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Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Aug 1913, p. 3

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Lesson Vll -Tllird nu 31'1", FOI' Alliston . . Oct. 2 and 3 Aug. ‘7, 1913. Arthur . .. .. ....Oct. 8 and 9. tiny of their lands at right. prices. “'ith AytoIn“ , , , , Se t 23 and 24 0% down. the balance in 19 equal annual --"""’ Barrie...... .. ..Sept. 22-24 THE INTERNATIONAL ssmes. 22f§%%a:;;~;;grifftzfi 32? "’1' F‘" “'“ “m“ m“ 3‘ ........ "“3“ °°" ‘° SCOTT anus - ______â€" Bo ton...... ...Sept 0 O i _ i ____..â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"". , . You can purchase from the C.P.R. 1 O . O Bowmanville ...... Sept. 16 and 1 3 O O O O O 0 payments. interest 6%.. i O O O O E 0 oo Text of the Lesson. Ex. xiv, 10-81.; romoIr-y Vernon. 30. 31â€"00111” Text. ‘I Bracebridlge ......... Sept. 25 and 26. ... xv, Monumental-y Pupnrod Bradford».-. ...Oct. 21 and 22. Fieldin by a». o. Ill. Ste-ms. i Brmoton ......... Sept. 16 and 17, 8 " Salk. The story of the Lord‘s a m. with ‘ gruise‘l'fii °°°°°°°°°°° oa' 2 and 3' . \ ea 3. . ur a a s ......... Se t. 25 (1 000004» eoooooooao a .« "m' w W m is no. iiinniv in aid ; Bm......n,,,,,, ‘1 .....T‘6‘...23: ”4% story. but an old and true record. with gfigggiffma ""“g Ct' 9 and 10‘ noooooooowo WW m mm . . or ...... ept. 16 and 1'. .M“.””. 11 and 1%. . «”90 o 9.. a present application for us and a still . Chatsworth 39$" . ept. 16 and 17. future reference to lsrael, for acco Chesley...... .. Clarksburg ......... Sept. 23 and 24. ing to the days of their coming out of I; , the land of Egypt will the Lord show i goigngwoo‘imm ...Sept 24â€"27. unto them marvelous things. and the (Ig-kW?ter...... ......Sept. 18 and 19- : ~ . nations shall see and be confounded at Clognfvfli‘nnuu ...Sept.830, OCt- 1- : 5m. “Hg“ 1( ur pumps OF ALL KINDS. all their might (Mic. vii. 15. 16). The Desborojfjf """ g 91;; Signal-:2, 9 Eclipse Flour 0.“..“06 nnd Iron Piping, Bram whoIle Bible record from Gen. iii to Rev. Drayton ............ Sept. 30, Oct. 1 3 P p t H Bran Lined and iron Cylinders xx sIthat of (Jud working. the devil Bundalk ............... Oct. 9 and 10. z : as ry our 33c, OPEN EVERY m . 013008 ng and man on the side of God unnville...,,, ......Sept. 18 at d 9. .7 . ‘ "F‘ERNOOb or the devil. God always working for DURHAM...... ......Sept. 23 arid it 3 “ e have it gOOli stool: ”f Fee“ Oil : 1 and Rolled 031$! Pumps From $2 Upward man’s benefit in spite of his sin, in. gi$$giem ...... ...Sept. 16 and 17: : build that we are nfierin}! iii 10W priveg : § 5, . , . . - ALL REPAIRIVG .. . gratitude and unbelief. He chose is- . . -- mOCt- 1-3. o " . . . . O I I ' H 5 . - .. ‘ . mom ti an. , - IUI‘ the next it)“ \\ P . ,‘ . ., . . llolts. Mulching.» properly attended to', p y rael and brought them ullto Himself 11321.23; ““60“.” and 1‘.