West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Jul 1913, p. 5

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’H‘Pd good leaper and ’H) carry, and Turn- is the time lure ER ll}: ........... RHAM 8W! W0 Mr. Miss )1: )Irs HOD m Annie L. and M133 (arr/[‘9 are visiting sonafi 'm W att (la 1913 Helen L. Irons, of s visiting .her sister. Mro.‘ Prudiham, at the Methodist‘ 128. .Vl M W 10 Lb 56 A- -â€"** [8880‘ Wit 11 If 11 U rues Ly ’ and Little of Toronto, Mr. and M" Mort Il‘llln â€"â€" ' k, 0“ ’â€" Peter 3‘3“ ’ W?“ Mr. Benton.” no one i8. 1 and I thought I’d jot Nicholls. their Toronto' Quite a number of our farmers g with Mrs. P1,!have started haying. Mrs. Kirkpastr'nck. of Toronto, past three or| »Was the guest of her uncle, Mr. . ‘(‘. Stoneouse. one day last week. 0‘ Hamxltonfl Mrs. Geo. Roughth and two Mr3. Gregyes, . boys. of London. are visiting with are vxsxtmg the former’s brother, Mr. Dan. Mc- ’ \f Gates. Buildeffl O! Hamlltmh Mrs. Greaves, are visiting Q. and Other on or _Tor99-‘ .W o rk W :1 Miss Irene. are spending the former 3 W Thesday to , McIlVridt’» of Proton and What spen Woods 10W isturd )llSi Moun [11806 TomorroW. )l' ouni er i3: Little linS M1 Forty httul Ian The 12th of July Was CCIeDralw housewife. "I WOWer w--. ..--_- . due form. the lo fining in with the big demo on in Hanover. “there many lod- away!” ! mine who la a well as assembled to .attle of the Boyne. The lorenoon Was weather was ideal. Glenelg Lodge. No. 1192. captur-s ' ad first prize for best dressed ed. so to speak. a Jodge. ‘new tin can. bu No Special train arrangements weight." Then he explalned how all 13d be?" made and “1098 20m? 2 the old tin cans are gathered up and .'r0m her? had to take the regular.' hurled into a furnace and now the which is merely the Wthh came Ln about 2.30 p.m.. tWO ‘ tbln veneer of tin. separated as a melt- tbe steel wblch forms hours late. On reachmg here the outer covering. ls ed and how the additional Dur- hemselves. the real basls for the can. The tln ls far more valnahl every } it 13 used over and over again for cov- be 00" erlng cans. The .93th part when melt- litera v ack-, 1L p ed product from any. e than the steel. and :n'aililble inch SE 8-de to A . .. 111'!” 7 3 L‘AAmnfl fl §()|‘d (“bunk ”‘0 (net. the trip all filled. H 1€ Busy Artnur. Miss Edna Flowers, of Toronto, and her aunt, Mrs. John McLean, called on the latter’a father, Mr. Wm. Smellig, one day recently. 1-- urnnnn and Arthur. IAII h\. W 1 Women’s Institute throng: “l 'v Midillcscx County Will no di 2". . make a very attractive displa P" .tiwir competition. ‘ Price lists, ent ‘0 formation 0 il\' the Exhibition will be give] M. application to the Secretary, ,5 ‘Hunt. General Offices, Room Dominion Savings Building, to , don, Ontario. Days. and The Western Fair. (hnnrkx “1H thh! dumb: surpass anythin of Landon. year without 2 evgr .be- Rod all were It carrier WESTERN FAIRâ€"SEPTEM- ’. FIFTH TO THIRTEENTH. : BUCKINGHAM.â€" ~ July 9. to M’- s pat a; into the generul 01-“: no indications are that t 19:55, although enlarged tl will be filled to overflowir pace in the Main Building .y about allotted. It is e .1 that the Agricultural a zultural Bu_ildings will a oLu... 0,. " VIII Keogh-{\héything clean and 0 will be no fliu. “Bram ht fliu have a placo to lay thoir eggs. . -II .‘Ian-n whnra â€"k..p coQorod all places wnm young fliu may be hatched. Put ucrum at windows :1 doors. Whoro II dirt than an flin- (bout allotted. It is exâ€" that the Agricultural and lltural Buildings will be Ll as the Fruit exhibits from forent counties will be quite 11nd very attractive. 'l he LL _-..mknnf I by the Association. [st preparations have quietly on for the t will be round that in first-c1333 condiâ€" n M’ all kinds are OI BORN. er Of Ml‘ , was undt‘r week. bUt he is bettm‘ all places whore b. hatched. at windows and .1»- "througho‘lt will no don >t tive display in forms and in and Kincarddng. 