West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 31 Jul 1913, p. 2

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“ch 01 tin-co yearn, cultivate 50 can. and erect a house worth W. W. CORY. uty of the Hinhter tho Intorior. TO RENT ‘35?!» 39°“. Dwmo -_.-- dooco in each of six years from date of homestead entry (includ- ing the time required to earn homestead patent) and 50 acres extra cultivation. The area of cultivation is «abject to reduction b can of rough. acruhb or atony iand after report by omestead Inapector on application for patoot. A homutoador who haa exhaust- od his homo-toad right and cannot -LA-I, In certain districts otoader in good standing may pre- onpt a quarter-section .14. La- I. ..... , ‘ â€" - Duties.â€"Six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A home- steader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres, on certain condi- tions. A habitable house is re- quired in every case, exce t when residence ls performed n the vicinity. THE eole head of a family. or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter-section of available Dominion land in Mani- toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-Agency {or the District. Entry by proxy may be made at the office of any Local Agent at Dominion Lands (not nub-agenthnon certain conditions, SYNOPSIS 0F CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS. A COUPORTAILE BRICK HOUSE L. Durham. 2 storeys high, hard and loft tater inside, mood cem- ent mu- frame barn on too, an.“ acre Of land. Price aWay down to quick purchaser. Apply s* the Chronicle office. 7 27 tf LOT 3, CONCESSION 9, GLENELG, containing 100 acres of first-claw llnd in good condition. W.. take .1000 if sold before the firstl of February, $500 cash; balance‘ on time to suit purchaser. Apply to J. A. Russell, Lougheed P. 0.. All _‘__. ._ -fi“, FINE BRICK STORE xVD l)W1‘L-' ling, on Main street. Durham i Owner in West, a bargain Ap-' ply to A H. Ja ”1:30) 6:28.2m. _ _ _V__, _._.. GOOD COMFORTABLE FRAME house on College street; six! rooms, two storeys, hard and: soft water. good halt acre of land. A bargain to quick pur- chmr For articular-a. apply I" to on, Durham, John Edit. thtlo. 205 Riopelle St., Detroit Mich Alberta. SEVERAL HOUSES IN DURHAM? Ono nice cottage in Lower Town. l -A. H Jackson, Durham. 321m 0001) BUILDING LOTS APPLY to J P. Telford, or Mrs. G. Black- _b__urn, Durham 613d ohéifand other * c‘bifiVe'r'lieinvc‘é‘sl; good well. Will trade for farm pro rty. For particulars apply to ohn Wilton, Durham. max-69 LOT 4, cos. 3. IN THE TOWN-" ship of Glenelg, containing 55 DR. Bl acres, more or less: 15 acres Ate Assistant. Roy. Loud hardwood hush. well fenced, well In. and woollen Sq 'r w:atered 8 acres under clovzrmr, SPICIAL rest in pasture. Apply to m. Wall. Durham. __Q 40d EYE'Om: Awn’p,:[:!." Wh‘S'l P\RT OF IO'l‘ 2%,CON.1 ‘--â€"â€" _.____-..___ W, L; {., adjoining corporation DR BRq of Dumam, containing 15 acres 3 mods, t‘ perches of good‘ L R' C P" L0] land, all seeded down with tim- GRADULATE of stuff; ood brick house; hard York and ('hicago and so t water, barn. orchard, . Discuu oi Eyc.eul~ sheds eta. T. Haskins. 42H! .