West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 7 Aug 1913, p. 8

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. _ , r. .. . _» - .rxipug'wi " ‘ ' ' 1'. _.V’.‘"-':,.' .. ..I- «n‘ ("’Ofi‘“ .. up ‘ .2. «%M*%-V*4§ *b$?)%‘w‘ q} .;:1 .. .1 ». . . , w: ...... '* 51-44in “:5"? .7...» we: I I; “5. ' g. I "36“ - ‘ ..ut- ‘ A Yd, Wide 3 Box“ of Shoes Silks $1.00' 53:” odds and ends Last week we offered all GINGHAMS for eight cents. Many of them were worth fifteen. Out of 47 pieces we have sold all but eleven. Take your choice now at Seven Gents If we have any left next week the price will be only SIX CENTS. but if you want your choice of best patterns better ' 9 Ladies Vests Ten shades in the new Pailitte and Mouselene Silks, 36 inches wide. Separ- I 7 9c ate waist lengths, two yards in each, 0 no two alike. Just what the New York 9 9 0 stores are showing toâ€"day. Come in . . . ‘ This . \ - . and see them even though you do not These Shoes sold regularly up to $2.50 18 our regular 25c line \e ‘8 want to bu v. You’ll enjoy looking at and 33-00» We have divided them into 50“ them all 5938011 at 25Câ€"T0- " three lots. some are goin these. quarter of the regular price. day we .\ iiiiiiil'i' For Sale. . “‘l l’l hold al“”"“-‘- “ H“ y . o I $2 00 v . . . ‘8‘?“ ,\l'i.l\ ti hits h . The Waist Length On y . e re House Cleaning This is a Bargain that ii on t last long. H ‘ Ul‘l‘“ 11p. Th‘ ‘{;“,.“\ ‘4 ti ‘ ‘ W'alki'i'tmi \U ‘1‘ H” y" . i ‘h )1t.iiil:i\ - . l groin"l Don t Pay e Long Price or Your roceries ,1 W (iav ext“ “““"\"”‘ 7 , . -.- » --'-" :.£ ' ................. 23: 3 kgs.(iillets l.vet'or....... .... 9"» F' -- l -t[. 1 ..n -. .~'i V‘ "' 3 - ‘- .. ~ 'lllllllis'. . . . H.394...) McDonald Blldf .lob'ac o ifoi . 3‘ . P . _ . .. ....... .131. meet .ea .ari pii i ...... ,1“ m“ H . “Trip titeh:l§fi::dh'l‘:?r;:guilt)?” . . .. ..... . .2356 McDonald Chewmg POl’W’C“ 3 for. ---» -- a - - . «3943 3 pkgs. Hai‘itly Alumna tor .................... Zoe Best Silver (iloss Starch 3 for . . ..... 2.3.» , mumpii i 'i ;: ' ‘ 3' " » ’ - J J, ~ , . 95¢: “T B” Smoking 3 for ........................ Zoe 3 pkgs. Coiiitort Lye t..r ...................... 25c Best (lorn Starch 3 for. . .. . "3» i ‘ o hare ( omtort Soao lot ..... . ................ ... _ . or 0 .- ~ . _ ‘ . _, 5 3 l ,- hm.Q gunfight Soap for .................. 25c Stag Tobacco 3 for ........................ ....iv - tins gootl red Salmon ................. Joe All Extracts 3 for . , .. ., _. _,,, , , .. 3;... j. l‘H- l mx - . (I’M “mph (”Hing”- :; fur- . i, ' , ..... 25c Black \Vatch Tobacco 3 for .................. 3:»: titllls choice Sardines. . .. .................... 