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Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Aug 1913, p. 2

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”wwWKWhi-NW - , .5! u ' 1: .’T-'-.T.':.‘ oft»? ".- x...) 1‘: ~ ‘ -"’i' r - v vi” '7 » v .1 ‘5 -, f“ ' >' - ‘ ' "A (- ZZZZ rn Donna canoxtcui . ' Ann-t u. i ance. and as we predicted was ex- ioyable holiday at a picnic held " " ‘ _ , _._............___ SMALL ADS. 2...... Wm... m... m m... p... 2...... 2...... ”1““ V“ 3° '3‘“? "If DURHAM Cllflfllllll " , menu. Rev. Mr. Hartley was an The numerous games were heartil wanna» undo-ohm .2 Arlvrr‘uwniwn'a at one inch or less. 25 cents for first insertion and 10000:! for each excellent Chairman- and R- J- Ball. . entered, into by all Y m In. ‘? m” m I8 PUBLISHED . 4~ih~wi;w-.! ”Marlin”. Uwr om- inch and under two inches. double the above M- P" and .MI‘. Taylor. Of Hanover. r. “:8! Hazel Allen. 0! EM Moun- a.” “93” “PTO-‘6? 'm'. EVERY THUMDAY MORNixi. amount. Yearly rates on application. Have 9110 t pithy addresses. Mlssfitain. visited Miss Elva", Lever, the waltyoutotry ltntourrlllt. Watson. locutionist. of Toronto ' beginning of the week , - - ° At “9 Chronicle "hm"? ”01188. Go: I . . . . ~ If you have dandmfi. if your bur altar. . ._ . . . 32am? three pleasing recitals am. Rev J. H. Douglas, of Toronto, is falling out. and yourscdpisnot Street. 1‘ arms “11‘ hale. MEdIC-dl 0173610112. :responded to as many encores. supplied the Presbyterian pulpit glued and shiny. if you use Retail - - TAn out door platform at night on Sunday The paator wlll re- {93" Hair T'l‘onic acoordingtodireoâ€" DURHAM. ONT. THE EAST HALVES OF LOTS 51 . . - Edoes not do lustice to 811011 a per- turn from his holidays for next “on” forfihu‘t)’ days, and at the end I __ a'wi 3'3. ('oncession 3. E. (i. P... DTS. ‘8""880" Jamleson. ;formance as expressions and ges‘nSabbath . ofthat tune you are not thoroughly w . . . . .' . ' ' -. . . . . v s n. Little '° C , .. satisfied “Pb the realm" and Win “3" ' ° T" (THR‘WWLE w. ... from Durham. bx' 2004 Efle‘l shun distance 8;.“ of Ki , H ‘ :Reta Barbour also . i . we In 91" = leur. supplied the Methodist pul- your money. We won’t. ask you to Rate. - ~31 Illperyeur. i.a,\~i.i.3.,,,..,:‘? “1 r0: 1, i-lasv terms to thf‘ right “ml, ton Slum 14mm, Tofg’pfmrgi‘i‘ . recitals, and the 1111131031 P?“ ‘01 init on Sunday evening, and in his promise anything. We won’t even 41:01,)".ybevh‘rgef" ifT "“l an Tymu.,_ Md.“ nun: till" {H'l'lf’VL A “it“: On )tficehours t'rorn‘l'Zto :o'clock ' ithe program was 'We“ supplied 0.? i “m: nu-lmt attempt here his earn“ question you. \Ve will take your gewudcmgem i’huebrii.ii3liiiniii.§i‘m'43."'7 - {I'm {li‘~*.'l'll.‘lt‘9 to Adam \\ t‘ll‘. qr m..._. _-_ _____ __ M_.7_._______ 1%- lsuTchT wellâ€"known Slngers as 1“” , 95’. gospel address received . close mere word .and return your money' continued to all arrears are [Dalll‘.olxi~'.h:l‘-‘r.x 4" to .T. P, 'l‘t'lf”l"’~ Durham. '5 143m I 6 Hutton. " D c u ‘Villlam . BEER? {an}? daught‘iT-r. .3 attention. L113 Buchanan 18 a‘ $313963}? fitaTDtho reason gehat OivtlullOflhe proprietor. ‘ ’ ' ° ' " ' ' .Mr. Austin ~ 0 ‘ 8'10“?!” . P-.promis-ing young man for the? . 311‘ Ollie must a . - ~ . LOT 71..) (().\:. 2': LOT 539 CON. T39 T P‘P‘IC‘I‘Z‘M()VPI' .l, P. TPlfUl'd’S OfilCt‘ . and DIFS. “rilliam AlcFaddefl, and nillliS'try. T mill??? medy and have giVGp Ad'fl‘nflng (teélftfltgellnlfnue'f'qfrd:;,:. :Tnfilimu in the UliVnShd' “f Hpntmc'i'. l) nearlv opposite the Registry laSt 371d leaSt in Stature bull Tint! HOV. Lll‘. Dudgeon conducted weendtmfitfi: t“this'o'l’n' cx’semmkno?oll int? n!’ lion; 30mm. WYJIHHW’" o, ' 7 I c . ‘. ' ' n . . l .. . . . ' 'f D , ° '3 ° 0 o . u l «' . " tu‘t- pog.,.i;igT.iig TiTioT .u iT' s. TnT’lTOlt .. TToTr ”m"... . Residence Second house south least .m mUSIC‘al {iblllt} .