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Durham Chronicle (1867), 24 Jul 1913, p. 2

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bud for. â€"37085. obtain a preâ€"emptién : gingham homeo‘taead i I ctl. Price, per femâ€"Linn reeide six I: etch at three yearn, ¢ acres and erect a hon .300. W. W. C' A homeeteeder who has exhaust- ed his homeetead right and cannot obtain a proâ€"eruption may take a purchued homeetead in certain dietrlctl. Price, ‘3 Per acre. Dut- he.â€"Mnet reelde six months in each of three yearn, cultivate 50 Leg-3e and erect a house worth acre. Dnties.â€"Six months reai- deuce in each of six yeara from date of homestead entry (includ- ing the time required to earn homestead patent) and 50 acres extra cultivation. The area 0! cultivation in aubject to reduction in can of rough, acrubbfi or atony land after report by omeatead lnapector on application for In certain districts a home- Iteader in good standing may pre- amp t a quarter-section along- aide hi- thnieltflead. Price 83 per -A‘A “---v-.- Duties.-Six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A home- steader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres, on certain condi- tions. A habitable house is re- quired in every case, exce t when residence is performed n the vicinity. ' applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-Agency for the District. Entry by proxy may be made at the office of any Local A ent of Dominion Lands (not In agent):‘.on certain conditions, “__LO _ _ THE sole head of a family, or my male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter-section of available Dominion land in Mani- t_o_ba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS LOT 3, .cpnczssmN 9, GLENELG, A COIPORTAILB BRICK HOUSE In Durham. 2 storey- high, hard and not! wato: lands, mood cem- ent oukln frame barn on too, quarter a". of land. Price away down to quick purchaser. Apply v the Chronicle office. 7 27 tf GOOD COMFORTABLE FRAME house on College street; six rooms, two storeys, hard and soft water. good half acre of land. A bargain to quick pur- chaser. For articulate, apply to Ed. Lang on, Durham, or John M. Link. 205 Riopelle Stu Detroit, Mich 222“ FINE BRICK STORE AND DWELJ ling, on Main street, Durham.' Owner in West, a bargain Ap- , ply to A H. Ja'.k301. 6.28.2m (3601) BUILDING LOTS APPLY to J P. Telford, or Mrs. G. Black- burn, Durham 6 13 t1 containing 100 acres of first-claw: [rod in good condition. Wu take $1000 it sold before the first of February, $500 cash; balance on time to suit purchaser. Apply to J. A. Russell, Lougheed P. 0., Alberta. 12 12 t! SEVERAL HOUSES IN DURHAM. ship of Glenelg, containing 55 acres, more or less: 15 acres hardwood bush. well fenced. well watered: 8 acres under clover, rest in pasture. Apply to Wm. Wall. Durham. 64pd WEST PART OF LOT 23, CON. 1 W. G R.. adjoining corporation of Durham. containing 15 acres 3 mods, t‘ perches of good land, ali seeded down with tim- othy; ood brick house; hard and so t water, barn, orchardg sheds eta. T. Baskins. 