- 3 d . . . . 81:5 db V" vim” t.” ‘9” : '3‘:lwd ( )2118. )11Xt’i1 (‘hop E that they might be unto Him apeculm Feversfigfil """"""ept' '4 18K: 2‘1 0 11C? ”U! btUCK' If .‘ (Hi “99d 19"“ “1 ililV Q ‘ ' ‘ . """" c. a. ~‘ . , .. , - IIIIIIII“ 1‘“th ()nt I h” I I w. D. CONNOR tfieasgzl‘e allow; :11! people, a holy p80- 91981161130 ............ Oct. 7 and e. : 1311111 Ld“ (11111 5914115 (11 1118 litiiilll‘iii Nil”. : 3 . _ 1 . l :1: IIXI x1x.II4.I..; Eight. viihfil, HisIde; giltrgtat" ......Oct. 2 and 3. z I l f z . ? .. . . ' , - , : _...â€"- cm; in o at no ons mgh 10‘ 9 \‘n--.... ......Oct. 1 a d ll UN .. ' z ' . , . . ion 11!” m (1911\(lredi ‘ know Him mmugh them. GIrlencoe...... ..-Sept. 23 annd 21. : f.-)11()W.CIII {31“} IIH (1 lie 1) lit nil ilalllli lilo : .‘i .t lu'l't' m Sillil'iii loll “l8” ' FUI‘ M i The mm mm” mm concommg b°' gggfixtmh """ " """ Sept' 17.19" 3 mt ”H 5.- z Mix is it ~ or ('tll' It wills i i “ever" ””w' "m “’4 'Sme‘ failed 3" “‘9 ({ri """""""""""""" OCt' " 0 ‘ ' ' l o i - ‘ 0 . - . . . Dd \ t I) ’ t ' a ‘- - . . « . Mime... W o. W .. hassles ------ dig z z , . \l. l s l I' when 3“" ”quire HAH'R AXle (11'6”(180 and H('( GOG as She should. May the U‘llthS 0t }ue1phu_m . ~ Se {miniâ€"{8. . z ' y H l H M haw the sluii on hand. , Ointn e g ‘ ‘ " ’ this lesson help us so to live that out. Hamilton...... .. mqeRt. 15 1; z 6 i l‘e-li-lirarn. 1:1.ltc-m‘..r.1‘- l lit. to N am may “ant to know the Lord be- ganmel‘ ............ bent. lb and 19, 9 3 \1-.; ,....1 5...... is...“ i, S. P, SAUNDERS ““139 0f “5- Miii‘k the repeated state- 018t9m-‘-~- .............. Oct. 1. z o \ - .I -,I he Hurlwmsnmke ments that the Lord brought them out Hunt5V11iC‘------ ......ISept. :23 and 21. z ...\ ..,., x...;...-.,,..\l....1. r...- F ' of Egypt that lie might bring them I‘lgem’“ ------ ------5€Dt- 16 and 17. o I n~ltiln iii. Shirk 1'Z'i'. 1. d- ,-, ".â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"g . - I_ . _ 11110 the [)l‘UllliStdd land because of Hi. Eihsgatlgi: ---------- S-nOCt. 2 and 3. z I . -,-._ _ , me ......... Set. 18 '. d 9 “~â€"â€"â€" 1 "suds m’ “min Bought at Market Price FALL TERM OPENS SEPT.:2nd. :gfhgzuz“e;{igds;;;ig;3983911531: intimated"... ......SeIpt. 17 $2.1 18' z .. "a. ‘ . . ’ . . .. . .. ’ . ' ' ' ' .canlin to . _ ° ( \T .1 "Hj‘i'irs 3m: “‘ctlzll Reduction on Hour and Feed . Attend the Biotxlti’dtg, murlng and Wondering and be (Nit. Lion’s 1:182:21...” Ottgcgnd :13) z 8“ I - .