“ «19 tha _ communion seri ice at Eugenia on nonimlarremedy thatisasgood. It ‘33.. 112:6;X02dl2lénxhne 'iii'.$"{{..‘.,’. .' mm“ “.35": “"H “l 0.?” ' “m {9““‘ ° of Registry Ullllff‘nn east side nf Albert and Gertrude L?“ rence In a dllf‘t , Sunday evneing. . ubeaiuseof what Retail ”93” Hair lAdvertisements without Iberifir dimimfi'? f1r3[-p!;l33 buzlrlings. wul scll Street. (my... “mus - 94] “Tm. 3,41,. and the latter in a solo. Miss 2 Mrs. J. W. Armstrong has re- . 1‘0chth done for others that we “WW“M“ ”” ""1"" “ ‘ "imam “"""'rtlsgi§ ‘ cheap. .\pnlv to J. A. Alexand- m” 74) p. m. Telephone (-oiiinninii'n- Bella Lee as a violinist is much turned from Visiting her son at' M“ with 0‘“ own “1000 - 3.?“3‘3333'}‘;",“;;{';;;,';.‘J,;”E,':“‘ l": 5 ' ' r . '\ "T' 1 v' .- \ . ' a . J . ‘ V. o oT . . . . _- . T... (“Ulh l.” er [\rriom .. 548k i -4 [f tum ht‘t“'t‘l'll office. and rcstdence at appreciated, While! the string band ,DIeglford, and M’I‘S. Hickling from Why M3? 3081? and he” trouble subsequent insertion. I a.“ - . , . fl . .0 ’7- _ all hours. CODS‘IStlng 0? VlOlln. auto harp and ’ visiting at fill? 800. , g be b‘gfio When Rm“ ‘ 93" H3” Allldvertisetnents ordered by ntt'uiigeti- m . ‘2:o;xpg§q%i§or?lifLainfiéfgpggfvgno VVVVVV __.- ' ‘ W'*'"#“’ organ furnl’s‘hEd very pleasingé Miss Carrie Sullivan is holme omc remove damn-“fl. we bonnid foriniuh.m.e_ ' l“ ._ _ _. numbers. Till? proceeds Were . . , your 3‘33”) comfortable 311d healthy, Contract rates for vearw «l -.- a» m. -,. ient (or anyone working in Arthur Gun, I. 0. about $45.00. ‘from Montreal on her \acation. l promote hair growth and tend to ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ m ' n . . . . '1th on application to the "my .. . , . Mrs. Hanburv and Mrs. 19100de prevent baldnessâ€"when we Wlll " town; good house and barn, with v . N 0F. Mr. Wm. Andrus raised his fine i. .‘ .- -. ' - . - sheds; good water: small 0r(.h_ PHYSICIAN ANDSURGBO i of Dun! slk. “ere \isi-tors at Mrs. pay for the treatment should it fail l l l i In: ticein the New Hunter Block. Ofice new barn last W991i t0 P901309 the h H. Mo ‘e’s ( Fr'd. v ant. to please you? - . . . - . . . Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Trilmlle We don’t. obligate OH to a - acres under timothy and clover.x ,. m. Special attention given to diseases summer. The work is being done ? have announced the engagemeJnt thing. You simply buy; the may”. Will be sold cheap and on easy if women and children. Residence on by Mr. W'm. Haas. ‘ ’ ‘ , , . . . and is spoken - ment; use it, and if not pleased. terms tquuicx purchaser. Ap‘: nosite Presbvterian Lhurch. of as a good job. Messrs. T. gietgineigfdaugzllisfiiT-ATCRliliitghto Judi: oomeTbacktousempty-handedâ€"T-and ply to \\ m. T‘Vall. Durham. 6 ind l 4.- .- -~ Lauder and \Vm. “'cii‘ acted as -:narriage Will take, place. in Sep- we W111 hand baCk what you paid us. " ” “ _.__ ' “‘â€" fi .- - ' -- . Two sizes, 50c and 81.00abottle. ‘ ‘ . } . -‘ 3' ’) s ‘ LOT 9. CON. 6. GLENELG. FOR; DR. BURT. captains the former )emiz \icto ;t(..nbii. , You can buy Rexall “93" H ' T ' . rious. . . . , . . . _ , , _ air can sale (.‘liPapi small cash paymean m, “mm” R0... London Upmhalmw 30,. The hand M'- Frank 314FC911U3~ B.S..\.. ”f In this community only at our store: . _ of death with very lit- ' ('l e ,h w ( .q'.( ._ . .- - (minnow si-r-ureil b." mortgage. On tag. and to Gollen Sq Throat and Noise Hos.'tle warning H I, . hO )CCd. I ”1‘1“" ‘1“th premises are good frame house removed the infant hi5 brother hl‘l‘fl A. BELL MACFARLANE 8: C0. SPECIALIST: [daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J was married on i . . . . ' i . .. ' Durham 17»an onisrio : fr ”m, warn. and Olltbllll‘lln s T w .