2.50 Fresh 15¢" Jain Janis 3 for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . In 3 . V. .i 1 He 1 (‘aiined ('orn 3 for ...... .. 25“ 3 ”’- pkg. Seeded Raismsofor """""""""" 2‘," 1‘ resh. "ates 3 lb. likg. for ... ................. 350 Large Pails Soda Biscuits ......... . i _ . .. . . 27w ‘ iv.“ \ W... " He:t (‘anneil Beans 3 for ....................... 250 3 lbs. Select Valencia Raisins for. ........ .29c 22 lb. tins Baking Powder for. ................. 250 Tomato (Yatsup in battles 2 t'm . _ ,, . . _ , = _ _ , , 3.3. l INF“ ‘ n ' ' H » Best, (Tanned Pumpkins 3 for ................. 25v 3 lbs. Seedless Siilt.ana'Baisiiis ................ Bar Best Corn Flakes 3 for .. ... . ... . .. . . .... ....25e Best Jelly Powder 3 for ..... .... ..... 23' 3 1'0 5 l’ m ‘ _' not: ('annetl Tomatoes 2 for. . . .25c 5 lbs. 30c. Green .lapan lea tor ................ l.ll(_l Shredded \\ beat Biscuits 2 for ........ . . . .. . .250 Varney (‘reaiii (‘heese per lb ......... lo: ! Humil i it ~. . “Mr “”le l’t‘lis ., for .................... 254° .3 Ins. 300 Black tieylon Tea .................. l.(lll Large Bottle Pickles... . ._ .. . . llle Soap (‘hips 7e, 4 for _____________ 33,. l 'J' , . .. . . . . . . . , o o 3 e e t O O L O Q i O Q ‘ e 0 0 O O 0 e e O O o e O O O Q . O O ‘ . H \ :: “gain“ ‘ :3 ' ~(‘o\\ ll" H”. 1 hIS car|oad Of Red- A" our 00 ? (ralVed last mn‘ “ y, 9 O \t Y” 1 ' . .‘ . lilt ' o o . . . 93:80"! ar IS om S y H r ' : , . l a path Sug g g travi ats :: mm. .W. .. H .0 f D ,t O . ’ ‘ nd \ ”1““ ast at 5 on , W W ‘ 3 :: $4 7 . I I are gOIng at exaCtly :: An ("ll‘lllllllilla’ ‘J ‘ ' ,- . o 0 . 4 ‘ \ . 33 sp0il the fruit with . :. ”W. m... H». ..\ \ I .. alf P . i \k 1'» ' “ O. I I ‘ rlce .. \ihratW" . 5 :: p.0r sugar. :: enough it» i\\ .ll» 0 0 . 0666969066000960.9990.0900009000OOOOQOOQQOQOOOOO690696600666966669996...690690660.990060099006699900669 Huu' M‘“ Mr / 999OOOOOOQWOOOOOOOOQOOOOQ09990990999.690660696696999069.696606966609999960060609999§§0§9§99999999990§ \ a tiillll'l i' l‘ ' * «it ' markpi liiil l'fl' ‘ will l.. ill" ‘l ‘ ‘INOT “'HAT HE HAD SUPPOSED . ....m 1 . *l meld ' l That a mighty lot of (leluSion CANADI A N p A Cl Flc 7- nltin V S I] P f’t . 'concerning the intense cold and ; \\'.. h {m} “M 'l‘ t J Large sales ma r0 1 s {frightful blizzards of the Arctic- - __ - . _ _ _ -__fi___’__ ‘ whom \K. r-i« ' . regions is entertained by the a\'er-. 1 t“ {ugjtl\t' it‘ll" . i 1» GREAT LAKES SERVICE '4 ~ « » .. c p ,the ahssertfio:l 0:1 eigpkirer Sttefan- ’ 3:“ (.hiltlll' ' ‘ ison. e 0 on- .e s imo ame. ' I . ”Ru-W ' According to Mr. Stefanson. Man- FaStBSt and MOSt luxur'ous 0f Steamers ( i” w toi ivm‘. l} ‘ . ! itoba has lower minimum tempera- “J” l . .» ~ ' “ . ' _ . ‘Hll' \i‘ 5 tures in winter than Hershel Is- PORT MCNICOLI'“ bAULT STE MARIE” ”End.