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Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Jul 1913, p. 4

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THE DURHAM CHRONICLE a»? {33? D1“ Jamieaosn’l medal to the pugutakné; the highs-:0 ”finding m [0. Campbell, of ’8winton Pu- , “:11; the math! than by the trustee: gnu- Dnrh-nflflchool has”? on I.“ o! uh boon I-ROMORE.-(‘linton Bunston. Mary Cameron, Leslie HamiltOn, Gordon Elastic o, Elaic M. Seater, '1‘. C- Barkworth Willon. AYTON.-â€"Loretta Kenna, Emma, Kraft. Jamel Murray, Arthur Roedding, Bernadette Ryan. NBUSTADT.â€"Thcophiol nmm.‘ Wm. .1. Ford, Wm. Barr, Noah “7-1.... 15-9. -4 mo J HA NOVER.-â€"Ismior 'Biemann. I Zelda Boottger, Dora Cooley, Quaâ€"g can Bagel, Lizzie Fisher, Leo. Franck, Kurt Glaeser. Alvina Ha- bel, Nina Beinbecker, Aaron Rah-l k0pf. Hyrtlo Rudolph, Noah; Schema. Alma Schultz, Esther? Sade. Janet Taylor, Clara Wepp- let, Mildred Hamel. t Huuey. Hannah Roome. Melvin fl. Russel. Ethel E. Scott, George A. Smith, An us Stewart, Ethel R. Walton. aggie S. Walton. MAKKDA LE. â€"- Grace Arm- strong 0, Thelma Beard, May Bradley. Harold Chapman, Leo Dorsey, Willie Dodda, Mildred Erskine. Angela May Ferguson. Clarence Henry, Goldwin Henry. Lena Bill, Jean Irving, James Mcc Laughry, Ross Maidment. Kathleen Moran. Ella Richardson, Lulu Biat- cme, Rn {Rocha {Ilsmere Sewell, “--_I “7 nraaley Dorsey, Erskine (‘larenc Wal \I a big majority. In this election. the Liberals have not been {Or-get- Iul of Whitney’s good govern- ment. and refuse to be side-track- ed by an issue with little or no foundation. Mr. McQuaker is a good man. well liked and well known. He is a man of good abiliztv and his defeat is no dis- credit to him. He would have fared better, however. if the Proudfoo: charges had never been commdered. The presence of Mr. The bye-election in North Grey on floaty 1‘ added C. 8. Cam- am to the Conservative side of I the (hm-30 Lexblature. Since the? Men! election in November, 1911’ ix by-eleotions have been held.,' Ind every one resulted in 3 Com! servative victory. East Middlesex' and North Grey being Conserva-l live M. Mr. Cameron’s major- "Y over John McQuaker was 278. a tremendous overturn from Mr. ‘ IacKav's maioritv of Til last el-; action. The Globe attributes the victory to a combination of, Premier Whitney and the liquor, interests against the Banish the q Bar DOH(_\ of Wr. Rowell. The! natural thing to do is to make I excuses for failure. but instead of; the c ombination insinuatiOns i would it not be equallv reasonable] to ca} that the temperance peo- ple are so satisfied with the Whit- nex administration of the license laws that they prefer to hold what they have rather than to grasp at something they are not sure of. The Proudfoot charges of which the Rowell party made so much ado in the House and during the campaign. had also a weak- ening influence on the party. In the last election the Conservatives assisted Mr. MacKay in rolling up. THE ENTRANCE RESULTS Whittle y nd Lemon. THE HOBl‘H GREY ELECTION nu.-\Ll\.~er. E. Armstrong. Benson. Arthur Broughum, rm Carson. Fred N. Christie, Duncan, Georgina Gillespie, l .D. Gillies, Nellie Gorman, r Grummet. Howard Heard, Jackson,.\leta B. McLean, McLean, Neil McKinnon, ~ie D. McQuarrie, Marjorie J. Ill. Ernest Montgomery 6, Morrow, Leo Mulhall. Alice kl. Oscar Patterson. Charles . Hannah Room“ blelvin K- ALK on Saturday night was to the whole allair. DURHAM, JULY 17, 1913 I . [WM E "or and Proprietor. HE OI H Arthur Ran ry Smith. m 'l'eaadaleo. Rota M. Wilson. Malcolm McCuaig. McGowan, .4 rrie McNally by McKay, ‘ Morlock. le r can assixn 1m Bessie Wilson; n3 the xan U Wm Harm-1' Armetta Jame .Xnnie ISS .V P 1’ f mor K )1. ’0 buy her pro-M And her 'nrd‘ than hum-s "'MMn full?” “Why is the fat man in the dumps?” “Always doing th wrong thing.” “What has he dum- mm‘?" “Gave the twnrdo-d may a razor for I may present ' add Ned to Tnm " " ‘ {map to wed. For two are any v - mule marry ' q know," “Id Tun. IHOK here. N. Then my be u... -n- to carry?" -J udn “Pa, what la a happy medium?" “A happy medium is one who In. Just had a sitting with an old guy who. hasn’t anything but umney.” E And I.” for the purpose or “He was nearer to we the ntreet car.” _ â€"-â€"â€"-â€".