'hat color light we re orlng planets have be and the common consen- us of oplnlon seems to he that what- w ls determlned ever color lt does thro the surface. It the earth ow tures to mosses and thelr glorlous red llchens tho the same prlnclple lt ls ‘ -----nn nf fnmgt and I The L39ht Fm” Many different Hm)“ 0n- Monday 9 ‘1! mum! at tn» mto- 0' Before the Camera. How very few people really how to sit. for a photograph! race has Its weak points. and m fortunately, have a way of crew in a picture and ruining the em course a photograph should bl lutely lifelike. but at the sun L.. Il\1.|_v (‘n‘ l people really know‘ now to sit for a photograph! Every" face has its weak points. and these. nn- i fortunately. have a way of cropping up ; ‘ ’ ting the effect. Of -. lutely lifelike. hut at th one naturally prefe Scarcer one face in a hundred has fea- 2 tures perfect enough to promise a satis- ; factory photograph in profile. for this} pose brings any little deft-ct into tbo‘, foreground. For a full face picture a 1 sitter must possess fine eyes above all‘ things. If they are gtmd the pose will be a success even if the other features are lacking in comeliness. if one has any pronounced defects to hide the three-quarter face is really the happi- est way to be photographed. This po- I! “Yes. I did. I asked him am! he wouldn't say ‘Yes. sir' ~u him a lesson In politeness jn-H dine give me I slapped mm." 4 F. 82 Plain Dealer. I) |l Mexico’s Finest statue. m One of the chief works of art 1!) the ”H l City of Mexico is the bronze equep- dress trlan statue of Charles M. It ls call- ed “The Iron I'lt'H'h‘t‘h or "The Little It stands in the Plaza de In for "\ Horse." Reforma. Visible from many dlrec- V11 tlons. lt serves for a landmark to vls- M; 1‘ “ill! the south- lu, ltors unaequalnted . ’ western part of the vlty. It was. ac- 3115. cording to Perry‘s "Mexico." the first: Wm; mlportant bronze statue Humboldt declared it the America. second finest equestrian statue In the world. the first being. ln his opinion. 9‘ t ('lllll Aurelius at Rome. u ar with the Alert ‘ll ym 1 several sites in eve the city. and its sex'eral removals have ions caused it to be dubbed "El Cabllllto () Trojan horsel.-- WC‘; hell New Orleans Picayune. f 0 that of Marc-us has ever been popul cans. It has 0(‘Cllplet r anthoflty- Butter ........ ‘ ........ e." he replied. “reincamt- Eggs ' ................. 19 peak. and become. In tact. a Potatoes. 7 [1. but mostly a window Dried Apples i0 ° t then be explained how all Flour, percwt .......... .5 3 Oatmeal, per sack ...... 2 40 L0 21’. l 10 ‘ cans are gathered up and ‘ 7 o a furnace and how the (1:!‘?P~HPBV‘CW‘I. --------- 9 r of tin. which is merely the H‘i‘dees “ET-.18“ cwt °°°°° l( "4"" ‘8 senarated as a melt- Sheep’ssins "" 83 ‘1 tn 2' a His Long Distance The house painter mu“ the roof of a porch and “J ust a hit careless, w $316 w him at the [11mm w "lul u. ‘--_ “Careless nothin'!" he sum'tt-d. was comin' to me. a” right I \‘e walkln’ under laddprs mlghtS' every day for twenty-four yea Chicago Tribune. minute His Business. “What business are you my “Collorflnlz " “Own-«Inn what?” ”The living the wofld am Ioston ‘l‘rs nwflpL THE DURHAM CHRON ICLE The storm 80"“ What wm- lb“ “ m on" ammunwwd' "'“ A Lesson Long Distance Hoodoo. use painter had sup f a DUN h and hmkmn hit carelws were you. 11) at the lumpital 0’90 is the bronze equepo Charles M. It is call- the Earth- anon In Politeness. did you umkv the baby declared it the :m suntue in the . in his opinion, ins at Home. It r with the Mext u gpveral sites in jug" likP .VN" fl "gvvwlflnd Jorse).- WU“K mr. auu _...-.. _ held a reception party in honor: of their third eldest son and his amiable bride. Quite a; .099 in a nice“ sieeti company of inviteil. guests \\ we present and 111 "‘3‘“ ”t ed themseives. Short Speeeheb.