“ (Mi-V ., i . :land. a wlialematn’s rendevous PORT ART“ JR, FORT WILLIAM ; "m” ' t _ . , . S ecials in waSh GOOdS ’about 1.000 miles further north. in Tim -‘ l ' ' the Arctic ocean “And vet.” savsé - ' was \' \ t . SpeCIals in flosery p , g, ,, .- - . U k thlt;l explmei. t;tl:; Manitiéba cold. 57 "0 Rs Sleall‘ISl'llp Express t ion \- . 6‘ . . ‘. . _ ‘ ‘. ., ;-. 3," . - Se am [We '9.” . 9 your] pen!) e, TORONT T WIN" P .. . “‘4 ii " ‘ ‘ I‘M”? . m",”’t't’f.m'“”‘f ‘ pt”): ' v.) Anderson‘s tine Scotch (iinglianis per yd ...... lac “f the farm from riding in singing. . 9 O ' EG Leaves loi-onio llaily. e.\- 5 an’l‘\ . ‘ ‘ ‘ Lailies Italian Silk Hose pm pm . ......H . . _ . .~ . . Lenvmg [nesdavs and Sat- , l" .~ l- . , l g . l- . 134- l -ul‘e ' tine l isle ”use per [)‘llf’ .. .. ......... 35¢ r‘ine \Vhite Redford ()ords...... ....101' l sledfuls to (lane-es Six or ten miles "ma“. ‘ ‘9'” “‘ "5 '“” ‘ “"“33' "j " atzitl‘l“ .1 ' ‘ xii..." Hit-i.- in” “...-ppm» mi.» in. Fine. \Vhite l’iqiie ............................ 15c Morayâ€"clad. Wm» in r'lnthins in-' “”1111”lanfln'inus Sit*an was. ”‘3‘.” "”"'"l';" 1‘” f"""]f"ie W'“ ‘ it 35?" » -‘ ' « ' ‘ ‘ """ . . ,» . ; . . . ,3 ‘03 g ‘- “111M". 'Hll . 1,. \‘e‘. ; l 3.0.) ll. lll. Hl‘ ill' are. ‘ H's - ' . H _. ‘5 \Iwn“ l'tlllll't‘tl Hittim ”use perpaii' ........... l‘ll? Indian Head Siiitings 4” inches WHIP. ........ 200 {(3.1%}?! t” t'h‘t .“ “"1" h“ 3th! D00! at 'l‘lllll'Stlli:‘.~. H H .' ”H i'lasst‘nai‘liee. f h” ‘ ‘ \l-mk Him-k “Winn”... ”MP l""‘ l‘ .5, 33.. l‘” . l '. ‘h l . ‘ '9; inches wide 9.“, PC.\llTl() in similar tt mperatiires' l h. \\ i l ‘ ‘ m' H" “" n. ’ ‘ """""""" d ’ and under similar conditions. lf' 9‘ i...“ l r ‘ ’Wt‘ shoulcl grant. then. that the A SERVICE PERFECTED llt' STl'lllEll EFFORT AND YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 3 mi“ ' y la» litil‘l) in Manitoba and the â€"- j ' ’ S'lk Gl , .. . . . i l . people \\ ho lia\e settled the pro\- . 4. . ’ [Jadles I OVeS S eCialS In Dress GOOdS ltlt‘t‘. I'll‘t" pf‘PSUmulily as intelligent Homeseekel‘s EXCUI‘SIODS EaCh TUBSUay Ul'ltll Get 28 3. mi 3 p 'as the Englishmen. Italians. Nor- . . § 1. , .1 K n “W ~ilk. English “Mk“ ..... . ,M. 'wegians and (”ham 1“,“) 2", on . Winnipeg and return $35.00 Edmonton and return $43.00 . ‘ l"« l ». .. - ..t. i .» - ' 1-; 1. ; -' . 1“" 't» ....TTt' . . . r. . 'lmlfll' V‘U'Ht-IPS- W l." t” W“ "’V" .. i.‘ t' i. ... '. ‘. . - - v» . ‘i . ‘ _ . â€" h “l .l I"... ill_‘ If] “If . _ \\.l;l.: . ill: \‘vt‘ ill't" .‘lliflVlllh’. «'1 fl!” hilt" (ll l)l'(‘SS(1llilll.\' YI'HIH Sllt'lvvs fllll ()f the) hflrl'ul‘s of .-\]‘('- ‘NIH l. 