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Durham Chronicle (1867), 7 Aug 1913, p. 7

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llxus‘t 7‘ 1913. ‘L‘tltlnt‘r (lrhk gr Drug 't‘ l‘lll'g‘tfl 'Dt Hints, | Drug urhzlm m, ‘ lllsur- 'I‘k ling. "N SP. ‘3”: â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€".~.â€". A115 eases and all Diseases Peculiar to Men. Men. If unable to call. write ()NSULTATION FR 11E. Books Free on SMITH BROS. - Continued from page 6 man. and. I repeat. It is impossible." .' she suggested. and five white men Who are drinkingl count- 7 , I couldn't per. I where and leave me here alone with a woolly can- 'I themselves to death. 1 whole plantation and 200 ATED 1869 mit it." , , 3 25,000,000 "on, thank you.” she said quietly, l nlbais on my hands. Therefore. you. “aim" s . . 13,600,000 “1 guess I’ll start today-vigour“ : stay. and l 8N!!- lt l3 "’7? simple. l ”hf terms. The bestkn e e 12.500.000 You go along Noah. Speak 'm cornei Also. it l3 adventure. And further-' “uwdlK0‘fi0000i-hltpodhlood is mum: and . . . ‘BOIOOOOOO .long me." I more. you needn't worry for yourselfi Dr. N08 Noah was her head sailor. who | I am DOt matrimonially inclined. ’ Gala dial hm hm“ man. had been boatswnltr of the Mielp, i came to the Solomons tor a planta- j Hem . en 1", ve Savings Wt at all Branches. "w here are. you gomgr“ Sheldon ‘ tion. not a husband." f ".mgf‘mm' mfllcinhflbfin '0“! b! medicine duh!- il lb “quid foul to: saw yang gammy asked in surprise. “Vlaburl: You Sheldon flushed. but remained silent. Pierce"- ’13:? ӣ3" mrmf'fimm 11 ’°“ 9““? 1°“ ‘3' ’0' 05W 0'- Cor. William and (‘ edaer. stop." I “1 know what you are tblflleB-n -075! unil---“!n(l500ne-eent .Jgptrfi' gig-22': a:§h‘:°°~'i:§fi§" “T0 Guvutuâ€"lmmedlately," was her ”he laught’d gayly. “That if I were I QueStions of Life arefullyand mperl;en.lwered” inthe’feoplo'ewul‘: . S. HUGHES, Manager. " - ; man' youd wring my neck for me' manorwomamwifsordaushwvdhfnlgyhk' 'Piwtl'n' All“? “07W- “But , “.00., perm" It." Aid I deserve it. too 'm so sorry. containing imam“... mam“ “33.23333 22": $3333” l ought not to keep on hurting your m'w”m°“"‘mvvinsandposm ‘0” re and ‘ e “ ’ i said. relieved by the signs of ' He was bewtldered by her tem t ubsidins. - me a gang 0! your boys tor todav 3: BINDER ‘llWlNlE i «I» .y t‘ WILD CA I S m “Viaburl. you fetch 'm one fella Nos 1:“ build a mu house for ”88h ‘ NO“ 31008 me." 309 “03313009“ over in the tar corner of the com- o if: or course. I can /___________________â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"" 1' OF SORROW The black boy started to obey. poundâ€"on piles, ['11 be comfortable 0" O How many young men n can look back on their ' Vlaburi'. Y0“ “0 3‘09 l break '0) move in tonight. .,. earl}; liile an‘dsregret their head belong you. And now Miss bacl- and safe The Tahitian; can keep “3 1;: 4- ”iifi‘lffiii. - 3‘7"“? tum,“ " land; I mSlSt; you must explain. What ahehor watch 1““ as aboard Ship 5: It was the lnanui'm'tnre of Plymouth Binder 'l‘wine in i ‘5 - d 5 “2 Vdr,1°“>“d.