\\ .11 he at the H: ‘ GOOD BRICK HOUSE AND 5 acres of land just outside the corporation of Durham; stable to accommodate {our horses; lguggy house2 hen house, wood- LOT 9. CON. 6. GLENELG. FOR sale cheap: small cash payment. balance secured by mortgage. On premises are good frame houaa frame barn. .and outbuildings- log pig-pen: good well. Apply to Wm. McNally. Ebordale P,O, 61230 t! 0* ACRES OF LAND. CLOSE TO corporation of Durham; conven- ient for anyone working in town; good house and barn, with theda; good water; small orch- nrd; 1.9 acres of good oats. 6 acres under timothy and clover. Will be sold cheap and on easy terms to quick purchaser. Ap- ply to Wm. Wall, Durham. 640d LOT 55. CON. 2; LOT 53, CON. 3, in the township of Bentinck. containing 100 acres. more or less: well watered. well fenced. first-clam buildings wxll sell cheap. Apply to J. A. Alexand- er, :Kerrohert, Sask 7'2 u For Sale or Rent. cube-wont ilnerflo-n'. Over 000 Advartiumuau of one inch, or Inn. 25 0 O xrms for Sale. I Fur Sale. SMALL ADS. take . Dut- incn or Inn. 25 cent. for first insertion and 10 cents for Each Over one inch and under two inches, double the above amount. Yearly rates on applicmon. ‘ l2 12 t! A BLACK AND WHITE FOX Hound, with but! colored head. Lost about J91; 17. Information I--_19 . SIX BENCH HANDS WANTED AT once on (1:1 or piece work. Married men mien-red. Excel- lent proopect for etendy men. vegee ex cted to he Knech [Kitchen binet 222 Limited, Box 810, may", ANY PERSON FOUND FISHING or treepauing on lot 50, Con. 3, W.G.R., will be prosecuted ac- cording to lawnâ€"Alex. Alexander. Proprietor. 5 15 tf CABINET MAKERS WANTED WM. FAROL’HARSON. 0.0.. C. RAMAGE. Chairman. Secretarv THUS. ALLAN. Princi al ’tlld Pro- vincial Model School encher. lst Class (‘ertificnun Intending Students should enter at the beginning of the term if possible. Board can he obtained at reasonable rates. Durham is a healthy and at- tractive town. making it a most desir- able place for residence. The record of the School in past years is a flattering one. The trustees are prog ressnve educationally and s are no pains to see that teachers an pupils have every advantage for the pr- per presentation and acquistion of knowledge. The schonl is thormighlv equipped in U'flChillg ability. in chemical and elec- trical supplies and fittings, etc., fur full .hmim- Leaving and Matriculation Work. .LL PERSONS ARE WARNED against tithing on Lot: 14 and 15, Con. 2, 3.0.3., Glam-lg; also on Lot. 80, 31, tnd 82, Con. 2, E. (3.3 Glenoilfi. Partie- found no going I? be prosecuted to the full extent of the lawnâ€"The Sauna“: Fla Club, C. M. Bowman, Prod nt. 58tf Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills, executed on shortest notice. All work promptly attended to. -e _ _ yuan-Av, UV: n‘ er. Conveyaneer, 8w. Agent. Money to Loan. Is ringe Licenses. A general 6 ness_t|::_smacted. I ARRISTEI., S Office. nearly 0 office. Lambton “HI n‘ monev to loan at ornmrtv. FEES : $1 per month in advance Durham Continuation School ..-v-... u UIIOL, (I ‘II‘ 3" > ()rt. 19 Novemhm 16,090.21 Hunts lto.»p..m )F‘FICE Ate Aasxntant Roy. London Ophthalmic Hon. ing. and to Goltleu Sq Throat and N039 Hos. SPECIALIST: avgwsm, THROAT nose A. H. Jackson. ~TO'I‘ARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION )HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF tice in the New Hunter Block. Oflice murs, 8 to 10 a. m.. to 4 p. m. and 7 :09 w. :11. Special attention given to diseases 11’ women and children. Residence op Josite Presbvterian Church. )P‘P‘ICEâ€"Over J. P. Telford’s office ‘ nearly Inppusite the Registry 0mm». Rpmdvuce Second house south nt Registry nflicmm east side of Albert Street. Office Houls 9-11 (1.111., 2-4 p. m.. 7-“ p. m. Telephmw