- _, ; m 1"" Lots. 1 gnaw that because 0! His faithfulnes. LiStOWel....., .........Sépt .16 and 17 z i ' “ «n ' . , . - ‘8 0W0 can never perish but will in Londonâ€"West F '. - i’ ' ’ 2 : I. i . o ern 3113.88 . 0‘13. ‘ 1 3 Hill} I tiephOfle NO. 8 1. due time reach His home in glory (John Markdaie ...... ......0ct. 14 End 15. z . " .: [I x. 27-29. Markham...... ...Oct. 1-3. 0 . I . -. ._ Note the reference to the faith and figiiey""" S‘ ""‘r-Sel’t- 25° 3 ‘1‘ " d IOHN M GOW \ Tosonro. our wordsofdosepd- God will surely viii“ M ’ .50..-.” 8"" 23 ““d 2" _, . ‘ C , you." and see the fulfillment (xiii. 19' eaford ............ Sept. 30, Oct. 1. “'1‘ \f 1 “9““ PM"? in (‘anada for Superior Gen. 1. 25, God did not lead the peo: flifiix‘dmm "nu-"SSBIIJIL 2.5, and 26. - , l . 3Bllsilless Education . I ‘ ay...... ep ‘ 29 and 30° _______â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"'â€"â€"â€" , . pie in the most direct way but He led Millbrook O . . V ‘ ’ oooooo ......... Ct. 2 (l . - ‘1‘ “fit AbOUt 5 ring 9 ‘. (.(lllllllt‘lN-P now. ( ataiogue free. them about. and. lhollgh it was a non. Milton...... .........Oct. 7aannd 135.. -...._._ . I) . . tary way. it was the right way ((111. 13; Milverton ...... ...Se t. 25 and 26, -. c. 9 1 Pt "11. 4. 7i. He seemed to lead them lgnggestfi..." ept. 17 and 18. . ' “on t You W ant a into difficulties. for we find them very N L3”? urg... Sept. 11 and 12. l, ’ . soon shut in by the sea before them Ng‘wlmafikgtardm Sept. 25 OanId 26- . Farm ? . the Egyptians behind them and the Neugta.dt.o..::"::.:I'gélg'tml'g and7191. , mountains on either side (xiv. 9. but It Oakville...... .........Sept 25 and 26. ,. J. was to overthrow their enemies and Ononda a..- 0 . ~° i g .......... ct. 6 and .. ‘ LOOK HERE! “'0’“ for them 8 great deliverance. and OrnageVllle ......... Sept, 13 and 19. 9' I0 it is always in all His dealings with gzgwafi .................. Sept. 3-10, ‘ o o - ~â€"â€" ’ o wa - ' 100 A \I I. | II . I III The lllldt‘isigllt‘d begs to The pillar of cloud by day and 01'. Owen sogggalFanafi‘aOSSEtsfig: . W .. .. .. w... .. ... We. £31m": ”:2." 23 and 2*- ' . ”lamb lll'l'illll‘li, watti‘l' m :iililit‘.‘ “Wham and S"I'l'oundlng avenged and delivered them is one o! Pinkertgfim" ept. 2583“? 2g. .. ' . :_i 9.... Snip :li $7.1M“. Lot. 311. ('on.‘ country, that he has his the moat ahiking ObjeCt mm m I“ Priceville "H“ “H" actMQegnd 13. "V ’ iii-lllllliI-Ik. ill“ minis. SH i'it'HI-l't’d. 211 Planning M111 and Factory their “017. He never tOOK it away. Riviera..."o.........:.Soe.pt. 23 and 24. ‘ . ii-r. l'uw stun.- House. 