'l‘ ”{lt‘ ”I l IUEX‘ 11' ”I. I{. tn!” I‘HHHHI “H 31“” h"’ "‘H l "u l f h I" “HM" WM!” “H" I’ljfrk “I“: . 1“ H ‘ 3.3:: to $2.30 [wr \’:ll'(l. ll(' cold and not a pamphlet H11 H"”'”"‘"k"r“ 1'7““ I“~"”“"‘ I‘m’m" 1”” pan. ““"l‘ l“"“l".V ”M” \llt- l3 iliL' ‘ ‘ k A " l i y" K 'l “IMM' “Md“ 1‘1“" “ (””y'”’hl"”. . the horrors of} \Viniiipeg ill] \K‘iiiâ€" Full Faith-liars from any ('.l’.l{. Ag Ht. 4 \.»ii' '-‘ .»\’1 Fl . .ul i370 (io ls to i'lear out this.“ week ‘tCl' 1’ It may 'ie partly lt’t‘illlH’ , ' ‘ ‘ ,W. ' ‘ ‘ H ls .. - .‘ T. i ) m ‘(‘:iii:i<li'ins do not like to sr-ai‘z- off H° M‘U"‘”'l"‘”"- I‘m” I‘L'Hli- '3» A» HWY» Ni‘ll‘m Ail”! M A l fl, ' ,{t .)Hi [It] ‘\«lltl. .7. . . . . w . . .. i , ill" . 3 -p1(i$]w('t.l\(‘ immigrants. but it is . . i The E 1 corsets lmoi-e largtl)‘ that the terrors oi” ‘ "\ 5 Mi“ ‘1' . . :65“ }Hil()\\" arc I](){ S“ in]l)l‘(155i\'[‘ , W ,1 1'0 .l“ ‘. '\\Ilt‘.ll We h:i\'(' the (-(ii'i'iiia’iitiii tile- ... v. \:.- .3 WM . in 1‘.in.i.l.t h}. \ 3“”! (-mmim ,, M , Cl . «p. [WW ”f little my” [0‘1”]ng .t“ . :OOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOQOOQQOQ69000OOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOeee :1. ‘ ' .. . ° . H: H .( n”. ., MW; . H J5. le‘ ‘ th 5; inn] and the tralt'ie ol ruty . O " ‘ .1 '. .t .\ 'i A ’ll ll ll ll)‘ l H! i, ll ’l lll lllt1 \ en 5 O lng tb.l't’t‘ts llllilltpl'l‘ll’ltp'l. - ~ . . , . . (, \ M) l ‘ 'li' "‘ "-' ""' ”l” M"? ..r """i‘r 1" . "l haw no ('lz'sii'e to class with : C 6C “'68 l S ‘ : ill. l' "i ; ' ,u elm-w; ll SI 3‘. .» ~ ~ i3 i ...Slfl‘l l3lilfi' Veiihyi‘s the storms that . . H \ A: ‘ . H "II” r A ' hp!” ‘ )' Hi". ”1“] 7"”. \\'t’ (';|l‘|'_\' {i 1H1!“ [ulngw ()f ”1.0“..5‘ Silltingfi ll) ;_c\\'t-p'i ”(wuss ()UI‘ l(’(’ filt’l'ls :l"ll : h . 1,. .. ‘ ' ' "‘ ' m H‘ ' . . . . .. . .. , ' y linis on the north must in Ft'll- o o . ' » the llllt'Sl HI Sent ‘11 lit-m»ils;iiiil hiigiisli \\ (ix-eietls “l" 7 ,. __ . e B ° 0 . l 5. ‘l‘ll:ll"\' :llltl March: liiitieuir. it) Q u lng x '1 ' r . 9 “MW“ w" “”1"“: ' FM” "“1“” ill “”1“ 31'1“" ‘1“ itwo winters north of the Arctic : y pe ments IS NOt PrOfltdble : ‘M‘ j . “r ll - ‘ - ' ' "Hie l ll‘l\'t‘ not Seen a Storm » o S E". . I r ‘ nirllllpei'siiil. »(-”( ' ‘ . ‘ 9 ‘ O ‘llker S overa S that ({llltt‘ equalled any one of . . nor [S It ‘ U . i, , W ,: , ~ 1iH L . ‘ , . ,_ 'hul. n (lUZt‘n lilizz'ir'lf l‘t‘nlt'llllit'l'- I . Ill ((lt brat! (l “I lllllfi. (lOld MEdal : “UH \. ». ‘1 I. m“ Hulk”. l‘;.w2\'lltiil\' “h, \\e rem-nil} got liehiiiil Will) our orders out .95:- “Um F“ “a”, i”. 3.,rth Dakota» : illltl North-WCSt 08"] llth“ lltlSSt‘tl tllt‘ : d“ ‘ . ;. ”H Y W“ w. I, P Hum. now we have «,-.