424M i GOOD BRICK HOUSE AND 5 acres of land just outside the corporation 0! Durham; stable to accommodate {our horses; buggy houoe, hen house, wood- ohed, and other conveniences; good well. Will trade for farm pro rty. For particulars apply to ohn Willon, Durham. mar69 sale cheap: small cash payment. balmce secured by mortgage. On premises are good frame housa (tame harm and outbuildings- log pig-pen: good Well. Apply to Wm. McNally. Ebm'dale 13.0, 51230 t! MT 4, cos. 3. IN THE'EWN- LOT 9. CON. 6. GLENELG. FOR in the township of Bentinck. containing 100 acres. more or less: well watered. well fenced. first-class buildings. Wlll sell cheap. Apply to J. A. Alexand- er Kerrobert. Sask 724:1“ fl ACRES OF LAND. CLOSE TO corporation of Durham; conven- ient for anyone working in town; good house and barn, with sheds; good water; small orch- ard; 19 acres of good oats, 6 acres under timothy and clover. Will be sold cheap and on easy terms to quick purchaser. Ap- ply to Wm. Wall. Durham. 640d One nice cottage in Lower Town. â€"A. H Jackson, Durham. 3 '21" W. W. COR Y, Dzruty of the Minister the Interior. L-Unnnthoriud publication til advertisement will not be ton-87086. 9 I 13 Fur Sale or Rent. Adan-time." e! one inch, or leee. 25 cente for fire: insertion. and 10 come for «eh “toque“ ineerflon. On: one inch end under two inchee. double the ebove amount. Yeerly retee on appliance. Farms for Sale. TO RENT For Sale. SMALL ADS. SIX BENCH HANDS WANTED AT once on day or piece work. Married men preferred. Excel- ALL PERSONS TRESPASSING'ON Lot 5, Con. 8, Glenn! . for the pa 0! (thing, tar this not , will be pnninhod to the full extent of the law.â€" W. R. Jack. 5 1 ALL PERSONS ARE WARNED agnlnat “shin on Lots 14 and 15, Con. 2, E. .R., Glenelg; also on Lots 30, 31, and 32, Con. 2. E. 0.3., Glenel . Parties found so doing wil be prosecuted to the full extent of the lamâ€"The Saumn mam Club, C. M. Bowman, Pro-i nt. bat! ANY PERSON FOUND FISHING or trespassing on lot .50, Con. 3, W.G.R., will be prosecuted ac- corddng to lawnâ€"Alex. Alexander. Proprietor. 5 15 t1 CABINET MAKERS WANTED WM. FAROL’HAIfiON, 0.0.. C. RAMAGE Intending Students should enter at the beginning of the term if possible. Board canbe obtained at reasonable rates. Durham is a healthy and at- tractive town. making it a most desir- ahle place for residence. The record of the School in past, years is a flattering one. The trustees are. progressive educationally and s are no mins to see that teachers an pupils have every advantage for the pr- per presentation and acquistion of knowledge. THUS. ALLAN, Princi nl and vinvial Model School teacher. Class (‘ertificme. "he school is thornughlv e nipped in teaching ability. in chemicn and elec- trim] supplies and fittings, etc., for full Junim- Lonving and Matriculation N EXCELLENT PROPERTY IN t'IOOd locating in_ Durban, Ap- work. AP 1’, Ufa 7' *0 129300911 [E 1:1) 1y wage-e cted be KILch l Kitchenx abinet Co., Limited, Box 810, Hanover. Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates, executed on shortest notice. All work promptly attended to. Dr. W. 0. Pickering ; )PPICB: Dentist. Over J .I. Hunter’s ' wâ€"v _‘--vv J er Conveyancerq c. Insu Agent. Money to Loan. Issuer of rage Licenses. A general financial ness transacted. DURHAM ONT. (Lower Town. H Office. nearly opposite the RegistzTy- office. Lambton 5t..Durham. Anyamount )f mouev to loan at 5 per cent. on farm Jmnertv. ()mPPâ€"(H'el' Dnnglas’ Jewellery Stow. A. H. Jackson. O'I‘ARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION- ; er. Conveyancgr, 810. Insurance HOUSE FOR SALE DR. BROWN L. R. c. 9., LONDON. ENG V RADULATE of London. New York and Chicago. Diana 0! Bye. Ear Nose and Throat. ‘\\'ill be at the Hahn House, July 20 ”rt. 19, November 16. Dec. 2], Hulu'S. l to 5 p.111. Durham Continuation School ty of Toronto. Graduate Roya 3011928 Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its Branches. FEES : $1 per month in advance EYE, EAR, THROAT NOSE ( FFICEâ€"Over J. P. Telfm-d’s office nearly [opposite the Registry office. Resndence Second house south of Registry nt’flcp rm east side of Albert Street. Utfice Hours -9-ll 3.111.. 