â€"~....._._ I, No .man can harm to acquire “Why didn’t you to” Brown he lied; nonularity {unless he is, Willing to wpgn be made that statement?” I be bored 0an m a thle. There was I. young ladyâ€"a1 quaint?â€" Iho laid out a dollar on plant. With u pencil of bismuth her trace. “What Is your opinion of the hi“ cost of living?" ' “I can t presunw to hold an opinlu upon such an exalted subject.” “they call him Hu- lmhn poet.” “But he doesn‘t lunk !ike 3 [ml “Nor does he write like a noet.‘ “Who Is that fellow?" “Is Mamle generous '3" “Extremely. She will cheerfully 31'. away anything in the house tilt. doesn’t belong to her." I don't forget my su When sleds go whiz When sportive 1383“: With much more n No lkatlng lass wi No alolghing mis: Make: me forget r Eh. I: my winter “Doc’s voice seems to have can. back on him.” “He has a bad cold." _ “A hoarse doctor." ' :13} I don’t forget my summer girl When ice is on the lakes and pondl. When skating damsels form a whirl 0: gay brunettes and dizzy blondl. no hunted trouble. and he picke A Victim. Now hv's shuttered. Bo Itarted In to mntmdict A “NJ. man Who stuttered. -(?mm'nnali Enqu “I guess he never attended nigh. Ichool." “He said there are no classes in thll country." Hothuaelah’d no microbes in his d”. He didn't boil the ice or swat the fly. He was never vaccinated, De-appendixed, fumigated- Yet Methuselah almost forgot to 4110. There.waa an old maid down In G; Whose name was Elizabeth Ft. Her face was so plain That It gave you a pain When you saw her map coming TI. -l)c [mit Free Praia. “Franklin was a great philosophfl'." “And so many follow his example.” “In what particular?" “He died, didn't he?" Aye. we’ll make the hire 1: You need not exhort us. Then we'll tire and retire. And you may support us! “Pa. what’s the diflerence between . statesman and a politician ‘1’" “The statesman is the man vibe. views are similar to your own.” alum. ere crass politics Your fine art engages. Shall we same-m statesmen a: Woman's legal wages? Sisters. ere “What makes you think so?" "The other night he taste-ted that he’d like to to to lodge occasionally. and we haven't been married a your yet."â€"Detroit Free Press. And cause. our trouble to double; But. be the I. maiden or be she I. Into. She makes this life worth all the troo- That makes us sick. that nuke. III I- Or rich or poor or lazy; But, what is worst, u We tear. it first . Makes every one bug crazy! ' -Chlcago New: She makes all the trouble we hue ll thb -l ‘ Behold the bug! The bug-who. 7'1 Of a bughouse generation. I ‘ The bodeful germ That and: life's term In this enlightened nation! t “I thigh John‘s love In cooling.” a Hal-y had a little lamb. Observe the tense. we pray. For wlth the prices that prevail It couldn't be today. Ohm. Sprint: on her way. . But you will cough It before May You take 'em on. -Seattle Post-Intelligent”. Sprints on her way. Take it from me. Do not delay a purpose at making a f“. -St. Louis Post-Dispatch. f young ladyâ€"and wasn't It! The mantras tea. â€"Clnc!nnatl Enquirfl'. -Chicago N.“ â€"New York Pr... 