1 lump 1 cmnpleted and is prepared When necessary it stood behind them. Rocklyn ............ ...Oct. 2 and 3: ' i ’ ‘25 Acres sum-n “lurk, liven: U, take mum,“ quI inland of going before them. and bo- Seaiorth...... ......Sept, 13 and 19_ t§ :. ’ l ..'I'llNiItI;Il.lI.IIignmi ‘ilii. iliiit‘ illi hilly. J ‘ L! tam: tug”. Dl‘OteCtor. it was daring gbglburne""” ......Sept.(2)3 and 24- 1 It , " “i"l -‘-~" - 0 t e gyptians. but fight to and d 008...... ......... ct. 14â€"16. , j ‘ ’ 300 Acres I'Iul'wlnollt. . Lots 23.2. 33‘ 5A5“, DOORS (xiii. 21. 22; xiv, 19, 20), 1139 Lord “I gtratfordmm mmSept. 18 and 19. g ' , . - :l. l on. ii. In: ls‘o-m~ li‘nrm. thr- â€"- and all kinds of -__ . in it. It was the symbol and assurance thirlz’larys...... “”3335 g: 883 2: ' . I ’ I ) ‘ i ‘ 1 “Ouse Fittin ‘ of H18 pmence (ijO “’0 Nam mm 0‘ 'rees5.£e.r.:o:o:oo ...... . ’ . . ’ 290 AcreIs {HI'I‘IlIlI‘IIIiIAlllimI'.I (rIiIllll1‘:;li‘IllIl.I gs \ the many References to this wonderful 'l‘iverton...... . "H" ."OCt. gearédlg. ’ ' ' " ”.l Hun 1 Vs ‘ l' . . '°';° "°"' °""' ‘ ‘ ' I. IrI iv Tum-.- .lski'li. ‘rdt‘lili tIIlIlIIIe-iIIIIIIlIiIgltI AM) a hunted mmmm m. cxlioudlin Ex. 11. 38; Num 1:. 15; x. 343 gimme-Can. bat...Aug 23 p. 8. . .~ - IIIII \Vt-si all ilniillW. i in," wwk and machine H“ ”1.“; genial. 3?; Nehmm‘fi 19%;; W133: Falls ..... S Sept. 2136 anal $7. ‘ ‘- . . . . | . . . O ; xo , CV, m . °°°°°°°°°°°° e 0 an 4. a 1- 50 Agnes lIit-lIlillH'is. .\oltI1Il of hills. pairs. A (will soilt'ltt‘d. Ask ‘1 that Jesus Christ ‘3 the same ’ " \Vlngham ..... unusgpt. 25 and 26, eep One WatCh ‘4‘”"1 ”HMH'K‘. £11lillli3hLHN- for quotations on .thu- ' day. today and forever and loves and Woodbri(ige,.,,,, "'OCt' 1‘ and 15' 300 Acres iiit‘lii'ig. lit-:lr llornorh. . ' ‘ , ,. , ., , . , ,, - next pm. lanes for you. if you are redeemed. at ...... . . Mummy ~ 1.lllll. outlet in . t 1 -.â€"--~ I III IIIIIIIIII III wit. will not stil'k foriI ruy as He did for ismel. Our tend- li‘UP'l'Y 'l‘llOl'Q \. ‘ , o A...” m ”I“ I” “VI (in “My ‘ Custom Sawing ency in time of trouble is to be mm. . w-‘i-ulgFfillIliIN U1 . ese 1“ , 100 Acres i‘lglvllmlll. towards Mt." Prom t' A as [fl-ad was‘ .bnt the man, “'9" ; J ‘Q Rh”. or ur \ ..-. “I, m-‘Mdmgx I‘m". mil. WP”: p y t- nots should quiet us. and we should Farm Laborers Excursionsâ€"'l‘his w xvii, \i‘l \ rim ‘1' int quit-k Mlit‘. lI tended TO learn to be 812111 and let Him fight out Your-5‘ \Vht-zlt (‘i-op will 1w ( ‘ .. in my ..ll..-.l;..-y l‘mnlv 1min: l battlefi (KW. 10. 13. 14, 251. See some ”W liill'lil'fil in the History " = NH" \ullil \Vt'sl 1.11111 i‘ill'l , Of the many 8881111!!!” in mat“ L % Of (:{iiliiliiL e Ouse } ... :1 any, \ lill .Ili' not t'Ilil‘ to; L E N U S C L A R K 30.111, 22; xx 3, 4.1101111)“. xx. a “W \\'1 wt (. .