- .. . . . . . . .. . l mush} last to TMiss Hallll t l]. . .. , . in: iii-“min: wood Well Anglv a 22”.. A8; THROAT . NOSE f McFadden and 1h" 50’ “m in}: W" l>f'- M‘r. (if Pmkcring, The” '3 3 R"“” 310mm ”Will/ever WW , 5 H - ., T) f. . ’3, '31 " w Wm H. \‘ Hy l‘imd iii no 9...... \‘mmd rents ha"? the sympathy of all in W “‘5’ ”‘ “"‘ “M“ “We" CW 8 “1d ) A . L .. il a l. l ' 4‘ ,' . . W. IRWIN Eni'roii AND l’lilll’ltllt"lulx .T. . ._ . .. _ T _. , (ircal Briana. Thrrc is a Ciflcrii Itrxall 8 1"" i) if ..\ 812‘ N - T $115 TWU t. l ht‘ iTllllt’l':;l 591W llfl‘ ‘3)“ ’"“"~*’ -" ltczne~1iy h.- 11-1er evi-rf: ordinary liiihianillâ€" and 5", - ' . W ' . unwrv was com unit»: by RM’. . l. . v . . . 2 . 93"“ ‘Z’Wf'i‘lHF ”NR-”"1 {0? the WNW-Um ill ‘ ‘ l 1.0; l. (70):. 3. IN THE-I TOWN: I Rik.) “A; Dr“; F\'(‘ Harm... and w... W... law...” ”in CATARRH CA.\.\or oBE CURLD {“21 Funeral Directorw- i‘nnmlllll l l“‘l‘- H ‘ . s;..p m lilenelg. ('Untilllllfl}: f” TT " -. '. I ' ‘ -‘ .. ’T Ttmiilmi. nulnv from 74pm being iv, by local applications. as they can- ”'9 “""M’" 5‘93“- f'ftTQme'lc‘" mute“ . . T'.. :Tlffrvs. more; or less: 1i :lT-“H'TT " RUN LATTFIT of London. .\ewTattendance. 'l'lw iomains \l‘cz‘v .n-â€" DOt F8301} the seat of the disease. ‘ ‘ e5 “I” lllH'Hl'lnliinlii-Huh... TT hi ”1.. Mi” «a n - (L .il-il'tl‘.’\!)()‘l .i‘lw'h. ‘lkt'll .(T‘Ifl'l‘il- ~lT"lT T Yuri! aliil lineal!!! ifl-l'l'i‘ii in Trinity (filill'ph (gang-lily}. (,atarrh IS a blUOd, ()I' CODStiliil- ~ _- " H V“ illlll \Vlllll‘l "l" 1”]. 'l ,H; phi ‘ ‘ _ ‘ l . . lll \I’ll” M' ‘ l i x Jtt'rwi: 3 ”MP“ ”WNW MIR/'01, Diseases of Eye. Ear Nose and Throat. i '““.-' tional (“50389. and in Order to . 'L h '1‘. a“) “ H H I.' w: ‘ ' “Wt l” (”l-“it'll? Apply l” m. \\'i'l l.- -.t rl-w ll‘ll'lll Hm - . Pl l’glll'd’l‘OV - 't ' ‘ 'k* ' w r " - - ( :ll' 5' *- ‘ . T .- . . _ , , 1,... Jul} . .. . . . . . cure Ti you must t.i (. llll(llldl . ° - ' Tnll llllr “l T “-11- “‘U'H'lm- . TUT‘WI 3H (M. In. X«l\'i-liilii‘l' 14;. “pr, 2].? The monthly moi-ting (,f' ”H. remedies. Hall’s Catarrh Cllf‘l' is ‘ Embalmmg a SPCClall} , 5:3 ‘Vi'i‘l l1\;;'[‘ (T)l’“ lT.()l 13‘. t ()\T. l lllllll'.\. llu .si ’l.lll. '\\'().";l(.i:'q l!!$lll.llll‘ lllll llihl “'t‘f‘lx' taken lnl‘el'nally, and acts (lll't'Cl- Swat the F l ' t “I‘ll [Q [I' “llll‘ \T‘ “ 'T'T‘ .' ..- .T I l i If . ii," i... ( H W: ., :T ’, v ". , I ‘. ' ' I ) .o' ' . ~. . ‘- ' ’ I _ . ; ill -T . p. \‘f l . IT . ill 'TltllleT (Ti) ‘1" TTTlTT’TT . . nu '. Luge 1y .ittrnded. and specml- 1y “ll the P1094 and mucous 5‘“ y ' PZC'IZHK F/Jm/"o (W \h ’l l and Hill \H hl“ . .2... .l.ll. I_U.lT.lllllll,-, .- i .i L, [)c’ll/rll DZI’EC‘IOI'V Tl. ”*l"""'5l’"’g- .\ 20.,1 turnout faces. HallTsTCatarrh Cure is not a x“ T '. .. _ i. ; .~ ,0 T iTu-x-Tw;,T.--. or” gToml _ T.,f Pl'let'Vlllf‘ Institute paid a f...” oiiack metdicme. It was proscrilmd It Is the Most Danger- HUI/(U. N‘T“\“l"'. T K e .l _ .T, . l , win e4 4min win “11- . ._ . . 39."."11’ll visit and Ilftl'l‘ the usua’ 1V one Of he best DhVSicians in this _ . “T 1 , i .. . . 'i’.’.". goo'l brick 11”.“... ilill'll Dr, N. C. Pleer'ng "nusinvgg l‘(‘-71‘lPl‘0"l 21 \'(’l‘" plough”; COUUti‘y ffll‘ years allll l8 {1 111311. One Animal on Earth! EHHT'H {TaTnnh .\.-x( 3.. k“ .f l, . \ ( . \'. ' l l . ‘Ul‘l l-K'Jthfi', l).ll‘ll. ()l'l’ilill'd. 0 "ti l l’l'(’(r’”llll Pill‘l‘r‘ilimf lllg \l' T 1.11. DI‘CSCI‘I )ti I . T . T )‘ll ll 1'5 lull. lll'.5llll‘ \‘il \ \ llllH‘ i ll T . _ . . .. . . . . . . . p - . . on. t is com )()S(_.d f . . . . . c .. Mu » “‘qu ”FL '1' Haskins. ”“1 ' )" l“1\'f “gm 18t } H- r 7 :St'l'Vl (i UV lilo lLUllPS horn and {:1 the lJCSt tIODlCS known. Chilllfinlfil When baCtemO'O/mts ”norm us ”I” 11‘1“” 5mm“ “I \\ ' J ”1“}, all hlll‘l ‘ ‘ lT . T x l - . -. . . JD 151‘ h (‘Ill‘lrvnlllt‘ Slif'liil Tll‘ni" SlH‘lli “'lth the best blOOll Dill‘lfll‘l‘S, ”"lr the average fly carries on its body Mil-ksllillli ~liwii All Kinde‘m‘ (irillll liuilllil ."l \.; ' v o , â€"' . . . . ' . 