2-4 p. 111.. 7-9 p. m. Tplephnne jcmumunicn- tiou between office and residence at all hours. at): Annual)! Roy. London Ophthalmxc Hos lag. and to Gullah Sq Throat and Non Ho. SPECIALIST: 1 tice in the New Hunter Block. Oflice ‘lours 8 to 10 3.11.. to 4p.m . and'l t09 J. 111. Special attention given to diseases )f women and children. Residence op 1min» Presbvterian Church. " HYSICIAN A ND SURGEON, OF ‘- tics in the New Hunter Block. Oflicc Drs. lamioson lamieson. FFICE AND RESIDENCE A ‘ short distance 65...: of Knapp’s Hotel. Lamb ton Street. Lower Town. Durham )flice hours from 12m 2 o‘clock 1. P. Telford. A3§ISTEI., SOLICITOR, ETC J F GRANT, 1). 11‘s .L. 133.” roan‘ugADUArE. UNIVERSI- . 6. Hutton, Office: 13. Frost 8%. Own" Qound Legal rDirector!) Dental Dz’reclorv Arthur Gun, M. D. Medical Directorv. Warning Chairman. DR. BURT. . SHARP reer. c. Insurance Loan. Issuer-pf Mal:- general hnancxal bus:- Secretai'v A flouoohoui era! 'Ibminesd Dr. Moroe'l ludjnn Root Pill. .,--._-, -1-.. nun-F, ”34.11.!“ ['9 Glebe and '1‘. P. road at lots 5 and 6, concession 13,.$2: H. Allen- son, 'gravel, $14.90; J. Heaney, rep. culvert. $5.75: E. Weltz. rep. road $7.60; '1‘. Lung. rep. road. $12.65; a}. McPurlin, igravel, $2.25: M. Porsch- bacher. 'gravel, $2.60: G. McFarl'm, gravel. $1.50: M. Pei-schbacher, ’gruvel. $3.30: J. R. . .. . ‘gravel, $2; ('ouneil meeting at date, $14.70; C. E. Baetz. rep. road $5.70: A. Eurig. gravel. $2.55; J. lin-etz. to pay parties for gravel- ling. Normanby’s share, $52.50; J. Wolfe, gravel, $5.95; Municipal World, supplies. $34.65: Commis-l sioners, letting and inspecting iobs -â€"reeve, $24, HOllIIl $5, Baietz $8.75.' (.leberdt |$5. W'hiteford 83.75, total $46.50; P. Finnegan, to pay parties overtime statute labor, :84: D. Brown, _gravel, $7.75: H. O’Brien, gravel. amd use of road, 83.75; H. Hill. rep. culvert. Carrie}: and, N ormanby. $1.25: Hamilton Bridge ’ Works. balamce contract Ayton; bridge. $1880; R. Datum, rep. rOad; 7; 'A. .Suhernk, drawing gravel and ,‘ cement. $9; A. Schenk, filling ap- . proach luo Aybon bridge, 83: Fred} Gerber, agravel, 84.85: J. Fischer; removing timber, $8.25: A. Kept; gravel. 84.70511. 811681, to pay for _â€"â€"â€" VJ I“ " IJU‘JIX ’ Ba.etz-â€"Whitefordâ€"-That the clerk notify Andrew Fivlsinger and Henry Gen’hiard't to put in no ce- ment ‘tile nor db any more work in connection with the open ditch on concession 9 and 10 at lots 17 and :18. This :work must not cease un- til ”the township engineer has giv- en his written report on samoâ€"C. Baetzâ€"Holmâ€"That the followmg accounts _be paid: I.’ Council met in townahip hall. Ayton, {July 3, .at 10 a.m., all the members present, the reeve in the chair: minutes of last meeting adopted. By-‘l‘aws Nos. 5 and 6 of 1913 were wiven their proper readings. sign-ed by the reeve and clerk. with the corporation seal attached. and entered into the by-law book. Bae»tz-â€"W.hitefqrdâ€"-That the ’hl..._l_ __L!p, A 7 ,___ ..---.-, uuu. ”It; ”Cl eatly in breafling up a Cold ’or 1.: ti pe by cleanin out the Oystem an purifying the b 00d. In the name Va they relieve or cure Biliousness, Inchgestnon, Sick Headaches. Rheum- atism and other common ailments. In the fullest sense of the words Dr. Mom's Indian Root (Pills are 47 exgctly meet the need which to oftenv â€" arises in every family for a medicine to Open up and regulate the bowels. Not on! are they efl'ective in all cases of onstigation. but they help "Path: m 1.