cnmunmicw‘ [inn hthvvn OHM- :md residence at all hnurs. ‘ vuv ow DL'RHAM ONT J F GRANT, D. 118 .Liis} ”ONORfiEADUATE. UNIVERSI ; I short distance cut of Knaâ€"pvb’;.fâ€"]otol. lamb ton Street, Lower Town. Durham ”five hours from 12 to 2 o’clock L. R. C. P., LONDON. EKG RADULATE of London. New York And Chicago. Disc-«I 0! Bye. Ear Nose and Throat. J. 6. Hutton, M. D. Urs.1amieson lamieson. WTWB. AND RESIDENCE Den Office; 13, FM“ 3%. Owen Dr. DOG LOST Legal Directory. .V Warning Denial Dz’rectorv Arthur Bun, DR. Bl?! WN Medical Dz) arrow. . J. SHARP DR. BURT. ()ver J J. Hunter’s l-Ul . “Co Infiurance Loan. Issuer of Mar- general fi nancial busi- Telford. SULICI'I‘OR, mo opposite the Registry Durham. Anyamount t 5 per cent. on farm . (Lower Town.) y ana s are no 1913981] pupils for the pr- acqnistion of nhn Hnuse, Ju_ly \‘mtnd‘ Insurance After a prolonged. illness there passed away at her late home in gapet Arm Watson, beloved Wife of Mr. George J. Carter, in her 55th year. The remains were brought from tlw city on Monday and the funeral took place from Proton Married.â€"At the Methodist par-‘ son-age, by Rev. J. Dudgeon, on Wednesday .July 23, Mr. Alexm Maxwell to Miss Sadie Bra\'ender.. both of Osprey township. f Mr. \Vesley Smith. editor of! the Battletopd Press., Sash, has; been elected mayor of Battleford. in a keenly contested by-election.§ The newly elected mayor is a! Fl-esherton boy, son 01’ Mr. Wm. Smith. and We are pleased to leann ! of his populartiy and: success in; the West. _,â€"--‘--vu thalvlllllg HIC'L w.u.u BULL. and little son, Visiting at “V. P. - - , e 0" Crossley’s. Tuesday evening of last week! Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Jones. of Port Returningfrom work with others. McNicholl, and Miss Bertha Jones. he complained of not feeling Well of St. Catharines, attended the 'ggdt 1:2 fragmu'lt‘fieogottizowggpclged {afierallfftghfiir linother last week. veyed to his [late home on Stone’s§unc1.l§8.at (Ziruelpuhs. m 13 usntmng her line. and was a .great ShOFk .tO Mr. .and Mrs. Jas. McKee. and algofa‘gié‘lyeegsgfiglalliaso“2:38 “Met. litttlvefhsct)? {and Mr. and Mrs. Hall. . a o i ie " 'i ' ' Owen Sound, where she was visit- at Mr, F. G. Karstedlt’ ing. The funeral took place to‘ iFlesherton cemetery on Thursday" "“‘*""" afternoon. service being conducted . by Rev. Mr. Leece, of Priceville, During the summer months and Rev. Mr. Kerr. of this placcmmmhers 0f young children should, Mr. Hazard was a ConservatiVe watch for any unnatural looseness in politics and a member of the 01 the bowels. When given, Orange order. He was the eldest prompt attention at this time seri- son of the late John Hazard, and 0““ trouble, may be avoided.‘ Was born in Artemesia nearly 53!Chamberlams Colic, Cholera and years ago. About 25 years ago he ; Diarrhoea Remedy can always be was married to Miss Martha Stone. depended Upon. For sale by alll daughter of Mr. Henry Stone, who dealers. with four sons and four daughters} l I I l v' y ' , 'W‘s suruwe him, and ha\e the sympa- thy of the community_in their loss. ‘ 9" THE GLEN. Mr. Gervis Hazaqd, employed as section man on the C.P.R., at [fleshgrtop .Station, met with sudp ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY. warned against trespassing on: Lots 5 and 6, Con. 9, Glenelg,’ for the purpose of fishing, hunt- ing, trap ing or campingâ€"The Saugeen unting, Fishing, Trap- ping and Camping Club. 4243; L NOTICE is hereby given that I will close the lane leading from Durham Road to the Canadian Pa- cific Railway Station at the Glen, and any person or persons using said lane on or after Monday, July 7, 1913, will be dealt with ac- cording to law.