1. r ‘ _ . . n. . ., l ‘ l “I ‘8'!“ ‘ J F GRANT, D. D. 8 .LD 8. ,' Roms; Mills Baptist church grave mg (All'cctly 0n the mucous sur- 1'850'000 germs. says Farm Dairy- __â€"â€"~Ԥ - d mm H" “N” ‘E SEVERAL HOUSES IN IN l-lll.\ .‘ll. UNOR GRADUATE ['VIVF‘RQ] . a garden party at till" resident-o faces. The perfect combination (,f m. surelywesnouia teelalust cause M . Spent” R6 “in Tim lui~ . T One mop cottage in Loxk'er 'l‘oWn. .y ”f 'I‘rriimi ”‘Adllaifi 1R0. ‘ m Mr. Martin Phillips“ on Friday She two ingredients 19 what PTO" brg'rave alarm. agnel c'eam separam's 8.3 .p TT . . T) T . Tl I . " 7r 5 l 'i’ f (T ,.' T ‘TT ' r T . v , . . ‘ . _' â€"A, H Jackson. Durham. .5 ~1tf rollege Hamill Surgeons.”finial-m. 3a iii-qfi'lnlg 111;” T“ llll ll “ “ls ‘ 91W guf’ ( UCTBS SUTCl'l “onderful TOSUItS 1." ._._. N‘â€" ‘. Telephnne \U. ( BUILDI‘U‘ [0'18 APPLY lh,eiiti~tryiiiallits Branches l‘ n. u. wic “as a large turn~ curing Catarrh. Send for test]- Ma net Gasohn . 00)? P 'r l! .‘i 1 rain} r ‘Biin. mm m- innuuii.’ iiw H .St 0”" "WW gr’i'm ””m "0"“ ”’1‘ momma ”09' E . h ( , . . I. t. â€".1\-. l' ‘ 6‘ i. . A ea av .7 ..TTl . ')_o ‘. ‘ . o.‘ ‘ v n . 3 him Dull-hail; 0 613a: -â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€".._.._. n 9.1} 0“ PM) ‘ “ nings DIWSHM'. Aflm‘ \':U‘- F.J. CHEIHLY CO" PPODS» Tol- HOUSEFUES AS Engines ‘ * ,,_‘-.' ‘ v ‘ 'c ' . ' ‘ ', * IOUS gilnles. {I l'll’élslng pl‘flgrum C(log O. CARRIERS OF D'SEASE. ' GO . \ FINE, BRIC‘l} TSlUill'. .iNDD])\\T l.l.- ng’al (Dlrgflgrp il‘lus Irender-pd. thr- pastor. Rev. 801d by druggists, price 75¢. .. ,, . All I J C q ling. on . :iin stroct. lll‘flillll.' - r. 'crr. presiding. : Take Hall’s Famil i s - . . SZES 3 Owner in West. ‘I barrrziin .\:.â€" - 1 Mrs “"1”. p I. , . . _( t' t' y Pll for F"... '9'“? tU‘MHHJIIMM. diph- . n _ . e or“ . . 1 Jill .101 JD. .l frllnl ‘l‘ CJHS ipa IOU. v v . . - . .. - - . . . ‘ thorn typhoud fever scarlet fe. R E“EN '. ply to .\ rl. J:i .kso l. 6.55.2111 a ARRISTEI SOLICITOR FTC 331d Tl'P-‘lldl‘nt at Mt. Zion. Artcmcsia vor, dummer complaint and to . A .. AG[\ ‘ ‘ l ,‘ ~ . Q ' ' V ,. '9 ‘ - > i J J T'( '(1( -. . i , . , ‘ l . , J ‘1 . ”"-~~-‘-â€"- ...... . ' O t 21001) ( OMTI‘OR'I ABLE FTRAMTE iT ("hi-e. nearly opposite the Registry g3'ivii'rfi'qml‘» illET-ilT(l Lite l'lOiTlf .it vars of babies by carrying disease Durham Ontarm What AbOU‘ Sprl hmise on (.ollege street. Six inn-u, Lainbllm st...I)urliam. Aiiyamoumi;.(fij' *l 1.1" ”f “h year. “7" ‘10' MR. J. (I. (SHANE Vll‘TI‘ll ()p' "‘9'“ °"° *0 "Oi-“e"- â€"â€"-â€"§_____ ‘ .. ll rooms. two storeys. hard and] ,. money in loan at 5 per mm. on farm ‘ ‘18” _““S ‘1 member 0f the ”is lsypl OQIOh' ‘ ROOF everything clean and _._ ‘ " ‘ v \ ' " ' t in" water wood half acre of mnertv. ”Who'll“. church and '1 very .. ‘ i .. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ th ‘ll 7 ““~‘m ' ‘ l0“ \ ' . I . ‘ ‘ " . . - 2 . __,. -__....__ il'lri] . . 7 .‘ ' ' \\ 1th hiq l0. .1 f. .. . , , "" wn b° no “'35 l' " ‘ " on '- T. «Hill. A hargaln if) Qllle DUF- ~T Hr. l \T (*hll'olnerl “Ulllilll. She “.115 . . . - lT ¢1~ . .lCl, llt‘Clx t’lll‘l Don't lOt files have a place to | v ' ’ v . " chaser F‘or Dartimilzirs. apply A- H JaCkson. in “”“N' 0f Dcvonshire. England. ((Ufms a mass or Tburns :is arcsult "’ their .99. ’ F U R N l T U R E ' Farn‘ ) ‘ ‘ . T r y I r . Y ‘ ._ T , r .r . '0 T T zT {T ) . o . . . . I . . . . 7.) ho Langdnn._n.i;h:.m. or x. <)l.\liY PUBLIC, no.\i.\iissi'()N.iff“.“’m‘ “1”“ 1‘” “WW" l""? ‘5‘".lf's'0” m h” 0”"5 ““9 °°"°'°" 3" “ac” “’"m l’ ' l . l. T John M. l.ltt.e. '30.) RIUDPHP 5t“ ‘ Hr l‘oi.voyaii«-ur. ctr. insurance, 'l’ltl’lll about T35 years ago. soon l' ”I . All TmTtnoon, MI“ J' (r young files may be hatched ‘ A .