-.... :.._ --_ - n_. . - ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY warned against trespassing on Lots 5 and 6, Con. 9, Glenelg, for the purpose of fishing, hunt- ing, trap ing or camping.â€"The Saugeen unting, Fishing, Trap- ping and Camping Club. 4243 NOTICE is hereby given that I will close the lane leading from Durham Road to the Canadian Pa- cific Railway Station at the Glen, and any person or persons using said lane on or after Monday, July 7, 1913, will be dealt with ac- cording to laW.â€"Thos. McKeown, Bunessan. 6 19 3pd FOR 8. S. NO. 11, BENTINCK. Professional first or second class; duties to commence after summer holidays; small section: within a mile of Durham. Ap- plications received up to July 19. Salary $600. Apply to C. Law- rence. Durham. 733 FOR S. 8. NO. 3, GLENELG; Protestant: salary $600; duties to commence September '2. Ap- plications received up to August 15, 1913. W. Ritchie Sr., Secre- tary, Edge Hill. 7102 The undersigned will receive of- fers for any, or all, of the pron- erties of the late Jane BrOWn, de- ceased, up to lst August, 1913. House on Bruce street, house on Countess street, 3 houses on Lambton street. and house on north Saddler street. No offer necessarily acc_epted. Arthur H: Jackson Durham. Durham, 5th July. 1913 7104 Dated the 14th dax of July, . LB 1913. i NOTICE is hereby given, pursu- :ant to Ontario Statutes 1911, Cap. .26. Sec. 55, that all persons having 'claims against the estate of the 'said William Brown, who died on 'or about the 4th day 0' July, A. D. 1913, are required to send by post prepaid or otherwise delivei to J. P. Telford of the Town of Dur- ham Solicitor for the Adminis- trator. on or before the 9th day of August. 1913, their names. ad- dresses and descriptions and a full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security. if any, held by them. duh' certified, and that after the said day the administrator will mom-(ed to deln er the assets of the estate among the parties en- titled thueto liming legaid Hill} to the claims of which he. shall then have notice. In the matter of the estate of’ William Bro“ n. late of the Town-3 31mm of Egremont in the County of ; Grex, y.eoman. deceased. In the Surrogate Court of the Cqunty of Grey. TEACHERS WANTED NORMANBY COUNCIL Administrator by his Solicitor. J. P. Telforu NOTICE TO CREDITORS JAMES BROWN NOTICE. For Side m DURHA)! CHROXIL'L r. “Oi-Ody at '“d vâ€" “y‘all“ {a Wv!€"\' it. Toronto. j Me:- mees. of Milton, was the guest of Miss “and Richardson «w»: thr week and. Mr lie-rd“! Mitch-ell, Who re- cently madmated in law in Obj- Dr and Mm. Washington, of M‘lwaukee were visitors at Mr. M. K. Richardson’s on Sunday. Mr. Henry Holman, “:11 line, spent Sunday with his mother new “”1. left on Monday to spend ' Word was received here on Monday lot the death at St. (fath- arines. of Mrs. Elizabeth Jones. widow lot the late John Jones. aged ’86 ymrs. The remains Will be. rhroug’ht here for burial in the family plot. the funeral taking place on Thursday afternoon from the residence of her son-in-llaw. (f ‘W. Bellamy. The deceased was born in Ireland, but came to Can- ada ‘Whem quite young About 62 years ago she. was married near Tmontn t0 LIP JOJIES. and about two years after settled in Arte- mesia. nealr Vandeleur. Later. they lived in this village, Mri Jones conducting a tannery and‘ boot and shoe business. , They: moved 'to Owen Sound, and later! to St Catharines, Where Mr.