'mf’l' girl 117.; down the hill. ‘ snnwballs hurl 'x'iment than null V "9 moon ~1ndlanapolu It“ on powder tad hire high”, â€"New York Sun. Hg curl. :oastlng bong 11 met girl- as well. ttsburgh Pout. :9 a hobo." a poet." Umu I was to no- spam. "0 10"!" eyebrow. to picked -‘ .3 nqulm. H. ‘Beforc taking your medicine. I was staying with a daughter on .;or farm, and despite her loving etorts to tempt my appetite 1 cou-d not eat. After I had taker. .uHLJUMA two days my appetitt re-u.mod. Yours for prosperzty.’ Prot'. .H H. Kolling, 7 Ninth St.. Richmond. Ind., Oct. 10. 1912. 1".- I my case, and I thank God I can again use my feet and do _my work. QHEUMA "I wish to state to you the facts ind nothing but the facts. I bless the day a friend brought me :1 {Hi-cent bottle of RHEUMA. 'I use! one-half of it and if did me more good than all the other med- icines I ever tried. I had been inflicted with Rheumatism all over my body for 25 years; Icoulu (-ou;d not walk, and was a broken '30er man, During that time I spent a small fortune trying to be rid of the horrible disease, but without help. However, R_HEUMA light awayâ€"the first day you lzll‘t to take RHEUMAâ€"the Uric \cid poison begins to dissolve and “:u'c the sore joints and muscles. its action is little less than ma- :ical. RHEUMA. works so speedily you actually can feel the Rheumae ism leaving the bod . A bottle costs but 50 cents, an if you are 10: satisfied Macfarlane Co. will return your money. Read 01.01 met at Laml 5.1 11“.. J man: to adjournment, minutes ~ gs: meetmg tea-1 .04 -u Mr. and, Mrs. E. F. McClocklin, 1nd daughter, Mrs. E. D. McClock- '.in and son, Mrs. E. D. McClock- in, sr., all of Durham, Mr. and \Irs. J. Nicholls, and son Eric, of J'oronto, and Mrs. Thus. McClock- lin. of Glenelg Centre, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. Mc- Z-.‘iocklin on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. John Stevenson is in a very critical state of health at ime of Writing, and but little "iopes are entertained of her re- ~overy. . ’. Messrs Buller and Brebner have «zone to their home in Thumesville for vacation. QHEUMATISM fter 25 Years of Misery, this .‘vlan Walks, Works and Feels Edna and ‘vIo nday In 3 pen ding 11 lt‘ter an absence 'of' eight years If--- ‘I’ \- JD“! 0. ____ -- -..,.,.. Mrs. Jas. Bruce, Mrs. H. Drimmie md Miss Bernice Petrie have gone Nest for a month’s_0u_t_ing‘. W- V" -- -,-v--...h v" .uuu'uago Word has just reached us of a severe accident that befel Miss Rena Sharp, of Vancouver. She was crossing an overhead cross- ing, and in some way lost her bal- ance. falling twenty feet to the roadway below. She was render- ed unconscious. but_ is recovering. [)A-- It“ ‘I' ragw-tav V Altâ€"ED. The football boys played a tie game with Orchard at Knox church 10- opening on MondaV. John I. Orchavd'uixs ‘5aé'k again, after an absence of about four wie‘ks in tbeuprairile provinces. Nelson vain. after a two months’ sojourn here, returned to Gr'eqfel .011- Saturday last. Tfihe mémbem of L.O.L. flanâ€"2.296 spent the Glorious 12th in the Royal City. The new banner did them credit. L. B. Nicholson, Wife and little son, left for a four Weeks’ visit out West. They Went by Sarnia, thence by boat to Fort William. Mr. Jones is proud to acknowledge the great debt of .gratitude he owes ' ”Fruit-a-tives”. He is glad to have his letter published in order that other sufferers may be induced to try these wonderful tablets made of fruit Juices. SARNIA, ONT., FEB. 5th. 1911 “I have been a sufferer for the past 25 years with Constipation, Indigestion and Catarrh of the Stomach. I tried many remedies and many doctors, but derived no benefit whatever. Finally, I read an advertisement for “Fruit~a- tives" I decided to give ”Fruit-a~tives” a trial and they did exactly what was claimed for them. I have now taken them for some time and find they are the only remedy that does me good. I have recommended “Fruit-a-tives” to a great many of my friends, and I cannot praise these fruit tablets too highly” .1 fe~Brownâ€"1hat J ou be paid 82.66 for 3.. A by “03., and .. -... .DQC¢ulg.'