\ ll ' '-. {*Tugs Detrl’if. N‘ich 2 22tf Sg’t‘lll. . ‘viilllhy t” III’AXI. I‘Nllt‘r ”l ‘13,!” ilrllll' S“t.tll'lg 1!} ‘X "tflllll‘Sit’l \‘?}](ilr(, ’T‘!“( .1“. '1‘ . \K (.11 kl]0\‘ n. l‘L‘ill est;th(‘ Put CCFOOHS at \‘VlndOV‘v’s and ' V Y “ER “3.... ._ .- 1min. Lil-mum A general finmwm busi a number of years Were spent be- man. ”5} 1” ”“3 hospital here 1“ doors U N D E RT A K I A G ’ L00 .r': . ~~~-t-~m.-ie . .~ .. .- “ ". 11:“ 3w .' .- " . ' . . ' 95.37- a '1‘: ‘ rillll’llti‘li‘ l)\"l‘ "l w r '1‘ ' "mii lan‘mir rm Staym-r. 803mm ('ijiiiz-N h'i:l’ltcohigcdhsviimth(”l”). Mi]. Wh." a dirt the” are m“. ‘ . '«f' ' l ‘ b ' ‘ ‘H l. 3'“ 11-) ill. . ills Iflll‘ . ‘h'o SUNS ‘V'nl I Of . ‘ i . i 0 113 O ' M . - '.. - . o , ’ ’ " ’ ' O ' a | 1 . . ' l . 1 , .‘ )g M . 2 i ‘ . \V I SHARP . T(()T)i\TS}tU\\ n. TandTlhos.. oi‘ Stilyni‘l‘. ::(T‘\‘l;iT%\TTfTT 3:31;? gaming; TgriTi- ’ Rugs OllCIOIh ' ‘00 A00!“ \. :l l, .. '. ‘ ' " ' 7 ”I” ”‘0" ‘ a”"31101'9- \Irs I'imcs ” ' ' l ’1 C we L ”‘4 R"Pence! ' S I" "~l “ ‘ O Q 5 l , h ‘ ‘ ' . I -‘ n r < _ ' â€"- - o , u \ ll ‘ . ‘ i ,. . . a .. . ‘ . 1‘ Whard. of Flcshoi-mn. \Irs riot “ml although be detected “19 We know the n". -r m ' ‘ ~ 3 . “W ”M “um ‘ U . ' .« (3;. ,4 . 3i 5.0m.) 0r .ihADIAN NORLH Holstein Conveyancer. 1.0”)sz and Mm Grill-{mu of all”. of gas. he Was unable to find A stroke but‘i.fi.;‘s‘fg°§§£°” ’ “Indou shades ' i..iildins~- m. hing TTTTT f " 5 -. . v ‘ v *0 o . I. " ‘ ‘ ‘ , b i . . ' " o ‘ . T ' ; {l , i. WEST LAN D REGULATIONb Issuer of Marriage Licenses. 5":u’ni-i'. survive. hull ”on; Whtnci. it came.T About Upon the summer sea and think. . ' Lac 9 Curtains O l‘n‘m“ .T‘l‘ifiplm ... l“ “" i'flli wig. 5T...” o.’ T. family. 0.. Money to loan at lowest ratest Zorn.--.=\t Vi cyburn. 535k" on \‘iiultpta: anion he went into his 11th mint to rockthTe boat. . i and all Household l‘urnishmg.‘ 19-?“l‘” “MM“... H c .‘ anv rnair “Mr 18 Twp”... ol-‘l. m“. and terms to suit borrowerT Fire .tuflusl .3. to Mr. and Mrs. Percy was (l'l‘kgl‘ .5923." Papers and as It ggtzvfgehhjirofllfielyim“ J ' . tun “L ‘ ‘” ‘~ l a. ' Timmmtpy . q...“,..T,._...T.,T,..TOT,) “f and Life Insurance placed in thor- “““WH- fl daughter. grand- d “1' 5 ”Wk a match I” .. 5 0° . a TUNSMITHING . 125 Acres T .. _ ‘. T . , , , , . 'lll hl" " I] . o (1,â€"1”“.}¢ ‘ ‘ ljgllt tllL‘ gas let 11) tile \I'lUIt l w. drop the trlbute Of ‘ t”. . ’ ‘ 1“" #(llltl " av ll.iil "t" i)» l:l.'ll').'l land lll .\l i::;â€" g . reiia ’ e ('Omlmaies. Deeds. ' ~ MP! to . Ir. and Mrs, W. J. Incdiatvl . tl’ . .' , ' '_ m‘ We clm him as a fooL ’ Ml- ll- kw“ h... HlH‘llwl :. moi, . ”M'm‘v -' u .. l :u" T S H'. m K.- um m, .\lllv'l'lfl. Mortgages, Leases and Wills, lIlT‘Illll'l.H()Il. of this place. dons (T-T )1} .~ T1010 ‘1 Twas a tl‘emcn-T at ”UT l'l‘ll Hi the TTTT TTTTTTTTT ~li \\ ' . mm“. 3.3..” _ T ‘ T TTTTTT ”TTTTTTTTUTT mils” TTTTTTTTTTTTT iii 'T'T-‘ilqigltpd (ill shortest notice. A”. T M"? RAT \Vlllll". “'lif) llflS lure!) :ll who“. hunting”: :TlTIJCll 2190li -. the Bat N. that we have lM‘“~ ’ implm :llill Ix [Allure-ll ‘n till .1}. ’ . 300 Acre. Ill}. ' l i ' . hernia at thi- Dominion Lan ls '“"" promptly attended to. ””33”” Sask.. for it {OW mOchS. \\"l£,' hurled “7th l' ‘ 1: (-ranc gun.mm “ how to fly ' NHL Ht. [inmmlmm' I and “J H“ H " \genI-v or Sub-.V'cnr-v for NW :18 Visiting horn. ’4“ v 115. “PM! and “)0" the “69¢!“ . . ' mmT ‘ T. .‘- . ' T h t . r ' } N I ‘lr 'lnll ‘1 _. (. . . ‘ Sll(ll‘l(l(.l.s 0n \elOI)e(l 1D 1118 burl]- m "mt. the Sky. ’ l “ll“l'lilklll‘i l"“t’l\0‘.\ ‘ “h”, “ k , ! Distriz't Liitij. by pros}. ma} w 1| . T- it T . IS. k()lll!lSr)ll, of (fly- i115 2.15 Hc w.” not um )1 s" . “Widow us wreath” ' E l d 200 Acres l" J -. v’“ made at the: office of :inv Local . (H). P .ast “'“O’ to Shawl "i 0011- l. ' "‘. i U x Luious. 