-Thos. McK‘eown, Bunesaan. 6 19 3pd FOR 8. S. NO. 11, BENTINCK. Professional first or second class; duties to commence after summer holidays: small section: within a mile of Durham. Ap- plications received up to July 19. Salary $600. Apply to C. Law- rence. Durham. 733 FOR 3. S. NO. 3, GLENELG; Protestant: salary $600: duties to commence September '2. Ap- plications received. up to August 15, 1913. W. Ritchie, Sr., Secre- tary, Edge Hill. 7102 The undersigned will receive of- fers for any, or all, of the prOp- erties of the late Jane Brown, de- ceased, up to lst August, 1913. House on Bruce street, house on Countess street, 3 houses on Lambton street. and house on north Saddler street. No offer necessarily accepted. Arthur H. Jackson, Durham. Dulnam, 5th July, 1913 7104 Dated the lit-“h dav of July A. D 1913. E NOTi-CE is hereby given. pursu- ant to Ontario Statutes 1911. Cap. 326, Sec. 55, that all persons having Fclai against the estate of the ‘said illiam Brown, who died on ' or about the 4th day 0' July, AD. 1913, are required to send by post prepaid or otherwise deliver to J. P. Telford of the Town of Dur- ham. Solicitor for the Adminis- trator, on or before the 9th day of August. 1913, their names. ad- dresses and descriptions and a full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security, if any, held by them. duly certified, and that after the said day the administrator will proceed to deliver the assets of the estate among the parties en- titled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. ‘ HOUSE FOR SALE TEACHERS WANTED In the Surrogate Court of the County of Grey. In the matter of the estate of William Brown, late of the Town- slup of Egremon-t in the County of Grey, yeoman, deceased. Administrator. by his Solicitor, J. P. Telford. Warning! "RNA .- NO [ICE T0 CREDITORS FLESHERTON JAMES BROWN NOTICE. For Sple DURHAI CHRONICLE lives near Ceylon. Mr. Malcolm McInnis shipped a car load of fine, fat cattle to ’ Toronto on Tuesday last, and is leaving this morning with anoflier e .t: ,;oar load. a?all THE BOOK HE LIKED. The late Joaquin Miller. says a writer in $119 Christian Register. was indifferent to books, toad of newspapers. He scanned the newspapers With avid“ and made copious clippings. a lot of good, ahaâ€"w1iF-fi'elsu‘t‘fi‘é mapberry crop. which is going to be very plentiful this year. Most of our farmers are throu h haying, and cutting their {in wheat. which is a good cmp. The {bower of rain lagt qjgbt‘wfll do IAL .‘ -_ J the sad father, Ws of thetdeath of ,his D11]: Jarvis Hazard, who lives near (.‘evlnn Miss Elsie M‘cCoskery, of Roch- chester. is on a visit with her sistei'. Mrs, M. McInnis. barn raising at Mr. Scotchtown. and bY all reports, everything went 0’“ Miss Reta Buskin is visiting her uncle :at Guelph. Mr. .and Mrs. Jas. McKee. and little son, and Mr. and Mrs. Hall. of Whitfield, visited over Sunday at Mr. F. G. Karstedut’s. Mr. and (Mrs. Jas. Jones. of Port McNicholl. and Miss Bertha Jones. of St. Catharines, attended the funeral of their mother last’ week. Miss Reta qukin is visiting her __‘_I‘ -4. n ,1 Messrs. Ed. and Geo. Chard have returned home, the former from Kinldersley, Sask.. and the latter from Vancouver, to visit their father, Mr. James Chard. who is very ill. Mr. Will Bentham. of Toronto, is on a week’s holiday with his wife and little son. visiting at W. P. erssley’s. Mr. Ed. Loucks I'eturfihiévd 'on Monday from the West, where he sp_e_.nt hhe_p_ast six months. Mrs. 