‘5- have I said or dono to merit this?" And then i'll study cocoanut planting 'E‘ ' . . . I. I . . - - ‘l" chesses “(,1an of 113- .. ... \\ ellatal that matter that town to boom. and the using wt 4. ‘ , _. .; . , You have presumed. you have In return. I’ll run the kitchen end of , . . III .I .I . . tun: s laws, wmc, women (1 ed” 3‘ l 1} month Billill‘l‘ I “luv \\ l.l create such a pleasant ll'i‘llllg. 'l' and song“â€"-all have their , at - your household and give you some 3." that I‘Vt‘l'V t‘arnwi- that lISt‘n it will start lIIIIInlin r . ' . ' l ' :- .' . - . . . .. .. I She choked and swallowed and could decent food to eat. And finally. i s. - ‘ " H “ R“ ”Us \ictims. \ou hate re i l ,1; . ‘l' formed but what about the DOt go on. won’t listen to any of your protests. 3: "‘“Hm I l‘ “‘ “'- + Ot‘t'il you ll.l\‘c sownâ€"what Sheldon looked the picture or de- On the other hand. if you do ‘t agree, .g. :- about 1116 harvest? Don‘t spair ' W1“ go across the avert beyond your :2 \\'I- ‘lli' ’ln' IIIIIV w I Ile in lllll'll‘ill ”V” s ‘H ll ' ' " + “u“ t” 1““k' if 5'9“ “re “I confess my head is going around jurisdiction. and bilild a village for «i- .' l . . ' ‘ l I ' l‘ ‘ ‘i H‘.‘ ‘\ "T t at PYIISt-llt within the with it all ,. he said u“, vou comd myself and my sailors. whom ‘ shall ,3. out Bimini. l\\'lllr. Ill.tl you should not lose any lllllt‘ II. + Sailiiiii‘:(:famixisLxriIiIilIii: only be explicit." - send in the whaleboat to Guvutu for '3‘. l’l‘Wll‘f-I .V” A! ”W: 1m sum ~I I~IIII‘- sultPlN- l‘li't‘l'." “NW“ 2}: bydI-ur‘pr-s-pii votiztro sui- “But you have no right-no man has provisions. And now I want you to :1: 1h”! 11"” t‘Vt‘I' ”ml l’l}'|twil‘ll Bimltl 1N!“ WM“ W 5:- fcrinit' from the results of the right~ to tell the what he Will per- teach the billiards“ ‘l‘l‘ll‘ilW ”"I‘l "ill“ 1' “ ‘l' l‘ ““ “Hill“! 3‘ ””l "9"." l“~“~ ""l»‘ 1. PW“ i“‘h-‘Vr“ll““<1 if )‘mlf [hit .or not permit I‘m too old to 3030 [00k hOld 0‘ the hOUSEhOld With .. M IIItI-I tly \Vt llt \llltlli} in; a ”ll It nuIIIhIi of l litnI i~ “3 i I _ bluntlliasliet'ii taititt'tlii’mii no uncertain grip. revolutionizing '2‘ llli‘ll luil t :- .- " . . - . anvprivate(list-astrand you things an Sheldon bar-(fly recognized ,- 4- , f A . married and live in (lrt-‘lil of s}.IItt)tIIiIis breaking the place. For the first time the bun .1: I . '1 ‘, 'r» a I _ w: . ‘ ; if you are sullvnnj as the result of a tnisspI-ut galow was clean and orderlv No .;. + DRS. K. d» K. ARE YOUR REFUGE._ Lay )‘HUY Cit-9t? before I n e the Dons Do 8 loafed am did '2: Call and see for wurscll “hat “e have to offer )ou. -l- .I ‘ Ii. :.’..:1.. .;~.I.l they “ill tell you honestly if you are curable. 0 g. r e y i .3. 4' YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED as little as they COUld; While the COOK '3‘. 