0! illlviiin i. .. .. '(illll “vi" _, . . ‘ _ ,. , ‘ ll \\0\l'l‘ ' ( \'- . - m hill and 013111. Hm" l“ . . . Y . is Agent of DormnionT Lands TlllOl Durham M“ of months “llh lhf’ll‘ sons and (mi, into ’tiig lilalldillilbl? II E0 TCTITMKI “(hive call the p... ‘ "7"“ ' i "Huh inc“ “"' -. 1.. ‘2? ’ 2 sun-agent). on certain conditions. . l'léllllrllff'l'fi m Montana and Saska- Mr (. 3 Ca .. ("aw Oi .“lP- Who root- the aerophmf ' F )‘l r . .' ’ . lie-at» llw \W“ "l‘ ‘ ‘ I‘)iltitiq.i_8ix mnnthq rpgillpnpp Contlnuation Sch 1 ‘l.()(J'l. $39k. .0” .th(. .S'anlenyi: 0’?) T“ llUSL‘T ()lfl(‘C 15. «Mg m N" 1“ I 4' {‘RD klehss . 160 acres l-li-IA l 4 l- 'lfmn and cultivation of the land 00 T‘T‘Mlfi £09110 Norris is home from hem; ‘fhe rfol’t‘m“. “ ho . hf“! " .a ' a... ‘5 .‘r ’ l g...“ lm:l~ll“.~‘ . m ..'ll"il of three years. .\ llOlllP- 'l'lio l l , tl ; loronto. Visiting his mother ”gm“! to the L55; ’1‘ lglmefhfuch' “ ’ "‘ ‘5‘ no. ““ "U” A '8‘ i , . ' . .° ' ' ' 'Fl' I‘ll) \‘ l' (r - 'l ‘ . - 1 .~. r , -. ',T. ’ ' ’ a- 3 ' .§. I», area lz-r may lHP \kllllln nine miles h“ Tl}. .,. I. . T" .’”"hm‘ fl I'Hlllu :1 Hi: Mrs. “. Dalis \ isiti-d hop daughâ€" m m whose l t .0, 1.8 mlmhd ‘Talemnn” In English Law. 300~ 0‘1“...“ .. \ ‘ of ins homestead on a farm of at 1' "“"‘""’.'l”~" ”' "l“‘””‘""! ”-H‘l "IN“: "'M I” “1*? “WV recently . ' ” la ’ coat and Shut .. . - M" m" . « . ,. .- - """"'""l‘l'llv~:nnl lilting“ t‘ll' 1' -l‘ l' \l- W T \‘ r ' 6' . “cl" all ablaze. Mr. Cameron at A talesman. atm'dmg t0 Eng“ \x'mi. “W“ l‘ IPI‘it " acres. (’n corttlln conlll- I ' . ' ' " 'l ”I 1- - o -ICKQ“. r)f 'I (H‘Olllll. I ‘fo I 11 .d t q . l. i d all ' V o . : v. . (I [H _\ h, b't' H? h . . .3 .(._ . llllllll l.l‘-l.\'lll‘,{ air! wan... H ”m“ visited his “0 I \V ”t J liu t off Mr. (,I'ane s burn- W. 8 a juror SUUW’UU“ (-0 a 839» , New Llllllblflg Rateg - n will?" "‘ ' ' Soirel in $39; fifty? 0.1:? it W119" uni-k. ' .ljnp last .chlrz. .. .. on the ith int! clothing“ and extinguished the and formerly. at any rate. this we. ’ ‘ , 100 Acres l -v , q ‘ ' . .' ' l f ‘ " “l 'l I} .. l \li's( l)‘ ‘I'Tw. . Maze, While bliss Breen, Who had often done llV takingr :inv suitable per- Tha Chronicle and “75‘9le ' .. . «v ’ :‘T’fllllfln' 6’ l9 ller ()rmf'( in t 19. 'Il(’\. .‘\la'a;\ .\.‘ I’l'llll'lllill 'li‘ll I’l'l) i (i "11" .‘iqlrip‘i (\I IlliaBlSo ( of Dun“ ;ll5() he‘ll-(l Dir (‘l'allL‘ ("ill-111g f()[' son “Vbo \"Ilg. (Tr. g‘ “I T“ ‘( (lurt “T31“ Mall and Empire, 1 ‘vear ~ $175 ‘ A" l T T l \ malty. . .- . .. .. , ‘ ' 7 '- '.1= -( . rs. r. . : . . ° ‘ I ‘ «~ a? - . - â€" » '«.,’.il"'-‘ h In certain districts a home- hill-:11":,.,‘.\,l;;;.‘f.,ll..mhm'l I‘m-“M" "l J l'l‘W days last Week. -‘ll‘tl r l il)(oli'i’i takiil'imf‘ed {Old DI? Murray. de circumstantibus" (“such of the by- Tlgloggrolmde and Weekly . i ,T A. i. ~ .. i. Itea'lt-r in good standing may pres ' ' l .311“. Harold Mitchel], ”f the Mr (grane‘fs gaff-3:11“, w [SENSE winders"; Were the first words of m. 'The Ch, year...... 1.75 . w ,.. . w. . '. T' empt 3] quarter-section along-T lllil‘lllllllfl lelili-lilsslimllllooni... at lhplfilnlnlnrd Bank. is holidaying- in (10610}. arrived 1‘11, (‘2 ml?) A ti H T order directing this process. Good H 13°!”le and Family g.. l. i~ 2.; . \ l " ”‘" aide his homestead. Price $3 per Iii-ginning ol' the [pl-“l n 4} , .' ’m'r'into this week ' . . ‘l ' . l ’ ° ‘ 'd $10” ”191" Plclrwlcki'ins nay rum ml) r that . era WBEkly Star lyr. 1.90 ' \.- .. -. Y ‘1 \' ‘ a” acre Duties “Six mt nths rcs'-' llo-u'd v-ml . l .- PM“ ""‘i Miss Jenna Bl i} “15““ ”no. MI" (.ranc's "“1““ ‘ ‘ l.‘ 9' e o ' a The Chronicle 8 d W _. w... -.' ' ° , ‘- . ) . ~1 .. ‘ . ' 'l ” lTerliml :ll l'l‘lls‘lillltllllw it 9C\ mrn has re.- where a brisk fire had started only ten Special Jurymen were present n eekly . T ll Tgl ‘.l\ m a . d h f t . l) . . . . Yuri ( d t . . Witness 1 . l.