'S. Pedlar returned on Sat- urday from a month’s visit with hair; siiter gt‘ I_’_ickerim_1g. Mr. Harold Karsbedfvwas home frggn She‘lbugne Qver Sunday, Miss Elvda Karstedt is visiting in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Rutledge. and Miss Bell McKee, of Markdale. motored over with their friend. Mr. Artley, on Friday. and gave us a pleasant call. Mr. Frank Cwnifiéié‘hj'of Chicago. is holidaying with his uncle. Mr. J. J. Brown. Mr. Frank VanDusen, who re-f turned to Toronto recently from' the West. paid his mother a short visit last week, and left his little daughters to holiday with their grandmother. Frank was ' not enamoured with 'the West. and will rel_miain in Ontario. Mr. Frank Tate. of Lucknow. visited over Sunday at Mr. M. K. Richard-9011's. and was accomoan- ied home on Monday by Mrs. Tate and children. who Wore on a hol- iday.here. Mr. and Mrs. Will Keefer. of Chicago. Mrs. D. E. Wright. of Harrisville, N.J.. an'fi Mrs. J. C. Crane, of Owen Sound. were Vis- itors at W'. W. ‘Trimble’s 0\'er the week end. It is '14 years since Mr. Keefer a._nd s_istgr_last visited here. Miss Lulu Mitchell. kindergarten teacher, has been engaged by the school board at Paris. Ont. Miss Evelyn Hall, a member of Canon Coardy’s church choir. Tor- onto. gave beautifully rendered :solos in the Presbyterian anl ,Methodist churches on Sundav Miss Hall is a sweet singe1. al- ways appreciated on her visits here a Mr. H. S. White. principal of the High school. has been reengaged. and Mrs. Brown’s place will be fill-ed by Miss Hu-lse. of Orange- ville, who comes very highly rec- ommended for High school Work. Several from here attended Mt. Zion Methodist church garden party last week, which was quite successful. Mr Alex. Stewart. of this village who previously suffered t\\'o par- alytic strokes, was again seized last week and is now in a weak and critical condition. Mr. and Mrs. John Brown. an aged couple. are both under Dr. Carter‘s care this week. {deep sympathy of a large number 10f friends in aheis added bereave- _ment. The deceased is survived ;by four brothers and two sisters. ivizu Mrs J. Beatty. in . Qsprey: I‘J‘2mm€_\_§. at Deseronto: William. m Rev. Dr. Gray, of Toronto. ably supplied the Presbyterian pulp't on Sumdlay. and the renOWned preacher. Rev D. 'C‘. McGregqor. of Orillla. will preach next Sab- bath " Rev. Mr. IMicVicar. and son Don- al‘dx. are off on holidays. 'Dhe Misses Mitchell gave an en- ioyable afternoon tea on Friday last to a number of young friends in honor of their guests. Miss Eve- lyn Hall. of Toronto. and Miss Beulah Ostrom. of Pembroke. the West; 365535..." 'at ' fi€'Zion : John. and, Mrs. Northmore. Toron- to. all present at the funeral but William. also brought to this cemetery for I‘mrial. Mr: Cagter has now the .1 4.11311 Campben home of ME. Archie, of . Mr. Gibson, of Toronto. who has been a guest at Mr. and Mrs. lJohn Marshall’s for a few days, left last week for his home. Mrs. Gibson and four children will re- mm for a couple of weeks ‘ longer. _ “lift-kn“ D:I|,n L.