-’C”ri9U. JEN TINCK COUNCIL. 10 BMW ("HER SUFFERERS You May Publlsh My letter About “Fruit-a-flves” Drives Out Fine Again HOLSTEIN. {S in ghe {'illage PAUL J. JONES. rm: DURHA.‘ £11301!sz $14.35: G. Fischer, c0111.; Saheuermann, moving [ea .1.25; H. MCI-€81], team { , 87; R. Putherbough, teau der. 828: H. Alexander, L grader. $5.25; R. Corlett u, grader. 815.75; L. Unruh under, 81.75; D. Sweetie} under. $1.76; 8. Putherh l D. Sweeney, team on grader. i$19.25: J. Unruh, team on grader. $3519.25: J. Kennedy, team on grad- (ler. $1.50: H. Cross. operating grader $9; E. Cross, picking stones $1.50: J. Hewitson, picking stone 75¢: 1 box axle grease 250.; W. Hastie drawing gravel, $1.50; L. Unruh. drawing gravel, $1.50; W. Hastie, shovelling, 75c.: L. Unruh, shovelling, 75c; L. Kaufmann, shovelling, $1.50; J. Scunecht, gra- vel. $5.70; H. Subject, gravel, $3.50: W. Owens, 84.80: J. Walls, under- brushing, $9; D. Burgess, graVel. $6.85: H. Suhierholtz, culvert, 84.25; P. O’Brien, gravel, $8.80; A. Mc- Gregor gravel, 83.84: G. Pfefter, gravel. $12.80; W. Jackson, team and gravel, 83.80; G. Subject, team 83; Brent th., half cost 8.828., 849: H. Schrienert, drawinfi and laying tile, .8330; W. Leas e, tile.l 214.35: G. Fischer, c9111.; 813; Wm: L-______.A___ Metcalreâ€"Shewenâ€"Thé?'thé loyinflg accounts be paid: Fischerâ€"Brownâ€"That reeve be authorized to engage engineer Warner to draw plans and speci- fications for Hudson’s bridge, and that tquiers__be called tonâ€"Car. Bernâ€"Fischerâ€"That committee re Hudson’s bridge be pa'd $1 each {05. his segvices.â€"Carried. ‘1"- A AU“. Re Hudson’s bridge, the council reported on viewing it on June 21. that it was necessary to build a new bridge, and owing to the scarcity and high price of timber, would recommend that a steel bridge be built. Fischerâ€"Shewellâ€"That Ge Brown oversee Work on road 41 to g, gum? qnd_3.â€"Carried. Brownâ€"Metcalfeâ€"That a grant of $200 be spent in "hills lots 41 to 45, con. ‘2 S.D.R.â€"Carried. Shewellâ€"Brownâ€"That a special grant of $60 be given to cut Heft hill, provdiiing that adjoining par- ties do gratis work to the extent of $25 and that F. Shewell oversee the work.â€"-Carried. Metcalfeâ€"Shewellâ€"That them being a complaint before counci re fences on S.L. 60, we ask parties having fences on said road to re move the said fences, and tha they be given a reasonable time to do so.â€"Carried. .heuermann, moving grader, .25; H. McLean. team on grader, ; R. Putherbough, team on gra- :r. 328: H. Alexander, team on *ader. 36.25; R. Corlett, team on Mar, $15.75; L. Unruh, team on nder, 81.75; D. Sweeney, team on ader, 81.75; 8. Puma-bongo. on- Brownâ€"Shewellâ€"That the bal ance of $8 over the grant to Elm wood be paid, and that amnun ShoWollâ€"Fischerâ€"That statut‘ labor-of J. Dierstein, E. Lenck, 1S Wade and C. Shewell being pai: in taxes, we recommend same t( be returned to their respectin divi.sions.â€"â€"Carried. Rob Roy Salmon ................... 7c Pears or Plums _ . . . . ............... 90 Sale of choice Pickles, bottle .. . . .. .9c Boys’ Suits .................... ...$l.98 Boys’ Knickers .................... 390 Black heavy 250 Duck ............. 21c Any Trimmed Ilar in Store. . . $1.98 Kerr’s Thread all numbers. . .. . . .. . .30 Fresh Canned Corn .. . .. Fresh Canned Tomatoes Fresh Canned Pumpkin Cascade Salmon ....... All former wonderful Bar- gains Continued. New ones added every day, every week. Watch this space. This stock MUST and WILL be sold. MCFARLANDC0 I MARKDALE 1 Interest. Due Decembcr 3lst I913. STUNNERS Credit given on approved notes without Second Round in Selling Out EXCEPT 0N GROCERIES FOR TH IS WE EK t a special in cutting- . 