounds to the square inchâ€"22 tons’ weight resting on a tiny cube not much larger than a lump of sugar. Granite is two and two-thirds times as heavy as water; its Specific grav- ity is 2.663. A cubic yard of granite weighs exactly three-quarters of a ton. The strength of granite is tre- mendous, although the different gran- ites vary greatly. Poor granites will withstand a pressure of [8,009 pounds Servia reports 573 people who are a hundred years old or more; Roumania 1,084, and Bulgaria no fewer than 3,880. In other words, Bulgaria boasts 1 centenarian to every 1,000 of its inhabitants. The most astonishing figures come from that troublesome and turbulent region, the Balkan peninsula, where it might have been supposed that life is less secure than elsewhere in Eu- rope. The same authority reports 146 cen- tenarians in England. 213 in France and 410 in Spain. 0n the whole, it would seem that where life is less strenuous longevrty increases. A German statistician recent! com- piled figures showing that of t e 58,- 000,000 people, or thereabout, who in- habit the Kaiser’s empire, less than a hundred are more than a hundred years oid. Although scientists assure us that there is no physiological reason' why the average healthy man or woman should not live to be a hundred, cen- tenarians are so rare that most peo- ple have never seen one. Motherâ€"Johnny. did you take 0 .m§h medicine regularly in new ‘A'J -Ao-Q One of the curious features develop- ed for protection in their beach bat- tles is a ‘shield” covering the part of the animal mostly exposed to attack when fighting. This extends from the throat just below the base of the jaws down to the level of the flippers and rather more than half way back on each side of the neck and breast. The skin is greatly thickened, practically hairless, and years of fighting has giv- en it an exceedingly rough and cal- loused surface, producing an armored breast plate. The most striking and remarkable feature of this animal. and from which it takes its name, is a curious elongated trunk or snout. which at- tains a length equal to the remainder of the head. This thick and heavy appendage has a length of 10 inches or more forward from the canine teeth and is fibrous and fleshy throughout. When fully expanded it exhibits three bulging transverse folds on top separated by deep grooves. The trunk is not capable of inflation, but is retracted into heavy folds on t0p of the head by muscular action. This snout is somewhat pro- trusible. but when not elongated hangs in a pendulous fashion over the mouth; when sleeping it rests up- on the sands, a shapeless mass. In fighting, the large males crawl slowly and laboriously within striking distance, and then, rearing on the front flippers and drawirt the heavy pendant proboscis into wrinkled folds well up on t0p of the snout, strike at each other’s necks with their large canine teeth. This is accompanied with more or less noise and snort- ing. In fighting, the proboscis is closely retracted and the seal is ap- parently successful in keeping it out of harm’s way. as many of the ani- mals with badly damaged necks were found to have trunks showing no in- jury whatever. The fightii t is not of a fatal or desperate sort, and the contestants soon separate. Being valuable for its oil. the ele- phant seal was killed in large num- bers for commercial purposes until it was thought to be practically ex- tinct. The oil is worth about 50 cents a gallon. A ‘6.ioot elephant seal is said to yield from 200 to 250 gallons of oil. Asnd= from its creat size. 16 feet and more. the 6hief feature of interest of these animals is centered in the strange appearance of the head. caus- ed by an elephant-like trunk or snout. measuring in the adult males nearly a foot or more in length. Discovery at Colony ot Giant Saab. Thought To Be Extinct. Naturalists r'l o~-~r the world are greatly interested just now in a beach some 400 yards long by so in width on the isolated Island yof Guadalupe. Here on this remote and uninhabited island. lying . the Pacific Ocean. 