3: complained that “head belong him '2‘ ’â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"’ 4. We Trent and Cure VARICOSE VElNS, NERVOUS DEBIUTY, walk about too moon" from the stren- ' : Bi 00D and URINARY COMPLAINTS, KIDNEY and BLADDER Du- nous course in cookery which she not ' Is ' him through. Nor did Sheldon escape 4, 1 being roundly lectured for his lazi- . ness in eating nothing but tinned pro- : 4 ' °i- Diseases of him a muddler 'I‘BEA'I‘DIENT . names. for his 5 regard of healthful food. She sent her wh and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. All letters from Canada 1 * addressed to our Callmllall Clifft'fiphlll if ' . 12c 12; sII- us nxrsonilly call at our Met ‘.'.‘. I *‘f-"it no patients in our Windsor offices which are IriIl Laboratory for Canadian ' l ‘. l,...\-.. ‘-:l .li‘. 1‘. ‘1.” l?‘ inflows: DRS. KENNEDY KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. ls, .... llil'ectne June 7 , . 5 i that eliCIted his unqualified admira- ' ' . , - ' “m” “mm“ STEAMBOAT SPECIAL “esthuund were meta morn 2 fish daily. while the Balesuna natives were paid tobacco for bringing in \_._.\ 1. oysters from the mangrove swamps. Lv. 'l‘lll‘lllllll. (VI/11H. . III. III II.III.â€".\IIIII.. \VIIII” MI. i Among other things. she burned the llléilllilllilll. " . 11)..le ;I.III.- “ -~ -- . - .HIIIHII. " .. L..I llll.- " peSUlenual hosDimL quarreled W1“) “ .‘llllll3l\\ill;lll. .\III'. Nav (‘II l.l.'II[I.iII.â€" Sheldon Over the deed and m anger “ fin. Mario. iltIl.. XIII. XIiV. i'IIl1.2%”.I.In.-'l‘lItII'.. Sun. 3 thin. '!"II-~ set her own men to work building 3 Ar. l’lll'l Arthur. Nu. NM. (‘II. 7.2%“ .~I.III.-.\lon. Fri. ’ , new and What She called a decent DOS. " l‘iltl'l \VllllJllll. Xltl‘. NIH} l il._ 3U“ RAIL-Mun. lll -:_',°il| v.1“. \Vu‘i CREST ONT _ , = FRY WOMAN 8 GUARD. Dlthl She robbed the MndOWS or their \Vlllllillt‘g. ii. 'I‘. l’. liailuxu. 7. If» :I.III.-'l'tu+~.. 'l‘lIIli'” Sal. I‘ “““l “.“M‘” ' ' lawn and muslin curtains. replacing ‘ . ‘ .. I . I: I I'.II I ~ . ' “HUM“ ‘ - " rdian. 1101' did I sail all (h. them With gaudy calico from the trade Parlor-l ale: l’arlot'i aims and l' Int-I'LL“ ('IIaI'hI's lll'l\\t‘t‘ll 'l'IIiIIIIiI. i ‘ ‘ * l‘ ' WI W". ll‘“ ""‘\l.‘"““““‘i"l‘ ”“r‘i.l“'ilt".-1'1:. 3 way to the Solomons to find one. store and made herself several gowns. wingtiiziqiih ‘31".“i3.' I' , I. m II m i, l “ l , l , I II » ' .‘ I . I I- I...; ‘IItt'w. “ll 1':.~" " "in‘ “ u v ;I ." . l" l" :l stl‘ -l‘ l' t s l H ”0".“I li 'llll" li‘l l~ ‘ i I L. " i \V' ‘3' \\'ll.*llx. PU!" illmi l A Bellsueman 13 every woman, ‘Vben She Wl‘OtO (“It a “St 0‘ 80003 l l‘IIil‘IIl-l "Ill‘I'llllI‘g (first lll'llls it t .Fllllllllg l'ar :lllll l“lliii‘lll~ lH‘v 2 guardian. and ClOthlhg for herself. to be 303‘ l\\'t'l‘ll lK-i'l \Villi2IIII and \ViiItIllwg. " “we“, I’m DOt every woman’that’. down to Sydney by the amt steamer. ‘ (‘llllllllelli'lllg .llllll‘ liilll :l llll'n‘lull I'lw‘ll‘il' llglllt'll Slatlllalll Sic-wit ‘ 31" Will you kindly allow me to send Sheldon wondered how long one had itlg ('ar \\ill in; ililt‘l'illl‘ll llt’l\\l'i‘ll Foil \VlllIatlI. \Vinnitwg. Saska- ‘ . ‘ . ‘ . 7‘ . Â¥ 2 fi.”