‘ ‘ 'Wn- "3 Were given by Me'“ " ‘ sting 0f Editor Haulage an r and In of a congratulator . y nature as tot ' the many good qualities ' ' Biologists ins of a tues of the happy groom. Mr. an | Mus Archie iet’t next Monday I ' ' » Ll'UlL, " orabiy blessed by [avo tner, and consequently a house Were assembled at 3 o clock" to listen to a se Maieoim, of Holstein. 10 ’d°°' Was mu-cn emoyed and appreciateu “M from by ad is putting it “MILL. Mr. P" M” '99- Mmcoim is generally ' oi unusun ability. Hm?" they being a man ‘ avorabie remarks and H0 WJS usteueu “my "a" .0 throughout with rapt attention. F 39811 " 0n the i'oJowing Monday 8‘91““? of this week, a very successiui Lawn social, Lnuwicneu with ax: exceilent supper, no. . b ue.d OQJOJnug the cum-cu. the DI y . , __ . very uprated game 01 rootba. ‘wal pmyed m a field nearby. be anu Urcuari mmflo. 3" .ween we Hoacem . - LL- 1.“! {amen min ml flit ””0". ‘“r .‘ock '0. GRANT’S AD. | gave cm'. John W to!" In \Vnsh Goods we have Prints, Ginghzuns, Mus- lins. Linens. Pivque. Bed- fm'd Curd. Dainty Raps, Shinings, Bungalow Net suing wit Quite a frost on Thursday (wâ€" ' 1' Last W091i, which ripped. up the buckwluzat badly in low lying fields, and again on Sunday evening another frost, ' ions damnage is noticeab On Mondayd evening of M \V SP“ umf M CO\ II be a (AOWD UUL 51501.‘”y .urned 3D“ wayew u‘" or (our u» rht the C would ha mm than Nebon U home here. Matthews, of town .t week with her 315 [. Lawrence. McGraw, of To: them. V enmg Lice Lawrence. in}? a few we‘ BLYTH’S 101 pmz loaf )lf McVVILLIAMS. ll a. tor the Lt .OOKC‘J as left on Mo [I of ou CORNER ‘IL' “.54 or unusall abdigy. vorable remarks and ms sermons: on luau -‘ I Lnld bride. Quite a puny of inVite(l nt and ad 81110)" ., of Toronto, :eks’ holid‘dbs at lieu LCCOH’H rownto. i3 r-I'. MFS- J° W119 spent sister, Mrs. LIVER SALTS nt Sun- 1tson’8 IU s “steueu attenuati- y evenmg uucccsa‘m “it“ an A most reliable remedy for nil- meuts of the liver. for prompt relief 0f Headaches, Acute In- digestion, Constipation and other ailments caused by faulty liver action. A pleasant, quick acting, eflervessing salt. (l Hum eseekers’ Excurswns no“... .. Winnipeg and return $35.00 Edmoni (Hhm- "Hill‘h‘ in l’rnpnrticm. m Vow 'l‘ul‘tmtn RM lll'n llwulwwrkc-I's' 'I'min In 2AM p.m. Full l’urtit'ulzu's frnln any ('.l H A SERVICE )85 TORONTO TOWINNIPEG ”caving urdnyb. ()dwr LI: Mnndnys. 'l'hursduvfi 000 . Ticket Office. 891ection8 Janet K97 Attraction 9 Twice Daily fil'l‘ \ \.-.,- Janet Kt-rr ably prosmmg m. uh.“ organ Mists Kerr 9;ch a wellâ€"3 Miss; Hamugv a" remit-rod 80.1.), 1'. Gibson, of 'l‘ormno. very good if 1 was heartilv ‘j '. Mr. Ward, of V:1râ€"“ ney was the princm ' ' ful and earneat‘ M MHz-lane London, Canada THE GREAT LIVE STOCK EXHIBITIUN "les and Attractions S ngle Fare on all SPECIAL EXCURSION Prize Lists and al '. J REID. President! 1 information from Luxurious Sivan 01's, 5. \Vvdnet-days, and '1‘" t) .b (I “Y 8 a n d 1' S‘TUDIED EFFORT AND YEAK.‘ ur mun l’liRFEL'TEl) BY . esday Until Oct. 28 :ekers’ Excursions Each Tu n and return $43.00 and return $35.00 Edmonto RanLimi!'1w«»l\1nn'h~. JAM p.111. :4le lmmln until Aug ‘3 a I‘ ' 1"." '} f. _- II II A:._n-l-II'L' {.I'li‘II .‘ll‘ (xl,l{01‘g"|" 1‘! FUN”: in I’r‘upmtiun. a, bottle. very uwn Ag?!“- ery croditably, M188 .bly presiding at the 'Ogave a well- ful' ail- Quality” Printing "gry The Chronicle Sal- Western Ontario’s STRICTLY PUB E PARIS GREEN The latter two fertilize and the vines. they kill the l strengthtn the plants. BUG FINISH (applied dry) ARSENATE OI“ LEAD Buv Your Ticket Here l “luv Monday eVean- ‘ utive in: MM .Cw-‘-‘ J., and “It. find VII mp- up with_thu_ QW- Fireworks EveryNiSIht Speed Events Daily Station A801" stick on

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