140 miles off northern Mexico. has been discovered the only wokery left and the last standhnld on the western continent of the northern elephant seal. This is the largest of all Iseals. Ion;y since thought to have disappear- ed. and likewise one of the most re- markable nmrine mammals existing tn-dav. Centenarians of the Nations ELEPHANTS' OF THE SEA. The Strength of Granite. Fingers Wise Ogtrich. Not Wasted. Some Note. and Chemicals Pe‘ai'tâ€"Youngâ€"That .R. McDow- ell be paid $30 for services re McMillanâ€"Youngâ€"That the ac- count of W.L. McFarland, re dam- age to automobile be referred to county council.â€"Carried. Peartâ€"Youngâ€"That Dr. Hutton be paid $50. one-half year’s salary M.0.H., and $5.50. half expenses to attend Health Officer’s meeting in Toronto.â€"Carr.ied. McMillanâ€"Peartâ€"That 'R. Lind» say be paid 40 cents for telephotm message to Mr. Tray.noe.â€"-(.‘_grrio-P. Lindsayâ€"McMillanâ€"That \Vhitv Anderson be paid $1.00 for 1 day‘s work on the roadâ€"Carried. Peartâ€"Lindsayâ€"That this (roun- cil grant $35 on the tOWn line be- tween Glenelg and Bentinck, to improve the Donnoch swamp, proâ€" viding Bentinck council grant an equivalentâ€"Carried. Jas. W'ilson. 60c.: \Vm. Jack $3. 50: 'l‘hos. McGirr, $2.90; Wm. Rum $3.50; Johm McNally $3. 40; Arthur Edge, $1; M. Burke. $1. 90: John Fallaise, 90c.; a [total of $27.70, MuM‘leu.n~â€"l.in Mawâ€"1‘11 't Young be granted $34 to and gravel the road at lots 1 '16. ‘con. 1, E.G.R.â€"C:‘U'rlcd. Lindsuyâ€"Yuungâ€" . hm cu: sioner Peart be grant-ed $25 1 pair (‘onnelly‘s MIL-Carried Gravel account‘s Were paid as follows: Jas. (.‘onnor, $2.40; John Neil. $4.50; .Jas. McFadden. $3.10: Lindsayâ€"McMillanâ€"-'1‘hat retorts of commissioners Young and Peart covering expenditures in ward 4. of $103.28, and in ward 3, of $100. â€"~(.‘arried. Youngâ€"McMillanâ€"That Frank Haley be paid $3.5! for moving grader and ixmplvmezvts to Traver- ston for r9pairs.-â€"â€"(_‘arried. McMillanâ€"Lindsayâ€" i hat the reeve. commisg‘oners Young and Peart be appointed to get asteel bridge with. cement abutments and concrete covering to replace the bridge known as I‘ravcrston bridge, and t0 hm'e R. McDou'all. nf OWen Sound. to engineer the sameâ€"Parried, penses; from Jas. McFadden. com- plaint re statute labor: from R. McDowell, C‘.E., account for prof. services: Thos. (.‘onnellv. certifi- cate re White Anderson statute labor; W.L. McFarland. claim for damage to automobile. referred to euuntycnuncil: SPVPI'JI accounts for gravel. 'iiw council met July 5, nuts..- ant to adjournment, all the memâ€" bers yin-sent, the move in ”.3 chair: minutes of last moetixzf: read .and approved. Communion- t.ions Mad as follows: From com- missioners of wards 3 and 4. re- ports on ward expenditures; from Dr. Hutton, M.O.H. account for half year's salary, and other ex- During the summer months mothers of young children should watch for any unnatural looseness of the bowell. <.’When given prompt attention at this time seri- ous trouble may be avoided. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera an». Diarrhoea Remedy can always Le depended upon. For sale by :l'l dealers. Charles Williams. a lighterman. of Limehouae. London, England. is said to be the champion lifesaver of that country. Since 1896. when be rescued .a boy from the Re- gents canal. London. he has saved 1101 lives, all from drowning. Mr. Jack Rae hpen't Monday ev- ening with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Simp- son. M'r. Elmer Trafford spent Sunday and Monday with friends in Mgoryeaburg and Chatsworth. StrawberFies are scarce but hv all reports gooseberries are plen- tiful Mr; Thomas McKn.ighit_épeniti the T\_v_elft._h -a_t Guelph. Misses Lavina and Marm'ie Mort- ley_spunlt the 12th at Hanover. fir. and um. E. Hunt and son. Mr. C.. of the Queen City are spending their vacation around this burg. Miss L. Boldtt spent the week end in Williamsford. A number of our lads and las- sies took in the “Garden Party” held on Mr. Putherbough’s lawn at Rocky Saugeem on Friday even- ing last. The busy workers had made preparation for a crowd and the crowd came from the sur- rounding town's. Dunham. Dornoch Louise. Chatsworth. Williamsford. Markdzale etc. 