.. your b0, fOl’ N03 Noah? 1 Wish hm 111800 up her mind to stay. , [will lill'il l‘illllllilllnll. . . ' ‘ ‘ ‘ " k to iaunch the whaleboat. Or shall 1 go ‘ She was certainly unlike-any woman g '1 his is“ t l‘lt\‘\ IniuilguI-‘at‘mn IMI i\l\l"illltil ] ‘I Iiun'l. iLalu- and liail lllllllt‘ « v ‘ _..* . t‘l'\ li‘t‘ Il‘ 'H‘ I .:ls i‘ “ll II it t'~ l‘ ‘l .‘l MI .I. » myself for him? t h be had ever known or dreamed of. So A ”Mm Ina-m “m Hm .ml.‘,\.‘.1.ww”... ”Hm 5m...” “In”... W 1’ Bath WOI‘O DOW 00 their eet. . . tar as be was concemed‘ She W38 110‘ 'l‘lll'llllll'. (‘liillllll’llt'iilg .llllll‘ ‘lll. and PM ‘ll 'l‘lwstlaV. l'll'liliiV .illtl. s with flushed cheeks and angry eyes. a woman at all. She neither languished MUM,”- II,..,..-,.I-I..,, ' ‘ g be. puzzled. vexed and alarmed; :gh. ‘ not; _blandished. NO feminine lure} Full.pzll‘lll'flllil‘n. livsei‘utiinns IIn Strainers or 'l‘l'aill. .nay lu' “I“ \ i x I ~ III I . I . \II I ' lI-M , blacE boy stood like a statue-a plumh Were wasted on him. He might have IIIIIII II IIII IIIIIIIII-IIIIIIII II. III-.IIIII 'l‘IIIIIk \gIIIIn, il1’\\'l‘llt" 1‘ .Im “,3“, I...” .m. w. . .- I. at IIII 4) black statueâ€"taking no interest in the [2993.991 groggy! 9!- 359. p13 brother, . . .. " transactions of these incomprehensible for all as; bad to do with the strange , C- L- HQRMMI. It. _|’. A. ‘ ' " it! i' " l""- i: *hlteimigffifif ,- _,_, .. I ”“7. ~'_'_ "_"-' 3 "situation Despite ‘18‘ warnings BbOUt l liloll Station. 'l‘UHUN'l‘U. ()X'l‘. ?. " “BI“ you won’t do anything IO fOOl‘ crocodiles and sharks. BbO persisted in .l.I~. li. (villlI 'l'nwu Agl. l’hI‘IiIl' ll .l. 'l‘u‘wlwl'. llepol AIM l’llmio ls l gal... \lzpprh and llxlords. regular SLTS and ’ ”0 mm $1 00 'f’ ish”- he began. '- ' swimming in deep water 06 7the . . I .. M , . u - d. 500 i: “There you so again.” she cried- ‘ 1 beach. nor could he persuade he}, /__________________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" H” ”mm" “ m‘ “M "‘ mm ' :. “I didn't mean it that way. and you when she was in the boat. to let one of - 5 know I didn’t." He was speaking 310'“ the 8811013 throw the dynamite when ~ - 'susnoct is. that owing to the Ire- . ,. I.“ II III II. i III I .thlll ' l! and gravel ‘ And that other thinl. shooting fish. She argued that she was m?;$.dlw§8$:c:3hrer had \‘ailing high cost oi living, ‘the that not permitting-it is only a man- at least a little bit more intelligent to. b a; Belem 11. ii de cam? FMS ‘dl'f’ "limiting a great 53V- ner of speaking. or course I am not than they and that. therefore. there Mm”. ° dehaaxlnd“ ‘ ed: “\12' .b": .dlscalfiimgk pottxcouts. ork and Repairing as usual. You know you can :0 was less liability of an accident if she ' deg” Wl‘tCh »' ”l‘HiL It loo 8 h o it. to Gnvutn if you want to”â€"or to th‘ did the shooting. She was to him the ('ontinued 11..“ Week '1‘“? 01" perplexed Omttloycr. most masculine. and at the same time ' “he senth gIrl lmm“ - 1m “‘2:- _._.._._._._. clothes. “(I do not know \xliat \Kll. happen next. We do not see how can hamwn. 