-ii'.:lit up and can furnish a suit in ':lI‘i"l Manitoba. .And yet my par- . necessary ' ‘ .. l ‘ ‘ l . ‘ ' 0‘ (“m") ‘d I ‘ I. ' ‘ H i . N w“ k H4 m a.“ ,f .119 lents and (it'll neighbor‘s lfll‘tl‘ll(j.'l]t iii; : EX!“ 1 llllt‘nta Stage. }15 lllllllll't‘lih‘ ()f : “'il‘ ‘ \ ~ » m. "i ’ " ’ "‘" “ ° .lglt‘fi't‘ l‘aiiii ies in com or in a . . . .~ ‘ .. . . [or PM WWW... Sumpct U, such Stmms and 3 when satisfied Customers can testin . ll 3 .... i. » isueh coldâ€"just as Eskimos bring 9 ~( I . - 7 .' . .- .' , O H» ,iin their families in. comfort and : e 3‘) 1 ale lliM lllt.’ tlUUlllP “”h H“ z 2‘.” l , take care .01. their Sick and aged o buying 1‘ ltllll‘ YOU are llUW llls‘lllg'. (rot a o “‘3‘” -« famong Similar storms at the t _ ‘ ‘ ' b o think mi- ~ mm”. of the Mack..nzie “wry . F bag of our Ii loiir and your troubles : him i.» .w ‘ â€"-â€"-eâ€"â€"â€"- : lour will ceas). : (\httl‘('ll >2 : l. . btl l"“l‘ ‘ 9 ‘ - i a '\ O drm‘ we Want Your BUtter and Eggs ‘ . THE HEN. : .1" lo show our t iith iii lll‘ ”neiuelled ( iialit} of our Hours. We § :0 in» tit” 9 g The hen can’t plow. hoe corn or . huuarantee P\Pl) bag and (hPt‘lt'lllV iefund the pine lf‘ytlll can find : a “,2“ ..., t l 0 {split wood, but shehgets there just : 4 ““‘li' . (an “H A“ {the same, says a 'ansas pu'blica- e o "e also can-ya large stock of Feed for an . ur . . O ' ' . i . ition. 1?th (10:91)]? cost more than : delivered anywhere on short notice. 3 D pm“ (mods : out of lillll‘L' p ' la drin 0 w 1‘8 95" and 3 p108 0“ Brinr our (‘r inh . l "l ' ' u. ' O .that W” 'i I tobaCCO. but she can earn eight I z B " PL Y- B 1'2" ‘3‘" “' 1PM the thh‘.st Price for om. o . head, 1' s ., . a ey. ens. iic wheat, and Wheat. Custom Lnoppmg piom u » ¢ hoh per cent. Interest on $25 a yearI z amt Welldone. P 3 . \ heard Ml noon. o land pay her bbard bemdes. The, e . . 4.....va " o I now who doesn’t think she can! loan-load cf “It For “lo, 9 on “P‘lnlt me ‘i " \K I I ‘ . earn more than a grocery storef‘: A . 9 he called it. ..i ‘ ’ loafer Tduatlitesn’t knoiw much about ii A car 108d Of new baled hay, first qualitv’ $13 a “nix tum“ what .‘ her. e, an 01 speckled hen! ‘ the \W . Depanmenta' Store Durham that has no raising at all, one: ton' mrpretedab NM“ » whichrihgskbegd thrown out gt a; , . hunt-3f of Wm... ° com c . ic Off a pore and F ed J w l h . how en. ’ em out of a garden b gli l' C e s . urham '. knew it perfect worthless pup; just take the sort ’ . tb the teamed 0‘ ‘ he": “10 “11 My expenses WWW his addres' and that is more than can be said __ m 0"“ a ll SW . lot of cracker ”bfifl'fl'l NW“ w use very ' antenna: in this country who will. ' ' '4 . a climb“ " - _ imam. . .. .. gm»... . e .. .. canoNicua - ABS. 6 ......

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