'Dhe ladies had pro- vided a sumptuous tea. after which there was a good program. The booths were well patronized. Everyone reports a good time Mia'ses I. Dargavel “ahâ€"d [ITâ€"Mcâ€" Knight spent Friday in Durham on business. Among those of our bur who took in the nights at Mark ale on the 12th are Messrs. J. Robertson, Jno. Ray. Elmer Trafford. E. Simp- son. and Miss-es B. Rae, C‘. Mortley. M. M-cGillivray. A. Hilburn. Mrs Gr. Hay and Mm. T. Heathers. A number of our young people took in the sports at Cheney on Friday of last week. They report a good time. Toronto, 17th June, 1018. GLENELG (.‘OI'NCIL DOB N OCH. granted $25 to re- \r‘t Mr. to grade lots 15 and (:Ollllllib- - R. EWEN 'Tho Chronicle and Weekly ’ Mail and Empire,1 Vc 1r .31.? :The Chronicle and Weekly Globe, 1 year... .. 1.7 :The Chronicle and Family ! Herald 8: Weekly Star 1yr.1.° :The Chronicle and Weekly I Witness, 1 year... 1.9‘ ‘The Chronicle and Weekly } Sun, 1 year... ... 1.9' l The Chronicle and Farmer’ I . Advocate, 1 year... ...... 2.41 J The Chronicle and Canadian n-“ ‘ Glencross bnidge.â€"Carried. McMillanâ€"Lindsavâ€"That the reeve be instructed to rent the road to the “Glen” {mm Thou. Mc- Keown, for two yeam. if possible â€"Ca.rm'ed, The council adjourned to Aug- ust 2. at 10 aam. -â€"J.S. Black, Clerk _â€"__. u...“ u ”C, lyr *.‘D my . The dhronicle and Toronto mily Globe. 1 year...... 4.75 The Chronicle. and The Grain Grower-3’ Guide, Winnipeg 81.60 one. 2. scaonm The Chronicle and Toronto Daily News, 1 year ......... The Chronicle and Toronto Daily Star, 1 year...... The Chronicle and Toronto Daily World. 1 year............ The Chronicle and Toronto Dail Mail and_8mpire, 1 yr. Magnet Cream Separators and ,‘m uumflpunfilcti Picture Framing on notice. and , Funeral Director\ ”NO to: “duos. . . . , In 1.10 my I» omf not ”m and I. rid. The d.“ b which our) - Iboodptlon in on d {- 6000th 3, tho-moor on the oddrou label. ho paper continued to .u armr- or. poll. oxoopt .143... when of tho propriuor. For tunic-t odvoruoomouu lu'.m cent- per line for the first um: tion; 3 cont. por line such out... qnoot insertion minion manure. Protaulou cords. not exceeding one inch 04.00 oar noun. Advertisements without- aoooiflc direction.» w,_ I). published till forbid on 1 charted according) Transient nonoooâ€" ‘L( n. "Wound." "For Sm, ownâ€"50 canto for first insertion. 25 com: for «c: Inbooq neat. insertion. Allodverttoemouto ordered by strangers may be mm for in ad Vance. Contact mm for youny advoruunuu tn: Ill-bod on spplicntiol to the oflloo u the Chronicle Printing Noun, Gamma" “-4“ A. BELL UN DERTAKER Mr. M. Kim“ has upvm at, the rear «if t he furniL room and is pwpm'ed 1 kinds of tinnmiihimz. UNDERTAKING and Undul'! a kin Snow Roomsâ€"Next to Swalluu- 3 Barber Shop. RESIDENCEâ€"Ker door South nf \V. J. Lawrence, blacksmith shnp. EDWARD KRESS DURHAM. ONT FURNITURE Durham II ”MICE“ EVERY THURSDAY HORNINI‘ Embalming a Specialty New C ubbing Rates Em'nm AND Pmmmm‘uu all Household Furnishings TINSMITHING Magnet Gasoline Engines All SIZES . IRWIN l he fu'rniture shuw nrvpm-ed to do all AND entiuu July 17. 1913 Ontario slwcial a shop AGENT 2.50 1.90 2.50 2.40 1.90 1.90 't‘S‘l Jniy 1'- Sovereign HOW Eclipse Hour Pastry Flour and R0“ ID Bran, Shorts. Midi. Primpod 081:5. M i xml Common Chop, Hat \t the Min 01' dd anyWhere in singlv 1 Ton lute nr Cur Inud All Kluiot Grain Bought a Special Reducuon on H: In Ton Lots. Telephone T What About SP Don’t You V PI ime K all kinds. 100 Acres .V the best farms in “findings. ul'rhn pbnne. Suapm " ‘=--~|- Inn '10. Bemim timhflfi F 1 g5 Acres Hampden. 1:“ find?! WW.“ 200 Acres extra ‘ 5° ‘ul‘e. H'" (71‘4“! ‘Hll‘t‘ H dollar in HIP pl 1 00 Abrgs "‘1‘?" 1913 Heal and 1113’ P” rats Lb? LARGI' v vv - V ‘MNIIOIDC‘! {HHHT'J mutton of any Ila-mm .55.") a you.“ («H u (If 5“" Scimsitic :01 9d hound r in Lh ‘U Tfll \V 1 NH Apply SI“ Molar-16in! \m I] ['MS (H Bout.“ It H (“I if hoot. (IN BI H

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