'l he devil. he was almost tempted to add. the most feminine woman he had ever i‘“on5ti?ation# anything ilIOl‘i‘ pendulum lllhbl t-I't'tuitllN Bum}: “Only. 1 should deeply regret it. thatis 4! met. ltronble between “’. . . . is an enemy Within the camp. it will hack. girls Will mm,” tconstltutlon lilt‘lllhl‘l'xl’.“ It; too many clothes. have said anything that hurt y n $§$ognnt gheduglsageemlent o'er undermine the stronges 0 an 8 a b net my; and ruin the most Vigorous health. biliousness, L)” King hili'l‘t one may see 3 along; in \\'lllll’ bll'll". using to the Some- 0 D t h 1) i: your guardian. ’ h h D t it leads to indigestion. Joan smiled and sat down again. " she *She ruled by stern kindness. rarely impure blood. had complexion. sick Miss mIIII-IIII;r VI ll 3. high lll‘l‘lbi “Perhaps i have been hasty. admitted. “You see. i am intolerant of rewarding. never punishing. and he y knew how than had to confess that her own sailors ht‘d'ldt‘llt’r. and is one Of the most frequent (3,1995 of appendicitis. To llglllllt‘bb oi lII-I‘ skirt she lil")('l’t"l§ low suicide. Dr.Morsc's t_\' hall steps. Why dOI-s slu- go :II'tct‘ thus \UlillllIil‘ilV while the house boys . . neglect it is s flii}'\\'lll'1‘i - restraint. if you onl r ‘ fl ' ‘ 1 H b DURH AM FOUN DRY I been compelled to fight for my rreo- worshipped her. 4 - darn. it 1, . gore point with me. this were her slaves and did three times lndim R (t I’ili‘ positively cure ' 1 ii! -.-- Violins“ ”Nil it'llt‘l'i'l Rt'l'M'W‘I-I- l’t‘ml l‘Hllt‘l’r- 51PM“ l being told What I am to do or not w as much work for her as he had ever COH;ilp?lllliil. They are entirely IIamtII-riug iII-r ability to go there? {LAWN MMInmmhwm Sash MM “PU”. Planing: and i do by You self constituted lords 0‘ 80‘ Oht 0‘ them She Qhk‘kly 53" the vegetable. in composition and do not You are compelled to Wait": her. " ‘ . creation. Viabnril You stop 310118 unrest of the contract laborers and sicken, wmkIen or gripe. Preserve because her progress is as inter- ‘ kitchen. No bring 'm Non Noah. And was not blind to the danger, always your health by taking ”111191 t0]“'31}(?11 'dS :1 thl‘t‘v-lolllivd dd? inimiDent. that both she an el s «8 race at t In .‘irt-men‘s Plifllli'. What 6 Sb don Dr. MO,‘° . has she on? it is not iniprrtincnt Pi‘l. to shape this thought In your \VIIIIIl \\'III-‘.\. 1' garb is oxidant- “.‘ -_ |; ‘l‘vr“. i‘nIm-ral er. ran. Neither of them ever ventured ! do “00‘ n ha“ mind. beratiSc he ' ad you to suppose it) out without a revolver. and the sailors m iv designed to lo ' but ior what you tches by J oan’s . LOST PE'l‘Tllliild-T- that she 18 hare see. 11' she does not want you to DURHAM.ONT. ‘0'” 1H: \IOS’l‘ POPt'LXP. AND ONLY HE HAD IT BAD. “Thatisunfair. Your being wrected grass house were armed with rifles- llllil“.l.‘T LINE REACT“?v i A‘LL .