‘ Jones ldxied, ten years ago. One son. James, of- Port McNicholl, and ‘ two ldaumhtem. Mrs. C. W. 381-. lamy. (here, and Miss Bertha. at home, survive. The adult Bible class in the' Presbyterian church has been re- organized. ‘wiflh the pastor, Rev. Mr ‘Mchicar, as teadher. The clasz meets half an hour before the regular church service each Sunday. Upon the ladv'cie of Dr. Carter. Master Kendall Boyd. who sus- tained a bad fracture of the arm a (few days ago, Was taken to the city on Monday .for attention in the hospital. Mr. Iamd Mus. Lou Karatedt and children, bf Owen Sound, are on a usihort visit with Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Klarstedt. Lou has been an invalid for eight months, having undergone an operation for ap- pendicitis. His friends here are pleased. ‘to see him now on the way ‘t-o recovery. Mr. U. A. Lever has the cement foundation for his barn com- pleted, and the framnens are busy preparing for the raising. which will take place shortly. Mr. '1‘. Sled has also the foundation com- pleted 'for his new residence. In the recent High school En- trance examination, Principal Hol- land’s class in the school here did Well, seven out 'of nine being suc- cessful. The following passed: E. Karstedit, Honors, P. Legard, C. Lever. F. Lever, J. McLaren, F. Parliament, lM. Wright. , Canada Bible Society was held. in l the «Presbyterian church here on . Friday evening last. a good rep- resentation of the executive being present. The (financial report showed that the year 1912 had been the best in the history of the branch. the almoumt from con- tributions being $71.06. and sales $15.66. The executive desire to express their gratitude for the efficient Work done by the col- lectors. Arrangements are hein'Jr made for public meetings in the interests ‘of the society at the various preaching appointments. Flesherton. Ceylon. Vandeleur. Eugenia, Mt. Zion and Proton'Sta- tion. The 'officers were re-elected for the year, viz., Pres. T. R. Mc- Kenzie: Secretary. Richard Allen; Treasurer and Depository, W. H. Bunt. with whom the society keeps «a nice stock of Bibles andl Testaments ‘on Sale, ‘ . Prince Arthur Lodge, A. F. A.‘ lM.. had an interesting meeting on‘ Friday evening last. when a good ‘turnout lot the members of Hiram. Lodge. Ma-rkdale, paid a fraternal visit and assisted in the work of the evening. which in part con- sisted ‘of an initiation conducted by 'Wor. Bro. J.W. Tucker, and officers bf Hiram Lodge. In thei course lot the evening, resolutions of condolence were adOpted con-i veying the sympathy of the Lodge to ‘Bro. Rev. John Wells. of Tor- onto. and Bro. Rev. J. S. I. Wild “ son. former members, recently' bereft 'of their wives. I -vv‘v- Professor Bates. th McMastexz Cnhorsity. Toronto preached in the Baptist church on Sunday 9nd ('1‘ ..i\ 1 led rm able sermon in beh !If of_ Christian education. The annual meetifig of tin; Fleshertop‘_1)1‘aglcl{ of the Upper The opening for a tinsmith here ‘t'ts' bean fillefl by Mr. D. McKEl- Ion. 90f M'm’rco. who has Started business 'im the Norris block. Miss 'Laurri Armstrong. Toronto' Nor-mail school student. was suc- cessful in the recent examination for third class certificate, and we join 'her friends in congratulations. The Presbvterian ladies hem. who