( 1. MY V.] l 1 S h \ . run “will . ll ‘il'liltzllll . . , i 30 Isa xii 1013 i. : d V] )p U ' ‘5 \\ ‘1 it. . 3 "1 RIM.“ - . OhTARIO i T - . . lllt. git 1105‘. over lull-Vested ml . \lu.l ‘I \h (H “(NH 111 ”.5“ :Iâ€"__-_________________..I here is a time to stand still and 1 Manitoba. Saskatchewan and .\1-i “H1 (‘- M ll' . . . '___________â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€" a time to 8‘“ forward a time to be still lil'l'lzl. thus r. (.Iuiring the fawn 11.1,“ “’ ‘ <>“"|"‘l‘_\ i =H-- - z- . 1 - ~ - ~ 1 and a time to act (xiv. 13, 15; Ruth in, “W“? ”1' ”if“ liiist lo i'i'i'riiil :iiiil itcxull m “to“... cu. .l' .u . I H 0“. 3‘1LLER‘ Ha“0\ver 'I Gra d T k R ol E 18:1’8. XIV1.10,11L MOSES W88 101d to :lHHlSi ill lllu'vohlilig 11w “'(ll'iii‘S‘ I . I ~- - ...l 0 ll run a1 way ‘ divide the sea. but it was the Lord who mfliimfié him-“d "ANNâ€"1° lbw” I” ‘Y""'“""" “WWW ' 3 “pp leg I , TIME'TABLE {IdiVidH1 it (verses 16. 21L He worn IIIIIII‘I‘IIIi3:ItI-I’II’I‘IIIIIlf:IISl.ZIIIIélfIIItIiIleIIi'tIIsII-I. . I I OVER 65 YEAR9 '1‘. - v. _ , I. through "b: and then calls the WU“ 11""? ‘~‘- 3.11 M: l‘t'illlll't‘i for this 3‘ h ’3'”. "V‘" J) 4 lint” 1W1?!” " il hall. at l 1~l9iiil.,'dlli ours and gives US ('l‘l'dit for it. but 11 ll 3 Pill" llzll‘Vi 51. Those \l'iii ililH: lo- . .- . “ .3 ’.“- . GOG who worketll in us both t '11 l.- .4 l' '1‘“ v'ir-i' i M‘ ,. l .; .. -. - " I n .’ m. 11'} 'I‘: .i' 'P ‘Ji‘l'il .t I) n t . I) m I‘ll“ 11h! 13 . ~.‘1.11 L 11”!“ ).1 1)l11( .s‘,31ll vul- ~ 1' .W: l1"' ) v 1 ‘I ‘ I . ; «so.t‘..‘...‘.1...‘i.‘.:3.’.‘.’,;3‘"“ "‘ mm... . and to do (Phil. ii. 13». The sea divid- “Wit and W: iii‘iinlii-i'itx of â€" J ’ l l " Tm) “I“ ht The BL“ '4‘" .' _. . l'}\'l‘ll:‘r’ oAY Exclui’i M'NllAY ed. and all lsrael Went through on (if! ”(in mqwm“. .0“ securing 1‘1"” - ;I . ll.l-IIln.IiIlln{tIIIII .\,1“.I.I1l1l)lii‘ land. the waters being a wall unto E’E(':\‘l}}".tlIi"-I 11w (‘IlIlIiuiliiIIlli l’mizii'. ~~ 5' '- re:, ‘ - MITRE III 3. them on their right hand and on their (1:3,: 111;”? f_:fi?li:fut'-\_ .‘f In i‘.1-n1...‘:.:,.mih ' was 1 TOW“; ‘ . ‘ i left (verse 22 xv. 19; Nm“: xxxiii. 83 inglllm llll;;l lo lii “Ernst: l‘iI’l's M f ‘V - I .. .. b hR . PepOt Agent 191, 131:1. 1,);I1XXV111. 13, 1311. 1X1“. 12.131. 2‘1'41'13' making: Sill 13;.11 l'il'l'JiIl;.{'l‘- ac ar'ane LO. .‘ ac. . JAMES R. (1L2). TOWn Age”. TIE“? Pigypllilns pursued and went in ll‘ll‘IliH for this war. ilxr-lglx'slogu.‘ : .i. 1": ‘_______.__.â€"_ fl 191‘ them to the midst of the sea. but "torn bolnis in Ontario to Mul‘liloli'l : ° ".