2 and 3. Ggo‘rge fol- ..... 7c ..7c ..120 .10c crating :grudor, $16; H. Cross. ogr- 3 crating grader. $1: (‘1. FiSvlwr. up- orating arauior. $1: R. (‘OI‘IML drawing gravel, $2.50; J. Sullhum. ' drawing gravel. ”2.50; R. J. (‘nr- lett. drawing gram]. $2.50; (‘. (flark. drawing grm‘ol. $2.50: J, Johnson. shmrlling. $1; F. Shmxwt shovelling. .'2; F. Shmvell. gran-l. ' fit": A. Brodhag‘en. moving: smug,â€" (-rs. $1: II. Hagvy. team. $3.3: .., Schilling, shovelling. ”2.25; J. In. shovolling, $2.25: F. Sht'WeH. shu\~ ell'mg. $3: A. Fampbvll. picking stone. $1.50: T. Shvwell. 1mm. .7'4 ,.-,u \V. Campbell. picking Slum». 73w C. .Shewvll, Work. 60c; grader rv- pairs. 65c.; F. Showru. com” $17: H. Maurer, wire, $1.56; R. Dans. repairing bridge, $5: A. Wilson. in- specting, $2; E. Lynn. {travelling $9; H. Patterson, and others. gram er work, 841; G. Magwood, monn'h grader. $1: (5r. Wingham. gru’v.» ling. $77; F. Baack. gravellmg, $34.61; F. Breutigan. gravel, $1, « H. Breutigan, road to pit. $1: 1’ Eva. opening ditch, $12.25; 8. Hop kins. straightening road, $3.5 ' Chittick, .gravel. $2.90; W. Schwin- dtraw'mg tile, $3.50; D. Kobe, laying culvert, .85: F. Praat. tile, $46.95. B. MetcaJIe, com.. $7; W. Pet... wgrk, ‘29; J. Lynn. culvert. $10; (. Mnghton, culvert. 36.50: B. Coutal. two culveru. 810.50: J. Lynn, W01: . 32: B. Cantu, gravelmg‘, $39.15; ~ . THE M a Hurhn .900000960900096960999006009“”‘9Ԥ.§§’§’9*.9‘999M. Lenahan and McKechnie Hardware Furniture The only preparation that has proved good when others failed. Easily applied. Cheaper and better than Paris Green. No water to carry, Good for Cabbage Plants, Berry Bushes and Tm n- ips as well as the Potato Plants. Now is the tinw to apply it, when the plants are appearing. as tlm preparation kills the Beetle as well as the late Bug. The only preparation that is a fertilizer as well as insecticide. The Preparation that Kills the Potato BUg and Not the Plant. SHIPMENT (3F FURNI l‘l'HE BUG mw_m‘rrâ€" 'fi As we are reducing our stuc to make mum for a new As there has been a change in the firm we invite every person who intends making a purchase to come and obtain an idea how oheztp we are going to sell for the next; 30 days. “It You Get It at Gun’s It's Good." This Advertisement is Genuine G.T.R. Town Ticket Agent MADE AND SOLD ONLY BY Parker’s lum. gravel. $3.80. up of road, $1° J. Clark. shovelling, 3?; A. Lunnoy ahoveJing, .2; G. Brown, com., 820. Fischerâ€"Mirtcalfe-That ‘79 ad- You q in this ,_ Ads». and Inn fith‘r IR'IIBL the“. rerun. ChIUln ants .‘. mambo L in PC‘). . :.~ us in Ix‘hovo imhi dopeudabk‘ I u “ungca‘u'un and . '1 hair ingnxix- tu the inflamed .c stomach. Rich smuth, two of the \c aids known tn ”1121' tiny afford is L and pen-mull)! and a short. time. they and .ms caused by Much ~‘vspepoin, Tablet- up \ appetim, aid du- rcn'nptp . nqtn‘tion. A: [)(‘pm. the“. r011“ ‘( chh ants mam! 01‘ den \ Cat: mm- phcu 0110(- I“ u Uu L): KILLER :k of Furniture J. H. Chittick. Cler mrmulity. Three '08. and 31.00. ~ munch Troubles .' Lucm. th Benn Dyn- HI 1118 Mid (Inn- "‘“v Phyaiaan ‘ ‘ ‘-‘ per cent of ugiu an a dig. 'C“! ‘1! “up 101 H. my: Mm“ It. A. W. Skelly. tece, I! ne Adams. of r. whiting with Mr. I. D. McC‘ockl'm. 'u‘. toxefl tie at!“ ”in“ over Sunday 1. “heft HcKec‘hnie is m L week in Southampton .0. Annie and Ju‘du In Toronto for a fvw wee-k. 17‘ 1913. ‘1! friends in and I ill Helm L .0 \wit'mfl; nonme- ’r. and “3“,; H Barbara Saundm‘! )[cFadden [9." (183’s M l‘hos H Glenholfl Toronto; retur El Ian. of Torond visiting in “'Oi‘ few (11!” is spend vinitinfl Adam ‘ {am Mr mt U1" 1n H‘f Mt‘thC l“ TH n OI

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