\ Stratiord despatch of Jill." ‘71". here has been a Swend to “10- 1 WEI Bht Joan muted that thll P9189 0' tel" 11114 " ' m I) HIUH- says; Horace Rolph. a machinn: very loll-1:11] and very sick. ireally am for had been “Used by the rem of in at 1least two (){htiirntfmilttiztint;â€" think so. What (“H's 5"“ want 30‘} not ce 1) whether or no honld "es in t 19 past mon - , ’,' to t ink? She need not Iretend t l I fear practised by the white men. She 9.131985 men who have 211‘1 emhl‘l-‘Z that she does not care wliat‘peODle ome t0 P“ think. Nobody can suppose that t for personal \iViis“ OF ONTARIO. ivvcamr enamored of. his l'dlllllIlil} “g lave sen . n. In one 9‘ the she dresses like the t..t01d 11““ he ““1““ pened along. But that is not the didn't like i ' and accom.““9', Personally. purely seltlshly personally. Iot want these ques- oi these em- Ii girls do I ' ' ns discussed in the rents pubâ€" Y'lk'llll 1 Bus. \lgonquln Park Magen- -ti.\ m md Frtnch Rner. Georg- ll‘ilillnt“ loatghmgsff. f S t ' T'mag lml and KaWartha itt 11m to e 0 Ice 0 am at lshonld "e ”mt I “ Bl" ‘ ‘ ‘ . - Inspertor Dunseith in the (“In ” - 039930080 But ised that the Solomon ' . tance in find- am not considering myselt I am con- def kind treatment. would 81'0" gentle. The Star met one. (1 . t “â€"1“; hardly the proper One evening ‘ terrliiic uproar ‘m plover on a tram the other In 1.1017 th tt' h “I be ' nd he said that he did not know 10.» en 3 ”‘9 3 0 19“ aided - hiei the fashions in skimpy. But. who are these girls 't who go to the extremes. and train serVIce Via H - . . . all to get his 33315 1W3" to and from in?! a new home. There RoliIh lidering YO“. ' reats of suicide thing. you know. IranIi Trunk Rat _ i'Ime resorts. th duced rates. a 9 so am . . sfoiilrtldt rhltcii‘reiisugiilnhovem er 0 ““3935 1:13.32? bligloewnwhtliat 11%;: If there were some “mm“ 0‘ "‘1’ 0w“ h! Joan's sailors -. â€" a - ., 0 Ire now on sale to above resorts. 1“}. 'ed t t liceninll race hereâ€"but asltls - cning “'0 women whom the blacks d sexeral 211‘13 in his 6 0p . ., d Stith bdrm 0 ge a po 8b to H ha “rite to illustrated ho‘wefa returning just in time t0 save m? e rew up her hands in mock de- ,were bad“ to death. To save m and the other evening he felt H d hat th and time tables telling you lot otl woman from being attacked by span. .. :from the "085009 of the blacks they compelled to send 0339:“ them i lm tit t fhy are ‘1: s‘mall pro- ‘iet the", and ”mammg ’. ‘Rolph. who had a knife. It took ‘ mm“ '°“°" '0“. “'9 ”“1- ““ 'Iwere guarded in the cock nonse m ‘ home. as he expressed It. to set :01?” 0% 0 0 ti!“ Gd Torontoâ€"- C. 3- Earning. ‘ to r men to overpower him one breath you tell me l must go. and ithe nlzht- They were the ",0 '0“ her clothes; He stitd 'th litadwhtao he? 1:13:11 are Gs'tigt twwfi; inthenextbreath ‘ '. s ewes rt 0 ,,"’ w you tell me the” II who on the cooking for the lam Siz'all'V' ailvonld can” the other! to l "in wrong.” They have . gone to d consisted or one do next y. ‘extremes. and are stared at and over-stated his . talked about. To say the same ' other words, a girl so hotels, rates, etc.. to D. P. AL. (3. '1‘. Toronto, Ont. . _'â€"’g" was, ..

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