-...... ___.J I 0_ w â€"â€" m‘-" v 'V u” u Mr. George Seim was on the sick list all last week, threatened with typhoid fever, but under the skill of Dr. Wilson, of Holstein, is able to attend to business again. Mr. Alex. McVean is shinzlimr Butcher Bill’s horse and his brother John‘s horse both got loose on Sunday morning last and had a lively time until the door was finally burst off, therebv giv- ing them more space outside. No serious damage was done. â€"-_‘â€" -â€"--‘â€"v '1“- \9 Miss May Allan, of Egremont. was a guest at our shanty on Sunday evening last for a few hours. May is a bright, cheerful lass, and we are glad she Was favorably impressed with the surroundings of one of our young bachelor neighbors. We may possibly have something more to_ say later on. Mrs: Barlowâ€"fend three children, of Northern Ontario, are visiting he_r_ sister, Mrs. Andrew Stewart. l The regular monthly meeting of [the Varney Gramge was held in fthe hall at Varney on Friday night last. As the season is busy not many were present. but those that were there were out for busi- ness. Grand Master Thos. Mc- !Niece occupied the chair ably and after some consideration. it was decided not to hold the annual picnic. as a suitable date could not be chosen. It was also decid- .ed to drop the August meeting lon account of the harvest. Means were adlopted to make the Septem- ber meeting unusually interesting and instructive. the subject being Alfalfa GrOWing. As a laurel number of the members have had poor success in growing it so far. it is intended to find out. if possible, what is the cause. Quoâ€" tations on different kinds of feedl Will also be laid on the tabJe.’ Mr. James Watson will lead the;' subiect of Alfalfa Growing, and; any and all who can throw any" light on the subject are Gordian)"l invited_to attend and take part. , ‘f°__ Harvest is coming in very fast All the fall wheat is cut and is a fairly good crop on the ground and an extra good sample. A considerable quantity of barley and also some early sown oats will be in the shock before the Week ends. . Ward was fihe trainer, and he [deserves credit for the neatness of .his work and his ability in handling a big gang of men. Messrs. Will McNally and Henry Beaton were captains. and the former won an easy victory. ;th0ugh it didn’t look that way at 'first. Mrs. Ellison had a big bevy of lassies assisting her. and the tables were laden with the most tdelicious of .edibles. "Of course. the young folk had a party at 'night and a very enjoyable time was spent. Mr. Ellison, assisted by tAll)ert MeNally. built the stone- Iwork. and it is a splendid piece :of workmanship. ' The very fine shower of rain on Sunday evening last Was badly needed. Everything was simply burning up. Mr. John Ellison had a most successful raising on Wednesday afternoon of last week. It was an addition to his barn, 34x40 feet. and 18 feet posts. Mr. Sandford Zionites are holding their an- nual garden party on Thursday evening. August 7, and are making preparations for a must enioy- able time. They are a bright young cou- ple are Mr. and Mrs. J. Durant. who spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. John 0. Greenwood, and Mr. and Mrs. S: J. _M'cNa.lly. Mr. and Mrs. RoBt. Milbum spent the first of the week with the Peart families. Miss (Yunnan and her mother of Mt. Forest. have been guests of ‘ . Anderson for some time. ‘Mrs. A. and Mrs. Curran are sisters. Mr. Orr Minnie has a big gang of men employed at the Falls, and expects to have the electric light plant in shape in a few days. Mrs. A. GIB'IAEFZM baby boy arrived home from Markdale last week, after several weeks spent with her parents. Mr. and Mrs Chas. Reed. What am attraction a big rasp- berry patch is! Monday mormmt saw scores from town and country .meet and mingle amd vie wlitlh‘each other with nimble fingers on the Russell farm on the 9th concession. now owned. by Mr. John Laughlin. Master Clifford Cook returned, home on Sunday. after holidaying for a few weeks with his sister, Mrs. W. J. McFadden. Of 1‘32“" Imont. Mrs. J. Lenaham. 