\Ri 5"" once l'n eac 0 SIX yearsT from,lvl is. urlmm is .i ilt'illtlly and at-l, ‘ O h” home at Mt. Forest amongr the papers in the wooden on a memorable occasion Mr. Serjeant ’ year-.." ........ 1.91) " l {iateuoi thomcstead 0?“? (10C10(1"“T'”l""}"‘ L"“’“- “Hiking H n Hunt lll'sliui’lftpr. ‘in‘Iextended Visit with her pigeon holes in the vault ‘He Buzfuz ”Pl‘aVHl ‘l l'litN." whereupon Tlée Chronicle and Weekly ' \ D l .*' , . as: e ime require; to earn it W p mm for i-c-si’ili-nw :"mlfim. 4 rs. T. J Fisher f ., ‘ - ° ' ° ' ‘ " ' an 1 car H l l l\ .. - - i . , , ' - . - ound that the as et had bee, , - ’ y ------ 1.9:) . i ‘ . p l homestead patent) and 50 acres ,. .. . l Mis. “. J. Bellamy is visiting [an partly turned: onlaiid the als two 0‘ the 00”}le Jurymen. 009 Of The Chronicle and F , i3. ' ' ‘. l' extra cultivation. The area of .H'“ "“"W‘lf'f Ch" Mll‘ml In imst vmii-s’l'ldllhvcs in Toronto. l"t(l “Vldl'nltlv escaied until 't fgu‘ whom was the unfortunate chemist. 5 Advocate l ear armers ' “ " - cultivation is subject to reduction : " “ “"“W'l'll-f “HP-T HH' trustee-s an». Winslow Kornahan. Lillian Bunt ed the vault" V I l I -~ were pressed into the serviceâ€"London ’The Ch l y 1 ..... 2'40 i .2, ’ in case of rough. scrubby or stony lmfwmflw Whilmummny“I“! Him”: whim“ Mamie MCLOUEhI‘y, the three When Dr . Murray arrived he Standard. ' Farm rim cmle .nd Canadian ’ u. ' ( )illlLS' l .I ' ‘ } _'; ' o -\ - ' l i . ° T J . . o T . ' ...... ...... ...... “.1 a TTTTTTTT . land after report by Homestead { . -. nTTsiTiT Tl iii it it he IT and pupil. 1 HTlTidi nts Of thr High school here found that Mr. Crane had receivggd; Th Ch, y m 1-90 i» -. 2- {can Inspector on application for ""‘ P“ U 4} “Unfit!” lm- lliv pi. - g‘lhfi Wrote on Junion matriclila- gum-e burns The skin on his A Pertinent Query ° ronlcle “d Toronto i ""2 '53... \ patent. if"? l;l“.fi-tit;i.llnn :uid .zi.i‘ll|ll.~lioii nf’ “0” anmination. Were all sup lace hH'k and hands was burned' The Old gentleman looked.Perley ll Dally NOWI, 1 year... "' "' 250 i .r . , I] \N . 7.. ‘ , , . ° r" v - ‘ c. 0 Tull odAthigoitiTiesteatdeic'l “Thohthaa eTxhaust- ” ” H T l ‘ T‘aTSful. lo the raw flesh, while his hair. i the eye. Th0 ChrODlCle and Toronto l ~;. .‘ 0m“ 9“ ”,3 3’“ cannOtl {mics ; 3i ,.... ”Mm, in T.“ v, .-. l . Jim." not" .119? Week of the (-yclll‘OWS and mustache were “Can on sun 0,. m. d ' Daily at": 1 year...... 2.54) 9 .; obtain a pre-emption may take 3' I i "n ' 'M‘L‘MSI‘” pupils in the Entram'c burned off His chest and arms th t ly Tip t V aughter m The Chronicle and Toronto ,’ if ‘ . ”P'Cl‘ased homestead '9 certain Wll. FARQIIHARSON. ll.l).. ' T . 7 l”. Normal examination We omi t .d were also blistered and l; ' e 8 y e to wah She lb accustomed? I Dell W - i . 0 districts Price 53 1- acre Dllt-' . - l” RAMH'L' . Miss H . i] \ll - P ,. . . urneu. he demanded y 01' ° 1 year............ 3.:5 ~ .32} m ~hlust reside. aigemonthcs in ( liaii-iiian. Sllf'l'Q-[nlovi ill .i/.( .~ en and Miss Zzidie llie doctor immediately ordered” ' The Chronicle T Law or. Eleven Wrot , _. . . - . “No, colonel. I can't.” replied Perle ' and Toronto 830i) 0‘ three years, cultivate 50 \imuwpggh”. e and all his 10m0\al 10 the hOSDltdl. ‘At' y. ' Dally “a“ and Empire, lyr, {.75 . present, the doctors are hopefulf “but let me 351‘ .VO‘L sir. could you ’ . acres and erect a house worth ~ . 1 Miss Ethel F's} -_ .. .. , . . . .,___ The Chronicle and Toronto . . me. ~ 1 r. A were WANTED 223:22:11.2:"225222 '22.:22‘2r23222rh a $323?“ .. “t 3...... D... mob... ' D W. Wi COR\.T . FOR 3. 8. NO. 3, GLENELG;”(TCFTDMI‘M by her friend, Miss Mr. Cameron, in speaking to! [The Chronicle,Tand The Grain ti .. T Synge (lintéheorhlinister Protestant: salary $600; duties - -M.thTTTPth;;sonP.h .']