are preparing e missionan box. had a quilting in the schoul 100m of the church one afternmm last week and completed two covers. tions. who. m the most kindly manner. expressed appreciation of theirlsuccessful labor among them and regretted their departure from their midst. Mr. Dudgeon was presented with an address. a purse 'of money and gold-mounted umbrella. amd Mrs. Dudgeon with a beautiful china tea set. May's travelling moving picture show exhibited in the town had sevrral nights last Week. and, we are "told, was very good. FLESHERTON Visiting 'Dunli.m passed through on their t Dr. and Mrs. McCa/nnel, a cousin of N. Lie-Canine], of the West who .visited tat Mr. McCannel’s, motor- ed 00 SWinton Park on Saturday :1 . \week ago amd thence dOWn the] feountry to visit friends there. 1 I Mr. 'Hug'h McKechnie is taking; ipossession of Mr. Aldcorn’s storef this Meek. q , The (Misses Simpson, of the' States are visiting at the old hum 'here for some time. other members of distant parts of turned a Week at: O Bob Fisher had a gang of vounp: (men alhimgling his barn on Sutur- dzay Mast necessitated by the gulps ofJaJBt sprigg. I Rev. ’Mr. Luce. of the Methodist gchurch is to preach union sermons iin the Presbyterian church next Sunday morning and evening and {in the M(t}m:l?st church the fol- ; lowing Sunday. for the his} Vega-p19 ‘0‘ intends to leave for few :diaya, Mrs. lAitken and littlv girl. of Buffalo, are visiting Mrs. Aitken‘s sister. (Mrs. Shortreed_. of Topcli.ff. f0” *Akn 'fih‘ --__‘ guests of Mr the tafternoon _ 1' umwrraklug l't“‘(‘i\'oh~ ~pw-iJ' Rev.‘Mr. Maclusun amd family. , , , . ‘ attentiuu mtend t‘O 193"? thus “'E’ek for their; -â€"â€"-â€".â€"__ vacation 'Up to the Lakes in Mus-, ,7 koka District. They (‘xpect '0 Nb- main for five or six wwks. ' Murray [Ritchie and aunt and ' m ‘“m ‘“ Miss (Hepburn fro 11 Durham at-f tended the Prvsbytvrian service here ‘on Sunday last and were the .; m 3 > E D 7? z: m (I) m I Haying has commenced this Monday the zlst of July and the crop us not the best. The dry weather is telling on the growing grain crops and a good days rain would be very acceptable. Water is getting low in a good many places. A number from here attended the Swimton Park anniversary on Sunday last and a large number f nd to go to the Garden Party this evening. Rev. Mr. Wilson, of Walkerbon, preached in the Presbyterian church here on Sunday last. He is a‘tine speaker and a good ex- pounder lot the Scriptures. Rev. Mr. Matheson took Mr. Wilson‘s work it Walkerton. ~_v v.“ “‘\'Lluao Miss Mary Burnett. {or a num- ber of years in charge of the phone bllice here, is taking a rest and extended holiday at present. nailing hit-nus at Kimbwley. Mr. Stewart. and Mr. Dunloii. of Woodstock, motored here and spent the week end with their Wives visiting their aunt, ‘ Mrs. Dr. Carter, who. with the D12, joined the party in a run to (.‘larksburg to Visit old friends. II'Z.._ ‘- VUV. .IJ‘J. Mr. (ha: 19:. mejesun f1 rgm Toronto on holiday M15. and Mrs. “'95. Jamieson. of Toronto, are visiting relatives in the Village and vicinity. ‘1” I‘m ‘ ' - Miss Dell Thurston is holidaying at Lions Head. Mrs. Fred Nicholson, of Toronto. is on a visit with relatives in this place and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blackburn of Toronto. Spent the past week with relatives here. Miss [Evelyn Hall. of Toronto. the ‘guost of Mi§_s_ Iva Mitchell. It I -- M178. Mark Wilson has returned from a month‘s visit at Paris, and ut_h_er points. ~_-J. Miss Clara Binnie, teachér at Caledon East. is holidaying With .her sister. Mrs. W'. J. Boyd. Mr. McDonald, of Richmond Hill, formerly tin the Standard Bank here. is (m a holiday among old frxends. this \u-cl: with Mr. Sanzstex Hemphill and other relatives. Inspector ‘Huff. of Meatord, who was in this vicinity the past week. spent Sunday in town. ' Mr. ‘C. Martin visited at Mr. T. 