01f Owen Sound. and some members of the family are ("nioying a pleasant visit at the O’Neill homestead. BL YTH’S COR NERS. TRAVERS'I‘ON. shingling sorry to report hil rather, J imm McVean, seriously in with heart and nerve trouble. Hope to see Jimmy Up and around noon again. )f n ngs’ 3: Window ; Lace '1- and all Hon: 5 'rmsu 8I M! M. Kressl Ll at the rear of t] room and is pr kinds uf tinsmi ['ndvrtnking Mb EDWARi â€"'buwl‘i | m" ' EL .â€" 'v". The Chronicle and cafimi’é} Farm, 1 year-...... . hej‘ . 1.90 The Chronicle and Toronto Dally Newe, 1 year ......... 2.50 The Chronicle and Toronto , Daily Star, 1 year...... ......... 2.59 The Chronicle and Toronto Daily World. 1 year............ 3.75 The Chronicle and Toronto Daily Hail and Empire, 1 yr. 435 The Chronicle and Toronto Daily Globe. 1 real-...... 4.75 The Chronicle, and The Grain Growera’ Guide. Winnipeg $1.60 iTho Chronicle nnzl' Weekly ‘ Mail and Empire, 1 year ...... $1.75 The Chronicle and Weekly Globe, 1 yenr...... 1.75 The Chronicle and Family Herald Weekly Star 1 yr. 1% The Chronicle and Weekly Witneu, 1 yenr...... .. The Chronicle nnd Weekly. sun, 1 yeCl' ......... ............ 1.9.} R. EWEN“ Magnet Cream Separatms and Embalming a Specialty Picture Framing on short; notice. Mr. M. K recs has openâ€"19d a shup at the rear of the furniture shuw room and is pre Med to do all kinds of tinsmit Eng. Undertaking receives S'N‘f‘idl attention) and Funeral Director\ for ym \ mlw cation to the «flit e quent ineetuon mimou onrde. not exceeding onw Advertisements without be published till forbid In 1:21:13};th nonpeeâ€" ‘L( at. ‘ ‘1'. ohmâ€"50 cent. {Jamâ€"mm hm cub-equal“ insertion. Alladvortisementn 1 be mid for in nth-ace ° . - ' c' ”r 41.” any b0 ohm-(ad if um um ‘IMHI. to which over) ~nbocriutiun is mm the nummn .m the addrmut lulu-l continued to all nrmru a notion of the proprietor. Iu‘ .\u ['0‘ Paid. «x Advertising Rates Subscription ”E “Hum 1. + III! a.“ Rugs, Oilcloths Window Shades Lace Curtains and all Household Furnishings TINSMITHING IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MUN It the Chronicle Printing Houst- 8treet. Full line of ( htthulic Rulw. and white Caps for agml I EDWARD ' K‘RES‘S WE "URBAN”.EHHM FURNITURE SHOW Rmmmâ€"vit l4) 8 BarberShnp. RESIDEYN (1001" South of \V. J La blacksmith shup. New Llubbing Rates Durham Burma AND meu l r Magnet Gasoline Engines All SIZES For tun-mm u! \- ooltl pal line {m t “on: 8 00th pm m ._..l_ AND o IR“’I:\ ordered by July In 'ot many old hi h tribute e are ther. Jimm With heart .' Robes, and ””1 “88d Wople. Ontario "03mm an Idem 1913 AGENT Illnr. IN» 2.40 1.90 “I". t" omnum Prime A‘ a“ kind~~ the buildi pbom -‘ Um". goo Acres ,nem ‘50 Acres ’00 Acrfzb ] hm ginr- a ems m- DUI B Mt the Te|ephnne wd ‘ ’ LAWN “'0 III of Grain Acres Acres QM Ilcducmm in TM! "Patent. ‘ Ira“ 1“” ‘ [‘I' when we haw Amdwmt’w “‘ ”ion 0! an? ‘ gm“, p.73 3 n qmmfl“: AMM‘“ "56%th H Mi nc the Bought \(H \I Q on How 10“.! KOHC

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