‘he Sun of the accident. said when! The Lure. ‘ Growers Guide, Winnipeg 81.60 '5 ,T. . N B ~Unauthor' d b' . . to. 0090009009 September 2° AD‘ l turned ‘from .1 Willi”... hkafi fe.‘ h.” Eanlui 'dfiwh" to his Office ,about: “You’re wanted at home. father.’ ,. ){ this advertise‘ifieem “Pill liicoatugle) {isliczligilgnsvr’eccfiyedTTuiiSto August 3 m Shelburne ‘ - ee 5 \lSlt Tight zucdoche 5123118”? gas iTn thei “Who Savs so?” _-_ _.- . .... . . ‘ . . . _ ' . l ' ‘ ’ ' ' ;, . it paid (onâ€"37085. 2813. tary, Edge Hillltc 18. r., SeclrerI Mr: Ed. Thompson left last week find out if the lets insezhlicslouigi “Mother. ; The attendance at the Canadian 'M“ T . :to mm his family in COllingwood, office were leaking. About 818.91)” “Did she say anything else?" iXational Exhibition reached a i... ~~ TU RFNT I â€"‘â€"â€"'â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"_ . qullTrTsT. H. Gaudink. of Hiathcote, is Mr. Crane came in, and about halfi “She said if you didn't come at can grand tthal of 962.000 maple. That Milli“ i: . . 4 l i‘ "‘ ””1 a “'99 ' Wit her ar- an hour later l-e heard he - Ihe’d come and fetch von.” means t at only 38,000 have 2 ' . ,.. A LARGE. ROOMY DWELLING; TENDERS WANTED .vnts, Mr. and Mrs. John Bree: sion. At first, he thougtht fixfilflr “Come on boy net's'go homn_n|' added this year to make iio b: m" , house; large enough toT keep' Tenders will be received by the '. Miss TViola Lewis. of Kimberley, outside. but on hearing Mr. Crane ? w- 01.“... ° million. _._..â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€" aoarders: conveniently Situated‘undersigned-up to Angst 20 for” “3””!!! Miss Clinton. .calling for help. he realized thatl â€"â€"â€"--â€"â€"â€".._. - _ , to all public works; newly dec'i ’ -â€" - â€" â€" supplyin 40 or 45 squares 01 first-3 Miss Eilbeck. of New York, is it must have been in l ‘ . 0 Mr. Cran ‘ . - -» _ I - H -â€": 0.....0..o..oc-o"' ‘ ' l . . . l oTi-atod; cheap rent. Apply 20,013.... 0., , ghingles for roofingstho Quest of Miss Maud Richard- office. When Mr. Cameron 1001533; â€" l . 5- McIntyre, Durham. 612lrhe shed at the Rocky church.â€"â€"S, “n‘ ' gin the vault, the ' I . Putherbou h. 3”“an .0. , Mr. and Mrs. F. Hewson, M" turned on and he th' ' DOG LOST l g P 4'13“»: we... and Mr. Bosworth, flit-ad 22... em bumménkfni"fio£§’ g A BLACK AND WHITE Fox: ’ ““9' motored {here last Week. and one had closed the Hound. with buff colored head.l , CORNER CONCERNS. We 0" a camping holiday with ’ when the “men in the air Lost about July 17. Information Mr. Mark W'l ' . ' 1 The fine rain of Friday night : Eugenia. ”an and family at exhausted, the g“ l ht had gone! . . . but the as stil ' leading to his recovery re- was much needed pa. . . 1y . . , . 1°.Wti 8 escaped and; warded. Parties detaining him completely done. even tuggnnwezgi has Beatrice ml8t18“alte has filled the vault. The moment that. . . . . . . ' turned from visiting her ' Mr. Crane atruck ti: = after this notice Will be prose- at 3 stands ' ”l9 ' sister . e match the. cute d.â€"Geo. Peter, Orchard. 731t improv ed maneli glint“. thinks have atMITBTTgizfton. whole thing burst into a flame. ‘ . Manning lent for h r The ex 30‘5“! 7“ heard.’ - A mutt couple drivm south h m. . “g 3, da e stair an - so .den' slam! the 2nd concession gunday. teor \? at Br sels on tur ’ afâ€" 5 m me 0‘ the ad . ' "ting her daughters rs J buildings. although little had an unpleasant . ex rience J A “lie ' . ’ ' ’ 0 ANY PERSON FOUND FISHING Their] , oT . . ver and MP8. F. e - damage W” done to Mr or tram-in: on lot 50, Con. 3, ' Wh seem to have 3°“ , , . oftice.â€"Owen Sound 8n wag” 'm be mad ce- 3" “up" mnn‘oi edboxtn to Mg. Thou. Lever had a close call ---â€"Oâ€"-.. cords: to law.- 2. Alexander. Proprietor. ,. fl _ _ _. F” 7 Warning

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