'I ever'is recently. Mrs. Oreo Stewart and children have lgone to spend a couple of weeks with her parents at Thorn- bury. ; ‘0 17th Inc, 1.13. PRICEVILLE .ay last and were the Arehfe McCuaig in ago mg; gimme; g'rhe Chronlcle and Weekly ‘99d. of Topeliff.‘ GIObO' l ye.r"'°" 9 of weeks. She The Chronicle and Fannly for her home in, Herald Weekly Star lyr. The Chronicle and Weekly l gang of voung Wltnell, l yearn..." . barn on Sutur- 'The Chronicle and Weekly ail M1131Cannel. of nrou on their ------ a“: gecently. ‘The Chronlcle and Canadian ;‘ampel,_g cousin ;_Farm, 1 YO”... .. Toronto. is is home V_â€"w' We see notices for a civic idny in our tom: soon. We dldnt see the date, after haying, ' but it will be 3002' if not sooner. The Chronicle allâ€"i- Toronto g Dally News, 1 year... i'l‘he Chronicle and Toronto. ; Dally Star. 1 year...... ......... 3T1}? .Chrgp‘c‘e. .Dd Torontn wwwww JV“ ........ .o- O. The Chronicle 3rd Toronto Dan Mail and Empire, 1 yr. 4.‘ The hronicle and Toronto Dally Globe. 1 rear...... 4.“ The Chronicle. and The Gray). Groweru’ Guide. Winnipeg $1.c R. EWEN Magnet Cream Separators an: and Funeral Director\; quest insertion miniou men'uurv our“. not exceeding one inch Mm. Advertisement. wfthout noeoitiv .m be DleiIhOd t‘ll forbid .' 1 ('hI’flgou I Tun-lent noncooâ€" ‘L( n. "zl’uuud 0'10...” cent- for first insertion. 27. ‘ m. Inbooq non! insertion. Contract mm for youny ad ntohod on application to the am All advertise-«nu ordered by s In mid for in “Vance. l |.uu'-“ " A. BELL i Nun ‘- A's“ UNDERTAKEW $ M Tu: Clnoxu‘u “'2 Bl! pa.“ shy addreu, {we m R.“ - 0 OX Mper year. pawn â€".l.50 may be ohm-zed if not um ‘pm to which over) whoa-influx: in mm; , the number on the address label 5 continued to all arrears are- pani‘. o'vuon of the proprietor. édyertising I8 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MUM It the Chronicle Printing House Street. Mr. M. Kt-ess has 0pm at the rear of the furn room and is pre ared kinds of tinsmit ling. Undertaking revein attentiuu Full [in and wh e. of Catholic Robes, and l ite Cups for aged ”mph- 'tcture Frammg rm 5/: Ms: ' notzce. rm nuw cum ’o 1’. SCHOLFIELD. and all SHOW ROOMSâ€"flex! [u Sun-1:7 u 5 Barber Shop. Rasmxxrr' .Vexf door South of “1'. J. Luu‘lv“ +2 blacksmith shop. FURNITURE New Clubbing Rates Durham Embalming a Special!) EDITUR AND memr III Household Furnishing: TINSMITHING [(1988 has opened a all”; ear of the furniture slum Magnet Gasoline Engines Ml SIZES For tandem nd colts pot the for “on: 3 com- pm- 1 . IRVVIX AND Jul." (24. 1913 Toronto to do a! Ontario )Rxlx AGENT can: «Inn “I Prime K | r. .~, . a“ killd!’ h" Shh 1 MI Klus'ot drain I! spent Reduction in T0 I24. 905mm the LARGEST The Stam Cleanli leSS Real Soap. m Men the “(’5‘ handing phone. 10. 80]“ tim‘wr- 300 Ac"? ‘1 1913 gum. coo Aw 1 50 Aw," 300 “'1‘“ ‘V th- 1 00 Acm Te‘gPhflne fl.fl.MlLLER II .d ‘ h s: Flour Pastry ‘ Acres -\ mu a!) newwvw“ ‘ mm m: H Two a]? $01 Eight 100m61 “0 rOOIIIS 5‘ trimmed. w‘ OiImo 800 Orchard. Bought ht H olled

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