‘.,.~.,‘;'~::'\'., . w... - I by the hand of Moses the sea returned S"‘i‘””"m’wz“‘. ””1 "qu‘m will it": [)rl‘gngtS a '1d B)”kSCIIerS " . I... iCanadlan Pacific Railway "’"Mtrsiimnhna m. to... overthrow "K‘.".:.=”..‘“ ”"93“ W)“ ‘iPH‘Wfi‘h . .. . IIIIIIIII . the Egyptians in the midst of the sea. hunting the tl.Ill Illl about illi'i§-hl\ C.P.R. Ticket ”1111: ) . Y .. . ., dirt. "' .u: “zi‘afi . Time Table ‘ There remained DOt so m b ( ”mm “mi ”YUM”?! 31“." ‘fillllliii’ of k ' A“ Our 1leCt Here ‘7‘”. :qihl’ ~. I: ,‘3-.2§‘ i‘ugg. . ---. . tht‘iil (\‘91’8‘99 06 281 ‘ 110 88 One 0 ('Illl'H ()Il il':lll.51;‘1‘b. This “'1“ 1w :1 i WJ‘WJ M _â€"l , . . ..;,~. Lin-mt. r- 1 , . . , ’f “ " ’ . HIV H :Ol'ttil' tlzln ililY other room» r - ”,1. '10.“... f 7 1|:lllls \HH Hilth' :lm'i drill-{rt ,w h , . 1t 18 said 01' the plague of fljeq thlt “(‘0‘”, ' .' ' .' 3' - .. 'T l . .1...“ ."..,;-.,.g .‘i , ' _ . . . , ‘ "‘ ’i . i ii flip Vi (:51. $1“ to \\ ll -. " .‘ ' Q : _l ' . \ ,l I”, . . I . . : " " ' ‘HH‘ ‘ d U lims. mml "““W‘l' liHUW‘I“ ,I Wt)?" ”193' were removed “there re- l‘i’ljl‘g; Mus half-cont per milc irohl ”1L \\ 1" [MA 1 AH" 1‘1 ‘lri'l:."}"('\’lxn Idiom Dominion Sa\"l.l:.~= s“11‘1“ 8:00 36‘8'0'M"New YCIK 3!”)! E“. , l'..\l. l’..\i.; [named "Qt “"9" (chapter Viii. 31) so “ ””Hilcg up to Nucleod. Calgary. Soliti‘imliel‘ 5th to 1713.. ' .. M ’L' “Mm” Um””“~ ... i . . lily o")lv\\-llk--i «)0 “thor bl ’ ‘ls‘l - inst-h uml-o. 6‘25 1“ in. Washington. I). c. I',‘,,‘, j - ‘ H J)“ -\1- ~41: lUJlo. 0‘18 y does God work whether ”1 ,“ monton. . . ; H} . .. . “’"0--â€" , 21:7}: 3.1.: .. BlapleIHlll 123.23 9.5m against files or Egyptians. wrung th. I“l*~i:turn 1m» hast,” $18 to \I\1n-g ti II.‘2‘.”‘L‘I‘I‘I‘gl‘fn"'i"i 0‘ “I““I“‘IE'“ ‘g’ll‘ A . ____â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"'â€"/- ,1... 111 l anon... 1....1l 9.4:“ Lord saved lsrael that da " (xiv g0 nlpeg, plus hall-cent per mm; iromf .1110 s gitatI an: polio.” 1.x.mnâ€" .- \asl amount of ill he um I“ I. .¢A_ . . O . . .u. ”*w.”.“...W“;° 1') 11.0“) .- .‘Xlltill l’;llk -. 12“»; SL3?! md Israel saw and m‘ievzd a do C ‘Q 1“1 ‘;Oinlts east Uf hlgplegd‘ Calga!.leit1()Lil are} l()a\1ng.ll()It}]liig 1.11111011(‘ 111 (1111’ 10 impaired digestion. Who); I . . I .. AH“. t th n sang or hilrnonion. to Winnipeg. ,or Ier it lat success ma) crush the stomach fails to f . ‘ .._._______ I 1 MM) “1” .. Durham ,. 11 51 9 11: 1111 0 e Lord. The Lord Jesus said to Going D3198 -3“) list illâ€"From their efforts this year. It was iunptions Der orm it. a 11.11 7.21 °‘ ,\It;\\'i11iam,~ii 11:44 9.09 Thomas, “Because thou hast seen me all stati0ns K'ihg‘gtoi to p.” 19.“. ‘1 thought that Exhihitors Would :lllâ€" 19an becontitgmfirlf the Whole BY“- 4.ll 7.24 “ Glen “ 1141 9.06 thou hast believed blessed a In. inclusive and east thereof ‘in 0n-lpreciate more prize "1"”9“ and d0598 of Ch (flanged, A few ‘4 34 7 ‘ii “ Priceville .. 11:31 8.56 that have notseenand yet haverebelieevyo tiil'iO- 13524300 in. “as“ “’39 aims“ i0 “'5‘ ‘ all you need'iLm'lfhxel: "” 11' one Of the Best tilt) 3.}0 " Saugeen J. " 11.18 8.43 ed” (John xx. 291. We are QXpected to .- ug‘ st 22â€"From Toronto and l .Vear‘s list. In addition ._ to this 19,“ Your digestion. 'im'igoratgngt - a l.) l )U “ Toronto ‘ 11.15 7 50 walk by faith. not by sight. but West on Grand Trunk mail line to g9€fV?1‘31 PlVfâ€"‘S'toii'k ASSOffliiilU-DB 31‘? ‘. liver and regulate Your boweiayuur too often. like lsrael singin we a". 53min inclusive and south thereof. “”1”? “her?“ gmma' lhmfihomd . “rely doing awav. with that 1:12- . s when we August 25,19,051 Toronto and make the li-stI\'Iery attractive lorerable feeling due to fault d'- estern Ontario. north of 1We Mock, BXhlblml‘S- 1ndependentiireâ€"'lition. Try it. Man y til ‘- k of the prlIze money altogether, the i have been Permanenuyy ° 3" that the London Ear-'Iwhy not you? For sale be)?" “-11 . bu‘t not including this and east of‘ fact. remains ' is in the centre of dealers. Three Houses for the price 01 one This overthro . . . 'l “0 are solid Stone and BriCk AUTO! REPAIRS 1| one of the w tOf 1m“. “mm“ Lme Toronto to Sat S b0. 'hlblitifln od ledh 3'“ mornin; sharia of Toronto to Kingston. bar t, . ? Ilaight momed rem efl otlsesk. the Bible (verses 24. 2." Ind make. “ Lake and BenfreW, including these Western Ontario: and surrounded ? two rooms solid oak Dora. 08 think of the morning for hich points. by the best farming country in the - ”â€"0â€"â€" 2 tr-Iumned. and mantles. Furnace. We have secured the set. believers should be “ww untrue Se embe 3_.me To nto and Province, thus always alluring a THE Listern. good Garden, roung vices of llB. FRANK XML 1 n . “" m u all ations 111 Ontario But of ut lame mum er of buyers for first- EXHIBI'HON CITY 9 Orcba. . SHAW who has had several n 8am. xxiii. ‘° P" 1le 5 (mm ndt includl'ln Grand Trunk Line chi! Mk 0‘ all killdl. Live. he new Livestock l One good Frame ”v0 . . . of xllx. 14: cxn. d Thou shall incl Toronto to §orth nay. Stock . elder! will do well to at the Canadian hintinge a meat inn- ... .. .. w ”and... as:- WWW... semen;- “...°° "it. inn this. “m :0 '0 0 . on r l wMu".mgoitiulownerl on ' n wall» you the than“. ”t“ IN! A :0

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